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Comfort Zone

Yesterday I want to the clinic and had it done. Where were you? I thought you said that you were
going to meet me there so that we could do this together. How could you leave me by myself. I thought
you loved me. The pain started to come bac to her !both emotionally and physically". #he tried to
hold bac her tears but wasn$t too successful because that ran lie a faucet. %erone loo down at &avae
with no emotion on his face. He looed straight through as if she wasn$t even there. #he said #o this is
how you do me? This is how you do me? I cant believe this shit. %erone shifted his position on the
couch and clear his throat lie he was about to tal but he didn$t say anything. He 'ust looed at her.
&avae was getting heated because of his silence. Her nose began to turn red. The man that she loved
stood in front of her and scratched his face and rubbing his head real fast as if he was being annoyed.
&avae looed at him as more tears rolled down her face. #he said (h) so now you don$t have nothing
to say. I brea my bac for you and let you leave in my house while I go to school. I wor a full time
'ob and tae care of your daughter. he softly said I forgot about that thing. How did it go? You good)
is everything all right. #he stood up all the way and screamed What do You mean you forgot about
that thing. This is my body that we are taling about here. %on*t you now that I could of died. +irls
die all the time at those abortion places. He struggled his shoulders and looed away. #he got up in his
face and said I hate you. +et out, He 'ust looed at her lie he was watching a movie. +irl shut up
and set down. #he said -o you need to go and I never want to see you again. +irl please) you have
my daughter so I will always be around. You now how I do. If you don$t get the hell out of my
house right now I*m calling ./. He stood up and got up in her face and said oay so you want me
gone then I*m out. I*m sic and tired of you fat ass anyway. You need to loose some weight. Your
starting to smell lie bacon. &avae slipped him across his face with all of her might and the fight
began. He instantly piced her up off the floor by her throat wanting her to feel his rage. He watched
her as her face turned blood shot red while dangling in the air. #he couldn$t breathe all she could do is
eep hitting him in the face with her left hand. Her right arm was restrained. 0ut everytime she landed
a blow his grip got stronger and stronger. 1inal he got tired of the hits and he let her fall down to the
bloody floor. #he was shaing and full of blood but she managed to as him to leave again. He laughed.
#he struggled to get up in search for the phone but he was 2 steps ahead of her. He yaned the phone
from the 'ac and waved it in front of her as to tease her. He said are you looing for this? #he 'ust
stared at him. He must not have got the response that he was looing for because he soccer iced her
in the stomach. #he screamed from help. He iced the door close. #he continued screaming of pain.
%erone threw his hand up in the air to shut her up. He said 3uite) where is %onyell? #he cried shes
at my mother house. %erone leaned bac and said 4ool. -ow go clean yourself up and give me some
of that. &evae screamed +o to hell %erone got up and charged toward her trying to iss her but she
started screaming because of her bruised body. #he tried fighting him off. 0ut it didn$t wor he was to
strong and she had not energy from the operation that she had less then 25 hours ago. He raped her over
and over again on the floor right ne6t to her front door. 7uddles of blood was everywhere. 8fter he was
finished be pulled up his pants stood up and spat on her. He said ne6t time you will learn before e you
smac a man. He waled over her) collected his material possessions from all over the house and left.
It too 9 long years in the hospital for &avae to recover from all of the internal damaged that %erone
caused her. (n top it all the whole time that she was in the hopsital no one could find %erone. -ot even
the police. -ow that part really worried &avae because she wanted 'ustice and she always wanted her
daughter to be protected no matter what happened to her. :veryone had been trying to trac him down.
The first month thay lavea was in the hopsital there was a cop at her door daily but then one day they
stopped coming. The %epartment said that she wasn$t at ris anymore. Things were reall difficuly for
&avea. 8ll she had was pitty and shame for herself. #he had missed 9 whole years of her young life.
7lus %onyell was now . years old now and barley new her mother anymore. 8 nice old lady in the
building too care of %oneyll while she was being treated. &avea had no family at all so for ;rs.
7eaches to care to %onyell for two years she was truly grateful. &avea felt a lot of anger and rage in her
heart. #he wanted %erone to pay for everything that he did to her. #he wanted to ill him herself. #o
many times she tried to commit suicide because of the negitive spots that one evening left on her spirit.
It ruined her life. That night lead &avae to never have the ablity to naturall birth children again. Her
spin was permanently dislocated and she would have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of her life.
<nowing that he was out there scared her worst then death itself. #he new that he would come bac
for her. #he had to leave. #he had to get away. #he was a foster child so she had no family or friends.
%erone was her only friend. &avea new that she had to sip town before word got out that she was
released from the =niversity Hospital.

0efore she checed out of the hospital her favorite nurse came in the room. Her name was >ose. and
she was beautiful and the e6act same age as lavae 29 years old. >ose smiled and cried at the same time.
