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European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline"
&ol.'( No.21( 201)

Effects of Inflation Targeting Policy on Inflation Rates and Gross
Domestic Product in Ghana

*l+ert !uni
,epartment of *dministration( -ni.ersit/ of !rofessional Studies( *00ra( !.%. Bo1 23 1)9( 2egon

Brig4t *ddi/ia4 %sei
5esear04 6entre( -ni.ersit/ of !rofessional Studies( *00ra( !.%.Bo1 23 1)9( 2egon

64arles Barnor
,epartment of Ban9ing and :inan0e( -ni.ersit/ of !rofessional Studies( *00ra( !.%. Bo1 23 1)9( 2egon

Inflation targeting 4as +een widel/ adopted in +ot4 de.eloped and de.eloping e0onomies. ;4e Ban9 of 34ana
B%3" formall/ adopted an inflation targeting regime as a ma<or monetar/ poli0/ framewor9 in Ma/ 200=(
+e0oming t4e se0ond *fri0an 0ountr/ to do so after Sout4 *fri0a. ;4is resear04 paper soug4t to in.estigate t4e
effe0t of inflation targeting poli0/ on inflation rates and gross domesti0 produ0t. ;4e resear04 adopted t4e
>uantitati.e met4od +/ 0omparing t4e effe0t of inflation targeting poli0/ on inflation rates and gross domesti0
produ0t in t4e pre inflation targeting period 2000-200'" and t4e post inflation targeting period 200=-201$". ;4e
resultsre.ealed t4at t4ere was a signifi0ant differen0e +etween t4e mean inflation rates for t4e two periods. ;4e
inflation rate for t4e post inflation targeting period is signifi0antl/ less t4an t4e pre-inflation targeting period. It
was also re.ealed t4at inflation targeting did not 4a.e a statisti0all/ signifi0ant effe0t on e0onomi0 growt4 in
34ana. ;4e stud/ 0on0luded t4at poli0/ ma9ers are en0ouraged to e1plore ot4er poli0/ alternati.e in0luding
inflation targeting regime to ma1imi?e produ0tion in t4e e0onom/.
Keywords: Inflation ;argeting !oli0/( Inflation 5ates( 3ross ,omesti0 !rodu0t

