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Advanced wordlist: English to Spanish

Lesson English word Spanish Español Example sentence


a 8A absorb absorber Plants absorb carbon dioxide.

a 10B absorption absorción Some poisonous gases can enter the

body by absorption through the skin.

a 2A academic académico / a academic subjects/qualifications/books

a 10B academy academia a military/police academy

a 7B acceptable aceptable This kind of attitude is simply not


a 5C accepted aceptado / a The idea is not accepted (= approved

of) in political circles.

a 3A accolade reconocimiento This is his centennial year and he's

been granted the ultimate accolade - his
face on a set of three postage stamps.

a 6B accumulation acumulación Despite this accumulation of evidence,

the Government persisted in doing
a 7B accurately rigurosamente The plans should be drawn as
accurately as possible, showing all the
a 5C achievement éxito/logro An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable
achievement for one so young.

a 4B acquire adquirir As people grow older, their faces

acquire more character.

a 7B activate activar The alarm is activated by the lightest


a 1B add up significar It all added up to a lot of hard work for

all of us.

a 7B addition además In addition to his flat in London, he has

a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
a 9B additive-free sin aditivos additive-free food

a 5A admirer admirador She's got plenty of admirers.

a 6B adopt adoptar I think it's time to adopt a different

strategy in my dealings with him.

a 2B adorable adorable She has the most adorable two-year-old


a 8B adrenaline adrenalina These arguments always get my

adrenaline going (= make me excited or
a 10C advanced avanzado / a an advanced English course

a 6A advancement ascenso All she was interested in was the

advancement of her own career.

a 6B advertiser anunciante Whilst claiming to promote positive

images of women, advertisers are in
fact doing the very opposite.
a 8A advisor asesor She is the party's main economic

a 10A aeroplane avión She has her own private aeroplane.

a 2A affectionate afectuoso / a He's an affectionate little boy.

a 9A affluence opulencia/riqueza What we are seeing increasingly is a

society of private affluence and public
a 9C against contra She spoke against the decision to close
the college.

a 9C agriculture agricultura Agriculture is still largely based on

traditional methods in some countries.

a 9C aid ayuda The Vatican has agreed to donate $80

000 in humanitarian/emergency aid to
countries affected by the war.
a 10A airborne en el aire The airborne radioactive particles have
covered a huge area of Russia.

a 7C alarm alarma If there's any trouble, raise/sound the

alarm by pulling the emergency cord.

a 10A alas ¡ay! I love football but, alas, I have no talent

as a player.

a 7A alibi coartada He has a cast-iron alibi - he was in

hospital the week of the murder.
a 8B alive vivo / a He must be ninety if he's still alive.

a 7B allege alegar The two men allege (that) the police

forced them to make false confessions.

a 5A allegedly según dice That's where he allegedly killed his wife.

a 10A allowance dietas The perks of the job include a company

pension scheme and a generous travel
a 1A all-time sin precedente After three years of drought, the water
in the lake had reached an all-time low.

a 10B amateur aficionado This tennis tournament is open to both

amateurs and professionals.

a 3B amaze sorprender It amazes me that she's got the energy

for all those parties.

a 3A amongst entre Relax, you're amongst friends.

a 6A amusing divertido / a an amusing story/person/situation

a 1A analysis análisis Chemical analysis revealed a high

content of copper.

a 8B ancestor antepasado There were portraits of his ancestors on

the walls of the room.

a 8B anger rabia I think he feels a lot of anger towards

his father who treated him very badly as
a child.
a 10B animation animaciones Encyclopaedias on CD-ROM include
sound, illustrations and simple
a 7A ankle tobillo I fell over and sprained/twisted my

a 1A annoy hacer enfadar Tim really annoyed me in the meeting

this morning.

a 6B antagonise enfadarse It's a very delicate situation and I've no

wish to antagonise him.

a 6A anti-social antisocial anti-social behaviour

a 9B anti-war contra la guerra an anti-war protest

a 10A anxiously ansiosamente Tomorrow the children will receive their

anxiously awaited presents.
a 4B apparent aparente I was on the metro this morning when
for no apparent reason the man
opposite suddenly screamed.
a 9B appeal atracción Spielberg films have a wide appeal.

a 10A applicant candidato How many applicants did you have for
the job?

a 1A appoint nombrar We've appointed three new teachers

this year.

a 9C apprenticeship aprendizaje I started my apprenticeship last year.

a 8B architecture arquitectura Roman architecture

a 6A archive archivo archive film/footage/material

a 6C arrange arreglar She's arranged for her son to have

swimming lessons.

a 10A arrival llegada Hundreds gathered to await the boxer's

arrival at the airport.

a 9A as opposed to en lugar de I'd prefer to go on holiday in May, as

opposed to September.

a 3A aspect aspecto Which aspects of the job do you most


a 3B associate asociar Most people associate this brand with

good quality.

a 3A astonish asombrar What astonished me was that he didn't

seem to mind.

a 2A astounding sorprendente an astounding fact/decision/revelation

a 4B astronaut astronauta When I was young, I wanted to be an


a 3C athletic atlético / a She looks very athletic.

a 2A atlas atlas an atlas of the world

a 8A atmospheric atmosférico Plants are the main source of

atmospheric oxygen.

a 6C attend asistir Over two hundred people attended the


a 2A autistic autista One child in 5 000 is autistic.

a 4C avert evitar to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine

a 4A aviation aviación the British Civil Aviation Authority

b 2B backwater remanso de agua We tied the boat up in a quiet

backwater overnight.

b 8B bang ruido fuerte The window slammed shut with a loud


b 9A bank account cuenta bancaria How much money do you have in your
bank account?

b 9B banker banquero / a She was a successful banker by the

time she was forty.

b 9B banking banca international banking

b 10B Barbie doll muñeca Barbie I often played with Barbie dolls when I
was young.

b 1B barely apenas After paying for our travel costs, we

barely broke even.

b 4B base on basado / a en The film is based on a short story by

Thomas Mann.

b 1B basis régimen Most of our staff work for us on a

voluntary basis (= They work without
being paid).
b 6A basket cesto a shopping/picnic basket

b 10A BC A.C. ( antes de Cristo) The Battle of Actium took place in 31


b 2B beard barba a flowing white beard

b 6C beckon llamar haciendo señas para The customs official beckoned the
que alguien se acerque woman to his counter.

b 2A belief confianza Recent revelations about corruption

have shaken many people's belief in (=
caused people to have doubts about)
the police.
b 2A bellow grito agudo/bramido He gave a bellow of rage.

b 4C belly parte de abajo (fuselaje de The belly of the aircraft was painted red.
un avión )

b 9C benefit beneficiarse de I feel that I have benefited greatly from

her wisdom.
b 10C benefit beneficio The discovery of oil brought many
benefits to the town.

b 1C besides además She won't mind your being late -

besides, it's hardly your fault.

b 2A bespectacled con gafas a small, bespectacled man in a drab suit

b 6C better- más She is better-looking (= more attractive)

than her brother.

b 3A beyond más alla She is, beyond question, the best

actress of her generation.

b 1A bicker discutir Will you two stop bickering!

b 6B billboard valla publicitaria an advertising billboard

b 7B biometric biométrico / a biometric data

b 3A bitterly con resentimiento He was bitterly disappointed not to get

the job.

b 9C bleak pesimista The economic outlook is bleak.

b 6C blissful feliz a blissful childhood/holiday

b 1A blissfully dichosamente They seemed blissfully happy.

b 3B blocked (up) tapado / a I've got a blocked (up) nose.

b 3A bluff farolear Is he going to jump or is he only


b 6C board room junta directiva Let's meet in the board room.

b 5C bonus bono a productivity bonus

b 10C booklet folleto I always write my shopping lists in a


b 1C boot maletero My suitcase is in the boot of my car.

b 1C bore aburrir "Am I boring you?" she asked anxiously.

b 6A boundary frontera/límites Electronic publishing is blurring the

boundaries between dictionaries and
b 9A brake freno She had no brakes on her bicycle.

b 9B branding marca The successful branding and marketing

of the new beer has already boosted
sales and increased profits.
b 4C brash presuntuoso/vulgar/ chillona Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for
a funeral?

b 7B break-up ruptura Long separations had contributed to

their marriage break-up.

b 2B breath-taking impresionante a breath-taking view

b 7A bright-coloured color vivo We've just bought a new bright-coloured

rug for the living room.

b 2A brilliance brillantez Her first novel showed signs of


b 1B broadly en términos generales Broadly speaking, don't you think

women make better drivers than men?

b 4C broadsheet diario serio / respetable In Britain, the broadsheets are generally

believed to be more serious than the
b 2A bubble burbuja As water begins to boil, bubbles rise
ever faster to the surface.

b 4A bug pinchado / a She suspected that her phone had been

bugged (= that a listening device had
been hidden inside it).
b 5A bulk grueso In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up
with criticizing other works.

b 6C burly robusto / a a burly policeman

b 4B bustle bullicio I sat in a café watching the (hustle and)

bustle (= busy activity) of the street
b 2C bustling animado / a This used to be a bustling town but a lot
of people have moved away over recent
b 1A butt in interrumpir alguien que habla Norma always butts in when we're

b 10B buyer comprador He's still looking for a buyer for his

b 6B buzz expectación His new album is creating a real buzz in

the music world.

c 2B cabin cabaña a log cabin

c 6C cajole convencer con artimañas He really knows how to cajole people
into doing what he wants.

c 2B canal canal The Panama Canal provides a crucial

shipping link between the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans.
c 4B cancerous canceroso / a a cancerous growth/tumour

c 8A candidate candidato There are three candidates standing in

the election.

c 5A 'can-do' attitude actitud positiva Her 'can-do' attitude is what made her
our choice for the job.

c 2B canoe canoa We travelled in a canoe.

c 6B capsule cápsula The liquid is contained within a small


c 4C Capt capitán Capt Walter Raleigh

c 10B captain capitán It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as

(the) captain of a football team.

c 5A captivate cautivar With her beauty and charm, she

captivated film audiences everywhere.

c 9C career path camino profesional How can I find a new career path?

c 9B cash-free sin billetes ni monedas a cash-free society

c 1A cashier cajero I smiled at the cashier and gave her my

credit card.

c 9A cast-offs segunda mano/ ropa I always had to wear my sister's cast-

vieja/deshechada offs as a child.

c 4C catastrophe catástrofe They were warned of the ecological

catastrophe to come.

c 6B catchphrase eslogan Advertising campaigns often use


c 2B cathedral catedral Salisbury Cathedral

c 7A cattle ganado beef/dairy cattle

c 3A cautious prudente He's a cautious driver.

c 7B CCTV de seguridad (circuito CCTV cameras

c 6C celebration celebración There were lively New Year
celebrations all over town.

c 4B cell célula DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.

c 7B centralise centralizar Payment of bills is now centralized (=

organized at one place instead of
c 5B cerebral palsy parálisis cerebral He suffers from cerebral palsy.

c 5B champion campeón an Olympic champion

c 2B channel canal a cable/terrestrial channel

c 2B chaotic caótico / a The house is a bit chaotic at the

moment - we've got all these extra
people staying and we're still
c 5C chap tipo He's a friendly sort of a chap.

c 6B charitable benéfico / a a charitable


c 6A charming encantador / a We had dinner with our director and his

charming wife.

c 6B chart gráfica We need some sort of graph on which

we can chart our progress.

c 1A chatty hablador / a My manager said I am too chatty at


c 5C checkout caja Your fruit and vegetables will be

weighed at the checkout.

c 9B checkup revisión She goes to her doctor for regular


c 3B cheer up animarse She was ill so I sent her some flowers to

cheer her up.

c 1A cheerful alegre He's usually fairly cheerful.

c 9B chip chip a silicon chip

c 8B chisel esculpir She chiselled a figure out of the marble.

c 4B cholera cólera Hundreds died of cholera.

c 2B chuck tirar Chuck it over there/into the corner.

c 10B circuit circuito They first met each other on the tennis

c 4C circulation circulación The paper has a circulation of 150 000.

c 4B circumstance circunstancia Obviously we can't deal with the

problem until we know all the
c 7A citizen ciudadano The interests of British citizens living
abroad are protected by the British
c 10A civilisation civilización Cuzco was the centre of one of the
world's most famous civilizations, that of
the Incas.
c 4A civilised civilizado / a A fair justice system is a fundamental
part of a civilised society.

c 8A clearing up orden y limpieza Could you help me with the clearing up?

c 10A clearly claramente The accident was clearly the lorry

driver's fault.

c 2A cleverest la más inteligente She is the cleverest student in the


c 9C climbing montañismo Chris has just taken up climbing.

c 7B closely de cerca Please examine this information closely.

c 9B closure cierre factory/branch closures

c 2B clumsy patoso / a That's the third glass you've smashed

this week, - you're so clumsy!

c 2B cluster grupo Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in

this photograph.

c 2C coastal costera a coastal town

c 2B coconut milk leche de coco This curry contains coconut milk.

c 4B coin moneda a 10p/ten pence coin

c 7C coincidence coincidencia You chose exactly the same wallpaper

as us - what a coincidence!
c 3B colourful de colores vivos a colourful painting

c 4B commerce comercio the world of commerce and industry

c 6B commercial anuncio publicitario a commercial break

c 1B commitment compromiso her commitment to left-wing politics/the

cause of feminism/the company

c 10C communicator comunicador Obviously teachers have to be good


c 9B community-led conducido por la comunidad a community-led approach

c 9B companion compañero The dog has been her constant

companion these past ten years.

c 9C computerised informatizado The whole system is computerised.

c 5C concede admitir The Government has conceded (that)

the new tax policy has been a disaster.

c 5A concentrate concentrar Come on, concentrate! We haven't got

all day to do this.

c 3A conclude finalizar She concluded the speech by reminding

us of our responsibility.

c 6C confession confesión I've got a bit of a confession to make -

I've lost that book you lent me.

c 1B confidant confidente a close confidant

c 1B confide confiar She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide

in her.

c 8B confidently seguro / a Try to act confidently, even if you feel


c 10A conflict conflicto We wish to avoid conflict between our

countries if at all possible.

c 7A confront afrontar It's an issue we'll have to confront at

some point, no matter how unpleasant it
c 2A confusing confuso / a The transition from boyhood to
manhood can be a confusing period.

c 7B congestion congestión The (traffic) congestion in the city gets

even worse during the summer.
c 8A conscience conciencia a guilty conscience

c 3A consciously conscientemente I don't think she's consciously rude to

people - it's just her manner.

c 9C consequently como consecuencia I spent most of my money in the first

week and consequently had very little to
eat by the end of the holiday.
c 9B considerable considerable The fire caused considerable damage
to the church.

c 1A constantly constantemente He's constantly changing his mind.

c 1A consumer consumidor The new telephone rates will affect all

consumers including businesses.

c 8A consumption consumo As a nation, our consumption of junk

food is horrifying.

c 8C contact lens lentillas I usually wear contact lenses, but I

sometimes wear glasses when my eyes
are tired.
c 9B contactless-payment pago sin necesidad de contactless-payment systems

c 2B contemporary comtemporáneo / a contemporary


c 2C contribute contribuir Smoking contributed to his early death.

c 7B contribution aportación She didn't make much of a contribution

(= She did not say much) at today's
meeting, did she?
c 10C conversational oratoria He seems to lack basic conversational

c 7A convict convicto an escaped convict

c 1C convinced convencido / a My boyfriend says I'd enjoy a walking

holiday, but I'm not convinced.

c 10C convincing convincente a convincing argument/explanation

c 7B cookie cookie I deleted all the cookies from my


c 7B co-operation cooperación This documentary was made with the

cooperation of British Rail.

c 5B coordinate coordinar Cerebral palsy affects the sufferer's

ability to coordinate body movements.
c 6B copywriter redactor de material We are advertising for a new copywriter.

c 6C copywriting derechos de autor a copywriting course

c 6A corridor pasillo Her office is at the end of the corridor.

c 9A cost of living coste de vida The increase in interest rates will raise
the cost of living.

c 1C costs gastos We need to cut our advertising costs.

c 4A costume drama novela de época I love watching costume dramas on TV.

c 3A couch sofá She sat down on the couch.

c 5C counter-argument contraargumento He came up with an excellent counter-


c 5A counter-attack contraataque The rebels have launched a strong

counter-attack against the government
c 5A counterbalance contrapeso Her calm nature served as a natural
counterbalance to his excitable
c 9A courage valentía They showed great courage when they
found out about their baby's disability.

c 8B courageous valiente It was a courageous decision to resign

in protest at the company's pollution
c 8B courageously valientemente She behaved very courageously during
the incident.

c 7A coursework trabajo realizado durante el Have you finished your coursework yet?

c 5A courtier cortesano Many of the courtiers were upset by the

princess's resistance to tradition.

c 4A coverage cobertura What did you think of the BBC's election


c 6A cow vaca a dairy cow

c 9A coward cobarde They branded her a coward for

informing on her colleagues during the
c 8B cowardly cobarde This was a particularly brutal and
cowardly attack.
c 4C crash-land aterrizaje forzoso The jet crash-landed and burst into

c 8B crave deseo (de ser el centro de Many young children crave attention.

c 4B creature animal/criatura Rain forests are filled with amazing


c 5C crèche guardería Does your employer provide a crèche?

c 4C crisp incisivo / a a crisp reply

c 7A crop cosecha The main crops grown for export are

coffee and rice.

c 7A cross-country campo a través cross-country skiing/running

c 1C crow cuervo My girlfriend is scared of birds,

especially crows.

c 1C crowd grupo She goes about with a friendly crowd.

c 8B crunch crujir The gravel crunched underfoot as we

walked up to the house.

c 6A cunningly astutamente He behaved very cunningly.

c 8C curious curioso / a I was curious to know what would

happen next.

c 9A current actual Have you seen the current issue of

Vogue magazine?

c 5B curriculum curriculum the school curriculum

c 2B curry curry a hot curry

c 10A cyclone ciclón We were caught in a cyclone.

c 6B cynical cínico / a I've always been deeply cynical about


d 10B (be) down to reducirse a It's all down to money.

d 10C daddy papá Mummy and Daddy are taking me to the

circus on Saturday.

d 6C dance-floor pista de baile Have you seen him on the dance-floor

(= dancing)?
d 1C data datos The data was/were collected by various

d 5C dead-end job sin futuro I am planning to escape from my dead-

end job.

d 9B debit card tarjeta de débito I paid with my debit card.

d 5B debut album primer album His debut album was released in

January 2008.

d 10A decade década The country has experienced two

decades of growth.

d 6C deceive engañar The company deceived customers by

selling old computers as new ones.

d 6A decidedly sin duda An agreement is looking decidedly

difficult according to the newspapers.

d 9C decline declive industrial decline

d 6B deed acciones It seems to me that a lot of evil deeds

are done in the name of religion.

d 9C deeply profundamente I'm deeply grateful to you.

d 4A defendant acusado The jury concluded from the evidence

that the defendant was innocent.

d 7C defensive defensivo / a The merest hint of criticism makes him


d 2A deficiency deficiencia Pregnant women often suffer from iron


d 2A deficient carente A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause

the disease rickets.

d 7B delay retraso There has been a delay in the book's


d 2B delightful encantador / a His sister is a delightful girl.

d 1A demand demanda There was little demand for tickets.

d 8C demonstrate demostrar These figures clearly demonstrate the

size of the economic problem facing the
d 9A dental dental dental decay/treatment

d 10A dependent depender de It's very easy to become dependent on

sleeping pills.
d 3A depressing deprimente I find this weather so depressing.

d 3B depression depresión I was overwhelmed by feelings of


d 1B depth profundidad the depth of a lake/pond

d 6B despise odiar The two groups despise each other.

d 8B despondent desanimado / a He became/grew increasingly

despondent when she failed to return
his phone calls.
d 4C detach desprender/separar You can detach the hood if you prefer
the coat without it.

d 10B determination determinación a man of fierce/ruthless determination

d 5A detract from restar importancia All that make-up she wears actually
detracts from her beauty, I think.

d 8A devastating devastador / a If the bomb had exploded in the main

shopping area, it would have been
d 4B development desarrollo Technological developments have
changed the shape of industry.

d 2A developmentally trastornos en el desarrollo developmentally disabled

d 4A device aparato Rescuers used a special device for

finding people trapped in collapsed
d 10B devote dedicar She has devoted all her energies/life to
the care of homeless people.

d 4B diagnostic diagnóstico diagnostic techniques/tests

d 8A direct-debit domiciliación del pago I pay my electricity bill by direct debit.

d 8A directly directamente I'm not directly involved in the project.

d 2A directory directorio Look up their number in the telephone


d 2A disabled minusválido The accident left him severely disabled.

d 1A disabled space aparcamiento para If you have a disabled badge in your

minusválidos car, you can park in a disabled space.
d 6A disaffected insatisfecho / a The party needs to take steps to attract
disaffected voters.

d 8B disapprove no estar de acuerdo The survey showed that 32% of

respondents approve, 54% disapprove
and the rest are undecided.
d 6C disastrous desastroso /a Such a war would be disastrous for the

d 3C discount descuento They usually give you a discount if you

buy multiple copies.

d 9C discrimination discriminación racial/sex discrimination

d 8B disgust indignación She walked out in disgust.

d 8B disgusted indignada / o She was disgusted at the way they

treated their children.

d 6B dislike no gustar I dislike walking and I hate the


d 9A disposable disponible disposable income

d 9B dispute negar Few would dispute his status as the

finest artist of the period.

d 9B disruptive negativo / a His teacher described him as a noisy,

disruptive influence in class.

d 4C distinction distinción There's a clear distinction between the

dialects spoken in the two regions.

d 6A distinctly claramente She looks distinctly fitter these days.

d 7A distinguishing distintivo / a The main distinguishing feature of the

new car is its fast acceleration.

d 10B distraction distracción I can turn the television off if you find it
a distraction.

d 3A distress ansiedad She claimed that the way she had been
treated at work had caused her extreme
emotional and psychological distress.

d 2A distribute distribuir Their teacher distributed a review for

the exam.

d 4A district distrito South Cambridgeshire District Council

d 8B disturbance molestias Residents are fed up with the

disturbance caused by the nightclub.
d 2C diverse diverso / a Linguistics embraces a diverse range of
subjects such as phonetics and
d 2C diversity diversidad Does television adequately reflect the
ethnic and cultural diversity of the
d 7A DNA ADN DNA research

d 7B documentation documentación Passengers without proper

documentation will not be allowed to
d 3A dominate dominar He refuses to let others speak and
dominates every meeting.

d 8A doorstep umbral de la puerta There's a lovely park right on our


d 4C downmarket barato y de baja calidad a downmarket tabloid newspaper

d 7B downpour aguacero a torrential downpour

d 8B downstairs abajo I went downstairs to answer the phone.

d 10B down-to-earth realista She's a down-to-earth sort of woman

with no pretensions.

d 6C drag arrastrar Pick the chair up instead of dragging it

behind you!

d 5B dressage adiestramiento de caballos a dressage competition

d 10B driving range recinto para practicar golf I often practise my golf swing at the
driving range.

d 5A drudgery trabajo pesado y monótono the drudgery of housework

d 2A dub apodar She was dubbed by the newspapers

'The Angel of Death'.

d 5C dubious sospechoso / a I'm dubious about his promises to

change his ways.

d 6A duck pato Let's go and feed the ducks.

e 9A e.g. ejemplo You should eat more food that contains

a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables and
e 4B earthling terrícola The film tells the story of a group of
aliens who come to Earth to study
e 7B earthquake terremoto In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much
of San Francisco.

e 8A ease tranquilizar If it will ease your mind, I'll have a word

with Charlotte for you.

e 8A east este Cambridge is in East Anglia.

