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Circular 27/02/2014

O livro de Vassula, O Cu Real, mas o inferno tambm, publicado no ano passado, recebeu uma
importante crtica do Cardeal Prospero Grech, confira abaixo:
Mensagens para toda a humanidade, revistas por um Cardeal que as estudou...
Vassilik Claudia Pendakis, habitualmente chamada Vassula, Rydn, de casada, conhecida principalmente
pelas suas mensagens publicadas em mais de 50 idiomas atravs dos livros de A Verdadeira Vida em Deus
(TLIG / AVVD). Ela afirma que essas mensagens, escritas em uma caligrafia muito diferente da sua prpria, so
ditadas pelo seu anjo Daniel, por Deus, por Cristo, ou, pela Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria. Elas certamente tm
muitos leitores de todas as denominaes crists que se alimentam de sua espiritualidade.
Embora nascida na f grego ortodoxa, Vassula no era uma crist praticante na poca
de sua juventude; na verdade, ela era uma mulher que levava uma vida bastante
mundana, jogava tnis muito bem, atuava como modelo e pintora. O seu
conhecimento da f era mnimo, embora adolescente tenha tido experincias msticas
de ser livrada de alguns ataques do maligno, ou de ser transportada para o passado,
por exemplo, para assistir crucifixo de J esus.
Vassula estava com quarenta e quatro anos, vivendo em Bangladesh, quando sua
primeira experincia mstica aconteceu, uma experincia que levou sua converso e
a uma progressiva conscincia do quanto tinha sido favorecida por Deus e estava
sendo chamada para uma misso especfica. Como ela nunca lera qualquer livro de
teologia, seu conhecimento sobre o assunto foi obtido atravs das mensagens que recebeu.
Vassula acabou por dar palestras sobre as mensagens em todo o mundo, muitas vezes para grandes multides de
pessoas. Como o seu sucesso cresceu, e muitos catlicos estivessem participando de suas reunies, isso no
poderia deixar de provocar uma reao da Igreja Catlica. A Igreja tem sido sempre muito cautelosa em relao
s revelaes privadas. Em 1995, a Congregao para a Doutrina da F (CDF) publicou uma "notificao",
orientando os bispos e o clero a proibir os fiis de participarem de suas reunies, pois havia dvidas sobre a
autenticidade de tais revelaes. Em seguida a um pedido apresentado por Vassula, a CDF decidiu entrar em
dilogo com ela, e formulou algumas perguntas sobre ela e suas mensagens. Escrevi pessoalmente para ela em
nome da CDF. Sua resposta foi precisa e sincera, ento, acreditou-se que a CDF se satisfez. O ento Prefeito da
CDF, o Cardeal Ratzinger, concedeu-lhe uma audincia, e a correspondncia foi interpretada como permisso
para deixar a cargo dos bispos decidirem. No entanto, em 2007, o sucessor de Ratzinger, o Cardeal Levada
reiterou que a notificao ainda estava em vigor.
Os ortodoxos no foram menos hostis para com sua irm de f. Enquanto alguns patriarcas mostraram-se
favorveis, outros atacaram e ameaaram-na ferozmente, at mesmo de morte. Entretanto ela ainda continua
divulgando serenamente suas mensagens em todo o mundo.
Este o ambiente em que o livro sob revista deve ser discutido. Oslivros
anteriores de Vassula continham apenas "mensagens" do Cu. A presente
publicao uma espcie de autobiografia, apologia e um apelo; mas o seu
verdadeiro gnero literrio e teolgico apocalptico. Este termo deve ser
entendido no seu sentido bblico de revelaes que retratam o estado atual da
histria como um conflito entre o bem e o mal, e fornecem a chave para
interpretar os "sinais dos tempos", bem como um convite para dar ateno aos
avisos de Deus.
A parte autobiogrfica coloca as mensagens no contexto do desenvolvimento da
conscincia espiritual de Vassula. Repetidamente ela confessa que seu dom
completamente imerecido e que s se deve graa de Deus. O leitor logo percebe
a sua dificuldade em aceitar esse dom que igualmente um fardo. Trechos das
mensagens so citados aqui e acol. A autora escreve com humildade, mas no
deixar margens para qualquer dvida quanto autenticidade das suas mensagens.
A razo pela qual o livro pertence ao gnero apocalptico que apocalipse
significa "revelao" em grego; o escritor usa smbolos para exprimir em sonhos, vises e audies que se
repetem com freqncia. A derradeira mensagem deste gnero encorajar os crentes que se encontram em um
estado de stress a perseverarem na sua f e responder ao amor de Deus. A recusa em aceitar a oferta de
reconciliao com Deus muitas vezes provoca ameaas de Deus, da o ttulo do livro, o cu Real, mas o
inferno tambm.
