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In a country, Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or

hostility. Peace isnt the absence of violence but rather the presence of justice. In a society, peace
happens when different desires are in one agreement. Peace is based on many things, culture,
education, family values, experience, & history but the basis is the same----to co-exist without war,
illing, & overpowering a fellow being.In my country, !alaysia urgently needs peace in order to
avoid the undesirable things lie demonstrations illegal, unlawful assembly, war and social
phenomena that are more serious today.!alaysia is a paradise because of adverse events are rare
here, especially the threat of natural disasters and war. People live in peace and security alongside
current rapid development of modernity. Peace is what gives a positive image to the extent that
many countries jealous of the success of the !alaysia.
"ccording to us, Peace is the feeling that all#s right with the world. $e have to remember
that favors independence and peace enjoyed by people of this country need to be preserved because
it is the result of sacrifice predecessors.$e should be integrity,humanity toward others,tolerant,
patient,indness and self-control in order to avoid disputes and misunderstandings by being united
in our life.%he character between the various ethnic groups are very important to create harmony
and the spirit to fight for the country, not to our own race or etnic.$e should always respect each
other regardless of status, race or religion.$e have no right to critic or condemn the customs and
beliefs of other races. $e can feel the harmony of peace when everyone around us happy and eager
to love.%his will bring us to share mutual trust and respect for people around us.
&owever, in todays world, peace and harmony face various threats and conflicts. %errorism,
regional imbalance, economic disparity, and social ine'uality are some of the factors which threaten
peace today. !ore people forget the favor of peace in their lives because they are too busy chasing
wealth and build their career in today. %hey have not reali(e that peace can favour that they can
shape society towards a united and tolerant. $e all are so engrossed in our busy lifestyles and yet
want our lives to be peaceful. $e expect that peace to be omnipresent but what we need to reali(e is
the fact that if we want peace.It should be responbility to all people in the world to fully tae on
their country to eep the peace, including peace in the aspect of self, society, etc.
Its not enough to stand around asing if world peace will ever happen because that wont do
anything.)ot only the government should tae on this responsibility, but the role of other parties
such as the community, teachers, the media and students must play their part sendiri.In school,
teachers should apply all the security in the students so that students can appreciate the real meaning
of peace. "ctions spea louder than any words. If everyone starts living the peaceful, loving way,
things will change. *ut someone has to start and lead by example. !ahatma +andhi once said ,-ou
must be the change you wish to see in the world..
$e cant rely on anyone else to do this. $e have to do these.
"cceptance, compassion, and tolerance are the foundation of peace.
!ahatma +andhi showed that peace ends suffering and oppression, not by warring against an
enemy but by bearing witness to wrongs and allowing sympathy and common humanity to do their
patient wor. )elson !andela and !other %eresa lived different aspects of peace, which was
proven to be a viable way to achieve great things.
In the end, I would lie to conclude by presenting this touching poem I found in net.$e hope that
peace can brought us for mae sustainable development for our country and world,unity toward
each others and interpendency .
I too a wal the other day
and I ased Peace to come with me.
$e waled in silence most of the way
but then
Peace whispered that she
had something to say.
/he sang a song about Peace on 0arth
and held my hand in friendship
/he looed into my eyes
in a compassionate way
/he danced lie the wind
on a calm summers eve,
and then breathed a sigh
which calmed my nerves.
/he made a wish that,
by her hand,
wars would end
oppression would end
"nd 1ustice would reign.
Peace too me in her arms
and roced me to sleep
"nd while I dreamed,
Peace became me.

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