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table of contents

Order of Worship (7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.)....................................................................... 3

Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m. – “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”)............................................................... 4
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m. – “The Lord Is Blessing Me Right Now”)........................................... 4
Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.)........................................................................................................... 5
Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.)......................................................................................................... 6
Unison Scripture (6:00 p.m.)........................................................................................................... 6
Pastor’s Page................................................................................................................................... 7
To Do Justice................................................................................................................................ 14
Child Care Centers........................................................................................................................ 15
Stewardship................................................................................................................................... 15
Sermon Notes................................................................................................................................ 16
Biographical Sketch: Rev. William “Bill” Lee.................................................................................. 17
Biographical Sketch: Rev. Tony Lee................................................................................................ 17
Annual Youth Revival
The AKIBA/First Fridays
Community Festival
Trumpet Subscriptions
Calendar........................................................................................................................................ 23
Heart of the Community............................................................................................................... 25
Information & Announcements..................................................................................................... 26
Prayer List..................................................................................................................................... 28
Bereaved........................................................................................................................................ 29
Hospitalized.................................................................................................................................. 30
Extended Care............................................................................................................................... 31
Members at Home......................................................................................................................... 33
Prayer Concerns............................................................................................................................ 37
Service and Support Groups........................................................................................................... 38

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Order of Worship
Choral Introit....................................................................................................................... “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Opening Hymn (7:30 a.m.).................................................................... “There’s A Storm Out On The Ocean”
Opening Hymn (11:00 a.m.)............................................................................................“Lift Up Your Hands”
Opening Hymn (6:00 p.m.).................................................................................................. “Glorify The Lord”
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn of Praise (7:30 a.m.)....................................................................................... “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Hymn of Praise (11:00 a.m.)....................................................................“The Lord Is Blessing Me Right Now”
Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.)............................................................................................... John 19:1–21(NIV)
Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.).............................................................................................. John 6:1–14 (NIV)
Unison Scripture (6:00 p.m.)................................................................................................Joshua 6:1–2 (NIV)
Ministry of Music (6:00 p.m.).......................................................................................... “High And Lifted Up”
Parish Concerns
Visitor Recognition
Passing of the Peace
The Pastor’s Word
The Service of Giving
Offertory Sentences

Youth Revival!
Tithes and Offerings
Guest Minister Offering
Altar Call (7:30 a.m.)
Altar Call (11:00 a.m.)
Sermon (7:30 a.m.).................................................................................................“There Is Greatness In You”
Sermon (11:00 a.m.)..................................................................................................... “Akeelah And The Bee”
Sermon (6:00 p.m.).................................................................................................... “See It Before You See It”
Hymn of Invitation (7:30 p.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.)
Benediction.....................................................................................................................“The Lord Bless Thee”
[Once the sermon has begun, parishioners may not enter or re-enter the first floor sanctuary.]

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
hymn of praise hymn of praise

7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Great is thy faithfulness The Lord Is Blessing Me
Verse I Right Now
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father, The Lord is blessing me right now, Oh, right now.
There is no shadow of turning with Thee; The Lord is blessing me right now, Oh, right now.
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not, He woke me up this morning
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. And started me on my way.
The Lord is blessing me right now!
“Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!” He woke me up this morning,
Morning by morning new mercies I see; I was clothed in my right mind.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, He didn’t let me sleep too late;
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord unto me! He woke me, woke me, woke me,
Right on time.
Verse II
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, He woke me up this morning
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, And started me on my way.
Join with all nature in manifold witness, The Lord is blessing me right now,
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Oh right now!
(Repeat chorus)

Verse III
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
(Repeat chorus)

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

7:30 a.m. 13
When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out
JOHN 19:1–21 (NIV) and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place
Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic
The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns is Gabbatha). 14It was the day of Preparation of
and put it on his head. They clothed him in a Passover Week, about the sixth hour. “Here is
purple robe 3and went up to him again and again, your king,” Pilate said to the Jews. 15But they
saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they struck shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify
him in the face. 4Once more Pilate came out him!” “Shall I crucify your king?” Pilate asked.
and said to the Jews, “Look, I am bringing him “We have no king but Caesar,” the chief priests
out to you to let you know that I find no basis answered. 16Finally Pilate handed him over to
for a charge against him.” 5When Jesus came them to be crucified.
out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple The Crucifixion
robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!” 6As
So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. 17Carrying
soon as the chief priests and their officials saw
his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull
him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” But Pilate
(which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). 18Here
answered, “You take him and crucify him. As
they crucified him, and with him two others—one
for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.”
on each side and Jesus in the middle. 19Pilate had
The Jews insisted, “We have a law, and according
a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It
to that law he must die, because he claimed to
be the Son of God.” 8When Pilate heard this, he
OF THE JEWS. 20Many of the Jews read this
was even more afraid, 9and he went back inside
sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was
the palace. “Where do you come from?” he
near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic,
asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer. 10”Do
Latin and Greek. 21The chief priests of the Jews
you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t
protested to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of
you realize I have power either to free you or
the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of
to crucify you?” 11Jesus answered, “You would
the Jews.”
have no power over me if it were not given to
you from above. Therefore the one who handed
me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” 12From
then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jews
kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no
friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king
opposes Caesar.”

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

11:00 a.m. he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that

John 6:1–14 (NIV) are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” 13So they
gathered them and filled twelve baskets with
Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far
the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by
shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea
those who had eaten. 14After the people saw the
of Tiberias), 2and a great crowd of people
miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to
followed him because they saw the miraculous
say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come
signs he had performed on
into the world.”
the sick. 3Then Jesus went up
on a mountainside and sat
down with his disciples. 4The 6:00 p.m.
Jewish Passover Feast was
JOSHUA 6:1–2 (NIV)
near. 5When Jesus looked
up and saw a great crowd
Now Jericho was tightly shut up
coming toward him, he because of the Israelites. No one
said to Philip, “Where shall went out and no one came in. 2
we buy bread for these Then the LORD said to Joshua,
people to eat?” 6He asked “See, I have delivered Jericho into
this only to test him, for your hands, along with its king and
he already had in mind its fighting men.
what he was going to
do. 7Philip answered
him, “Eight months’
wages[a] would not
buy enough bread for each one to have
a bite!” 8Another of his disciples, Andrew,
Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, 9 “Here is a
boy with five small barley loaves and two small
fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.”
There was plenty of grass in that place, and the
men sat down, about five thousand of them.
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and
distributed to those who were seated as much
as they wanted. He did the same with the
fish. 12When they had all had enough to eat,

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart.

Teach them to your children and talk about them
when you are at home and when you are away,
when you lie down and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NRSV)

The Dedication of Our New Land

Sunday, July 30, 2006

(Immediately following the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service)

901 East 95th Street, Chicago, IL 60628

Shuttle bus service available.

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

U.S. Must Stop Middle East Violence

he escalating Middle East violence and the continued bombing of Lebanon and Gaza is
threatening regional stability. Though appeals have gone out from the religious community for
the United States and other world leaders to intervene diplomatically, as of Wednesday when
the TUCC bulletin is published, the U.S. refuses to call for a cease-fire. Instead, the U.S. is increasing
arms shipments to Israel and Congress has passed resolutions declaring unconditional support for Israel’s
devastating military campaigns.
Hezbollah’s opportunistic raid that captured Israeli soldiers and rocket attacks on Israel have been nearly
universally condemned. However, the excessive force with which Israel is responding goes far beyond
defense against Hezbollah and promises to destroy most of what has been rebuilt in Lebanon since its
civil war 15 years ago. The disproportionate attack on Lebanon may backfire, strengthening Hezbollah,
increasing sectarian strife, and weakening Lebanon’s democracy and security.
As Israeli troops drive further into southern Lebanon and the bombings continue, the U.S. State
Department needs to shift direction radically and President Bush should call for an immediate cease-fire to
stop the growing loss of civilian lives in Lebanon. In 14 days thus far, over 400 Lebanese and 54 Israelis
have been killed. The critical humanitarian needs worsen every day.
It is urgent that Trinity members, visitors and videostream “members” contact their members of
Congress and President Bush and ask them to work proactively, especially with the Israeli government,
to restrain the use of military force and to reach a negotiated cease-fire in Lebanon and Gaza. Weakening
Lebanon and threatening regional stability are against U.S. interests. Only U.S. cooperation in renewing
comprehensive negotiations will bring a fair peace and lasting security to Israel and the region.
Click to send a message to the President and the Congress
asking for their judicious diplomatic intervention in the region. You may also call the White House
comment line at 202-456-1111.