O livro de leitura fcil, escrito em um estilo claro e sincero. O problema , naturalmente, se essas mensagens
so realmente ditadas, e quo doutrinariamente aceitveis elas so. No sou especialista em fenmenos msticos,
especialmente porque Vassula tambm teve semelhantes sensaes antes de sua converso. No entanto, mesmo
se reduzirmos essas mensagens ao seu mnimo denominador comum e as chamarmos meditaes pessoais,
nenhuma verdadeira meditao - e Vassula uma mulher que passa horas em profunda orao o fruto do
Esprito Santo. Alm disso, se o resultado dessas mensagens que elas ajudaram pessoas a se voltarem para
Deus e reformarem suas vidas, no h razo para rejeit-las sinceramente.
No encontrei neste livro nada de substancial para objetar em relao f, principalmente se ele for lido no seu
prprio gnero literrio. Tambm temos que lembrar que Vassula no catlica romana, mas grega ortodoxa.
Por exemplo, ela insiste que restabelecer a unidade na Igreja, com todas as confisses se curvando um pouco
para convergir para Cristo, o principal objetivo do presente movimento ecumnico. Ela acusada pelos lderes
religiosos ortodoxos de ser uma agente infiltrada da Igreja romana. Como ela vislumbra esta unidade, no
entanto, ainda est por ser descrito, mas evidente nas suas mensagens que ela v "Pedro", o Papa, como o
primeiro lder entre todos os irmos. De qualquer forma, a principal mensagem do presente livro transmitir ao
leitor que Deus ama a todos e cada um de ns e est de braos abertos para receber qualquer pecador
arrependido. Muitos acontecimentos da histria recente so lidos luz das Revelaes de J oo como sinais para
chamar o mundo a reconsiderar nossa relao com Deus, que, apesar de sua essncia ser Amor, igualmente
justo e tambm pode punir.
Tivesse este livro sido publicado mais cedo, aps a resposta de Vassula s questes colocadas pela CDF,
possivelmente a deciso de aceitar a ela e s suas mensagens teria sido deixada para os bispos locais e os
procos decidirem.
*** Sobre o Cardeal Grech
Foi em 2002 que o Pe. Prospero Grech foi indicado pelo ento Cardeal Ratzinger para perguntar a Vassula, em
nome da CDF, certas questes relativas a A Verdadeira Vida em Deus. As questes com as respostas de
Vassula podem ser lidas em
Padre Grech foi feito Cardeal em 2012 e proferiu a meditao de abertura do conclave de 2013 que elegeu o
Papa Francisco.
A crtica do Cardeal Grech do livro de Vassula foi publicada no nmero de Janeiro de 2014 da respeitvel
revista, Inside the Vatican. A revista pode ser lida em Esta
pgina da web na verdade no inclui o nome do Cardeal Grech na crtica, mas o artigo original na revista
especifica o autor, como pode ser visto na seguinte cpia da revista
14/3/2014 Inside The Vatican - News & Analysis on the Church & The World 1/11
The Moynihan Report The Moynihan Letters Cart | Subscribe
New s and analysis on the Church and the w orld
Letter #8, 201 4: Other
Francis Opens to Publ ic
the Gardens at Castel
Gandol fo
Letter #8, 2014: Other
Letter #7 : No to Nuclear
Vassula Rydns messages
reviewed by Cardinal
Letter #6: Ukraine
(continued #2)
We must detach ourselves
from idols and build our
life on what is essential
Vassula Rydns messages reviewed by Cardinal
March 13, 2014
Vassi l i k Cl audi a Pendaki s, commonl y cal l ed Vassul a, marri ed Rydn, i s
mai nl y known through her messages publ i shed i n more than 50 l anguage
versi ons i n the True Li fe i n God (TLIG) books. She cl ai ms th...
14/3/2014 Inside The Vatican - News & Analysis on the Church & The World 2/11
Put your sword back in its place, for those
who live by the sword will die by the sword.
(Matthew 26:52) These are the words of
Jesus, who is about to be arrested by the
soldiers of the Sanhedrin; he is saying that
if one uses violence, or other harsh means,
against others, one can []
Letter #7: No to
Nucl ear Weapons
There is the the possibility of civil war in
Ukraine, the danger of the use of nuclear
weapons, and the inadequacy of our
present global political leadership. The
word nuclear has been mentioned several
times by prominent leaders in recent days.
