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Classroom Management Plan 1 Terri P.

Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management
Terri Gilbert
University of Phoenix
January 7, !1
Classroom Management Plan 2 Terri P. Gilbert
Table of Contents
My Classroom Management Plan for "e#on$ Gra$e
"e#tions of the Classroom Management Plan
"e#tion 1% Personal philosophy of #lassroom management &'(
"e#tion % )ules an$ #onse*uen#es +
"e#tion &% Tas, analysis of one #lassroom pro#e$ure -'.
"e#tion (% "ubstitute tea#her plan /'17
"e#tion +% Classroom management implementation plan 1.'
"e#tion -% 0etter to parent &'(
"e#tion 7% 1ssessment plan for the #lassroom management plan +'.
"e#tion .% )eferen#es /
Classroom Management Plan 3 Terri P. Gilbert
Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management
2 believe in the Progressivist tea#hing philosophy. My philosophy is to provi$e a stu$ent'
#entere$ learning environment to tea#h young #hil$ren #ontent an$ s,ills to learn su#h as logi#al
reasoning to solve problems, exploration, #ooperative behaviors, an$ self'#ontrol.
2 believe a tea#her nee$s to be a transformative lea$er. 1s a lea$er, a tea#her shoul$ be
enthusiasti#, positive, sensitive, patient, an$ an inspiring role mo$el.
2 believe my role is to fa#ilitate learning through motivation, gui$an#e, an$ meaningful
2 believe a tea#her must be an ex#ellent organi3er an$ manager of the #lassroom.
2 believe every stu$ent #an learn. 2 4ill provi$e age appropriate but #hallenging instru#tion
that motivates stu$ents to su##ee$ in learning $ifferent #on#epts an$ s,ills.
2 believe in using te#hnology to #reate interesting an$ meaningful instru#tion that
in#orporates real life events to motivate stu$ent interest.
2 believe in provi$ing imme$iate an$ spe#ifi# fee$ba#, to in#rease stu$ent motivation,
learning, an$ behavior.
2 believe in using #ooperative learning te#hni*ues su#h as learning #enters to buil$
so#iali3ation s,ills su#h as helping, sharing, #onsi$erate, an$ respe#tful to others, to #reate
multi#ulturalism in the #lassroom. .
2 believe stu$ents shoul$ behave respe#tfully, be on'tas,, engage in a#a$emi# learning, be
tolerant of $ifferent #ultures, #ollaborate, an$ share ,no4le$ge.
2 believe a #lassroom nee$s rules, pro#e$ures, an$ routines to #reate or$er an$
organi3ation in the learning pro#ess.
2 believe in setting #lear expe#tations in a #aring manner an$ stu$ent a##ountability to my
2 believe in tea#hing rules an$ pro#e$ures at the beginning of the year an$ throughout the
year to #reate an a#a$emi# learning environment 4ith minimal $isruptions.
2 believe rules an$ pro#e$ures shoul$ be #lear, easy to rea$, an$ age appropriate.
Classroom Management Plan 4 Terri P. Gilbert
2 believe a tea#her must be #onsistent 4ith rules, pro#e$ures, routines, an$ s#hool
behavior plans.
2 believe a tea#her must reinfor#e positive behaviors, ma,e stu$ents a4are of
#onse*uen#es to misbehavior, an$ enfor#e #onse*uen#es on a #onsistent basis.
2 believe parents an$ guar$ians shoul$ be a4are of my #lassroom management plan by
sen$ing a letter in#lu$ing my philosophy, rules, pro#e$ures, an$ routines.
Classroom Management Plan 5 Terri P. Gilbert
Rules and Consequences
Classroom Rules
1. Come to #lass prepare$ 4ith all supplies an$ home4or, #omplete.
2. 1l4ays respe#t others an$ their property.
3. 0isten 4hen someone else is tal,ing.
4. 5ollo4 the tea#her6s $ire#tions.
5. )aise your han$ to be #alle$ on.
Positive Consequences
1. 7erbal praise
2. 8aily re4ar$s su#h as sti#,ers, *uiet free time, #omputer time, an$ other treats
3. 9n$ of the 4ee, re4ar$s% Treasure Chest an$ Goo$ Con$u#t Certifi#ates
Negative Consequences
1.5irst infra#tion, stu$ent remin$er by a loo, an$ silen#e
2."e#on$ infra#tion, firm verbal 4arning
3.Thir$ infra#tion, five minutes in time out
4.5ourth infra#tion, $evelop a behavior mo$ifi#ation plan
5.5ifth infra#tion, loss of re#ess
6."ixth infra#tion, tea#her #alls the parents
7."eventh infra#tion, sen$ stu$ent the prin#ipal6s offi#e
8."erious misbehavior, #all prin#ipal6s offi#e for assistan#e or sen$ stu$ent to the
prin#ipal6s offi#e
Tas, 1nalysis of :ne Classroom Pro#e$ure
;athroom ;rea,s
To $evelop a #omprehensive #lass management plan, a tea#her nee$s to #reate an$ tea#h
stu$ents pro#e$ures to follo4 $uring spe#ifi# perio$s in a #lassroom an$ s#hool events <Jones =
Jones, !1!>. 1n important elementary #lassroom pro#e$ure for primary gra$es in#lu$es
bathroom brea,s. My pro#e$ures for stu$ents to use the bathroom are as follo4s%
Classroom Management Plan 6 Terri P. Gilbert
1. Tea#her posts on the on the bulletin boar$ bathroom instru#tions for stu$ents to see an$
. The bathroom pro#e$ure is #learly visible an$ easy to rea$.