#he hugged lavae as tight as she could and said I feel lie you are my sister and I will always remember
you. The girls issed each other. >ose looed lavae in the eye and said here read this letter when you
get in the cab that$s waiting for you. Then she left. ?ust lie that. #he vanished 'ust lie an angel.
When lavae got in the cab she couldn$t wait to pull the envelope out of the bag. It read@
%ear A8:BA8:)
2/ years later this same scene played out again. 0ut this time it wasn$t lavae and her now husband
derone. It was %onyell. #he was in the same position as her mom. #he had a man that.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn*t do than by the ones
you did do. #o throw off the bowlines. #ail away from the safe harbor. 4atch anything to say to me? the
trade winds in your sails. :6plore. %ream. %iscover. C H. ?acson 0rown ?r.) P.S. I Love You You
will be blessed outside of your comfort Done. %efinition of the comfort Done E failure Done is the energy
level and which a person normally and naturally operates. 8t this level this individual feels very neutral
and is only use to specific behaviors and which seems to be natural thing to them. &iving outside of you
comfort Done is doing something you wouldn*t normally do or getting out of your routine. 8 secure
feeling is comforting an individual. The comfort Done is only a mental illusion used to place limitations
on you life.
There was an e6pert salesman who owns a car lot and every time that he would hire a new salesperson
he would mae them sign the lease of a brand new 4adillac now if they wanted to wor for him they
didn*t have the choice they had to tae the 4adillac the 4adillac had a pretty pricey tag attached to it
and so the new sales reps would always leave away with feeling confident and proud because they were
in a brand new 4adillac and they got to drive around it every day it allowed their confidence to rain so
in return they were able to perform an e6cel at selling cars because they had the confidence they had
the e6perience and they new all the benefits to those 4adillacs all because the owner made them and
forced them to tae a rest 4hange comes with sacrifice... When you want to mae a change you must
be prepared to mae a sacrifice of escaping the comfort Done,
C Israelmore 8yivor)
The comfort Done is old) moldy and t always needs cleaning. 4omfort areas are not as stable as you may thin.
You have the choice leave your comfort Done or with life changes you can be evicted unwillingly from that Done.
It is very important to reach outside of you comfort Done because that alone will allow to grow and e6pand your
What to e6pect once you mae the move?
When we*re introduced to new and interesting things) the glimmer fades so 3uicly. Things that used to
feel intimidating now are as comfortable as home. 4omfort...was the ey ingredient to maing the
prisoner crave the prison. C 8shim #haner To step outside your comfort Done the individual must be
willing to tae a ris and try different behavior. In order to change your situation you must allow your
mind to endure The (ptimum 7erformance Fone.
8 man can be conceived by the e6amination of his comfort Done. This mental state of mind allows us to
set up structure and boundaries in our lives. It allows us to set up bracets and limitations for our lives
too. In return we can build a strong sense of security with a continual supply comfort. Individual will
continue to receive the same neutral results without stepping outside of the comfort Done. In order to
have confidence we must have different e6periences so that we can grow. Having a comfort Done is
definitely a limitation and it doesn*t a little allow you to spread your wings so that you can grow. You*re
not allowing yourself to use life as an adventure or enhancer. There is very little e6citement in your
world because you tend to stic to your Done, You might feel overwhelmed or trapped being in that
Done because you have been in it for such a long time. It may begin to irritate you at some point. ;ost
definitely) it$s time to stretch those limits. It$s time to step out of your comfort Done. Its time to grow
and its time to e6perience life in all of the abundance that it has to offer. It*s time to actually live, In
actuality you are always changing. Whether you want to change or not it is coming. Yes) you do have
the choice either you can wait for it to come or you can trigger it to come out at you leisure. We thin
that we are not capable of doing anything outside of comforts Trust me. If you do not decide where
you are heading) and refuse to tae the appropriate action) you will end up being shaped into what
others would have you become. Then any change will not be made for your benefit but for theirs.