e 10A ebb away disminuir He could feel his strength ebbing away.

e 9B e-cash dinero electrónico I paid with e-cash.

e 8A eco-audit auditoria ambiental Our company is carrying out an eco-


e 7A ecology ecología The oil spill caused terrible damage to

the fragile ecology of the coast.

e 3C economical no decir toda ( la verdad) I was being economical with the truth.

e 10A economics económicas She's in her third year of economics at

York university.

e 9A economy economía the global economy

e 6B effectiveness eficacia There are doubts about the

effectiveness of the new drug in treating
the disease.
e 8A election elecciones The Government is expected to call an
election very soon.

e 10A element indicio There was certainly an element of truth

in what she said.

e 10C elementary elemental I have an elementary knowledge of


e 9B eliminate eliminar A move towards healthy eating could

help eliminate heart disease.

e 9B embedded clavado / a The thorn was embedded in her thumb.

e 8A emission emisión The increased use of natural gas will

help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

e 8B emotion sentimientos Like a lot of men, he finds it hard to

express his emotions.

e 2A emotional emocional a child's emotional development

e 2B enchanting mágico / a It's described in the guide book as 'an

enchanting medieval city'.
e 10B encouragement ánimo Children need lots of encouragement
from their parents.

e 7B enforce imponer It isn't always easy for the police to

enforce speed limits.

e 4B engine motor a jet engine

e 5B enrol matricularse en I enrolled for/in/on the modern art


e 1C ensure asegurar The role of the police is to ensure (that)

the law is obeyed.

e 3C enthuse entusiasmado / a He was enthusing over a wonderful

restaurant he'd been to.

e 1C entirely completamente I admit it was entirely my fault.

e 8A environmentalist ecologista The expansion plans will face fierce

resistance from environmentalists.

e 8A environmentally ecológico environmentally-friendly washing


e 10A epitomise personificar With little equipment and unsuitable

footwear, she epitomises the
inexperienced and unprepared
mountain walker.
e 10A equine equina equine flu

e 9B error error The letter contains a number of typing


e 8A eruption erupción a volcanic eruption

e 10A escalator escaleras automáticas I'll meet you by the up/down escalator
on the second floor.

e 6B essay disertación For homework I want you to write an

essay on endangered species.

e 4C evacuate evacuar A thousand people were evacuated

from their homes following the floods.

e 8A ever(-) constante The ever-increasing demand for private

cars could be halted by more
investment in public transport.
e 1B everyday cotidiana the everyday lives of ordinary Russian

e 7A ex- ex ex-prisoner
e 4B exasperating exasperante It's so exasperating when he won't
listen to a word that I say.

e 5B exceptional excepcional exceptional powers of concentration

e 10B exceptionally excepcional an exceptionally fine portrait

e 7B exemption exención Candidates with a qualification in

Chemistry have exemption from this
e 3A exhilaration alegría I had a fantastic feeling of exhilaration
when I won the race.

e 6A exit salida a fire exit

e 2B exotic exótico / a exotic flowers/food/designs

e 1A expect esperar He didn't expect to see me.

e 8C expectation expectativa She could never measure up to her

mother's expectations.

e 6C expensive-looking aspecto caro / a an expensive-looking ring

e 3A experiment experimento Some people believe that experiments

on animals should be banned.

e 6B experimentation experimento Extensive experimentation (= testing) is

needed before new drugs can be sold.

e 10C expertise habilidad We admired the expertise with which he

prepared the meal.

e 9C explanation explicación Could you give me a quick explanation

of how it works?

e 4B exploration exploración Livingstone was the first European to

make an exploration of the Zambezi
e 2C explore explorar to explore space

e 6B expose estar expuesto / a About 800,000 children are exposed to

poisons each year.

e 6A extensive extenso / a extensive repairs to the motorway

e 4A extraordinary increíble He told the extraordinary story of his

e 9A extravagance extravagancia I think she was shocked by my

e 3A extravagant extravagante the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star

e 9C eye test revisión de la vista Could I book an eye test please?

e 2B eye-mask antifaz I always wear an eye-mask in bed.

f 6A facial facial facial hair

f 4A fact-based basado / a en hechos reales a fact-based novel

f 10A failure fracaso The meeting was a complete/total


f 2C fairytale cuento de hadas They had a fairytale wedding.

f 9C faithfully atentamente Yours faithfully

f 7C falling caida falling birth/interest rates

f 10B fame fama She first rose to fame as a singer at the

age of 16.

f 3C fanatic fanático / a a fitness/film fanatic

f 8B fantastic estupendo / a You look fantastic in that dress.

f 8B fantasy fantasía Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a

big house and a flashy car.

f 10A far-flung extenso The news spread to all corners of our

far-flung empire.

f 8A far-reaching gran alcance These new laws will have far-reaching

benefits for all working mothers.

f 10A fascinate fascinar Science has always fascinated me.

f 9B fashion-conscious seguidor de la moda your average fashion-conscious


f 10C fast track camino rápido A degree in computer science offers a

fast track to the top.

f 8B fear-avoider persona que evita He never takes risks because he is a

situaciones de miedo fear-avoider.
f 8A federal law ley federal They were charged with violating
federal law.

f 6A feedback comentario/reacción Have you had any feedback from

customers about the new soap?

f 9A feel good factor sensación de bienestar The feel good factor persists despite the
current economic problems.

f 7A ferry transbordador/ferry a car ferry

f 5A fetch alcanzar Could you fetch me my glasses/fetch

my glasses for me from the other room,
f 7A fibre fibra The fibres are woven into fabric.

f 8A fight luchar We need the public's help in fighting


f 9B finance finanzas corporate/personal/public finance

f 7C financially económicamente The project is not financially viable.

f 7B fingerprint huella digital His fingerprints were all over the gun.

f 3A finicky minucioso / a Repairing watches must be a very

finicky job.

f 3A finishing line meta The winner crossed the finishing line 9

seconds before the second-placed
f 2A firmly firmemente We are firmly committed to reducing

f 1A fishcake pescado rebozado Fishcakes are on the menu today.

f 10B fitness buen estado físico I'm trying to improve my fitness by

cycling to work.

f 7A fjord fiordo the Norwegian fjords

f 5A flash brillar The lightning flashed and distant

thunder rolled.

f 9A flat screen pantalla plana a flat screen television

f 8B flattering favorecedor / a a flattering photograph

f 2A flit saltar (de una cosa a otra) Sara finds it very difficult to settle - she's
always flitting from one thing to another.

f 10A flock rebaño a flock of sheep/goats/geese

f 2B flooding inundaciones Some roads have been closed because

of flooding.

f 7A flour harina Thicken the sauce with a little flour.

f 6C flow corriente the flow of ideas/information

f 9A flying volar Annette's scared of flying.

f 5B focus foco The main focus of interest at the fashion

show was Christian Lacroix's
outrageous evening wear.
f 8A focus concentrarse Tonight's programme focuses on the
way that homelessness affects the
f 2B footstep paso Walking along the darkened street, he
heard footsteps close behind him.

f 4A forbid prohibir The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to

people under the age of 16.

f 8C forcefully enérgicamente He argued forcefully that stricter laws

were necessary to deal with the
f 2B forehead frente She wiped the beads of sweat from her

f 7A forensic forense forensic evidence/medicine/science

f 4B forerunner precursor Germany's Green party was said to be

the forerunner of environmental parties
throughout Europe.
f 7A forest bosque the Black Forest

f 6B forgivable perdonable a forgivable mistake

f 5C forgive perdonar I don't think she's ever quite forgiven

me for getting her name wrong that
f 4C format formato The format of the magazine has

f 4A formula fórmula There's no magic formula for success.

f 9A foundation fundación the British Heart Foundation

f 10A four-month cuatro meses a four-month course

f 7A fragment fragmento The road was covered with fragments of

glass from the shattered window.

f 8C frankly francamente Frankly, I think this whole situation is


f 7A fraudster estafador New measures are needed to prevent

fraudsters opening bank accounts with
stolen cheques.
f 10C free-flowing fluir libremente a free-flowing river

f 7C freeze congelar Water freezes to ice at a temperature of


f 1A friendliness simpatía Serena is very popular because of her


f 1B friendship amistad Their friendship goes back to when they

were at school together.

f 1C frighten espantar/asustar He frightens me when he drives so fast.

f 6C frown fruncir el ceño She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.

f 6C fry freir Fry the mushrooms in a little butter.

f 9A fulfilment sentirse realizado / a She finally found fulfilment in


f 6B fundraising recaudación de fondos The summer fête will be the school's

main fundraising event this year.

f 1B funnily enough curiosamente I have met him, funnily enough.

f 10A further más lejos It was much further to the town centre
than I remembered.

f 6A furthermore además I suggest we use Barkers as our main

suppliers - they're good and furthermore
they're cheap.
f 3C fussy recargado / a They've got those curtains that tie up
with big bows - they're a bit fussy for my
g 4B gadget aparato kitchen gadgets
g 1C gain obtener What do you hope to gain from the

g 2A gait paso/manera de caminar He walked with a slow stiff gait.

g 9B games console consola de juegos Do you have a games console?

g 5A gatekeeper portero social gatekeepers

g 4B gaze comtemplar Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as

he spoke.

g 4B geek persona peculiar He's such a geek.

g 9C gender sexo I think both genders are capable of

looking after children.

g 2A generate crear The new development will generate

1500 new jobs.

g 2A genius genio (an) artistic/creative/musical genius

g 10B gentle suave a gentle wind

g 5A genuine auténtico / a Machiko looked at me in genuine

surprise - "Are you really going?" she
g 1A genuinely sinceramente I'm genuinely sorry for what I said, I
really am.

g 7B get-together reunión a family get-together

g 8B ghost story historia de fantasmas Sarah doesn't like ghost stories.

g 10B gift don He has a gift for languages.

g 10B gifted dotado / a a gifted dancer/musician

g 10B give up dejar de I've given up trying to help her.

g 5A glamour encanto Who can resist the glamour of


g 2B glide deslizar The boat glided silently across the lake.

g 2C glimpse ver fugazmente I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the

driver of the getaway car, but I doubt I
would recognize her if I saw her again.
g 6C gloat deleitarse con algo She's continually gloating over/about
her new job.

g 9C gloomy pesimista a gloomy economic forecast

g 4A glossy ilustrado a glossy magazine

g 10B God-given dado por Dios She has a God-given talent as a


g 10A gold rush fiebre del oro He became rich during the gold rush.

g 6B golden dorado / a the golden days of our youth

g 10B golfer jugador de golf He's one of the highest-earning

professional golfers in the world.

g 2A Google Google Google is a popular Internet search


g 4B govern regir Prices of goods are governed by the

cost of the raw materials, as well as by
the cost of production and distribution.

g 1A grab arrebatar/agarrar A mugger grabbed her handbag as she

was walking across the park.

g 4B grain grano grains of wheat/rice

g 8B grandma abuela My grandma is in her eighties.

g 8B grandpa abuelo My grandpa is getting old and can't hear

very well.

g 4C grassy cubierto / a de césped a grassy slope/hillside

g 9B grave fosa ( común ) a mass grave

g 10C gregarious alegre Emma's a gregarious, outgoing sort of


g 9B grip dominio Rebels have tightened their grip on the


g 1A gritted apretar gritted teeth

g 9B groceries comestibles Could you buy some groceries for me?

g 8C gross grave a gross violation of justice

g 7B grounds alegando que He refused to answer on the grounds

that she was unfairly dismissed.

g 9A growing creciente There is a growing awareness of the

seriousness of this disease.

g 9C growth crecimiento economic growth

g 1A grumble quejarse She spent the evening grumbling to me

about her job.

g 3A gullible crédulo / a There are any number of miracle cures

on the market for people gullible
enough to buy them.
g 10C guru gurú For the last decade she has acted as
the president's economics guru.

g 6B gush emanar Her arm gushed blood where the knife

had gone in.

h 4B habitat habitat With so many areas of woodland being

cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its
natural habitat.
h 3C hairstyle peinado Do you like my new hairstyle?

h 6A hallway vestíbulo I walked through the door and into the


h 2B hammock hamaca He loved sleeping in his hammock.

h 7C handbag bolso She took her hairbrush from her

handbag and began to brush her hair.

h 10B handicap handicap My current golf handicap is nine.

h 3C handmade hecho a mano handmade chocolates/paper/shoes

h 9B handset auricular (teléfono) The shop sells all the latest handsets.

h 2B hang colgarse I hung from the window with my


h 6A hardly apenas I could hardly hear her at the back.

h 2B healthcare sanidad Healthcare workers are some of the

lowest paid people in the country.

h 9B health-conscious consciente de la salud My wife is very health-conscious.

h 3C hearing oído My father is quite old now and he's
increasingly hard of hearing.

h 3C heating calefacción Is the heating on?

h 6A heel tacón high-heeled shoes

h 4A height pico (temporada alta) August is the height of the tourist


h 6A held sustentado / a firmly held beliefs

h 2A hemisphere hemisferio The brain is divided into two


h 4B herd rebaño a herd of cattle/elephants/goats

h 4C heroic heroico My great grandfather was a heroic


h 1A high street calle principal There's a new Italian restaurant opening

on the high street.

h 8B higher superior a higher calling

h 1A highly sumamente a highly profitable line of products

h 9B high-street calle principal There are signs of economic recovery in

the high street.

h 10B himself él mismo Any fool can teach himself to type.

h 6C hiss silbar People in the audience were hissing

their disapproval.

h 4B historian historiador Her father was an eminent historian.

h 10A historic histórico / a historic buildings

h 1B hobby pasatiempo Ben's hobby is restoring vintage


h 10A homing instinto de volver a casa Migrating birds and fish have a strong
homing instinct.

h 4B homo urbanus hombre civilizado Homo sapiens have become homo


h 8C honestly honestamente They have always dealt honestly and

fairly with their customers.
h 6A hooligan gamberro Hooligans had sprayed paint all over
the car.

h 6A hop saltar The rabbit/bird hopped across the


h 10A horseback a caballo police on horseback

h 5B horse-riding montar a caballo I enjoyed horse-riding when I was


h 9A hot-air balloon globo aerostático hot-air balloon flights

h 9C housing vivienda There's a shortage of cheap housing in

the region.

h 4B hub centro The City of London is the hub of

Britain's financial world.

h 2A hug abrazo Come here and give me a big hug.

h 5A humble humilde He's very humble about his success.

h 3C hundred-year-old centenario There's a hundred-year-old tree in the


h 8C hunter cazador Animals in the cat family are hunters.

h 10A husky husky (perro) The huskies pulled our sledge.

h 3B hygiene higiene Poor standards of hygiene mean that

the disease spreads fast.

h 6B hype despliegue/bombo media hype


h 2B hypnotic hipnotizante/hipnótico / a The beauty of the place was hypnotic.

i 7A icicle estalagtita Icicles hung from the roof.

i 10A iconic icono John Lennon gained iconic status

following his death.

i 1C icy congelado / a icy roads

i 3C ideal ideal the ideal employer

i 9B idealistic idealista When I was young and idealistic I

believed it was possible to change the
i 7B identification identificación personal identification number

i 8C identity identidad The man's identity was being kept

secret while he was helping police with
i 9B idiot-proof a prueba de idiotas an idiot-proof guide

i 7A idyllic idílico / a an idyllic childhood/summer

i 9C illegal ilegal a campaign to stop the illegal sale of

cigarettes to children under 16

i 6A illustrate ilustrar The lecturer illustrated his point with a

diagram on the blackboard.

i 10C image imagen television images of starving children

i 6B image-conscious consciente de la imagen He's terribly image-conscious.

i 6B imaginative imaginativo / a an imaginative new approach/policy

i 8B imagine imaginar I've never heard her criticize you - I

think you imagine it.

i 2A immeasurable inmenso / a Her films had an immeasurable effect

on a generation of Americans.

i 4A immigrant inmigrante a large immigrant population

i 7A impact impacto The anti-smoking campaign had

had/made quite an impact on young
i 3A impetuous impetuoso / a He's so impetuous - why can't he think
things over before he rushes into them?

i 7B implant implante breast/heart valve implants

i 7B implant implantar The owner's name and address is

stored on a microchip and implanted in
the dog's body.
i 6C imply insinuar Are you implying (that) I'm fat?

i 3A impostor impostor He felt like an impostor among all those

intelligent people, as if he had no right
to be there.
i 2A impractical poco práctico / a I love high heels but they're rather
i 1A impressed impresionado / a I wasn't very impressed with the

i 1A impression impresión It makes/gives/creates a very bad

impression if you're late for an interview.

i 4B improvement mejora a slight improvement in the economy

i 4C in tune en sintonia Much of his success comes from being

in tune with what his customers want.

i 6A inability incapacidad Inability to use a computer is a serious

disadvantage when you are applying for
i 1C inaccessible inaccesible one of the most inaccessible places in
the world

i 4B Inc. Sociedad Anónima Bishop Computer Services Inc.

i 8A incinerator incineradora a garbage/hazardous-waste incinerator

i 1B include incluir The bill includes tax and service.

i 1B increasingly cada vez más to be increasingly important/common

i 8C indecision indecisión A moment's indecision when you've got

the ball and you could lose the game.

i 1A indication indicio Helen's face gave no indication of what

she was thinking.

i 2B inexpensive barato / a It's an inexpensive perfume.

i 10A information autopista de la información The information superhighway extends

superhighway throughout most of the world.

i 6B informative informativo / a This is an interesting and highly

informative book.

i 7A informer delator Most police informers receive a reward

for their information.

i 4B infuriating irritante It's infuriating when people keep

spelling your name wrong, isn't it?

i 7A inhabitant habitante a city of 5 million inhabitants

i 5C inheritance herencia The large inheritance from his aunt

meant that he could buy his own boat.
i 1A initially al principio Initially, most people approved of the
new scheme.

i 4C injury lesión a head/back/knee injury

i 1C in-laws suegros My in-laws are coming for Christmas.

i 7A inmate residente Women make up about 6 per cent of all

inmates in the U.S.

i 4B innovation novedad the latest innovations in computer


i 7A innovative innovador / a innovative ideas/methods

i 7B input aportación I didn't have much input into the project.

i 9B input introducir I've spent the morning inputting data

into the computer.

i 5C inseparable inseparable When we were kids Zoe and I were


i 1A insincere poco sincero /a an insincere apology

i 10B inspire inspirar His confident leadership inspired his


i 9B insurance seguro life/health/car/travel insurance

i 7C insure asegurado / a All our household goods are insured

against accidental damage.

i 9B insurer asegurador Please contact your insurer if you have

any inquiries.

i 7B intake número de admitidos The teacher-training college has

increased its intake of students by 50%
this year.
i 9C intellectual intelectual Looking after a baby at home all day is
nice but it doesn't provide much
intellectual stimulation.
i 4A intellectually intelectualmente She's hoping to find a job which is more
demanding intellectually.

i 5B intend tener la intención We intend to go to Australia next year.

i 1B intentionally intencionadamente I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just

didn't recognize her.

i 10C interact relacionarse con Dominique's teacher says that she

interacts well with the other children.
i 5A interaction interacción There's not enough interaction between
the management and the workers.

i 9B inter-city interurbano an inter-city train

i 1B interest interés I've always had an interest in


i 5A interlocked entrelazado / a interlocked paving

i 8C interpretation interpretación The dispute is based on two widely

differing interpretations of the law.

i 1A intervene intervenir The Central Bank intervened in the

currency markets today to try to
stabilize the exchange rate.
i 2A intimidating intimidante an intimidating array of weapons

i 2C intriguing intrigante an intriguing possibility/question

i 7C intruder intruso I feel like an intruder when I visit their


i 7B intrusion intromisión They complained about excessive

government intrusion into their
legitimate activities.
i 6B intrusive indiscreto / a intrusive questioning

i 10C intuitive intuitivo / a Men are often regarded as less intuitive

than women.

i 10C invariably siempre The train is invariably late.

i 8A involved implicado / a emotionally/romantically involved

i 3A inwardly interiormente He was inwardly relieved that the test

was cancelled.

i 7B iris iris iris recognition software

i 1B irritate irritar After a while her behaviour really began

to irritate me.

i 1A -ish casi (nuevo) They have a four-bedroom house on a

newish estate.

j 7C (be) joined at the hip They seem to be joined at the hip.


j 7A jail prisión the country's overcrowded jails

j 4C jet a reacción a jet plane

j 8B joy alegría They were filled with joy when their first
child was born.

j 10B judgment criterio to show good/sound/poor judgment

j 7A justice justicia The justice system in this country

consists of a series of law courts at
different levels.
j 7B justified justificado / a I think you were quite justified in

j 5C justify justificar I can't really justify taking another day

off work.

k 1B keep track seguir los acontecimientos My sister has had so many different
jobs, I find it hard to keep track (of what
she's doing).
k 1A keep up mantener el ritmo Supply of the goods is failing to keep up
with demand.

k 3A kicked-in-the-guts patada en el estómago I can clearly remember the kicked-in-

the-guts feeling I had when I lost my
k 7B kick-off inicio del partido What time is the kick-off?

k 7A kidnapper secuestrador The police have arrested the kidnapper.

k 7A killer asesino Police are still hoping to find the dead

woman's killer.

k 2A kindly amable a kindly old lady

k 6A kitten gatito / a I'm going to buy my daughter a kitten for

her birthday.

k 7A knives cuchillos In the car the police found guns, knives

and other lethal weapons.

l 3A lack carecer He just lacks a little confidence.

l 10C lack falta Her only problem is lack of confidence.

l 6C lad chico A group of young lads were standing

outside the shop.

l 2B lagoon laguna a tropical lagoon

l 7C landlord propietario The landlord had promised to
redecorate the bedrooms before we
moved in.
l 7A landscape paisaje a rural/barren landscape

l 5A laundry ropa sucia I've got to do my laundry.

l 4A lawsuit litigio Two of the directors have brought/filed

a lawsuit against their former employer.

l 4C layout distribución I like the layout of the house.

l 6B leap saltar He leapt out of his car and ran towards

the house.

l 6C leap up saltar I leaped up to answer the phone.

l 10C learner aprendiz He's a quick learner.

l 9C leave aside dejar a un lado Leaving aside the question of cost, how
many people do we need on the job?

l 4A legally legalmente Children under sixteen are not legally

allowed to buy cigarettes.

l 4A legitimate legítimo / a He claimed that the restaurant bill was a

legitimate business expense.

l 9A leisure ocio leisure activities

l 4B lengthen alargar There is a plan to lengthen the three-

year course to four years.

l 9C less-developed menos desarrollado less-developed countries

l 4A libel difamación She threatened to sue the magazine for


l 2B lick lamer He licked the chocolate off his fingers.

l 2A lifespan duración de una vida/ The average human lifespan in the

promedio de vida developed countries has increased over
the last hundred years.
l 2B lifetime transcurso de una vida We'll see a tremendous lot of
technological changes during/in our
l 9A likely probablemente Do remind me because I'm likely to
l 6B likewise igualmente Just water these plants twice a week,
and likewise the ones in the bedroom.

l 7B limit limitar Having so little money to spend on an

apartment does limit you in your choice.

l 5A limo limosina I arrived at the party in a limo.

l 10C linguistic lingüístico I'm particularly interested in the

linguistic development of young
l 6C literally literalmente I was literally bowled over by the news.

l 10A litre litro The tax increase will add 4p to a litre of


l 8A litter basura About 2% of fast-food packaging ends

up as litter.

l 6C lively vivo / a The room was painted a lively electric


l 9C loan préstamo She's trying to get a $50 000 loan to

start her own business.

l 6B loathing odio The thought of him touching her filled

her with deep loathing.

l 2A lobby recepción Let's meet in the lobby of the hotel.

