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6.7*4+- &8 !"# %&' ()&*+,*- .&/. - Any person hereLofore duly admlLLed as a member
of Lhe bar, or hereafLer admlLLed as such ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls rule,
and who ls ln good and regular sLandlng, ls enLlLled Lo pracLlce law.
6.7*4+- 98 0-12,)-%-3+4 5#) &.. &((.,*&3+4 5#) &6%,44,#3 +# +"- 7&). - Lvery appllcanL
for admlsslon as a member of Lhe bar musL be a clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes, aL leasL
LwenLy-one years of age, of good moral characLer, and resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes, and
musL produce before Lhe Supreme CourL saLlsfacLory evldence of good moral characLer,
and LhaL no charges agalnsL hlm, lnvolvlng moral LurplLude, have been flled or are
pendlng ln any courL ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
6.7*4+- '8 0-12,)-%-3+4 5#) .&/'-)4 /"# &)- *,+,8-34 #5 +"- 93,+-6 :+&+-4 #5 ;%-),*&. -
ClLlzens of Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca who, before !uly 4, 1946, were duly llcensed
members of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar, ln acLlve pracLlce ln Lhe courLs of Lhe hlllpplnes and ln
good and regular sLandlng as such may, upon saLlsfacLory proof of Lhose facLs before Lhe
Supreme CourL, be allowed Lo conLlnue such pracLlce afLer Laklng Lhe followlng oaLh of
l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., havlng been permlLLed Lo conLlnue ln Lhe
pracLlce of law ln Lhe hlllpplnes, do solemnly swear LhaL l recognlze Lhe
supreme auLhorlLy of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, l wlll supporL lLs
ConsLlLuLlon and obey Lhe laws as well as Lhe legal orders of Lhe duly consLlLuLed
auLhorlLles Lhereln, l wlll do no falsehood, nor consenL Lo Lhe dolng of any ln
courL, l wlll noL wlLLlngly or wllllngly promoLe or sue any groundless, false or
unlawful sulL, nor glve ald nor consenL Lo Lhe same, l wlll delay no man for
money or mallce, and wlll conducL myself as a lawyer accordlng Lo Lhe besL of
may knowledge and dlscreLlon wlLh all good fldellLy as well as Lo Lhe courLs as Lo
my cllenLs, and l lmpose upon myself Lhls volunLary obllgaLlon wlLhouL any
menLal reservaLlon or purpose of evaslon. So help me Cod.
6.7*4+- :8 0-12,)-%-3+4 5#) &((.,*&3+4 5)#% #+"-) <2),46,*+,#34. - AppllcanLs for
admlsslon who, belng llllplno clLlzens, are enrolled aLLorneys ln good sLandlng ln Lhe
Supreme CourL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes or ln any clrculL courL of appeals or dlsLrlcL courL
Lhereln, or ln Lhe hlghesL courL of any SLaLe or 1errlLory of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, and who
can show by saLlsfacLory cerLlflcaLes LhaL Lhey have pracLlced aL leasL flve years ln any of
sald courLs, LhaL such pracLlce began before !uly 4, 1946, and LhaL Lhey have never been
suspended or dlsbarred, may, ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe CourL, be admlLLed wlLhouL
6.7*4+- ;8 ;66,+,#3&. )-12,)-%-3+4 5#) #+"-) &((.,*&3+4. - All appllcanLs for admlsslon
oLher Lhan Lhose referred Lo ln Lhe Lwo precedlng secLlon shall, before belng admlLLed
Lo Lhe examlnaLlon, saLlsfacLorlly show LhaL Lhey have regularly sLudled law for four
years, and successfully compleLed all prescrlbed courses, ln a law school or unlverslLy,
offlclally approved and recognlzed by Lhe SecreLary of LducaLlon. 1he affldavlL of Lhe
candldaLe, accompanled by a cerLlflcaLe from Lhe unlverslLy or school of law, shall be
flled as evldence of such facLs, and furLher evldence may be requlred by Lhe courL.
no appllcanL shall be admlLLed Lo Lhe bar examlnaLlons unless he has saLlsfacLorlly
compleLed Lhe followlng courses ln a law school or unlverslLy duly recognlzed by Lhe
governmenL: clvll law, commerclal law, remedlal law, crlmlnal law, publlc and prlvaLe
lnLernaLlonal law, pollLlcal law, labor and soclal leglslaLlon, medlcal [urlsprudence,
LaxaLlon and legal eLhlcs.