One example, from March 12: KIEV,
Ukraine Ukraine may have to arm itself
with []
Vassul a Rydns
messages reviewed by
Where Splendor of Art and Glory of Nature
Coexist in Admirable Equilibrium Rome,
March 03, 2014 A statement from the
director of the Vatican Museums says it was
Pope Francis himself who decided to make
accessible to everyone the gardens of the
Pontifical Villas where the splendor of art
and the glory of nature co-exist []
Pope Franciss favorite
Surrounded on three sides by the Alps
including Monviso where the Po River
rises, Piemonte or Piedmont is a region of
northwest Italy, bordered on the west by
France, on the east by Lombardy, on the
north by Val DAosta and Switzerland, and
on the south by Liguria and a very small
fragment of Emilia []
Vatican Activity recap
14/3/2014 Inside The Vatican - News & Analysis on the Church & The World 3/11
Vassilik Claudia Pendakis, commonly
called Vassula, married Rydn, is mainly
known through her messages published in
more than 50 language versions in the True
Life in God (TLIG) books. She claims that
these messages, written in a handwriting
which is different from her own, are
dictated by her angel Daniel, by God, by
Christ or []
Letter #6: Ukraine
( continued #2)
Russian troops moving toward Crimea A
link to a dashcam video of Russian military
vehicles, posted yesterday on the internet.
It only takes a few seconds to load it and
see what is happening. The poster of the
video says it was taken on March 7
(yesterday) on a highway near the city of
We must detach
oursel ves from idol s
and buil d our l ife on what is
Anticipating the December 12 Feast of Our
Lady of Guada lupe, patroness of the
Americas, Pope Francis said, I ask all the
people of the Americas to open wide their
arms, like the Virgin, with love and
tenderness. Speaking in Spanish during his
general audience, the first []
Peopl e around the
TIMOTHY SCHMALZs bronze sculpture
Jesus the Homeless had been rejected by
St. Patricks Cathedral in New York and St.
Michaels Cathedral in Toronto. But in late
November, Pope Francis blessed the
sculpture at one of his weekly general
audiences in front of thousands of eager
pilgrims. The pontiff touched []
Interview with a papal
portraitist, Natal ia
14/3/2014 Inside The Vatican - News & Analysis on the Church & The World 5/11
English translation of Pope Francis
interview with Ferruccio de Bortoli that
appeared March 5, 2014 in Corriere della
Sera. In an Interview with Corriere della
Sera, Bergoglio Talks About His
Revolutionary First Year at the Head of the
Church The truth is that I do not feel
nostalgia for Argentina One year has gone
The Vatican Publishing House has issued a
collection of conversations held by Servant
of God Vietnamese Cardinal Franois-
Xavier Van Thun, who worked in the
Vatican as vice-president and then-
president of the Pontifical Council for
Justice and Peace from 1994 to 2002. The
book, for the moment only in Italian,
features words and dialogues from a []
More Magazine Articles
The Anal ogy of Being According to Father Jos
Al fonso Sal azar
In his ground-breaking text The True Believer, Father Jos Alfonso
Salazar, M.S.A. (the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, a
new congregation of the Franciscan family), argues that the analogy of
being (Wisdom 13:5, Romans 1:20), is the overall transcendental concept which points
unequivocally to the full truth of the Roman Catholic faith []
14/3/2014 Inside The Vatican - News & Analysis on the Church & The World 6/11
The Leading Rome-Born Renaissance Painter
On display until February 2 on the ground floor of the majestic Palazzo Barberini, built by
Maffei Barberini for his family beginning in 1623 when he was elected Pope Urban VIII, and
today home to one of the Eternal Citys most important painting collections, is Antoniazzo
Romano: Pictor Urbis. Its the first monographic exhibition ever []
14/3/2014 Vassula Rydn' s messages reviewed by Cardinal - Inside The Vatican 1/7
The Moynihan Report The Moynihan Letters Cart | Subscribe
New s and analysis on the Church and the w orld
T h e a u t h or , V a ssu l a Ry de n .
Vassula Rydns
messages reviewed by
Vassilik Claudia Pendakis, commonly called
Vassula, married Rydn, is mainly known
through her messages published in more than 50
language versions in the True Life in God (TLIG)
books. She claims that these messages, written in
a handwriting which is different from her own,
are dictated by her angel Daniel, by God, by
Christ or by the Blessed Virgin. They certainly
have many readers from all Christian
denominations who are nourished by their
Although born in the Greek Orthodox faith,
Vassula was not a practicing Christian in her
earlier years; in fact, she was quite a worldly young woman who played tennis well,
modelled and painted. Her knowledge of the faith was at a minimum, though as a
teenager she had some mystical experiences of being delivered from some imminent
evil, or of being transported into the past, for example, to assist at Jesus crucifixion.