l 7B locate localizar Police are still trying to locate the


l 7B locker consigna We had several hours to wait for our

train, so we left our bags in a (luggage)
locker, and went to look around the
l 2B log tronco a log cabin

l 9C logical lógico / a a logical choice/conclusion

l 8B lovable encantador / a a lovable child

l 10A loved one ser querido People, naturally enough, want to know
that their loved ones are out of danger.

l 6C love-struck cegado de amor Look at me, I'm behaving like a love-

struck teenager!

l 6C luckless sin suerte The luckless defender, Mark Emery,

sustained his third injury of the season.
l 7A lush exhuberante lush green valleys

l 8C luxurious lujoso / a They have a very luxurious house.

m 8A mad loco / a I think I must be going mad.

m 7A maggot gusano a maggot farm

m 10A mail correo She spent the morning reading and

answering her mail.

m 7A maintain mantener Despite living in different countries, the

two families have maintained close
m 4B majority mayoría The majority of the employees have
university degrees.

m 10A making producción the art of film making

m 6B manipulate manipular Throughout her career she has very

successfully manipulated the media.

m 1C manual manual a DIY manual

m 2B marble mármol a marble floor/statue

m 6A marginally ligeramente marginally more expensive

m 7A mark marca a distinguishing mark

m 2A marked acentuado / a The president spoke with passion for an

hour, in marked contrast to his subdued
address to the parliament yesterday.

m 8B marker marcador development markers

m 1A marketing márketing a career in marketing

m 2B massive enorme They've got a massive house.

m 9C mass-produced producción en serie mass-produced souvenirs

m 6A matching que hace juego a green dress with matching green

m 9A materialism materialismo So have we become a self-centred
society, preoccupied with materialism?

m 8C materialistic materialista I was a materialistic person, with a large


m 2A mathematical matemática a mathematical formula

m 2C meandering serpenteado a meandering river

m 1B meaningful profundo / a She seems to find it difficult to form

meaningful relationships.

m 10A means medios We need to find some other means of


m 4A measure medida What further measures can we take to

avoid terrorism?

m 6A mechanism mecanismo She's actually rather insecure, and her

rudeness is just a defence mechanism.

m 2B medieval medieval a medieval building/painting/town

m 8B mediocre mediocre The film's plot is predictable and the

acting is mediocre.

m 2B Mediterranean Mediterránea Mediterranean cuisine

m 2A mega- mega megacomputer/mega-savant

m 9A membership afiliación You have to apply for membership of

the sports club.

m 2A memorise memorizar When I was at school, we were required

to memorize a poem every week.

m 6A mental mental His physical and mental health had got


m 10B mentor mentor I've learned a lot from my mentor.

m 10A messenger mensajero The documents were delivered by

special messenger.

m 2B metallic metálico Our new car is metallic blue.

m 3A meticulous meticuloso / a Many hours of meticulous preparation

have gone into writing the book.

m 10A mice ratones field mice

m 7B microchip microchip The microchip compresses and
decompresses a colour image in less
than a second.
m 4C middle-of-the-road moderado / a middle-of-the-road pop music

m 4B millennia milenio The book is a history of the last two


m 10C mind map técnica de aprendizaje I'd like to learn how to draw mind maps.

m 6A mindset disposición to have a different/the same mindset

m 5C minimum wage salario mínimo It is very difficult to survive on the

minimum wage.

m 4A minister ministro the foreign/health minister

m 6C minor de poca importancia a minor operation

m 4B misgovernment mal gobierno A decade of misgovernment has

bankrupted the country.

m 5C misguided desacertado / a He was shot as he made a misguided

attempt to stop the robbers single-
m 7A model modelo The educational system was a model
for those of many other countries.

m 10B modelling carrera de modelo Ashley's always wanted to go into


m 3B moderate mediana The cabin is of moderate size - just right

for a small family.

m 2C modernity modernidad There is a stark contrast between

tradition and modernity on the streets of
the city.
m 1C molehill topera You're making a mountain out of a
molehill. You wrote one bad essay - it
doesn't mean you're going to fail your
m 9B money-minded tener un interés en la gestión I've never been very money-minded - I
del dinero leave all my business affairs to my
financial adviser.
m 7B monitoring control secret monitoring of phone calls

m 2B monsoon monzón The failure of the monsoon would

destroy harvests on which 1000 million
people rely.
m 8B monster monstruo a sea monster
m 9B monthly mensual monthly payments

m 6B motivated motivado / a a racially-motivated murder

m 8B motivation motivación He's a bright enough student - he just

lacks motivation.

m 2A motor motriz He has poor motor control/functions.

m 7B motorist automovilista A passing motorist stopped and gave

her a lift to the nearby town.

m 1C motorway autopista Because of the bad weather, motorway

(driving) conditions are expected to be
hazardous tonight.
m 7B movement movimiento He made a sudden movement and
frightened the bird away.

m 6B much muy This is a much discussed issue.

m 4B multitude multitud The city has a multitude of problems,

from homelessness to drugs and
m 8B mundane trivial Mundane matters such as paying bills
and shopping for food do not interest
m 1C must deber We must get someone to fix that wheel.

m 2B must- debe ( verse) It's moderately entertaining but it's

certainly not a must-see film.

m 2A mutter murmurar Stop muttering and speak up!

m 1A myself yo mismo / a I've bought myself a new coat.

n 3A nagging persistente a nagging feeling

n 2C nail scissors tijeras de uñas silver nail scissors

n 7A narrow estrecho / a a narrow bridge/passage/gap

n 5B necessitate requerir Reduction in government spending will

necessitate further cuts in public
n 1B necessity necesidad With a personal fortune of six million
pounds, she certainly doesn't work out
of necessity (= because she needs to).
n 2A neck cuello He had the thickest neck I'd ever seen.

n 9A need necesidad There's a growing need for cheap

housing in the larger cities.

n 2B net red a fishing net

n 4A newly reciente the newly formed residents' association

n 9B newsworthy de interés periodístico Nothing newsworthy ever happens

around here. It's so boring.

n 1A niceness amabilidad Our company values niceness.

n 1B nightclub club nocturno We went dancing at a nightclub.

n 1B no longer dejar de The cinema is no longer used.

n 6C nod asentir con la cabeza Many people in the audience nodded in


n 9A no-expense-spared gastar sin miramientos a no-expense-spared holiday

n 4C nonetheless aún así There are serious problems in our

country. Nonetheless, we feel this is a
good time to return.
n 9C noon doce del mediodía We used to ski before noon then take a
long lunch.

n 2C nor tampoco "I've never been to Iceland." "Nor have


n 7B norm norma One child per family is fast becoming

the norm in some countries.

n 2C northwest noroeste the sale of the company's northwest


n 7A Norwegian Noruego / a She is a Norwegian student.

n 8A notably principalmente They have begun attracting investors,

most notably big Japanese financial
n 10B note nota He left a note to say he would be home

n 10C note-taking tomar apuntes Note-taking is an important skill for


n 9B noteworthy significativo / a a noteworthy example/event

n 9C nuclear power energía nuclear nuclear power stations

n 6C nudge dar golpes con el codo The children were giggling and nudging
each other.

n 7B number plate matrícula Police are looking for a small blue car
with the number plate K17 EMW.

o 7B obesity obesidad A diet that is high in fat can lead to


o 4A objection objección Her objection to/against the plan is

based on incorrect facts.

o 4B obstinate tozudo / a He can be very obstinate at times.

o 3C occurrence acontecimiento Street-fights are an everyday

occurrence in this area of the city.

o 7A offender infractor first-time offenders

o 2B oil aceite de baño bath oil

o 10C Olympic Olímpico the International Olympic Committee

o 9B on the contrary al contrario "Didn't you find the film exciting?" "On
the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half
way through it!"
o 7A one-square-mile una milla cuadrada a one-square-mile island

o 7B onset inicio the onset of cancer

o 2C open-air al aire libre an open-air concert/market

o 7B operate hacer funcionar How do you operate the remote control


o 6C operation en funcionamiento There are several reactors of the type in

operation at the moment.

o 5A opposition oposición There is a lot of opposition to the

proposed changes.

o 9B optimistic optimista She is optimistic about her chances of

winning a gold medal.

o 5B optional opcional English is compulsory for all students,

but art and music are optional.

o 5A originate originar Although the technology originated in

the UK, it has been developed in the
o 10A orphan huérfano The civil war is making orphans of many

o 2A Oscar-winning ganadora de un Oscar She is an Oscar-winning actress.

o 9C outcome resultado It's too early to predict the outcome of

the meeting.

o 6A out-do sobrepasar He always tries to out-do everybody

else in the class.

o 7B outlook pronóstico The outlook for today is cloudy and dry

at first with showers later.

o 6C out-of-this-world de otro mundo It was an out-of-this-world experience.

o 9B ovenproof a prueba de horno Is this dish definitely ovenproof?

o 6B overcome superar to overcome

o 9C overdraft saldo al descubierto to run up/pay off an overdraft

o 5A overhead por encima A flock of geese flew overhead.

o 1A overhear escuchar sin querer I overheard a very funny conversation

on the bus this morning.

o 1B overload sobrecarga People today suffer from information


o 9B over-priced cargar mucho el precio Train fares are ridiculously over-priced.

o 9C overseas el extranjero Many more people go/travel/live/work

overseas these days.

o 5B overspend gastar más de la cuenta The council seems likely to overspend

this year.

o 8B overtake adelantar Always check your rear view mirror

before you overtake (another car).

o 6B overuse sobreusar I tend to overuse certain favourite


o 1A overused utilizado / a en exceso overused expressions

o 5A overworked saturado de trabajo an overworked civil servant

o 9C owing to a causa de The concert has been cancelled owing

to lack of support.
p 2A painter pintor J.M.W. Turner is one of Britain's best-
known landscape painters.

p 9B Pakistani pakistani a Pakistani film

p 4B palm palma This tiny device fits into the palm of your

p 2B pancake crep Do you want a sweet pancake or a

savoury one?

p 5B paralympics paralímpicos The Paralympic Games are held in a

different country on each occasion.

p 6A participant participante The students claim to be willing

participants in the experiment.

p 9C pass on transmitir My grandmother passed on her cooking

skills to me.

p 6C passer-by transeúnte The gunmen opened fire, killing a

policeman and a passer-by.

p 3B path camino The path to success is fraught with


p 6A patrol patrullado / a The whole town is patrolled by police

because of the possibility of riots.

p 10B patterned estampado / a patterned textiles/wallpaper

p 6C pause pararse He paused and thought for a moment.

p 9B payment pago Usually we ask for payment on receipt

of the goods.

p 9B peace paz peace talks/proposals

p 1C peanuts cacahuetes They pay people peanuts in that


p 6A pebble de piedras This part of the coast has pebble


p 6A peculiar peculiar She has the most peculiar ideas.

p 9A penny penique I keep pennies and other small coins in

a jar.

p 10A pension off jubilar After flying for 38 years, their Wessex
helicopter is about to be pensioned off.

p 4A percent por ciento You got 20 percent of the answers right

- that means one in every five.
p 1A perfectly perfectamente The jacket fits perfectly, the skirt not so

p 6A perform realizar Computers can perform a variety of


p 6A perk ventaja A company car and a mobile phone are

some of the perks that come with the
p 1A perky alegre/animado You look very perky this morning.

p 10C permeate impregnar Dissatisfaction with the government

seems to have permeated every section
of society.
p 10B persist persistir The government is persisting with its
ambitious public works programme.

p 4B pestilence plaga Thousands were killed by the


p 6A phenomenon fenómeno Do you believe in the paranormal and

other psychic phenomena?

p 7A philosophy filosofía Live now, pay later - that's my

philosophy of life!

p 3B physically físicamente Physically I find him very attractive.

p 2B picture-book libro con ilustraciones the picture-book English countryside

p 10A pigeon paloma racing/homing pigeons

p 7B PIN PIN (número de identificación Do not reveal your PIN to anybody.


p 10A pioneering pionero / a a pioneering spirit

p 6A pittance miseria He works hard but he's paid a pittance.

p 8A playground patio escolar There were children fighting in the


p 2B plentiful abundante Strawberries are plentiful in the


p 6C pluck up armarse de valor He finally plucked up courage to ask her

to marry him.

p 3A podium podio Tears ran down her face as she stood

on the winner's podium.

p 8C poem poema a book of love poems

p 1C pointless sin sentido This is a pointless exercise.

p 4A poke fun reirse de Stop poking fun at your sister.

p 7B political políticos political leaders

p 9B politically-minded con mentalidad política a politically-minded pop star

p 9B pollution-free ecológico pollution-free cars

p 6A pond estanque a duck pond

p 7C population población There's been a 9% rise in the prison

population (= the number of people in
p 2C port puerto a naval/fishing/container port

p 2A possess poseer I don't possess a single DVD.

p 10A postal service servicio postal The United States Postal Service

p 2B pour servir/verter I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.

p 7C pour down llover a cántaros It looks as though it's about to pour

down (with rain).

p 6C pout poner mala cara Vanessa always pouts if she doesn't get
what she wants.

p 5A powerful poderoso / a The President is more powerful than the

Prime Minister.

p 9B praiseworthy digno / a de elogio His actions during the crisis were truly

p 4B precede preceder Boutros Boutros-Ghali preceded Kofi

Annan as the Secretary-General of the
p 1A pregnant embarazada She's five and a half months pregnant.

p 5A premiere estreno The world premiere of the opera will be

at the Metropolitan Opera House in
New York.
p 4A premium suplemento We're willing to pay a premium for the
best location.
p 7B pre-paid pagado con antelación Admission tickets are $20 pre-paid, $25
at the door.

p 2B preserve conservar We want to preserve the character of

the town while improving the facilities.

p 4A press release comunicado de prensa The minister issued a press release

shortly after her resignation.

p 8B presumably presumiblemente They can presumably afford to buy a

bigger apartment.

p 6B previously anteriormente She was previously employed as a tour


p 9B priced precio (razonable) a reasonably priced product

p 7C primary primaria a primary school

p 5A principal protagonista principal None of the principals in the production

received any payment for their
p 5C prior previo / a The course required no prior knowledge
of Spanish.

p 9A priority prioridad The management did not seem to

consider office safety to be a priority.

p 7A prisoner recluso Prisoners climbed onto the prison roof

to protest at the conditions inside the
p 8C pro ventaja One of the big pros of living in Madrid is
the night life.

p 4B process tramitar Visa applications take 28 days to


p 4C Prof. profesora Prof. Tina Pritchard

p 5A profession profesión He left the teaching profession in 1965

to set up his own business.

p 6A professor profesor Professor Stephen Hawking

p 8A profound profundo / a The invention of the contraceptive pill

brought about profound changes in the
lives of women.
p 4A programming I am responsible for the station's
schedule programming schedule.
p 9A properly correctamente It's still not working properly.
p 8C proportion proporción The level of crime in an area is almost
always in direct proportion to the
number of unemployed.
p 4A proposal propuesta Congress has rejected the latest
economic proposal put forward by the
p 1C prospect la idea/perspectiva The prospect of spending three whole
days with her fills me with horror.

p 10B protégé protegido Shapur's restaurant is full every night as

trendy Londoners enjoy the wonders of
his young protégé, chef Glyn Fussell.

p 2A prove resultar That theory was proved false.

p 7B provider suministrador an Internet service provider

p 5C provision suministro The provision of good public transport

will be essential for developing the area.

p 5A proximity proximidad The best thing about the location of the

house is its proximity to the town centre.

p 5A pseud(o)- pseudo pseudo-friendship

p 1A publisher editorial Janet edited books for a variety of


p 7A puddle charco a puddle of water

p 7B pull down derribar They pulled down the warehouse to

build a new supermarket.

p 7A punish castigar Those responsible for these crimes

must be brought to court and punished.

p 3B punishing agotador / a Currently she has a punishing schedule

of five presentations a day.

p 7B pupil alumno a second-year pupil

p 9B purchase comprar Tickets must be purchased two weeks

in advance.

p 1B purely puramente On a purely practical level, it is difficult

to see how such proposals would work.

p 6A push empujar push boundaries

p 1A pushy insistente/prepotente/ a pushy salesman

q 6A quack graznido I heard quacks coming from the pond.

q 2C quaint pintoresco / a a quaint old cottage

q 1C quietly silenciosamente I slipped quietly out of the back door.

q 6A quirky extravagante He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat

sense of humour.

r 7B race raza People of many different races were

living side by side.

r 8B racer corredor My brother is a kart racer.

r 6B racism racismo The authorities are taking steps to

combat/fight/tackle racism in schools.

r 7B radio-transmitting radiotransmisor a radio-transmitting device

r 9B rail ticket billete de tren The cost of rail tickets was increased by

r 10A railroad station estación de tren Central Railroad Station

r 5B rapper rapero Who is your favourite rapper?

r 3B rarely raramente We rarely see each other now.

r 10A rat rata Rats carry disease.

r 10B rather antes que I think I'd like to stay at home this
evening rather than go out.

r 9A rational racional He was too upset to be rational.

r 8B rationalise justificar She rationalised the expense by saying

that the costly carpet she had bought
would last longer than a cheaper one.

r 1C rave hablar con entusiasmo She raved about/over the clothes she
had seen at the Paris fashion shows.

r 1A readership número de lectores The magazine has a readership of over

250 000.

r 9A realisation el hecho de darse cuenta The realization was dawning (= They

were starting to realize) that this was a
major disaster.
r 1B realistically de manera realista Realistically speaking, he hadn't a hope,
but that didn't stop him trying.

r 8B realm ámbito A pay rise is not within the realms of

possibility, I'm afraid.

r 9B reasonable bien de precio Tomatoes are very reasonable at this

time of year.

r 8C reassure tranquilizado / a I was nervous on my first day at college,

but I was reassured to see some
friendly faces.
r 7B rebel rebelde The rebels took over the capital and set
up a new government.

r 6C recall recordar The old man recalled the city as it had

been before the war.

r 4B reckless temerario-a He was found guilty of reckless driving.

r 10A recruit reclutar Charities such as Oxfam are always

trying to recruit volunteers to help in
their work.
r 5A recurrent recurrente LeFanu suffered all his life from a
recurrent nightmare that he was trapped
in a falling house.
r 4C red-top prensa sensacionalista I read the red-tops every morning.

r 10C reflect reflejar The statistics reflect a change in

people's spending habits.

r 7A reformer reformador a social reformer

r 6B refusal rechazo Our request for permission to travel met

with/received a flat/point-blank refusal
from the authorities.
r 6A regard considerar Her parents always regarded her as the
cleverest of their children.

r 5B regardless a pesar de She knew it was dangerous to visit him

except at night, but she set out
regardless (of the risk).
r 2C region región the semi-desert regions of Australia

r 1B regularly habitualmente Accidents regularly occur on this bend.

r 7A rehabilitation rehabilitación the rehabilitation of prisoners

r 6A relaxing relajante a relaxing holiday

r 8A relieve aliviar She was given a shot of morphine to
relieve the pain.

r 5C relieved aliviado / a I'm so relieved to find you - I thought

you'd already gone.

r 7B religion religión the Christian religion

r 8A religious religioso / a religious education

r 9C renewable renovable renewable energy sources such as wind

and wave power

r 6B renovation reformas The museum is closed for renovation.

r 7A re-offend reincidir If he re-offends, he will go back to jail

for a long time.

r 9C repeated repetido / a repeated attempts/mistakes/warnings

r 7A repeatedly repetidamente He telephoned repeatedly, begging her

to return.

r 7A repressive represivo / a a repressive military regime

r 7A requirement requisito A good degree is a minimum

requirement for many jobs.

r 7B resign dimitir He resigned from the company in order

to take a more challenging job.

r 1C resist resistir She couldn't resist laughing at him in

those clothes.

r 6B resistance resistencia resistance to disease

r 9C resource recursos Britain's mineral resources include oil,

coal and gas deposits.

r 5B restless inquieto / a He's a restless type - he never stays in

one country for long.

r 7A restore restaurado / a The badly neglected paintings have all

been carefully restored.

r 7B restrict restringir measures to restrict the sale of alcohol

r 4A restriction restricción import/export/currency restrictions

r 7B retailer comercio a big electronics retailer

r 5C retirement jubilación Many teachers over the age of 50 are
taking early retirement.

r 6A reverse al revés To stop the engine, you repeat the

same procedures, but in reverse.

r 2B revolting repugnante a revolting smell of rotting cabbage

r 10C revolution revolución a technological revolution

r 4A ridiculous ridículo / a Do I look ridiculous in this hat?

r 7C rising creciente rising inflation

r 3A rival rival He beat his closest/nearest rival by 20


r 1C roadworks obras There are delays on the M4 because of


r 6B roam deambular After the pubs close, gangs of youths

roam the city streets.

r 8B roller-coaster montaña rusa She loves roller-coasters.

r 2B round-necked cuello redondo a round-necked T-shirt

r 5A round-the-clock dia y noche ( las 24 horas) She needed round-the-clock nursing.

r 7A route camino A college education is often the best

route to a good job.

r 10C rowing remar I love rowing.

r 5A rub shoulders (with) codearse con She claims that she rubs shoulders with
royalty all the time.

r 2C rugged escabroso / a rugged landscape/terrain/hills/cliffs

r 6C ruin arruinar Huge modern hotels have ruined this

once unspoilt coastline.

r 4A ruling sentencia The court has made a final ruling on the

case that the companies acted illegally.

r 7B rumoured corre el rumor The president is rumoured to be

seriously ill.

r 1A runaway éxito obtenido muy rápido Her first novel's runaway (= surprisingly
big) success came as a great surprise.
r 6A run-of-the-mill moderado / a He gave a fairly run-of-the-mill speech.

r 4C runway pista The environmentalists protested against

the government's decision to build a
third runway at the airport.
r 4B rural rural The area is still very rural and

r 1A rush up venir corriendo She rushed up to me and asked me a

precipitadamente question.

r 2B rustic rústico / a a rustic bench/cabin

r 5C rut rutina aburrida I've got to change jobs - after 15 years

here I feel I'm (stuck) in a rut (= I'm
s 5A sacrifice sacrificar Many women sacrifice interesting
careers for their family.

s 9B safety-conscious cauteloso / a con la safety-conscious behaviour


s 7A saliva saliva saliva specimens

s 7C sarcastic sarcástico / a a sarcastic comment/remark

s 4A satisfaction compensación You've sold me a faulty product and I

demand satisfaction.

s 2A savant persona con memoria y savant syndrome

habilidades inusuales

s 7A saw sierra a hand/power/chain/circular saw

s 4C saxophone saxofón My father plays the saxophone.

s 1C saying dicho As the saying goes, 'Don't count your

chickens before they're hatched'.

s 4B scale magnitud We don't yet know the scale of the


s 6C scam estafa an insurance scam

s 2A scan éscaner / exploración an ultrasound scan

s 8B scare espantar Sudden noises scare her.

s 6C scary de terror a scary movie/story

s 7C scene escena Evidence was found at the scene of the

s 7C scheme proyecto a training/housing/play scheme

s 10C scientific científico / a a scientific discovery/experiment/theory

s 8B scrape rascar I was woken up by the noise of

branches scraping against my bedroom
s 7A scratch rascar We scratched the paintwork trying to
get the bed into Martha's room.

s 2A screenwriter guionista cinematográfico Who is the best young screenwriter?

s 8A scriptwriter guionista She is a well-known scriptwriter.

s 8A scrub restregar She scrubbed (at) the mark on the wall

for ages, but it wouldn't come off.

s 2B scruffy de aspecto dejado a small, scruffy-looking man

s 2C seaside de playa a seaside holiday/hotel/resort

s 7C seatbelt cinturón de seguridad to fasten your seatbelt

s 5B secondary secundaria secondary education

s 10A secretly secretamente He was convicted on the evidence of

secretly recorded telephone
s 4A seek buscar Hundreds of dissidents are seeking
refuge/asylum in the US embassy.

