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O novo motor de dois cilindros de 0.9 I a gasolina com turbocompressor representa um marco no
desenvolvimento de motores da Fiat Powertrain Technologies. O ento chamado motor Twinair um excelente
exemplo de downsiing ao extremo! no somente o deslocamento total mas tambm o n"mero total de cilindros
esto limitados. #ra$as ao turbocharging e a ado$o da tecnologia %ultiair& per'ormances excelentes so
atingidas& igualando em (0) a dos motores *+ ,*o +spirados- com maior deslocamento& en.uanto melhora a
economia de combust/vel em pelo menos 0(). */veis de emisso atendem as atuais normas do 1uro (
en.uanto o sistema total protegido por pacote para atingir as 'uturas normas do 1uro 2. #ra$as as otimia$3es
gerais 'oi poss/vel estabelecer novos padr3es de *45 para motores pe.uenos.
Fiat sempre foi muito forte no segmento de
carros A e B. A chave para este sucesso est
no design e flexibilidade desses veculos, e na
confiabilidade, performance e economia no
consumo de combustvel de seus motores.
The increasing demand of fuel consumption
reduction and more "fun lo drive" can be
satisfied with the downsiing concept as well
as new more efficient engine architecture.
Fiat !owertrain Technologies "F#$T% decided
to develop a new engine famil& to full&
compl& with the upcoming mar'et demand (
)(. This new engine famil& had to cover a
power range from *+ to ,, '- focusing on
urban cars, mainl& A segment, with the
possibilit& of use in B segment for high
downsiing and premium fuel consumption.
Three main configurations were identified.
naturall& aspirated, turbocharged "with /0.1
and ,, '-% and a 234 turbocharged
version. All of these engines had to share the
ma5orit& of the components in order to be as
industriall& efficient as possible.
it& identified a displacement around 6.7 )
as the best compromise. The second step
design was the architectural definition of
the engine "number of c&linder, bore, stro'e,
etc%. Fuel consumption, cost, 389 and
performance were the main drivers. Two:,
three: and four:c&linder architectures were
compared regarding thermod&namic effi:
cienc& and friction, As is shown in ; the
two:c&linder configuration shows the best
thermod&namic efficienc& than's to a con:
venient c&linder displacement. Two:c&l:
inder architecture also offers longitudinal
length and weight advantages< engine
length advantage ma'e the two:c&linder
engine more suitable for h&bridiation.
389 behaviour of a two:c&linder configu:
ration could be a potential issue. the use of
a balance s&stem for the first order free
forces is a must< the remaining 0
free forces are even lower with respect to a
four:c&linder engine, 6. The twin con:
figuration "6> to ?/6> cran' design% was
preferred to the 6> to )+6> cran'shaft la&:
out mainl& due to the e@ual spacing of the
combustion that generates a first order dom:
inant tor@ue irregularit& instead of the spuri:
ous half orders of the second architecture.
#IO4+**I %+8T7+*#19O
is Plat'orm %anager 'or the iwinair
1ngines Plat'orm at Fiat Powertrain
Technologies 8.p.+. in Tu: I la .
;+%I+*O %I<199I
is ;irector 'or %echanical
1ngineering and #asoline 1ngine
7esearch = Technolog> at
?@ Fiat Powertrain Technologies 8.p.+.
in Turin ,Ital>-.
;+7IO 8+<<O
is 4ice President 'or #asoline
1ngines Plat'orms a' Fiat Powertrain
Technologies 8.p.+.
in Turin ,Ital>-.
1*#I*1 +7<5IT1<T671
The optimal displacement choice was the
first step of the new engine design. !erfor:
mance and consumption simulation activ:
Aain drivers of the basic design were fric:
tion reduction and components integration.
TwoAc>linder engine displ. BII
ThreeAc>linder engine displ. Ill
9 Thermod>namic e''icienc> versus
engine architecture
FourAc>linder engine displ. Ill
Optimal one
ATZ autotechnolog> 0CC00CC 4olume CC
tion on the cran'case. The benefit is a re:
duction of vibration on the engine suspen:
sion brac'et. The chain la&out was opti:
mised to gain low friction and the chain
vane is closed b& a frontal aluminium cover
that ensures good ventilation within the
engine. The water pump is integrated in the
front cover and directl& driven b& the
balance shaft with benefits on friction "no
hub load from belts%. This results in the
front engine side being ver& compact and a
chain drive s&stem for life that re@uires no
maintenance. For the engine bloc', cast
iron was preferred to aluminium as the best
compromise between costs, weight, robust:
ness and 389. #ntegration has been a
driver for the design and all piping to oil
filter and cooler and water b&pass were
integrated in the cran'case casting itself
thus reducing piping costs, and eliminating
fixations and lea'age danger. The 234
version was ta'en into account from the
beginning of the pro5ect. This is a bi:fuel
engine "gasoline and 234% with no per:
formance reduction passing from gasoline
to 234 fuel. The sharing of most of the
components for all the engines of course
has a positive impact on cost and invest:
ment. The drawbac' is thai the design of
each part "cran'shaft, conrods, cran'case,
cooling s&stem, etc% has been done ta'ing
into account the envelope of the re@uire:
ments of all the engines of the famil&.
