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John Otis' new series,

Defending Calvinism (1 996)
Triumphant Publications,
6070 Surrey Ct., Cumming,
John Otis' new series,
Defending Calvinism, is an
edifying and useful tool for
Reformed Christians seeking
to defend the historic, biblical
Christianity summarized in
the Five Points of Calvinism.
The first of six books is
currently available. It is
entitled, God's Sovereignty:
Who's In Control God or
Man? Rev. Otis stated
purpose for the series is to
provide a working method by
which the reader can
effectively argue the truths of
Calvinism against those who
challenge them. (p. 1) As it
is the duty of every child of
God to defend the faith once
for all delivered to the saints,
and Arminianism continues
to weaken the visible catholic
Church at a critical time in
world history, Rev. Otis series
is timely and appreciated.
The series is valuable for
several reasons. (1) It offers
the reader a unique method of
defense. Coupled with each
section is a series of small,
easy to carry, Bible memory
cards (a plastic card holder is
included with the book). On
one side, a major point in the
Calvinist defense scheme is
printed; the flip side of the
card contains the appropriate
Scripture reference. Rev. Otis
recommends that the reader
memome these Bible
references. In defending the
faith with the Arminian, the
Calvinist undermines his
cause if he cannot go to
specific Scripture passages
demonstrating that particular
truth. And then, while
quoting Scripture is certainly
useful, and all Christians
should make Bible
memorization a regular part
of their daily walk with (jod,
it is more useful in the
apologetic confrontation with
the Arminian to be able to .
open Ciod's Word together to
a specific verse. Rev. Otis
writes, It is far more affective .
to allow the other person to
see for themselves the
SCripture rather than quoting
it from memory. Remember,
We are seeking to help people
realize that the argument is
not with us but with Ciod's
Word. (p. 4) Through
periodic review and use, the
Calvinist will accumulate a
store of SCripture references to
use in defending the faith.
Such a method will no doubt
fill the Calvinist with
confidence in defending
biblical doctrine, and give
16 t THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon 'i' .December, 1996
him credibility among
professed lovers of Scripture
whom he seeks to gain for
the cause of truth.
(2) Rev. Otis demonstrates
the logical connection in the
five points and encourages
the Calvinist to use logical
progression in defending
them. He disdains a proof-
texting approach to defending
Calvinism, in which isolated
points are removed from their
context and utilized to justify
ideas contrary to the authors
original intent. Instead; he
moves through the Calvinist
system, beginning in this first
book with the character of
Ciod. From there, he
exegetically and logically
demonstrates the Scriptural
necessity of Calvinism.
(3) Rev. Otis concisely and
provocatively deals with
every major Arminian
objection to the Calvinist
system. Following biblical
principles of defending the
faith, Rev. Otis puts the
Arminianon the defense. In
his first book, he
demonstrates that
Arminianism has an eternal .
plan of God completely
subject to an uncertain future;
And, Arminianism is simply
humanism with a Christian
coating. By providing
corresponding Bible reference
cards at every major point,
Rev. Otis equips theCalvinist
to demonstrate the
same in his everyday
(4) Rev. Otis
Calvinists to
emphasize the many
practical blessings of
firm belief in God's
sovereignty over
every area of human
life. He concludes
by encouraging us to
stress that only
Calvinism, with its
commihnent to
Qod's absolute
predestinating mercy
and sovereignty,
rightly produces
thanksgiving and
praise to Qod,
humility, and
security and peace in
the Christian life.
There are other
outstanding features
as well. Each
booklet is concisely
arranged, filled with
Scripture, and
written in an
engaging manner.
Moreover, Rev. Otis
inculcates humility
and love in the
defender of
Calvinism and
demonstrates that
beautiful Christian
spirit throughout his
book. There is no
room for impatience, a sharp
tongue, and arrogance,
especially when biblical
copies of Qod's Sovereignty.
The short book (71 pp.) will
prove useful in personal study,
and would prove excellent
curriculum for Sunday schools
and Bible studies. May the
Lord will use this fresh
presentation of biblical
doctrine to ward off the
wolves of false teaching in
his Church and make his
beloved Bride pure in faith
and doctrine! n
Ca lvinism necessarily makes
the Christian humble and
I highly commend Rev.
Otis' new series to all lovers
of truth, and especially for
those seeking to learn how to
defend it amidst the doctrinal
ignorance of our day. Let me
encourage you to contact the
publisher and order several
Biblically Correct (B.c.), Not Politically Correct (PC)
Christ College
The Patrick Henry Institute
The Bahnsen Institute for
Biblical Law and Ethics (B.I.B.L.E.)
New historic and stately
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The Patrick Henry Institute,
and B.I.B.L.E., in lynchburg,
In the heart of historic
Virginia and in the foothills
of the majestic Blue Ridge
Nevv campus in historic Lynchburg, Virginia
New correspondence program beginning Fall, 1996
New one-year certificate program .in Biblical
New faculty to enhance teaching
Partnership with The Patrick Henry Institute and
affiliated Bahnsen Institute for Biblical law and Ethics
(B.I.B.L.E.), dedicated to the application of Biblical
socio-political ethics to public policy
Continued emphasiS on Reformed/Calvinist
Theology, Christian WorlcMew, and "Great Books
component. No majors. Four-year and two-year
Additional courses at evangelical Liberty University,
largest Christian co/lege in America (5000. students)
Christ College, The Patrick Henry Institute and B.I.B.L.E.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 11135, lynchburg, VA 24506
Street address: 434 RivermontAve., lynchburg, VA 24504
Phone: 804/528-9552
December, 1996 f THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon t 17

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