&. The tea#her 4ill tea#h an$ have stu$ents pra#ti#e the bathroom pro#e$ure by performing
s,its an$ other role playing a#tivities.
(. The bathroom pro#e$ures are as follo4s%
a. 2f the bathroom is in the #lassroom, the pro#e$ure is%
The tea#her 4ill put on the bla#,boar$ a large #lip 4ith a laminate$ sign
?;1T@)::M P1"".A
The stu$ent has to raise his or her han$ an$ as, the tea#her permission to go to
the bathroom.
The tea#her no$s his or her hea$, the signal giving the stu$ent permission to go
to the bathroom.
The stu$ent is to *uietly go to the bla#,boar$ an$ ta,e the pass 4ithout
$isturbing the tea#her or stu$ents.
2f stu$ents see the bathroom pass is missing, they have to 4ait until the sign
The stu$ent is to return an$ pla#e the bathroom pass on the large #lip on the
1fter the stu$ent *uietly goes ba#, to his or her $es,, if another stu$ent must
go to the bathroom, he or she #an raise her han$ for permission.
b. 2f the bathroom is outsi$e the #lassroom, the pro#e$ure is%
The tea#her 4ill put on the bla#,boar$ t4o large #lips 4ith laminate$ signs
?girls bathroom pasA an$ ?boys bathroom pass.A
The stu$ent has to raise his or her han$ an$ as, the tea#her permission to go to
the bathroom.
The tea#her no$s his or her hea$, the signal giving the stu$ent permission to go
to the bathroom.
The stu$ent is to *uietly go to the bla#,boar$ an$ ta,e the girl or boy
bathroom pass 4ithout $isturbing the tea#her or stu$ents.
:nly one boy an$ one girl are allo4e$ to go to the bathroom at a time.
Classroom Management Plan 7 Terri P. Gilbert
9a#h stu$ent 4ill 4rite his or her name on the form an$ stamp the time leaving
on the left si$e of the form 4ith the Time "tamper Ma#hine <2 plan to buy an$
put in the #lass>.
The stu$ent puts the form in the bas,et next to the Time "tamper.
The stu$ent has 1! minutes to go to the bathroom an$ return.
:n#e the stu$ent returns, he or she ta,es their form from the bas,et an$
stamps the time he or she returns on the right si$e of the form.
The stu$ent 4ill put the form in the bas,et labele$ ?26M ;1CBA 4hi#h 4ill be
use$ also for other reasons a stu$ent must leave the #lassroom <e.g. ta,e
something to the a$ministrative offi#e for the tea#her, et#.>. C:T9% 2 plan to
use the forms to assess in a sprea$sheet patterns for the bathroom 4hi#h may
lea$ to $eveloping another plan or mo$ifying the #urrent plan.
The stu$ent 4ill *uietly return to his or her $es, 4ithout interrupting the
tea#her or #lass.
"tu$ents in primary elementary gra$es 4ill have to use the bathroom at times $uring
instru#tion, a#tivities, or in$epen$ent 4or,ing. 1 bathroom pro#e$ure helps the stu$ents to form a
routine or habit to use the bathroom that 4ill not $isrupt a tea#her6s instru#tion or stu$ent
learning. 5or a tea#her to $evelop, explain, an$ tea#h to stu$ents an effe#tive #lassroom
management plan, a bathroom pro#e$ure is an important routine ne#essary to re$u#e #onfusion,
interruptions, an$ misbehavior $uring instru#tion or stu$ent learning.
Classroom Management Plan 8 Terri P. Gilbert
"ubstitute Tea#her Plan
Substitute Teacher Information
Welcome to our second grade classroom!
The following items are ket in searate!
labeled folders on m" desk.
Contact List
The #onta#t list fol$er has names of the prin#ipal, se#retary, fa#ility servi#e, au$io
e*uipment, an$ tea#hers to assist you.
The atten$an#e fol$er in#lu$es%
1tten$an#e sheet
The atten$an#e sheet has all my stu$ents name liste$ in
alphabeti#al or$er. Please use the en#lose$ stu$ent
photograph map to i$entify atten$an#e. The stu$ent
photograph map arrangement is the seating #hart. 2 prepare$
this map to help you i$entify stu$ents an$ ma,e sure they
are in their #orre#t seat.
