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2014 20 Ways to Become Forever Foxy by Milli Fox

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Bello, anu thank you foi uownloauing this guiue. I'm veiy exciteu you'ie heie, because
it means you'ie inteiesteu in changing youi life foi the bettei. I know that youi newsfeeu anu
inbox aie piobably full of fitness anu nutiition ielateu posts. Naybe you see pictuies of flat
bellies anu plates of fiuit anu you think, why can't I have that. You subsciibe to blogs that offei
tips anu tiicks to shiink youi waist, oi fat buining iecipes, but no mattei how many times you
iesolve to finally stay on tiack it nevei ieally seems to stick. I mean, the foou looks goou, anu
exeicising uoes leave you feeling ieally gieat, so what's the pioblem.

The pioblem is that foxiness uoesn't come fiom salau anu caiuio. Foxiness uoesn't
come fiom guilt oi shame oi uepiivation. In oiuei to implement changes into youi life that
will nuituie youi innei fox, you have to take a bioau appioach. This uoesn't mean you have to
woik haiuei, it means you have to woik smaitei. Theie aie ways you can set youiself up foi
success that will not put you into the vicious on anu off cycle of uieting anu binge exeicise.

So please take this oppoitunity to be ieal with youiself anu kinu to youiself. The buck
stops heie. You aie not a victim of youi situation anu you aie not a piouuct of it. You aie a
piouuct of the choices you make anu the habits you builu. 0se this guiue to stait out on a
sustainable path to achievement. Bitch the infoimation ovei-loau anu uon't be tempteu by
attention giabbing heaulines in magazines, because that's all theii theie foi, to get youi
attention. Step away fiom all of the confusion anu use this guiue to get back to basics.

Piint it out if you want anu ie-ieau it often anu anytime when you aie feeling a uip in
motivation (which is bounu to happen because you'ie human anu that's why we love you).


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Nost people who stait out on a path to make changes aie ieally motivateu anu
ueuicateu to sticking to theii plan. The pioblem is, the expectation of instant giatification. It
took yeais to get wheie you aie touay, anu all those yeais of habit builuing aie not easily
foigotten. If you want to make a long -teim change that sticks, you have to employ a long-teim
solution. A ciash-fix to youi pioblems is going to enu in a ciash lanuing. People aie extiemely
iesistant to change anu it isn't just the conscious you that has a say in the mattei. The
subconscious you loathes change because it iequiies fai too much effoit anu youi life is the
most comfoitable when youi subconscious can keep you iunning on autopilot. The best
solution foi this is to foiget the majoi oveihaul that you expect to show you iesults within a
couple of uays. 0nless it's foi a specific ieason anu foi a specific time fiame, the majoi oveihaul
may seem like a goou iuea, but foi most of us it's completely uniealistic. Theie ieally is no
magic bullet oi magic pill that's going to give you the quick iesults you'ie hoping foi. The goou
news is, the long teim plan is easiei, its moie sustainable anu you won't have the majoi
emotional highs anu lows that come along with falling off the wagon, anu getting back on

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Youi logical self is pait of youi conscious self anu that means that logic takes conscious
effoit. Youi subconscious uoesn't ieally caie veiy much about logical ieasoning. Its moie
conceineu with making things easy so youi conscious effoits can be fiee to combat othei moie
piessing uemanus (like oncoming thieats such as lions, tigeis anu beais). Bowevei, you neeu
youi logical self to ueteimine what goals aie going to be the most iealistic foi you.

If you set out to make changes that aie illogical foi youi life, they aie veiy likely to fizzle
out quickly. Foi example, if you know iealistically that you can only fit in a gym woikout Sx a
week with youi woik scheuule anu you make youi goal to go Sx a week you aie going to woik
pietty haiu consciously to finu that extia time to get theie. Bowevei, if you have youi Sx a
week fitting peifectly in youi scheuule, anu you plan othei activities that get you moving
insteau of sitting with youi fiienus anu family it won't feel like such a buiuen.

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People aie much moie likely to achieve goals that they wiite uown anu that they iefei
back to often. When you cieate a vague goal, it's a lot easiei to change youi uefinition of that
goal to what suits youi piefeience in the moment. It becomes easiei anu easiei to iationalize
behaviouis that aie not helping you move towaius you goal. When you uon't have a cleai iuea
of wheie you'ie heaueu, the path you shoulu be on becomes less anu less iecognizable. At
some point oi anothei you foiget about the intensity anu passion you hau when you initially
maue youi goal anu it falls to the waysiue. In oiuei to avoiu this, you can uo a few simple
things while you aie making youi goal.

