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** ** ** ** ** ** **
I. The name of the company is TRANQUEBAR KOKOS PRIVATE
II. The Registered ofce of the Company will be situated in the
State of Pondicherr.
III. The objects for which the Company is incorporated are:
. To carry on business of producing whis!y from the e"tracts of
#. To carry on the businesses of importers$ e"porters$ traders$
manufacturers$ merchants$ factors$ dealers$ distributors$ brewers$
distillers$ blenders$ sellers of all !inds of alcoholic and non%
alcoholic be&erages$ spirits$ mineral and aerated waters$ food
and consumer items of all !inds.
'. To buy$ sell$ deal in and with$ manufacture$ produce$ warehouse$
store$ import$ e"port$ transport and sell$ all !inds of containers$
food ( be&erage manufacturing machinery and distribution
machinery li!e &ending machines etc.$ readymade garments$
accessories$ designers and fashion settlers$ sports gears and !its$
leather wear and other soft goods.
). To erect$ construct$ establish$ purchase$ lease and otherwise
ac*uire and to hold$ use$ e*uip$ out+t$ supply$ ser&ice$ maintain$
operate$ sell and otherwise dispose of$ restaurants$ inns$ tra&erns$
cafes$ cafeterias$ grills$ automats$ bu,ets$ dinners$ delicatessens$
lunch rooms$ co,ee shops$ luncheonettes$ parlours. mil! bars$
candy stores$ soda fountains$ ba!eries$ !itchens$ bars$ retail
outlets$ saloons$ coc!tail lounges$ ban*uet halls$ catering
establishment and eating and drin!ing places and establishments
of e&ery !ind and description.
B. M&''er( )hich &re nece((&r *or *+r'her&nce o* 'he o,-ec'(
(.eci/ed in c0&+(e 12A! &re%
. To purchase$ ta!e on lease$ or an e"change$ hire or otherwise
ac*uire any estates$ land or lands$ in India$ or elsewhere$ and any
rights$ pri&ileges and easements.
#. To enter into any arrangement or agreement with any
-o&ernment$ State or authority$ municipal$ local or otherwise$ or
any Corporation$ companies or persons that may seem conduci&e
to the attainment of the Company.s objecti&es or any of them and
to obtain from any such -o&ernment$ State authority$
Corporation$ Company or persons any rights$ pri&ileges or
concessions and to carry out e"ercise and comply with such
arrangements or agreement.
'. To apply for$ promote and obtain any /ct of 0egislature or other
authority for enabling the Company to carry out any of its objects
into e,ect or for e,ecting any modi+cation of the Company.s
constitution or for any other purpose which may seem e"pedient
or to oppose any proceedings or applications which may see
calculated directly$ or indirectly to prejudice the Company.s
). To ac*uire by purchase or otherwise for the business of the
Company in India or abroad or elsewhere$ any lands$ buildings$
mills$ plants$ engines$ machinery$ and other things which may be
re*uired for the purpose of its main business or which may seem
capable of being dealt with in connection with any of its main
1. To form$ promote$ subsidise$ or organise$ and assist or aid in
forming promoting$ subsiding$ organising or aiding$ Company.s
syndicates or partnerships of all !inds for the purpose of
ac*uiring any property on underta!ing and liabilities of the
Company. Company ma!e ta!e or otherwise ac*uire and to hold
shares in any other Company ha&ing objects similar to those of
this Company or carrying on business capable of being conducted
so as directly or indirectly to bene+t this Company.
-: 2 :-
2. To draw$ ma!e$ accept$ endorse$ e"ecute$ issue and negotiate
bills of e"change$ promissory notes$ che*ues$ draft$ hundies$ and
other instruments of e&ery description.
3. Subject to pro&isions of section 3' of the /ct$ to issue money of
deposit$ at interest or otherwise and to lend and ad&ance money
with or without security to such persons and Companies on such
terms that may seem e"pedient. 4owe&er$ the Company shall
not do the business of ban!ing as de+ned in the 5an!ing
Regulation /ct$ 6)6.
7. To recei&e money or deposit or loan and borrow or raise money in
such manner as the Company shall thin! +t and it particular by
the issue of 8ebentures$ or 8ebenture Stoc! 9perpetual or other:
and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed$ raised or
owing by mortgage$ charge or lien upon all or any of the property
or assets$ of the Company 9both present and future:$ including its
uncalled capital$ and also by a similar mortgage$ charge$ or lien to
secure and guarantee the performance of the Company or any
other person or Company if any obligation underta!en by the
Company or any other person or Company as the case may be$
pro&ided that the Company shall not carry on the business of
ban!ing within the meaning of the 5an!ing Regulation /ct$ 6)6.
6. To borrow money in such manner as the Company shall thin! +t
and it particular by the issue of 8ebentures$ or 8ebenture Stoc!
9perpetual or other: and to secure the repayment of any money
borrowed$ raised or owing by mortgage$ charge or lien upon all or
any of the property or assets$ of the Company 9both present and
future:$ including its uncalled capital$ and also by a similar
mortgage$ charge$ or lien to secure and guarantee the
performance of the Company or any other person or Company if
any obligation underta!en by the Company or any other person
or Company as the case may be$ pro&ided that the Company shall
not carry on the business of ban!ing within the meaning of the
5an!ing Regulation /ct$ 6)6.