6.7*4+- <8 =)->?&/. - no appllcanL for admlsslon Lo Lhe bar examlnaLlon shall be
admlLLed unless he presenLs a cerLlflcaLe LhaL he has saLlsfled Lhe SecreLary of LducaLlon
LhaL, before he began Lhe sLudy of law, he had pursued and saLlsfacLorlly compleLed ln
an auLhorlzed and recognlzed unlverslLy or college, requlrlng for admlsslon LhereLo Lhe
compleLlon of a four-year hlgh school course, Lhe course of sLudy prescrlbed Lhereln for
a bachelor's degree ln arLs or sclences wlLh any of Lhe followlng sub[ecLs as ma[or or
fleld of concenLraLlon: pollLlcal sclence, loglc, engllsh, spanlsh, hlsLory and economlcs.
6.7*4+- =8 @,%- 5#) 5,.,3A ()##5 #5 12&.,5,*&+,#34. - All appllcanLs for admlsslon shall flle
wlLh Lhe clerk of Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe evldence requlred by secLlon 2 of Lhls rule aL
leasL flfLeen (13) days before Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe examlnaLlon. lf noL embraced wlLhln
secLlon 3 and 4 of Lhls rule Lhey shall also flle wlLhln Lhe same perlod Lhe affldavlL and
cerLlflcaLe requlred by secLlon 3, and lf embraced wlLhln secLlons 3 and 4 Lhey shall
exhlblL a llcense evldenclng Lhe facL of Lhelr admlsslon Lo pracLlce, saLlsfacLory evldence
LhaL Lhe same has noL been revoked, and cerLlflcaLes as Lo Lhelr professlonal sLandlng.
AppllcanLs shall also flle aL Lhe same Llme Lhelr own affldavlLs as Lo Lhelr age, resldence,
and clLlzenshlp.
6.7*4+- (8 B#+,*- #5 ;((.,*&+,#34. - noLlce of appllcaLlons for admlsslon shall be
publlshed by Lhe clerk of Lhe Supreme CourL ln newspapers publlshed ln lllplno, Lngllsh
and Spanlsh, for aL leasL Len (10) days before Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe examlnaLlon.
6.7*4+- >8 CD&%,3&+,#3E 427<-*+4. - AppllcanLs, noL oLherwlse provlded for ln secLlons 3
and 4 of Lhls rule, shall be sub[ecLed Lo examlnaLlons ln Lhe followlng sub[ecLs: Clvll Law,
Labor and Soclal LeglslaLlon, MercanLlle Law, Crlmlnal Law, ollLlcal Law (ConsLlLuLlonal
Law, ubllc CorporaLlons, and ubllc Cfflcers), lnLernaLlonal Law (rlvaLe and ubllc),
1axaLlon, 8emedlal Law (Clvll rocedure, Crlmlnal rocedure, and Lvldence), Legal LLhlcs
and racLlcal Lxerclses (ln leadlngs and Conveyanclng).
6.7*4+- &?8 F&) -D&%,3&+,#3G 7' 12-4+,#34 &36 &34/-)4G &36 ,3 /),+,3A. - ersons Laklng
Lhe examlnaLlon shall noL brlng papers, books or noLes lnLo Lhe examlnaLlon rooms. 1he
quesLlons shall be Lhe same for all examlnees and a copy Lhereof, ln Lngllsh or Spanlsh,
shall be glven Lo each examlnee. Lxamlnees shall answer Lhe quesLlons personally
wlLhouL help from anyone.
upon verlfled appllcaLlon made by an examlnee sLaLlng LhaL hls penmanshlp ls so poor
LhaL lL wlll be dlfflculL Lo read hls answers wlLhouL much loss of Llme., Lhe Supreme
CourL may allow such examlnee Lo use a LypewrlLer ln answerlng Lhe quesLlons. Cnly
nolseless LypewrlLers shall be allowed Lo be used.
