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By Watchman Dean.
August 13, 2014
Christians (trinitarians and oneness) often use erses ta!en
com"#ete#y out of conte$t to su""ort their teaching that
%esus is &od'(an. (A## &od and A## (an). )o other scri"ture
demonstrates this than the one * am a+out to sho, you. -he
+ac!ground of this scri"ture is that %esus dec#ares he and the
.ather are one. -he corru"t "riests then "ic! u" stones to
stone him. %esus then as!s /*0e done many good ,or!s
among you, ,hich one are you stoning me for/ and they
re"#ied /... +ecause you +eing a man, ma!e yourse#f &od./
John 10:
30 I and my Fath! a! on"
31 Thn th J#$ too% &' $ton$ a(a)n to $ton
3* J$&$ an$#!d thm+ ,any (ood #o!%$
ha- I $h#d yo& .!om my Fath!/ .o! #h)0h
o. tho$ #o!%$ do y $ton m1
33 Th J#$ an$#!d h)m+ $ay)n(+ Fo! a (ood
#o!% # $ton th not/ 2&t .o! 23a$'hmy/
and 20a&$ that tho&+ 2)n( a man+ ma%$t
thy$3. God"
1o, trinitarians use the /authority/ and the /e$"ertise/ of
these 2harisees ,ho ,ere /utter#y corru"t/ as their
/eidence/ and /"roof/ that %esus c#aimed to +e &3D
4*(156.7 -hese corru"t "riests ,hom %esus ca##ed /sna!es,/
and /i"ers/ and /chi#dren of he##./ -he trinitarians +o, to
-45*8 e$"ertise and testimony of the matter. -his is actua##y
A66 * shou#d hae to "oint out to ma!e you see ho, W5A9 is
their argument, +ut it gets ,ea!er.
-rinitarians use Christ0s ,ords /* and the .ather are one/
continua##y as eidence he c#aimed to B5 &3D (:ah,eh &od
himse#f). -hey +ase this on the fact that the corru"t "riests
tried to stone him and said /you ma!e yourse#f &od./ -hus,
they conc#ude, to say /* and the father are one/ is to dec#are
that you are in fact &od 4*(156.. :et it ,as not that %esus
said /* am one/ ,ith &od that the corru"t "riests ,ere using
as an e$cuse to stone him, +ut that %esus said &od ,as his
.A-4587 *f they didn0t continua##y ta!e these erses
com"#ete#y out of conte$t they cou#dn0t deceie "eo"#e into
thin!ing the corru"t "riests sought to !i## %esus +ecause he
said he ,as /one ,ith the .ather./ .or the erses direct#y
B5.385 and direct#y A.-58 these erses ma!e it c#ear;
John 10
*4 ,y Fath!+ #h)0h (a- thm m+ )$ (!at!
than a33/ and no man )$ a23 to '3&0% thm o&t
o. my Fath!5$ hand"
John 10
36 J$&$ an$#!d thm+ I$ )t not #!)ttn )n
yo&! 3a#+ I $a)d+ Y a! (od$1
37 I. h 0a33d thm (od$+ &nto #hom th #o!d
o. God 0am+ and th $0!)'t&! 0annot 2
38 Say y o. h)m+ #hom th Fath! hath
$an0t)9d+ and $nt )nto th #o!3d+ Tho&
23a$'hm$t/ 20a&$ I $a)d+ I am th Son o.
According to Christ himse#f, the corru"t "riests ,ere
accusing him of +#as"hemy, not +ecause he said he ,as
/one/ ,ith the .ather, +ut +ecause he said that &od ,as his
.A-458. 4e said he ,as /the son of &od./ (not &od himse#f).
*f saying you are /one/ ,ith the .ather means you are
c#aiming to B5 &3D, then W5 A85 &3D 4*(156. too, for
Christ "rayed to the .ather in %ohn 1< and as!ed that his
disci"#es ,ou#d +e /one/ ,ith the .ather een as he is /one/
,ith the .ather.