1! Introduction
%ne of t4e primar/ responsi+ilities of 6entral Ban9s is to use .arious monetar/ poli0ies to a04ie.e some degree
of pri0e sta+ilit/ in an e0onom/. ;4is is true +e0ause w4et4er 0entral +an9s are go.erned +/ Monetarist or +/
@e/nesian e0onomists( pri0e sta+ilit/ ena+le planners and poli0/ ma9ers plan wit4in long time 4ori?on. ;4e
pri0e sta+ilit/ responsi+ilit/ dri.e of 0entral +an9s 4a.e +een re.ealed in t4e wor9s of &ol09er 19#$"(
3reenspan 199'( p.1"( and Blinder 199)( p.=".3reenspan 199'( p.1"( t4at t4e o+<e0ti.e of 0entral
+an9s is to a04ie.e pri0e sta+ilit/A a situation in w4i04 t4e e0onomi0 agents no longer ta9e a00ount of t4e
prospe0ti.e 04ange in t4e general pri0e le.el in t4eir e0onomi0 de0ision ma9ing.
Man/ e0onomists +elie.e t4at( inflation arises w4en t4e mone/ in 0ir0ulation in an e0onom/ is more t4an t4e
suppl/ of goods and ser.i0e.*00ording to 2o.oie 199'( p.5$5"( Binflation is mainl/ an e10ess demand
p4enomenon( indu0ed +/ an e10ess suppl/ of mone/C. In ot4er words( inflation 0an +e termed as a situation
w4ere too mu04 mone/ is following too few goods. ;4e root 0auses of inflation are largel/ attri+uted to fis0al
defi0it-finan0ing +/ go.ernment t4roug4 t4e printing of mone/. ;o arrest t4e a+o.e situation( poli0/ ma9ers in
re0ent times 4a.e resorted to monetar/ inflation targeting strateg/( w4i04 is a departure from t4e pre.ious fis0al
poli0/ inflation targeting regime. ;o affirm t4e a+o.e departure +/ 0entral +an9s( ,e+elle( Masson( Sa.astano(
and S4arma 199#( p.2" 4a.e reiterated t4at Bif fis0al dominan0e e1ists( inflationar/ pressures of a fis0al origin
will undermine t4e effe0ti.eness of monetar/ poli0/ +/ o+liging t4e 0entral +an9 to a00ommodate t4e demands
of t4e go.ernment( sa/( +/ easing interest rates to a04ie.e fis0al goalsC.
;4e term inflation targeting entered into mainstream e0onomi0s w4en in 1990 New Dealand em+ar9ed on a
wide-range e0onomi0 and go.ernmental reforms t4at soug4t to define performan0e measures and s/stems of
a00ounta+ilit/ for all go.ernment departments. ;4e reforms initiated under t4e 5eser.e Ban9 *0t of 19#9
esta+lis4ed t4ree poli0/ framewor9s du++ed inflation targeting.
;4e first framewor9 esta+lis4ed dialogue +etween t4e 0entral +an9 and t4e go.ernment 0on0erning 0riteria of
measuring t4e 0entral +an9Es performan0e. ;4e main /ardsti09 esta+lis4ed under t4e first framewor9 was pri0e
sta+ilit/ or inflation targeting. ;4e se0ond framewor9 granted t4e 5eser.e Ban9 power to pursue its assigned
goal wit4out go.ernment interferen0e t4at is t4e 5eser.e Ban9 must +e independent". ;4e last framewor9
esta+lis4ed means of a00ounta+ilit/ w4ere+/ t4e goal is made pu+li0 and t4e 3o.ernor of t4e 5eser.e Ban9 is
4eld a00ounta+le for t4e +an9Es performan0e.
*00ording to 5o04on and 5ossi 200'" sin0e t4e adoption of inflation targeting in New Dealand in 1990 and
6anada in 1991( a num+er of 0ountries 4a.e now adopted an inflation targeting regime.In fa0t t4e @e/nesian
e0onomists +elie.e t4at inflation targeting is t4e +est alternati.e w4en it 0omes to influen0ing inflation
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline"
&ol.'( No.21( 201)