s 2A seek out buscar While he was at the library, Steve

decided to seek out some information
on accommodation in the area.
s 3B seldom rara vez Now that we have a baby, we seldom
get the chance to go to the cinema.

s 7A select escoger There was a choice of four prizes, and

the winner could select one of them.

s 9A selection selección The larger shops are able to stock a

wider selection of goods.

s 3A self-awareness conocimiento de uno mismo I think I have good self-awareness.

s 1A self-help autoayuda self-help books

s 5A selfless desinteresado / a selfless devotion to duty

s 5A semi- semi semi-circle/semi-famous

s 3C senior citizen ciudadano de edad avanzada Discounts are available for senior

s 8B sensation sensación a burning sensation

s 7B setback contratiempo There has been a slight/temporary

setback in our plans.

s 9A setting entorno Their cottage is in an idyllic rural setting.

s 4A settle for conformarse con They were hoping to sell their car for
£2000, but settled for £1500.

s 5C settle in instalarse Once we've settled in, you must come

round for dinner.

s 4B settlement asentamiento A large Roman settlement has been

discovered just outside the town.

s 1A several diversos / as Several people have complained about

the scheme.

s 7A severely duramente I was severely reprimanded by my boss.

s 1B sex sexo What sex is your cat?

s 5C shadow acompañar Your first week in the job will be spent

shadowing one of our more
experienced employees.
s 4B shape forma We watched the vase begin to take
shape in the potter's hands.

s 3A sheer puro / absoluto The suggestion is sheer nonsense.

s 7B shelter refugio We were caught in a thunderstorm,

without anywhere to shelter.

s 6C shoo hacer marchar / espantar Go and shoo that cat away before it
catches a bird.

s 6A shopper comprador crowds of Christmas shoppers

s 10A shortage escasez There's a shortage of food and shelter

in the refugee camps.
s 10B shot golpe Woods hit a perfect shot out of the

s 6B showing proyección This is the film's first showing on British


s 2A shuffle arrastrar (los pies) He shuffled into the kitchen, leaning on

his walking stick.

s 10A siege cerco The siege of Mafeking lasted for eight


s 8A significant significativo / a The talks between the USA and the

USSR were very significant for the
relationship between the two countries.

s 6A significantly significativamente My piano playing has improved

significantly since I've had a new
s 3A similarly igualmente Cars must stop at red traffic lights:
similarly (= in a similar way), bicycles
should stop too.
s 1A simply simplemente I don't like my job - I simply do it for the

s 2A simultaneously simultáneamente I was trying to do three things


s 2B sip sorber This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.

s 7A situated situado / a The school is situated near to the


s 7A six-year de seis años a six-year sentence

s 4C skid patinar Trevor's bus skidded on some ice and

hit a tree.

s 10C skill habilidad Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.

s 5A skimmed desnatada skimmed milk

s 10A skinny en los huesos You should eat more, you're much too

s 10A sled trineo The children are playing in the snow

with their sleds.

s 5C sleepover pasar la noche en casa de Let's have a sleepover at my house.


s 4C slide tobogán an emergency slide

s 7A slide deslizar When I was little I used to like sliding on
the polished floor in my socks.

s 10A slowly lentamente Could you please speak more slowly?

s 1A slump desplomarse She slumped into the chair, exhausted.

s 7A small-scale pequeña escala a small-scale investigation

s 9B smart card tarjeta electrónica I always use my smart card on the


s 7A smuggling contrabando The murdered man is thought to have

been involved in drug smuggling.

s 9B snack tentempié I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a

snack for dinner.

s 4C snappy pegadizo y con estilo They're looking for a snappy slogan to

communicate the campaign's message.

s 6B sneaky secreto / a a sneaky plan

s 2B snow-capped cubierta de nieve snow-capped mountains

s 5C snowed under estar inundado de I'm absolutely snowed under with work
at the moment.

s 4C so-called llamado / a It isn't yet clear how destructive this so-

called 'super virus' is.

s 2A socially socialmente Socially, she's a disaster - she's always

offending someone or picking a fight.

s 9A sociologist sociólogo a renowned sociologist

s 10B soloist solista The soloist in the violin concerto was

Yehudi Menuhin.

s 7C somebody alguien There's somebody at the door.

s 6C somersault voltereta She was so happy she turned three

somersaults on the lawn.

s 6A somewhat un tanto She's somewhat more confident than

she used to be.

s 8A soot hollín It can be dangerous to let too much

soot accumulate inside a chimney.

s 4B sophistication sofisticación Her sophistication is evident from the

way she dresses.
s 9B sort tipo We both like the same sort of music.

s 10A sorting office oficina de clasificación I work at the sorting office.

s 10B sour ácido / a These plums are a bit sour.

s 2C southwest suroeste I come from the southwest part of the


s 6A speciality especialidad The political economy of European

integration is one of the professor's
s 3A spectrum espectro A wide spectrum of opinion was
represented at the meeting.

s 9A spending gasto government spending on health

s 2B spice especia Cinnamon, ginger and cloves are all


s 4C splash artículo para captar la The newspaper's splash is usually a

atención business story.

s 2C splendour esplendor They bought a decaying 16th-century

manor house and restored it to its
original splendour.
s 1C spoil mimar When I'm feeling miserable I go
shopping and spoil myself - a couple of
new dresses always make me feel
s 6B sponsored patrocinado / a a sponsored run

s 3A spontaneous espontáneo / a She's such a spontaneous, lively


s 2C sporting deportivo The Olympics is the biggest sporting

event in the world.

s 3A spotlight centro de atención The senator has been in the spotlight

recently since the revelation of his tax
s 5A spouse esposa In 60% of the households surveyed
both spouses went out to work.

s 2B sprawling irregulares/extenderse sprawling suburbs


s 3A spray rociar She sprayed herself with perfume.

s 7C spy hole mirilla I have a security spy hole in my front

s 4C St calle My address is 19 East Norwood St.

s 7A stable establo The horses are in the stables.

s 8B stair escalera The top stair creaked as she went

upstairs and the noise woke up her
s 5B standard nivel This essay is not of an acceptable
standard - do it again.

s 4B standstill paralización The runaway bus eventually came to a

standstill when it rolled into a muddy
s 5A stardom estrellato / fama From childhood, Britney Spears seemed
destined for stardom.

s 2B stark austero / a It was a stark room with its white walls,

and a bed and chair as the only
s 2C stately majestuoso / a stately homes

s 9A statement declaración a provocative statement

s 9A state-of-the-art última tecnología a state-of-the-art computer

s 6B stealth cautela These thieves operate with terrifying

stealth - they can easily steal from the
pockets of unsuspecting travellers.

s 5A stepping stone trampolín I see this job just as a stepping stone to

better things.

s 10B stick with mantener He said that he was going to stick with
the traditions established by his
s 7B stock provisiones It is now halfway through winter and
food stocks are already low.

s 7A stolen robado / a stolen goods

s 2B stopover escala Our tickets to Australia include a

stopover for two nights in Singapore.

s 7B store card tarjeta de cliente Do you have a store card?

s 10B straightaway enseguida We don't have to go straightaway, do


s 2B strain tensión Their constant arguments were putting

a strain on their marriage.
s 2B straw paja Why don't you drink your milkshake
through a straw?

s 9B stress-free sin estrés a stress-free life

s 2B stretch extenderse The Andes stretch for 7250 km along

the west coast of South America.

s 3B stroke derrame cerebral She suffered/had a stroke which left her

unable to speak.

s 10A stroke of genius golple de inspiración It was such a brilliant idea - a real stroke
of genius.

s 1A strongly firmemente They strongly believe their children

should make choices for themselves.

s 9C structure estructurar We must carefully structure and

rehearse each scene.

s 5C stuck estancado / a I'm stuck in a rut (= I'm bored).

s 6A stuffed toy muñeco de peluche My baby daughter loves playing with

her stuffed toys.

s 10B stunning impresionante a stunning dress

s 2B stupid-looking de aspecto idiota a stupid-looking animal

s 5A stupor estupor He was lying under the table in a

drunken stupor.

s 6A stylish elegante The film's direction is subtle and stylish.

s 6A subconscious subconsciente The memory was buried deep within my


s 6A submission presentación The final deadline for submissions is

February 21st.

s 5C subsequent posterior The book discusses his illness and

subsequent resignation from the
s 1B substitute suplente a substitute teacher

s 10C successfully exitosamente A number of patients have been

successfully treated with the new drug.

s 4B succumb sucumbir Thousands of cows have succumbed to

the disease in the past few months.

s 4A sue demandar He was so furious about the

accusations in the letter that he
threatened to sue.
s 8A suffering sufrimiento The war will cause widespread human

s 9C sugar-free sin azúcar sugar-free chewing-gum

s 6A sugary dulce all those sugary snacks that kids eat

s 9C sum up resumir She summed up the situation quickly

and took charge.

s 3B sunlight luz del sol a ray/beam/shaft/pool of sunlight

s 2B sun-roof techo corredizo/techo My new car has a sun-roof.


s 9A super- super the super-rich

s 2C superbly magníficamente The orchestra played superbly.

s 2B superbly-acted muy bien interpretado It is a superbly-acted drama.

s 5A superficial superficial He's fun to be with, but he's very


s 5A superwoman supermujer She said that she was tired of being

expected to be a superwoman.

s 2B supper cena We usually have tea at about 5.30 p.m.,

then supper before we go to bed.

s 5A supplement complementar He supplements his income by working

in a bar in the evening.

s 6A supporter seguidor Thousands of supporters have travelled

to London for the cup final.

s 8B supposedly supuestamente Well, the tickets are supposedly in the


s 3A supremely sumamente Wales are supremely confident of

winning the match.

s 8C surprisingly sorprendentemente Surprisingly, the restaurant turned out

to be cheap.

s 2C surround rodear Snow-capped mountains surround the


s 9B suspicious desconfiado / a His colleagues became suspicious

when he did not appear at work, since
he was always punctual.
s 7A sweat sudar It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli
that we started to sweat as soon as we
got off the plane.
s 6A sweater jersey Put a sweater on if you're cold.

s 3B swell (up) hinchar It was obvious she had broken her toe,
because it immediately started to swell
s 10A swift rápido / a The local police took swift action
against the squatters.

s 6B swimming pool piscina an indoor/outdoor swimming pool

s 1A swing abrirse The door swung open.

s 10C switch cambiar She started studying English at college,

but switched to Business Studies in her
second year.
s 4C swoop descender en picado The eagle swooped down to snatch a
young rabbit.

s 3A syndrome síndrome It's a classic case of the bored-

housewife syndrome - she's got nothing
to do all day except drink and go
s 10C systematic sitemático / a We've got to be a bit more systematic in
the way that we approach this task.

t 4C tabloid prensa sensacionalista the tabloid press

t 3C tactful diplomático / a Mentioning his baldness wasn't very


t 7B tagging dispositivo personal de electronic tagging


t 3A tailor acoplar/adaptar I can tailor my working hours to suit my


t 10B talent talento Her talent for music showed at an early


t 6B tap grifo the hot/cold tap

t 1A technique técnica We have developed a new technique

for detecting errors in the manufacturing
t 4B technological tecnológico Technological advances in computing
and telecommunications will reduce the
need for many people to travel to work.

t 2B teeth dientes I brush my teeth three times a day.

t 10A telegraph telégrafo The news came by telegraph.

t 5C telephone teléfono a telephone survey

t 2A temporal lobe lóbulo temporal the temporal lobe of the brain

t 7A tempt tentar The offer of a free car stereo tempted

her into buying a new car.

t 3C ten kilometre diez kilómetros a ten kilometre road race

t 9A term término 'Without let or hindrance' is a legal term

which means 'freely'.

t 1B terms relaciones I've always been on good terms with my


t 1B text-based basada en envio de My girlfriend lives in another city so our

mensajes escritos relationship is almost totally text-based.

t 7C thank goodness gracias a Dios I managed to catch the train, thank


t 8B thankful agradecido / a I was thankful that the meeting didn't

last long, because I had a train to catch.

t 5A the Internet Internet I found out about the bombings from/on

the Internet.

t 2A theory teoría Darwin's theory of evolution

t 6B thereby de este modo Diets that are high in saturated fat and
cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries,
thereby reducing the blood flow to our
hearts and brains.
t 9C thinker pensador a political/religious thinker

t 2A thoroughly profundamente I thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

t 10C thought idea Let me have your thoughts on that

report by Friday.

t 9C three-day de tres dias a three-day weekend

t 3A thrifty austero / a They have plenty of money now, but

they still tend to be thrifty.

t 8B thrill-seeker buscador de emociones I would describe myself as a thrill-

fuertes seeker.

t 8B thrill-seeking experimentar emociones Thrill-seeking is in my genes.

t 3A tight-fisted tacaño / a Don't imagine Gillian'll buy you a drink -
she's too tight-fisted.

t 5A tightly estrechamente Many commuters are forced to stand,

tightly packed in, like sardines.

t 7A timber madera a timber forest

t 2C timelessness sentido de atemporalidad Rothko's paintings have a unique


t 6C time-share multipropiedad We've bought a time-share in Spain.

t 3A timid tímido /a Lucy is a rather timid child.

t 4A token ficha a metal/plastic token

t 7A tool herramienta power tools

t 1A total total At that time of day, cars with only one

occupant accounted for almost 80% of
the total.
t 1C totally totalmente Her second husband is totally different
from Mark.

t 7A tournament torneo a tennis/chess/golf tournament

t 1A towards hacia They've always been very friendly

towards me.

t 7A trace rastro Traces of drugs were found in his blood.

t 7B track localizar The military use radar satellites to track

targets through clouds and at night.

t 7B tracking localizador (dispositivo) a tracking device

t 10C traditionally tradicionalmente Quaker meetings are traditionally held

in silence.

t 8B traffic jam embotellamiento Roadworks have caused traffic jams

throughout the city centre.

t 3A trait rasgo His sense of humour is one of his better


t 9B transaction transacción a business transaction

t 10A transcontinental transcontinental The transcontinental railway goes from

New York to San Francisco.
t 9C transfer traspaso the transfer of information

t 4B transform transformarse Whenever a camera was pointed at her,

Marilyn would instantly transform herself
into a radiant star.
t 7B transmit trasmitir Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium
wave .

t 10C trashy basura trashy programmes

t 3B treadmill cinta para correr There are ten treadmills in the gym.

t 8B trigger provocar Some people find that certain foods

trigger their headaches.

t 3A triumph triunfo The book celebrates the hostages'

remarkable triumph over appalling
t 5A trivial trivial I don't know why he gets so upset about
something that is utterly trivial.

t 5A trusted de confianza She is my most trusted friend.

t 3A trusting confiado / a The child gave a lovely, trusting smile.

t 1A try out probar Don't forget to try out the equipment

before setting up the experiment.

t 4B tuberculosis tuberculosis Tuberculosis is a very serious disease.

t 2B tuck into atacar Judging by the way they tucked into

their dinner, they must have been very
t 4C Tues martes See you on Tues.

t 10C tune in sintonizar The current financial situation certainly

tunes in with what economic experts
predicted over a year ago.
t 1A turn-off ningún atractivo This system may provide a powerful tool
for adults who find computers a turn-off
yet need to learn to use them.
t 2B turquoise turquesa the clear turquoise water of the bay

t 9B twenties a los veinte They both got married in their twenties.

t 7A twice-daily dos veces al dia There is a twice-daily bus to the city.

t 6C twist giro The story took a surprise twist today
with media reports that the doctor had
t 7A twist torcerse I twisted my ankle last week.

t 1B two-fifths dos quintas (partes) What is two-fifths of 1210?

u 6B ultimately finalmente Everything will ultimately depend on

what is said at the meeting with the
directors next week.
u 5B unaided sin ayuda Since his accident, he hasn't been able
to walk unaided.

u 6B unannounced sin avisar She appeared unannounced and took

control of the meeting.

u 9C unauthorised no autorizado No admittance to unauthorised


u 6A unaware inconsciente I was quite unaware of the problem.

u 1B unburden descargarse/desahogarse/ He'll unburden himself to anyone who'll

aliviarse listen.

u 2A uncertain incierto / a New arrivals face an uncertain future.

u 10C unclear poco claro / a The ownership of the painting remains


u 1A uncomfortable incómodo / a an uncomfortable silence

u 2A unconditional incondicional the unconditional love that one has for

one's child

u 4C undercarriage tren de aterrizaje an aircraft undercarriage

u 5A underfoot debajo de los pies The grass was cool and pleasant

u 4A undergo someterse a Athletes must undergo a mandatory

drugs test before competing in the
u 4B uneducated inculto an uneducated man

u 4B unexpectedly inesperadamente I met her unexpectedly in a coffee shop.

u 7A unfairly injustamente I think you are blaming Roger unfairly.

u 4A unfaithful infiel If a man was unfaithful to me I'd leave
him no matter what the circumstances.

u 1A unfinished inacabado / a I still have some unfinished business

with you.

u 9B unforgettable inolvidable an unforgettable experience

u 3A unfounded infundado / a I'm pleased to see that our fears about

the weather proved totally unfounded.

u 1B ungrateful desagradecido / a He is always so ungrateful.

u 8B uninvited no estar invitado / a She came to the party uninvited.

u 7B universally universalmente The new roundabout is universally

loathed by motorists.

u 8B unknown desconocido / a The exact number of people carrying

the virus is unknown.

u 8A unlimited ilimitado / a Passes are available for one month's

unlimited travel within Europe.

u 1B unload descargar / desahogarse I'm afraid I've been unloading my

worries on poor Ann here.

u 7C unmarked camuflado / a an unmarked police car

u 6B unofficial extraoficial unofficial estimates/figures/reports

u 7A unpleasant desagradable an unpleasant surprise

u 9B unpredictable imprevisible The weather there can be a bit

unpredictable - one minute it's blue
skies and the next minute it's pouring
u 3A unquestionable hecho indiscutible The fact that everyone will die someday
is one of the unquestionables of life.

u 6A unrelated no relacionado / a Police said his death was unrelated to

the attack.

u 2B unspoilt no estropeado / a The mansion is set in 90 acres of

beautiful, unspoilt countryside.

u 2A unsuitable inadecuado / a Completely unsuitable candidates were

screened out at the first interview.

u 9A unusually inusualmente He was unusually polite .

u 10B upbringing educación Is it right to say all the crimes he
committed were simply the result of his
u 8A upcoming próximo Tickets are selling well for the group's
upcoming concert tour.

u 10A upkeep mantenimiento The upkeep of larger old properties is

very expensive.

u 9B upload cargar How can I upload these files?

u 2C upon tras hours upon hours

u 10C up-to-date al dia Great trouble is taken to keep our

database up-to-date.

u 4B urban urbano urban development

u 2A urge instar Lawyers will urge the parents to take

further legal action.

u 6C urge deseo The urge to steal is very strong in many

of the young men we look after here.

u 4A user-generated creado por el usuario user-generated content

u 3A utterly completamente What an utterly stupid thing to do!

v 10B vague vago / a I do have a vague memory of meeting

her many years ago.

v 5A vain vanidoso / a He was very vain about his hair and his

v 9A value valorar I've always valued her advice.

v 2A variable variable a variable interest rate

v 4B varied variado / a a varied group of people

v 9C vary variar Some people give a regular monthly

donation while others vary the amount
they give.
v 2B vegetation vegetación The railway track will have to be cleared
of vegetation if it is to be used again.

v 4B vehicle vehículo A truck driver died last night when his

vehicle overturned.
v 1C venture expresar She tentatively ventured the opinion
that the project would be too expensive
to complete, but the boss ignored her.

v 4A verge a punto de on the verge of

v 2C vibrancy vitalidad No one can fail to be struck by the
vibrancy of New York.

v 2B vibrant vibrante/vivo / a a vibrant city

v 2B Victorian Victoriano / a a Victorian terraced house

v 3A victory victoria The Redskins opened the season by

scoring a
resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3
victory against/over Detroit.
v 4B villager aldeano All of the villagers attended the local

v 8C VIP VIP (persona importante) They were in the VIP lounge at the

v 9C visibility visibilidad Mist is still causing poor visibility - down

to five metres in parts of the south-east.

v 6B visual visual visual stimulus/impact/abilities

v 5B visualise visualizar I was so surprised when he turned up -

I'd visualised someone much older.

v 10A vital vital A strong opposition is vital to a healthy


v 2C vitamin vitamina a vitamin pill

v 3A vividly claramente I vividly remember my first day at


v 7C vote votar She was too young to vote in the

national election.

w 4A wall pared The walls in this apartment are so thin

you can hear just about every word the
neighbours say.
w 2C walled amurallado / a Why not visit the beautiful walled city of

w 1A wander deambular/pasear/vagar We spent the morning wandering

around the old part of the city.

w 2C warden guardián a dog warden

w 7B watcher espectador The new channel is certainly good news
for the movie watcher.

w 9B waterproof impermeable Canvas boots are all right but they're

not as waterproof as leather.

w 1B wavelength longitud de onda I can't seem to get on with him - we're

just not on the same wavelength.

w 2C wealth mucha / abundante Jim has a wealth of teaching


w 1A weapon arma a lethal weapon

w 6B welfare bienestar The police are very concerned for the

welfare of the missing child.

w 6B well-being sentirse bien People doing yoga benefit from an

increased feeling of well-being.

w 2B well-decorated bien decorado He has a very well-decorated house.

w 2B well-written bien escrita Her latest novel is very well-written.

w 6B whaling caza de ballenas Whaling is legal in some countries.

w 8B whichever de todas maneras It's going to be expensive whichever

way you do it.

w 6C whisper susurrar She leaned over and whispered

something in his ear.

w 2A whom quien I met a man with whom I used to work.

w 7B widely extensamente They have both travelled widely.

w 8B widen abrirse mucho His eyes/smile widened.

w 10A wilderness desierta a beautiful mountain wilderness

w 10A willing dispuesto / a If you're willing to fly at night, you can

get a much cheaper ticket.

w 10A winged con alas a high-winged aeroplane

w 10A wiry complexión delgada pero He has a runner's wiry frame.


w 10B wise savio / a I think you made a wise choice.

w 4B wisely saviamente Sian had very wisely left the party
before all the trouble started.

w 7B withdraw retirar The UN has withdrawn its troops from

the country.

w 7B withdrawal retirada The bank became suspicious after

several large withdrawals were made
from his account in a single week.
w 1A witter on parlotear/hablar durante un He'd been wittering on about his
buen rato neighbours for half the morning.

w 6B witty ingenioso / a a witty comment/remark

w 3A wolf lobo Wolves hunt in groups known as packs.

w 2B wonderfully (ir) de maravilla This sauce goes wonderfully well with

fish, asparagus or new potatoes.

w 2C woodland bosque The Forestry Commission is responsible

for preserving over 2 million acres of
w 10C woolly vago / a It's the woolly thinking behind the book
that I find so infuriating.

w 6B word-of-mouth de palabra All the orders were given by word of

mouth so that no written evidence could
be discovered later.
w 10A workforce plantilla The majority of factories in the region
have a workforce of 50 to 100 (people).

w 1A working laboral a 37-hour working week

w 10C workings funcionamiento the workings of government

w 8A wreck destrozar The explosion shattered nearby

windows and wrecked two cars.

w 6A wrinkled arrugado / a a wrinkled face

w 6B wristband pulsera a rubber wristband

y 5A yourselves vosotros mismos Did you make the dresses yourselves?

