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Sec. 14.

Contents of Decision
Donnina C. Halley v. Printwell, Inc. G.R. No. 157549. May 30, 2011
FACTS: The petitioner, Donna C. Halley, a! an in"orporator an# ori$inal #ire"tor o% &'!ine!! Me#ia
(hilippine!, )n". *&M()+. Re!pon#ent (rintell a! en$a$e# in "o,,er"ial an# in#'!trial printin$. &M()
"ontra"te# (rintell %or the printin$ o% the ,a$a-ine (hilippine!, )n"., in"l'#in$ rapper! an#
!'.!"ription "ar#!, that &M() p'.li!he# an# !ol#. )n the perio# %ro, /" 11, 1900 to 1'ly 12, 1909,
BMPI place wit! Printwell several orers on creit, pro2e# .y in2oi"e! an# #eli2ery re"eipt!
a,o'ntin$ to (313,342.73. Consierin" t!at BMPI pai only P#$,%%%.%%, Printwell s&e BMPI %or
the "olle"tion o% the 'npai# .alan"e in the RTC. The RTC ren#ere# a #e"i!ion in %a2or o% (rintell.
/n appeal, the C4 a%%ir,e# the RTC in toto. The petitioner "onten#! that the C4 erre# in a%%ir,in$ the
RTC !in"e the 'TC ecision (erely lifte ver)ati( fro( t!e (e(oran&( of Printwell, an# !'.,it!
that the RTC there.y 2iolate# the re5'ire,ent i,po!e# in 6e"tion 14, 4rti"le 7))) o% the Con!tit'tion a!
ell a! in 6e"tion 1, R'le 33 o% the Rules of Court, to t!e effect t!at a *&"(ent or final orer of a
co&rt s!o&l state clearly an istinctly t!e facts an t!e law on w!ic! it is )ase. The petitioner
"lai,! that the RTC8! 2iolation in#i"ate# that the RTC #i# not analy-e the "a!e .e%ore ren#erin$ it!
#e"i!ion, th'! #enyin$ her the opport'nity to analy-e the #e"i!ion
ISS+,- 9hether the "o'rt o% appeal! erre# in a%%ir,in$ in toto the #e"i!ion that #i# not !tate the %a"t! an#
the la 'pon hi"h the :'#$,ent a! .a!e# .'t ,erely "opie# the "ontent! o% re!pon#ent8! ,e,oran#',
a#optin$ the !a,e a! the rea!on %or the #e"i!ion
H,.D- /0. It is to )e o)serve in t!is connection t!at a trial or appellate *&"e (ay occasionally
view a party1s (e(oran&( or )rief as wort!y of &e consieration eit!er entirely or partly. 9hen
he #oe! !o, the :'#$e ,ay a#opt an# in"orporate in hi! a#:'#i"ation the ,e,oran#', or the part! o% it he
#ee,! !'ita.le, an# yet not .e $'ilty o% the a""'!ation o% li%tin$ or "opyin$ %ro, the ,e,oran#',. Thi!
i! .e"a'!e o% the a2oe# o.:e"ti2e o% the ,e,oran#', to "ontri.'te in the proper ill',ination an#
"orre"t #eter,ination o% the "ontro2er!y. Nor i! there anythin$ 'ntoar# in the "on$r'en"e o% i#ea! an#
2ie! a.o't the le$al i!!'e! .eteen hi,!el% an# the party #ra%tin$ the ,e,oran#',. The %re5'en"y o%
!i,ilaritie! in ar$',entation, phra!eolo$y, e;pre!!ion, an# "itation o% a'thoritie! .eteen the #e"i!ion! o%
the "o'rt! an# the ,e,oran#a o% the partie!, hi"h ,ay .e $reat or !,all, "an .e %airly attri.'ta.le to the
a#heren"e .y o'r "o'rt! o% la an# the le$al pro%e!!ion to i#ely <no nor 'ni2er!ally a""epte#
pre"e#ent! !et in earlier :'#i"ial a"tion! ith i#enti"al %a"t'al ,ilie'! or po!in$ relate# :'#i"ial #ile,,a!.
The RTC #i# "o,ply ith the re5'ire,ent! re$ar#in$ the "ontent an# the ,anner o% ritin$ a #e"i!ion
pre!"ri.e# in the Con!tit'tion an# the Rules of Court. T!e ecision of t!e 'TC containe clear an
istinct finin"s of facts, an state t!e applica)le law an *&rispr&ence, f&lly e2plainin" w!y t!e
efenants were )ein" !el lia)le to t!e plaintiff. )n !hort, the rea#er a! at on"e in%or,e# o% the
%a"t'al an# le$al rea!on! %or the 'lti,ate re!'lt.

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