Pastor Jeremiah A Wright, Jr

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Urge FDA Decision on
Emergency Contraception

he UCC General Synod has long that it is safe and effective, and it could reduce the
affirmed that a woman should have the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions
resources and right to make decisions by half. However, to be most effective, women must
about unintended pregnancies, according to her have access to emergency contraception within 72
moral and religious beliefs, and with the counsel hours of unprotected sex.
of those she seeks in her community. In 1989, For victims of sexual assault, quick access to
UCC General Synod 17 reaffirmed this right and this form of contraception is particularly critical.
recognized the need to work for a society where a Today, because it is only available by prescription,
full range of safe reproductive options are available numerous obstacles impede a woman’s ability
to all women regardless of economic circumstances. to obtain this emergency contraception quickly
Further, this resolution expressed the necessity of enough.
addressing the root causes that lead to unintended It seems that political pressure from groups
pregnancies. opposing birth control has derailed the process,
The past several years have seen an alarming reflected in recent testimony presented by senior
trend toward restricting sound, scientifically based FDA officials Dr. Janet Woodcock and Dr. Steven
information and procedures related to abortion, Galson. It would be unconscionable for the FDA
in particular, and comprehensive sexuality, more to allow politics to dismiss scientific findings and
broadly. Women’s access to safe, comprehensive put women’s health in jeopardy.
reproductive healthcare with a full range of options An interfaith group of faith-based advocates,
is in increasing jeopardy. including UCC Justice and Witness Ministries
The failure of the Food and Drug Administration and the National Council of Jewish Women, are
(FDA) to meet the deadline for issuing a decision organizing a summer-long petition campaign to
on over-the-counter use of Plan B emergency urge Acting Director of the FDA to issue this
contraception is yet another roadblock to the full long overdue decision on the Plan B emergency
range of healthcare for women facing unintended contraceptive. The petition signatures will be
pregnancy. In 2003, two FDA advisory committees collected and delivered to the Acting Director in
overwhelmingly recommended that Plan B be September to mark the anniversary of the missed
made available without a prescription—a move deadline.
supported by most of the major professional medical Click to sign this
associations. Now, almost three years later, and after petition campaign and ensure women’s access to
missing a September 2005 deadline, the Plan B safe, comprehensive reproductive healthcare with a
application has still not received a decision. full range of options, which includes timely access
The evidence supporting the Plan B application to emergency contraception.
is strong; numerous studies have demonstrated

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006  © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Can Faith and Tolerance Co-exist? Part 2

ast Sunday on the Pastor’s Page, I raised a question about Faith and Tolerance co-existing.
Can we live peacefully and lovingly beside people who do not believe as we believe?
In last Sunday’s bulletin, I talked about the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Jews and the
Muslims, the Shiites and the Sunnis, the Muslims and the Christians, and I talked about Africa and
Israel. Spencer Dew’s article (below) shows how the “us” versus “them” mentality lives right here in
America when it comes to people of different faiths.
We had bettter learn to live together as God’s family or we will all die together as fools!

New World Blood Libel crime and drugs in the Reagan era. This term is
—Spencer Dew questionable both in terms of pragmatic value for
detective work, as well as its legal connotations in
Spencer Dew is a Ph.D. candidate in Religion and a country that supposedly guarantees freedom of
Literature at the University of Chicago Divinity religion.
School. Foremost, the term “cult” denotes a
Last month in Tampa, Florida, a grave was community—sometimes a shadowy conspiracy,
robbed. The body of a six-year-old boy killed but always a group. In today’s common usage,
by a car in 1975 was stolen. Police immediately “cult” refers to a group of others, of those who
speculated, publicly, that this crime was “more” are not “us.” Imputing “cults” with plots to steal
than vandalism: “We are just leaning toward our children’s bones or poison our water supply is
it being cult related or involving Santeria or tempting because it assumes a clear-cut dichotomy
some voodoo because we don’t have any other of “us” versus “them.” And with this dichotomy,
reasonable explanation.” “cult” often comes to stand for some further form
This is a loaded statement, one worth of otherness, usually race or language or country
considering carefully. It offers an example of how of origin.
religion in America can be defined starkly along In the present instance, the accusation that the
lines of who is and who is not accepted as part of recent crime in Florida is connected to “Santeria
the cultural mainstream. or some voodoo” picks out a certain demographic:
Throughout history, religion has frequently non-whites. The department’s statement reinforces
acted as a locus of fear of the other, and thus a a division wherein they represent an ostensibly
motivation for crusades, pogroms, and the like. mainstream culture, while immigrants, Latinos, and
One recent manifestation of such fear is the blacks are pushed to the margins.
designation “cult crime,” which entered everyday No evidence of anything “cult related” was
parlance as part of the culture-wide focus on found at the scene of the robbery, nor does either

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 10 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
religion (Santeria or Voodoo) ritually engage in While the infinite multiplicity of practices within
such criminal action. Their being named, however, “mainstream” Christianity is taken for granted,
speaks to the power of popular conceptions, discourse on “cults” assumes that practices can be
shaped in no small part by a history of horror easily decoded, that they emerge from a uniform
movies in which race fear is an underlying body of beliefs that can be summed up under the
dynamic. And with regard to “voodoo,” the word, generic title of an “Acme School.”
in lower-case, can idiomatically denote occult Despite all the “resource books” with thick
workings in general, especially those involving glossaries and their promises to decipher the
the dead. occult world, the fact of lived religion is that it
This is problematic, as is the fact that Santeria’s both does and does not adhere to standards and
engagement in animal sacrifice has yet to shake off stereotypes, that humans are always balancing
the aura of taboo in media coverage — despite a various commitments and traditions and identities,
decisive Supreme Court ruling in favor of religious tailoring belief systems to themselves and their
freedom for this group (Church of the Lukumi situations, making idiosyncratic compromises,
Babalu Aye, Inc. vs. the City of Hialeah, 1993). even indulging in contradictions or unrecognized
That animals used in purification rituals (and “heresies.”
polluted by the act, thus making them ineligible To be sure, variation and debate occur even in
for human consumption) are sometimes left near orthodox communities. And on the individual
railroad tracks leads to occasional neighborhood level, symbols are often subjectively appropriated
uproars and titillating press — in short, bad public for personal rituals. If the body in Tampa was
relations for a religion that is already marginalized. stolen for some sort of religious purpose, the
But the imagined leap from chickens to children logic of its use may make sense only to the
has been underwritten by too many bad movies person or persons who robbed the grave, their
and television shows, and the Tampa Police beliefs perhaps echoing some “standard” belief,
Department has played directly into this fantasy. but certainly not aligning with any imaginary
In fact, the Department’s spokesperson went so monolithic “Acme School.”
far as to say that the case would have been easier Thus, the publicly voiced suspicion of “Santeria
“had we found a business card that said Acme or some voodoo” expresses a great deal about fear
School of Santeria.” This comment illustrates a of the (religious) other in American culture. Two
criminological problem with the very idea of reprehensible acts happened in Tampa:
“cult crime.” A body was stolen from its tomb, and the police
further marginalized these religious groups.

I ask again: Can Faith and Tolerance co-exist? Or are we headed for the hell being played out
in the Holy land?

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 11 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

PO Box 102, Ibillin 30012, Galilee, Israel · Ph: +972 (0)4 8432105 Fax: 106 · Email:

Summer -July 2006

Dear Beloved Friends, his brother outside the house and killed him thinking
that his anger will be eased. What happened is that
We used to write newsletters about hope and
the earth, saturated with Abel’s blood, was crying to
development, but this time the circumstances have
God for vengeance while God was asking: “Where is
changed drastically. We used to think that Galilee was
your brother? What have you done to your brother?”
very safe—even the safest in the Middle East. This is
The same answer comes out, a denial of
true with regards to the past. Presently for the 10 past
responsibility. At the same time a justification of
days, we have the experience that we live and survive.
the violence of killing. Today the same situation in
It is because of mere luck; nobody is any more
their anger. The political leaders, fearing for their
safe from the rockets and the cachucha which rain
pride, bring out their armies and the machines of
everyday on the city of Haifa. They also fell in
destruction, started this time also in Galilee. No one
Nazareth, Akko, Nahariyah and almost all the cities,
is sheltered; the first rocket fell short 200 meters away
villages and settlements in the Galilee region. These
from where I was while traveling to Haifa.
rockets fall indiscriminately on anyone who happens
Our message to you is a distressed one, many
to be at the place of there falling. Exactly as on the
lives have been lost, many properties and real estate
other side in Lebanon, no one is protected.
destroyed, many hopes were shattered. Again
We find ourselves between the fires of hatred on
members of the Arab community in Galilee, and very
both sides: the occupation and resistance. Both use
specially the Christian community on the border
the languages of hate and revenge and uncontrolled
with Lebanon, find themselves with no jobs, with
threats. They use the language of total destruction of
no livelihood and no shelter, unlike the neighboring
the enemy.
Jewish settlements.
The result is the systematic destruction of the civil
Many among our community members were
infrastructure in Lebanon with thousands of people
directly hit, mainly in the villages of: Jish, Rama,
sacrificed in an absurd way. On the other side equally
Eilaboun, Fasuta, Miilya and Tarsheeha, besides the
absurd, there is a smaller destruction inside Israel and
several rockets that hit the heart of Nazareth and
destabilization of everything in the country. Add to
Haifa, not to exclude Ibillin. Thanks be to God that
that the tragedy and free hand to destroy whatever
the students are at home on their summer holidays.
exists in Gaza and the West Bank.
The reason for the conflagration is the conflict
Billions of dollars have been wasted on the altar of
between the Lebanese resistance movement, the
war, pride and arrogance. All sides are angry, all sides
Hezbollah, and the Israeli government. Israel
are bitter. Every side has its own claims. Everyone is
withdrew from South Lebanon keeping a piece of
repeating with modern dimension, the first crime we
territory pretended by Israel to be Syrian territory,
witness in the Bible: one brother was angry, he called

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 12 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
but for Lebanon and Syria, it is a Lebanese territory. from the noise of explosions on both sides. No one
One more reason is the thousands of Lebanese hears anymore the whispers of children, frightened,
prisoners inside the Israeli jails. No way to get them scared to death, before they are massacred!
free. Hezbollah kidnapped three Israeli soldiers, Indeed we are not afraid for our lives, because sooner
hoping to negotiate and exchange prisoners; but the or later our life will come to an end; we are rather
pride of Israel on one side and the stereotyped image concerned for our children and grandchildren who need
of Hezbollah as being a terrorist movement, blinded life, whether they are Jewish, Palestinians or Lebanese.
the authorities from negotiating. Would they come to terms with military opinions
Some say there was a pre-set agenda to find and practice God’s commandments or, God forbid,
an excuse to invade Lebanon and destroy all the will they implement the Roman saying: “Man to
Hezbollah people. It appears that the Israelis were Man is a Wolf?” This is not what Christ lived for and
badly informed, and the Hezbollah is stronger than taught His disciples. This is not what He believed,
what they thought and it enjoys the sympathy of the and this is far from what He invited us to do: “love
major part of the Lebanese population as well as the your enemy, bless those who curse you and do not
Arab Moslems whom they have trained in guerrilla return evil for evil but good for evil.”
warfare; and it seems that Israel has been humiliated Allow me to thank you for your concern, your prayers
since its creation. and those who send us some money to help affected
Instead of negotiating, they used all the weapons families. Your friendship makes a difference in our life
they received from overseas, especially from and you continue giving us hope that there is so much
the United States, to destroy and create havoc goodness in human beings. Please keep in touch and
in Lebanon. The outcome is contrary to what be sure we shall be representing you in the building of
they expected; the Lebanese population is more justice and integrity with the hope to obtain peace and
determined to help the resistance, the re-destruction security for all sides here in the Middle East.
of Beirut is a stronger rebirth of violence. Be assured bombs shall stop, jet fighters shall be
Would it not have been better than an crippled. Children shall be able to play once again
instantaneous reaction to wait some time, negotiate on the streets of our villages; they shall go to school
the liberation of the Israeli soldiers and save the to learn that “Together and only together they are
population on both sides from that immense stronger than the storm.”
trouble and widespread destruction, and from the
overwhelming fear, and the immense economic waste? Yours sincerely with tears and hope,
We have now more reasons as Christians to voice Abuna Elias Chacour
out loud our mind and call for moderation and appeal † Archbishop of Akka, Haifa, Nazareth and Galilee
to all sides to give up weapons and start negotiating.
We feel it is our prime responsibility to get away from
the pre-historic attitude and from awkward beliefs:
“Tooth for tooth and eye for eye,” in fact no one has President
any more teeth to exchange or eyes to offer. We have Mar Elias Educational Institutions
no more teeth. We are blinded because we got deaf

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 13 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Rev. Reginald Williams, Jr. While this battle is won, the fight is not over.

n Wednesday, July 26, 2006, the City This is only one signal to corporate America
Council of Chicago voted 35 to 14 to that their greed is not going to last forever.
pass the Living Wage Ordinance, which However, please be sure that the greedy will
by 2010 will ensure that any worker employed continue to push their policies and practices on
by any organization which grosses over $1 billion the public. So we thank God for this victory,
annually with at least 90,000 square feet will be and look forward to the next fight.
paid a livable wage of $10.00/hour with an extra
$3.00/hour toward benefits. Currently, the wages
1. Boycott Wal-Mart & Sam’s Club.
for Big Boxes will begin at $9.25/hour with
$1.25/hour toward benefits.
This is a huge victory for those in poverty and Thought for this week:
the working poor in the city of Chicago for two Whenever you place price over principle, you have
reasons. First of all, it immediately gives those defined yourself as a prostitute.
working for Big-Box corporations a decent wage —Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
and benefits. Secondly, it opens the door for
more livable wage ordinances across the country.
Thirdly, it opens the door for an ordinance in
this city which covers all big businesses, not only
Big Box stores. Lastly, it shows corporations,
that consistently profit off of the backs of poor
people, that business as usual is over.
Thank God that the City Council aldermen
in Chicago stood up for their constituents
without succumbing to the threats and money
of Big-Box companies. In this effort, Wal-Mart
has used every sneaky and slick move in order to
thwart the passage of this ordinance. However,
this victory shows that David really can beat
Goliath. This victory also proves that there are
some who refuse to be prostitutes of smooth-
talking pimps, because they place principle
over price.

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 14 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
child care centers stewardship

Trinity United Church of Christ Stewardship…

Child Care Centers, Inc. Results of a Redeemed Life
More Gold and Things?
New enrollment period As You Sow, So You Reap
for fall 2006
Jesus said, “Whatsoever a man sows, that
TUCC Child Care program is accepting shall he also reap.” If our sowing plants only
applications for enrollment of students 3 – 5 gold and things, that is all we can hope to reap
years of age. This is a federal- and state-funded —more gold and more things.
program. Eligibility is determined by income Jesus said things could only rust, corrode and
level on a sliding scale. wear out. However, if we sow the promises of
God, then we can expect to reap the fulfillment
Immediate Openings Available at Both Sites of those promises.
Christian stewardship plants trust — trust
Trinity UCC Child Care Centers, Inc. in God’s promises to supply all our needs.
532 West 95th street When we entrust to God a portion of what He
Chicago, IL 60628 has given to us, we reap the blessings He has
773-488-3511 promised. History shows the yield of those who
Contact: Denise Cary, Assistant Director, or seek after God.
Angela Lewis, Social Worker, Assistant What will your garden grow this season?

TUCC Dr. Deton J. Brooks Head Start Center Your Friends in Service,
(Southeast Location) The Stewardship Ministry
6921 Stony Island Constance A. King, Editor
Chicago, IL 60649 James N. Butler, Chairman
Contact: Patricia Cary, Site Director, or
Aimee Washington, Social Worker

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 15 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
of Worship

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Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 16 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

he Reverend William “Bill” Lee, Senior Minister to Youth at Ebenezer
A.M.E. Church in Fort Washington, Maryland, develops, organizes and
implements a range of systematic programs that impact over 3,000 youth
of the church. He is known throughout the nation for creativity in preaching,
teaching and worship. He has instituted dynamic initiatives that embrace the
unique styles, interests and talents of the “hip-hop generation.” His impact and
presence are felt in schools throughout the area as a regular workshop leader,
commencement speaker and advocate.
Rev. William Lee has garnered involvement from BET and area radio hosts to
foster informative and groundbreaking discussions and programs in the church
and in schools including the Got Gifts Tour and Teens Allowed to Talk, which
provide opportunities for youth to express their talents and opinions in positive
environments. Through these and other programs, Rev. Lee has orchestrated
partnerships with area principals to provide adult support and resources needed to
address the concerns within area schools.
Rev. Lee’s preaching and teaching gifts span all generations. He travels
throughout the nation and internationally to lead and speak at revivals,
conferences and worship services. Rev. Bill Lee can be found leading adults and
youth alike in innovative styles of worship that encourage congregants to “Rock
for Jesus.”
One of his most memorable accomplishments is the negotiation of a gang
truce among rival crews in Prince George’s County, Maryland, which has gained
attention from the Washington Post, Gospel Today, CNN, and the Associated Press.
Since the truce, he has worked with crew members to provide life skills training
and employment opportunity.
Rev. Lee has earned a master of divinity degree from the Howard University
School of Divinity, Washington, DC. While at Howard, he was blessed to serve
as a graduate assistant at the prestigious Rankin Chapel and currently works with
the Chapel on a monthly student-led worship service known as “Wednesday Night
Live.” He has also begun teaching through the Continuing Education program at
the Howard University School of Divinity.
Foremost, Rev. Lee is a servant of the Lord. He has a heart for God’s people and
desires for everyone to embrace their God-given gifts and talents, regardless of age.
Rev. William Lee is married to the love of his life, Quandra.