;. To gi&e donations or subscriptions to any religious$ charitable
or sociable institutions or to gi&e charity incidental to or
conduci&e to any business that may be carried on by the
Company$ subject to the pro&isions of the Companies /ct$ #;'.
. To distribute any of the properties of the Company among the
members in specie or otherwise$ but so that no distribution
amounting to a reduction in capital be made without the sanction
9if any: for the time being re*uired by the law.
-: 3 :-
#. To pay for any property$ or rights ac*uired by the Company
either in cash or fully or partly paid shares with or without
preferred or deferred rights in respect of di&idends or repayment
of capital or otherwise or by any security which the Company has
power to issue or partly in one mode and partly in an other and
generally on such terms as the Company may determine.
'. To ta!e part in the super&ision$ or control of the business or
operation of any Company or underta!ing$ and for that purpose$
to appoint and remunerate any directors$ accountants or other
e"perts or ofcers.
). To sell$ e"change$ mortgage 9with or without power of sale:$
assign$ lease$ sublet$ and generally otherwise deal with the whole
or any part of the business$ estate$ property or underta!ing of the
Company$ as a going concern to any person or persons$
association or associations$ or otherwise for such consideration as
the Company may thin! +t$ either for cash or shares$ debentures$
or securities for any other Company ha&ing objects altogether or
in part$ similar to the object of this Company or to hold or
distribute among the members in specie or otherwise the whole
or part of the consideration for such sale or amalgamation with
any person$ Company or association is gi&en in his fa&our or in
which he is ac*uitted or in connection with any application under
Section )2' of the Companies /ct$ #;' in which relief is granted
to him by Court.
1. Subject to the pro&isions of Companies /ct$ #;'$ no 8irector
or other <fcer of the Company shall be liable for the acts$
receipts$ neglects$ or defaults of other 8irectors or <fcers or for
joining in any receipt or other act for the sa!e of conformity or for
any loss or e"pense happening to the Company throughout the
insufciency or de+ciency of title to any property ac*uired by the
order of the 8irectors for or on behalf of the Company or for the
insufciency or de+ciency of any security in or upon which any of
the money of any Company shall be in&ested or for any loss or
damage arising from the ban!ruptcy$ insol&ency$ or tortuous acts
of any person$ Company or Corporation with whom any moneys
securities$ or e,ects shall be entrusted or for the loss occasioned
by any error of judgement or o&ersight on his part of for any other
loss damage or misfortune whate&er which shall happen in the
e"ecution of the duties of his ofce or in relation thereto$ unless
the same happens throughout his own dishonesty
-: 4 :-
2. To de&elop mar!et$ implement Structural and =ngineering
software pac!ages and related products for Indian and >oreign
mar!ets and to o,er consultancy$ ad&isory and all related
ser&ices in all areas of Structural and =ngineering sector.
3. To train or pay for training in India or abroad of any of the
company.s employees or ofcers or or any candidate in the
interest of or furtherance of company.s objects? and to establish
training facilities for pro&iding training to company.s employees
ad other people.
7. To carry on any or all of the business of the company within
the Special =conomic @one A ="port oriented unit or any other
schemes that may be announced by the Central or State
-o&ernments in India and to ha&e the company registered for
this purposes under any special schemes or special incenti&es
either for ta"es$ imports$ e"ports and concessions of any !ind.
IB. 0I/5I0ITC: The liability of members is limited and this liability is
limited to the amount unpaid$ if any$ on the shares held by them.
B. C/DIT/0: The /uthoriEed Share Capital of the Company shall be
Rs.$;;$;;;A% 9Rupees <ne 0a!hs only: di&ided into ;$;;; 9Ten
Thousand only: =*uity Shares of Rs.;AF 9Rupees ten only: each with
the rights pri&ileges and conditions attaching thereto$ as are pro&ided
to the /rticles of /ssociation of the Company for time being$ with
power to increase its Share Capital by such amount as it thin!s
e"pedient by issuing new shares and to di&ide the shares in the
capital for the time being in to se&eral classes and to attach thereto
respecti&ely such preferential$ *uali+ed or special rights$ pri&ileges or
conditions as may be determined by or in the Companies /ct$ #;'$
or pro&ided by the /rticles of /ssociation for the time being of the
The Company may also issue preference shares and any part thereof
may be redeemable as pro&ided in the Companies /ct$ #;'$ or any
statutory modi+cation thereof.
BI. Ge$ the se&eral persons whose names and addresses are
subscribed here under$ are desirous of being formed into a Company
in pursuant of this Hemorandum of /ssociation and we respecti&ely
-: 5 :-
agree to ta!e the number of shares in the Capital of the Company
set opposite our respecti&e names.
Iame$ /ddresses$
8escriptions ( <ccupation
of the Subscribers
Io. of
ta!en by
Signature of
Signature$ Iame$ /ddress$
8escription ( <ccupation
of the Gitness
Dlace :
8ate :
-: 6 :-

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