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Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive Capsulitis
Idiopathic infammatory condition characterized by progressive
shoulder pain, stifness that spontaneously resolves and estriction
o! motion movement in all planes
"pidemiology #
$%&'% years
(omen )#*
+on&dominant limb more afected
,ilateral in *%&$%-
)- o! population
**- o! diabetic population
Sedentary .or/ers
Aetiology #
0oorly understood
Autoimmune theory proposed but not proven
0redisposing !actors#
1rauma 2o!ten trivial3
Cervical disc disease
Diabetes 4ellitus
*%&)%- compared .ith )- o! general population
,ilaterality 2$%-3
5 *% years o! IDD4 ris/
1hyroid disorders
esolves .ith treatment o! disease
4yocardial in!arction
Intrathoracic disorders
Intracranial 0athology
Cerebral 6aemorrhage
Cerebral tumours
0ersonality disorder
+ot associated .ith
Cuf 0athology
Classifcation #
0rimary : idiopathic condition underlying
Secondary underlying disease 2trauma, subse;uent immobilization,
D4, hypothyroid,hyperthyroid, hypoadrenalism, par/inson disease,
surgical cardiac surgery
1hree phases each lasting $&< months
Increasing pain
Decreasing pain
Increasing stifness
Decreasing stifness
0athogenesis = 0athology #
Initial synovitis o! un/no.n cause
esults in
Intra&articular adhesions
7bliteration o! in!erior a>illary !old
Subse;uent development o!
Subacromial adhesions
otator cuf contracture
1hen spontaneous resolution
Contracted, thic/ened ?oint capsule dra.n tightly around the
humeral head .ith relative lac/ o! synovial fuid
See cellular changes o! infammation .ith fbrosis = perivascular
infltration in subsynovial layer o! capsule 2+evaiser3 @ similar
appearance to DupuytrenAs disease
0oor correlation bet.een the microscopic = gross capsular changes
Capsular !olds = pouches obliterated by synovial adhesions
Coracohumeral ligament is shortened = prevents "
otator cuf bellies contracted f>ed = inelastic
Fe. adhesions in subacromial bursa
Spontaneous resolution the rule
9oo/# 7n inspection, the arm is held by the side in adduction and
internal rotationB 4ild disuse atrophy o! the deltoid and
supraspinatus may be presentB
Feel# 7n palpation, there is difuse tenderness over the
glenohumeral ?oint, and this e>tends to the trapezius and
interscapular area to attempted splinting o! the pain!ul
4ove# In true !rozen shoulder there is almost complete loss o!
e>ternal rotationB 1his is the pathognomonic sign o! a !rozen
shoulderB*,) .*&.C Confrming that e>ternal rotation is impossible
.ith active and passive movements is importantB For e>ample, i!
e>ternal rotation .as easily possible .ith the help o! the doctor, .e
.ould consider the diagnosis o! a large rotator cuf tear, .hich
.ould re;uire completely diferent managementB In !rozen shoulder,
all other movements o! the ?oint are reduced, and i! movement
occurs this usually comes !rom the thoracoscapular ?ointB
1hree classical stages 2Apley3 #
1hree phases o! clinical presentation
0ain!ul !reezing phase
Duration *%&C' .ee/sB 0ain and stifness around the shoulder .ith
no history o! in?uryB A nagging constant pain is .orse at night, .ith
little response to non&steroidal anti&infammatory drugs
Adhesive phase
7ccurs at $&*) monthsB 1he pain gradually subsides but stifness
remainsB 0ain is apparent only at the e>tremes o! movementB Dross
reduction o! glenohumeral movements, .ith near total obliteration
o! e>ternal rotation
esolution phase
1a/es *)&$) monthsB Follo.s the adhesive phase .ith spontaneous
improvement in the range o! movementB 4ean duration !rom onset
o! !rozen shoulder to the greatest resolution is over C% months
Insidious onset
+o history o! trauma
At site o! deltoid insertion
At e>tremes o! motion
,ecomes more
Inter!eres .ith sleep
1hen begins to decrease
est pain disappears
0ain only on movement
Develops a!ter onset o! pain
DiEculty reaching
,ehind bac/
Activities modifed
1hen stifness resolves
">amination #
4uscle atrophy
+o point tenderness
4ar/edly 74, especially
0ain on !orced movement
4ost sensitive indicator is pain on !orced e>ternal rotation
Scapulothoracic movement substituted !or glenohumeral movement
Diagnosing adhesive capsulitis is primarily determined by history
and physical e>amination, but imaging studies can
be used to rule out underlying pathologyB adiographs are
typically normal .ith adhesive capsulitis but can identi!y
osseous abnormalities, such as glenohumeral osteoarthri&
tisB Arthrographic fndings associated .ith adhesive cap&
sulitis include a ?oint capsule capacity o! less than *% to
*) m9 and variable flling o! the a>illary and subscapular
4agnetic resonance imaging 24I3 may help .ith the di!& !erential
diagnosis by identi!ying so!t tissue and bony ab& normalitiesBH,*)<
4I has identifed abnormalities o! the capsule and rotator cuf
interval in patients .ith adhesive capsulitisB fndings in& cluded a
thic/ened coracohumeral ligament and ?oint capsule in the rotator
cuf interval and a smaller a>illary recess vol& ume, but .ithout
a>illary recess thic/eningB Ising 4I, a>& illary recess thic/ening,
?oint volume reduction, rotator cuf interval thic/ening, and
proli!erative synovitis surrounding the coracohumeral ligament have
been observed in patients .ith adhesive capsulitisB
A recent study'$ using ultrasonography .ith arthroscopic
confrmation identifed fbrovascular infammatory so!t tis& sue
changes in the rotator cuf interval in *%%- o! C% pa& tients .ith
adhesive capsulitis .ith symptoms less than *) monthsB
+evaiser suggested !our stages
Stage I @ 4ild reddened synovitis
Stage II @ Acute synovitis .ith adhesion o! dependent !olds
Stage III @ 4aturation o! adhesions
Stage IJ @ Chronic adhesions
Diferential Diagnosis
D6K 7steoarthritis
otator cuf tear
4issed 0ost&D6K Dislocation
0rimary consideration is prevention
"arly 74 a!ter trauma or surgery
"ducate care&givers
Supportive care primary goal
eassurance as frst treatment
6C9A )nd line
Avoid physiotherapy as ma/es it more pain!ul = doesnLt 74
Care!ul e>planation o!