C 4hris ;urray)
How to step out of your comfort zone
Let's Get Crazy &et*s 'ust be honest) the main reason why we do not act natural craDy selves in public or at
wor is because we are afraid of re'ection. We are afraid of what people would thin of us and how they would
perceive us if they new who we really are. If we are not received in a positive way then we may not mae as
much money as we would lie. We may not contain or have the specific lifestyle that we e6pect. 8lso we may
not find the right mate that is picture perfect for us. -ow let*s thin about this. How can we really be happy if we
are not able to be who we are inside? Why should we care about what people thin? %o their opinions really
matter? 8re their opinions going to bring about a life or death situation? Impressions are everything we have to
mae ourselves stic out in people$s heads. In order to stic out you have to be yourself because there is
something about you that is charming) intelligent and funny enough to crash a certain audience and eep a the
people interested in you. #o) let your light shine with those specific sills. -ow) you can be true to yourself and
you can e6pose your true character. Its$ time to get craDy and have some fun with life. %are to be different. %are
to be you. #tep outside of your comfort Done,
Make life exciting &ife should always be e6citing you should always be waiting for the ne6t great
thing to happen to you. Your life was intended for positivity so) when was the last time that were so
e6cited about anything? -ow) if you*re deep in your comfort Done then you probably will not
e6perience this because nothing e6citing or adventurous ever happens in the comfort Done. To
e6perience this great feeling that comes from deep within and it is very sincereG you have to step
outside of your comfort Done to mae life e6citing. ;ae yourself await the ne6t great thing -ot only
will your life become more e6citing) but you*ll also build confidence and improve yourself 4oming
out of your comfort Done is tough in the beginning) chaotic in the middle) and awesome in the
end...because in the end) it shows you a whole new world,,;ae an attempt.. C ;ano' 8rora) &eave
behind you comfort Done,
Face Your Fears Head n There is only one thing that maes a dream impossible to achieve@ the fear
of failure. C 7aulo 4oelho) The Alchemist 1ear is a ma'or barrier in the human life. #omehow we
thin that some people are 'ust made perfectly but thats not how it goes. There is not perfect indivisal
but there are people who live fearless lives. 1ear is never going to go way if you do not step out of the
comfort Done. 1ear is ment to be your critic and encourage you to stay the same you. If you want to
continue with the same life that you*ve had up until now then you will continue to live fear. You will
continue to attract the same situations in life. 8re you too afraid? %o you have a poor self image of
yourself? This poor self image enables you to I thin of yourself as a failure. If you$ve had enough
failure you can brea away from the fear of failure because you*ve e6perinced it already. 1ears are only
mental blocs that you sets your limitationss. 1ear has a lot to do with your confidence. You have the
capability to pump yourself up and to now that you can succeed. You can brainwash yourself into
being fearless. The only way to grow is to now. The only way to now is to e6perience. The only way
to e6perience is to tae action. The only way to tae action is to create it in the mind and then actually
do somethig above Y(=. Y(= is the normal) boring and undaring person. We want to bring out the
-:W Y(=. #ay it The -:W ;:. I am going to do it and I am worth more than staying at this level
of life, I am ready to grow. I am going to tae action over my life. If you bring in something new)
something that you are afraid of) or something that does not allow you to feel comfortable then you will
really be living. I must turn myself around so that I am able to view life as my prospects see it. (nly
then can I start addressing their issues) help to prevent their pain) and advise on solutions to their
problems. C 4hris ;urray Have no fear. #tep out on faith and go for it. #tep out of your comfort
Lo!e You How individual views himself is specifically a self image. The self image is 'ust a mental picture
basically saying how the person feels inside and that is how they perceive themselves. These 3ualities may
include but not limited to gender) height) weight) hair color and race. The ma'ority of it will include a nowledge
or acceptance of what a person has learned about himself. These memories are there from someone else telling
them something about themselves or a personal e6perience.
How you feel about yourself shows in your chariter. It also gives other people permission on how they should
treat you or how you will allow them to treat you. The way that you truly loo at yourself is who you phyocally
are and thats the image that you put out and give to others. #o basically no matter how you really loo or what
flaws you may have you can mae yourself loo H// times better by 'ust placing more value in Y(=. 0y loving
yourself and not being ashamed of it) you began to shine.
#o if you@
1eel lie your not attractive then smile a lot and never be afraid to spea up. #omeone is going to lie that.
8re clumsy and don*t wal good in heels then when you wal mae it slow and se6y.
Say Bye-Bye 8 lot of times we are very fearful because we now that by accomplishing 'ust that one thing we
can e6pose ourselves to you so much more. We are afraid to leave behind what we now) who we now and the
things we do. We are afraid of leaving out of our comfort Dones. We are afraid of leaving people behind and we
are afraid of being lonely. The ultimate love is to love yourself and you can only love yourself if you feel that
you are not a failure. You will not be a failure if you con3uer your fears) but you will be a failure if your fears
con3uer you.4omfort is your biggest trap and coming out of comfort Done your biggest challenge. C ;ano'
1. How we view ourselves, is exactly how we should act. People are only oin to treat us the way
that we treat ourselves. You must hold yoursel! hih. You should have the mind !rame that you can do
anythin. You must "elieve it within yoursel!. #hen you truly "elieve this, then you will "ein to treat
yoursel! with more respect and willin to ta$e more ris$.
%. How other view us is the amount o! respect that they will have !or us. This is where we have
some power "ecause you can result "ac$ to treatin yoursel! with the hihest level o! respect. In return
it will ru" o!! o! those who are around you. Then your con!idence will allow to you to "e sure o!
yoursel!. That means you will have the want to ta$e more ris$s
&. How we perceives others see us. #e can "e very optimistic and !eed o!! only positive enery.