Classroom Management Plan 9 Terri P. Gilbert
Please return the atten$an#e sheet to the a$ministrative offi#e an$
ma,e a #opy for my re#or$s.
Tar$y pro#e$ures an$ form
"tu$ents arriving to s#hool late must first go to the
prin#ipal6s offi#e an$ #he#, in. 2 have a sign in sheet for the
stu$ent to sign.
9arly $ismal pro#e$ures
5or stu$ent to leave #lass early, an authori3e$ a$ult must go
to the prin#ipal6s offi#e first an$ sign in. The a$ult 4ill bring
a form authori3ing the stu$ent has permission to leave 4ith
the authori3e$ a$ult.
Grade book
Please put gra$es of assignments an$ home4or, in my gra$e boo,. My gra$e
s#oring system is%
1!!'/+ D 1
/('/! D 1'
./'.+ D ;
.('.! D ;'
7/'7+ D C
7('-! D 8
;elo4 -! D 5
Students and Teachers Assistance
There is a list of stu$ents to help you 4ith $ifferent perio$s an$ Eobs su#h as
#olle#ting assignments, a#tivities, an$ home4or,F lea$ers of #ollaborative learning
Classroom Management Plan 10 Terri P. Gilbert
groups, run erran$s <e.g., ta,e $o#uments to prin#ipal6s offi#e>, an$ other $uties. 2
$o not allo4 stu$ents to pass out or #olle#t tests.
Lesson plans and activities
5ive'minute a#tivities for the first an$ last minutes of #lass are in the ?0esson plan
an$ a#tivitiesA fol$er. The fol$er has three bell'ringer a#tivities an$ three last five
minutes of #lass a#tivities. 2 have a lesson plan boo, in the verti#al filer that has a
label ?bell ringer an$ last five minute a#tivitiesA if 2 am out more than three $ays.
Lesson plans and activities
2 have a lesson plan boo,. 9n#lose$ are lesson plans an$ a#tivities
for ea#h subEe#t <Math, 0anguage 1rts, "#ien#e, an$ "o#ial
"tu$ies>. The lessons are by subEe#t an$ the #urrent lessons are on
top. The lesson plans $ates for the 4ee, are at the top of ea#h
lesson. Gou 4ill see a tab #alle$ ?9xtra lessonsA to use if 2 am out
longer than a 4ee,. 2 have a tab #alle$ ?9xtra Time 5illers. Gou
4ill fin$ $ifferent a#tivities to use to fill in time gaps, if ne#essary.
Tea#her Textboo,s are in my bottom $ra4er. The textboo,s are for
ea#h subEe#t. My lesson plans #orrespon$ to the textboo,
Hhen you are instru#ting, stu$ents are to raise their han$s.
"tu$ents are to ans4er your *uestions in a senten#e.
)eturning assignments an$ a#tivities #olle#tion is hori3ontally. 1
stu$ent has the Eob to pi#, up the papers. 2 have the stu$ents turn in
assignments hori3ontally to re$u#e potential behavioral problems.
Daily schedule
Classroom Management Plan 11 Terri P. Gilbert
.%!! 1M I .%&! 1M ;ell ringer
.%&! 1M I /%&! 1M Math
/%&! 1M I 1!%(+ 1M 0anguage artsJCooperative learning groups
1!%(+ 1M I 11%+ 1M 2 revie4 the language lesson an$ group a#tivities,
ex#ept on Mon$ay stu$ents go to 1rts, an$
He$nes$ay stu$ents have physi#al e$u#ation.
11%&! I 1%!! PM 0un#h
1%!! I 1%&! PM )e#ess
1%&! PM I 1%&! PM "o#ial "tu$ies
1%&! PM I %&! PM "#ien#e
%&! PM I &%!! PM 2 use this time to revie4 an$ ma,e sure stu$ents help
to straighten up the #lassroom.
&%!! PM I &%&! PM "tu$ents $ismal I stu$ents have a bus s#he$ule
in#lu$e$ in this fol$er. The list has the stu$ent name
an$ the number of the bus an$ the time to leave.
&%&! PM I (%!! PM Gou #an 4rite misbehavior or other stu$ent
#omments on the ;ehavior form. The form is in the
Classroom rules fol$er.
Collaborative Learning Groups
The #ollaborative learning group fol$er has the teams an$ stu$ents in ea#h group.
9very group has a team lea$er. 2 rotate the lea$er monthly. 5or many a#tivities, 2
pair stronger stu$ents 4ith 4ea,er stu$ents to #reate peer tutoring through
s#affol$ing an$ mo$eling. 2 have en#lose$ a pairing list for ea#h group.