+ature o! disease
+atural history
Freezing 0hase
Directed to.ards pain relie!
Simple Analgesics : +SAID
0hysiotherapy = e>ercises o! no beneft
Can ma/e pain .orse
Can be used to maintain strength o! cuf = periscapular musclesM
Frozen 0hase
"ncourage hand use to avoid SD
M Consider 6ydrostatic Distension at this stage i! desperate 0hase
Dentle 74 = strengthening
M 4IA or Distension
7perative 1reatment
4IA = steroid in?ection
1echni;ue 2+evaiser3
At least a!ter ':*) N late Frozen or early
Shoulder 4IA to regain 74 Oout & up & inP
">ternal rotation frst
1hen abduction
1hen internal rotation in abduction
1hen 6C9A
Sensation o! tearing is the a>illary !old tearing on A:S
Shoulder abduction H%Q !or ):G)
0ostoperative physiotherapy
Incertain i! alters natural history
eports vary !rom
Shorter rehabilitation time
Decreased period o! stifness
+o in course o! disease
+o beneft .ith signifcant complications
Contra&Indications o! 4IA
0revious !racture or surgery
6istory instability
Complications o! 4IA
6umeral !ractures = dislocations
Cuf tears
Increased infammation = scarring
adial nerve palsy
6ydrostatic Distension
Incertain at .hat stage to use # M Frozen or
+eedle into D6K under 9A
Koint !orce!ully distended by in?ection
Gml 9A
*ml Steroid
Ip to $%ml Saline
Distension until capsule ruptures
Sudden drop in resistance
Immediate postoperative physiotherapy
Immediate resolution o! pain
+ormal !unctional 74 by $:G)
7pen Capsulotomy
DonAt release a>illary pouch
RCapsule rent .ith 4IA usually along anterior capsule = in!eriorly
through most o! ID69
Some surgeons no. suggest controlled division o! the capsule
arthroscopically @ ie 4IA .ithout the ris/ o! !ractures = dislocations
0roblem is arthroscopic access in !rozen shoulder
1raditionally thought to be benign = sel!&limiting
esolves a!ter *)&C':*)
Average *< months 2Chris ,len/in says )&G years is average3
4a>imum *% years
4ost have no signifcant symptoms or !unctional restriction
,ut not as benign as previously thought
)%- have mild pain
C%&'%- have 74
Isually e>ternal rotation 2limitation o! " to less than '%- o!
1reat aggressively to avoid 7steoarthritis
& See more at#
& U otator cuf tears 2positive 9ag sign or drop& arm test3
& U Acromioclavicular ?oint pain 20ositive Scar! test3
& U 0ancoast tumour 2apical lung tumour3 @ hoarseness,
dyspnoea or cough
& U 7steoarthritis
& U Cervical spine nerve root irritation @ posterior shoulder
pain:.hole are pain V:&paraesthesia: anaesthesia
& U Jisceral shoulder pain
& & Angina W le!t shoulder tip pain
& & Dall bladder disease : liver W right shoulder pain
& & Subphrenic abscess W can present as severe rapid onset
shoulder tip pain V:& un.ell or abdominal symptomsB
& Subacromial impingement syndrome 2SAIS3 #
& 0resentation
& U Age $%@'%
& U 0ain anteriorly and lateral to shoulder 2o!ten over deltoid
& U 0ain!ul arc
& U 0ain commonly .ith reaching or .ith overhead activity
& U +o pain radiating past elbo.
& U +octurnal pain i! rolls onto afected shoulder at night
& Assessment
& U Sub?ective assessment# pain .ith overhead activitiesX
movements o! shoulder such as pushing reaching, pulling and
& U 7b?ective assessment#
& & pain!ul arc H%&*)% degrees shoulder fe>ion
& or abduction
& & positive impingement tests 26a./ins and Yennedy and
empty can3

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