e1pe0tations.*s t4e name suggests(inflation targeting puts pri0e sta+ilit/ as t4e primar/ o+<e0ti.e of t4e 0entral
+an9( and t4e inflation target pro.ides w4at is 9nown as t4e nominal an04or for monetar/ poli0/
framewor9.Be0ause t4e poli0/ framewor9 0learl/ spe0ifies t4e inflation o+< and a 0lear 0ommitment to t4em( it 4elps to an04or t4e pu+li0Es inflation e1pe0tations(as well as t4e e1pe0tations of future
inflation to influen0e pri0es and wages t4ere+/ t4e general e0onom/.;4e a+o.e situation leads man/
6entral Ban9s to +elie.e t4at t4e +est 0ontri+ution t4at monetar/ poli0/ 0an ma9e to growt4 is to pro.ide a low
and sta+le inflation en.ironment t4at is 0ondu0i.e to sustaina+le long-term growt4.
Inflation targeting regime proponents 4a.e argue t4at( t4e poli0/ strateg/ leads to more 0redi+le( transparent(
a00ounta+le and a +etter management of inflation. @/dland and !res0ott 19==" and 3ordon 19#$" 4a.e all
attested to t4e a+o.e assertion +/ sa/ing t4at( t4e more independent 0entral +an9s are t4e more t4e/ are a+le to
redu0e t4e rate of inflation. 6ontrar/ to t4e a+o.e( inflation targeting poli0/ strateg/ is not uni.ersall/ s4ared as
more 0entral +an9s 4a.e not mo.ed to adopt t4e strateg/. In t4e -nited States( t4e de+ate t4e adoption of
inflation targeting poli0/ option 4as resulted in man/ e0onomists li9e :riedman 200)" and Mis49in 200)"
sa/ing t4at( inflation targeting pla0es too mu04 emp4asis oninflation rates to t4e detriment of ot4er monetar/
goals. Stigli? 200#" 4as also stated t4at( inflation targeting is +eing put to t4e test( and it will almost 0ertainl/
*00ording to Epstein 2002" during t4e last de0ade( 0entral +an9s in de.eloping 0ountries 4a.e also in0reasingl/
adopted monetar/ poli0/ approa04es t4at fo0us on lowering t4e rate of inflation wit4 little regard to t4eir impa0t
on Freal fa0torsF su04 as po.ert/( emplo/ment( in.estment or e0onomi0 growt4. ;4e reason for t4e adoption of
inflation targeting in de.eloping 0ountries is t4at( time( as inflation rises t4e 0ost of goods and ser.i0es
in0rease( and t4e .alue of t4e lo0al 0urren0/ falls +e0ause 0onsumers are not a+le to pur04ase t4e same >uantit/ of
goods and ser.i0es t4e/ pre.iousl/ 0ould. ,rawing from t4is( it is rele.ant to 0ontrol inflation in order to redu0e
t4e unit of a 0urren0/ t4at is used to pur04ase fewer goods as time progresses.
;4e Ban9 of 34ana B%3" formall/ adopted an inflation target in Ma/ 200=( +e0oming t4e se0ond *fri0an
0ountr/ to do so after Sout4 *fri0a. ;4e adoption of inflation targeting poli0/ regime 4as t4erefore in0reased
transparen0/ and a00ounta+ilit/ of t4e B%3( w4i04 4as now resorted to pu+lis4ing inflation reports. It must +e noted t4at almost se.en =" /ears after t4e adoption of inflation targeting +/ t4e B%3 little resear04
4as +een 0ondu0ted to re.iew t4e effe0ti.eness of t4is poli0/ in sta+ili?ing t4e general pri0e le.el. as
t4e poli0/ of inflation targeting spreads( man/ poli0/ ma9ers are as9ing( is inflation targeting t4e +est poli0/
option for 34anaH %n se.eral forums( t4e B%3 4as <ustified t4e inflation targeting poli0/ regime( sa/ing t4at it
is t4e +est poli0/ option towards ta09ling 34anaEs two de0ades inflation 04allenges. ;4is assertion is
not surprising sin0e t4e B%3 is t4e 0ustodian of t4e poli0/. Based on t4e a+o.e arguments( 0ondu0ting resear04
into 34anaEs inflation targeting poli0/ is t4e onl/ <ustifia+le option t4at 0an re.eal s0ientifi0all/( t4e effe0ts of
inflation targeting poli0/ on inflation rates( and 4ow signifi0antl/ it 4as affe0ted 3,! growt4.
In addition( t4e aut4ors also +elie.e t4at man/ resear04es on inflation targeting poli0/ regime 4a.e tended to +e
0on0entrated in t4e industriali?ed e0onomies. *mong t4ese resear04es are Ials4 2009"( Mis49in and S04midt-
Ge++el 200="( S4eridan 2005"( &ega and Iin9elried 2005" and Iu 200)". ;4oug4 ot4er studies 4a.e gi.en
e.iden0e from de.eloping 0ountries t4ese 4a.e +een 0on0entrated in t4e 2atin *meri0an regions.
2ittle e.iden0e 4as +een o+tained from an *fri0an perspe0ti.e. man/ of t4is empiri0al
e.iden0e 4a.e fo0used on t4e effe0ts of inflation targeting poli0/ regime on inflation rates and inflation
e1pe0tations. Gardl/ 4a.e most resear04es relate t4e effe0ts of inflation targeting poli0/ regime on 3,! growt4.
;4e aut4ors +elie.et4at( +/ resear04ing into t4e effe0ts of inflation targeting poli0/ regime on inflation rates and
3,! growt4 in a spe0ifi0 en.ironment 34ana" will +ridge t4e gap in 9nowledge +etween e.iden0e in t4e
industriali?ed world( and ot4er de.eloping 0ountries. ;4is will t4erefore 0ontri+ute to t4e e1isting 9nowledge in
t4e field of inflation targeting. ;4is stud/ 4as +een organi?ed into si1 se0tions( t4is in0lude t4e introdu0tion(
t4eoreti0al and empiri0al literature re.iew( met4odolog/( results( dis0ussion( and finall/ re0ommendation and