y 1A youth juventud the youth of today

z 3B zip ir rápido I'm just going to zip along to the shops -

I won't be long.
© Cambridge University Press 2009
Advanced wordlist: English to Spanish
Lesson English word Spanish Español Example sentence

a 1A all-time sin precedente After three years of drought, the water

in the lake had reached an all-time low.

a 1A analysis análisis Chemical analysis revealed a high

content of copper.

a 1A annoy hacer enfadar Tim really annoyed me in the meeting

this morning.

a 1A appoint nombrar We've appointed three new teachers

this year.

b 1A bicker discutir Will you two stop bickering!

b 1A blissfully dichosamente They seemed blissfully happy.

b 1A butt in interrumpir alguien que habla Norma always butts in when we're

c 1A cashier cajero I smiled at the cashier and gave her my

credit card.

c 1A chatty hablador / a My manager said I am too chatty at


c 1A cheerful alegre He's usually fairly cheerful.

c 1A constantly constantemente He's constantly changing his mind.

c 1A consumer consumidor The new telephone rates will affect all

consumers including businesses.

d 1A demand demanda There was little demand for tickets.

d 1A disabled space aparcamiento para If you have a disabled badge in your

minusválidos car, you can park in a disabled space.

e 1A expect esperar He didn't expect to see me.

f 1A fishcake pescado rebozado Fishcakes are on the menu today.

f 1A friendliness simpatía Serena is very popular because of her


g 1A genuinely sinceramente I'm genuinely sorry for what I said, I

really am.

g 1A grab arrebatar/agarrar A mugger grabbed her handbag as she

was walking across the park.

g 1A gritted apretar gritted teeth

g 1A grumble quejarse She spent the evening grumbling to me

about her job.

h 1A high street calle principal There's a new Italian restaurant opening

on the high street.

h 1A highly sumamente a highly profitable line of products

i 1A impressed impresionado / a I wasn't very impressed with the


i 1A impression impresión It makes/gives/creates a very bad

impression if you're late for an interview.

i 1A indication indicio Helen's face gave no indication of what

she was thinking.

i 1A initially al principio Initially, most people approved of the

new scheme.

i 1A insincere poco sincero /a an insincere apology

i 1A intervene intervenir The Central Bank intervened in the

currency markets today to try to
stabilize the exchange rate.
i 1A -ish casi (nuevo) They have a four-bedroom house on a
newish estate.

k 1A keep up mantener el ritmo Supply of the goods is failing to keep up

with demand.

m 1A marketing márketing a career in marketing

m 1A myself yo mismo / a I've bought myself a new coat.

n 1A niceness amabilidad Our company values niceness.

o 1A overhear escuchar sin querer I overheard a very funny conversation

on the bus this morning.
o 1A overused utilizado / a en exceso overused expressions

p 1A perfectly perfectamente The jacket fits perfectly, the skirt not so


p 1A perky alegre/animado You look very perky this morning.

p 1A pregnant embarazada She's five and a half months pregnant.

p 1A publisher editorial Janet edited books for a variety of


p 1A pushy insistente/prepotente/ a pushy salesman


r 1A readership número de lectores The magazine has a readership of over

250 000.

r 1A runaway éxito obtenido muy rápido Her first novel's runaway (= surprisingly
big) success came as a great surprise.

r 1A rush up venir corriendo She rushed up to me and asked me a

precipitadamente question.

s 1A self-help autoayuda self-help books

s 1A several diversos / as Several people have complained about

the scheme.

s 1A simply simplemente I don't like my job - I simply do it for the


s 1A slump desplomarse She slumped into the chair, exhausted.

s 1A strongly firmemente They strongly believe their children

should make choices for themselves.

s 1A swing abrirse The door swung open.

t 1A technique técnica We have developed a new technique

for detecting errors in the manufacturing
t 1A total total At that time of day, cars with only one
occupant accounted for almost 80% of
the total.
t 1A towards hacia They've always been very friendly
towards me.

t 1A try out probar Don't forget to try out the equipment

before setting up the experiment.
t 1A turn-off ningún atractivo This system may provide a powerful tool
for adults who find computers a turn-off
yet need to learn to use them.
u 1A uncomfortable incómodo / a an uncomfortable silence

u 1A unfinished inacabado / a I still have some unfinished business

with you.

w 1A wander deambular/pasear/vagar We spent the morning wandering

around the old part of the city.

w 1A weapon arma a lethal weapon

w 1A witter on parlotear/hablar durante un He'd been wittering on about his

buen rato neighbours for half the morning.

w 1A working laboral a 37-hour working week

y 1A youth juventud the youth of today

a 1B add up significar It all added up to a lot of hard work for

all of us.

b 1B barely apenas After paying for our travel costs, we

barely broke even.

b 1B basis régimen Most of our staff work for us on a

voluntary basis (= They work without
being paid).
b 1B broadly en términos generales Broadly speaking, don't you think
women make better drivers than men?

c 1B commitment compromiso her commitment to left-wing politics/the

cause of feminism/the company

c 1B confidant confidente a close confidant

c 1B confide confiar She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide

in her.

d 1B depth profundidad the depth of a lake/pond

e 1B everyday cotidiana the everyday lives of ordinary Russian


f 1B friendship amistad Their friendship goes back to when they

were at school together.

f 1B funnily enough curiosamente I have met him, funnily enough.

h 1B hobby pasatiempo Ben's hobby is restoring vintage

i 1B include incluir The bill includes tax and service.

i 1B increasingly cada vez más to be increasingly important/common

i 1B intentionally intencionadamente I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just

didn't recognize her.

i 1B interest interés I've always had an interest in


i 1B irritate irritar After a while her behaviour really began

to irritate me.

k 1B keep track seguir los acontecimientos My sister has had so many different
jobs, I find it hard to keep track (of what
she's doing).
m 1B meaningful profundo / a She seems to find it difficult to form
meaningful relationships.

n 1B necessity necesidad With a personal fortune of six million

pounds, she certainly doesn't work out
of necessity (= because she needs to).

n 1B nightclub club nocturno We went dancing at a nightclub.

n 1B no longer dejar de The cinema is no longer used.

o 1B overload sobrecarga People today suffer from information


p 1B purely puramente On a purely practical level, it is difficult

to see how such proposals would work.

r 1B realistically de manera realista Realistically speaking, he hadn't a hope,

but that didn't stop him trying.

r 1B regularly habitualmente Accidents regularly occur on this bend.

s 1B sex sexo What sex is your cat?

s 1B substitute suplente a substitute teacher

t 1B terms relaciones I've always been on good terms with my


t 1B text-based basada en envio de My girlfriend lives in another city so our

mensajes escritos relationship is almost totally text-based.
t 1B two-fifths dos quintas (partes) What is two-fifths of 1210?

u 1B unburden descargarse/desahogarse/ He'll unburden himself to anyone who'll

aliviarse listen.

u 1B ungrateful desagradecido / a He is always so ungrateful.

u 1B unload descargar / desahogarse I'm afraid I've been unloading my

worries on poor Ann here.

w 1B wavelength longitud de onda I can't seem to get on with him - we're

just not on the same wavelength.

b 1C besides además She won't mind your being late -

besides, it's hardly your fault.

b 1C boot maletero My suitcase is in the boot of my car.

b 1C bore aburrir "Am I boring you?" she asked anxiously.

c 1C convinced convencido / a My boyfriend says I'd enjoy a walking

holiday, but I'm not convinced.

c 1C costs gastos We need to cut our advertising costs.

c 1C crow cuervo My girlfriend is scared of birds,

especially crows.

c 1C crowd grupo She goes about with a friendly crowd.

d 1C data datos The data was/were collected by various


e 1C ensure asegurar The role of the police is to ensure (that)

the law is obeyed.

e 1C entirely completamente I admit it was entirely my fault.

f 1C frighten espantar/asustar He frightens me when he drives so fast.

g 1C gain obtener What do you hope to gain from the


i 1C icy congelado / a icy roads

i 1C inaccessible inaccesible one of the most inaccessible places in

the world

i 1C in-laws suegros My in-laws are coming for Christmas.

m 1C manual manual a DIY manual

m 1C molehill topera You're making a mountain out of a

molehill. You wrote one bad essay - it
doesn't mean you're going to fail your
m 1C motorway autopista Because of the bad weather, motorway
(driving) conditions are expected to be
hazardous tonight.
m 1C must deber We must get someone to fix that wheel.

p 1C peanuts cacahuetes They pay people peanuts in that


p 1C pointless sin sentido This is a pointless exercise.

p 1C prospect la idea/perspectiva The prospect of spending three whole

days with her fills me with horror.

q 1C quietly silenciosamente I slipped quietly out of the back door.

r 1C rave hablar con entusiasmo She raved about/over the clothes she
had seen at the Paris fashion shows.

r 1C resist resistir She couldn't resist laughing at him in

those clothes.

r 1C roadworks obras There are delays on the M4 because of


s 1C saying dicho As the saying goes, 'Don't count your

chickens before they're hatched'.

s 1C spoil mimar When I'm feeling miserable I go

shopping and spoil myself - a couple of
new dresses always make me feel
t 1C totally totalmente Her second husband is totally different
from Mark.

v 1C venture expresar She tentatively ventured the opinion

that the project would be too expensive
to complete, but the boss ignored her.

a 2A academic académico / a academic subjects/qualifications/books

a 2A affectionate afectuoso / a He's an affectionate little boy.

a 2A astounding sorprendente an astounding fact/decision/revelation

a 2A atlas atlas an atlas of the world

a 2A autistic autista One child in 5 000 is autistic.

b 2A belief confianza Recent revelations about corruption

have shaken many people's belief in (=
caused people to have doubts about)
the police.
b 2A bellow grito agudo/bramido He gave a bellow of rage.

b 2A bespectacled con gafas a small, bespectacled man in a drab suit

b 2A brilliance brillantez Her first novel showed signs of


b 2A bubble burbuja As water begins to boil, bubbles rise

ever faster to the surface.

c 2A cleverest la más inteligente She is the cleverest student in the


c 2A confusing confuso / a The transition from boyhood to

manhood can be a confusing period.

d 2A deficiency deficiencia Pregnant women often suffer from iron


d 2A deficient carente A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause

the disease rickets.

d 2A developmentally trastornos en el desarrollo developmentally disabled

d 2A directory directorio Look up their number in the telephone


d 2A disabled minusválido The accident left him severely disabled.

d 2A distribute distribuir Their teacher distributed a review for

the exam.

d 2A dub apodar She was dubbed by the newspapers

'The Angel of Death'.

e 2A emotional emocional a child's emotional development

f 2A firmly firmemente We are firmly committed to reducing


f 2A flit saltar (de una cosa a otra) Sara finds it very difficult to settle - she's
always flitting from one thing to another.
g 2A gait paso/manera de caminar He walked with a slow stiff gait.

g 2A generate crear The new development will generate

1500 new jobs.

g 2A genius genio (an) artistic/creative/musical genius

g 2A Google Google Google is a popular Internet search


h 2A hemisphere hemisferio The brain is divided into two


h 2A hug abrazo Come here and give me a big hug.

i 2A immeasurable inmenso / a Her films had an immeasurable effect

on a generation of Americans.

i 2A impractical poco práctico / a I love high heels but they're rather


i 2A intimidating intimidante an intimidating array of weapons

k 2A kindly amable a kindly old lady

l 2A lifespan duración de una vida/ The average human lifespan in the

promedio de vida developed countries has increased over
the last hundred years.
l 2A lobby recepción Let's meet in the lobby of the hotel.

m 2A marked acentuado / a The president spoke with passion for an

hour, in marked contrast to his subdued
address to the parliament yesterday.

m 2A mathematical matemática a mathematical formula

m 2A mega- mega megacomputer/mega-savant

m 2A memorise memorizar When I was at school, we were required

to memorize a poem every week.

m 2A motor motriz He has poor motor control/functions.

m 2A mutter murmurar Stop muttering and speak up!

n 2A neck cuello He had the thickest neck I'd ever seen.

o 2A Oscar-winning ganadora de un Oscar She is an Oscar-winning actress.

p 2A painter pintor J.M.W. Turner is one of Britain's best-

known landscape painters.

p 2A possess poseer I don't possess a single DVD.

p 2A prove resultar That theory was proved false.

s 2A savant persona con memoria y savant syndrome

habilidades inusuales

s 2A scan éscaner / exploración an ultrasound scan

s 2A screenwriter guionista cinematográfico Who is the best young screenwriter?

s 2A seek out buscar While he was at the library, Steve

decided to seek out some information
on accommodation in the area.
s 2A shuffle arrastrar (los pies) He shuffled into the kitchen, leaning on
his walking stick.

s 2A simultaneously simultáneamente I was trying to do three things


s 2A socially socialmente Socially, she's a disaster - she's always

offending someone or picking a fight.

t 2A temporal lobe lóbulo temporal the temporal lobe of the brain

t 2A theory teoría Darwin's theory of evolution

t 2A thoroughly profundamente I thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

u 2A uncertain incierto / a New arrivals face an uncertain future.

u 2A unconditional incondicional the unconditional love that one has for

one's child

u 2A unsuitable inadecuado / a Completely unsuitable candidates were

screened out at the first interview.

u 2A urge instar Lawyers will urge the parents to take

further legal action.

v 2A variable variable a variable interest rate

w 2A whom quien I met a man with whom I used to work.

a 2B adorable adorable She has the most adorable two-year-old

b 2B backwater remanso de agua We tied the boat up in a quiet

backwater overnight.

b 2B beard barba a flowing white beard

b 2B breath-taking impresionante a breath-taking view

c 2B cabin cabaña a log cabin

c 2B canal canal The Panama Canal provides a crucial

shipping link between the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans.
c 2B canoe canoa We travelled in a canoe.

c 2B cathedral catedral Salisbury Cathedral

c 2B channel canal a cable/terrestrial channel

c 2B chaotic caótico / a The house is a bit chaotic at the

moment - we've got all these extra
people staying and we're still
c 2B chuck tirar Chuck it over there/into the corner.

c 2B clumsy patoso / a That's the third glass you've smashed

this week, - you're so clumsy!

c 2B cluster grupo Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in

this photograph.

c 2B coconut milk leche de coco This curry contains coconut milk.

c 2B contemporary comtemporáneo / a contemporary


c 2B curry curry a hot curry

d 2B delightful encantador / a His sister is a delightful girl.

e 2B enchanting mágico / a It's described in the guide book as 'an

enchanting medieval city'.

e 2B exotic exótico / a exotic flowers/food/designs

e 2B eye-mask antifaz I always wear an eye-mask in bed.

f 2B flooding inundaciones Some roads have been closed because

of flooding.

f 2B footstep paso Walking along the darkened street, he

heard footsteps close behind him.

f 2B forehead frente She wiped the beads of sweat from her


g 2B glide deslizar The boat glided silently across the lake.

h 2B hammock hamaca He loved sleeping in his hammock.

h 2B hang colgarse I hung from the window with my


h 2B healthcare sanidad Healthcare workers are some of the

lowest paid people in the country.

h 2B hypnotic hipnotizante/hipnótico / a The beauty of the place was hypnotic.

i 2B inexpensive barato / a It's an inexpensive perfume.

l 2B lagoon laguna a tropical lagoon

l 2B lick lamer He licked the chocolate off his fingers.

l 2B lifetime transcurso de una vida We'll see a tremendous lot of

technological changes during/in our
l 2B log tronco a log cabin

m 2B marble mármol a marble floor/statue

m 2B massive enorme They've got a massive house.

m 2B medieval medieval a medieval building/painting/town

m 2B Mediterranean Mediterránea Mediterranean cuisine

m 2B metallic metálico Our new car is metallic blue.

m 2B monsoon monzón The failure of the monsoon would

destroy harvests on which 1000 million
people rely.
m 2B must- debe ( verse) It's moderately entertaining but it's
certainly not a must-see film.

n 2B net red a fishing net

o 2B oil aceite de baño bath oil

p 2B pancake crep Do you want a sweet pancake or a

savoury one?

p 2B picture-book libro con ilustraciones the picture-book English countryside

p 2B plentiful abundante Strawberries are plentiful in the


p 2B pour servir/verter I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.

p 2B preserve conservar We want to preserve the character of

the town while improving the facilities.

r 2B revolting repugnante a revolting smell of rotting cabbage

r 2B round-necked cuello redondo a round-necked T-shirt

r 2B rustic rústico / a a rustic bench/cabin

s 2B scruffy de aspecto dejado a small, scruffy-looking man

s 2B sip sorber This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.

s 2B snow-capped cubierta de nieve snow-capped mountains

s 2B spice especia Cinnamon, ginger and cloves are all


s 2B sprawling irregulares/extenderse sprawling suburbs


s 2B stark austero / a It was a stark room with its white walls,

and a bed and chair as the only
s 2B stopover escala Our tickets to Australia include a
stopover for two nights in Singapore.

s 2B strain tensión Their constant arguments were putting

a strain on their marriage.

s 2B straw paja Why don't you drink your milkshake

through a straw?
s 2B stretch extenderse The Andes stretch for 7250 km along
the west coast of South America.

s 2B stupid-looking de aspecto idiota a stupid-looking animal

s 2B sun-roof techo corredizo/techo My new car has a sun-roof.


s 2B superbly-acted muy bien interpretado It is a superbly-acted drama.

s 2B supper cena We usually have tea at about 5.30 p.m.,

then supper before we go to bed.

t 2B teeth dientes I brush my teeth three times a day.

t 2B tuck into atacar Judging by the way they tucked into

their dinner, they must have been very
t 2B turquoise turquesa the clear turquoise water of the bay

u 2B unspoilt no estropeado / a The mansion is set in 90 acres of

beautiful, unspoilt countryside.

v 2B vegetation vegetación The railway track will have to be cleared

of vegetation if it is to be used again.

v 2B vibrant vibrante/vivo / a a vibrant city

v 2B Victorian Victoriano / a a Victorian terraced house

w 2B well-decorated bien decorado He has a very well-decorated house.

w 2B well-written bien escrita Her latest novel is very well-written.

w 2B wonderfully (ir) de maravilla This sauce goes wonderfully well with

fish, asparagus or new potatoes.

b 2C bustling animado / a This used to be a bustling town but a lot

of people have moved away over recent
c 2C coastal costera a coastal town

c 2C contribute contribuir Smoking contributed to his early death.

d 2C diverse diverso / a Linguistics embraces a diverse range of

subjects such as phonetics and
d 2C diversity diversidad Does television adequately reflect the
ethnic and cultural diversity of the
e 2C explore explorar to explore space

f 2C fairytale cuento de hadas They had a fairytale wedding.

g 2C glimpse ver fugazmente I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the

driver of the getaway car, but I doubt I
would recognize her if I saw her again.
i 2C intriguing intrigante an intriguing possibility/question

m 2C meandering serpenteado a meandering river

m 2C modernity modernidad There is a stark contrast between

tradition and modernity on the streets of
the city.
n 2C nail scissors tijeras de uñas silver nail scissors

n 2C nor tampoco "I've never been to Iceland." "Nor have


n 2C northwest noroeste the sale of the company's northwest


o 2C open-air al aire libre an open-air concert/market

p 2C port puerto a naval/fishing/container port

q 2C quaint pintoresco / a a quaint old cottage

r 2C region región the semi-desert regions of Australia

r 2C rugged escabroso / a rugged landscape/terrain/hills/cliffs

s 2C seaside de playa a seaside holiday/hotel/resort

s 2C southwest suroeste I come from the southwest part of the


s 2C splendour esplendor They bought a decaying 16th-century

manor house and restored it to its
original splendour.
s 2C sporting deportivo The Olympics is the biggest sporting
event in the world.
s 2C stately majestuoso / a stately homes

s 2C superbly magníficamente The orchestra played superbly.

s 2C surround rodear Snow-capped mountains surround the


t 2C timelessness sentido de atemporalidad Rothko's paintings have a unique


u 2C upon tras hours upon hours

v 2C vibrancy vitalidad No one can fail to be struck by the

vibrancy of New York.

v 2C vitamin vitamina a vitamin pill

w 2C walled amurallado / a Why not visit the beautiful walled city of


w 2C warden guardián a dog warden

w 2C wealth mucha / abundante Jim has a wealth of teaching


w 2C woodland bosque The Forestry Commission is responsible

for preserving over 2 million acres of
a 3A accolade reconocimiento This is his centennial year and he's
been granted the ultimate accolade - his
face on a set of three postage stamps.

a 3A amongst entre Relax, you're amongst friends.

a 3A aspect aspecto Which aspects of the job do you most


a 3A astonish asombrar What astonished me was that he didn't

seem to mind.

b 3A beyond más alla She is, beyond question, the best

actress of her generation.

b 3A bitterly con resentimiento He was bitterly disappointed not to get

the job.

b 3A bluff farolear Is he going to jump or is he only


c 3A cautious prudente He's a cautious driver.

c 3A conclude finalizar She concluded the speech by reminding
us of our responsibility.

c 3A consciously conscientemente I don't think she's consciously rude to

people - it's just her manner.

c 3A couch sofá She sat down on the couch.

d 3A depressing deprimente I find this weather so depressing.

d 3A distress ansiedad She claimed that the way she had been
treated at work had caused her extreme
emotional and psychological distress.

d 3A dominate dominar He refuses to let others speak and

dominates every meeting.

e 3A exhilaration alegría I had a fantastic feeling of exhilaration

when I won the race.

e 3A experiment experimento Some people believe that experiments

on animals should be banned.

e 3A extravagant extravagante the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star

f 3A finicky minucioso / a Repairing watches must be a very

finicky job.

f 3A finishing line meta The winner crossed the finishing line 9

seconds before the second-placed
g 3A gullible crédulo / a There are any number of miracle cures
on the market for people gullible
enough to buy them.
i 3A impetuous impetuoso / a He's so impetuous - why can't he think
things over before he rushes into them?

i 3A impostor impostor He felt like an impostor among all those

intelligent people, as if he had no right
to be there.
i 3A inwardly interiormente He was inwardly relieved that the test
was cancelled.

k 3A kicked-in-the-guts patada en el estómago I can clearly remember the kicked-in-

the-guts feeling I had when I lost my
l 3A lack carecer He just lacks a little confidence.

m 3A meticulous meticuloso / a Many hours of meticulous preparation

have gone into writing the book.

n 3A nagging persistente a nagging feeling

p 3A podium podio Tears ran down her face as she stood
on the winner's podium.

r 3A rival rival He beat his closest/nearest rival by 20


s 3A self-awareness conocimiento de uno mismo I think I have good self-awareness.

s 3A sheer puro / absoluto The suggestion is sheer nonsense.

s 3A similarly igualmente Cars must stop at red traffic lights:

similarly (= in a similar way), bicycles
should stop too.
s 3A spectrum espectro A wide spectrum of opinion was
represented at the meeting.

s 3A spontaneous espontáneo / a She's such a spontaneous, lively


s 3A spotlight centro de atención The senator has been in the spotlight

recently since the revelation of his tax
s 3A spray rociar She sprayed herself with perfume.

s 3A supremely sumamente Wales are supremely confident of

winning the match.

s 3A syndrome síndrome It's a classic case of the bored-

housewife syndrome - she's got nothing
to do all day except drink and go
t 3A tailor acoplar/adaptar I can tailor my working hours to suit my

t 3A thrifty austero / a They have plenty of money now, but

they still tend to be thrifty.

t 3A tight-fisted tacaño / a Don't imagine Gillian'll buy you a drink -

she's too tight-fisted.

t 3A timid tímido /a Lucy is a rather timid child.

t 3A trait rasgo His sense of humour is one of his better


t 3A triumph triunfo The book celebrates the hostages'

remarkable triumph over appalling
t 3A trusting confiado / a The child gave a lovely, trusting smile.

