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ME 3112 Mechanics of Machines

Problem Set 1: Particle Dynamics

In this problem set, Problems 1 to 4 will be discssed drin! the ttorial session"
Problems # to $ are !i%en as e&tras for yor own practice"
Problem 1
A baseball pitching machine throws baseballs with a horizontal velocity v
Knowing that height h varies between 788 mm and 1068 mm determine !a" the range
o# val$es o# v
!b" the val$es o# corresponding to h % 788 mm and h % 1068 mm.
Answer& !a" '(.0 m)s* +1.1 m)s. !b" +.0,-* 6.67-
Problem 2
As the tr$c. shown begins to bac. $p with a constant acceleration o# 1.( m)s
o$ter section / o# its boom starts to retract with a constant acceleration o# 0., m)s

relative to the tr$c.. 0etermine !a" the acceleration o# section / !b" the velocity o#
section / when t%( s.
Answer& !a" !0.871 i 2 0.'8' '" m)s
. !b" !1.7,8 i 2 0.766 '" m)s
Problem 3
A t$rntable A is b$ilt into a stage #or $se in a theatrical prod$ction. 3t is observed
d$ring a rehearsal that a tr$n. / starts to slide on the t$rntable 1( s a#ter the t$rntable
begins to rotate. Knowing that the tr$n. $ndergoes a constant tangential acceleration
o# 0.(, m)s
determine the coe##icient o# static #riction between the tr$n. and the
Answer& 0.'8'
Problem 4
4o $nload a bo$nd stac. o# plywood #rom a tr$c. the driver #irst tilts the bed o# the
tr$c. and then accelerates #rom rest. Knowing the coe##icients o# #riction between the
bottom sheet o# plywood and the bed are 5
% 0.+0 and 5
% 0.'0 determine !a" the
smallest acceleration o# the tr$c. which will ca$se the stac. o# plywood to slide !b"
the acceleration o# the tr$c. which ca$ses corner A o# the stac. to reach the end o# the
bed in 0.1 s.
Answer& !a" 0.'1 m)s
!b" +.17 m)s