1he commlLLee of bar examlner shall Lake such precauLlons as are necessary Lo prevenL
Lhe subsLlLuLlon of papers or commlsslon of oLher frauds. Lxamlnees shall noL place
Lhelr names on Lhe examlnaLlon papers. no oral examlnaLlon shall be glven.
6.7*4+- &&8 ;332&. -D&%,3&+,#3. - LxamlnaLlons for admlsslon Lo Lhe bar of Lhe
hlllpplnes shall Lake place annually ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla. 1hey shall be held ln four days
Lo be dlslgnaLed by Lhe chalrman of Lhe commlLLee on bar examlners. 1he sub[ecLs shall
be dlsLrlbuLed as follows: llrsL day: ollLlcal and lnLernaLlonal Law (mornlng) and Labor
and Soclal LeglslaLlon (afLernoon), Second day: Clvll Law (mornlng) and 1axaLlon
(afLernoon), 1hlrd day: MercanLlle Law (mornlng) and Crlmlnal Law (afLernoon), lourLh
day: 8emedlal Law (mornlng) and legal LLhlcs and racLlcal Lxerclses (afLernoon).
6.7*4+- &98 H#%%,++-- #5 -D&%,3-)4. - LxamlnaLlons shall be conducLed by a
commlLLee of bar examlners Lo be appolnLed by Lhe Supreme CourL. 1hls commlLLee
shall be composed of a !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL, who shall acL as chalrman, and
who shall be deslgnaLed by Lhe courL Lo serve for one year, and elghL members of Lhe
bar of Lhe hlllpplnes, who shall hold offlce for a perlod of one year. 1he names of Lhe
members of Lhls commlLLee shall be publlshed ln each volume of Lhe offlclal reporLs.
6.7*4+- &'8 I,4*,(.,3&)' %-&42)-4. - no candldaLe shall endeavor Lo lnfluence any
member of Lhe commlLLee, and durlng examlnaLlon Lhe candldaLes shall noL
communlcaLe wlLh each oLher nor shall Lhey glve or recelve any asslsLance. 1he
candldaLe who vlolaLes Lhls provlslons, or any oLher provlslon of Lhls rule, shall be
barred from Lhe examlnaLlon, and Lhe same Lo counL as a fallure agalnsL hlm, and
furLher dlsclpllnary acLlon, lncludlng permanenL dlsquallflcaLlon, may be Laken ln Lhe
dlscreLlon of Lhe courL.
6.7*4+- &:8 =&44,3A &J-)&A-. - ln order LhaL a candldaLe may be deemed Lo have
passed hls examlnaLlons successfully, he musL have obLalned a general average of 73
per cenL ln all sub[ecLs, wlLhouL falllng below 30 per cenL ln any sub[ecLs. ln deLermlnlng
Lhe average, Lhe sub[ecLs ln Lhe examlnaLlon shall be glven Lhe followlng relaLlve
welghLs: Clvll Law, 13 per cenL, Labor and Soclal LeglslaLlon, 10 per cenL, MercanLlle
Law, 13 per cenL, Crlmlnal Law, 10 per cenL: ollLlcal and lnLernaLlonal Law, 13 per cenL,
1axaLlon, 10 per cenL, 8emedlal Law, 20 per cenL, Legal LLhlcs and racLlcal Lxerclses, 3
per cenL.
6.7*4+- &;8 0-(#)+ #5 +"- *#%%,++--E 5,.,3A #5 -D&%,3&+,#3 (&(-)4. - noL laLer Lhan
lebruary 13Lh afLer Lhe examlnaLlon, or as soon LhereafLer as may be pracLlcable, Lhe
commlLLee shall flle lLs reporL on Lhe resulL of such examlnaLlon. 1he examlnaLlon
papers and noLes of Lhe commlLLee shall be flled wlLh Lhe clerk and may Lhere be
examlned by Lhe parLles ln lnLeresL, afLer Lhe courL has approved Lhe reporL.