u 3A unfounded infundado / a I'm pleased to see that our fears about

the weather proved totally unfounded.
u 3A unquestionable hecho indiscutible The fact that everyone will die someday
is one of the unquestionables of life.

u 3A utterly completamente What an utterly stupid thing to do!

v 3A victory victoria The Redskins opened the season by

scoring a
resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3
victory against/over Detroit.
v 3A vividly claramente I vividly remember my first day at

w 3A wolf lobo Wolves hunt in groups known as packs.

a 3B amaze sorprender It amazes me that she's got the energy

for all those parties.

a 3B associate asociar Most people associate this brand with

good quality.

b 3B blocked (up) tapado / a I've got a blocked (up) nose.

c 3B cheer up animarse She was ill so I sent her some flowers to

cheer her up.

c 3B colourful de colores vivos a colourful painting

d 3B depression depresión I was overwhelmed by feelings of


h 3B hygiene higiene Poor standards of hygiene mean that

the disease spreads fast.

m 3B moderate mediana The cabin is of moderate size - just right

for a small family.

p 3B path camino The path to success is fraught with


p 3B physically físicamente Physically I find him very attractive.

p 3B punishing agotador / a Currently she has a punishing schedule

of five presentations a day.

r 3B rarely raramente We rarely see each other now.

s 3B seldom rara vez Now that we have a baby, we seldom

get the chance to go to the cinema.

s 3B stroke derrame cerebral She suffered/had a stroke which left her

unable to speak.
s 3B sunlight luz del sol a ray/beam/shaft/pool of sunlight

s 3B swell (up) hinchar It was obvious she had broken her toe,
because it immediately started to swell
t 3B treadmill cinta para correr There are ten treadmills in the gym.

z 3B zip ir rápido I'm just going to zip along to the shops -

I won't be long.

a 3C athletic atlético / a She looks very athletic.

d 3C discount descuento They usually give you a discount if you

buy multiple copies.

e 3C economical no decir toda ( la verdad) I was being economical with the truth.

e 3C enthuse entusiasmado / a He was enthusing over a wonderful

restaurant he'd been to.

f 3C fanatic fanático / a a fitness/film fanatic

f 3C fussy recargado / a They've got those curtains that tie up

with big bows - they're a bit fussy for my
h 3C hairstyle peinado Do you like my new hairstyle?

h 3C handmade hecho a mano handmade chocolates/paper/shoes

h 3C hearing oído My father is quite old now and he's

increasingly hard of hearing.

h 3C heating calefacción Is the heating on?

h 3C hundred-year-old centenario There's a hundred-year-old tree in the


i 3C ideal ideal the ideal employer

o 3C occurrence acontecimiento Street-fights are an everyday

occurrence in this area of the city.

s 3C senior citizen ciudadano de edad avanzada Discounts are available for senior

t 3C tactful diplomático / a Mentioning his baldness wasn't very


t 3C ten kilometre diez kilómetros a ten kilometre road race

a 4A aviation aviación the British Civil Aviation Authority

b 4A bug pinchado / a She suspected that her phone had been

bugged (= that a listening device had
been hidden inside it).
c 4A civilised civilizado / a A fair justice system is a fundamental
part of a civilised society.

c 4A costume drama novela de época I love watching costume dramas on TV.

c 4A coverage cobertura What did you think of the BBC's election


d 4A defendant acusado The jury concluded from the evidence

that the defendant was innocent.

d 4A device aparato Rescuers used a special device for

finding people trapped in collapsed
d 4A district distrito South Cambridgeshire District Council

e 4A extraordinary increíble He told the extraordinary story of his


f 4A fact-based basado / a en hechos reales a fact-based novel

f 4A forbid prohibir The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to

people under the age of 16.

f 4A formula fórmula There's no magic formula for success.

g 4A glossy ilustrado a glossy magazine

h 4A height pico (temporada alta) August is the height of the tourist


i 4A immigrant inmigrante a large immigrant population

i 4A intellectually intelectualmente She's hoping to find a job which is more

demanding intellectually.

l 4A lawsuit litigio Two of the directors have brought/filed

a lawsuit against their former employer.

l 4A legally legalmente Children under sixteen are not legally

allowed to buy cigarettes.

l 4A legitimate legítimo / a He claimed that the restaurant bill was a

legitimate business expense.
l 4A libel difamación She threatened to sue the magazine for

m 4A measure medida What further measures can we take to

avoid terrorism?

m 4A minister ministro the foreign/health minister

n 4A newly reciente the newly formed residents' association

o 4A objection objección Her objection to/against the plan is

based on incorrect facts.

p 4A percent por ciento You got 20 percent of the answers right

- that means one in every five.

p 4A poke fun reirse de Stop poking fun at your sister.

p 4A premium suplemento We're willing to pay a premium for the

best location.

p 4A press release comunicado de prensa The minister issued a press release

shortly after her resignation.

p 4A programming schedule programación I am responsible for the station's

programming schedule.

p 4A proposal propuesta Congress has rejected the latest

economic proposal put forward by the
r 4A restriction restricción import/export/currency restrictions

r 4A ridiculous ridículo / a Do I look ridiculous in this hat?

r 4A ruling sentencia The court has made a final ruling on the

case that the companies acted illegally.

s 4A satisfaction compensación You've sold me a faulty product and I

demand satisfaction.

s 4A seek buscar Hundreds of dissidents are seeking

refuge/asylum in the US embassy.

s 4A settle for conformarse con They were hoping to sell their car for
£2000, but settled for £1500.

s 4A sue demandar He was so furious about the

accusations in the letter that he
threatened to sue.
t 4A token ficha a metal/plastic token
u 4A undergo someterse a Athletes must undergo a mandatory
drugs test before competing in the
u 4A unfaithful infiel If a man was unfaithful to me I'd leave
him no matter what the circumstances.

u 4A user-generated creado por el usuario user-generated content

v 4A verge a punto de on the verge of

w 4A wall pared The walls in this apartment are so thin
you can hear just about every word the
neighbours say.
a 4B acquire adquirir As people grow older, their faces
acquire more character.

a 4B apparent aparente I was on the metro this morning when

for no apparent reason the man
opposite suddenly screamed.
a 4B astronaut astronauta When I was young, I wanted to be an

b 4B base on basado / a en The film is based on a short story by

Thomas Mann.

b 4B bustle bullicio I sat in a café watching the (hustle and)

bustle (= busy activity) of the street
c 4B cancerous canceroso / a a cancerous growth/tumour

c 4B cell célula DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.

c 4B cholera cólera Hundreds died of cholera.

c 4B circumstance circunstancia Obviously we can't deal with the

problem until we know all the
c 4B coin moneda a 10p/ten pence coin

c 4B commerce comercio the world of commerce and industry

c 4B creature animal/criatura Rain forests are filled with amazing


d 4B development desarrollo Technological developments have

changed the shape of industry.

d 4B diagnostic diagnóstico diagnostic techniques/tests

e 4B earthling terrícola The film tells the story of a group of
aliens who come to Earth to study
e 4B engine motor a jet engine

e 4B exasperating exasperante It's so exasperating when he won't

listen to a word that I say.

e 4B exploration exploración Livingstone was the first European to

make an exploration of the Zambezi
f 4B forerunner precursor Germany's Green party was said to be
the forerunner of environmental parties
throughout Europe.
g 4B gadget aparato kitchen gadgets

g 4B gaze comtemplar Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as

he spoke.

g 4B geek persona peculiar He's such a geek.

g 4B govern regir Prices of goods are governed by the

cost of the raw materials, as well as by
the cost of production and distribution.

g 4B grain grano grains of wheat/rice

h 4B habitat habitat With so many areas of woodland being

cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its
natural habitat.
h 4B herd rebaño a herd of cattle/elephants/goats

h 4B historian historiador Her father was an eminent historian.

h 4B homo urbanus hombre civilizado Homo sapiens have become homo


h 4B hub centro The City of London is the hub of

Britain's financial world.

i 4B improvement mejora a slight improvement in the economy

i 4B Inc. Sociedad Anónima Bishop Computer Services Inc.

i 4B infuriating irritante It's infuriating when people keep

spelling your name wrong, isn't it?

i 4B innovation novedad the latest innovations in computer

l 4B lengthen alargar There is a plan to lengthen the three-
year course to four years.

m 4B majority mayoría The majority of the employees have

university degrees.

m 4B millennia milenio The book is a history of the last two


m 4B misgovernment mal gobierno A decade of misgovernment has

bankrupted the country.

m 4B multitude multitud The city has a multitude of problems,

from homelessness to drugs and
o 4B obstinate tozudo / a He can be very obstinate at times.

p 4B palm palma This tiny device fits into the palm of your

p 4B pestilence plaga Thousands were killed by the


p 4B precede preceder Boutros Boutros-Ghali preceded Kofi

Annan as the Secretary-General of the
p 4B process tramitar Visa applications take 28 days to

r 4B reckless temerario-a He was found guilty of reckless driving.

r 4B rural rural The area is still very rural and


s 4B scale magnitud We don't yet know the scale of the


s 4B settlement asentamiento A large Roman settlement has been

discovered just outside the town.

s 4B shape forma We watched the vase begin to take

shape in the potter's hands.

s 4B sophistication sofisticación Her sophistication is evident from the

way she dresses.

s 4B standstill paralización The runaway bus eventually came to a

standstill when it rolled into a muddy
s 4B succumb sucumbir Thousands of cows have succumbed to
the disease in the past few months.

t 4B technological tecnológico Technological advances in computing

and telecommunications will reduce the
need for many people to travel to work.
t 4B transform transformarse Whenever a camera was pointed at her,
Marilyn would instantly transform herself
into a radiant star.
t 4B tuberculosis tuberculosis Tuberculosis is a very serious disease.

u 4B uneducated inculto an uneducated man

u 4B unexpectedly inesperadamente I met her unexpectedly in a coffee shop.

u 4B urban urbano urban development

v 4B varied variado / a a varied group of people

v 4B vehicle vehículo A truck driver died last night when his

vehicle overturned.

v 4B villager aldeano All of the villagers attended the local


w 4B wisely saviamente Sian had very wisely left the party

before all the trouble started.

a 4C avert evitar to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine

b 4C belly parte de abajo (fuselaje de The belly of the aircraft was painted red.
un avión )

b 4C brash presuntuoso/vulgar/ chillona Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for
a funeral?

b 4C broadsheet diario serio / respetable In Britain, the broadsheets are generally

believed to be more serious than the
c 4C Capt capitán Capt Walter Raleigh

c 4C catastrophe catástrofe They were warned of the ecological

catastrophe to come.

c 4C circulation circulación The paper has a circulation of 150 000.

c 4C crash-land aterrizaje forzoso The jet crash-landed and burst into


c 4C crisp incisivo / a a crisp reply

d 4C detach desprender/separar You can detach the hood if you prefer

the coat without it.

d 4C distinction distinción There's a clear distinction between the

dialects spoken in the two regions.
d 4C downmarket barato y de baja calidad a downmarket tabloid newspaper

e 4C evacuate evacuar A thousand people were evacuated

from their homes following the floods.

f 4C format formato The format of the magazine has


g 4C grassy cubierto / a de césped a grassy slope/hillside

h 4C heroic heroico My great grandfather was a heroic


i 4C in tune en sintonia Much of his success comes from being

in tune with what his customers want.

i 4C injury lesión a head/back/knee injury

j 4C jet a reacción a jet plane

l 4C layout distribución I like the layout of the house.

m 4C middle-of-the-road moderado / a middle-of-the-road pop music

n 4C nonetheless aún así There are serious problems in our

country. Nonetheless, we feel this is a
good time to return.
p 4C Prof. profesora Prof. Tina Pritchard

r 4C red-top prensa sensacionalista I read the red-tops every morning.

r 4C runway pista The environmentalists protested against

the government's decision to build a
third runway at the airport.
s 4C saxophone saxofón My father plays the saxophone.

s 4C skid patinar Trevor's bus skidded on some ice and

hit a tree.

s 4C slide tobogán an emergency slide

s 4C snappy pegadizo y con estilo They're looking for a snappy slogan to

communicate the campaign's message.

s 4C so-called llamado / a It isn't yet clear how destructive this so-

called 'super virus' is.
s 4C splash artículo para captar la The newspaper's splash is usually a
atención business story.

s 4C St calle My address is 19 East Norwood St.

s 4C swoop descender en picado The eagle swooped down to snatch a

young rabbit.

t 4C tabloid prensa sensacionalista the tabloid press

t 4C Tues martes See you on Tues.

u 4C undercarriage tren de aterrizaje an aircraft undercarriage

a 5A admirer admirador She's got plenty of admirers.

a 5A allegedly según dice That's where he allegedly killed his wife.

b 5A bulk grueso In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up

with criticizing other works.

c 5A 'can-do' attitude actitud positiva Her 'can-do' attitude is what made her
our choice for the job.

c 5A captivate cautivar With her beauty and charm, she

captivated film audiences everywhere.

c 5A concentrate concentrar Come on, concentrate! We haven't got

all day to do this.

c 5A counter-attack contraataque The rebels have launched a strong

counter-attack against the government
c 5A counterbalance contrapeso Her calm nature served as a natural
counterbalance to his excitable
c 5A courtier cortesano Many of the courtiers were upset by the
princess's resistance to tradition.

d 5A detract from restar importancia All that make-up she wears actually
detracts from her beauty, I think.

d 5A drudgery trabajo pesado y monótono the drudgery of housework

f 5A fetch alcanzar Could you fetch me my glasses/fetch

my glasses for me from the other room,
f 5A flash brillar The lightning flashed and distant
thunder rolled.
g 5A gatekeeper portero social gatekeepers

g 5A genuine auténtico / a Machiko looked at me in genuine

surprise - "Are you really going?" she
g 5A glamour encanto Who can resist the glamour of

h 5A humble humilde He's very humble about his success.

i 5A interaction interacción There's not enough interaction between

the management and the workers.

i 5A interlocked entrelazado / a interlocked paving

l 5A laundry ropa sucia I've got to do my laundry.

l 5A limo limosina I arrived at the party in a limo.

o 5A opposition oposición There is a lot of opposition to the

proposed changes.

o 5A originate originar Although the technology originated in

the UK, it has been developed in the
o 5A overhead por encima A flock of geese flew overhead.

o 5A overworked saturado de trabajo an overworked civil servant

p 5A powerful poderoso / a The President is more powerful than the

Prime Minister.

p 5A premiere estreno The world premiere of the opera will be

at the Metropolitan Opera House in
New York.
p 5A principal protagonista principal None of the principals in the production
received any payment for their
p 5A profession profesión He left the teaching profession in 1965
to set up his own business.

p 5A proximity proximidad The best thing about the location of the

house is its proximity to the town centre.

p 5A pseud(o)- pseudo pseudo-friendship

r 5A recurrent recurrente LeFanu suffered all his life from a

recurrent nightmare that he was trapped
in a falling house.
r 5A round-the-clock dia y noche ( las 24 horas) She needed round-the-clock nursing.

r 5A rub shoulders (with) codearse con She claims that she rubs shoulders with
royalty all the time.

s 5A sacrifice sacrificar Many women sacrifice interesting

careers for their family.

s 5A selfless desinteresado / a selfless devotion to duty

s 5A semi- semi semi-circle/semi-famous

s 5A skimmed desnatada skimmed milk

s 5A spouse esposa In 60% of the households surveyed

both spouses went out to work.

s 5A stardom estrellato / fama From childhood, Britney Spears seemed

destined for stardom.

s 5A stepping stone trampolín I see this job just as a stepping stone to

better things.

s 5A stupor estupor He was lying under the table in a

drunken stupor.

s 5A superficial superficial He's fun to be with, but he's very


s 5A superwoman supermujer She said that she was tired of being

expected to be a superwoman.

s 5A supplement complementar He supplements his income by working

in a bar in the evening.

t 5A the Internet Internet I found out about the bombings from/on

the Internet.

t 5A tightly estrechamente Many commuters are forced to stand,

tightly packed in, like sardines.

t 5A trivial trivial I don't know why he gets so upset about

something that is utterly trivial.

t 5A trusted de confianza She is my most trusted friend.

u 5A underfoot debajo de los pies The grass was cool and pleasant

v 5A vain vanidoso / a He was very vain about his hair and his

y 5A yourselves vosotros mismos Did you make the dresses yourselves?

c 5B cerebral palsy parálisis cerebral He suffers from cerebral palsy.

c 5B champion campeón an Olympic champion

c 5B coordinate coordinar Cerebral palsy affects the sufferer's

ability to coordinate body movements.

c 5B curriculum curriculum the school curriculum

d 5B debut album primer album His debut album was released in

January 2008.

d 5B dressage adiestramiento de caballos a dressage competition

e 5B enrol matricularse en I enrolled for/in/on the modern art


e 5B exceptional excepcional exceptional powers of concentration

f 5B focus foco The main focus of interest at the fashion

show was Christian Lacroix's
outrageous evening wear.
h 5B horse-riding montar a caballo I enjoyed horse-riding when I was

i 5B intend tener la intención We intend to go to Australia next year.

n 5B necessitate requerir Reduction in government spending will

necessitate further cuts in public
o 5B optional opcional English is compulsory for all students,
but art and music are optional.

o 5B overspend gastar más de la cuenta The council seems likely to overspend

this year.

p 5B paralympics paralímpicos The Paralympic Games are held in a

different country on each occasion.

r 5B rapper rapero Who is your favourite rapper?

r 5B regardless a pesar de She knew it was dangerous to visit him

except at night, but she set out
regardless (of the risk).
r 5B restless inquieto / a He's a restless type - he never stays in
one country for long.

s 5B secondary secundaria secondary education

s 5B standard nivel This essay is not of an acceptable
standard - do it again.

u 5B unaided sin ayuda Since his accident, he hasn't been able

to walk unaided.

v 5B visualise visualizar I was so surprised when he turned up -

I'd visualised someone much older.

a 5C accepted aceptado / a The idea is not accepted (= approved

of) in political circles.

a 5C achievement éxito/logro An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable

achievement for one so young.

b 5C bonus bono a productivity bonus

c 5C chap tipo He's a friendly sort of a chap.

c 5C checkout caja Your fruit and vegetables will be

weighed at the checkout.

c 5C concede admitir The Government has conceded (that)

the new tax policy has been a disaster.

c 5C counter-argument contraargumento He came up with an excellent counter-


c 5C crèche guardería Does your employer provide a crèche?

d 5C dead-end job sin futuro I am planning to escape from my dead-

end job.

d 5C dubious sospechoso / a I'm dubious about his promises to

change his ways.

f 5C forgive perdonar I don't think she's ever quite forgiven

me for getting her name wrong that
i 5C inheritance herencia The large inheritance from his aunt
meant that he could buy his own boat.

i 5C inseparable inseparable When we were kids Zoe and I were


j 5C justify justificar I can't really justify taking another day

off work.

m 5C minimum wage salario mínimo It is very difficult to survive on the

minimum wage.

m 5C misguided desacertado / a He was shot as he made a misguided

attempt to stop the robbers single-
p 5C prior previo / a The course required no prior knowledge
of Spanish.

p 5C provision suministro The provision of good public transport

will be essential for developing the area.

r 5C relieved aliviado / a I'm so relieved to find you - I thought

you'd already gone.

r 5C retirement jubilación Many teachers over the age of 50 are

taking early retirement.

r 5C rut rutina aburrida I've got to change jobs - after 15 years

here I feel I'm (stuck) in a rut (= I'm
s 5C settle in instalarse Once we've settled in, you must come
round for dinner.

s 5C shadow acompañar Your first week in the job will be spent

shadowing one of our more
experienced employees.
s 5C sleepover pasar la noche en casa de Let's have a sleepover at my house.

s 5C snowed under estar inundado de I'm absolutely snowed under with work
at the moment.

s 5C stuck estancado / a I'm stuck in a rut (= I'm bored).

s 5C subsequent posterior The book discusses his illness and

subsequent resignation from the
t 5C telephone teléfono a telephone survey

a 6A advancement ascenso All she was interested in was the

advancement of her own career.

a 6A amusing divertido / a an amusing story/person/situation

a 6A anti-social antisocial anti-social behaviour

a 6A archive archivo archive film/footage/material

b 6A basket cesto a shopping/picnic basket

b 6A boundary frontera/límites Electronic publishing is blurring the

boundaries between dictionaries and
c 6A charming encantador / a We had dinner with our director and his
charming wife.
c 6A corridor pasillo Her office is at the end of the corridor.

c 6A cow vaca a dairy cow

c 6A cunningly astutamente He behaved very cunningly.

d 6A decidedly sin duda An agreement is looking decidedly

difficult according to the newspapers.

d 6A disaffected insatisfecho / a The party needs to take steps to attract

disaffected voters.

d 6A distinctly claramente She looks distinctly fitter these days.

d 6A duck pato Let's go and feed the ducks.

e 6A exit salida a fire exit

e 6A extensive extenso / a extensive repairs to the motorway

f 6A facial facial facial hair

f 6A feedback comentario/reacción Have you had any feedback from

customers about the new soap?

f 6A furthermore además I suggest we use Barkers as our main

suppliers - they're good and furthermore
they're cheap.
h 6A hallway vestíbulo I walked through the door and into the

h 6A hardly apenas I could hardly hear her at the back.

h 6A heel tacón high-heeled shoes

h 6A held sustentado / a firmly held beliefs

h 6A hooligan gamberro Hooligans had sprayed paint all over

the car.

h 6A hop saltar The rabbit/bird hopped across the


i 6A illustrate ilustrar The lecturer illustrated his point with a

diagram on the blackboard.

i 6A inability incapacidad Inability to use a computer is a serious

disadvantage when you are applying for
k 6A kitten gatito / a I'm going to buy my daughter a kitten for
her birthday.

m 6A marginally ligeramente marginally more expensive

m 6A matching que hace juego a green dress with matching green


m 6A mechanism mecanismo She's actually rather insecure, and her

rudeness is just a defence mechanism.

m 6A mental mental His physical and mental health had got


m 6A mindset disposición to have a different/the same mindset

o 6A out-do sobrepasar He always tries to out-do everybody

else in the class.

p 6A participant participante The students claim to be willing

participants in the experiment.

p 6A patrol patrullado / a The whole town is patrolled by police

because of the possibility of riots.

p 6A pebble de piedras This part of the coast has pebble


p 6A peculiar peculiar She has the most peculiar ideas.

p 6A perform realizar Computers can perform a variety of


p 6A perk ventaja A company car and a mobile phone are

some of the perks that come with the
p 6A phenomenon fenómeno Do you believe in the paranormal and
other psychic phenomena?

p 6A pittance miseria He works hard but he's paid a pittance.

p 6A pond estanque a duck pond

p 6A professor profesor Professor Stephen Hawking

p 6A push empujar push boundaries

q 6A quack graznido I heard quacks coming from the pond.

q 6A quirky extravagante He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat

sense of humour.
r 6A regard considerar Her parents always regarded her as the
cleverest of their children.

r 6A relaxing relajante a relaxing holiday

r 6A reverse al revés To stop the engine, you repeat the

same procedures, but in reverse.

r 6A run-of-the-mill moderado / a He gave a fairly run-of-the-mill speech.

s 6A shopper comprador crowds of Christmas shoppers

s 6A significantly significativamente My piano playing has improved

significantly since I've had a new
s 6A somewhat un tanto She's somewhat more confident than
she used to be.

s 6A speciality especialidad The political economy of European

integration is one of the professor's
s 6A stuffed toy muñeco de peluche My baby daughter loves playing with
her stuffed toys.

s 6A stylish elegante The film's direction is subtle and stylish.

s 6A subconscious subconsciente The memory was buried deep within my


s 6A submission presentación The final deadline for submissions is

February 21st.