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 17 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

ev. Tony Lee, college and career resource center; and a distance
Senior Minister to learning partnership with the Howard University
Young Adults at the School of Divinity. In addition to his duties at the
10,000-member Ebenezer First Baptist Church, he also served as director of
African Methodist Episcopal the Youth Department for the New Jersey State
Church, serves under the Progressive Baptists.
pastoral leadership of the His theological studies were done at the
Rev. Dr. Grainger Browning, Howard University School of Divinity and Union
Jr. and the Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Theological Seminary in New York City. He
Browning. Rev. Lee is an holds a bachelor of science from the University
accomplished speaker and is known throughout of Maryland and a master of divinity degree from
the community for creativity in preaching, Union Theological Seminary.
teaching and worship. He brings cutting-edge Some current accomplishments include being
ministry to the hearts of youth and young adults a founding member and serving on the Board
throughout the community. of Directors of the Nonprofit, Non Partisan
Rev. Lee also served as Ebenezer’s senior Hip-Hop Caucus. The Hip-Hop Caucus was
minister to youth. During his tenure, Rev. Lee established to create a national coalition of activism
oversaw the development of a wide range of in the hip hop community that includes social,
youth ministries that engaged youth in a style of political, community based, and youth leadership
praise and worship that embraced their unique organizations. He carried an integral part in
styles and interests. These ministries included the “2 Crew Leaders Sign Treaty for Peace”
nationally recognized scouting and rites of passage in October 2004 in which two “crew” leaders
programs; educational ministry; clothing design signed a treaty pledging to stop the violence in
and cartoon ministries; as well as an exceptional Prince Georges County. As a noted speaker, he
persons ministry that focuses on youth with special has received national media attention, appearing
needs. Young people throughout the community on BET’s “Cousin Jeff’s Chronicles,” CNN,
continue to see the Bible studies, conferences and etc. He has been featured in various print media
praise fests as places to gain the tools to deal with including Upscale magazine and The Washington
issues relevant to them in an atmosphere that is Post. As a part of his continued work in creating
shaped by youth for youth. innovative ministry, Rev. Lee is involved in the
Rev. Lee has also served as the assistant pastor Strip Club Outreach in which he goes out into the
at the First Baptist Church of Englewood, New community to minister.
Jersey, under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Rev. Lee has received numerous awards, and was
John H. Spencer, Jr. In this position, he was also acknowledged in an article on as one
an integral part in the renewal of the Youth of “The Next Spiritual Leaders to Make History.”
Fellowship; the formation of two community Rev. Lee is the proud son of Mr. Orlando W.E.
computer labs; the development of a summer Lee and Rev. Nancy T. Lee.
youth employment program; the formation of a

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 18 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Fam, it’s goin’ down
nual Youth Revival!
Trinity’s An

Sunday, July 30 -7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., & 6:00 p.m.

Rev. William Lee, Senior Minister to Youth, Ebenezer A.M.E. Church
Monday, July 31 through Wednesday, Aug 2, 7:00 p.m.
Rev. Tony Lee, Senior Minister to Young Adults, Ebenezer A.M.E. Church
Special Ministry from Invited Poets, Rappers, Drill Teams, and More!!!

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Order your Youth Revival Series package today and
receive an extra $10 off your CD or Audio Series
and $15 off your DVD or Video Series*
Order your Youth Revival Series package today
*Offer valid today, July 30th, ONLY!
and receive an extra $10 off your CD or Audio
Purchase allSeries and $15
your Sunday off your DVD or Video Series*
tapes in the Akiba after each
* Offerservice.
valid today, July 30th, ONLY


Monday thru Thursday • 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Friday • 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday • 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sunday • After Each Service

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Trinity United Church of Christ
Community Festival

300 Volunteers Needed for the

Stone Soul Ole Skool Picnic
Volunteer Table in the Atrium after each service

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Robichaux Park (located behind Trinity UCC)

Let your “Engagement in Ministry” help spread the message of our laughter, love and joy!

Don’t miss out on all the family events, food and fun…
3–3 Basketball, Amusement Rides, Petting Zoo, Face Painting,
Children’s Arts & Crafts, Baseball, Football, 3-Legged Race and much more!

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

TRUMPET! On Sale Today

In The Akiba
(after each service
and during the week)
Double Issue…
Double Cover Only $3.00 per copy
($4.00 double issue)
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2 years for $36.00
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the remittance in the Akiba, today.)


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Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
HIGHLIGHTS 6:30 p.m. New Member Class – FH
TODAY, SUN…7/30 7:00 p.m. Newness of Life – 203
Youth Revival Sunday Youth Revival Service – SA
MON – WED…7/31 – 8/2
Youth Revival Services WEDNESDAY – 8/2
FRI…8/4 1st Fridays Worship Service 400 W. 95th Street
SAT…8/5 Annual Church Picnic/ 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Community Festival Prayer & Fasting
SUN…8/20 Kujichagulia Sensitivity 11:30 a.m. Prayer Service – WC
Awareness Service – SA 3:30 p.m. Youth Revival Committee – SA
FRI-SAT…8/25 – 8/26 5:30 p.m. Praise Team Rehearsal – SA
Singles Conference 7:00 p.m. Youth Revival Service – SA

SUNDAY – 7/30 TUCC Village Center

6:30 a.m. Trinity Television Broadcast (1947 W. 95th Street)
TV One (Check your cable and 6:00 p.m. Community Festival Logistic
satellite menu) Planning – W307
7:30 a.m. Worship Service – SA
9:30 a.m. Breakfast – FH THURSDAY – 8/3
Bible Study – WC 400 W. 95th Street
11:00 a.m. Worship Service – SA 5:30 p.m. Artists-In-Residence Summer Art
1:30 p.m. Dinner – FH Workshop – 116/118
2:00 p.m. Dedication of New Land – Imani Ya Watume – WC
901 E. 95th Street 6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal – SA
6:00 p.m. Worship Service – SA Adopt-A-Student – 102
6:30 p.m. New Member Class – FH
MONDAY – 7/31 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal – SA
400 W. 95th Street
4:00 p.m. Youth Revival Committee – SA TUCC Village Center
6:00 p.m. Voice Class – FH (1947 W. 95th Street)
Band Rehearsal – SA 6:00 p.m. Adopt-A-Student Business
7:00 p.m. Youth Revival Service – SA Meeting – W305
7:00 p.m. Housing Ministry – E101
400 W. 95th Street
4:00 p.m. Youth Revival Committee – SA
6:00 p.m. Voice Class – WC
Band Rehearsal – SA
Community Festival
Committee – 118


(6:30 – 9:30 p.m.) Thur., August 3rd
Adults (1:00 – 4:00 p.m.) * Children 6 –12 Years (2:00 – 3:00 p.m.)
August 5th