"! #iterature Re$iew
Inflation is t4e 0ondition of generali?ed e10ess demand( in w4i04 too mu04 mone/ 04ases too few goods.
Similarl/ 2o.oie 199'" defined Binflation as mainl/ an e10ess demand p4enomenon( indu0ed +/ an e10ess
suppl/ of mone/Cp.5$5".
Bot4 definitions a+o.e are 0ausal. In t4e first 0ase inflation is tra0ed to demand in t4e goods mar9etA in t4e
se0ond inflation is e1plained as t4e result of a 04ange in t4e mone/ suppl/. In re0ent dis0ussions :riedman 19=0"
4as populari?ed t4e monetarist 0ausal definition as followsABInflation is alwa/s and a monetar/
p4enomenonJ and 0an +e produ0ed onl/ +/ a more rapid in0rease in t4e >uantit/ of mone/ t4an in outputC
It 0an +e dedu0ed from t4e definitions a+o.e t4at inflation o00urs in an e0onom/ w4en too mu04 mone/ is
04asing too few goods and ser.i0es a period of time.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline"
&ol.'( No.21( 201)

"1Theories of Inflation
"11 %onetarist &iew
*00ording to Jo4nson 19#2( p.2$9" t4e monetarist .iew of inflation is asso0iated wit4 and ultimatel/ 0ausall/
dependent on a rate of in0rease of mone/ suppl/ signifi0antl/ in e10ess of t4e rate of growt4 of real outputA t4e
differen0e +etween t4e two rates +eing t4e rate of inflation. ;4e t4eor/( it s4ould +e noted( does not assert t4at
inflation is attri+uta+le to monetar/ ignoran0e or mismanagementA monetar/ e1pansion and t4e 0onse>uential is
a met4od of ta1ing t4e 4older of mone/ to w4i04 ma/ well +e dri.en +/ politi0al 0ir0umstan0es( in full
9nowledge of w4at t4e/ are doing. ;4e t4eor/ rests on t4e proposition t4at t4ere is a sta+le relation +etween real
in0ome and t4e amount of real pur04asing power t4e pu+li0 wants to 4old in monetar/ formA t4at t4is mone/-to-
in0ome relation is in.ersel/ related to t4e e1pe0ted rate of inflation( t4e erosion of t4e pur04asing power of
mone/ t4roug4 inflation 0onstituting an important element of t4e 0ost of 4olding mone/A and t4at in t4e long run
people will 0ome to e1pe0t t4e rate of inflation indu0ed +/ t4e aut4orities t4roug4 t4eir poli0/ respe0t to
monetar/ e1pansion.
;4e assumption t4at t4e pu+li0 form e1pe0tations a+out inflation( ad<ust t4em in t4e lig4t of e1perien0e and a0ts
on t4ese e1pe0tations in its +e4a.ior( is a 0ru0ial differen0e +etween t4e >uantit/ approa04 to inflation and t4e
0urrentl/ dominant @e/nesian approa04.
"1"Keynes' $iew of the functions of a central ban(
*00ording to @e/nesEs 3eneral ;4eor/ 19$'( p.159" mone/ is neit4er in t4e s4ort run nor t4e long run( neutral.
@e/nes general t4eor/( t4erefore( suggested t4at an/ monetar/ poli0/ framewor9 t4at di0tated t4e >uantit/ of
mone/ or t4e rate of interest in a s/stem will impa0t dire0tl/ on real e0onomi0 out0ome. 6onsistent wit4 t4e
a+o.e t4erefore( @e/nes suggested t4at 0entral +an9s 4a.e two primar/ fun0tions. ;4e first fun0tion is t4e
pro.ision of li>uidit/ in t4e s/stem( and t4e se0ond fun0tion is t4e determination of inflation rate.
Iit4 t4e a+o.e suggestions in mind( @e/nes 19$0" stated t4at B+an9 0redit is t4e pa.ement along w4i04
produ0tion tra.els( and t4e +an9ers if t4e/ 9new t4eir dut/( would pro.ide t4e transport fa0ilities to <ust t4e
