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Manuel Ramos Hernandez High School

Arecibo Region
Camuy School District

Prof. Noemi Roman De Jesus
11th grade Course Syllabus

II. Course Objective



CAPA. 10:00-10:40
Lesson Planning

TADO 2:10-3:00
This is a high school level English course that aims at developing students listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language communication
skills, so that they become college and career ready. It reinforces and expands students ability to listen, speak, read, write, and use language
skills in order to develop their communication in English.

I. Course Objective

As outcome of this course, students will

become college and career ready through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language
communication skills.
feel comfortable expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions in English.
develop a sense of success, security, and achievement as they learn to improve English language skills.
use English in a variety of real-life situations.



Comprehend and analyze information from a variety of listening activities to ask and answer questions on social,
academic, college, and career topics.


1. Contribute to discussions on a variety of social, academic, college, and career topics in diverse contexts with
different audiences.
2. Evaluate information and determine appropriate responses to answer questions effectively.
3. Contribute to social, academic, college, and career conversations using accurate and appropriate language.
4. Provide, justify, and defend opinions or positions in speech.
5. Adjust language choices according to the task, context, purpose, and audience.
6. Plan and deliver different types of oral presentations/reports to express information and support ideas in social,
academic, college, and career settings.


1. Read critically to make logical inferences, and cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from
the text.
2. Determine main ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details
and ideas.
3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.
6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats.
8. Delineate and evaluate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.
9. Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.
10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.


1. Write arguments to support point of view using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence.
2. Write informational texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through
the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
3. Write literary texts to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, details, and
4. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by using the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing,
rewriting, or publishing).
5. Use technology, including the Internet, to interact and collaborate with others to produce and publish writing.
6. Conduct research projects of varying lengths based on focused questions to demonstrate understanding of the
7. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
8. Write routinely over short and extended time frames for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences.


1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage.
2. Apply Standard English conventions using appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
3. Demonstrate understanding of how language functions in different contexts to make effective
choices for meaning, style andcomprehension.
4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful
word parts, and consulting reference materials.
5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.
6. Accurately use a variety of social, academic and content-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading,
writing, speaking and listening at the college and career-readiness level.

III. Evaluation

1. Exams (points will vary)
Test dates will be announced with days or week(s) in advanced.
Test should be taken on the scheduled day.
A valid parental or medical excuse must be presented, the next day, if absent during test.
The parental excuse must have the parents signature along with a telephone number where the teacher can
verify the excuse.
A different test will be administered if the student is absent regardless if an excuse is presented.
The student will have five (5) days upon the arrival to school to ask for the makeup test. The teacher
will assign the date for the makeup test within the next five (5) days upon the students arrival to
school. The student and teacher will agree on date, hour, and place formakeup test.(Article III section
N, pg. 4 and Article IV section C, pg. 5) During class period student will not have the opportunity to make-
up for tests.
If the student does not take the makeup test agreed on within the five (5) days scheduled, he/she will obtain
a 0% on the test; unless a medical or parental excuse is presented, for the second time, as an excuse for the
five days in which he or she did not take the test, then again, will the student be given an additional (5)
days scheduled for the makeup test. If for the second opportunity the student does not comply there will be
no other opportunity and the grade will be 0%.
Reward: the student(s) that maintains or obtains from 90%-100% during the school year in the class
is exempt to take the final exam in May.

2. Quizzes (points will vary)
Quizzes may be or not be announced.
Student that is absent for a quiz, must bring a parental or medical excuse, the day after the absentness, with
a telephone number with which the teacher can verify the excuse.
The student, that presents an excuse, will make up for the points of the missed quiz when the teacher gives
another quiz that has the same value as the one missed.
If during the school year there were no quizzes given worth the same points as the one the student missed,
she/he will have the opportunity to make-up for them.
Student must makeup for quizzes given during the ten and twenty weeks of the first semester during the
first semester and quizzes given the thirty and forty weeks of the second semester, student must make-up
for them during the second semester. During the school year teacher and student will schedule and agree on
date and hour. If the student does not comply with the date and hour assigned, the score will be 0 pts.
During class period student will not have the opportunity to make-up for quizzes.
3. Class works (assessment) points will vary
Class work is to be done and completed, everyday, during the class hour.
When absent to class, the student is responsible of the material given during absentness.
If absent and points were assigned to any class work given, the student will have the opportunity to make
up for them and be granted the points after having presented a valid excuse, the following day of
Student who is absent will have the opportunity to complete the work; however, the work must be
completed in presence of the teacher during the teachers period and the students free period. It is
important for the student to understand that he/she cannot be absent to other classes. Teacher will not write
an excuse for the absence of the other class. If the student brings the work copied and done to class, the
student will not get credit for it.
Each assignment must have the date and the topic of the day for studying purposes.
The handouts that the teacher facilitates must be stapled, glued, or taped in notebook.
All the materials must be in the correct order given in class.
The class work will be corrected by the teacher before discussing the exercises assigned.
Each class work will have teachers signature written on it.
Each signature will be worth points.
The class work assigned will not be corrected or signed by the teacher if the student cuts the class.
Any student who copies on the class work or allows another student to copy will lose the points for the
material assigned.
You will have one (1) class period to finish the daily class work assigned.
If the bell rings for the next period and you did not finish your work, you will not get credit for the work. It
will be considered as an incomplete work.