6.7*4+- &<8 K&,.,3A *&36,6&+-4 +# +&L- )-J,-/ *#2)4-. - CandldaLes who have falled Lhe
bar examlnaLlons for Lhree Llmes shall be dlsquallfled from Laklng anoLher examlnaLlon
unless Lhey show Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe courL LhaL Lhey have enrolled ln and passed
regular fourLh year revlew classes as well as aLLended a pre-bar revlew course ln a
recognlzed law school.
1he professors of Lhe lndlvldual revlew sub[ecLs aLLended by Lhe candldaLes under Lhls
rule shall cerLlfy under oaLh LhaL Lhe candldaLes have regularly aLLended classes and
passed Lhe sub[ecLs under Lhe same condlLlons as ordlnary sLudenLs and Lhe raLlngs
obLalned by Lhem ln Lhe parLlcular sub[ecL.
6.7*4+- &=8 ;6%,44,#3 &36 #&+" #5 42**-4452. &((.,*&3+4. - An appllcanL who has passed
Lhe requlred examlnaLlon, or has been oLherwlse found Lo be enLlLled Lo admlsslon Lo
Lhe bar, shall Lake and subscrlbe before Lhe Supreme CourL Lhe correspondlng oaLh of
6.7*4+- &(8 H-)+,5,*&+-. - 1he supreme CourL shall Lhereupon admlL Lhe appllcanL as a
member of Lhe bar for all Lhe courLs of Lhe hlllpplnes, and shall dlrecL an order Lo be
enLered Lo LhaL effecL upon lLs records, and LhaL a cerLlflcaLe of such record be glven Lo
hlm by Lhe clerk of courL, whlch cerLlflcaLe shall be hls auLhorlLy Lo pracLlce.
6.7*4+- &>8 ;++#)3-'M4 )#... - 1he clerk of Lhe Supreme CourL shall kepL a roll of all
aLLorneys admlLLed Lo pracLlce, whlch roll shall be slgned by Lhe person admlLLed when
he recelves hls cerLlflcaLe.
6.7*4+- 9?8 I2+,-4 #5 &++#)3-'4. - lL ls Lhe duLy of an aLLorney:
(a) 1o malnLaln alleglance Lo Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes and Lo supporL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon and obey Lhe laws of Lhe hlllpplnes.
(b) 1o observe and malnLaln Lhe respecL due Lo Lhe courLs of [usLlce and [udlclal
(c) 1o counsel or malnLaln such acLlons or proceedlngs only as appear Lo hlm Lo
be [usL, and such defenses only as he belleves Lo be honesLly debaLable under
Lhe law.
(d) 1o employ, for Lhe purpose of malnLalnlng Lhe causes conflded Lo hlm, such
means only as are conslsLenL wlLh LruLh and honor, and never seek Lo mlslead
Lhe [udge or any [udlclal offlcer by an arLlflce or false sLaLemenL of facL or law,
(e) 1o malnLaln lnvlolaLe Lhe confldence, and aL every perll Lo hlmself, Lo
preserve Lhe secreLs of hls cllenL, and Lo accepL no compensaLlon ln connecLlon
wlLh hls cllenL's buslness excepL from hlm or wlLh hls knowledge and approval,
(f) 1o absLaln from all offenslve personallLy and Lo advance no facL pre[udlclal Lo
Lhe honor or repuLaLlon of a parLy or wlLness, unless requlred by Lhe [usLlce of
Lhe cause wlLh whlch he ls charged,
(g) noL Lo encourage elLher Lhe commencemenL or Lhe conLlnuance of an acLlon
or proceedlng, or delay any man's cause, from any corrupL moLlve or lnLeresL,
(h) never Lo re[ecL, for any conslderaLlon personal Lo hlmself, Lhe cause of Lhe
defenseless or oppressed,
(l) ln Lhe defense of a person accused of crlme, by all falr and honorable means,
regardless of hls personal oplnlon as Lo Lhe gullL of Lhe accused, Lo presenL every
defense LhaL Lhe law permlLs, Lo Lhe end LhaL no person may be deprlved of llfe
or llberLy, buL by due process of law.
