Anda di halaman 1dari 3


Pai :
1. Eastman, George W., Wald Christoph., Crossin, Jane. Getting
Started in Clinical Radiology. New York. Thieme Stuttgart.
2006; page 49-50
2. Tsue J., Betty, Lyu E, Peter. Chest Radiography. In: Atlas of
the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics. USA. WBS.
2002; Part Viral and Bacterial Pneumonia
3. Ahuja, A.T., Antonio, G.F., Yuen H.Y. Case Studies in
Medical Imaging. NewYork. Cambridge University Press.
2006; 23-4
4. Lee, Jaw. Aspiration of Imaging. In: Lin, Eugene C.
Pneumonia. Available from updated
May 25, 2011
5. Vinay, Kumar., Ramzi S, Cotran., Stanley, L, Robbins.
TextBook of Pathology. In: Hartanto, huriawati., Darmaniah,
Nurwany., Wulandari, Nanda. Buku Ajar Patologi Edisi 7
Volume 2. Jakarta: EGC. 2007; hal 537-9, 540


Dedy :
6. Sutarto, Ade Satriyani., Budyatmoko, Bambang., Darmiati,
Sawitri. Radiologi Anak. In: Rasad, Sjahriar. Radiologi
Diagnostik. Edisi Kedua Jakarta. Balai Penerbit FK UI. 2009:
hal 400-1
7. Patel, Pradip R. Radiologi Lecture Notes. Jakarta. EMS.
2009; hal 36-7
8. Muller, Nestar L., Franquet Tomas., Kyung Soo, Lee.
Imaging of Pulmonary Infections 1
edition. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. 2007; Part Bacterial Pneumonia, page
9. Muller, Nestar L., Franquet Tomas., Kyung Soo, Lee.
Imaging of Pulmonary Infections 1
edition. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. 2007; Part Immunocompromised Host,
page 161-2
10. Ketai, Loren., Lofgren, Richard., Mecholic, Andrew J.
Fundamental of Chest Radiology. Sceond Edition.
Philadelphia: Elsevier, Inc. 2006; page 106-9, 110-1
11. Colak, Errol., Lofaro, Anthony. Clinical and Radilogy
Atlas. Webexe. 2003: Part Chest Imaging, air space (air
bronchogram and sillhoutte sign)


Caki :
12. Waugh, Anne., Grant, Allison. Anatomy and
Physiology in Health and Illness. Ninth Edition.
Spain. Elsevier Limited. 2004; page 248, 262-3
13. Fanz, Omar., Moffat, David. Anatomy at A Glance.
UK. BlackWell Publishers Company. 2002; page 15,
14. Gunderman B, Richard. Essential Radiology Second
Edition. New York. Thieme Medical Publishers.
2006; page 69,78
15. Guyton C, Arthur., Hall, John E. Textbook of
medical Physiology. In: Setiawan, Irawati. Fisiologi
Kedokteran. Jakarta. EGC. 1997: hal 673-4
16. McPhee, Stephen J., Papapdokis, Maxine A. Current
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment. California.
McGraw Hill. 2008; Part Pulmonology
17. Nurlela Budjang. Radang Paru Tidak Spesifik. In:
Rasad, Sjahriar. Radiologi Diagnostik. Edisi Kedua
Jakarta. Balai Penerbit FK UI. 2009: hal 101

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