John 1::
11 And no# I am no mo! )n th #o!3d+ 2&t
th$ a! )n th #o!3d+ and I 0om to th"
Ho3y Fath!+ %' th!o&(h th)n o#n nam
tho$ #hom tho& ha$t ()-n m+ that thy may
2 on+ a$ # a!"
-he corru"t "riests ,ho sought to !i## %esus !ne, that you
cou#d +e /one/ ,ith &od and not B5 &3D. -hey a#so !ne,
that a## ,ho are faithfu# and o+edient to &od are the 13)1
3. &3D. -his ,as right in their o,n traditions and
1o, the =uestion remains, ,hy ,ou#d they see! to stone
Christ for saying this>
-he ans,er is far more sim"#e than you0e "ro+a+#y eer
-he fact is, the corru"t "riests had )3 A?-438*-: to stone
%esus. -hey ,ere under 8oman occu"ation and ru#e and on#y
a 83(A) A?-438*-: cou#d e$ecute someone7 We !no, this
+ecause ,hen they @na##y ca"tured him at night in
&ethsemane, they ,ent through a red ta"e nightmare,
shutt#ing him +ac! and forth +et,een 2i#ate and 4erod,
trying to get one of them to a""roe the e$ecution of %esus7
1o, ,hen they "ic!ed u" stones it ,as #arge#y 1:(B36*C, it
,as a B6?... -hey ,ere ma!ing a dec#aration that they no,
had #ega# grounds to hae him e$ecuted. %esus as!ed them
,hat those grounds might +e and they said /+ecause you
ca##ed yourse#f the 1on of &od./ :ou see, "eo"#e, 8omans
#ied under &ree! tradition. *n &ree! tradition a /son of a
&od/ is /e=ua#/ ,ith &od. A#so, under that current 8oman
administration 3)6: -45 5(25838 cou#d +e dec#ared a /son
of &od/ or /a &od./
-he corru"t "riests !ne, this, and ,ere announcing that
they intended to ?15 Christ0s c#aim as the 1on of &od as a
65&A6*-: ,ith ,hich to charge him ,ith 4*&4 -85A13)
A&A*)1- -45 5(25838 of 83(5 and thus incite the 8omans
to crucify him.
And in fact, that is "recise#y ,hat they did. .or ,hen 2i#ate
tried to re#ease %esus, they to#d him /your no friend of 8ome,
this man dec#ares himse#f to +e our 9*)& and ,e hae no
9ing +ut Caesar./
John 14:
1* And .!om thn0.o!th P)3at $o&(ht to
!3a$ h)m: 2&t th J#$ 0!)d o&t+ $ay)n(+ I.
tho& 3t th)$ man (o+ tho& a!t not Ca$a!5$
.!)nd: #ho$o-! ma%th h)m$3. a %)n(
$'a%th a(a)n$t Ca$a!"
-he corru"t %e,s ,ere using the &8559 tradition and
the 8oman ru#e of #a, (that on#y a Caesar cou#d +e
dec#ared a &od'(an) to conict Christ in a 8oman
court of #a, (since they had no authority to !i## him).