6.7*4+- 9&8 ;2+"#),+' #5 &++#)3-' +# &((-&). - an aLLorney ls presumed Lo be properly
auLhorlzed Lo represenL any cause ln whlch he appears, and no wrlLLen power of
aLLorney ls requlred Lo auLhorlze hlm Lo appear ln courL for hls cllenL, buL Lhe presldlng
[udge may, on moLlon of elLher parLy and on reasonable grounds Lherefor belng shown,
requlre any aLLorney who assumes Lhe rlghL Lo appear ln a case Lo produce or prove Lhe
auLhorlLy under whlch he appears, and Lo dlsclose, whenever perLlnenL Lo any lssue, Lhe
name of Lhe person who employed hlm, and may Lhereupon make such order as [usLlce
requlres. An aLLorneys wllfully appear ln courL for a person wlLhouL belng employed,
unless by leave of Lhe courL, may be punlshed for conLempL as an offlcer of Lhe courL
who has mlsbehaved ln hls offlclal LransacLlons.
6.7*4+- 998 ;++#)3-' /"# &((-&)4 ,3 .#/-) *#2)+ ()-42%-6 +# )-()-4-3+ *.,-3+ #3 &((-&..
- An aLLorney who appears 6- (&)+- ln a case before a lower courL shall be presumed
Lo conLlnue represenLlng hls cllenL on appeal, unless he flles a formal peLlLlon
wlLhdrawlng hls appearance ln Lhe appellaLe courL.
6.7*4+- 9'8 ;2+"#),+' #5 &++#)3-'4 +# 7,36 *.,-3+4. - ALLorneys have auLhorlLy Lo blnd
Lhelr cllenLs ln any case by any agreemenL ln relaLlon LhereLo made ln wrlLlng, and ln
Laklng appeals, and ln all maLLers of ordlnary [udlclal procedure. 8uL Lhey cannoL,
wlLhouL speclal auLhorlLy, compromlse Lhelr cllenL's llLlgaLlon, or recelve anyLhlng ln
dlscharge of a cllenL's clalm buL Lhe full amounL ln cash.
6.7*4+- 9:8 H#%(-34&+,#3 #5 &++#)3-'4E &A)--%-3+ &4 +# 5--4. - An aLLorney shall be
enLlLled Lo have and recover from hls cllenL no more Lhan a reasonable compensaLlon
for hls servlces, wlLh a vlew Lo Lhe lmporLance of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe conLroversy,
Lhe exLenL of Lhe servlces rendered, and Lhe professlonal sLandlng of Lhe aLLorney. no
courL shall be bound by Lhe oplnlon of aLLorneys as experL wlLnesses as Lo Lhe proper
compensaLlon, buL may dlsregard such LesLlmony and base lLs concluslon on lLs own
professlonal knowledge. A wrlLLen conLracL for servlces shall conLrol Lhe amounL Lo be
pald Lherefor unless found by Lhe courL Lo be unconsclonable or unreasonable.
6.7*4+- 9;8 93.&/52. )-+-3+,#3 #5 *.,-3+M4 52364E *#3+-%(+. - When an aLLorney un[usLly
reLalns ln hls hands money of hls cllenL afLer lL has been demanded, he may be punlshed
for conLempL as an offlcer of Lhe CourL who has mlsbehaved ln hls offlclal LransacLlons,
buL proceedlngs under Lhls secLlon shall noL be a bar Lo a crlmlnal prosecuLlon.
6.7*4+- 9<8 H"&3A- #5 &++#)3-'4. - An aLLorney may reLlre aL any Llme from any acLlon
or speclal proceedlng, by Lhe wrlLLen consenL of hls cllenL flled ln courL. Pe may also
reLlre aL any Llme from an acLlon or speclal proceedlng, wlLhouL Lhe consenL of hls cllenL,
should Lhe courL, on noLlce Lo Lhe cllenL and aLLorney, and on hearlng, deLermlne LhaL
he oughL Lo be allowed Lo reLlre. ln case of subsLlLuLlon, Lhe name of Lhe aLLorney newly
employed shall be enLered on Lhe dockeL of Lhe courL ln place of Lhe former one, and
wrlLLen noLlce of Lhe change shall be glven Lo Lhe advance parLy.
