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Hello, . My name is Peter. Welcome to the amazing world of Noni . Noni is natures gift to humanity.
Noni is a fruit from the plant morinda citrifolia. Morinda comes from Latin words morres, Indicus,
morres means mulberry, indicus Indian. Noni fruit contains 150 nutraceuticals that are required by
our body on a daily basis. These 150 nutraceuticals are available in the Noni fruit in the right
combination and in an absorbable form. Noni is a powerful detoxifier. Our body gets toxified day in
and day out from the food we eat, from the air we breath, from the water we drink, from the cosmet-
ics we use including soaps and toothpaste and the detergents we use. Our body is not naturally
designed to process these toxins and chemicals. What happens to these toxins and chemicals? They
stay as fine layers on the cells membranes of our body. Our cell membranes need to be soft and
supple for proper cell membrane communication. If, our cell membranes become hard and stiff
the cell membrane communication cannot happen effectively. When the toxic layers make our cell
membranes hard and stiff the cell membrane communication is blocked. Noni juice detoxifies the
body, cleansing the toxic layers from the cell membranes. What happens the cell membranes be-
come soft and supple allowing effective cell membrane communication. That is the power of Noni
juice, cleansing the toxins from our body. When the toxic layers are formed on the cell membranes,
the cell membrane pores either get shrunk are closed. What happens when cell membrane pores are
shrunk or closed the micro nutrients from the food we eat does not go into the cell. Similarly when
we get sick we go to the doctor. Doctor gives us medicine and often times the medicines do not work.
These medicines does not go into the cell because the cell membranes are either closed or shrunk.
Noni juice helps the body to absorb the micronutrients of the food by opening the cell membrane
pores. Also it helps the medicines to go into the cell for it to cure the disease. Noni is a powerful
cellular food. It builds every cell of the body to become healthy when the cells are healthy, our
tissues become healthy, our organs become healthy, our body system becomes healthy and we be-
come healthy. When our cells are not healthy our tissues, our organs, our body systems become
weak and we become sick. Noni juice has proved to be a powerful and safe pain reliever. Many of
the pain killers what is available in the market, they cause serious side effects on a long term use.
Pain is caused by enzyme called Cox enzyme, there a two types of enzyme. Cox 1 and Cox 2 enzymes.
Cox 1 is a good enzymes, which protects our stomach linings and intestine, Cox 2 enzyme is respon-
sible for the pain, for the inflammation and for the swelling. When you take a painkiller it inhabits
the action of both the enzymes that means your stomach walls and intestine walls are not protected
because of the inhibition of the Cox 1 enzyme. When you take Noni juice it selectively inhibits the
action of Cox 2 enzyme which is responsible for the pain, inflammation and swelling. In that way it
has been proved that Noni juice is a safe pain reliever without any side effects. Noni juice is also
proved to be a stress buster because Noni juice helps the body to secrete enough of serotonin and
endorphins which are feel good chemicals. When our body is flushed with serotonin and endorphin
we feel good. So Noni juice helps the body to maintain the serotonin and endorphin levels in our
body so that whatever be the stress condition we are able to feel good. Noni juice is also a immune
system modulator. Scientists had discovered that the immune power of our people in these days is
only 60% of what was there in 1960s. Immune system is meant to protect us from the viruses,
bacterias and other infections. Instead of protecting us from the foreign invaders these immune
system cells start attacking our own cells and thus leading to auto immune diseases. What are auto
immune diseases? Auto immune diseases are the diseases caused by our own immune system cells
attaching our own body cells. The best example is Diabetes, Arthritis, and lupus. These are some of
the auto immune diseases. When you take Noni juice it helps the body to regulate and modulate your
immune system, so that it does not go in to the auto immune disease mode. It builds immune system
in a way you are able to stay healthy inspite of the foreign body that is attacking you every day. Our
body is a chemical factory. When we speak, when we walk, when we listen, all the time in our body,
one substance is converted into another substance that is how the chemical reactions happen in our
body. Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that is produced by the body. It required for most body func-
tions. Research has shown that Noni juice helps the body to produce enough of nitric oxide. When
our body chemistry is good our body is good. When we supply our body with Noni juice, the proxeronine
from the Noni juice combines with the Proxeronase from the body and the body is able to make
xeronine which helps the protein cells to function effectively. Noni juice helps the healthy cells to
stay healthy and the sick cells to become healthy. In that way Noni juice is made for healthy people as
well as for sick people. So that all our chemical reactions in our body functions normally. Noni juice
is also a powerful adoptogen. What is an adoptogen? Adoptogen is a substance which helps the body
systems to work to normal levels in other way it work in harmony. Our body has its own self healing
mechanism or self repairing mechanism. When we get a wound the body can heal the wound itself,
because of its self healing power. If the self healing power is in place medicines work effectively. If
the self healing power is not in place the medicines do not work effectively. Noni juice by cellular
action helps the bodys self healing mechanism to be stronger in that way it helps the medicines to
work effectively in our body. It helps in digestion, creates regular bowel movement, it increases the
energy, it improves the sleep and it makes you to feel good.
Every time you drink Noni juice you will definitely thank the nature. You will also thank the person
who gave you Noni juice.
Thank you for your listening and thank you for your commitment to stay healthy. I love you.
The content of this video is to provide information for the purpose of education and guidance
and to accompany, not to replace the services of a qualified health care practicitioner or physi-
cian. It is not the intention to prescribe any substance to cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any

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