s 6A sugary dulce all those sugary snacks that kids eat

s 6A supporter seguidor Thousands of supporters have travelled

to London for the cup final.

s 6A sweater jersey Put a sweater on if you're cold.

u 6A unaware inconsciente I was quite unaware of the problem.

u 6A unrelated no relacionado / a Police said his death was unrelated to

the attack.

w 6A wrinkled arrugado / a a wrinkled face

a 6B accumulation acumulación Despite this accumulation of evidence,

the Government persisted in doing
a 6B adopt adoptar I think it's time to adopt a different
strategy in my dealings with him.

a 6B advertiser anunciante Whilst claiming to promote positive

images of women, advertisers are in
fact doing the very opposite.
a 6B antagonise enfadarse It's a very delicate situation and I've no
wish to antagonise him.

b 6B billboard valla publicitaria an advertising billboard

b 6B buzz expectación His new album is creating a real buzz in

the music world.

c 6B capsule cápsula The liquid is contained within a small


c 6B catchphrase eslogan Advertising campaigns often use


c 6B charitable benéfico / a a charitable


c 6B chart gráfica We need some sort of graph on which

we can chart our progress.

c 6B commercial anuncio publicitario a commercial break

c 6B copywriter redactor de material We are advertising for a new copywriter.


c 6B cynical cínico / a I've always been deeply cynical about


d 6B deed acciones It seems to me that a lot of evil deeds

are done in the name of religion.

d 6B despise odiar The two groups despise each other.

d 6B dislike no gustar I dislike walking and I hate the


e 6B effectiveness eficacia There are doubts about the

effectiveness of the new drug in treating
the disease.
e 6B essay disertación For homework I want you to write an
essay on endangered species.

e 6B experimentation experimento Extensive experimentation (= testing) is

needed before new drugs can be sold.

e 6B expose estar expuesto / a About 800,000 children are exposed to

poisons each year.
f 6B forgivable perdonable a forgivable mistake

f 6B fundraising recaudación de fondos The summer fête will be the school's

main fundraising event this year.

g 6B golden dorado / a the golden days of our youth

g 6B gush emanar Her arm gushed blood where the knife

had gone in.

h 6B hype despliegue/bombo media hype


i 6B image-conscious consciente de la imagen He's terribly image-conscious.

i 6B imaginative imaginativo / a an imaginative new approach/policy

i 6B informative informativo / a This is an interesting and highly

informative book.

i 6B intrusive indiscreto / a intrusive questioning

l 6B leap saltar He leapt out of his car and ran towards

the house.

l 6B likewise igualmente Just water these plants twice a week,

and likewise the ones in the bedroom.

l 6B loathing odio The thought of him touching her filled

her with deep loathing.

m 6B manipulate manipular Throughout her career she has very

successfully manipulated the media.

m 6B motivated motivado / a a racially-motivated murder

m 6B much muy This is a much discussed issue.

o 6B overcome superar to overcome

o 6B overuse sobreusar I tend to overuse certain favourite

p 6B previously anteriormente She was previously employed as a tour


r 6B racism racismo The authorities are taking steps to

combat/fight/tackle racism in schools.

r 6B refusal rechazo Our request for permission to travel met

with/received a flat/point-blank refusal
from the authorities.
r 6B renovation reformas The museum is closed for renovation.

r 6B resistance resistencia resistance to disease

r 6B roam deambular After the pubs close, gangs of youths

roam the city streets.

s 6B showing proyección This is the film's first showing on British


s 6B sneaky secreto / a a sneaky plan

s 6B sponsored patrocinado / a a sponsored run

s 6B stealth cautela These thieves operate with terrifying

stealth - they can easily steal from the
pockets of unsuspecting travellers.

s 6B swimming pool piscina an indoor/outdoor swimming pool

t 6B tap grifo the hot/cold tap

t 6B thereby de este modo Diets that are high in saturated fat and
cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries,
thereby reducing the blood flow to our
hearts and brains.
u 6B ultimately finalmente Everything will ultimately depend on
what is said at the meeting with the
directors next week.
u 6B unannounced sin avisar She appeared unannounced and took
control of the meeting.

u 6B unofficial extraoficial unofficial estimates/figures/reports

v 6B visual visual visual stimulus/impact/abilities

w 6B welfare bienestar The police are very concerned for the

welfare of the missing child.

w 6B well-being sentirse bien People doing yoga benefit from an

increased feeling of well-being.

w 6B whaling caza de ballenas Whaling is legal in some countries.

w 6B witty ingenioso / a a witty comment/remark

w 6B word-of-mouth de palabra All the orders were given by word of

mouth so that no written evidence could
be discovered later.
w 6B wristband pulsera a rubber wristband

a 6C arrange arreglar She's arranged for her son to have

swimming lessons.

a 6C attend asistir Over two hundred people attended the


b 6C beckon llamar haciendo señas para The customs official beckoned the
que alguien se acerque woman to his counter.

b 6C better- más She is better-looking (= more attractive)

than her brother.

b 6C blissful feliz a blissful childhood/holiday

b 6C board room junta directiva Let's meet in the board room.

b 6C burly robusto / a a burly policeman

c 6C cajole convencer con artimañas He really knows how to cajole people

into doing what he wants.

c 6C celebration celebración There were lively New Year

celebrations all over town.

c 6C confession confesión I've got a bit of a confession to make -

I've lost that book you lent me.

c 6C copywriting derechos de autor a copywriting course

d 6C dance-floor pista de baile Have you seen him on the dance-floor

(= dancing)?

d 6C deceive engañar The company deceived customers by

selling old computers as new ones.

d 6C disastrous desastroso /a Such a war would be disastrous for the


d 6C drag arrastrar Pick the chair up instead of dragging it

behind you!

e 6C expensive-looking aspecto caro / a an expensive-looking ring

f 6C flow corriente the flow of ideas/information

f 6C frown fruncir el ceño She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.

f 6C fry freir Fry the mushrooms in a little butter.

g 6C gloat deleitarse con algo She's continually gloating over/about
her new job.

h 6C hiss silbar People in the audience were hissing

their disapproval.

i 6C imply insinuar Are you implying (that) I'm fat?

l 6C lad chico A group of young lads were standing

outside the shop.

l 6C leap up saltar I leaped up to answer the phone.

l 6C literally literalmente I was literally bowled over by the news.

l 6C lively vivo / a The room was painted a lively electric


l 6C love-struck cegado de amor Look at me, I'm behaving like a love-

struck teenager!

l 6C luckless sin suerte The luckless defender, Mark Emery,

sustained his third injury of the season.

m 6C minor de poca importancia a minor operation

n 6C nod asentir con la cabeza Many people in the audience nodded in


n 6C nudge dar golpes con el codo The children were giggling and nudging
each other.

o 6C operation en funcionamiento There are several reactors of the type in

operation at the moment.

o 6C out-of-this-world de otro mundo It was an out-of-this-world experience.

p 6C passer-by transeúnte The gunmen opened fire, killing a

policeman and a passer-by.

p 6C pause pararse He paused and thought for a moment.

p 6C pluck up armarse de valor He finally plucked up courage to ask her

to marry him.

p 6C pout poner mala cara Vanessa always pouts if she doesn't get
what she wants.

r 6C recall recordar The old man recalled the city as it had

been before the war.

r 6C ruin arruinar Huge modern hotels have ruined this

once unspoilt coastline.
s 6C scam estafa an insurance scam

s 6C scary de terror a scary movie/story

s 6C shoo hacer marchar / espantar Go and shoo that cat away before it
catches a bird.

s 6C somersault voltereta She was so happy she turned three

somersaults on the lawn.

t 6C time-share multipropiedad We've bought a time-share in Spain.

t 6C twist giro The story took a surprise twist today

with media reports that the doctor had
u 6C urge deseo The urge to steal is very strong in many
of the young men we look after here.

w 6C whisper susurrar She leaned over and whispered

something in his ear.

a 7A alibi coartada He has a cast-iron alibi - he was in

hospital the week of the murder.

a 7A ankle tobillo I fell over and sprained/twisted my


b 7A bright-coloured color vivo We've just bought a new bright-coloured

rug for the living room.

c 7A cattle ganado beef/dairy cattle

c 7A citizen ciudadano The interests of British citizens living

abroad are protected by the British
c 7A confront afrontar It's an issue we'll have to confront at
some point, no matter how unpleasant it
c 7A convict convicto an escaped convict

c 7A coursework trabajo realizado durante el Have you finished your coursework yet?

c 7A crop cosecha The main crops grown for export are

coffee and rice.

c 7A cross-country campo a través cross-country skiing/running

d 7A distinguishing distintivo / a The main distinguishing feature of the

new car is its fast acceleration.
d 7A DNA ADN DNA research

e 7A ecology ecología The oil spill caused terrible damage to

the fragile ecology of the coast.

e 7A ex- ex ex-prisoner

f 7A ferry transbordador/ferry a car ferry

f 7A fibre fibra The fibres are woven into fabric.

f 7A fjord fiordo the Norwegian fjords

f 7A flour harina Thicken the sauce with a little flour.

f 7A forensic forense forensic evidence/medicine/science

f 7A forest bosque the Black Forest

f 7A fragment fragmento The road was covered with fragments of

glass from the shattered window.

f 7A fraudster estafador New measures are needed to prevent

fraudsters opening bank accounts with
stolen cheques.
i 7A icicle estalagtita Icicles hung from the roof.

i 7A idyllic idílico / a an idyllic childhood/summer

i 7A impact impacto The anti-smoking campaign had

had/made quite an impact on young
i 7A informer delator Most police informers receive a reward
for their information.

i 7A inhabitant habitante a city of 5 million inhabitants

i 7A inmate residente Women make up about 6 per cent of all

inmates in the U.S.

i 7A innovative innovador / a innovative ideas/methods

j 7A jail prisión the country's overcrowded jails

j 7A justice justicia The justice system in this country
consists of a series of law courts at
different levels.
k 7A kidnapper secuestrador The police have arrested the kidnapper.

k 7A killer asesino Police are still hoping to find the dead

woman's killer.

k 7A knives cuchillos In the car the police found guns, knives

and other lethal weapons.

l 7A landscape paisaje a rural/barren landscape

l 7A lush exhuberante lush green valleys

m 7A maggot gusano a maggot farm

m 7A maintain mantener Despite living in different countries, the

two families have maintained close
m 7A mark marca a distinguishing mark

m 7A model modelo The educational system was a model

for those of many other countries.

n 7A narrow estrecho / a a narrow bridge/passage/gap

n 7A Norwegian Noruego / a She is a Norwegian student.

o 7A offender infractor first-time offenders

o 7A one-square-mile una milla cuadrada a one-square-mile island

p 7A philosophy filosofía Live now, pay later - that's my

philosophy of life!

p 7A prisoner recluso Prisoners climbed onto the prison roof

to protest at the conditions inside the
p 7A puddle charco a puddle of water

p 7A punish castigar Those responsible for these crimes

must be brought to court and punished.

r 7A reformer reformador a social reformer

r 7A rehabilitation rehabilitación the rehabilitation of prisoners

r 7A re-offend reincidir If he re-offends, he will go back to jail

for a long time.

r 7A repeatedly repetidamente He telephoned repeatedly, begging her

to return.

r 7A repressive represivo / a a repressive military regime

r 7A requirement requisito A good degree is a minimum

requirement for many jobs.

r 7A restore restaurado / a The badly neglected paintings have all

been carefully restored.

r 7A route camino A college education is often the best

route to a good job.

s 7A saliva saliva saliva specimens

s 7A saw sierra a hand/power/chain/circular saw

s 7A scratch rascar We scratched the paintwork trying to

get the bed into Martha's room.

s 7A select escoger There was a choice of four prizes, and

the winner could select one of them.

s 7A severely duramente I was severely reprimanded by my boss.

s 7A situated situado / a The school is situated near to the


s 7A six-year de seis años a six-year sentence

s 7A slide deslizar When I was little I used to like sliding on

the polished floor in my socks.

s 7A small-scale pequeña escala a small-scale investigation

s 7A smuggling contrabando The murdered man is thought to have

been involved in drug smuggling.

s 7A stable establo The horses are in the stables.

s 7A stolen robado / a stolen goods

s 7A sweat sudar It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli

that we started to sweat as soon as we
got off the plane.
t 7A tempt tentar The offer of a free car stereo tempted
her into buying a new car.

t 7A timber madera a timber forest

t 7A tool herramienta power tools

t 7A tournament torneo a tennis/chess/golf tournament

t 7A trace rastro Traces of drugs were found in his blood.

t 7A twice-daily dos veces al dia There is a twice-daily bus to the city.

t 7A twist torcerse I twisted my ankle last week.

u 7A unfairly injustamente I think you are blaming Roger unfairly.

u 7A unpleasant desagradable an unpleasant surprise

a 7B acceptable aceptable This kind of attitude is simply not


a 7B accurately rigurosamente The plans should be drawn as

accurately as possible, showing all the
a 7B activate activar The alarm is activated by the lightest

a 7B addition además In addition to his flat in London, he has

a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.

a 7B allege alegar The two men allege (that) the police

forced them to make false confessions.

b 7B biometric biométrico / a biometric data

b 7B break-up ruptura Long separations had contributed to

their marriage break-up.

c 7B CCTV de seguridad (circuito CCTV cameras


c 7B centralise centralizar Payment of bills is now centralized (=

organized at one place instead of
c 7B closely de cerca Please examine this information closely.
c 7B congestion congestión The (traffic) congestion in the city gets
even worse during the summer.

c 7B contribution aportación She didn't make much of a contribution

(= She did not say much) at today's
meeting, did she?
c 7B cookie cookie I deleted all the cookies from my

c 7B co-operation cooperación This documentary was made with the

cooperation of British Rail.

d 7B delay retraso There has been a delay in the book's


d 7B documentation documentación Passengers without proper

documentation will not be allowed to
d 7B downpour aguacero a torrential downpour

e 7B earthquake terremoto In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much

of San Francisco.

e 7B enforce imponer It isn't always easy for the police to

enforce speed limits.

e 7B exemption exención Candidates with a qualification in

Chemistry have exemption from this
f 7B fingerprint huella digital His fingerprints were all over the gun.

g 7B get-together reunión a family get-together

g 7B grounds alegando que He refused to answer on the grounds

that she was unfairly dismissed.

i 7B identification identificación personal identification number

i 7B implant implante breast/heart valve implants

i 7B implant implantar The owner's name and address is

stored on a microchip and implanted in
the dog's body.
i 7B input aportación I didn't have much input into the project.

i 7B intake número de admitidos The teacher-training college has

increased its intake of students by 50%
this year.
i 7B intrusion intromisión They complained about excessive
government intrusion into their
legitimate activities.
i 7B iris iris iris recognition software

j 7B justified justificado / a I think you were quite justified in


k 7B kick-off inicio del partido What time is the kick-off?

l 7B limit limitar Having so little money to spend on an

apartment does limit you in your choice.

l 7B locate localizar Police are still trying to locate the


l 7B locker consigna We had several hours to wait for our

train, so we left our bags in a (luggage)
locker, and went to look around the
m 7B microchip microchip The microchip compresses and
decompresses a colour image in less
than a second.
m 7B monitoring control secret monitoring of phone calls

m 7B motorist automovilista A passing motorist stopped and gave

her a lift to the nearby town.

m 7B movement movimiento He made a sudden movement and

frightened the bird away.

n 7B norm norma One child per family is fast becoming

the norm in some countries.

n 7B number plate matrícula Police are looking for a small blue car
with the number plate K17 EMW.

o 7B obesity obesidad A diet that is high in fat can lead to


o 7B onset inicio the onset of cancer

o 7B operate hacer funcionar How do you operate the remote control


o 7B outlook pronóstico The outlook for today is cloudy and dry

at first with showers later.

p 7B PIN PIN (número de identificación Do not reveal your PIN to anybody.


p 7B political políticos political leaders

p 7B pre-paid pagado con antelación Admission tickets are $20 pre-paid, $25
at the door.
p 7B provider suministrador an Internet service provider

p 7B pull down derribar They pulled down the warehouse to

build a new supermarket.

p 7B pupil alumno a second-year pupil

r 7B race raza People of many different races were

living side by side.

r 7B radio-transmitting radiotransmisor a radio-transmitting device

r 7B rebel rebelde The rebels took over the capital and set
up a new government.

r 7B religion religión the Christian religion

r 7B resign dimitir He resigned from the company in order

to take a more challenging job.

r 7B restrict restringir measures to restrict the sale of alcohol

r 7B retailer comercio a big electronics retailer

r 7B rumoured corre el rumor The president is rumoured to be

seriously ill.

s 7B setback contratiempo There has been a slight/temporary

setback in our plans.

s 7B shelter refugio We were caught in a thunderstorm,

without anywhere to shelter.

s 7B stock provisiones It is now halfway through winter and

food stocks are already low.

s 7B store card tarjeta de cliente Do you have a store card?

t 7B tagging dispositivo personal de electronic tagging


t 7B track localizar The military use radar satellites to track

targets through clouds and at night.

t 7B tracking localizador (dispositivo) a tracking device

t 7B transmit trasmitir Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium

wave .

u 7B universally universalmente The new roundabout is universally

loathed by motorists.
w 7B watcher espectador The new channel is certainly good news
for the movie watcher.

w 7B widely extensamente They have both travelled widely.

w 7B withdraw retirar The UN has withdrawn its troops from

the country.

w 7B withdrawal retirada The bank became suspicious after

several large withdrawals were made
from his account in a single week.
j 7C (be) joined at the hip inseparable They seem to be joined at the hip.

a 7C alarm alarma If there's any trouble, raise/sound the

alarm by pulling the emergency cord.

c 7C coincidence coincidencia You chose exactly the same wallpaper

as us - what a coincidence!

d 7C defensive defensivo / a The merest hint of criticism makes him


f 7C falling caida falling birth/interest rates

f 7C financially económicamente The project is not financially viable.

f 7C freeze congelar Water freezes to ice at a temperature of


h 7C handbag bolso She took her hairbrush from her

handbag and began to brush her hair.

i 7C insure asegurado / a All our household goods are insured

against accidental damage.

i 7C intruder intruso I feel like an intruder when I visit their


l 7C landlord propietario The landlord had promised to

redecorate the bedrooms before we
moved in.
p 7C population población There's been a 9% rise in the prison
population (= the number of people in
p 7C pour down llover a cántaros It looks as though it's about to pour
down (with rain).

p 7C primary primaria a primary school

r 7C rising creciente rising inflation

s 7C sarcastic sarcástico / a a sarcastic comment/remark

s 7C scene escena Evidence was found at the scene of the


s 7C scheme proyecto a training/housing/play scheme

s 7C seatbelt cinturón de seguridad to fasten your seatbelt

s 7C somebody alguien There's somebody at the door.

s 7C spy hole mirilla I have a security spy hole in my front


t 7C thank goodness gracias a Dios I managed to catch the train, thank


u 7C unmarked camuflado / a an unmarked police car

v 7C vote votar She was too young to vote in the

national election.

a 8A absorb absorber Plants absorb carbon dioxide.

a 8A advisor asesor She is the party's main economic


a 8A atmospheric atmosférico Plants are the main source of

atmospheric oxygen.

c 8A candidate candidato There are three candidates standing in

the election.

c 8A clearing up orden y limpieza Could you help me with the clearing up?

c 8A conscience conciencia a guilty conscience

c 8A consumption consumo As a nation, our consumption of junk

food is horrifying.

d 8A devastating devastador / a If the bomb had exploded in the main

shopping area, it would have been
d 8A direct-debit domiciliación del pago I pay my electricity bill by direct debit.

d 8A directly directamente I'm not directly involved in the project.

d 8A doorstep umbral de la puerta There's a lovely park right on our

e 8A ease tranquilizar If it will ease your mind, I'll have a word
with Charlotte for you.

e 8A east este Cambridge is in East Anglia.

e 8A eco-audit auditoria ambiental Our company is carrying out an eco-


e 8A election elecciones The Government is expected to call an

election very soon.

e 8A emission emisión The increased use of natural gas will

help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

e 8A environmentalist ecologista The expansion plans will face fierce

resistance from environmentalists.

e 8A environmentally ecológico environmentally-friendly washing


e 8A eruption erupción a volcanic eruption

e 8A ever(-) constante The ever-increasing demand for private

cars could be halted by more
investment in public transport.
f 8A far-reaching gran alcance These new laws will have far-reaching
benefits for all working mothers.

f 8A federal law ley federal They were charged with violating

federal law.

f 8A fight luchar We need the public's help in fighting


f 8A focus concentrarse Tonight's programme focuses on the

way that homelessness affects the
i 8A incinerator incineradora a garbage/hazardous-waste incinerator

i 8A involved implicado / a emotionally/romantically involved

l 8A litter basura About 2% of fast-food packaging ends

up as litter.

m 8A mad loco / a I think I must be going mad.

n 8A notably principalmente They have begun attracting investors,

most notably big Japanese financial
p 8A playground patio escolar There were children fighting in the
p 8A profound profundo / a The invention of the contraceptive pill
brought about profound changes in the
lives of women.
r 8A relieve aliviar She was given a shot of morphine to
relieve the pain.

r 8A religious religioso / a religious education

s 8A scriptwriter guionista She is a well-known scriptwriter.

s 8A scrub restregar She scrubbed (at) the mark on the wall

for ages, but it wouldn't come off.

s 8A significant significativo / a The talks between the USA and the

USSR were very significant for the
relationship between the two countries.
s 8A soot hollín It can be dangerous to let too much
soot accumulate inside a chimney.

s 8A suffering sufrimiento The war will cause widespread human


u 8A unlimited ilimitado / a Passes are available for one month's

unlimited travel within Europe.

u 8A upcoming próximo Tickets are selling well for the group's

upcoming concert tour.

w 8A wreck destrozar The explosion shattered nearby

windows and wrecked two cars.

a 8B adrenaline adrenalina These arguments always get my

adrenaline going (= make me excited or
a 8B alive vivo / a He must be ninety if he's still alive.

a 8B ancestor antepasado There were portraits of his ancestors on

the walls of the room.

a 8B anger rabia I think he feels a lot of anger towards

his father who treated him very badly as
a child.
a 8B architecture arquitectura Roman architecture

b 8B bang ruido fuerte The window slammed shut with a loud


c 8B chisel esculpir She chiselled a figure out of the marble.

c 8B confidently seguro / a Try to act confidently, even if you feel

c 8B courageous valiente It was a courageous decision to resign
in protest at the company's pollution
c 8B courageously valientemente She behaved very courageously during
the incident.

c 8B cowardly cobarde This was a particularly brutal and

cowardly attack.

c 8B crave deseo (de ser el centro de Many young children crave attention.

c 8B crunch crujir The gravel crunched underfoot as we

walked up to the house.

d 8B despondent desanimado / a He became/grew increasingly

despondent when she failed to return
his phone calls.
d 8B disapprove no estar de acuerdo The survey showed that 32% of
respondents approve, 54% disapprove
and the rest are undecided.
d 8B disgust indignación She walked out in disgust.

d 8B disgusted indignada / o She was disgusted at the way they

treated their children.

d 8B disturbance molestias Residents are fed up with the

disturbance caused by the nightclub.

d 8B downstairs abajo I went downstairs to answer the phone.

e 8B emotion sentimientos Like a lot of men, he finds it hard to

express his emotions.

f 8B fantastic estupendo / a You look fantastic in that dress.

f 8B fantasy fantasía Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a

big house and a flashy car.

f 8B fear-avoider persona que evita He never takes risks because he is a

situaciones de miedo fear-avoider.

f 8B flattering favorecedor / a a flattering photograph

g 8B ghost story historia de fantasmas Sarah doesn't like ghost stories.

g 8B grandma abuela My grandma is in her eighties.

