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I am currently using my laptop to access the OEE101x course.

My laptop runs on a Lithium Ion

rechargeable battery. So it converts electrical energy to chemical energy while charging and back to
electrical energy (used in the processor and other chips), heat energy (emitted by processor) and light
energy (emitted by LCD display) when used. The electrical energy used to charge the battery can come
from a number of sources. Here in my country, electricity is produced mainly from thermal power plants
which uses natural resources like furnace oil, natural gas and coal for electricity production. The second
major source are the hydroelectric power plants. In the first case, natural resources or fuels are burnt to
produce heat energy which is used to turn water into steam which then runs the turbine, changing its
kinetic energy to turbines mechanical energy. The turbine, in turn, moves the generator which then
produces electricity thus transforming the mechanical energy into electrical energy which is then
transferred through electrical cables. Similar process takes place in the hydroelectric power plant except
that it is the water that runs the turbine. The water is stored in a huge reservoir and possesses potential
energy due to its height. When it falls from the height, its potential energy is changed to kinetic energy
which runs the turbine, thus converting into mechanical energy, which runs the generator which
produces electricity. In the first case, natural resources are produced by decay of the marine animals
and plants dead bodies for a period of millions of years. Since plants prepare their food through the
process of photosynthesis which requires light energy from sun, so in essence the suns light energy is
the main triggering source. Similarly animals eat plants, so their energy comes from plants whose energy
in turn comes from sun as explained before. In the case of hydroelectric power plant, the energy is
stored in the water reservoir due to its height. The water either comes from the melting of snow in the
upper cooler areas or through the rain water. In both cases, suns heat energy is responsible; it melts the
ice of the glacier or on mountains and it causes rain due to evaporation of water vapors. So again, the
initial source is the solar energy but in the form of heat this time.
An alternative source can be the wind energy, especially in the coastal areas. Fast moving winds
can be used to move the turbines which then moves the generator which produces the electricity used
to charge the laptop used to access the online material. The winds in the coastal areas blow frequently
as the land and sea breeze. These winds are produced due to difference in heating of the land and the
sea and so again, suns heat energy is the triggering source. But this is a much cheaper way of producing
electricity. The hydroelectric power plants require a lot of revenue to be constructed but the wind
power plants can be built cheaply. The thermal power plants use the fuels like coal and gas which are
expensive while wind is absolutely free. Also these resources are fast depleting due to their excessive
use while wind energy will always be around. The environmental factor is also important as burning of
these fuels release harmful gases which add to greenhouse effect but wind energy is as green as they
come. So it is a very good idea to setup wind power plants, especially in coastal areas, to have a durable
and renewable energy source to produce electricity in a cheap and clean way.

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