Class work missed, tests, quizzes, essays, and any other special work given during the school year
that is not done, completed or handed in on the scheduled date; student will be granted the
opportunity to make-up for these once a valid excuse is presented for not handing it in on scheduled
date and hour. These are to be done and completed in the classroom, in the presence of the teacher,
and will not be accepted if done outside the classroom. Teacher will assign day and hour for these. If
student does not comply with date and hour scheduled, the score will be 0pts.

4. Essay Writing (points will vary)
The student will study and practice writing different types of essays (narrative, descriptive, informative,
and argumentative, etc.) in the classroom.
It is necessary for the student to use a Spanish/English dictionary for the development of these essays.
The student must bring to class his/ her own composition paper for the school year.
After reading, comprehending and analyzing a literary work in class, the student will write an essay based
on the literature discussed or the teacher may assign a topic to be developed.
Essays assigned as class work and handed in late will have five (5) points deducted from their grade
for each late day.
The teacher will not permit the student to start or finish essays at home; they must be done in the

5. Debates (30 pts.)
Every student must participate in the debates by answering the questions assigned.
The debates will be given to demonstrate comprehension of the material. Therefore, any help from a group
member will result in a minus five point penalty from your score.
The groups will be divided by the teacher.
The points will not be used as bonus for the test. It will be counted as a separate grade.
The student will randomly select the questions.
The student may use written notes from discussion of material, in class, to answer the questions for the
The questions will be turned-based.

Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use of the language and thoughts of another author and the
representation of them as ones own.

According to the regulations of the Department of Education, a student caught committing plagiarism will be faced
with the following sanctions:(Article IX, section G, pg.68, b;2)

A written reprimand
A grade 0 %
A verbal reprimand
Substitution of special work or test
Suspension and 0 %

IV. Evaluation Process

100 90 A 89 - 80 B 79 - 70 C69 - 60 D 59 - 0 F

*The activities presented in this course syllabus are subject to change.

Writing Process and Essay Writing Rubric
Students Name: Due Date:
Type of Essay: Value of Essay: 30 pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________
CONTENT 3 Excellent 2 Average 1 Poor
Pre-writing is extensive and relevant, and organization is evident

Draft is a thorough extension of pre-writing.

Revision includes meaningful changes to message/content. There may also be
corrections to mechanics.

Clear thesis statement, attention grabber is present and related to the topic, and
techniques used are inviting and states the main topic and position.

Each paragraph supports the thesis statement (topic sentence and details) and
each paragraph gives a sense of completion.

The concluding paragraph is strong, understanding, and gives a sense of
completion in which thesis statement appears paraphrased in the conclusion.

Guidelines for adapting assessments strategies for students with special needs and/or abilities and for linguistically and culturally diverse students
will be established in the students Individualized Educational Program (PIE). An accommodation is a variation in the exam environment or
process that does not fundamentally alter what the test measures or affects the comparability of scores. Accommodations may include variations in
scheduling, setting, aids, equipment, and presentation format which is informed by the Special Education Teacher to the English Teacher.
2013-2014) CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964
Writing is smooth, skillful, coherent, and expressive with varied structure.

The essay has a logical and clear progression of ideas and transitional words
are mature and graceful.

The student used class time effectively to plan, develop, organize, edit, and
proofread the essay.

Punctuation, spelling, capitalization and grammar are correct.


Rubric to evaluate debates
Students Name: Due Date:
Topic of debate: Value of debates: 30pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Observations
1. Respect for Other Team / / / / / /
All statements, body language, and responses were respectful and were
in appropriate language.

2. Information / / / / /
All information presented in this debate was clear, accurate and thorough.
3. Use of Facts/Statistics / / / / / /
Every major point was well supported with several relevant facts,
statistics and/or examples.