A cllenL may aL any Llme dlsmlss hls aLLorney or subsLlLuLe anoLher ln hls place, buL lf Lhe
conLracL beLween cllenL and aLLorney has been reduced Lo wrlLlng and Lhe dlsmlssal of
Lhe aLLorney was wlLhouL [usLlflable cause, he shall be enLlLled Lo recover from Lhe cllenL
Lhe full compensaLlon sLlpulaLed ln Lhe conLracL. Powever, Lhe aLLorney may, ln Lhe
dlscreLlon of Lhe courL, lnLervene ln Lhe case Lo proLecL hls rlghLs. lor Lhe paymenL of hls
compensaLlon Lhe aLLorney shall have a llen upon all [udgmenLs for Lhe paymenL of
money, and execuLlons lssued ln pursuance of such [udgmenL, rendered ln Lhe case
whereln hls servlces had been reLalned by Lhe cllenL.
6.7*4+- 9=8 ;++#)3-'4 )-%#J-6 #) 424(-36-6 7' :2()-%- H#2)+ #3 /"&+ A)#2364. - A
member of Lhe bar may be removed or suspended from hls offlce as aLLorney by Lhe
Supreme CourL for any decelL, malpracLlce, or oLher gross mlsconducL ln such offlce,
grossly lmmoral conducL, or by reason of hls convlcLlon of a crlme lnvolvlng moral
LurplLude, or for any vlolaLlon of Lhe oaLh whlch he ls requlred Lo Lake before Lhe
admlsslon Lo pracLlce, or for a wllfull dlsobedlence of any lawful order of a superlor
courL, or for corrupLly or wlllful appearlng as an aLLorney for a parLy Lo a case wlLhouL
auLhorlLy so Lo do. 1he pracLlce of sollclLlng cases aL law for Lhe purpose of galn, elLher
personally or Lhrough pald agenLs or brokers, consLlLuLes malpracLlce.
6.7*4+- 9(8 :24(-34,#3 #5 &++#)3-' 7' +"- H#2)+ #5 ;((-&.4 #) & H#2)+ #5 K,)4+ N34+&3*-.
- 1he CourL of Appeals or a CourL of llrsL lnsLance may suspend an aLLorney from
pracLlce for any of Lhe causes named ln Lhe lasL precedlng secLlon, and afLer such
suspenslon such aLLorney shall noL pracLlce hls professlon unLll furLher acLlon of Lhe
Supreme CourL ln Lhe premlses.
6.7*4+- 9>8 9(#3 424(-34,#3 7' +"- H#2)+ #5 ;((-&.4 #) H#2)+ #5 K,)4+ N34+&3*-G 52)+"-)
()#*--6,3A4 ,3 :2()-%- H#2)+. - upon such suspenslon, Lhe CourL of Appeals or Lhe
CourL of llrsL lnsLance shall forLhwlLh LransmlL Lo Lhe Supreme CourL a cerLlfled copy of
Lhe order of suspenslon and a full sLaLemenL of Lhe facLs upon whlch Lhe same was
based. upon Lhe recelpL of such cerLlfled copy and sLaLemenL, Lhe Supreme CourL shall
make a full lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe facLs lnvolved and make such order revoklng or
exLendlng Lhe suspenslon, or removlng Lhe aLLorney from hls offlce as such, as Lhe facLs
6.7*4+- '?8 ;++#)3-' +# 7- "-&)6 7-5#)- )-%#J&. #) 424(-34,#3. - no aLLorney shall be
removed or suspended from Lhe pracLlce of hls professlon, unLll he has had full
opporLunlLy upon reasonable noLlce Lo answer Lhe charges agalnsL hlm, Lo produce
wlLnesses ln hls own behalf, and Lo be heard by hlmself or counsel. 8uL lf upon
reasonable noLlce he falls Lo appear and answer Lhe accusaLlon, Lhe courL may proceed
Lo deLermlne Lhe maLLer -D (&)+-.