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 23 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
400 W. 95th Street SPONSORS, VOLUNTEERS &
10:00 a.m. Free-N-One – 207
5:30 p.m. Music Theory Class – 202 EMPLOYEES!!!
HIV/AIDS Testing – 102
7:00 p.m. Free-N-One – 207 In compliance with our insurance company, all
Singles 1st Fridays Worship persons who work with youth in any capacity at
Service – SA Trinity UCC must complete the Youth Ministry
Tough Love – 203
training and other designated requirements for
SATURDAY – 8/5 certification.
400 W. 95th Street
7:30 a.m. Yoga – Narthex II Make-up Training Sessions
9:00 a.m. Yoga Business Meeting – BR
Community Festival – SATURDAY, AUGUST 12
Robichaux Park 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Youth Band Rehearsal – FH WORKSHOPS 1, 2 & 3
11:00 a.m. Little Warriors For Christ – WC
12:30 p.m. Walaika – WC
1:00 p.m. Youth Drill Team – 202 Training Location:
New Member Class TUCC Village Center, 1947 West 95th Street
(Adults) – FH Pre-Register Sundays, July 30 & August 6
2:00 p.m. New Member Class
(following services)
(Children) – WC
2:00 p.m. Women’s Drill Team – Narthex II Cost: $20.00
Communion Prep – BR (Continental Breakfast and Lunch served)
3:00 p.m. DIT 2006 – 116
Women’s Drill Team TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 – WORKSHOP 1
Rehearsal – Nartex II
Young Women’s Christian THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 – WORKSHOP 2
4:00 p.m. Deacon Ministry
Board Meeting – WC Training Location:
TUCC Village Center TUCC Village Center, 1947 West 95th Street
(1947 W. 95th Street) Register on night of training: 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Legal Counseling – E101/E102/
W302/W305 For further information, contact:
Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, Ext. 429
Rev. Ramah E. Wright, Ext. 384


(6:30 – 9:30 p.m.) Thur., August 3rd
Adults (1:00 – 4:00 p.m.) * Children 6 –12 Years (2:00 – 3:00 p.m.)
Sat., August 5th

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 24 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
will resume Saturday, August 5 through October 7, third legislative district, Saturday, August 5, 10:00
Saturdays, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Black Passion a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Illinois Institute of Technology,
Studio, 11018 S. Halsted, Contact Uche, 773-445- 33rd and State Streets, Call Sandra, 312-949-1908
8314 or
BARBARA A. SIZEMORE ACADEMY of Betty Reunion, Friday, August 18 – Sunday, August
Shabazz International Charter School has openings 20, Call Mark Durham, 773-846-7164 or James
in full-day kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 6th grades, Weddington, 773-718-1507
Rigorous academic curriculum, literacy immersion,
algebra, science and history fairs, competitive sports,
INFORMATION Free Rx Medicine Foundation,
Call 773-779-5666 or visit the school for registration
888-812-5152, Together Rx Access Program,
package, 1540 W. 84th Street
800-444-4106, Pharmaceutical Researchers and
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY HEALTH Manufacturers Patient Assistance, 800-762-4636
CENTER presents its Healthy Lifestyles Walkathon,
5K Walk, back-to-school physicals, immunizations,
Four scholarships available for single African
dental, vision exams, Registration 9:00 a.m., Saturday,
American moms and their child to attend the College
August 26, 9718 S. Halsted, Call 773-233-4100
of St. Mary, Omaha, NE, E-mail Mary Lou Jennings,
CITYWIDE REUNION Gary, Indiana, Class
of 1986 20-year reunion, August 18-20, Contact
Cherese Gregory, 219-887-3575 or http://
HOSPITAL Inaugural Red Ball, Friday, August
11, 6:00 p.m., Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N.
DUSABLE MUSEUM announces the Children’s Central Park, Chicago, Contact 1-800-621-5359 or
Penny Cinema Series, Every Wednesday and
Thursday, through August 17, 10:30 a.m., AND…
Portugese language classes begin August 5,
to promote or advertise your business? Try Trumpet
Pan-African Association, Call Jomo Cheatham,
Newsmagazine and reach thousands! Promotional
773-947-0600 Ext 255
rate to businesses that mention Trinity United
EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Church of Christ, Call 1-888-962-5660 before
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Third Annual Alumni August 1 to find out more
Revival, Wednesday, August 16 through Friday,
August 18, 7:00 p.m., Guest minister, Rev. Dr.
2006 Equipping Christian Leaders to Reach God’s
Marcus D. Cosby, Pastor, Wheeler Avenue Baptist
People, Saturday, August 5, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.,
Church, Houston, TX, Call 773-238-6828
St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 7262 S. Coles,
Call Carolyn Booth, 773-752-0610
Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 25 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
being handled by the Housing Ministry, SINGLES COMMUNITY 1st Fridays
Contact Ron Miller, 773-643-4100 or Worship Service offers free HIV testing, Friday, August 4, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
– 9:30 p.m., Call the HIV/AIDS Support
ATHLETES FOR CHRIST 11th Annual Ministry hotline, 312-409-2437
Fellowship Golf Outing, Monday, August 7,
8:00 a.m., Tuckaway Golf Course, Call IMMABASI HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Theresa Williams-Smith, 773-375-6898 MINISTRY Requesting volunteers for the
Children’s Health Fair, Saturday, August 19,
CHAPLAIN MINISTRY Next meeting will 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Pediatricians, dentists,
be held on Wednesday, August 9, 6:00 p.m. – nurses and registration/intake personnel
7:00 p.m. required, Contact Juanita Lane, 773-651-6106
AND…Enrolling uninsured children in the new
CHURCH-IN-SOCIETY Voter Registration State Child Health Insurance Program “All
will be held all day during the Community Kids Count,” Call Joe Weimholt, Illinois
Festival, Saturday, August 5, CIS table, Look for Maternal and Child Health Coalition,
the Voter Registration banner 312-491-8161


is needed for donations of amusement rides, COUNCIL Family Support Group will not
inflatables, prizes and games, Call 773-734-8037 meet during August, Next meeting, Tuesday,
September 19, 6:30 p.m. for family members
HEALING MINISTRY Training sessions, and friends who have loved ones with
Tuesdays, August 8, August 15, August 22 chemical imbalances, Call Denise White,
and August 29, If you like praying with or 773-978-0725
interceding in prayer for others, or would
like to learn more about praying with the KHAYRALLA (PRE-TEEN) DANCE
laying on of hands, then this is the ministry MINISTRY will resume rehearsals, Thursday,
for you, Call Constance A. King, 708-832-1040 August 3, Black Passion Dance Studio,
11018 S. Halsted, 5:45 p.m., Contact Yugunda
Jeffries, 773-552-0178,,
or LaShana Bates, 773-317-5910

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 26 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Have you moved? Any children left the nest? FOUNDATION Sponsoring Ready 4 Work,
New employment or newly married? Forgot aftercare program for ex-offenders: 18–34
your giving number? Call the office of years old, out of prison 90 days or less, no sex
Membership/Ministry Services, 773-962-5650 crimes or crimes against women or children
x395, x233 or x232 AND…Ready 4 Work mentors needed, Must
be available to meet with mentees 2–6 hours per
NEWNESS OF LIFE MINISTRY invites month, If ex-offender: conviction must not have
you to partner with us in welcoming, been of sex crimes or crimes against women,
encouraging and supporting new members children, out of prison for at least 2 years,
on their Christian journey, Meeting each first Call Vanessa Cosby-Shannon, 773-233-1492
Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., 400 Building, Call Sharon
Carter, 773-643-0569 or Rose Scott, TRINITY UCC CREDIT UNION Member
773-445-9492 statements for the Quarter ending June 30,
available for pickup in the Credit Union office
READING TUTORIAL MINISTRY during regular business hours, Members are
Seeking volunteers to help students in Grades urged to use your Credit Union for your
3-8 improve reading and test-taking skills, automobile, vacation, credit card and other loan
Orientation meeting, Thursday, August 3, 6:30 needs, Call 773-962-5686
p.m., 400 building, room 203 AND…Parents
interested in this service for your child(ren), TRINITY UCC LEGAL CLINIC Providing
Registration, Saturday, August 19, 12:00 p.m., direct legal advice, services and representation
400 building, room 203 to the congregation and community, Open
every 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. – Noon
TRINITY COMPUTER CENTER and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.,
Registration for Microsoft Certification System Village Center, Call Rev. Reginald Williams, Jr.,
Engineering Class – Server 2003, Class begins 773-962-5650
August 18, 6:00 pm., To register, Call Myron
R. Nash, 773-298-2190, Leave your name and
phone number

