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You Dont Need a title to be a Leader

Intro: Leadership is positive influence.

Ch. 1: What good is a title? An intangible accolade means nothing- but your commitment to improving
your organization means everything.
People without prestigious titles still can be leaders. In fact, a leader doesnt need an important
Non-titled leaders lead others though they have no direct responsibility to do so.
When you are a positive difference, you lead.
Ch. 2:
Leaders strive to make things better.
It is the accumulation of singular acts-decisions that make a leader.
Leaders consistently persevere, taking on both the unwanted and prestigious tasks.
Ch. 3:
ROI = relationships, outcomes, investments.
Leaders offer great service
Leaders actively seek out ways to improve relationships/business.
Ch. 4:
Self-mastery, fulfillment of potential, is key.
View each task as opportunity, not obligation.
Dont view responsibilities as such (obligations). Its an opportunity you wanna take advantage of like
Kate Upton.
You must find meaning in your work. Dont separate the money making aspect from the rest of your life.
Everything should be enjoyable. Seek to serve others on this pursuit.
The path you seek is not easy. You must design your life around you. It will be hard, the path will be
filled with tears and adversity. But at the end when the superficial has been burnt away, the day will be
yours- destiny will become your slave.
Become a great thinker- receive and analyze new information consistently.
Dont confuse activity with accomplishment. Just because you are staying busy does not mean that you
are doing something worthwhile. Also, take time out of the day to think- seriously think.
Take control of the things you have control over in your life, and dont worry about the things that you
dont have control over.
How do you stay motivated; how do you give your life meaning? First off, never stop doing what you
1. Make time to reflect. What can I learn from such and such a circumstance?
2. Dream HUGE!
3. Mirror the successful
4. Every once in a while, hide yourself away and do a serious self-evaluation.
5. Mentor someone else.
6. Be grateful and appreciate what you have in life!
7. Are you a victim? Or do you say what can I do to make it better?
8. Although this is really clichd and overused, stay positive!
Have integrity!!! Keep the promises you make both to yourself and to others. The ratio should be heavily
weighted in the direction of truthfulness.
Stimulate your brain; read about areas in which you dont have expertise.
Record a good idea/insight as soon as it comes to mind so you dont forget!
Pick a problem and come up with solutions to push yourself.
Focus/determination can beat intellect.

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