Classroom Management Plan 12 Terri P. Gilbert
The groups rotate ea#h $ay using the #omputer $uring this time. 2 have e$u#ational
math an$ language games the stu$ents #an play an$ learn. The stu$ents ,no4 not
to #hange to any other lin,. 2f you see the lin, has #hange$, please remove the
stu$ent an$ put him or her in time out for five minutes. 1fter thee time out, 2 have
the stu$ent sit at my 4or,ing table to #omplete his unfinishe$ assignments or start
him on the ne4 a#tivity.
anding in home!ork
"tu$ents are to turn in their home4or, assignments as soon as they arrive in the
morning. 2 have a bas,et labele$ ?)eturn home4or,.A 1 fol$er is insi$e the bas,et
4ith extra #opies of assignments for stu$ents missing s#hool or tar$y.
"mergency in#ormation and procedures
The ?9mergen#y 5ol$erA has information about 4hat to $o in $ifferent situations.
The s#hool has a nurse an$ if someone is si#,, please ta,e the stu$ent to the nurse.
Please have the tea#her next $oor 4at#h the #lass until you return.
The supplies are in the #loset by my $es,. The ,ey is insi$e the mi$$le $ra4er of
my $es,. Please ,eep the supply #loset lo#,e$. Gou #an put your purse an$ other
personal items in the supply #loset. The supply #loset has pen#ils, 4riting tablets,
#opier paper, #olors, an$ other materials an$ e*uipment you 4ill nee$.
Additional $n#ormation
"tu$ent an$ Tea#her han$boo,s. The han$boo,s provi$e information li,e
the s#hool6s $is#ipline poli#y
lun#h room rules
playgroun$ rules
Classroom Management Plan 13 Terri P. Gilbert
fire $rills, other $rills,
stu$ent #omputer an$ 2nternet use poli#ies
9xtra $uty $es#riptions
Classroom Rules and %rocedures
Classroom )ules are poste$ on the bla#,boar$ in front of the room. Gou may have
to remin$ stu$ents of the rules 4hen they are bro,en. 2 imme$iately a$$ress
misbehavior using nonverbal #ues su#h as silen#e for five to 1! se#on$s or eye
#onta#t. 2nsi$e the Classroom )ules fol$er are #opies of the form 2 use for a
stu$ent6s ;ehavioral Mo$ifi#ation Plan. 2n the fol$er are my pro#e$ures for minor
s#raps or physi#al fighting. 2 try to han$le the situation 4hen stu$ents are insulting
ea#h other or name #alling, but physi#al fighting you nee$ to imme$iately have a
stu$ent go to the prin#ipal6s offi#e for assistan#e. 1nother stu$ent nee$s to get the
tea#her next $oor remove the stu$ents from the #lassroom for safety an$ to
prevent any agitation to the situation.
Classroom Rules
1. Come to #lass prepare$ 4ith all supplies an$ home4or, #omplete.
. 1l4ays respe#t others an$ their property.
&. 0isten 4hen someone else is tal,ing.
(. 5ollo4 the tea#her6s $ire#tions.
+. )aise your han$ to be #alle$ on.
Positive Consequences
1. 7erbal praise
. 8aily re4ar$s su#h as sti#,ers, *uiet free time, #omputer time, an$ other treats
&. 9n$ of the 4ee, re4ar$s% Treasure Chest an$ Goo$ Con$u#t Certifi#ates
Negative Consequences
1. 5irst infra#tion, stu$ent remin$er by a loo, an$ silen#e.
. "e#on$ infra#tion, firm verbal 4arning.
Classroom Management Plan 14 Terri P. Gilbert
&. Thir$ infra#tion, five minutes in time out.
(. 5ourth infra#tion, loss of re#ess.
+. 5ifth infra#tion, $evelop a behavior mo$ifi#ation plan.
-. "ixth infra#tion, tea#her #alls the parents.
7. "eventh infra#tion, sen$ stu$ent the prin#ipal6s offi#e.
.. "erious misbehavior, #all prin#ipal6s offi#e for assistan#e or sen$ stu$ent to the
prin#ipal6s offi#e.
The stu$ents ,no4 the routine for transitions. 5or transitions bet4een subEe#ts, 2
announ#e to the #lass they have five minutes to 4rap up their 4or,. Hrapping up
means putting a4ay all materials, #lean up the area, an$ getting boo,s out for the
next perio$.
2 have a timer on my $es, that 2 set for five minutes. Hhen the time goes off,
stu$ents are to be rea$y to start the next perio$.
2n Collaborative 0earning Groups, 2 set the time for five minutes for stu$ents to
rearrange $es, in the group learning arrangement. Tables are pushe$ together to
have four stu$ents at ea#h group. 5ive minutes before the perio$ en$s, 2 set the
timer an$ stu$ents ,no4 to put a4ay materials, #lean up the area, an$ have
language boo, out for revie4.
&athroom procedure%
"tu$ents ,no4 there are t4o ,eys poste$ near the bla#,boar$. :nly one girl an$
boy #an go to the bathroom simultaneously. 2 have a log on the table next to the
$oor 4here the home4or, bas,et is #alle$ ?0og 2nJ:ut.A "tu$ents are to sign their
name an$ the time they leave an$ return.
