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1 Tentative book title and subtitle (if any):
Intellectual Property Rights: Drafting, Interpretation of Patent Specifications and Claims
2 Author's/Editors full name:
Dr !" #athore Dr "$ $athur
Dean Associate Professor
College of Technology and Engineering Department of Farm achinery ! Po"er Engineering
#daipur College of Technology and Engineering
% &osition and Affiliation ('lease en(lose your (urri(ulum vitae):
Attached as Anne)ure* A + ,
- .ourses tau/ht at 01 and &1 levels
$i%en as in Anne)ure 2 A + ,
3 4ull $ailin/ addresses (home):
Dr "$ $athur
R&'(, #ni%ersity Campus, #daipur )Ra*asthan+&,',--', India
5 Tele'hone: 6ork -(./&(/0-''. 7ome -(./&(/0'1-/ 4a) -(./&(/0'-21
Email shiloo(--.3gmail4com
8 &lease list details of (o*author(s) or tentative (ontributors and their affiliations9 'hone details +
$r Anshul #athi
Assistant Professor, Centre for Technology anagement, College of Technology and Engineering, #daipur
)Ra*asthan+, India
Ph: 5.'6-2610620/
Address: /-(, Sector&,, 7iran agri, #daipur )Ra*asthan+&,',--(
: Definition of to'i(
Intellectual property matters are perhaps the most hotly de8ated one topic in current scenario4 This topic
descri8es the set of different regulatory concepts that control the production and usage of intellectual o8*ects4
This topic also descri8es a8out the patent filing, search, e9amination and claims4
; E)'lain your vision for the book and ho< it <ill benefit instru(tors and students in this (ourse
=our vision statement should in(lude your /oals for the 'ro>e(t9 and the (hallen/es you are tryin/ to
address in a ne< <ay ?n(lude information about the ma>or themes and a''roa(h
The %ision of this 8oo: is to de%elop a foundation of an indi%idual )inno%ator+ "ho li:es to e9plore and
understand the issues regarding intellectual property rights4
The ma*or theme of this 8oo: is to guide an indi%idual to understand the intricacies associated "ith filing of a
patent for his;her product or process in cost effecti%e and appropriate manner "ith the help of illustrated
e9amples and case studies4
1@ &lease <rite a short des(ri'tion of your book <hi(h (ould be modified for 'romotion 'ur'oses
The Indian Industry is fast adapting its IP management practices to le%erage Intellectual Property to compete in
the "orld mar:et4 As a conse<uence, the lengthening of the duration of the rights, the hardening of sanctions, the
reduction of e9ceptions to rights, the strengthening of the protections, and their e9tension to ne" categories of
intellectual o8*ects ha%e 8een going on for the last t"o centuries, and ha%e dramatically increased in speed in the
last t"enty years4 This is a continuous challenge and it needs significant in%estment in infrastructure, training !
resource mo8ili=ation for IP4 This 8oo: contains an in&depth comprehension of the status of filing a patent,
drafting the application of a patent as "ell as claiming for and against a patent "ith the application of a num8er
of intellectual property instruments in the form of e9amples and case studies4 The focus is to facilitate a faster,
accessi8le ! afforda8le "ay for protection of IPRs4
11 &lease outline your reasons for 'ro'osin/ a ne< book in this area &lease ans<er the follo<in/
6hat are the unmet needs in your dis(i'line that your 'ro>e(t fulfillsB
The need of the hour of this 8oo: is to de%elop the understanding of ne" common tools and instruments
for filing patent> patent search and e9amination, IP rights licensing> commercial e9ploitation of IP assets
and e&filing procedures; online guidance; online access of *ournals ! files4
This 8oo: "ill also pro%e to 8e helpful for the patentee to draft an application for a patent and thus
pro%ing to 8e cost effecti%e for a patentee in the sense that a patent attorney charges appro9imately
Rs4 ' la:h for filing a patent and each patentee is not capa8le of affording this huge sum of money4
Thus, this 8oo: "ill pro%e useful as "ell as cost effecti%e for a patentee4
6hat ma>or (hallen/es do instru(tors tea(hin/ this (ourse fa(eB
This 8oo: addresses se%eral 8ottlenec:s and its solutions regarding grant of IP Rights: delay in
e9amination ! 8ac:logs, non uniformity in patent e9aminations, lac: of sufficient e9aminers
6hat obsta(les do students en(ounter tryin/ to learn the material in the (ourseB ?n other <ords9
<hat are (urrent tea(hin/ and learnin/ issues in your (ourse that (reate an o''ortunity to add
valueB .onsider this from both the instru(tors and the students 'ers'e(tive
12 &lease list ma>or features of your book <hi(h makes it uniAue 6hat are the uniAue as'e(ts and
stren/ths of your offerin/B Think not >ust about ho< your 'ro>e(t is different9 but ho< it is betterC <hat
uniAue value it 'rovides that (om'etitors do not
The uni<ue aspects lies in illustrated e)am'les and (ase studies from reno<ned s(ientists9 'rofessors9 ?&
offi(ials "hich "ill pro%e to 8e helpful for the patentee to draft an application for a patent and thus pro%ing to 8e
cost effecti%e for a patentee in the sense that a patent attorney charges appro9imately Rs4 ' la:h for filing a
patent and each patentee is not capa8le of affording this huge sum of money4 Thus, this 8oo: "ill pro%e useful as
"ell as cost effecti%e for a patentee4
1% ,eyond the 'rinted 'a/e9 <hat elements are needed to 'rovide an ideal learnin/ e)'erien(eB
.onsider te)t9 e)er(ises9 'roblem sets9 animations9 video (li's9 intera(tive material9 et(
1- 6hat learnin/ elements <ill you in(lude in the 'rodu(t and ho< <ill a student and instru(tor
assess learnin/ (in(ludin/ learnin/ out(omes) throu/h e)am'les9 (ases studies9 revie< Auestions9
ob>e(tives9 'ro>e(ts9 simulations9 su''ortin/ online (om'onents9 et(B 6hy have you (hosen these
'arti(ular 'eda/o/i(al featuresB
Case Studies, E9amples and Scanned photographs
13 &lease list 'ro'osed (ontents9 in(ludin/ se(tion and sub*se(tion headin/s ?n(lude also a
summary of ea(h (ha'ter and an a''ro)imation of len/th9 e/ <ord (ount9 'ro'osed no of 'a/es
Attached as Anne)ure .