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 27 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Adams, Deacon Lorraine Fain, Andrea Lewis, Deacon Pattrice “Kim”
Adams Family Fernandez, Diane Little, Krystal
Adams-Carter, Cynthia Findley, Maxine Little, Nettie
Anderson, Sr., Luther Fluker, Erma Lockett, Thetis & Family
Ballentine, Maryann & Family Ford, John Long, Sandra
Banks, Brian Francis, Deacon Rochelle Love, Marion
Barrigher, Elwood Gamble, Linda, Lindasha & Love, Marion
Barrigher, Jeffrey Kenyon Lowery, Ernest
Bates, Denise M. Garner, Wilhelmina Loyd, Latosha
Bennett, Janvier Gibbs, Charon K. Lubin, Ben
Bertha, Deacon Helen Gill, Dana Ludlow, Wayne
Bibb, Jr., Rosewell Gillespie, Morgan Lyles, Johnise
Blount, Viola Gilliam, Joseph Mason, Claristine
Boose, Christopher Graham, Elder Lucille McAllister, Bert
Bowen, Gwen Gray, DiMarcko McCall, Willa
Bowers, Jeffrey Hammond, Sr., Donald L. McDade, Darlene
Bradfield, Bertha Hardaway-Wheeler, Pamela McKinney, Takiesha
Bratton, Marjorie Harrell, Deacon Linda McNorton, Deacon Virginia
Breaux, Freddie Haynes, Shelley Melton, Alzenia
Brewer, Deacon Evelyn Haynes, Vera Melton, Dawshierra
Bridges, Nicole & Family Holt, Rosalia Miles, Beatrice
Brimm-Oxendine, Beverly Hood, Butch, Brenda & Rachell Miller, Mildred
Brown, Chares Houston, Cozetta Mitchell-Shields, Deacon Sharon
Brown, Dr. Harriett Hudson, Irean Moore, Florence
Brown, Lillian Jackson, Frieda Moore, Lynne
Brown, Sandra Jackson, Marsha Moore, Monica & Family
Burton, Edy Jackson, Michael Muse, Virginia
Campbell, Deborah James, Safya Nurse , Beverly
Campbell, Pamela Johnson, Adonis Occean, Magalie
Carlisle, Deacon Maryann Johnson, Angela, Denise, Pam, Overton, Jean
Carter, Harriett and Wayne Owens, Baby Blake Ethan
Chambers, Ella Johnson, Betty Parker, L. Julie
Chapman, Malachi Johnson, Garice Parrott, Ariel
Christmas, Deacon Christephon Johnson, Joe Parrott, Brandon
Coe, Deacon Edna Johnson, Master Sergeant Norma J. Payton-Love, Mary
Colbert, Sheryll Johnson, Ruby Peery, Edward
Collins, Walter & Deacon Marlene Jones, Warren S. Perry, Calvin
Combs, Paul Jordan, Verlacy Peters, Nicole
Cotton-Williams, Gail Jordon, Loren Phillips, Darlene
David, Baby Jacob “Ray Ray” Jordon, Renell R. Phillips, Richard
Delk, Edward Kettle, Jerry Prince, Karen
Divers, Gregory Kimball, Deacon Elizabeth Pugh-Lightfoot, Eric
Ellis, Lucius, Renee & Robert Kitching, Ayrica Raymond, Sheldon
Eubanks, Roy Koslow, Mia Richardson, Benjamin
Everett, Antoine Lanum, Havie & Andrew & Family Robertson, Edna
Everett, Barbara Lawrence-Duckett, Anita Robinson, Candie
Ewing, Russell Laythan, Nunulu Sampson, Mary
Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 28 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Sanders, Norma Jean Taylor, Norlean Walker, Jr., Floyd
Scates, Hermine Terrell-Haynes, Rosalyn Ward, Benjamin
Schockley, Baby Ricaylah Teverbaugh, George Washington, Audrey
Scott, Rose Thomas, Carl M. Washington-Dyk, Gwendolyn
Shuford, Leon & Edna Thomas, Mary Lou White, Joseph & Shirley
Singleton, Deacon Bill & Family Thomas, Willie Whiturs, Derique
Smallwood , Family Thornton, Family Wiley, Baby Lavell
Smith, Betty Tibbs, Brenda Wilkes, Mary
Smith, Carmencita Timberlake, Deacon Joyce Williams, Bobby
Smith, Francine Toliver, Mya Williams, Chazz
Smith, Fronse Torrey-Parker, L. Julie Williams, Michelle, Tammy,
Smith, Mary Frances Travis, Ronald and Stacy
Snell, Jean Triplett, Dr. Shirlen Williams, Ms. Arthurine
Spivey, Davion Tutt, Beatrice Wilson, Martin
Stephens, Ella Vernardo, Helen Withers, Mother Ernestine
Stephens, Leroy Verner, Diana Wright-Miller, Mildred
Summerville, Lula Walker, Baby Nicholas Young, Samella
Sykes, Chariss Walker, Felicia Zaya, Dankha

Mr. Curtis Cade Deacon Beatrice Brooks & Family 6945 S. California Ave. (29)
Mrs. Barbara Coats Mrs. Veronica Coats & Family 9550 S. Sangamon Ave. (43)
Mr. Eugene Crenshaw The Crenshaw Family 9630 S. Carpenter St. (43)
Mrs. Vera Lee Hutchinson Ms. Rosella Hutchinson & Family 66 E. 68th St. Apt. 3A (37)
Mr. Lucius Jackson Mrs. Rotunda McClain & Family 8131 S. Maplewood Ave. (52)
Mr. James McCary Mr. Ben Moore & Family 10840 S. State St. (28)
Mrs. Felicia McClinton Ms. Janice Harris & Family 6737 S. Prairie Ave., 1st Flr. (37)
Mrs. Erma Moore Mrs. Jewel Barker & Family 7949 S. Crandon Ave. (17)
Mrs. Willa Mae Nathaniel Mrs. Mary Nathaniel & Family 18028 S. Kedzie Ave., Apt. #101,
Hazel Crest, IL 60429
Mrs. Cherry Parker Mrs. Rotunda McClain & Family 8131 S. Maplewood Ave. (52)
Mrs. Gertrude P. Read Mr. Eddie S. Read & Family 5203 S. Ingleside Ave. (15)

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 29 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Mrs. Vernal A. Redick Mr. Chalmous E. LaShea & Family 7601 S. Bennett Ave. (49)
Ms. Yolande Smallwood Deacon Deborah Higgins & Family 20950 Boulder Dr.,
Plainfield, IL 60544
Mr. Carl Smith Dr. Ann Smith & Family 505 N. Lake Shore Dr.
Apt. #1310 (11)
Mrs. Corine Washington Mrs. Maerine Adams & Family 9548 S. Green Ave. (43)
Mr. Horace Wilmer Mrs. Barbara Hardy & Family 57 W. 114th Pl. (28)

Michelle Bolton Dimarcko Gray Anna Quinn
Northwestern Memorial Ingalls Memorial Hospital Mercy Hospital
Hospital One Ingalls Dr. 2525 S. Michigan Ave
251 East Huron St. Harvey, IL 60426 Chicago, IL 60616
Chicago, IL 60611 708-333-2300 312-567-2000
Rosa Kimble Delran Tibbs
Deacon Edna Coe Silver Cross Hospital Christ Hospital
Ingalls Memorial Hospital 1200 Maple Rd. 4440 W. 95th St.
One Ingalls Dr. Joliet, IL 60432 Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Harvey, IL 60426 815-740-1100 708-684-8000
Mary Pegues Hattie Windom
Joseph Gilliam Christ Hospital Trinity Hospital
Christ Hosptal 4440 W. 95th St. 2320 E. 93rd St.
4440 W. 95th St. Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Chicago, IL 60617
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 708-684-8000 773-967-2000

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 30 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
ARDER, Claude COLLINS, Laverne KIMBALL, Deacon Elizabeth
Bronzeville Park Skilled Bronzeville Park Skilled Renaissance at South Shore
Nursing Center Nursing Center Nursing Home
3400 S. Indiana Ave. 3400 S. Indiana Avenue 2425 E. 71st St.
Chicago, IL 60616 Chicago, IL 60616 Chicago, IL 60649
Room 403, Bed 1 Room 316, Bed 2 Room 104, Bed A
312-842-5000 312-842-5000 773-721-5000