Classroom Management Plan 15 Terri P. Gilbert
"tu$ents are to lineup by ro4s starting 4ith ro4 one, t4o, et#.
The lea$ stu$ent ,no4s to go to the front of the line. The stu$ent monitors the line
an$ ma,es sure everyone stays in line an$ remains *uiet. 2f a stu$ent is $isruptive,
2 imme$iately let the stu$ent ,no4 he has the #hoi#e to remain in line *uietly or
re#eive a #onse*uen#e.
"tu$ents line up an$ remain *uiet 4hile 4al,ing to the lun#h room. ;efore leaving, 2 ma,e
sure stu$ents have their lun#h ti#,et or lun#h bag. 2f not, 2 ,eep extra lun#h ti#,ets insi$e
the supply #loset, the bottom shelf to the left in a re$ box. 2 ta,e the stu$ents to the lun#h
room an$ return to the #lass. 2 usually eat at my $es, to prepare for the next subEe#t.
"tu$ents 4ill go to the playgroun$ after eating for &! minutes. The s#hool $esignates
$ifferent tea#hers to monitor the playgroun$. 2 have en#lose$ the tea#her list for $ifferent
$uties for this month.
Special Classes
1 fe4 stu$ents have learning $isabilities an$ $uring the #ourse of the $ay, an
interventionist 4ill #ome an$ get them for about an hour on spe#ifie$ $ays <s#he$ule
2 have one ex#eptional stu$ent. The stu$ent6s John ;ro4n. John has a spe#ial e$u#ation
tea#her 4ill #ome an$ assist him in #lass or have him go to her #lassroom. The spe#ial
e$u#ation tea#her an$ 2 try to ,eep John in the #lassroom, but at times he gets upset an$
he has to go to the spe#ial e$u#ation #lass. The spe#ial e$u#ation tea#her, Ms. Johnson is
very helpful an$ also ,no4s my routines if you nee$ any help.
Classroom Management Plan 16 Terri P. Gilbert
"tu$ents have extra a#tivities on Mon$ay <1rts an$ Crafts> an$ He$nes$ay <Physi#al
9$u#ation> from 1!%(+ 1M I 11% + 1M.
2 4ant to than, you for substituting my #lass. 2f you have any problems, please #onta#t me on my
#ell phone at +'+&'/+. or email me at tgilbertKst.Eohn.e$u.
Terri P. Gilbert
Classroom Management 2mplementation Plan
1n effe#tive se#on$ gra$e #lassroom must pla#e a priority in #reating a positive, or$erly
environment for stu$ents to a#hieve a#a$emi# su##ess. "tu$ents have $ifferent personalities an$
temperaments an$ an elementary tea#her shoul$ $evelop a #lassroom management plan to
a##omplish the #urri#ulum6s goal. 9ffe#tive #lassroom management te#hni*ues shoul$ in#lu$e
#onsistent rules to help se#on$ gra$e stu$ents su##ee$.
"e#on$ gra$e stu$ents are familiar 4ith implementation of #lassroom rules. @o4ever,
tea#hers use $ifferent metho$s. My #lassroom rules an$ #onse*uen#es are 4ritten to #reate a
positive learning environment to promote a #aring stu$ent'tea#her relationship to a#hieve
a#a$emi# su##ess.
Rules and Consequences
Classroom Rules
#. Come to #lass prepare$ 4ith supplies an$ home4or, #omplete.
$. 1l4ays respe#t others an$ their property.
%. 0isten 4hen someone else is tal,ing.
&. 5ollo4 the tea#her6s $ire#tions.
1'. )aise your han$ to be #alle$ on.
Classroom Management Plan 17 Terri P. Gilbert
Process to communicate and reinforce the classroom rules to students
2 4ill #reate a poster'si3e version of my #lassroom rules an$ post the rules the first $ay of
s#hool. 2 4oul$ have #opies rea$y to give to ea#h stu$ent an$ sen$ home a #opy as 4ell. The #opy
to the parents nee$s their signature. 2 4oul$ $is#uss the rules 4ith stu$ents $aily for the first three
to four 4ee,s of s#hool to help stu$ents un$erstan$ an$ follo4 them. 2 4oul$ as, stu$ents to
restate the rules in their o4n 4or$s an$ give examples of situations that fit ea#h one. 2 4oul$
#onsistently reinfor#e #lass rules 4ith a system of positive an$ negative #onse*uen#es.
Positive Consequences
4. 7erbal praise
5. 8aily re4ar$s su#h as sti#,ers, *uiet free time, #omputer time, an$ other treats
#. 9n$ of the 4ee, re4ar$s% Treasure Chest an$ Goo$ Con$u#t Certifi#ates
Negative Consequences
9.5irst infra#tion, stu$ent is firmly 4arne$ by a loo, an$ silen#e.