John 1;:
*4 P)3at thn #nt o&t &nto thm+ and $a)d+
<hat a00&$at)on 2!)n( y a(a)n$t th)$ man1
30 Thy an$#!d and $a)d &nto h)m+ I. h
#! not a ma3.a0to!+ # #o&3d not ha-
d3)-!d h)m &' &nto th"
31 Thn $a)d P)3at &nto thm+ Ta% y h)m+
and =&d( h)m a00o!d)n( to yo&! 3a#" Th J#$
th!.o! $a)d &nto h)m+ It )$ not 3a#.&3 .o! &$
to '&t any man to dath:
3* That th $ay)n( o. J$&$ m)(ht 2 .&3933d+
#h)0h h $'a%+ $)(n).y)n( #hat dath h
$ho&3d d)"
33 Thn P)3at nt!d )nto th =&d(mnt ha33
a(a)n+ and 0a33d J$&$+ and $a)d &nto h)m+ A!t
tho& th >)n( o. th J#$1
36 J$&$ an$#!d h)m+ Say$t tho& th)$ th)n(
o. thy$3.+ o! d)d oth!$ t33 )t th o. m1
When Christ said /* am the son of &od/ and ,hen he said /*
and the .ather are one/ and ,hen he said /&od is my
.ather,/ he ,as not io#ating A): 6AW that ,ou#d Austify
!i##ing him under the -orah. -his is one of the +iggest
arguments that orthodo$ %e,s use to sho, that the story of
%esus does )3- ADD ?2. -he trinitarian argument that
ma!ing these statements is tantamount to c#aiming to +e
&od (under %e,ish tradition) is com"#ete#y .A6157 *t0s a tota#
6*5. -hat is ,hy * ca## the trinity teaching /the trinity
-rinitarians are 6:*)&. Christ0s ,ords ,ere not a dec#aration
that he ,as &od, neither ,ere they +#as"hemy under %e,ish
tradition. Christ ,ords, ho,eer, W585 +#as"hemy and ,ere
i##ega# under 83(A) 6AW and -8AD*-*3) and that ,as the
3)6: #a, that mattered if they ,anted to !i## %esus.
Christ ,as )3- accused under %5W*14 6AW, he ,as accused
and u#timate#y condemned under 83(A) 6AW, for he
dec#ared himse#f /son of &od/ a distinction that ,as #ega##y
3)6: resered for 8oman em"erors7
Ca##ing onese#f &od is +#as"hemy under %e,ish #a, +ut %esus
did not do that, trinitarians 6*5.
Christ neer said in in those "assages /* am &od 4*(156../
*f he had, he ,ou#d hae +een gui#ty, for the %e,ish #a, does
not a##o, for a man to ca## himse#f &od. Which is the
&85A-51- eidence ,e hae that &od did not come do,n to
earth and +ecome a man and that he neer had A):
*)-5)-*3) of doing so. *f &od intended to +ecome a (A)
some day and then to ,a#! around *srae# dec#aring that he is
&od, &od ,ou#d most certain#y hae "roided for that in the
#a,. &od ,ou#d not hae "ut himse#f in the "recarious
"osition of io#ating his 3W) 6AW some day +y +ecoming a
man and then dec#aring that he is in fact &3D7
-he trinitarians therefore are fa#se#y accusing Christ of
ca##ing himse#f &od and they are a#so fa#se#y accusing &3D
4*(156. of io#ating his 3W) 6AW (+y +ecoming a man and
then +#as"heming himse#f).
-he ery fact that the -8*)*-A8*A)1 ?15 this fa#se
accusation +y the corru"t %e,s and these trum"ed u"
io#ations of 83(A) #a, as their 2833. that %esus c#aimed
to +e &od means they are 1*D*)& ,ith the corru"t "riests
and C3)B*C-*)& %51?1 a## oer again under 83(A) 6AW.
-hey are C8?C*.:*)& 4*( A66 3B58 A&A*) using the 1A(5
6AW and the 1A(5 -5C4)*CA6*-: as did the corru"t "riests
,ho cruci@ed him the @rst time. -hat he c#aimed to +e a
&od'(an and the /Caesar of the %e,s./
-he A"ost#es 1AW this teaching coming and denounced it
H2!#$ 8:
8 I. thy $ha33 .a33 a#ay+ to !n# thm a(a)n
&nto !'ntan0/ $)n( thy 0!&0).y to
thm$3-$ th Son o. God a.!$h+ and '&t h)m
to an o'n $ham"
When the trinitarians =uote the corru"t %e,s ,ho sought to
!i## %esus as their /authority/ and their /"roof/ that %esus
c#aimed to +e &od, they are siding ,ith the corru"t "riests
on this matter. -he corru"t "riests ,ere .A615 ACC?1581
and so are the trinitarians. But trinitarians go one ste"
further than the corru"t "riests did, accusing %esus of
+#as"hemy under %5W*14 6AW ,hen the corru"t "riests ,ere
on#y using 8oman #a,. -his ma!es them .A8 W3815 the
fa#se accusers than ,ere the corru"t %e,s.
Watchman Dean.

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