g 8B grandpa abuelo My grandpa is getting old and can't hear

very well.
h 8B higher superior a higher calling

i 8B imagine imaginar I've never heard her criticize you - I

think you imagine it.

j 8B joy alegría They were filled with joy when their first
child was born.

l 8B lovable encantador / a a lovable child

m 8B marker marcador development markers

m 8B mediocre mediocre The film's plot is predictable and the

acting is mediocre.

m 8B monster monstruo a sea monster

m 8B motivation motivación He's a bright enough student - he just

lacks motivation.

m 8B mundane trivial Mundane matters such as paying bills

and shopping for food do not interest
o 8B overtake adelantar Always check your rear view mirror
before you overtake (another car).

p 8B presumably presumiblemente They can presumably afford to buy a

bigger apartment.

r 8B racer corredor My brother is a kart racer.

r 8B rationalise justificar She rationalised the expense by saying

that the costly carpet she had bought
would last longer than a cheaper one.

r 8B realm ámbito A pay rise is not within the realms of

possibility, I'm afraid.

r 8B roller-coaster montaña rusa She loves roller-coasters.

s 8B scare espantar Sudden noises scare her.

s 8B scrape rascar I was woken up by the noise of

branches scraping against my bedroom
s 8B sensation sensación a burning sensation

s 8B stair escalera The top stair creaked as she went

upstairs and the noise woke up her
s 8B supposedly supuestamente Well, the tickets are supposedly in the

t 8B thankful agradecido / a I was thankful that the meeting didn't

last long, because I had a train to catch.

t 8B thrill-seeker buscador de emociones I would describe myself as a thrill-

fuertes seeker.

t 8B thrill-seeking experimentar emociones Thrill-seeking is in my genes.


t 8B traffic jam embotellamiento Roadworks have caused traffic jams

throughout the city centre.

t 8B trigger provocar Some people find that certain foods

trigger their headaches.

u 8B uninvited no estar invitado / a She came to the party uninvited.

u 8B unknown desconocido / a The exact number of people carrying

the virus is unknown.

w 8B whichever de todas maneras It's going to be expensive whichever

way you do it.

w 8B widen abrirse mucho His eyes/smile widened.

c 8C contact lens lentillas I usually wear contact lenses, but I

sometimes wear glasses when my eyes
are tired.
c 8C curious curioso / a I was curious to know what would
happen next.

d 8C demonstrate demostrar These figures clearly demonstrate the

size of the economic problem facing the
e 8C expectation expectativa She could never measure up to her
mother's expectations.

f 8C forcefully enérgicamente He argued forcefully that stricter laws

were necessary to deal with the
f 8C frankly francamente Frankly, I think this whole situation is

g 8C gross grave a gross violation of justice

h 8C honestly honestamente They have always dealt honestly and

fairly with their customers.

h 8C hunter cazador Animals in the cat family are hunters.

i 8C identity identidad The man's identity was being kept
secret while he was helping police with
i 8C indecision indecisión A moment's indecision when you've got
the ball and you could lose the game.

i 8C interpretation interpretación The dispute is based on two widely

differing interpretations of the law.

l 8C luxurious lujoso / a They have a very luxurious house.

m 8C materialistic materialista I was a materialistic person, with a large


p 8C poem poema a book of love poems

p 8C pro ventaja One of the big pros of living in Madrid is

the night life.

p 8C proportion proporción The level of crime in an area is almost

always in direct proportion to the
number of unemployed.
r 8C reassure tranquilizado / a I was nervous on my first day at college,
but I was reassured to see some
friendly faces.
s 8C surprisingly sorprendentemente Surprisingly, the restaurant turned out
to be cheap.

v 8C VIP VIP (persona importante) They were in the VIP lounge at the

a 9A affluence opulencia/riqueza What we are seeing increasingly is a

society of private affluence and public
a 9A as opposed to en lugar de I'd prefer to go on holiday in May, as
opposed to September.

b 9A bank account cuenta bancaria How much money do you have in your
bank account?

b 9A brake freno She had no brakes on her bicycle.

c 9A cast-offs segunda mano/ ropa I always had to wear my sister's cast-

vieja/deshechada offs as a child.

c 9A cost of living coste de vida The increase in interest rates will raise
the cost of living.

c 9A courage valentía They showed great courage when they

found out about their baby's disability.

c 9A coward cobarde They branded her a coward for

informing on her colleagues during the
c 9A current actual Have you seen the current issue of
Vogue magazine?

d 9A dental dental dental decay/treatment

d 9A disposable disponible disposable income

e 9A e.g. ejemplo You should eat more food that contains

a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables and
e 9A economy economía the global economy

e 9A extravagance extravagancia I think she was shocked by my


f 9A feel good factor sensación de bienestar The feel good factor persists despite the
current economic problems.

f 9A flat screen pantalla plana a flat screen television

f 9A flying volar Annette's scared of flying.

f 9A foundation fundación the British Heart Foundation

f 9A fulfilment sentirse realizado / a She finally found fulfilment in


g 9A growing creciente There is a growing awareness of the

seriousness of this disease.

h 9A hot-air balloon globo aerostático hot-air balloon flights

l 9A leisure ocio leisure activities

l 9A likely probablemente Do remind me because I'm likely to


m 9A materialism materialismo So have we become a self-centred

society, preoccupied with materialism?

m 9A membership afiliación You have to apply for membership of

the sports club.

n 9A need necesidad There's a growing need for cheap

housing in the larger cities.

n 9A no-expense-spared gastar sin miramientos a no-expense-spared holiday

p 9A penny penique I keep pennies and other small coins in

a jar.
p 9A priority prioridad The management did not seem to
consider office safety to be a priority.

p 9A properly correctamente It's still not working properly.

r 9A rational racional He was too upset to be rational.

r 9A realisation el hecho de darse cuenta The realization was dawning (= They

were starting to realize) that this was a
major disaster.
s 9A selection selección The larger shops are able to stock a
wider selection of goods.

s 9A setting entorno Their cottage is in an idyllic rural setting.

s 9A sociologist sociólogo a renowned sociologist

s 9A spending gasto government spending on health

s 9A statement declaración a provocative statement

s 9A state-of-the-art última tecnología a state-of-the-art computer

s 9A super- super the super-rich

t 9A term término 'Without let or hindrance' is a legal term

which means 'freely'.

u 9A unusually inusualmente He was unusually polite .

v 9A value valorar I've always valued her advice.

a 9B additive-free sin aditivos additive-free food

a 9B anti-war contra la guerra an anti-war protest

a 9B appeal atracción Spielberg films have a wide appeal.

b 9B banker banquero / a She was a successful banker by the

time she was forty.

b 9B banking banca international banking

b 9B branding marca The successful branding and marketing

of the new beer has already boosted
sales and increased profits.
c 9B cash-free sin billetes ni monedas a cash-free society

c 9B checkup revisión She goes to her doctor for regular


c 9B chip chip a silicon chip

c 9B closure cierre factory/branch closures

c 9B community-led conducido por la comunidad a community-led approach

c 9B companion compañero The dog has been her constant

companion these past ten years.

c 9B considerable considerable The fire caused considerable damage

to the church.

c 9B contactless-payment pago sin necesidad de contactless-payment systems


d 9B debit card tarjeta de débito I paid with my debit card.

d 9B dispute negar Few would dispute his status as the

finest artist of the period.

d 9B disruptive negativo / a His teacher described him as a noisy,

disruptive influence in class.

e 9B e-cash dinero electrónico I paid with e-cash.

e 9B eliminate eliminar A move towards healthy eating could

help eliminate heart disease.

e 9B embedded clavado / a The thorn was embedded in her thumb.

e 9B error error The letter contains a number of typing


f 9B fashion-conscious seguidor de la moda your average fashion-conscious


f 9B finance finanzas corporate/personal/public finance

g 9B games console consola de juegos Do you have a games console?

g 9B grave fosa ( común ) a mass grave

g 9B grip dominio Rebels have tightened their grip on the

g 9B groceries comestibles Could you buy some groceries for me?

h 9B handset auricular (teléfono) The shop sells all the latest handsets.

h 9B health-conscious consciente de la salud My wife is very health-conscious.

h 9B high-street calle principal There are signs of economic recovery in

the high street.

i 9B idealistic idealista When I was young and idealistic I

believed it was possible to change the
i 9B idiot-proof a prueba de idiotas an idiot-proof guide

i 9B input introducir I've spent the morning inputting data

into the computer.

i 9B insurance seguro life/health/car/travel insurance

i 9B insurer asegurador Please contact your insurer if you have

any inquiries.

i 9B inter-city interurbano an inter-city train

m 9B money-minded tener un interés en la gestión I've never been very money-minded - I

del dinero leave all my business affairs to my
financial adviser.
m 9B monthly mensual monthly payments

n 9B newsworthy de interés periodístico Nothing newsworthy ever happens

around here. It's so boring.

n 9B noteworthy significativo / a a noteworthy example/event

o 9B on the contrary al contrario "Didn't you find the film exciting?" "On
the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half
way through it!"
o 9B optimistic optimista She is optimistic about her chances of
winning a gold medal.

o 9B ovenproof a prueba de horno Is this dish definitely ovenproof?

o 9B over-priced cargar mucho el precio Train fares are ridiculously over-priced.

p 9B Pakistani pakistani a Pakistani film

p 9B payment pago Usually we ask for payment on receipt
of the goods.

p 9B peace paz peace talks/proposals

p 9B politically-minded con mentalidad política a politically-minded pop star

p 9B pollution-free ecológico pollution-free cars

p 9B praiseworthy digno / a de elogio His actions during the crisis were truly

p 9B priced precio (razonable) a reasonably priced product

p 9B purchase comprar Tickets must be purchased two weeks

in advance.

r 9B rail ticket billete de tren The cost of rail tickets was increased by

r 9B reasonable bien de precio Tomatoes are very reasonable at this

time of year.

s 9B safety-conscious cauteloso / a con la safety-conscious behaviour


s 9B smart card tarjeta electrónica I always use my smart card on the


s 9B snack tentempié I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a

snack for dinner.

s 9B sort tipo We both like the same sort of music.

s 9B stress-free sin estrés a stress-free life

s 9B suspicious desconfiado / a His colleagues became suspicious

when he did not appear at work, since
he was always punctual.
t 9B transaction transacción a business transaction

t 9B twenties a los veinte They both got married in their twenties.

u 9B unforgettable inolvidable an unforgettable experience

u 9B unpredictable imprevisible The weather there can be a bit

unpredictable - one minute it's blue
skies and the next minute it's pouring
u 9B upload cargar How can I upload these files?

w 9B waterproof impermeable Canvas boots are all right but they're

not as waterproof as leather.

a 9C against contra She spoke against the decision to close

the college.

a 9C agriculture agricultura Agriculture is still largely based on

traditional methods in some countries.

a 9C aid ayuda The Vatican has agreed to donate $80

000 in humanitarian/emergency aid to
countries affected by the war.
a 9C apprenticeship aprendizaje I started my apprenticeship last year.

b 9C benefit beneficiarse de I feel that I have benefited greatly from

her wisdom.

b 9C bleak pesimista The economic outlook is bleak.

c 9C career path camino profesional How can I find a new career path?

c 9C climbing montañismo Chris has just taken up climbing.

c 9C computerised informatizado The whole system is computerised.

c 9C consequently como consecuencia I spent most of my money in the first

week and consequently had very little to
eat by the end of the holiday.
d 9C decline declive industrial decline

d 9C deeply profundamente I'm deeply grateful to you.

d 9C discrimination discriminación racial/sex discrimination

e 9C explanation explicación Could you give me a quick explanation

of how it works?

e 9C eye test revisión de la vista Could I book an eye test please?

f 9C faithfully atentamente Yours faithfully

g 9C gender sexo I think both genders are capable of

looking after children.

g 9C gloomy pesimista a gloomy economic forecast

g 9C growth crecimiento economic growth

h 9C housing vivienda There's a shortage of cheap housing in

the region.

i 9C illegal ilegal a campaign to stop the illegal sale of

cigarettes to children under 16

i 9C intellectual intelectual Looking after a baby at home all day is

nice but it doesn't provide much
intellectual stimulation.
l 9C leave aside dejar a un lado Leaving aside the question of cost, how
many people do we need on the job?

l 9C less-developed menos desarrollado less-developed countries

l 9C loan préstamo She's trying to get a $50 000 loan to

start her own business.

l 9C logical lógico / a a logical choice/conclusion

m 9C mass-produced producción en serie mass-produced souvenirs

n 9C noon doce del mediodía We used to ski before noon then take a
long lunch.

n 9C nuclear power energía nuclear nuclear power stations

o 9C outcome resultado It's too early to predict the outcome of

the meeting.

o 9C overdraft saldo al descubierto to run up/pay off an overdraft

o 9C overseas el extranjero Many more people go/travel/live/work

overseas these days.

o 9C owing to a causa de The concert has been cancelled owing

to lack of support.

p 9C pass on transmitir My grandmother passed on her cooking

skills to me.

r 9C renewable renovable renewable energy sources such as wind

and wave power

r 9C repeated repetido / a repeated attempts/mistakes/warnings

r 9C resource recursos Britain's mineral resources include oil,

coal and gas deposits.

s 9C structure estructurar We must carefully structure and

rehearse each scene.
s 9C sugar-free sin azúcar sugar-free chewing-gum

s 9C sum up resumir She summed up the situation quickly

and took charge.

t 9C thinker pensador a political/religious thinker

t 9C three-day de tres dias a three-day weekend

t 9C transfer traspaso the transfer of information

u 9C unauthorised no autorizado No admittance to unauthorised


v 9C vary variar Some people give a regular monthly

donation while others vary the amount
they give.
v 9C visibility visibilidad Mist is still causing poor visibility - down
to five metres in parts of the south-east.

a 10A aeroplane avión She has her own private aeroplane.

a 10A airborne en el aire The airborne radioactive particles have

covered a huge area of Russia.

a 10A alas ¡ay! I love football but, alas, I have no talent

as a player.

a 10A allowance dietas The perks of the job include a company

pension scheme and a generous travel
a 10A anxiously ansiosamente Tomorrow the children will receive their
anxiously awaited presents.

a 10A applicant candidato How many applicants did you have for
the job?

a 10A arrival llegada Hundreds gathered to await the boxer's

arrival at the airport.

b 10A BC A.C. ( antes de Cristo) The Battle of Actium took place in 31


c 10A civilisation civilización Cuzco was the centre of one of the

world's most famous civilizations, that of
the Incas.
c 10A clearly claramente The accident was clearly the lorry
driver's fault.

c 10A conflict conflicto We wish to avoid conflict between our

countries if at all possible.
c 10A cyclone ciclón We were caught in a cyclone.

d 10A decade década The country has experienced two

decades of growth.

d 10A dependent depender de It's very easy to become dependent on

sleeping pills.

e 10A ebb away disminuir He could feel his strength ebbing away.

e 10A economics económicas She's in her third year of economics at

York university.

e 10A element indicio There was certainly an element of truth

in what she said.

e 10A epitomise personificar With little equipment and unsuitable

footwear, she epitomises the
inexperienced and unprepared
mountain walker.
e 10A equine equina equine flu

e 10A escalator escaleras automáticas I'll meet you by the up/down escalator
on the second floor.

f 10A failure fracaso The meeting was a complete/total


f 10A far-flung extenso The news spread to all corners of our

far-flung empire.

f 10A fascinate fascinar Science has always fascinated me.

f 10A flock rebaño a flock of sheep/goats/geese

f 10A four-month cuatro meses a four-month course

f 10A further más lejos It was much further to the town centre
than I remembered.

g 10A gold rush fiebre del oro He became rich during the gold rush.

h 10A historic histórico / a historic buildings

h 10A homing instinto de volver a casa Migrating birds and fish have a strong
homing instinct.

h 10A horseback a caballo police on horseback

h 10A husky husky (perro) The huskies pulled our sledge.

i 10A iconic icono John Lennon gained iconic status

following his death.

i 10A information autopista de la información The information superhighway extends

superhighway throughout most of the world.

l 10A litre litro The tax increase will add 4p to a litre of


l 10A loved one ser querido People, naturally enough, want to know
that their loved ones are out of danger.

m 10A mail correo She spent the morning reading and

answering her mail.

m 10A making producción the art of film making

m 10A means medios We need to find some other means of


m 10A messenger mensajero The documents were delivered by

special messenger.

m 10A mice ratones field mice

o 10A orphan huérfano The civil war is making orphans of many


p 10A pension off jubilar After flying for 38 years, their Wessex
helicopter is about to be pensioned off.

p 10A pigeon paloma racing/homing pigeons

p 10A pioneering pionero / a a pioneering spirit

p 10A postal service servicio postal The United States Postal Service

r 10A railroad station estación de tren Central Railroad Station

r 10A rat rata Rats carry disease.

r 10A recruit reclutar Charities such as Oxfam are always

trying to recruit volunteers to help in
their work.
s 10A secretly secretamente He was convicted on the evidence of
secretly recorded telephone
s 10A shortage escasez There's a shortage of food and shelter
in the refugee camps.

s 10A siege cerco The siege of Mafeking lasted for eight


s 10A skinny en los huesos You should eat more, you're much too

s 10A sled trineo The children are playing in the snow

with their sleds.

s 10A slowly lentamente Could you please speak more slowly?

s 10A sorting office oficina de clasificación I work at the sorting office.

s 10A stroke of genius golple de inspiración It was such a brilliant idea - a real stroke
of genius.

s 10A swift rápido / a The local police took swift action

against the squatters.

t 10A telegraph telégrafo The news came by telegraph.

t 10A transcontinental transcontinental The transcontinental railway goes from

New York to San Francisco.

u 10A upkeep mantenimiento The upkeep of larger old properties is

very expensive.

v 10A vital vital A strong opposition is vital to a healthy


w 10A wilderness desierta a beautiful mountain wilderness

w 10A willing dispuesto / a If you're willing to fly at night, you can

get a much cheaper ticket.

w 10A winged con alas a high-winged aeroplane

w 10A wiry complexión delgada pero He has a runner's wiry frame.


w 10A workforce plantilla The majority of factories in the region

have a workforce of 50 to 100 (people).

d 10B (be) down to reducirse a It's all down to money.

a 10B absorption absorción Some poisonous gases can enter the

body by absorption through the skin.

a 10B academy academia a military/police academy

a 10B amateur aficionado This tennis tournament is open to both
amateurs and professionals.

a 10B animation animaciones Encyclopaedias on CD-ROM include

sound, illustrations and simple
b 10B Barbie doll muñeca Barbie I often played with Barbie dolls when I
was young.

b 10B buyer comprador He's still looking for a buyer for his

c 10B captain capitán It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as

(the) captain of a football team.

c 10B circuit circuito They first met each other on the tennis

d 10B determination determinación a man of fierce/ruthless determination

d 10B devote dedicar She has devoted all her energies/life to

the care of homeless people.

d 10B distraction distracción I can turn the television off if you find it
a distraction.

d 10B down-to-earth realista She's a down-to-earth sort of woman

with no pretensions.

d 10B driving range recinto para practicar golf I often practise my golf swing at the
driving range.

e 10B encouragement ánimo Children need lots of encouragement

from their parents.

e 10B exceptionally excepcional an exceptionally fine portrait

f 10B fame fama She first rose to fame as a singer at the

age of 16.

f 10B fitness buen estado físico I'm trying to improve my fitness by

cycling to work.

g 10B gentle suave a gentle wind

g 10B gift don He has a gift for languages.

g 10B gifted dotado / a a gifted dancer/musician

g 10B give up dejar de I've given up trying to help her.

g 10B God-given dado por Dios She has a God-given talent as a

g 10B golfer jugador de golf He's one of the highest-earning
professional golfers in the world.

h 10B handicap handicap My current golf handicap is nine.

h 10B himself él mismo Any fool can teach himself to type.

i 10B inspire inspirar His confident leadership inspired his


j 10B judgment criterio to show good/sound/poor judgment

m 10B mentor mentor I've learned a lot from my mentor.

m 10B modelling carrera de modelo Ashley's always wanted to go into


n 10B note nota He left a note to say he would be home


p 10B patterned estampado / a patterned textiles/wallpaper

p 10B persist persistir The government is persisting with its

ambitious public works programme.

p 10B protégé protegido Shapur's restaurant is full every night as

trendy Londoners enjoy the wonders of
his young protégé, chef Glyn Fussell.

r 10B rather antes que I think I'd like to stay at home this
evening rather than go out.

s 10B shot golpe Woods hit a perfect shot out of the


s 10B soloist solista The soloist in the violin concerto was

Yehudi Menuhin.

s 10B sour ácido / a These plums are a bit sour.

s 10B stick with mantener He said that he was going to stick with
the traditions established by his
s 10B straightaway enseguida We don't have to go straightaway, do

s 10B stunning impresionante a stunning dress

t 10B talent talento Her talent for music showed at an early

u 10B upbringing educación Is it right to say all the crimes he
committed were simply the result of his
v 10B vague vago / a I do have a vague memory of meeting
her many years ago.

w 10B wise savio / a I think you made a wise choice.

a 10C advanced avanzado / a an advanced English course

b 10C benefit beneficio The discovery of oil brought many

benefits to the town.

b 10C booklet folleto I always write my shopping lists in a


c 10C communicator comunicador Obviously teachers have to be good


c 10C conversational oratoria He seems to lack basic conversational


c 10C convincing convincente a convincing argument/explanation

d 10C daddy papá Mummy and Daddy are taking me to the

circus on Saturday.

e 10C elementary elemental I have an elementary knowledge of


e 10C expertise habilidad We admired the expertise with which he

prepared the meal.

f 10C fast track camino rápido A degree in computer science offers a

fast track to the top.

f 10C free-flowing fluir libremente a free-flowing river

g 10C gregarious alegre Emma's a gregarious, outgoing sort of


g 10C guru gurú For the last decade she has acted as
the president's economics guru.

i 10C image imagen television images of starving children

i 10C interact relacionarse con Dominique's teacher says that she

interacts well with the other children.

i 10C intuitive intuitivo / a Men are often regarded as less intuitive

than women.

i 10C invariably siempre The train is invariably late.

l 10C lack falta Her only problem is lack of confidence.

l 10C learner aprendiz He's a quick learner.

l 10C linguistic lingüístico I'm particularly interested in the

linguistic development of young
m 10C mind map técnica de aprendizaje I'd like to learn how to draw mind maps.

n 10C note-taking tomar apuntes Note-taking is an important skill for


o 10C Olympic Olímpico the International Olympic Committee

p 10C permeate impregnar Dissatisfaction with the government

seems to have permeated every section
of society.
r 10C reflect reflejar The statistics reflect a change in
people's spending habits.

r 10C revolution revolución a technological revolution

r 10C rowing remar I love rowing.

s 10C scientific científico / a a scientific discovery/experiment/theory

s 10C skill habilidad Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.

s 10C successfully exitosamente A number of patients have been

successfully treated with the new drug.

s 10C switch cambiar She started studying English at college,

but switched to Business Studies in her
second year.
s 10C systematic sitemático / a We've got to be a bit more systematic in
the way that we approach this task.

t 10C thought idea Let me have your thoughts on that

report by Friday.

t 10C traditionally tradicionalmente Quaker meetings are traditionally held

in silence.

t 10C trashy basura trashy programmes

t 10C tune in sintonizar The current financial situation certainly

tunes in with what economic experts
predicted over a year ago.
u 10C unclear poco claro / a The ownership of the painting remains

u 10C up-to-date al dia Great trouble is taken to keep our

database up-to-date.

w 10C woolly vago / a It's the woolly thinking behind the book
that I find so infuriating.

w 10C workings funcionamiento the workings of government

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