BROWN, Edward ELZIE, Deacon Evelyn LITTLE, Krystal

Mercy Health Care & Renaissance Nursing Center Rehabilitation Institute
Rehabilitation Center 2940 W. 87th Street of Chicago
19000 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60652 345 E. Superior St
Homewood, IL 60430 Room 207, Bed 1 Chicago, IL 60611
Room 503, Bed 1 773-434-8787 Room 520, Bed 2
708-957-9200 312-238-1000
EVANS, Edward
CADENHEAD, LaFronne Pavilion of Forest Park MARTIN, Kim
Jackson Square Nursing Home 8200 W. Roosevelt Road Dawson Nursing Home
6130 W. Jackson Blvd. Forest Park, IL 60130 3500 S. Giles Ave.
Chicago, IL 60644 Room 432, Bed 1 Chicago, IL 60653
Room 427, Bed B 708-488-9850 Room 200, Bed 2
773-921-8000 312-326-2000
(Communion Visits Only) GARNER, Wilhelmina
Renaissance at South Shore MASON, Claristine
CARTER, Anthony Nursing Home Bronzeville Park Skilled
Rehabilitation Institute 2425 E. 71st St. Nursing Center
of Chicago Chicago, IL 60649 3400 S. Indiana Ave.
354 E. Superior St. Room 312, Bed B Chicago, IL 60616
Chicago, IL 60611 773-721-5000 Room 217, Bed 2
312-238-1000 312-326-2000
CARTER, Michael Manor Care Health Care Services McINTOSH, Deacon Maurice
Washington Heights 2145 E. 175th St. Lexington House
Nursing Home South Holland, IL 60473 Nursing Home
1010 W. 95th St. Room 338, Bed C 10300 Southwest Highway
Chicago, IL 60643 708-474-4167 Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
Room 334, Bed 1 Room 234, Bed C
773-298-1177 EFFERSON, Lorine 708-425-1100
Manor Care Health Care Services
6300 W. 95th St.
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Room 22, Bed 2
(Pastoral Visits Only)
Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 31 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
MOORE, Hilton SMITH, Mary Baker WATT, Mildred
Manor Care Health Care Services Montgomery Place Renaissance at South Shore
940 Maple Ave. 5550 S. South Shore Dr. Nursing Home
Homewood, IL 60430 Chicago, IL 60615 2425 E. 71st Street
Room 415, Bed A Room 208 Chicago, IL 60649
708-799-0244 773-753-4100 Room 430, Bed A
MOTEN, Marguerite TEVERBAUGH, George
Renaissance at South Shore Rush-Barton Supported WILLIAMS, Maudine
Nursing Home Living Facility Halsted Terrace Nursing Home
2425 E. 71st St. 1245 S. Wood St. 10935 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, IL 60649 Chicago, IL 60608 Chicago, IL 60628
Room 133, Bed B Room 320 Room 231, Bed 2
773-721-5000 312-421-5220 773-928-2000
(Communion Visits Only)
THOMPSON, Opreabea WILSON, Louis
PEAVY, Irene Alden-Prairie Village Renaissance at 87th St.
Victory Center of River Oaks Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home
1370 Ring Rd., Apt. #407 16450 S. 97th Ave. 2940 W. 87th St.
Calumet City, IL 60409 Orland Park, IL 60467 Chicago, IL 60652
708-832-1130 Room 202, Bed 1 Room 302, Bed 1
708-403-6500 773-434-8787
PETERS, Petrina
Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital THURSTON, Charles WITHERS, Mother Ernestine
1401 S. California Blvd. Clark Nursing & Montgomery Place
Chicago, IL 60608 Rehabilitation Center 5550 S. South Shore Dr.
Room 3816, Bed 2 1964 Clark Rd. Chicago, IL 60615
773-522-2010 Gary, IN 46404 Room 216
Room 123, Bed 3 773-753-4100
SHEATS, Benjamin 219-949-9640
Rest Haven Central WRIGHT, Ernestine
13259 S. Central Ave. TINSLEY, Eddis Manor Care Health Care Center
Palos Heights, IL 60463 Dawson Nursing Home 9401 S. Koster Ave.
Room 23 3500 S. Giles Ave. Oak Lawn, IL 60453
708-597-1000 Chicago, IL 60653 Room 238
Room 319, Bed 1 708-952-3750
SMITH, Claude 312-326-2000
Renaissance Nursing Center
2940 W. 87th St. WATSON, Janet
Chicago, IL 60652 Timberview Nursing Home
Room 223, Bed 1 2450 Taft St.
773-434-8787 Gary, IN 46404
Room 319, Bed 2
219-977-2610, Ext. 342
Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 32 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
ALLEN, Deacon Quinville 11919 S. Harvard Ave. (28) 773-468-8228
BASKIN, Marie 14339 Park Ave., Markham, IL 60426 708-331-1431
BASKIN, William 1510 Brookfield Dr., Plainfield, IL 60544 815-254-1106
BETTS, Karyn 11722 S. Campbell Ave. (55) 773-445-4288
BLACKWELL, Mable 9739 S. Bell Ave. (43) 773-779-0552
BOND, Collin 17201 Ellis Ct., South Holland, IL 60473 708-339-3174
BOWEN, Gwen 12818 S. Morgan St. (43) 773-928-7093
BREWER, Deacon Evelyn 9239 S. Green St. (20) 773-239-9416
BROOKS, Arzulia 9412 S. Eggleston Ave. (28) 773-224-7581
BURKS, Willa A. 18525 S. Center Ave., Homewood, IL 60430 708-799-3581
BUTTS, Larvette 10350 S. Komensky Ave., Apt. #D2
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 773-457-1815
CAMPBELL, Delois 9146 S. Indiana Ave. (19) 773-928-0997
CARTER, Harriett 2325 W. 80th Pl. (20) 773-737-3584
CHESTNUT, Luther 7855 S. Coles Ave. (49) 773-978-3208
CLAY, Louise 11626 S. Stewart St. (28) 773-468-9642
CLAY, Nancy 5948 W. Midway Park (44) 773-287-9194
COMPTON, Yvonne 400 E. 41st St., Apt. #601N (53) 773-285-0555
Visits on Wednesdays after 6:00 p.m.
DUKE, Annette 818 Gray Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 847-869-0408
DULANEY, Doris 13058 S. Wood St., Apt. #1E
Blue Island, IL 60406 708-597-8309
EVERETT, Barbara 231 S. Orchard Dr., Park Forest, IL 60466 708-228-5298
FLEMING, Alfreda 8505 S. Drexel Ave. (19) 773-751-2218
FORD, John 8939 S. Dante Ave. (19) 773-734-7363
FUNCHES, Josephine 9312 S. Union Ave. (28) 312-805-1401
Visits before 12:00 Noon on Sundays
GRAHAM, Elder Lucille 9622 S. Winston Ave. (43) 773-233-4016
GRAY, Cary 3000 N. Sheridan Rd., Apt. #5C (57) 773-975-1577
GREEN, Lloyd 7337 S. South Shore Dr., Apt. #731 (49) 773-221-4213
HARDY, Glodine c/o Lois Walker 598 Andover, Chicago Heights, IL 60411 708-481-5814
HAYNES, Frances 8835 S. Harper Ave. (19) 773-734-4412
HEREFORD, Bessie 9251 S. Parnell Ave. (20) 773-846-0448
HOLT, Rosalia 9425 S. Union Ave. (20) 773-488-3820
HORNSBURGER, Ruby 369 E. 88th St. (19) 773-846-9234
JACKSON, Betty 1815 W. Monroe Ave., Apt. 3G (12) 312-491-1860
JACKSON, Deacon Rudolph 7417 S. Bennett Ave. (49) 773-667-6111
JOHNSON, Laura 22161 S. Jeffrey Ave., Sauk Village, IL 60411 708-757-3494
JONES, George & Lula 11325 S. Union Avenue (28) 773-468-4743
MARRABLE, James 10136 S. Peoria St. (43) 773-445-6876
McDADE, Darlene 18555 Hickory Ct., Apt.17, Lansing, IL 60438 708-418-0145

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 33 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