F699D 4+7I+E91 4+941 8D8T1%
Aultiair technolog& appeared on the mar:
'et for the first time on the so called Fire
engine in 0667 B0C. F!T invented and pa:
tented this technolog&. it is a full& variable
control valve s&stem that uses an electro:
h&draulic actuator "so called Dniair
actuator owned b& #3A Echaeffler% and a
group of dedicated controls strategies to
allow improved engine efficienc& "?C. A
new electronic control unit "developed b&
Aagneti Aarelli% integrates engine and
Aultiair module control. Aultiair uses all
capabilities offered b& the Dniair actuator
to manage the engine inta'e valves stro'e:
b&:stro'e and c&linder:b&:c&linder. The
main benefits arising from this full control
are fuel consumption, than's to pumping
losses reduction, and performance than's
to volumetric efficienc& optimiation. ;ther
benefits come from the @uic' response
"stro'e b& stro'e%, internal F4G manage:
ment, etc, H. For F!T it was clear from the
=ournal diameters and piston weight were
reduced to minimie cran'train friction.
The piston rings tension has been signi:
ficantl& reduced than's to the adoption of
a dumm& head for c&linder honing "it
decreases the *
order bore deformation%.
Iifferent balancing s&stem la&outs were
designed and tested. final configuration
consisted of a balance shaft installed into
the cran'case driven b& a couple of gears.
Two roller bearings where preferred to plane
supports to reduce impact on engine friction.
The position of the balance shaft has been
optimied to reduce the l
order tor@ue
fluctuation on the cran'case. #n fact, the
balance shaft generates also a sinusoidal
moment that has been tuned to be in
opposition to the combustion tor@ue reac:
temperatures at -;T. 2ompression ratio
was set at )6.6. This allowed reaching the
re@uired full load performances while
offering an excellent base for good part:
load fuel econom&. The positive s&nergic
effect of the Aultiair s&stem and the turbo:
charger on low end tor@ue is shown in H.
2ompared to an engine with fixed valve
beginning that the new two:c&linder engine
should include Aultiair technolog& to
maximie the fuel consumption reduction
and performance.
;1419OP%1*T T+7#1T8
For the first engine variant, the following
targets were defined.
. /0.1 '- power J 1166 rpm and
)11 3m .tor@ue J 0666 rpm . best in
class fun to drive of all 6,7 to
).* ) gasoline vehicles . 389
which is e@uivalent to best
four:c&linder in line engines .
much less than )66 g 260K'm on
3FI2. benchmar' in the class from
6.7 to ).* ) gasoline vehicles ..
durabilit& of 066,666 'm . 0* months
development time from
"pro5ect approval to engine E;!. The
fnain characteristics of the engine are
given in ;.
P17FO7%+*<1 +*;
T57OTT91 718PO*81
To reach the re@uired performance targets
thorough calculations were computed to
define cam timing, inta'e and exhaust port
geometr& and the combustion chamber
la&out including compression ratio. Two:
c&linder specific fluid d&namics permitted
the use of wide exhaust cams without the
tor@ue penalisations that can occur for
example on a turbocharged four:c&linder
inline engine. The inta'e ports were
developed to obtain a high tumble air
motion that is advantageous both for com:
bustion stabilit& and to reduce exhaust gas
t&pe engines B*C. ;ne of the most impor:
tant issues in order to obtain the desired
performance, especiall& regarding non:sta:
tionar& engine operation, was the turbo
matching. The strongl& pulsating airflow
of the two:c&linder engine leads t&picall&
to surging problems, especiall& on the
compressor side. ;n a four:c&linder engine
surging t&picall& occurs in a continuous
wa& while approaching the surge line on a
two:c&linder engine the surging happens
discontinuousl& and also when the engine
is operated at @uite some distance from the
surge line. Therefore, conventional
compressor optimisations, done on sta:
timing the Aultiair s&stem allows almost )0
L increase in low:end tor@ue and
turbocharger speed. The optimisation of the
volumetric efficienc& b& controlling the event
of inta'e valve closure is ver& important in
the low engine speed range and gives even
more benefits than on 3A
speeds allows excellent fun to drive on
small and mid sie cars.
