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Through the years since 1906, the Illuminating Engineering Society has
been publishing the findings of the leaders in the fields of lighting application
and research. In addition to the 41 volumes of its journal, the I.E.S. Film,
and the many lighting installation data sheets, pamphlets and books pre-
pared under its sponsorship, there is today so much excellent literature
on lighting published by others that it has become exceedingly difficult
to keep abreast of advancement along the ever-expanding lighting horizon.
For one person to collect and digest the findings of the past half-century of
progress would require a life-time of research. Nevertheless, an under-
standing of the basic technical information and of time-tested application
techniques is recognized as the best foundation for further advancement.
It is conceived by the Society that this Handbook will provide its readers
with the essential information required in their daily work.
In simple terms and highly condensed style the IES Lighting Handbook
places conveniently within reach of all its readers the accumulated knowl-
edge of the past forty-one years of lighting progress, evaluated and in-
terpreted with respect to today's needs by a highly qualified group of over
100 contributing specialistsengineers, architects, physicists, decorators,
artists and opthalmologistswho have worked for more than two years
under the direction of a special committee of the Society and a full-time
editorial staff to provide the most complete coverage of the field possible
within the limits of a conveniently-sized volume.
In many ways the IES Lighting Handbook is particularly well-adapted
to reader convenience. For example, the type face is larger than that often
encountered in engineering handbooks and, in combination with the mat
finish paper, is more legible. To make clear and easily understood all
points of particular importance, an unusually large number of carefully
selected photographs and specially prepared line drawings are included.
The detailed alphabetical index provides a simple means of finding dis-
cussion on subjects of interest, and the original literature referenced at
the end of each section will amplify the condensed handbook treatment.
To aid in completing lighting installation plans, detailed data on many
types of commercially available lighting equipment are included in the
Manufacturers' Data Section.
In some instances, as in the case of the Average Brightness Calculation
Procedure, formerly thought to be a complex tool of the mathematician,
it has been possible, for the first time, to simplify design techniques, and
other working tools, so that now they may be used easily by everyone.
Every precaution has been taken to secure broad coverage of all phases
of lighting and a completely objective approach. First, the integrated
views of several different specialists were incorporated in each section of
the manuscript and, finally, the printer's proof was read and approved by
a Board of Review including the President and several Past Presidents of
the Illuminating Engineering Society.

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