15 4rom the follo<in/ list9 'lease identify the su''lements to su''ort the book:
Supplements for the instructors )to 8e pro%ided on re<uest+:
Solution anual
Po"erpoint Presentations
Additional pro8lems
Pro*ects;?a8 e9periments
Supplements for the students )to 8e pro%ided "ith the printed 8oo:+:
Chapter&"ise self&test <ui=
Practice pro8lems
Real life pro*ects;case studies
odel Auestion papers
Additional reading
18 A''ro)imately ho< many 'a/es9 <ould you e)'e(t your book to (ontainB
(-- pages
1: 7o< lon/ do you estimate it <ill take for delivery of the (om'leted manus(ri'tB
' "ee:
1; 6ill you be able to 're'are your te)t ele(troni(allyB
Bes4 ItCs already ready
2@ ?f so9 <hat soft<are <ill you be usin/B
S Dord (--0
21 &lease list any s'e(ial 'hysi(al features you <ould e)'e(t to in(lude (tables9 illustrations
'roblems/solutions9 'hoto/ra'hs9 s'e(tra et() ?f you think (olour <ould be ne(essary9 'lease indi(ate <hy
and (onsider alternatives (e/ ?nternet) for (olour illustrations or any other a((om'anyin/ material
Ta8les, Scanned photographs
Bes colour "ould 8e necessary for scanned photographs for highlighting them
22 6ill you be able to 're'are your fi/ures ele(troni(allyB
The manuscript "ill contain scanned figures and photographs
2% ?f so9 <hat soft<are <ill you be usin/B
2- 2% &lease identify the readershi' for your book :
&rimary $arket (those audien(es you feel need this book)
Inno%ators, Scientists, Professors, IPR officials, IPR attorneyCs, #ni%ersity and College ?i8raries
"e(ondary $arket (those audien(es <ith an occasional need for this book)
anagement students, Trainees, Researchers, IPR practitioners, etc4
23 &lease indi(ate any so(ieties9 'rofessional or/anisations9 (om'anies or other /rou's <hi(h mi/ht
<ant to kno< about your book9 or <ho may be interested in bulk 'ur(hases:
India Inno%ators Association
Society for Inno%ation ! Entrepreneurship )IIT Eom8ay+
?icensing E9ecuti%e Society India
Asia Pacific Incu8ation Fet"or:
Inno%ati%e Ideators
Ser%als Automation P%t4 ?td4
Scinno%ation Consultants P%t4 ?td4
Serial Inno%ator ! Entrepreneur
25 &lease list any key >ournals in this area and any ma>or (onferen(es :
Dor:shop on D?ntelle(tual &ro'erty #i/hts: Draftin/9 ?nter'retation of &atent "'e(ifi(ation and .laimsE,
College of Technology and Engineering, aharana Pratap #ni%ersity of Agriculture and Technology, Fe8 (-'(
28 &lease list your 'revious <orks
$i%en as in Anne)ure 2 A + ,
2: &lease list in order of im'ortan(e9 any e)istin/ books <hi(h are related to your book &lease
su''ly (if 'ossible) author/editor9 'ublisher9 'ubli(ation date9 'ri(e and any further information you feel
relevant &lease /ive as mu(h information as 'ossible9 in(ludin/ (om'etin/ titles if su(h e)ist
)2 lines or more+
2; &lease outline in <hat <ays your book is better than and differs from the titles mentioned in
'revious se(tion
), lines for each title, or more+
%@ &lease /ive an international list of 'ersons Aualified to /ive an o'inion on your book 'ro'osal:
)'- lines or more+
Please ensure:
That the Dor: is original and the e9cerpts included from the copyrighted "or:s ha%e the permission of the copyright
The 8oo: contains nothing unla"ful, does not infringe upon any trademar:, patent statutory rights, proprietary rights of
others and the pro%isions of the Indian Copyright Act, '.204
Please pro%ide a copy of the "ritten permissions o8tained4
T7A!F =G0 4G# TAF?!1 T7E T?$E TG .G$&HETE T7?" 4G#$
&lease return it to your 6iley .onta(t or 'ost to:
&aras ,ansal
6iley ?ndia &vt Htd
--%3*%5/89 Ansari #oad9 Darya/an>
!e< Delhi 2 11@@@2
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Email 'bansalI<iley(om
!ote: &lease atta(h se'arate sheets <henever needed
Gr submit it online by (li(kin/ on the belo< mentioned 0#H:

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