You have to uefine what it is you want to uo in the big pictuie, foi example, get
healthiei. This is wheie most people stop. Next, you neeu to ueteimine what getting healthiei
is going to look like in youi life, anu exactly how you'ie going to implement that. Foi example, I
want to eat moie nutiitious foous anu I am going to commit to eating home cookeu meals five
uays a week.

To take it one step fuithei, you can take a look at exactly how you aie going to make
suie that this is a iealistic anu how its going to fit into youi life. So you may say I am going to
commit to cooking seveial uishes on Weunesuay anu Sunuay to make suie I have home cookeu
meals to eat when I uon't have time to cook.

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You neeu to uefine what youi goal means to you anu why it's impoitant to you. Foi
example, I want to be healthiei so I can feel confiuent that I am setting a goou example foi my
kius anu teaching them healthy habits because I want to be a goou paient.

You have to go ueep. You have to finu out what the ieal emotional uiivei is behinu youi
goals. It uefinitely is nevei just because you want youi favoiite jeans to fit. Its how you feel in
those jeans, what those feelings mean to you in youi life. Bo those jeans make you feel like you
can conquei the woilu. Will meeting youi goal make you feel like you've iegaineu long lost
contiol ovei youi life.

We aie pietty bau at being motivateu by logic alone. 0f couise some of us aie tuineu on
by logic, but the majoiity of oui motivation is going to come fiom ueep within you. That's why
they call it !"tiinsic motivation because it's not exteinal. So, it woulu be tiuly beneficial if you
took the time to sit uown with a pen anu papei anu askeu youiself, why uo I want this. Anu
when you have youi answei, ask youiself again, but WBY uo I want this. Big ueepei anu
ueepei until you finu youi tiuest motivation. That will be what keeps you going in those
moments wheie you'ie ieauy to thiow youi hanus in the aii anu say- what's the point anyway.

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Think about how you got to wheie you aie now in youi life. Biu you at some point
ueciue wheie you wanteu to enu up anu then woik youi way uiiectly to wheie you aie now. I
think the chances of that aie pietty slim. Nost likely you just maue choices along the way anu
they all auueu up anu voila- heie you aie now. That may be a fabulous thing, oi a not so
fabulous thing uepenuing on how all of the pieces came togethei. That is also how youi health
comes togethei. Its not a lineai jouiney wheie you ueciue boom I'm going to fly stiaight fiom
heie to healthy. If you tiy to uo that, you'll likely fall of the iails anu wake up some time uown
the ioau anu ask youiself what happeneu. So in oiuei to have a moie successful jouiney, it's
veiy beneficial to iealize that youi path will not be a lineai one- anu that's ok.

Theie is a time foi inuulgence anu a time foi uiligence. Sometimes we will get uistiacteu
away fiom oui goals but we can always ietuin to them. We nevei have to give up completely
but so long as we aie constantly taking two steps foiwaiu aftei one step back, we'll get to
wheie we want to be. Slow anu steauy uefinitely wins the iace heie!

!G H(2;7) 54+6 8)3- @2;27)@);& 8&53)

As a society we have become hypei-awaie of bullying. We have zeio toleiance policies
in oui schools anu we aie now even staiting to watch foi it in oui woikplaces. Bullying is
intoleiable, anu we will not stanu by anu watch it happen to oui chiluien, so why aie we
allowing it to happen to ouiselves. Anu I'm not talking about youi bossy co-woikei; I'm
talking about Y00!

If you tiy to motivate youiself by belittling youiself anu calling youiself names, you'ie
not going to get veiy fai. This haish self-management style is just as uamaging, if not moie,
than that school yaiu bully. It makes you believe you aie not woith it. Bow can we apply
uiffeient expectation of behavioui to ouiselves anu expect them to have any soit of positive

You have to tuin that punishment into encouiagement. You have to tuin the hate into
love. If it means stopping the health initiatives all togethei anu just woiking on that fiist, then
that's what neeus to be uone.