10."e#on$ infra#tion, stu$ent is firmly 4arne$ verbally.
11.Thir$ infra#tion, five minutes in time out.
12.5ourth infra#tion, loss of re#ess.
13.5ifth infra#tion, $evelop a behavior mo$ifi#ation plan
14."ixth infra#tion, tea#her #alls the parents.
15."eventh infra#tion, sen$ stu$ent the prin#ipal6s offi#e.
16."erious misbehavior, #all prin#ipal6s offi#e for assistan#e or sen$ stu$ent to the
prin#ipal6s offi#e
%rocess to communicate and rein#orce consequences to students
2 4ill post on the 4allJboar$ the #lass re4ar$ an$ #onse*uen#es. 2 4ill explain an$ revie4
the positive an$ negative #onse*uen#es 4ith the #lass. 2 4ill $emonstrate an$ mo$el examples to
the #lass. 2 4ill go over the re4ar$s an$ #onse*uen#es $aily for the first four 4ee,s. 2 4ill ,eep a
Classroom Management Plan 18 Terri P. Gilbert
#lip boar$ 4ith a behavior #he#,list for ea#h stu$ent to monitor behavior. 2 4ill meet 4ith
in$ivi$ual stu$ents at the en$ of the 4ee, an$ go over $o#umente$ #on$u#t an$ give $eserving
stu$ents6 a re4ar$ or #ertifi#ate a#,no4le$ging goo$ behavior. 9a#h $ay, 2 4ill verbally praise
stu$ents for goo$ #on$u#t an$ behavior #onsistently throughout the $ay. 2 4ill #onsistently
a#,no4le$ge positive behavior. 1n example is ?2 li,e 4hen you are 4or,ing *uietly on
assignments.A 2 4ill imme$iately a$$ress misbehavior an$ be #onsistent 4ith #onse*uen#es. 2f 2
am tal,ing to the #lass about a lesson, 2 4ill use nonverbal #ues the first time an$ next a verbal
4arning about the rule bro,en to avoi$ $isrupting the lesson. Cext infar#tion in#lu$es loss of
privileges. 2f the behavior persists, 2 4ill $evelop a behavior mo$ifi#ation plan 4ith the stu$ent.
:ther infar#tions for persistent behavior in#lu$e notifying the parents an$ sen$ing the stu$ent to
the prin#ipal6s offi#e.
Assessment %lan
1ssessment of the #lassroom rules an$ #onse*uen#es are important to mo$ify to improve
the li,elihoo$ that stu$ents 4ill be attentive an$ their lessons effe#tive. 2 plan to post the rules an$
#onse*uen#es in the #lassroom to serve as a remin$er to stu$ents. 2 ,eep only five rules for
stu$ents to un$erstan$ an$ apply the regulations to govern their behavior. The rules shoul$ be age
appropriate an$ a##essible to stu$ents. 2 4ill evaluate an$ $etermine if the #lassroom rules are
atta#he$ to #lear #onse*uen#es to re$u#e in#i$ents of misbehavior. 2 4ill $etermine if the re4ar$s
for goo$ behavior offere$ promote positive behavior.
To $etermine if the #lassroom rules an$ #onse*uen#es are effe#tive for the se#on$ gra$e
stu$ents, 2 4ill use evaluation tools to gather information to $etermine the effe#tiveness of the rules
an$ #onse*uen#es by using an observation #he#,list. The #he#,list is an evaluation tool to assess
an$ re#or$ positive an$ negative behavior. The observation #he#,list allo4s stu$ents to refle#t
$ire#tly on their behavior an$ help me to $etermine 4hi#h strategies 4or, best to in#rease positive
Classroom Management Plan 19 Terri P. Gilbert
behavior. 2 4ill have in$ivi$ual #onferen#es 4ee,ly 4ith stu$ents to give fee$ba#, about in$ivi$ual
behaviors an$ a $evelop behavior mo$ifi#ation plan to in#rease positive behavior. Positive behavior
is ne#essary to tea#h stu$ents meaningful lessons. The re$u#tion in misbehavior allo4s stu$ents to
have more time to learn an$ eventually a#hieve a#a$emi# su##ess by the en$ of the year. Please
rea$ the #lassroom management plan an$ sign the form. 2 as, you to please be#ome involve$ in
your #hil$6s learning pro#ess. 2t is in your #hil$6s best interest 4e 4or, together to provi$e support
an$ gui$an#e. 2 4ill be in #lose #onta#t 4ith you regar$ing your #hil$6s progress in my #lassroom.