6.7*4+- '&8 ;++#)3-'4 5#) 6-4+,+2+- .,+,A&3+4. - A courL may asslgn an aLLorney Lo render
professlonal ald free of charge Lo any parLy ln a case, lf upon lnvesLlgaLlon lL appears
LhaL Lhe parLy ls desLlLuLe and unable Lo employ an aLLorney, and LhaL Lhe servlces of
counsel are necessary Lo secure Lhe ends of [usLlce and Lo proLecL Lhe rlghLs of Lhe
parLy. lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe aLLorney so asslgned Lo render Lhe requlred servlce,
unless he ls excused Lherefrom by Lhe courL for sufflclenL cause shown.
6.7*4+- '98 H#%(-34&+,#3 5#) &++#)3-'4 6- #5,*,#. - Sub[ecL Lo avallablllLy of funds as
may be provlded by Lhe law Lhe courL may, ln lLs dlscreLlon, order an aLLorney employed
as counsel 6- #5,*,# Lo be compensaLes ln such sum as Lhe courL may flx ln accordance
wlLh secLlon 24 of Lhls rule. Whenever such compensaLlon ls allowed, lL shall be noL less
Lhan LhlrLy pesos (30) ln any case, nor more Lhan Lhe followlng amounLs: (1) llfLy pesos
(30) ln llghL felonles, (2) Cne hundred pesos (100) ln less grave felonles, (3) 1wo
hundred pesos (200) ln grave felonles oLher Lhan caplLal offenses, (4) llve Pundred
pesos (300) ln caplLal offenses.
6.7*4+- ''8 :+&36,3A ,3 *#2)+ #5 (-)4#3 &2+"#),8-6 +# &((-&) 5#) O#J-)3%-3+. - Any
offlclal or oLher person appolnLed or deslgnaLed ln accordance wlLh law Lo appear for
Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe hlllpplnes shall have all Lhe rlghLs of a duly auLhorlzed member
of Lhe bar Lo appear ln any case ln whlch sald governmenL has an lnLeresL dlrecL or
6.7*4+- ':8 F' /"#% .,+,A&+,#3 *#362*+-6. - ln Lhe courL of a [usLlce of Lhe peace a
parLy may conducL hls llLlgaLlon ln person, wlLh Lhe ald of an agenL or frlend appolnLed
by hlm for Lhe purpose, or wlLh Lhe ald an aLLorney. ln any oLher courL, a parLy may
conducL hls llLlgaLlon personally or by ald of an aLLorney, and hls appearance musL be
elLher personal or by a duly auLhorlzed member of Lhe bar.
6.7*4+- ';8 H-)+&,3 &++#)3-'4 3#+ +# ()&*+,*-. - no [udge or oLher offlclal or employee
of Lhe superlor courLs or of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral, shall engage ln prlvaLe
pracLlce as a member of Lhe bar or glve professlonal advlce Lo cllenLs.
6.7*4+- '<8 ;%,*24 H2),&-. - Lxperlenced and lmparLlal aLLorneys may be lnvlLed by Lhe
CourL Lo appear as &%,*, *2),&- Lo help ln Lhe dlsposlLlon of lssues submlLLed Lo lL.
6.7*4+- '=8 ;++#)3-'4M .,-34. - An aLLorney shall have a llen upon Lhe funds, documenLs
and papers of hls cllenL whlch have lawfully come lnLo hls possesslon and may reLaln Lhe
same unLll hls lawful fees and dlsbursemenLs have been pald, and may apply such funds
Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon Lhereof. Pe shall also have a llen Lo Lhe same exLenL upon all
[udgmenLs for Lhe paymenL of money, and execuLlons lssued ln pursuance of such
[udgmenLs, whlch he has secured ln a llLlgaLlon of hls cllenL, from and afLer Lhe Llme
when he shall have Lhe caused a sLaLemenL of hls clalm of such llen Lo be enLered upon
Lhe records of Lhe courL renderlng such [udgmenL, or lssulng such execuLlon, and shall
have Lhe caused wrlLLen noLlce Lhereof Lo be dellvered Lo hls cllenL and Lo Lhe adverse
paLy, and he shall have Lhe same rlghL and power over such [udgmenLs and execuLlons
as hls cllenL would have Lo enforce hls llen and secure Lhe paymenL of hls [usL fees and

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