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As Israel announces the withdrawal of its troos fro! the Ga"a
Stri# $eorters %ithout &orders reorts that 12 'alestinian
(ournalists and one !edia wor)er ha*e +een )illed since the start of
,eration 'rotecti*e Ed-e on . /ul0# se*en of the! in connection
with their wor). This is the hi-hest toll since Israel withdrew in
More than 1,800 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and 67 Israelis (including
three civilians) have so far been illed in this o!eration, to "hich a !olitical
solution seems more distant by the day#
Whether these journalists and media workers were killed in indiscriminate
air raids or were deliberately targeted, their deaths should be
independently investigated and those responsible should be identified,$ said
%e!orters &ithout 'orders assistant research director (irginie )angles#
Journalists should not be targeted by belligerents, who must respect the
Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols, as well as UN ecurity
Council !esolution "#$%, adopted in &''(#$
*he latest media victim is +amada ,haled Maat, the head of the aja
News )gency, "ho "as illed by an Israeli air strie in northern -a.a /ity#
*he Palestinian 0ournalists1 2nion told %e!orters &ithout 'orders
that Maat "as illed outside his home at da"n after going out to cover the
air stries#
*"o Palestinian 3ournalists died on 4 5ugust as a result of Israeli air stries#
6ne "as Mohamed 7oureddin 5l8)airi, 46, a !hotogra!her "ith
the *alestinian Network for Journalism and +edia, "ho died from the
in3uries he received "hile covering an air raid on 9hu3a1iya maret on :0
0uly# +e "as not !ulled from the rubble until t"o days after the raid# *he
overall death toll from the raid on the 9hu3a1iya neighbourhood "as 17
civilians, including three 3ournalists#
*he other media fatality on 4 5ugust "as freelance 3ournalist 9hadi +amdi
5yad, 4;, "ho "asilled in his home by an Israeli air strie on 5l8<aytoun,
a neighbourhood in southeastern -a.a /ity# +is father "as also illed#
5bdullah 7asr =ah3an, 41, a s!orts 3ournalist "ith +amas8run )l,)-sa ./,
"as illed on 1 5ugust during an Israeli bombardment of the city of %afah
in the southern -a.a 9tri!#
+is brother, 5hmed =ah3an, told the Palestinian /entre for )evelo!ment and
Media =reedoms (M5)5), an 7-6, that a drone targeted him "hile he "as
doing a re!ort on Palestinians fleeing their homes in "estern %afah after
Israel announced that it "as going to bomb them#
+e "as initially taen "ith severe head in3uries to 5bu >ousef 5l87a33ar
+os!ital, and from there to the ?uro!ean hos!ital in ,han >unis, "here he
died a fe" hours later#
?m!loyees of *urey1s )natolia news agency came under stun grenade
fire from tans in the 5l8<ana region east of ,han >unis on 1 5ugust "hile
covering Palestinians returning home t"o hours after the start of ceasefire#
/ars belonging to China0s 1inhua News )gency "ere damaged by Israeli
&est 'an
!euters !hotogra!her Musa 5l8@a"asm, :1, "as in3ured "hile covering
clashes in the 'ab 5l8<a"iya district of the &est 'an city of +ebron on 4
5ugust in "hich A0 !eo!le "ere re!ortedly in3ured#
@a"asm told the Wattan news agency that Israeli
soldiers deliberately targeted him although he "as "earing a bullet!roof
vest and helmet mared BPress#$ +e "as taen to the state hos!ital in
+ebron for treatment#
*he Israeli authorities mean"hile continue to detain several Palestinian
3ournalists in the &est 'an, including re!orter and activist 'ushra 5l8
*a"il and )l,)-sa ./ cameraman 5hmed 5l8,hatib, "ho have been held
since early 0uly#
*he Israeli authorities have 3ust decided to hold Mohamed Muna, the 2uds
*ress ne"s agency1s 7ablus corres!ondent, for another siC months "ithout
trial# 5rrested on 7 5ugust 401:, he "as !laced in Badministrative$
detention by an Israeli military court#
5nd mean"hile abroad###
+amutal %ogel =uchs, the s!oesman of the Israeli embassy in 9!ain,
!osted a =aceboo entryon 1 5ugust referring to >olanda Dlvare., 9!anish
!ublic *( broadcaster ./31s 0erusalem corres!ondent, "ho is currently
re!orting from -a.a, as a !ro8+amas Bactivist#$
/alling her a Btransmission belt for 4amas messages, figures, images and
information,$ =uchs saidE B5olanda 6lvare70s dramatic reports, including
abuse of adjectives, casting and staging, and a selection of scenes serving
4amas0 interests, are nothing less than the product of an activist#$
In a statement on 4 5ugust, Macu de la /ru., the vice8!resident of
%e!orters &ithout 'orders 9!ain, saidE B)s well as being false, the
embassy0s accusations against ./30s correspondent are particularly grave
because they put her in danger#$ ./31s editorial committee described her
re!orting as BeCtraordinary#$
Posted by Thavam

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