I highly suggest staiting a piactice of uaily self-love. Stait a jouinal anu wiite positive
things about youiself in it uaily. Wiite uown ieasons why youi bouy ueseives love. Think
about it as though you weie wiiting to the chilu you anu be that suppoitive anu gentle.
This piactice will make all the uiffeience in those moments wheie you veei off couise. If
you'ie self uepiecating, the chances aie that you'll spiial uownwaiu anu not pull in the ieins
anu get back on tiack. If you'ie suppoitive anu unueistanuing with youiself, you'll come
aiounu much fastei. 0n top of that, piessuiing youiself just auus unnecessaiy stiess in a
woilu wheie that's the last thing any of us neeu- especially foi oui health.

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Theie aie two ieasons we neeu suppoit:
1. We aie masteis of iationalization. I know it anu you know it. We aie so extiemely
talenteu at talking ouiselves into anu out of things. We can think of all the ieasons in the woilu
why we aien't able to uo something that we know we shoulu, oi even ueep uown want to uo.
The pioblem is, we uon't have anyone to say hey- that's ciap. You know that uecision is not
going to make you happy, so what's holuing you back. Sometimes we all neeu a ieality check
anu a lot of the time its veiy haiu to give youiself one. If we can finu someone who will be ieal
with us when we neeu them to, we aie much moie likely to succeeu. Finu someone who can be
youi voice of ieason anu bettei yet finu someone who will jump on boaiu with you. Social
suppoit is of the utmost impoitance when it comes to making life changes. It can be the
uiffeience between you staying the couise anu iationalizing youiself back into youi comfoit
2. Theie is an olu saying that we aie the sum of the people that we spenu the most time
with. While this may oi may not be all that tiue, it ceitainly uoes have a laige impact on the
type of lifestyle choices we make. If we aie aiounu people who aie eating all kinus of foous
we'ie tiying to avoiu anu have all soits of unhealthy habits anu behaviouis we'ie tiying to
change its going to be much haiuei foi us to get away fiom those things. The best way to make
suie youi new lifestyle sticks is to suiiounu youiself with people who have the type of lifestyle
you'ie tiying to achieve. They will be the best souice of encouiagement that you can finu
because its likely that they've been wheie you aie now anu they will want to see you get to
youi happiest anu healthiest place.
0nfoitunately, this also means you shoulu spenu less time with people who leau unhealthy
lifestyles anu aien't willing to change. It is likely that people like this will tiy to sabotage youi
effoits anu peisuaue you to miss the gym touay, oi #$%& &(!% &!)* eat the big unhealthy meal
with them. The tiuth is people uon't want to feel bau about theii habits so they will tiy to
avoiu those feelings anu if it means biinging you uown, then its likely they will tiy. Its not a
malicious thing, but we see it happen ovei anu ovei again.

The take home heie is that people with auequate social suppoit aie geneially moie
successful, happiei anu even live longei lives. So, take some time to evaluate the people you'ie
spenuing the most time with anu if they aie helping oi hinueiing you ieach youi goals. You
might want to consiuei having some seiious conveisations with those closest to you anu
expiess youi ueepest motivations foi these changes that you woikeu to uiscovei eailiei. That
way they will unueistanu that this is veiy impoitant to you anu will likely be moie suppoitive.

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Tuin off the Tv, close youi magazines anu stop looking online. Nouels, fitness
piofessionals anu celebiities aie constantly aiibiusheu, on top of being suiiounueu by a team
of piofessionals making them look theii absolute best. If you use this as inspiiation you aie
going to be left feeling less than peifect, because peifect is an illusion. Bo not use imaginaiy
images of women as inspiiation. The best inspiiation that you can finu will be someone who
you aumiie foi his oi hei achievements anu stiengths. If you uon't know someone peisonally,
it can be someone you know of. 0n top of that theie aie a slew of amazing gioups on social
meuia that aie leu by ieally ieal anu honest stiong women. Its impoitant that you finu some
souice of inspiiation that you can tuin to when you'ie not feeling the giinu.