Vassula was in her 40s, living in Bangladesh, when her first mystical experience
occurred, an experience that led to her conversion and a progressive awareness that
she had been favored by God and was being called to a specific mission. As she had
14/3/2014 Vassula Rydn' s messages reviewed by Cardinal - Inside The Vatican 2/7
He a v e n Is Re a l Bu t So Is
He l l a n e y e wi t n e ss
a ccou n t of wh a t i s t o
com e .
never read any books of theology, her knowledge of this subject is due to the messages
she received.
Vassula ended up by giving talks based on the messages all over the world, sometimes
to huge crowds of people. As her success grew, and many Catholics were taking part in
her meetings, this could not but provoke a reaction from the Catholic Church. The
Church has always been very wary of private revelations. In 1995, the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published a notification, warning bishops, clergy and
the faithful against certain aspects of her writings, as there were doubts about the
authenticity of these revelations. Subsequent to a request by Vassula, the CDF decided
to enter into dialogue with her and formulated some questions regarding her and her
messages. I personally wrote to her in the name of the CDF. Her response was precise
and sincere, so it was thought that the CDF was satisfied. The then-Prefect of the CDF,
Cardinal Ratzinger, gave her an audience, and the correspondence was interpreted as
permission to leave it to the bishops to decide. In 2007 , however, Ratzingers
successor Cardinal Levada reiterated that the Notification was still in force.
The Orthodox were no less hostile to their own co-religionist. While some patriarchs
showed themselves favorable, others attacked and threatened her fiercely, even with
death. She still goes on, however, delivering imperturbably her messages all over the
This is the climate in which the book under review is to
be discussed. Vassulas previous books had contained
just messages from Above. The present publication is
a sort of autobiography, apologia and appeal; but its
true literary and theological genre is apocalyptic. This
term should be understood in its biblical sense of
revelations that portray the present status of history as
a conflict between good and evil and provide a key to
interpret the signs of the times, as well as an invitation
to heed Gods warnings.
The autobiographic part places the messages in the
context of Vassulas developing spiritual awareness. She
repeatedly confesses that her gift is totally unmerited
and that it is only due to Gods favor. The reader
immediately perceives her difficulty in accepting such a
gift which is equally a burden. Snatches of the messages are quoted here and there. The
author writes with humility but will entertain no doubts as to the authenticity of her
messages. The reason why the book belongs to the apocalyptic genre is that apocalypse
means revelation in Greek; the writer uses symbols to express himself or herself in
dreams, visions and auditions that recur frequently. The ultimate message in this genre
is to encourage believers who find themselves in a state of stress to persevere in their
faith and respond to Gods love. The refusal to accept Gods offer of reconciliation often
14/3/2014 Vassula Rydn' s messages reviewed by Cardinal - Inside The Vatican 3/7
provokes threats from God, hence the books title, Heaven is Real, But So is Hell.
The volume makes easy reading, written in a clear style and with sincerity. The problem
is, of course, whether these messages are really dictated, and how doctrinally
acceptable they are. I am no expert in mystical phenomena, especially as Vassula also
had similar sensations prior to her conversion. However, even if we reduce these
messages to their least common denominator and call them personified meditations,
any true meditation and Vassula is a woman who spent hours in deep prayer is the
fruit of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, if the outcome of these messages is that they have
helped people to turn to God and reform their lives, there is no reason to reject them
I have found nothing substantial to object to as regards faith in this book, especially if it
is read in its proper literary genre. We also have to keep in mind that Vassula is not a
Roman Catholic, but Greek Orthodox. For example, she insists that reestablishing unity
in the Church by all confessions bending a bit to converge toward Christ is the main
purpose of the present ecumenical movement. She is accused by her co-religionists as
being a Roman infiltrator. How she envisions this unity, however, is still to be defined,
but it is clear from her messages that she sees Peter, the Pope, to be a first leader
among brethren. Anyway, the main message of the present volume is to convey to the
reader that God loves each and every one of us and stands with open arms to receive
any repentant sinner. Many events in recent history are read in the light of Johns
Revelation as signs to recall the world to reconsider our relationship with God, who,
though his essence is Love, is also just and can also punish.
Had this book been published earlier, after Vassulas response to the questions put to
her by the CDF, perhaps the decision to accept her and her messages would have been
left to the local bishops and parish priests to decide.
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Letter #8, 2014: Other
Letter #7 : No to Nuclear
Vassula Rydns messages
reviewed by Cardinal
Letter #6: Ukraine
(continued #2)
We must detach ourselves
from idols and build our
life on what is essential
Vassula Rydns messages reviewed by Cardinal
March 13, 2014
Vassi l i k Cl audi a Pendaki s, commonl y cal l ed Vassul a, marri ed Rydn, i s
mai nl y known through her messages publ i shed i n more than 50 l anguage
versi ons i n the True Li fe i n God (TLIG) books. She cl ai ms th...

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