'eedin o!! o! all the ood thins in li!e will alleviate the conscious thouht o! how we thin$ others
loo$ at us. #ith all o! the extra enery that we(ve stored up we can do somethin proactive to step out
o! your com!ort )one.
"t is time to get risky# It is time to step out of the bo6. You have this all under control, If there is no
ris involved then there is no growth. If there is no growth then there is no e6perience. If there is no
e6perience then there is no fun. It*s time to step out of your norm and move on to something
fascinating. You want something that is beyond you. #omething that you did not thin that you were
capable of but you will be happy that you tried it. It is time to introduce your old self to your new self.
It is time to mae a change, You are what you are because of your thoughts and your e6pectations. If
you decide to e6pect more of yourself then you will be more because you will continue beating
yourself up until you are more. +rowth becomes addictive. When you*re willing to step out of your
comfort Done and become risy. Then you will be willing to touch the sy. There is no limit to what
you can accomplish. The only way to do this is to tae a chance and mentally stabiliDe and brainwash
yourself so that you can mentally tae that change. 1ailure is not an option. 1ailure is e6perience
failure. We as a society use failure in a negative way but failure is growth. We are so accustomed to
the comforts of II cannotI) II do not want toI and Iit is too difficultI that we forget to realiDe when we
stop doing things for ourselves and e6pect others to dance around us) we are not achieving greatness.
We have made ourselves wea.
C 7andora 7oiilos
$eek %isappro!al We have to learn to actively see disapproval in order to win in today*s society. This
means that we do things specifically for no other reason other then being outside of our comfort
Done$s. ;eaning we go in e6pecting nothing but to concur fear. We will consider ourselves the blac
sheep. Why should we be limited to live in The bo6 of approval? Who maes the bo6 of approval?
We are here to brea records, We are here to reach the sy, We are -(T here to stay in the bracets of
others approvals, It is oay for us to be disapproved of. It is oay to tae a chance) get messy and mae
mistaes. This world is full of great lessons to learn. The great part about getting disapproval is that
you were not e6pecting anything in the beginning. You are 'ust doing this as an e6ercise to step out of
your comfort Done. 8ctually) you will find that you will win most of the attempts that you mae. 8 few
of them may be lost but out of the ones that is won you will get the full gratification because you went
in with no e6pectations. You went in 'ust planting a seed. You 'ust wanted to practice stepping outside
of your comfort Done. -ow you are a winner, The best way to develop people is to constantly get
them out of their comfort Done. C Fiad <. 8bdelnour
$top &rocrastinating &lease# 7rocrastinating it only maes things a little worse verses when we
initially started. When we fulfill something that was on our procrastination list J times out of H/ we
find out that it was not as hard as we predicted. We must learn from this lesson. Too often we allow
ourselves to procrastinate and we push things to the bac burner. When this occurs most liely our
problem will gain power and it will become a fear once it is powerful. This fear will stay within the pits
of our stomachs) it will be in our thoughts and it will tae control of us. ;ae the change, ?ust do it.
Tae a deep breath and mae the first step to leaving you comfort Done.
'ccept Yourself When things don*t go your way) and they won*t) shrug it off. If you*re clinging to your
comfort Done) you*re hanging on to an idea that the world is supposed to be a safe) predictable place)
and that*s an illusion. You*re setting yourself up for frustration and disappointment. (pen your eyes.
The world is a dynamic place where things go right and wrong. That*s 'ust the way it is, <nowing
others is intelligenceG nowing yourself is true wisdom. ;astering others is strengthG mastering
yourself is true power. If you realiDe that you have enough) you are truly rich. C &ao TDu) Tao Te
Poem !or com!ort
This com!ort is my com!ort
This com!ort that ives me $isses o! dirt
I need its love, I need its hurt
It slaps me in the around and ma$es it hard !or me to !ind my place
+ut I thin$ I(m willin to chane ,ust to not see its !ace
I will live outside o! my com!ort )one, 'ear doesn(t live here, -y li!e is excitin, I accept mysel!, I will
not procrastinate, I will ta$e positive ris$s, I love mysel!, I thin$ hihly o! mysel!, I will "e mysel!
I will live outside o! my com!ort )one, 'ear doesn(t live here, -y li!e is excitin, I accept mysel!, I will
not procrastinate, I will ta$e positive ris$s, I love mysel!, I thin$ hihly o! mysel!, I will "e mysel!
I will live outside o! my com!ort )one, 'ear doesn(t live here, -y li!e is excitin, I accept mysel!, I will
not procrastinate, I will ta$e positive ris$s, I love mysel!, I thin$ hihly o! mysel!, I will "e mysel!

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