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Compare and contrast Mahavajsa and Dipavajsa

Mahavajsa is the chronicle that explains about the Buddhas visit to Sri Lanka. The bringing
of Buddhism to Sri Lanka b Mahinda Thera. The arrival of Savghamitta and thereafter up to
the !ing Mahasenas reign for the histor of Sri Lanka.
The pre"Buddhist of Sri Lanka is dealt #ith. $t also explains the councils that took place in
$ndia. Dipavajsa also explains the same facts% although both chronicles #ith regards to the
topics included about the histor of Sri Lanka and $ndia. There are differences of both
Dipavajsa #as the first chronicle. $t #as #ritten #ith the help of Sihalatthakatha% various
historical records in the monaster have been useful to #rite Dipavajsa. Dipavajsa is not a
full complete chronicle like Mahavajsa. $t had not been revised and earl stan&as #ere 'ust
included. Some even believe that Mahavajsa is a commentar #ritten on Dipavajsa. !ing
Dhatusena% after performing the festival of Mahinda% had ordered to recite the stan&as of
Dipavajsa. (ccording to )ldenberg% during the period of !ing Dhatusena% he had asked the
monks to #rite an interpretation to Dipavajsa% some believe that Mahavajsa #as an outcome
of this re*uest. But Mahavajsa never mentions that such a re*uest #as made. +o#ever% there
are close similarities bet#een these t#o chronicles #ith the reference to the contents.
(lthough there are dra#backs in the Dipavajsa% it includes historical essence. )ne must read
the Dipavajsa ver carefull and extracts the essence from it #hereas in the Mahavajsa texts
are ver clear.
Dipavajsa outstanding characteristics
$t is based on pali atthakathas% there are man authors% the are supposed to be nuns. The
#ere #ritten from time to time #ith addition. The language #as dull diction and the are
Mahavajsa outstanding Characteristics
Mahavajsa #as based on Sihalatthakatha. The language is lucid% it has the stle of ancient
pali texts. Some believe that since !ing Dhtusena published Dipavajsa% Mahavajsa #as
#ritten according to his re*uest. Mahavajsa #as #ritten b one single author% he #as thera
Mahanama of Mahavihara. There are similarities of Buddhist chronicles% sometimes #ord
to #ord #ith reference to sub'ect matter% there are similarities because both include mths%
legends% religions% social and political facts.
(lthough facts are similar% there are differences in numeral figures and facts.
Dipavajsa Mahavajsa
,. The Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree%
thought about his future preaching
-. Dipavajsa does not mention about placing
his footprint at Samantakutha
.. Dipavajsa mentions the Mahasammanta
tradition but names of kings different from
/. The coming of !ing 0i'aa. 1iving
3. Dipavajsa mentions about the king of
1. Mahavajsa does not menton
2. $t mentions this fact
3. 4ames of kings Mahasammata
tradition is given but names are
different from Dapavajsa
4. The coming of 0i'aa explains #ell
5. (ll the places of #arfare are given
5andukabhaa but do not give places
#here he entered into #ar
6. (dvent of Mahinda thera explains #ell
than Mahavajsa
7. Briefl explains accepting Mahavihara
and bringing in the Bodhi"tree and relics
8. ,8 stan&as for Dutthagamini
9. Mentions about Mahasanghikas
,:. Describes about Mahasena in brief
,,. Sena and 1uttika ruled for ,- ears
,-. ;asalakatissa ruled for 8 ears
,.. !ing (bhaa ruled for -- ears
,/. (fter king (bhaa% king Tissaru ruled
6. <
7. These are explained in detail
8. Mahavajsa has man chapters for
9. More details about Mahasavghikas
10. Describes in detail about the king
Mahasena did to Mahavihara
11. Mahavajsa records that the =Sena
and 1uttika> ruled for -- ears
12. $n the Mahavajsa% he =i.e.
;asakatissa> ruled for 7 ears
13. !ing (bhaa ruled for 8 ears
14. (fter !ing Tissa% king (bhaa ruled
the countr

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