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We have all heaiu at some point oi anothei that oui goals shoulu be measuieable anu
timeu. That's gieat anu all but what if we slip up on measuiing oui piogiess anu then the time
slips by. Well in oiuei to avoiu that, it's a gieat iuea to scheuule check ins to evaluate piogiess
anu tioubleshoot any aieas that may not be going as well as planneu. You can uo this by
cieating events in youi calenuai eveiy week oi two weeks in which you will answei a seiies of
questions. You can just check in with youiself anu wiite youi answeis uown in a jouinal so
you can look back on them uown the ioau oi you can finu a fiienu who will give you a call on a
scheuuleu uay anu time anu ask you the same questions. The impoitant pait heie is assuiing
consistency anu pioviuing some type of accountability. Bow can you know wheie you neeu to
tighten up, oi get the confiimation that you'ie uoing a gieat job if you uon't take the time to
check in with youiself.
Sometimes, we aie uoing an awesome job anu we uon't even iealize it until we step
back anu take a look at what we've accomplisheu. 0thei times we think we'ie uoing aliight
only to get to the finish line anu iealize we coulu have uone so much moie... if only. So, buy
youiself a jouinal that you eithei keep foi youiself oi hanu ovei to a tiusty fiienu anu wiite
youi questions in the fiont that you want to ask youiself eveiy one to two weeks.

Foi example,
-Am I making the piogiess I've hopeu to make in the last two weeks.
-In all honesty, on a scale of 1-1u, how well have I been sticking to the new
behaviouis that I set out to implement.
-What uo the measuiements I've ueciueu to keep look like. (whethei this be
inches, oi some othei gauge of piogiess)

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If you aie a teiiible iunnei, then why woulu you choose iunning to be youi methou of
exeicise. As time passes, youi iesistance will giow anu giow to the point wheie you will
uieau the thought of exeicising anu likely finu any ieason not to uo it. Theie is a pattein
foiming heie- uo what is going to woik foi you anu youi life. People feel gieat when they uo
something they'ie goou at anu even sometimes when they uo something they'ie uecent at. If
you hate a ceitain foim of exeicise, then finu something you'ie goou at. Even if you'ie not that
gieat at it, at least uo something that biings you pleasuie. Theie is no holy giail of fitness anu
health. The key to success is consistency anu enjoyment. If you aie uoing something that you
love the chances aie you'll stick with it. The uefinition of insanity is uoing the same thing ovei
with the expectation of a uiffeient iesult. So, if you've signeu up foi the gym anu cancelleu
youi membeiship moie times than you can count, then why uo it again. If you uon't enjoy the
gym, then maybe tiy an aqua-fit class, step out of youi comfoit zone anu get back into playing
soccei. Tiy something new anu if you uon't like that, it's okay! You can always keep tiying
until you finu something that clicks whethei it be because you'ie ieally goou at it oi because
you ieally enjoy it. If you'ie ieally neivous about tiying something new on youi own then
ieciuit a pal anu have them tag along with you to buffei the anxiety of navigating a new
situation on youi own.

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The biggest pioblem with making changes that last is extieme thinking. When you
think in ultimate teims its veiy easy to get uiscouiageu anu give up. It also sets you into an
unhealthy cycle of binge anu iepent. Success uoes not mean hitting the gym S uays a week S1
weeks out of the yeai. It means getting back into the gym aftei a 4 uay weekenu, even if its only
once that week. It means having a cheat meal once a week anu not wiiting that off as a
complete failuie anu giving up the entiie effoit.
A numbei on the scale, oi a ceitain pant size uoes not uefine success. You uiu not fail if
you ieacheu youi ueauline uay anu you uiun't hit youi exact goal. So long as you have maue
steauy piogiess, that is a success. You can even go foi weeks at a time with no piogiess, but
also no iegiession anu call it a success. Behaviouial goals aie successes just as much as
physical goals aie.
You have to give youiself iecognition foi a wiue iange of accomplishments because if
you uefine success to naiiowly you aie going to feel like a failuie anu stop tiying. Feeling
uefeateu will nevei be the encouiagement you neeu to piess on. Realizing that even if you
uiun't make it to youi oiiginal goal but you still maue it half way (oi howevei fai) is still a big
success! Anu even if you uon't meet youi goal (because maybe it was uniealistic) but you still
changeu youi life in countless ways foi the bettei, got iiu of chionic health pioblems etc. that
is still a big success! Sometimes we neeu to iefiame oui iueas of success in oiuei to succeeu.

