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1. What do you understand by bottom up approach? Differentiate between top down
and bottom up approach with examples. [2010,2013]

2. What are class,object and method? Explain with example. [2007,2013]
3. State the difference between the following: [2012]
(a) Class and object
(b) class in C++ and structures in C
(c) Functional programming and OOPs.
(d) Compiler of C and C++.
4.(a) What do you understand by polymorphism? Explain its types and how it is ac
hieved in C++? Also discuss its advantages.
(b) Explain the need of data hiding and how it is done in C++. [2012]
5.What do you mean by object oriented programming and structured programming?Exp
lain the comparison of both with suitable example. [2012,2008,2011]
1. (a) What do you mean by scope of a variable? Explain call by value and call c
all by reference with example. [2013,2010,2011]
(b) What is inline function? Write a program which finds area of triangle and
square root of a number by using inline function. [2013]
2. What is the difference between inline function and macro with suitable exampl
e. [2012]
3. Explain structures vs union with suitable example. [2010,2011]
4. What is pointer? What is the difference between dynamic array and static arra
y. [2007]
1. What is this pointer? What is its importance in C++? [2005,2013,2011]
2. What is virtual function? Use the suitable example to explain the conditions
and criteria when we need to make a function virtual. [2013,2005,2007]
3. What do you mean by operator overloading? Write a program to illustrate the o
verloading of '+' operator. [2013]
4. Explain the following with code:
(a) Friend function
(b) Constructor overloading
(c) Protected class members
(d) Runtime polymorphism
(e) Abstract base class
5. Write short notes on [2004,2005,2006,2007]
(a) Destructor
(b) Function overloading
6. Explain the inheritance in relation to C++. [2005,2007,2008]
7. What are constructors? How the copy constructor are different from normal con
structor? What is constrctor overloading? Explain with suitable code. [2011]
1. What do you mean by generic classes and templates? Explain function template
with example.
2. Explain all types of iterators in C++ [2007,2013]
3. Discuss stream classes that performs file I/O. Also discuss file opening mode
s. [2012]
4. What are container classes? Write code to define any container class using cl
ass template. 2012]
1. Define linked list. How is it different from array? Explain different types o
f linked list. [2008]
2. Give an algorithm for insertion and deletion in doubly linked list
3.Write a C++ code to implement a node of doubly linked list. Also discuss self
referential structures. [2012]
4.Write short notes on: [2012]
(a) Stack and its use
(b) Priority Queue
(c) Linear vs Non linear data structures
5. Design a program for insertion and deletion an element in singly linked list.

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