McFADDEN, Deborah 14031 Gail Lane, Unit, #310

Crestwood, IL 60445 708-385-9075
McKINNEY, Takeisha 1049 E. 93rd St. (19) 773-731-4990
McKINNON, Cora 9717 S. Green St. (43) 773-881-8228
MENZIES, Pamela 17440 Sterling Ave., Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-647-0422
MILES, Mary J. 6142 S. St. Lawrence Ave. (37) 773-667-0167
MILLINER, Tommie 9155 S. Green St. (20) 773-233-8240
MOORE, Merilyn 9106 S. Parnell Ave. (20) 773-994-1953
MUSE, Virginia 9530 S. Lowe Ave. (20) 773-779-7460
NATHANIEL, Willa Mae 18028 S. Kedzie Ave., Apt. #101
Hazel Crest, IL 60429 708-799-8279
OATTES, Maurice 17948 Edwards Ave., Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-799-0062
OWENS, Wendy 1545 S. State St., Apt. #714 (05) 312-949-9510
PAYTON-LOVE, Mary 7938 S. Jeffrey Blvd. (49) 773-734-7828
PORTER, Jacqueline 4351 W. 76th St., Apt. #108 (52) 773-771-8795
RICE, Sylvester c/o Gladys Rice, 8011 S. Justine St. (20) 773-651-8534
ROGERS, Marlene 1616 E. 55th St. (15) 773-643-4381
SCATES, Hermine 6831 S. Cornell Ave., 1st Flr. (49) 773-955-2445
SMITH, Betty 17791 Arlington Dr.
Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-206-1457
SMITH, Carmencita 2142 Tanglewood Pl., Apt. #2B
Hammond, IN 46323 219-844-0328
SMITH, Carlton 1020 W. Lawrence Ave. (40) 773-561-2100
SMITH, Doris J. 16719 S. Clyde Ave., So. Holland, IL 60473 708-889-1605
SOUTH, Lucretia 439 N. Central Ave., Apt. #1E (44) 773-378-5980
SPENCER, Nathaniel 7948 S. Dobson Ave., Apt. #1A (19) 773-651-1531
TATE, Johnny 11011 S. Emerald Avve. (28) 773-264-0448
THREATT, Ethel 10008 S. Morgan Ave. (43) 773-779-9213
VERNER, Diana 5135 S. Kenwood Ave., Apt. #402 (15) 773-493-3049
WESTERFIELD, Della 2317 E. 68th St., Apt. #1 (49) 773-493-8850
WILLIAMS, Janna c/o Carmen Williams, 7915 S. Albany St. (52) 773-436-2273
WRIGHT, Wiley 9146 S. LaFayette Ave. (20) 773-660-0323

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 34 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

BROWN, Hysson 10427 S. Hoxie Ave. (17)
CHAPMAN, Malachi 10838 S. Wallace Ave. (28)
CONDA, William 12453 S. Emerald Ave. (28)
DELOACH, Berenice 7114 S. Harding Ave. (29)
GARDNER-PEARSON, Renee 17607 S. Mulberry,
Country Club Hills, IL 60478
GILMORE, Laura 1155 Westgrove Pkwy., Apt. #186,
Tempe, AZ 85283
HARRIS, Michelle 811 W. Madison St., Apt. #115 (07)
PALMER, Spencer 1956 Lisson Rd., Naperville, IL 60565
ROBERTS, Fontain 1829 N. Austin Ave. (39)
SAYLES, Bernice 6831 S. Cornell Ave., 1st Flr. (49)
SMITH, Renetta 9112 Falcon Cove Ct., Orlando, FL 32825
TAYLOR, Dr. Brenda 52380 Windemere Dr., Granger, IN 46530
TORREY, Hoyt 4241 El Moor Way, Las Vegas, NV 89044
702-435-0257 CARDS & CALLS ONLY
WALKER, Jr., Floyd 8428 S. Green St. (20)
WALKER, Lillian 6138 S. Carpenter St. (21)
WASHINGTON-DYK, Gwendolyn 2045 W. Jackson Blvd., Apt. #2012 (12)
312-421-7867 CARDS & CALLS ONLY
WILLIAMS, Brandi 7202 Silverton Trail, Austell, GA 30168
WHYTE, Rev. James 3429 Peachwood Rd., Knoxville, TN 37921


BENN, Vester 9035 S. Luella Ave. (17) 773-374-8914
BROWN, Ann H. 1342 W. 111th Place (43) 773-445-5315
BUTLER, Alice Faye 10104 S. Emerald Ave. (28) 773-445-5110
DUNAGAN, Patricia 7318 S. King Dr. (19) 773-846-1653
HENDERSON, Evelyn 7406 S. Paxton Ave. (49) 773-643-0956
HILL, Katherine 9950 S. Carpenter St. (43) 773-779-3872
LEGGETT, Aurelia 1639 W. 107th Street (43) 773-233-0286
McINTOSH, Emily 7811 S. Michigan Ave. (19) 773-651-9560
NELSON, Mary & Thomas 5401 S. Hyde Park Blvd., Apt. #1101 (15) 773-667-3404

ROGERS, George & Betty 400 E. 41st St., Apt. #2010S (53) 773-285-3941

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 35 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

ROUNSAVILLE, Linda 9344 S. Bishop St. (20) 773-983-8322

SMITH, Jr., Walter 10338 S. Church St. (43) 773-881-8733
SMITH, Olah 10510 S. Rhodes Ave. (28) 773-995-6893
STEWART, Beverly 2008 E. 77th St., Apt. #1 (49) 773-734-0846
TRIPLETT, Sadie 9612 S. Wallace Ave. (28) 773-779-1689
TUCKER, Geraldine 400 E. 41st St., Apt. #602N (53) 773-924-2207
WILKS, Elizabeth 2960 N. Lake Shore Dr., Apt. #2507 (57) 773-296-0580
YOUNKINS, Rose 9332 S. Eggleston Ave. (20) 773-483-2784


GRAY, Viola 9518 S. LaSalle Ave. (28) 773-264-2592
WEAVER, Odessa 6751 S. Constance Ave. (49) 773-288-3795

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 36 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
















Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 37 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
773-962-5660 & ECONOMIC & WELLNESS
9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.  773-962-5650, Ext. 819 COMMUNITY
FR - 11:00 a.m.– 7:00 p.m.  MENTAL HEALTH
SAT - 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. COUNSELING SUPPORT GROUP
SUN - After Each Service MINISTRY 773-978-0725 or
Answering Service 773-734-4033, ext. 111
Amani Care Program 773-962-0043
773-298-0473 HIV/AIDS
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. TU & TH - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 312-409-AIDS or
SAT - 9:00 a.m .– 1:00 p.m. 312-409-2437
773-962-5650, ext. 740 & 11:00 a.m. Services HOUSING MINISTRY
MON - TU - THUR 773-962-5686 Ron Miller
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 773-723-8382 (fax) 773-643-4100 Ext. 15
WED: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
SAT: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. DIABETES KUJICHAGULIA
773-962-5650 24 Hours
Mailbox 830 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE J. Payton
MINISTRY 773-373-7042
24-Hour Answering Service Mailbox 811 773-962-5650
RECOVERY Answering Service
College MINISTRY 773-962-5650
PLACEMENT OFFICE Tough Love Mailbox 886
TU & TH - 1:00 – 9:00 p.m. 773-962-5650, Ext. 808
WED - 10:00 – 6:00 p.m. Free “N” One TRINITY COMPUTER
FR - 10:00 – 6:00 p.m. 773-962-5650, Ext. 808 LEARNING CENTER
SAT - 9:00 – 5:00 p.m. 773-298-2190
Sundays & Mondays FAMILY CAREGIVER
773-298-1590 Tommie Jean Ryhal
Eleanor Anderson
Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 38 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
of Worship Order of Worship
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Senior Pastor
Rev. Otis Moss III, Pastor
Toya Perry, Chief Financial Officer
Rev. Stacey Edwards, Director of Pastoral Services
Rev. Barbara A. Heard, Associate Pastor
Rev. John E. Jackson, Sr., Associate Pastor
Rev. Regina Reed, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael G. Sykes, Associate Pastor
Rev. Reginald Williams, Associate Pastor
Rev. Ramah E. Wright, Associate Pastor
Dr. Julia Speller, Director Christian Education
Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, Minister to Youth and Children
Rev. Ann Patton, Minister of Christian Education
Deacon Shirley Bims-Ellis, Director Center for African Biblical Studies
Robert E. Wooten, Jr., Director of Music
Deacon Jeri L. Wright, Director of Media
Ivey Matute, Executive Secretary

Friday Worship Service Bible Discovery Hour Radio Broadcast

• F.A.T. Fridays • Sundays, 9:45 a.m. Sundays • 12 Noon
Every Friday • 12:00 Noon Sunday Youth Church (WCFJ 1470AM)
Chicago Federation of 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m.
Musicians Building Philadelphia, PA
175 W. Washington Street Webcasts Sundays - Fridays
LIVE Sundays 6:30 a.m. EST
Church School 7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. (WURD 900AM)
Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. Mondays & Thursdays
7:00 p.m. Weekly Praise/Prayer Service
Sunday Worship Service Website • Sundays
7:30 & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. 7:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 5:45 p.m.
(Praise Service begins Television Broadcast Wednesdays • 11:30 a.m., 7:14
15 minutes prior) Sundays • 6:30 a.m., p.m.
(TV One, Check Local Listings)
Prayer Line 773-298-2160

Church Office Hours Reception Desk Hours Synergy Counseling Center

Monday through Friday Monday through Friday 532 W. 95th Street
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 773-994-9937
Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturdays • 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sundays • 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

.“There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.”
1 Corinthians 12:5 (TEV)

Youth Revival Sunday, July 30, 2006 39 © Sermons copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

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