Problem # (E&tra)
A telemetry system is $sed to 6$anti#y .inematic val$es o# a s.i 7$mper immediately
be#ore she leaves the ramp. According to the system r % 1,0m dr)dt % 8'1., m)s
% 8' m)s
9 % (,- d9)dt % 0.07 rad)s d
% 0.06 rad)s
. 0etermine !a" the
velocity o# the s.ier immediately be#ore she leaves the 7$mp !b" the acceleration o#
the s.ier at this instant !c" the distance o# the 7$mp d neglecting li#t and air resistance.
Problem * (E&tra)
/loc. A has a mass o# +0 .g and bloc. B has a mass o# 8 .g. 4he coe##icients o#
#riction between all s$r#aces o# contact are :
% 0.(0 and :
% 0.1,. 3# ; % +0 <
determine !a" the acceleration o# bloc. B !b" the tension in the cord.
Problem $ (E&tra)
A '8.g bloc. is at rest relative to a parabolic dish which rotates at a constant rate
abo$t a vertical a=is. Knowing that the coe##icient o# static #riction is 0., and that r %
( m determine the ma=im$m allowable velocity o# the bloc..
ME 3112 Mechanics of Machines
Problem Set 2: +inematics of ri!id bodies
In this problem set, Problems 1 to 4 will be discssed drin! the ttorial session"
Problems # to $ are !i%en as e&tras for yor own practice"
Problem 1
Knowing that the dis. has a constant ang$lar velocity o# 1, rad)s cloc.wise
determine the ang$lar velocity o# bar /0 and the velocity o# collar 0 when !a" %0
!b" %10 !c" %180.
Answer& !a" +.'8 rad)s* 0.'1 m)s. !b" 0 rad)s* 1.06, m)s. !c" +.'8 rad)s* 0.'1 m)s.
Problem 2
>ollar 0 slides on a #i=ed vertical rod. Knowing that the dis. has a constant ang$lar
velocity o# 1, rad)s cloc.wise determine the ang$lar acceleration o# bar /0 and the
acceleration o# collar 0 when !a" %0 !b" %10 !c" %180.
Answer& !a",.,, rad)s
* 10.1'm)s
. !b" 7,.1 rad)s
* 10.77m)s
. !c" ,.,, rad)s
Problem 3
4he motion o# nozzle 0 is controlled by arm A/. At the instant shown the arm is
rotating co$ntercloc.wise at the constant rate %(.+ rad)s and portion /> is being
e=tended at the constant rate $%(,0 mm)s with respect to the arm. ?or each o# the
arrangements shown determine the acceleration o# nozzle 0.
Answer& !a" 1.70( m)s
. !b" (.,, m)s
Problem 4
4he crane shown rotates at the constant rate
%0.(, rad)s* sim$ltaneo$sly the
telescoping boom is being lowered at the constant rate
%0.+0 rad)s. Knowing that at
the instant shown the length o# the boom is 6m and is increasing at the constant rate
$%0.+,m)s determine the velocity and acceleration o# point /.
Answer& v%!1.(11i81.8,''@1.,10," m)s a%!0.71,i80.71('80.176,"m)s
Problem # (E&tra)
Arm AB has a constant ang$lar velocity o# 16 rad)s co$nter8cloc.wise. At the instant
when 9 % 10- determine the acceleration !a" o# collar D !b" o# the midpoint G o# bar
Problem * (E&tra)
;in P is attached to the wheel shown and slides in a slot c$t in bar BD. 4he wheel
rolls to the right witho$t slipping with a constant ang$lar velocity o# (0 rad)s.
Knowing that = % +80 mm when 9 % 0 determine !a" the ang$lar acceleration o# the
bar !b" the relative acceleration o# pin P with respect to the bar when 9 % 0.
Problem $ (E&tra)
A dis. o# radi$s 1(0 mm rotates at the constant rate A
% , rad)s with respect to the
arm AB which itsel# rotates at the constant rate A
% ' rad)s. ?or the position shown
determine the velocity and acceleration o# point C.
ME 3112 Mechanics of Machines
Problem Set 3: +inetics and -ewton.s second law
In this problem set, Problems 1 to 3 will be discssed drin! the ttorial session"
Problems 4 to * are !i%en as e&tras for yor own practice"
Problem 1
A + .g $ni#orm slender rod A/ is held in position by two ropes and the lin. >A which
has a negligible weight. A#ter rope /0 is c$t the assembly rotates in a vertical plane
$nder the combined e##ect o# gravity and a 6 <m co$ple B applied to lin. >A as
shown. 0etermine immediately a#ter rope /0 has been c$t !a" the acceleration o# rod
A/ !b" the tension in rope C/.
Answer& !a" 1.,7( m)s
. !b" (0.8 <.
Problem 2
4he collar / o# negligible mass can slide #reely on the + .g $ni#orm rod >0. Knowing
that in the position shown cran. A/ rotates with an ang$lar velocity o# , rad)s and an
ang$lar acceleration o# 60 rad)s
both cloc.wise determine the #orce e=erted on rod
>0 by collar /.
Answer& 1,.01 <
Problem 3
A thin ring o# radi$s r%(0.' cm is attached by a collar at point A to a vertical sha#t
which rotates with a constant ang$lar velocity . 0etermine !a" the constant angle
that the plane o# the ring #orms with the vertical when %10 rad)s !b" the largest
val$e o# #or which the ring will remain vertical !%0".
Answer& !a" 71.(. !b",.67 rad)s.
Problem 4 (E&tra)
A '008mm radi$s cylinder o# mass 8 .g rests on a '8.g carriage. 4he system is at rest
when a #orce P o# magnit$de (0 < is applied. Knowing that the cylinder rolls witho$t
sliding on the carriage and neglecting the mass o# the wheels o# the carriage
determine !a" the acceleration o# the carriage !b" the acceleration o# point A !c" the
distance the cylinder has rolled with respect to the carriage a#ter 0., s.
Problem # (E&tra)
4he (,08mm $ni#orm rod BD o# mass , .g is connected as shown to dis. A and to a
collar o# negligible mass that may slide #reely along a vertical rod. Knowing that dis.
A rotates co$ntercloc.wise at a constant rate o# ,00 rpm determine the reactions at D
when 9 % 0.
Problem * (E&tra)
4he 1,08g gear A is constrained to roll on the #i=ed gear B b$t is #ree to rotate abo$t
a=le AD. A=le AD o# length +00 mm and negligible mass is connected by a clevis to
the vertical sha#t DE which rotates as shown with a constant ang$lar velocity A
Ass$ming that gear A can be appro=imated by a thin dis. o# radi$s 80 mm determine
the largest allowable val$e o# A
i# gear A is not to lose contact with gear B.

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