4. Organization / / / / /
All arguments were clearly tied to an idea (premise) and organized in a
tight, logical fashion.

5. Understanding of Topic / / / / / /
The team clearly understood the topic in depth and presented their
information forcefully and convincingly.

6. Presentation Style / / / / / /
Team consistently used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level
of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience.

Rubric for Haiku Poetry (Value 25 pts.)
Students Name: Due Date:
Topic of Haiku Poetry: Value of Essay: 25 pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. Poem follows 5-7-5 syllable Haiku pattern
2. Haiku is very attractive and easy to follow
3. Poem includes vivid imagery
4. The topic of the poem is clearly related to nature
5. Illustrations are extremely creative and appropriate
Total 25 pts.

Story Map Analysis Evaluation
Students Name: Due Date:
Topic of Short Story: Value of Analysis: 125 pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. Presentation
A. Verbal Delivery
The student speaks at an appropriate pace using a clear and strong voice and uses precise
pronunciation of words.

B. Non-verbal Delivery
The student maintains eye contact, exhibits strong composure and confidence, and seldom looks
at notes

2. Content
The information is complete and well supported with verifiable details to then answer questions
with explanations and elaborations.

3. Organization
The information and details are conveyed in a logical and orderly manner.

4. Punctuality
The student must present on the assigned day.

Total 25 pts.

Criteria for the Written Work (100 pts.)
A. Presentation 30 pts. --------------
The story map analysis must be presented on a poster board. (10pts)
Each element must be completed with a different color of construction paper. (10 pts.)
Poster board must be completed with analysis of the story. (10 pts.)
B. Content 45 pts. Functional use of the elements of short stories (3 pts. each element)
o Title
o Author
o Characters (Main Characters, Minor Characters)
o Conflict (In a sentence, write what is the problem) and classification (Internal and external)
o Type of Conflict
o Plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
o Setting
o Point of view
o Theme
C. Grammar Usage 15 pts. --------------
Construct correct and clear sentences (5pts)
Use proper grammar (5pts)
Proper Spelling (5pts)
D. Punctuality 10 pts. --------------
All the works will be handed in on the same day.

Rubric for Comic Strip
Students Name: Due Date:
Topic of Comic Strip: Value of Essay: 30 pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________

Rubric for Collage (Value 55 pts.)
Students Name: Due Date:
Topic of Collage: Value of Essay: 55 pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. Items are carefully chosen and appropriate to the topic of the collage
2. It has an organization and attractive placement of items
3. It is neat and clean (no smudges or anything hanging from the sides)
4. It meets the requirements of the assignment (half a poster board)
5. Collage caption has been checked for spelling, grammar, and punctuation
6. It shows an understanding of the concepts or topics depicted
7. Class time was used effectively
8. Much time and effort went into planning and design of the collage
9. Titles and text were written clearly and were easy to read from a distance
10. A variety of pictures are used to develop the main ideas
11. The collage was turned in on time.
Total 55 points

Evaluation Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Observation
1. The title corresponds to the situation.

2. The situation is presented
in a correct manner.(characters, setting,
elements of plot, conflict, resolution)

3. The illustrated situation has a logical

4. The dialogue communicates the message
with clarity.

5. The details of the comic strip correspond
to the dialogue.

6. Vocabulary is used in the correct manner.

7. The correct use of mechanics should be
present in the dialogue.

8. The selected comic strip responds to the
intended idea presented.

9. Work was presented in a clean manner

10. Comic strip is handed in on due date

Rubric for Oral Presentations (Value 25 pts.)
Students Name: Due Date:
Topic of oral: Value of Oral: 25 pts.
Total Points Earned: ___________

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. Presentation
A. Verbal Delivery
The student speaks at an appropriate pace using a clear and strong voice and uses precise
pronunciation of words.

B. Non-verbal Delivery
The student maintains eye contact, exhibits strong composure and confidence, and seldom
looks at notes.

2. Content
The information is complete and well supported with verifiable details to then answer
questions with explanations and elaborations.

3. Organization
The information and details are conveyed in a logical and orderly manner.

4. Punctuality
The student must present on the assigned day.

Total 25 pts.

English Course Syllabus Agreement

Students Name: __________________________________________________________Grade: ________ Group: ________

I have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the course syllabus, classroom rules and requirements for the 11th
grade English Class.

Noemi Roman De Jesus August 11, 2014___________
Teachers signature Date

_____________________________ _____________________________
Students signature Date

_____________________________ _____________________________
Parents or Tutors signature Date

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