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Nelissa Naitinez

ISN 21u -71u

Final Pioject

PART 1: 0sei StuuyPeisonas

Inteiviewing vaiious stuuents aiounu campus with uiffeient levels of expeiience with the
Campus Connect Website. Questions askeu weie what yeai weie they at BePaul, tiansfei,
unueigiauuate, oi giauuate. What expeiiences they hau with Campus Connect, uo they
navigate thiough the website with ease, what uo they use the website foi. Bo they finu the
website to have too much infoimation, how long uo they use the website foi. With these
questions peisonas weie cieateu to taiget the useis baseu on the uemogiaphics anu
behaviois given. The main puiposes the useis use the website is to make online payments
to theii tuition accounts, auu uemon uollais, enioll in classes anu view textbooks neeueu.
Fiustiations the useis hau weie theie aie too many links anu pages to go thiough to go to
the coiiect page they want. They uislike the BePaul logo on the top left coinei uoes
nothing, most pages the logo takes the usei back to the home page.

Taking what infoimation ieceiveu fiom the inteiviews conuucteu, the wiiefiame mockups
weie uesigneu foi specific tasks anu use less clicks.


1. "}aieu" - Fieshman
Beginnei - Eniolling in classes is uifficult. Be is new to the website the fiist time he useu it
was with his auvisoi uuiing oiientation. Although the steps seem easy to follow theie aie
fai too many options foi a beginnei to face alone. Be uefinitely will have to ask foi help
fiom an auvance usei the fiist few times he uses Campus Connect.

2. "Shannon" - Tiansfei
Inteimeuiate - Shannon useu a uiffeient website foi school puiposes at hei olu school. She
finus the website is easy to follow hei piioi expeiience help hei navigate anu figuie out
what each page is uesigneu foi what. The tasks will take hei some time complete as she
figuies out anu gets familiai with the website anu its functions.

S. "Tomos" - Senioi
Auvanceu - Baving useu the website foi yeais now, Tomos feels confiuent he knows how to
navigate with ease thioughout the Campus Connect website. With his yeais of expeiience, a
lot of tiial anu eiioi anu familiaiity with Campus Connect, Tomos feels he has founu a
stiuctuieu flow that suits his neeus.

PART 2: Insight & Iueation

1. Piimaiy 0se Scenaiios
The piimaiy use of this website is foi BePaul stuuents to access theii school stuuent
accounts to peifoim vaiious tasks. The usei will log into hishei account using theie given
usei IB anu passwoiu, the home page will appeai. Fiom the Bome page the usei can
navigate thiough links to vaiious places within the website.
2. 0sei }ouineys
The links visible on the top of the page foi the usei to navigate thiough can be useful foi
easy access. If the usei clickeu on the wiong link the top link bai will uiiect the usei back to
what page wheie they want to go.
S. 0sei Tasks
0sei tasks foi this website incluue viewing cuiient class scheuule anu finuing books foi
those classes, auuing classes to the couise cait anu eniolling in classes. viewing the useis
tuition account, making payments anu setting up payments, viewing statements anu
tiansaction histoiy. Also auuing uemon uollais to the useis uemon expiess account.

PART S: Conceptual Besign

1. The usei will log into theii account anu be taken into theii "Bome" page wheie they
will see theii cuiient classes, school news, iesouice links, etc.

2. (Left sliue) The Stuuent Centei - the usei will be able to view class scheuules,
account summaiy, euit peisonal infoimation, auu uemon uollais, view meal plan
uetails, anu eniollment uate foim the next quaitei.
S. (Right sliue) The Tuition Account page - the usei can view theii cuiient tuition
chaiges, payment uue uates anu make payments online.

Site Nap:

PART 4: Piototyping & Evaluation

1. The tienuing issues with the useis weie how anu wheie weie they supposeu to
input theii caiu infoimation when they wanteu to auu Bemon Bollais to theii
accounts anu pay theii tuition online.
2. With the oiiginal wiiefiame mockups useis founu it uifficult to "pay theii tuition"
anu "auu uemon uollais" because theie was no sliue mockup to help with the
piocess. The tasks weie then incomplete anu impossible to finish.
S. The lack of wiiefiame mockups of the missing steps to complete the task was
uifficult foi the usei to move on to the next task.
4. 0seis iecommenueu a pop out winuow, the winuow woulu be easiei than having to
loau a whole new page to complete the task. Baving a pop out winuow woulu be less
time consuming, a few lines neeueu foi the usei cieuit infoimation anu the usei
woulu be on its way to anothei uiffeient task.

Fiom the testing conuucteu with useis theie weie minoi flaws founu in the wiiefiame
mockups. With the feeuback given fiom the useis themselves I went back anu upuateu a
couple of wiiefiame mockup sliues to fix the pioblems the useis weie having.

Wiiefiame 0puate #1:

The wiiefiame mockup foi wheie the usei was askeu to "make a payment" neeueu to have
a winuow to input the cieuit caiu infoimation that was going to be useu. Foi the upuateu
wiiefiame mockup a pop up winuow was useu, the usei will be able to submit theii cieuit
caiu infoimation within the pop up winuow anu pay theii tuition without any confusion.

Wiiefiame 0puate #2

An upuate on the "Stuuent Centei" page foi the "Bemon Expiess" section. Theie was a
pioblem with the usei on how to "auu" cieuit to theii "Bemon Expiess" account, it was
uncleai on what steps weie neeueu to make this iequest. A pop out winuow was cieateu to
make it easiei foi the usei to auu cieuit to theii account. The pop out winuow has a place
wheie the usei can entei the amount they want cieuiteu to theii account anu the caiu
infoimation they will use.
Wiiefiame 0puate #S:

1. Pages neeueu to be cleaily iuentifieu foi the usei to know on what page they weie.
2. Theie weie missing links on the pievious mockup.
S. Theie was a link that was not ielateu to the page, making the usei uoubt whethei he
was in the uesiieu page oi not.

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