F619 <O*86%PTIO*
To reach the best possible fuel econom&
massive efforts it was dedicated to reduce
the frictional losses of the engine during the
design and development phase. #n addition
the Aultiair s&stem itself was criticall&
anal&sed to reduce the auxiliar& losses.
2ompared to the first generation s&stem,
emplo&ed on the Fire engine, roller finger
followers on the exhaust side were adopted
and a significant reduction of overall c&lin:
der head friction was obtained. Iespite the
low overall displacement the FAF! "friction
mean effective pressure% values of the c&l:
inder head are approaching those of best:
in:class four:c&linder engines.
The combustion s&stem of the engine
was also sub5ect to profound optimisation,
emplo&ing 2FI techni@ues and using en:
gines with optical access to observe the
real combustion process. To ta'e the maxi:
mum benefit of the Aultiair s&stem a new
combustion s&stem was developed. Dsuall&
the earl& inta'e valve mode, due to the
reduced maximum valve lift and deriving
in:c&linder charge motion, leads to lower
combustion efficienc&, limiting so the
benefit of the pumping losses reduction
B/=. Than's to the newl& developed 9TE
"high tumble shrouded% combustion s&s:
tem, which increases the tumble ratio in
partial valve lift conditions up to four times,
it was possible to get excellent combustion
efficienc& also at part load, 6 A further
important advantage on a low dis:
flow conditions. The final effect on d&namic
engine performance is shown in M. The
starting point for the two:c&linder was not
ver& promising but after the turbo
optimisation and fine tuning of the calibration
the d&namic performance of the two:and
four:c&linder engines were found to be
identical. The result of the performance
optimisations is shown in ;. The maximum
power of /0.1 '- is reached at 1166 rpm and
)11 3m "00.0 bar BAF!, bra'e mean
effective pressure% is delivered at 0666 rpm.
The high tor@ue at low
tionar& airflow benches, do not lead to sat:
isfactor& performance on a two:c&linder
engine. As a result boosting such an engine
with a centrifugal t&pe compressor is
generall& considered not to be as effective
as on three: or four:c&linder engines,
which exhibit more stable air flows "1(.
Iedicated research on this sub5ect lead to
the conclusion that a new compressor
wheel had to be developed, sacrificing
slightl& the continuous flow performance
at medium airflows while strongl& improv:
ing it$s capabilities in non:stationar& low
a compan> specialiing in
development o' test bed
drive trains o''ers optimal
solutions 'or testing
electric and h>brid
powertrains. <ontact usF
+n optimall> tuned
highl> elastic test bed
drive sha't.
the acoustic power contribution of each
engine part are shown. Euch detailed anal&ses
guided the choice of the components suitable
for the acoustic optimiation. #n this wa& all
the components, responsible for the noise
radiation, have been improved, such as
c&linder head cover, chain cover and oil pan,
pulle&, etc.
Based on the results of the tests the most
important noise sources have been identified
both at idle and during speed sweep wide
open throttle "-;T%. !arallel to numerical
simulation, an experimental panel
contribution "intensimetr& techni@ue% of the
radiated noise in an ane:choic chamber has
been performed. Both acti vi ti es allowed
detecting and optimising all the radiation
sources ensuring a good sound level and
@ualit&. Tor@ue fluctuation is characteried
mainl& b& l
order, instead of the t&pical 0$"

order of the four:c&linder engine, generating
a different interaction with the transmission
generating a shifting of the resonances at
higher engine speeds. The t&pical speed
ranges, on which gear rattle could be more
critical, are then shifted at higher speeds
letting this phenomena coming even less
relevant respect to a four:c&linder engine.
Further improvements were made to the
exhaust s&stem to control the noise level,
enhancing the engine characteristic sound.
Aan& tests were carried out in order to assess
the number and the volume of silencers and
the effect of resonators. The control o. the
right timing of valve opening and closing,
trough the Aultiair s&stem, has been
placemenN engine running often at high
loads, is the possibilit& of controlling the
effective compression ratio using the Aulti:
air s&stem. ;n a turbocharged engine
above approximatel& 16 L of maximum
load it is necessar& to dela& ignition timing
with respect to the ideal "ABT, minimum
spar' advance for best tor@ue% values due
to 'noc'ing, The Aultiair s&stem, when
used in the late closing mode, allows con:
trol of the effective compression ratio real:
ising the At'inson:Ailler t&pe c&cle. 2om:
pared to cam phasing the advantage is that
the start of the inta'e phase is maintained
at the ideal moment. This is reflected b&
the BEF2 values of ?,1 gK'-h at the 0666
rpm : 0 bar BAF! point and the minimum
fuel consumption in the map of 0*0
gK'-h. Both values are benchmar' for
"turbo%charged engines below ).* ).