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All uay you'ie self-monitoiing; constantly imposing limits upon youiself, using youi
uppei coitex foi executive function anu that is tiiing business. Youi biain has a limiteu
amount of steam befoie it neeus a bieak. The same applies to youi will powei. You aie not
uevoiu of will powei because you weie so goou all week anu then you "bioke uown" anu hau a
cookie on Thuisuay night. Youi will powei neeus to be iespecteu as a valuable iesouice an
allocateu accoiuingly. Theie aie ways that you can assist it by taking away some of the
woikloau. Foi example, packing a lunch you know you'll look foiwaiu to eating will help you
avoiu neeuing will powei to stop you fiom going uown to the venuing machine in the miu
moining. If you uiun't even biing a lunch, you'u neeu to use substantially moie will powei in
that situation. It's the equivalent of choosing youi battles anu stiategizing which ones will
iequiie youi will powei the most.
This is also anothei ieason why you shoulu avoiu being oveily iestiictive with youiself.
Being oveily iestiictive anu not allowing any built-in tieats will put you into a state of
uepiivation. Bepiivation moue can KILL willpowei in any battle. No mattei how haiu you tiy,
at some point you will ciack anu fall haiu if you staiveu youi life of enjoyment. 0ltimately,
iespect youi will powei anu it will uo you a lot moie goou than if you exhaust it.

!"< T6+8& 54+68)3-

Youi bouy is extiemely intelligent, anu so is youi intuition. The pioblem is, we uon't
listen. You have to leain to tiust the signals that youi bouy gives you because it is youi best
guiuing light. You can use it to tell you what foous woik best, when to eat, when to eat moie,
when to stop eating etc. The pioblem is, when we stop listening we plow past all of oui signals.
This woiks in both uiiections, when oui bouy has hau too much of something (foou oi
exeicise) oi when it hasn't hau enough. When you uon't listen to the whispeis of youi bouy, it
will eventually stait yelling at you. If you feel compelleu to make changes, the chances aie that
it's staiteu alieauy. Bowevei, insteau of looking only to exteinal iesouices to get you back on
couise, you ieally have to take some time to look inteinally. You have eveiything you neeu
alieauy to make some significant changes. Youi bouy will tell you when its hau enough
exeicise, anu when you get to a ceitain point, it will even stait to signal when it wants moie.
0ui bouies aie the most complex biological oiganisms in existence anu we have millions of
yeai of evolution behinu us to enfoice it. You have to believe that youi bouy is constantly
tiying to couise coiiect you anu biing you back to a state of equilibiium. So the best thing you
can uo is stait to listen. It might not be easy at fiist, anu tioubleshooting will be iequiieu but
take the signals as they come anu uon't just biush them off. You will be happy you tiusteu

!"A >&41 F2%&%;7 -46 &() 6%7(& &%@) &4 8&26&

Looking foi the iight time to staiting getting healthiei is a piociastination technique.
Plain anu simple, theie is no way aiounu it. If you aie seiious you will stait within the next five
minutes. Bowevei small that action may be, it counts. You have to get the momentum iolling
anu its not going to be any easiei on the fiist of the month, oi the yeai. The next season won't
make anything moie appealing. Theie aie ways you can get it going now if its impossible to
give the full effoit you want to uue to some extenuating ciicumstances. Stait on a Weunesuay
at 2, anu if you fall uown on Satuiuay, couise coiiect on Sunuay. The point is to stait now anu
keep going. Theie aie blips in the ioau on any jouiney that leaus to a bettei you, that's just the
way it's going to be anu that's ok. It's much bettei to stait iight away with small changes anu
achieve minimal iesults than to wait anu achieve nothing. Small changes can auu up to big
changes, but no zeio plus zeio times zeio still equals zeio. So get up anu make something
happen touay!

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This comes back to the fact that moueiation always beats extiemism. Extieme changes
aie haiu to maintain because we ieally uon't like change veiy much. Change iequiies a lot of
attention that youi biain anu youi bouy woulu much iathei make available foi othei things,
like uefenuing against lions, tigeis anu beais. It has been pioven time anu again that people
aie much moie successful in foiming new habits when they concentiate on one habit at a time.
Success iates uiop to half when even just two habits aie focuseu on. The point heie, in the
jouiney of peimanent change, is to outsmait youiself. You have to outsmait all of these built in
mechanisms anu iesistances that youi biain anu bouy aie inuefinitely going to piesent you
with. Bon't ovei plan; just pick one habit that you think is youi biggest limiting factoi in health
anu woik on it. Be caieful that you aien't too vague with this eithei. You can't just say I'm
going to woik on bettei nutiition this month. You shoulu get pietty specific, as eailiei
suggesteu, anu say something like foi the next 2 weeks I am going to aim to eat piotein with
eveiy meal anu if I uon't hit 8u% compliance, I will woik on it foi anothei two weeks until I uo.
This kinu of behavioui goal shoulun't feel oveiwhelming, they shoulu be well uefineu anu have
a gauge foi success. If you woik with this type of focus, you will feel much less inteinal
iesistance anu be set up to conquei peimanent change.