e1tent t4at is re>uired in order t4at t4e produ0tion powers of t4e 0ommunit/ 0an +e emplo/ed at t4eir full
0apa0it/C p. 220".
;4e a+o.e .iew implies t4at 0entral +an9s are e1pe0ted to e1tend 0redit into t4e e0onomi0 s/stem as 04eapl/ as
possi+le so long as t4e e0onom/ 4as signifi0ant idle resour0es. ;4e se0ond fun0tion of t4e 0entral +an9 suggested
+/ @e/nes 19$0" is t4at( t4e 0entral +an9 must ensure finan0ial sta+ilit/ and orderliness in t4e nationEs finan0ial
mar9ets t4ere+/ ensuring t4at mone/ and output are in e>uili+rium +ot4 in t4e s4ort and long runs.
"1) Elements of Inflation Targeting
BInflation targeting is a re0ent monetar/ poli0/ strateg/ t4at en0ompasses fi.e mainelementsA a pu+li0
announ0ement of medium-term numeri0al targets for inflation(an institutional 0ommitment to pri0e
sta+ilit/ as t4e primar/ goal of monetar/ poli0/( to w4i04 ot4er goals are su+ordinated( an information
in0lusi.e strateg/ in w4i04 man/ .aria+les( and not <ust monetar/ aggregates or t4e e104ange rate( are
used for de0iding t4e setting of poli0/ instruments( in0reased transparen0/ of t4e monetar/ poli0/
strateg/ t4roug4 0ommuni0ation wit4 t4e pu+li0 and mar9ets a+out t4e plans( o+< and de0isions
of t4e monetar/ aut4orities( and in0reased a00ounta+ilit/ of t4e 0entral +an9 for attaining its inflation
o+<e0ti.esC. Mis49in 2001( pp.11=-2="
;4e ad.antages asso0iated wit4 inflation targeting is t4at( t4e 0on0ept is 0onsidered to +e transparent and t4e
0ooperation among sta9e4older eliminates un0ertainties 0on0erning future inflation rates. *not4er ad.antage
asso0iated wit4 inflation targeting is t4at t4e s/stem is fle1i+le and t4e 0entral +an9 0an a0t well +efore an/
in0iden0e of inflation 4appens. 2astl/ t4e poli0/ framewor9 in0reases a00ounta+ilit/ on t4e part of t4e 0entral
+an9 sin0e all sta9e4olders are aware of t4e 0entral +an9Es goals. *mong t4e inflation targeting parti0ipants(
inflation rate of ?ero and two per0ent is 0onsidered appropriate.
"" Em*irical #iterature Re$iew
In .arious studies( &ega and Iin9elried 2005"( Batini and 2a1ton 200=" and S04midt-Ge++el 200=" all
re.ealed t4at t4ere were signifi0ant and positi.e effe0ts of inflation targeting among inflation targeting samples
t4at in0luded de.eloping 0ountries. :or e1ample in t4eir stud/( &ega and Iin9elried 2005"( sampled 109
inflation targeting 0ountries of w4i04 2$ are de.eloping 0ountries( using t4e propensit/ s0oring met4odolog/
t4e/ re.ealed lower inflation rates w4en inflation targeting poli0ies were implemented. ;4is is
0onsistent wit4 earlier 0on0lusions of 6or+o et al. 2000"( Neumann and .on Gagen 2002"( and !etursson 200)".
In a re0ent stud/( and Salles 200#"( re.ealed t4at inflation lowered from 1=K to '.55K among
inflation targeting de.eloping 0ountries +etween t4e pre and post inflation era. 6onsistent wit4 t4e a+o.e Ball
and S4eridan 2005" 0on0luded t4at t4ere were statisti0all/ and e0onomi0all/ signifi0ant redu0tions in inflation
among sampled inflation targeting 0ountries sur.e/ed.

)! %ethodology
;4is stud/ uses t4e >uantitati.e resear04 met4od and t4e nature of t4e resear04 design is 0ausal. Se0ondar/ data
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline"
&ol.'( No.21( 201)