2f you have any *uestions or #omments, please feel free to #all me at s#hool, email me, or 4rite me
a message on the atta#he$ form. 2 loo, for4ar$ to a great year an$ the stu$ents a#hieving
a#a$emi# su##essL
Terri P. Gilbert
Classroom Management Plan 20 Terri P. Gilbert
%arent's( Ackno!ledgement o# Class )anagement Discipline %lan
8ear Mrs. Gilbert%
2 rea$ an$ un$erstoo$ the 8is#ipline Plan for your #lassroom. My *uestions or #omments are
"tu$ent Came ParentJGuar$ian "ignature
Classroom Management Plan 21 Terri P. Gilbert
0etter to Parent
8ear Parents%
My name is Terri Gilbert an$ 2 am $elighte$ to have your #hil$ in my #lass. 2 loo, for4ar$
to getting to ,no4 both you an$ your #hil$ this year. 2 have high expe#tations for your #hil$ an$
4ill assist an$ gui$e your #hil$6s a#a$emi# gro4th, self'#onfi$en#e, an$ so#ial s,ills. Goo$
#ommuni#ation bet4een parents, tea#hers, an$ stu$ents is very important for your #hil$ to a#hieve
a#a$emi# su##ess. To a#hieve my goal to #reate a positive stu$ent'#entere$ learning environment,
2 4ill share 4ith you my #lassroom management rules an$ a#tions for positive an$ negative
2 4oul$ li,e to briefly $is#uss my #lassroom rules for this up#oming s#hool year.
"tu$ents are expe#te$ to follo4 the #lassroom rules. 2 4ill explain the #lassroom rules an$
#onse*uen#es. Hhen rules are bro,en, stu$ents 4ill re#eive several 4arnings an$ if una##eptable
behavior #ontinues, stu$ents 4ill be put in time out, lose re#ess privileges, or 2 4ill #onta#t you
about your #hil$6s behavior. "erious behavior man$ates #alling the prin#ipal6s offi#e or sen$ing the
stu$ent to the prin#ipal6s offi#e. 1tta#he$ is a #opy of the #lassroom rules an$ #onse*uen#es for
positive an$ negative behavior.
Positive behavior is important to re#ogni3e an$ stu$ents $emonstrating outstan$ing
behaviors 4ill be re4ar$e$ 4ee,ly 4ith presents from the Treasure Chest or :utstan$ing
;ehavior Certifi#ates. The rules 4ill be poste$ in #lass all year to remin$ stu$ents 4hat are
positive or negative behaviors. The first 4ee, of s#hool, 2 4ill go over the rules fre*uently an$
have a #lass $is#ussion about 4hy 4e have rules. 2f you have any *uestions or 4ish to $is#uss any
#on#erns, please #all me at <+> +&'++. or email me at tgilbertKstEohn.e$u. 5or parents that
use email, 2 normally #he#, my email $aily, an$ this is the *ui#,est 4ay to get in tou#h 4ith me. 2
4ill respon$ promptly. 2 hope to see you at our parent meeting on 1ugust 1&, !1.


Mrs. Terri Gilbert
Classroom Management Plan 22 Terri P. Gilbert
List o# Rules and Consequences
Classroom Rules
Come to #lass prepare$ 4ith all supplies an$ home4or, #omplete.
1l4ays respe#t others an$ their property.
0isten 4hen someone else is tal,ing.
5ollo4 tea#her6s $ire#tions.
)aise your han$s to be #alle$ on.

Positive Consequences
7erbal praise
8aily re4ar$s su#h as sti#,ers, *uiet free time, #omputer time, an$ other treats
9n$ of the 4ee, re4ar$s% Treasure Chest an$ Goo$ Con$u#t Certifi#ates

Negative Consequences
5irst infra#tion, stu$ent is firmly 4arne$ by a loo, an$ silen#e.
"e#on$ infra#tion, stu$ent is firmly 4arne$ verbally.
Thir$ infra#tion, + minutes in time out.
5ourth infra#tion, loss of re#ess.
5ifth infra#tion, tea#her #alls the parents.
"ixth infra#tion, sen$ stu$ent to the prin#ipal6s offi#e.
"erious misbehavior, #all prin#ipal6s offi#e for assistan#e or sen$ stu$ent to prin#ipal6s

Classroom Management Plan 23 Terri P. Gilbert
1ssessment Plan for the Classroom Management Plan
1 #lassroom management plan in#reases stu$ents6 motivation, behavior, an$ a#a$emi#
learning. 9valuating a #lassroom management plan helps a tea#her $etermine ho4 to proa#tively
tea#h an$ manage $iverse learners in the #lassroom. 1 tea#her nee$s to $etermine if the #lassroom
management plan is effe#tive or nee$s improvement. 1 4ay for a tea#her to self'assess #lassroom
management pra#ti#es is to use a #he#,list.