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We all know the saying "it was the stiaw that bioke the camels back", but uo we evei
ieally think about what that means. Well, lets take a minute. Eveiy little piece of stiaw on its
own seems poweiless, but when you keep piling them up, theii weight becomes substantial.
This piinciple can be applieu peifectly to youi lifestyle by consiueiing the camel as youi health
anu the stiaws as unhealthy behaviouis. The fact is, oui bouies can hanule a lot of unhealthy
behaviouis befoie it staits to catch up to us. So when we fiist tiy iemoving some of them, we
might not feel like we aie making that much of a uiffeience. Bowevei, if we just leave them
alone anu even auu one moie, oui camel might collapse. The same woiks in the opposite
uiiection when we stait auuing new healthy behaviouis we might not feel the effects
immeuiately but the tiuth is each time you iemove a stiaw fiom the camels back, you aie
easing the loau on youi bouy anu allowing youi camel to become healthiei anu healthiei.
When you've taken the weight of enough unhealthy behaviouis away, you aie going to feel fiee
anu able to piance aiounu. So, uon't uiscount all the small effoits you've maue, when they all
auu up they can liteially make oi bieak you!

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This one is a killei. This is the attituue that tuins a cheat meal, into a cheat weekenu
into a thiow the iules out the winuow kinu of lifestyle. 0n top of all of that, it also highly
peipetuates guilt anu shame. It is absolutely poisonous. You aie alloweu to go outsiue of the
iules, it uoes not ueciease youi woith as a peison, it uoes not mean you aie weak anu pathetic
anu all those othei things that people will punish themselves with aftei a haimless inuulgence.
Its only when you thiow youi hanus into the aii anu say, oh well, I've alieauy messeu this up
beyonu iepaii, might as well just go with it, that you have tiuly faileu youiself.
Rules aie gieat, they aie guiuelines by which you can holu youiself accountable, but as
we mentioneu befoie, you have to uitch the extiemist attituue. You have to allow youiself
wiggle ioom because you aie human anu that is a gieat thing! vaiiety is the spice of life, choice
is the most beautiful anu cieative aspect of oui existence, why woulu you want to suffocate it
completely.! The tiuth is, you can't, so uon't tiy. Plan foi uetouis, expect the unexpecteu anu
uon't go off the iails when it happens. Set a goal foi youiself within you iules aim foi 9u%,
8S% heck even 7S% will be bettei than giving up completely.

!"K Y) (4;)8& F%&( 54+68)3-

It's always easiei to blame oui shoitcomings oi pioblems on something exteinal. It's a
built in safeguaiu against feelings of failuie anu shame but the beauty about us is that we have
the ability to stanu outsiue of ouiselves anu look inwaiu. We might blame oui situation foi oui
bau habits, but when we step back we can see that it ieally is unuei oui contiol. A lot of times,
in oiuei to solve a pioblem, we neeu to iecognize the souice of the pioblem anu if we aie
assigning blame elsewheie how can we fix the tiue cause. You must take the time foi
intiospection eveiy so often because what goou will come of being in uenial. In oiuei to make
changes to ouiselves anu giow we neeu to be ieal with ouiselves anu if this is ieally uifficult
foi you, then the point about seeking suppoit ieally applies heie.
Also, it iequiies a lot of honesty to allow youiself to feel. Naking peimanent changes
will biing you into a host of feelings that you may not have expecteu. You neeu to be honest
with youiself about these feelings anu take the time to sit with them anu allow youiself to
piocess. Feeling is not a weakness, in fact it's a majoi stiength to confiont youi feelings anu be
able to acknowleuge them. This skill will enable you to piopeily woik thiough youi feelings
anu move on insteau of hiuing them away somewheie anu telling youiself that you'ie ovei it.
Being a iock is not being stiong. Be honest with youiself anu things aie much less likely to
come back anu bite you when you'ie least expecting it.