was 0olle0ted from t4e Ban9 of 34ana B%3" on mont4l/ inflation rates from 2000 to 200=*pril"( representing
t4e pre-inflation targeting poli0/ eraA and 200= Ma/" to 201$ representing t4e post-inflation targeting poli0/ era.
;4e 04oi0e of t4e parti0ular mont4s is as result of t4e Ban9 of 34ana announ0ing offi0iall/ in Ma/ 200= t4at it
was now pra0ti0ing inflation targeting. *nnual 3ross ,omesti0 !rodu0t 3,!" was also 0olle0ting for t4e pre
and post inflation targeting poli0/ era.
)1 Po*ulation and +am*ling
;4e stud/ population was all mont4l/ inflation rates and annual 3,! at pur04ase .alue from 2000 to 201$.;4e
total sample si?e of t4e stud/ is eig4t /ears 200$-2010". Sin0e inflation targeting poli0/ started in 200=( a se.en
/ear sample 2000 -200'" was ta9en for t4e pre-inflation era( and 0orresponding se.en /ears 200=-201$" was
also sample for t4e post inflation.
)" Data Analysis
;4e data o+tained was anal/?ed using tests of mean differen0es and regression. ;4e first anal/ti0al te04ni>ue of
t-test was emplo/ed to as0ertain t4e differen0es in mean inflation +etween t4e pre and post-inflation targeting
period. 5egression was used to as0ertain t4e effe0t of pre-inflation on 3,! as well as t4e effe0t of post-inflation
on 3,!. * dumm/ .aria+le was used to 0apture t4e effe0t of inflation targeting on e0onomi0 growt4. ;4us( t4e
model spe0ified to 0apture t4e effe0t of inflation targeting on e0onomi0 growt4 for t4is stud/ is of t4e form7
1 2
t t
Y Inf IT = + + +
I4ere L represents e0onomi0 growt4( inf represents annual inflation rate. IT represents t4e dumm/ .aria+le
for t4e inflation targeting. It ta9es a .alue of 0 from 200-200' and a .alue of one from 200= to 201$. *ll t4e
results are assessed at t4e 5K le.el of signifi0an0e.

,! Presentation of Results
;4is se0tion presents t4e results from t4e t-tests and t4e regressions from t4e data 0olle0ted.
;o a04ie.e t4e resear04 o+<e0ti.e of w4et4er t4ere is signifi0ant differen0e +etween t4e inflation rate for t4e pre
and post inflation targeting poli0/ periods( ta+le 5.1 re.ealed t4ere is signifi0ant differen0e +etween t4e mean
inflation rates for t4e two periods at t4e 5K le.el of signifi0an0e. ;4e inflation rate for t4e post inflation
targeting period is signifi0antl/ less t4an t4e pre-inflation targeting period.
;a+le 5.1!aired Samples ;est of !re and !ost Inflation ;argeting
%ean +td De$ +td Error T-$alue.*-$alue/
Pre IT 0Post IT 2.05 0.29#9 0.0#291 2).==0.000"

;4is is supported +/ inflation figures t4e period w4i04 4ad 0onsistent de0line in inflation to t4e point of t4e
0onsistentl/ witnessing single digit inflation a period of fourteen 1)" mont4s. It must +e noted t4at
single-digit inflation was a04ie.ed during t4e period of t4e post inflation targeting.
;a+le 5.27Effe0t of Inflation ;argeting on 3,!
,ependent &aria+le7 3,!M35%I;G
Met4od7 2east S>uares
Sample7 2000 201$
In0luded o+ser.ations7 1)

&aria+le 6oeffi0ient Std. Error t-Statisti0 !ro+.

IN:2*;I%N -0.110#1$ 0.0#='99 -1.2'$5'5 0.2$25
I; 2.115$29 1.52###0 1.$#$5#1 0.19$9
6 =.)$=99# 2.10)#1$ $.5$$#05 0.00)=

5-s>uared 0.)05)5$ Mean dependent .ar '.'15010
*d<usted 5-s>uared 0.29=$5$ S.,. dependent .ar 2.##=91=
S.E. of regression 2.)20='# *9ai9e info 0riterion ).=9$)5'
Sum s>uared resid ').)'12# S04war? 0riterion ).9$0$9=
2og li9eli4ood -$0.55)19 Gannan-Nuinn 0riter. ).=#0==9
:-statisti0 ).=50=)0 ,ur+in-Iatson stat 2.$))252
!ro+:-statisti0" 0.02=2#$

;o determine t4e inflation rate after t4e inflation targeting poli0/ and its effe0ts on 3,! from 2000 to 201$( a
test of 4/pot4esis was 0ondu0ted using t4e model spe0ified in t4e met4odolog/. E.en t4oug4 t4e results
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 !aper" ISSN 2222-2#$9 %nline"
&ol.'( No.21( 201)

indi0ated t4at a redu0tion in inflation will lead to an in0rease in e0onomi0 growt4( inflation did not 0ontri+ute
signifi0antl/ to t4e 3,!. In addition( t4e dumm/ .aria+le introdu0ed to 0apture t4e effe0t of inflation targeting
on e0onomi0 growt4( did not statitisti0all/ affe0t e0onomi0.

