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Pale Construes Lda

Construo Civil e Materiais de Construo

Djonasse, Posto Administrativo da Matola-Rio
Cell: 82 1228 123; 84 3296 140
Alvara 73/OP2/031 D/2013

NUIT 400105502

Exmos Senhores

A Pale Construes, Lda uma empresa Moambicana, com capitais
inteiramente moambicanos, registado oficialmente como empresa de
Construo Civil e Obras Pblicas, produo e comercializao de
materiais de construo, sedeada em Djonasse, Posto Administrativo
de Matola-Rio, a cerca de quatro Km desde o cruzamento da estrada
para Boane, em direco a Mozal, e a rua que vai para Mozal, perto
da Escola Secundaria Nelson Mandela,

A sua vocao principal a construo civil, obras pblicas e empre-
endimentos, construo de edifcios, produo de blocos de 10, 15, 20
usando cimento, bago de arroz e areia lavada; fornecimento de mo
de obra para a construo civil e fornecimento de inertes.

Presta Servios na rea de Gesto de Projectos, tem uma unidade
que desenha e calcula estruturas civis, produz e monta gradeamentos,
pequenas estruturas metlicas .
Presentation Letter

Pale construes Limitada is a Mozambican company fully
owned by Mozambican citizens, registered officially as civil con-
struction and Services company, including but not limited to
housing construction, walls, concrete forming, house finishing,
tiles, plumbing and painting. It is involved on Entrepreneurship
trough Engineering and Project Management .It used also to
produce and sell construction materials, blocks made with semi-
industrial vibrating machines, using a mix of cement, sand and
up to 6 mm stone powder.

The main workshop is located in Djonasse, Posto Administrativo
de Matola-Rio, about four Km from Namahacha Avenue to-
wards Mozal, passing trough Matola-Rio Administrative Post,
close to Nelson Mandela Secundary School.

It posses large experience in Civil construction and Project Man-
agement, increased by the huge and long experience of its staff,
who have participated in building of most of the Maputo city
housing complexes and stores

A empresa j participou na construo de diversas obras civis,
construo de edifcios prximo do Hotel Quatro Estaces na
cidade de Maputo,
construo dos escritrios da Capital Star Steel, no Parque
Industrial de Beloluane, em frente Mozal; expanso do Cen-
tro de Sade da Macia,
fornecimento de equipes na construo do edifcio da Procu-
radoria da Repblica, na Matola; construo das Instalaes
fabris da MPM, em Chumene; construo das instalaes fa-
bris da CAPA AFRICA, em Infulene, com cerca de 3000 m de
rea coberta, compreendendo Armazns,
Oficina de Serralharia, Pavilho de montagem e acabamento;
construo do complexo residencial da Hencon Maquinaria,
em Djuba, usando blocos de encaixe (stumbel blocks); reabili-
tao das instalaes da GPL, na Baixa e Construo de ins-
talaes residncias na Costa de Sol, construo do comple-
xo Super Mares, na Costa do Sol, como subempreiteiro da
S&B Construes,
Construo do Banco de Sangue, do Hospital de Mavalane,
como sub-empreiteiro da SB Construes, Lda, Construo
de Moradias de dois pisos na Liberdade e no fomento, at
2012, Reabilitao de Moradia da Embaixada da Zambia na Julius
Nyerere, condminio na Matola,
Casas na Machava, residencias da empresa Tongaat Hulett -
Aucareira de Xinavane.

E outras obras em realizao
Our most recent activity resulted in construction of:

Three store house close to 4 season complex

Construction of Capital Star Steel offices where we were in-
volved in partititions, floor finishing with tilling, toilets and
plumbing, ceiling, painting and stair case construction.
Construction of new Workshops for CAPAFRICA, in Infulene
with slab area totaling 3000 m
Building of Hencom Maquinaria residencials including Houses
garage and cottage, all with stumbelblock, being the intro-
duction of the new technology with stambelblocks.
Working as S&B in Construction of SUPER MARES commercial
building of squash court in Matola, residential complexes in Fo-
mento and Triunfo, the expansion of Macia Health Center in
Gaza Province, Involved in Construction of MPM new Facili-
ties in Chumene II. Construction of slabs in Xinavane Sugar
Supply of hallow blocks with 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm;
supply of qualified man power for civil copnstruction, tiling,

by 2012, Housing Rehabilitaton of the Embassy of Zambia in Julius
Nyerere, condominium in Matola, Machava houses, residenc-
es of the company Tongaat Hulett - Xinavane Sugar Facto-
And other works in progress
Edifcio perto de 4 estaes House close to 4 season
Escritrios da

Capital Star Steel
Capital Steel


Desde a fundao a Pale Construes. Lda tem prestado ser-
vios dentre construes e reabilitaes de edifcios de insti-
tuies empresariais, residncias pessoais em prol dos bene-
fcios dos clientes e do ambiente.


Since founding the Pale Construction. Ltd has provided ser-
vices among constructions and rehabilitations of buildings of
business institutions, personal residences in favor of the bene-
fits of customers and the environment.
Empenhados na construo e projeo dos sonhos de nossos clients, rumo
a satisfao mtua.
Engaged in the construction and projection of the dreams of our clients,
towards mutual satisfaction.
residencias da empresa Tongaat Hulett - Aucareira de Xinavane residences of the company Tongaat Hulett - Xinavane Sugar
Shipyards Pale
Estaleiros Pale
Camio ERF 20 m





Maputo, 10 de Maro de 2014

Justino Francisco, PMP
+258843296140 ou +258821228123

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