!"M $4 &(%;78 54+ );Z45

Life can become monotonous, anu falling into a iut is one of the woist things that can
happen to us. It makes inspiiation faue anu motivation hiue. If you have gotten youiself into a
goou pattein anu you'ie enjoying it, that's one thing, but once you stait to move thiough that
pattein like a iobot, its time to shake things up a bit. In teims of exeicise, take a week oi two
off of the gym oi youi spin class anu go tiy something new. Bo something you've been
thinking of tiying but haven't gotten aiounu to it yet. Nake suie you keep it enjoyable. I'm not
saying if you uon't feel like exeicising one uay to just pass it by, but if you aie spenuing the
majoiity of the time paiticipating in something that is making you miseiable, its time to
iethink it. We have so many options when it comes to nutiition anu exeicise. We can tiy new
iecipes, anu go to new iestauiants if we've been eating chicken anu bioccoli foi the past
month. The foimula foi success heie is to not let life become stale.
It uoesn't even have to be nutiition anu exeicise ielateu. Naybe you just neeu to tieat
youiself. Rejuvenation anu ielaxation aie unbelievably impoitant, so make suie you make
time foi it. Sometimes a "iestoiation woikout" can be moie beneficial than a "sweat session".
uet a massage, go foi a peuicuie, oi go buy youiself a new top. Whatevei it is, make suie that
you have pick-me-ups anu things that biing you enjoyment in youi life. It will help safeguaiu
against the pit of monotony that can kill youi plan becaus.

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It's easy to get caught up in the uetails of oui plan anu foiget what life is ieally about.
We have to go back to oui oiiginal ueep emotional goals anu ievisit why we want to
accomplish these goals in the fiist place. Chances aie they have something to uo with family,
fiienus, being able to continue making goou memoiies, setting a goou example etc. 0nce in a
while, we have to make suie that oui actions aie tiue to oui ueepest goals. If we aie so caught
up in the minutiae that we uon't iealize we aie actually taking time away fiom the goou things
in life, then we aie in fact uoing moie haim than goou. We have to iealize that those last S-1u
lbs aie not woith missing out on impoitant events to hit the gym oi to avoiu eating ceitain
foous. Like the majoiity of the points listeu in this e-book, it comes back to moueiation. We
have to take the miuule path, not only ensuie success but also to avoiu pain, guilt anu suffeiing.
0ui jouiney will not only affect us, it will affect eveiyone aiounu us in some way oi anothei
anu in the enu eveiyone wants to be happy. So iemembei above all that life is not about
uepiivation anu sitting out, it's about cieating a balance between physical, mental anu
emotional health.

Bolistic health has become something that we heai about often anu it sounus veiy
waim anu fuzzy anu maybe even a bit woo-woo. Bespite all the associations, the woiu holistic
peifectly uesciibes the focus we neeu in oiuei to make lasting changes. The Neiiiam-Webstei
Bictionaiy uefines it as ielating to, oi conceineu with complete systems iathei than with
inuiviuual paits. 0ui lives aie maue up of a mass of systems that all inteisect, sometimes in
multiple places. We have uiffeient hats that we weai anu we might think that we can easily
keep uiffeient aieas of oui lives compaitmentalizeu anu neatly tuckeu into theii places but the
tiuth is no wall will evei be stiong enough to keep one aiea fiom influencing anothei. You can
nevei sepaiate the influence that being a paient will have on youi business inteiactions anu
you can nevei iemove the effects youi cultuie will have on youi paienting etc.

The point heie is you neeu to embiace the entiiety of who you aie anu ioll with it. Quit
tiying to moulu youiself into some iigiu expectation you've cieateu because life is messy anu
fluiu anu meant to be enjoyeu. Sometimes we get ieally caught up with the uetails of what
we'ie uoing on a uaily basis anu we lose sight of the big pictuie. All we ieally want is to be
happy anu we kinu of foiget that when cieating oui 'to-uo' anu 'shoulu-uo' lists. 0bviously we
puisue health in hopes that achieving a ceitain level of it will biing us happiness, but we aie
only uetiacting fiom oui happiness when we stait biinging guilt anu shame into the pictuie.

So the most impoitant thing we can uo foi ouiselves is finu enjoyment in oui health
puisuits anu tiy oui best to empowei one anothei anu ouiselves. Remembei, we aie all
human anu that's ok. That is ieally what makes us so beautiful.

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