1! Discussion of Results
;4e spe0ifi0 o+<e0ti.e of t4is stud/ is to e.aluate t4e effe0t of inflation targeting poli0/ on inflation rates and its
effe0t on 3,! growt4. :rom t4e results a+o.e( it 0an +e said t4at inflation targeting poli0/ 4as positi.e effe0t on
inflation rates in 34ana. Sin0e during t4e inflation targeting poli0/ regime( inflation redu0ed su+stantiall/.
;4oug4 inflation did not redu0e to t4e ranges +etween ?ero and two per0ent as pres0ri+e +/ proponents of
inflation targeting regime( in t4e 34anaian situation t4e redu0tion was statisti0all/ signifi0ant.
;4e a+o.e s0enario is 0onsistent wit4 t4e .er/ o+<e0ti.e of inflation targeting poli0/ w4i04 suggests
t4at( inflation targeting puts pri0e sta+ilit/ as t4e primar/ o+<e0ti.e of t4e 0entral +an9( and t4e inflation target
pro.ides w4at is 9nown as t4e nominal an04or for monetar/ poli0/ framewor9.Be0ause t4e poli0/ framewor9
0learl/ spe0ifies t4e inflation o+< and a 0lear 0ommitment to t4em( it 4elps to an04or t4e
pu+li0Es inflation e1pe0tations(as well as t4e e1pe0tations of future inflation to influen0e pri0es and wages
t4ere+/ t4e general e0onom/. ;4e a+o.e situation leads man/ 6entral Ban9s to +elie.e t4at t4e +est
0ontri+ution t4at monetar/ poli0/ 0an ma9e to growt4 is to pro.ide a low and sta+le inflation en.ironment t4at is
0ondu0i.e to sustaina+le long-term growt4. ;4e 34anaian results is also 0onsistent w4i04 resear04 0ondu0ted +/
Ials4 2009" w4i04 re.ealed t4at inflation was lower among inflation targeting 0ountries t4an for t4eir
0ounterparts in t4e non-inflation targeting 0ountries.
Similarl/ t4e stud/ 0ompared 3,! growt4 in pre and post inflation targeting poli0/ periods. In t4e 34anaian
situation t4e redu0tion in inflation rates asso0iated wit4 inflation targeting did not 4a.e a signifi0ant effe0t on
3,! growt4 for +ot4 periods. ;4is t4erefore suggests t4at a redu0tion in inflation does not ne0essaril/ translate
into e0onomi0 growt4.

2! 3onclusion and Policy Im*lication
;4e stud/ in.estigated t4e effe0t of inflation targeting on inflation rates and gross domesti0 produ0t in 34ana
using se.en =" /ears pre-inflation period 2000-200'" and se.en =" /ears post inflation period 200=-201$" data.
-sing a >uantitati.e met4od t4e stud/ in.estigated t4e 0ausal effe0ts of inflation targeting poli0/ on gross
domesti0 produ0t. ;4e stud/ assessed t4e effe0t of inflation targeting poli0/ on inflation rates and gross domesti0
produ0t. ;4e stud/ found t4at inflation targeting poli0/ 4as an effe0t on inflation rates sin0e t4e redu0tion in
inflation rate during t4e post inflation period is statisti0all/ signifi0ant. In t4e 0ase of inflation targeting and
gross domesti0 produ0t( inflation targeting does not 4a.e su+stantial effe0t on gross domesti0 produ0t( sin0e t4e
result is not statisti0all/ signifi0ant.
!oli0/ ma9ers are en0ouraged to 0riti0all/ 0onsider t4e issue of inflation targeting in 34ana. ;4oug4 inflation
targeting is a+le to sta+ili?e pri0es to some e1tent( it does not full/ translate into e0onomi0 growt4. !oli0/
ma9ers are en0ouraged to e1plore ot4er poli0/ option in0luding t4e 0urrent inflation targeting poli0/ option
0urrentl/ pursed.

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