+n elastic coupling with
nonAlinear sti''ness and
high damping behavior.
1speciall> advantageous
is the adGustable sti''ness.
%anual docHing s>stem
'or eas> docHing o' drive
sha'ts to the test bed.
The main tas' of the 389 engineering
was to optimie the sound radiation in
terms of level and @ualit&. This 389 per:
formance has been achieved b& using
state of the art 2AF simulations which
allowed an acoustical optimiation of the
single components installed on the
engine. Therefore, a numerical FF Aulti:
bod& and BFA methodolog& was applied
with experimental support for the target
definition, in order to predict the compo:
nent normal modes that have most effect
on the sound radiation and to give sup:
port to identif& the modification$s areas.
#n H the calculated surface velocit& and
+utomatic docHing
s>stem especiall>
developed 'or pallet
the 'e& point. The result of the calcula:
tion and test activit& has been one big
centrall& mounted silencer halfwa& the
exhaust line and a resonator ver& close to
the exit of the s&stem.
Iuring the 389 development, the
Aultiair technolog& pla&ed a particular
role also in reducing the vibration of the
powertrain in idle condition< in fact,
than's to the higher combustion stabilit&
obtained b& .this technolog& and the bal:
ance shaft, the powertrain vibration
amplitude is ver& similar to a four:c&lin:
der engine. The result of this activit&
made the Twinair a reference for this
performance in his engine class.
1*#I*1 I*T1#7+TIO* O* <+7
The first application of the Twinair turbo:
charged engine is on the Fiat 166. This
combination of a relativel& powerful
engine in a small car allows to reach ver&
good in vehicle fuel econom&. #n the 6 the
2;O, values obtained on the 3FI2 c&cle
are shown. A benchmar' position is
reached with respect to gasoline engine
competitors while even few diesel engines
can compete with the 2;, value of 70 gK
'm "71 with the AT gearbox%. To guaran:
tee that the Fiat 166 Twinair car owner
could reach best fuel econom& also in
normal driving conditions the car is
e@uipped with an "F2;K3;GAAP" but:
ton. #n the "F2;" mode tor@ue is limited
to )66 3#T% and the tor@ue build up from
)666 to 0666 rpm is ver& soft. This allows
relaxed cit& driving as practicall& the
engine feels li'e a ).) ) 3A engine and no
turbo lag is noticeable. #n the "3;GAAP"
mode max tor@ue is "due to the gearbox%
limited to )*1 3m, which is reached at
)766 rpm. This 3;GAAP mode is recom:
mended for highwa& driving where a
maximum speed of ),? 'mKh is @uic'l&
reached and especiall& elasticit& and fun to
drive values are excellent. As an example,
the +6 to )06 'mKh acceleration time in
last gear ta'es onl& )0.1 s, which is better
than all its competitors up to )./ )
displacement. The F2; mode allows fuel
consumption reduction of approximatel&
)? L. #n situ tests it was found out that the
fuel econom& in the F2; mode was also
much less dependent on individual driver
behaviour. The F2; mode button will thus
help all users to get the best possible fuel
econom& from the vehicle.
The new Twinair engine is the most ex:
treme example of downsiing of gasoline
engines toda&. Than's to the low overall
displacement a high degree of downsiing
is obtained while the relative large single
c&linder volume allows to have excellent
thermod&namic efficienc&. Therefore in the
displacement class below ),6 # the two:
c&linder engine is clearl& the best choice
for highest fuel efficienc& and lowest 2;,
emissions, matched with an excellent fun
to drive. #n the development phase the two:
c&linder t&pical characteristics "f. e.
lurbolag% were faced as challenges and
successfull& transformed into advantages
compared to three:c&linder power units.
The Aultiair technolog& combined with
tur:bocharging allowed to get excellent
fuel econom& and performances and
permitted to elevate the two:c&linder 389
to a state of the art level. The industrialisa:
tion phase was mastered in an extremel&
short time and a new plant was designed
and realised, where -orld 2lass Aanu:
facturing practices are emplo&ed guaran:
teeing best in class engine @ualit&. The
compact F!T Twinair engine, which will
cover the power range of *+ to 77 '-,
ideall& suited also for h&bridisation, is
therefore the best possible answer to the
demand of lowest 2;, emissions in small
and midsie cars for the coming decades.

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