Classroom Management% "elf 1ssessment Che#,list
1 self'assessment #he#,list helps a tea#her to $etermine to effe#tiveness of a #lassroom
management plan. The #he#,list summari3es important #omponents ne#essary to $evelop a
#lassroom management plan to su##essfully motivate, tea#h, an$ prevent misbehavior. ;elo4 is an
example of a self'#he#,list 2 4oul$ use to assess the performan#e of my #lassroom management
plan <"imonsen, 5airban,s, ;ries#h, = "ugai, !!->. The #he#,list allo4s a tea#her to tally the
number of positive an$ negative stu$ent $uring the $ay to $etermine if an e$u#ator is provi$ing
more a#,no4le$gment for positive behavior than misbehavior to #reate a positive learning
environment to motivate stu$ents to a#hieve a#a$emi# su##ess <"imenson et al., !!->. The
remain$er of the self'assessment #he#,list allo4s a tea#her to $etermine 4hat areas of a #lassroom
management plan are ex#ellent, goo$, or nee$s improvement <"imenson et al., !!->. The overall
self'assessment 4ill $etermine the *uality of the #lassroom management plan. The #lassroom
management self'assessment #he#,list helps a tea#her to refle#t $aily on the #lassroom
management plan to mo$ify or a$$ #omponents 4hen ne#essary.
Classroom Management Plan 24 Terri P. Gilbert
Class Management "elf'1ssessment Che#,list
Tea#her% 8ate%
2nstru#tional 1#tivity Time "tart% MMMMMMMM
Time 9n$% MMMMMMMM
Tally ea#h Positive "tu$ent Conta#ts Total N Tally ea#h Cegative "tu$ent Conta#ts Total N
Classroom Management Pra#ti#e Ges Co
1. 2 have arrange$ my #lassroom to minimi3e #ro4$ing an$ $istra#tion.
. 2 have maximi3e$ stru#ture an$ pre$i#tability in my #lassroom <e.g.
expli#it #lassroom routines, spe#ifi# $ire#tions, et#.>.
&. 2 have poste$, taught, revie4e$ an$ reinfor#e$ in a positive manner
my #lassroom expe#tations <or rules>.
(. 2 have provi$e$ more fre*uent a#,no4le$gement for appropriate
behaviors than inappropriate behaviors <see tallies at top of page>
+. 2 have provi$e$ ea#h stu$ent 4ith multiple opportunities to respon$
an$ parti#ipate $uring instru#tion.
-. My instru#tion a#tively engage$ stu$ents in observable 4ays <e.g.
4riting, verbali3ing>.
7. 2 a#tively supervise$ my #lassroom <e.g. moving, s#anning> $uring
.. 2 ignore$ or provi$e$ *ui#,, $ire#t, expli#it repriman$sJre$ire#tions
in response to inappropriate behavior.
/. 2 have multiple strategiesJsystems in pla#e to a#,no4le$ge
appropriate behavior <e.g. #lass point systems, praise, et#.>.
1!. 2 have provi$e$ spe#ifi# fee$ba#, in response to so#ial an a#a$emi#
behavior errors an$ #orre#t responses.
11. 9x#eptional stu$ent a##ommo$ations are provi$e$ in the least
restri#tive environment possible.
12. Use of a variety of instru#tional strategies base$ on the s,ills being
taught an$ the stu$ent6s strengths.
1&. 8ata is #olle#te$ an$ progress is $o#umente$ on an ongoing basis.
1(. 1 #lassroom $aily s#he$ule, rules, an$ #onse*uen#es are poste$
Classroom Management Plan 25 Terri P. Gilbert
4here all stu$ents #an see it.
15. "tu$ents6 transition s,ills are assesse$ an$ goals are $evelope$ if
1-. Transition #ues are use$ 4hen appropriate.
17. 7isual an$ verbal #ues are #lear an$ #onsistent signals use$ to
in$i#ate the nee$ for transition to another a#tivity.
1.. )outines for entering, exiting, an$ moving 4ithin the #lassroom are
taught, revie4e$ an$ reinfor#e$ on a regular basis.
1/. Pro#e$ures to use the bathroom, pen#il sharpening, getting help,
lun#h, re#ess, $ismissal, et#. are taught, revie4e$, an$ reinfor#e$ on
a regular basis.
!. Classroom rules are limite$ to &'+ rules an$ along 4ith #onse*uen#es
are poste$, positively taught, revie4e$, an$ reinfor#e$ on a regular
:verall #lassroom management s#ore%
! I 1. ?yesA D ?9x#ellentA
17 I 1+ ?yesA D ?Goo$A
0ess than 1+ ?yesA D 2mprovement Cee$e$A N Ges MMMMMMMMM
Classroom Management Plan 26 Terri P. Gilbert

Jones, 7. an$ Jones, 0. <!1!>. Comprehensive #lassroom management% Creating #ommunities
of support an$ solving problems </th e$.>. Upper "a$$le )iver, CJ% Pearson 9$u#ation.
"imonsen, ;., 5airban,s, "., ;reis#h, 1, = "ugai, G. <!!->. Classroom management%
"elf'assessment revise$. )etrieve$ from'ny.orgJ...JafenlonO!'

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