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1.1. Company profile
The renowned industrialist, late Shree B. M. Birla founded National Engineering
Industries Ltd., Jaipur in the year 19! as a pioneer industry in the field of "earing
#anufa$ture, under the na#e of %National Bearing &o#pany Ltd.%
The first "earing was #anufa$tured in 19'( with a #odest start of )(,((( "earings
in 19 si*es. The $o#pany is now #anufa$turing nearly ).+ #illion "earings per
#onth in o,er '(( different si*es ranging fro# ! ## "ore to 1)(( ## outer
dia#eter and has the $apa$ity to #anufa$ture "earings upto -((( ## outer
dia#eter. .t NEI, the de,elop#ent of "earings is a ne,er ending /o". 0ith e,er
in$reasing a$ti,ities and grant of industrial li$enses for other ,ital industries and
#anufa$turing of 1oller Bearing .2le Bo2es for 1ailway 1olling Sto$3, Steel Balls,
1 | P a g e
Tapered 1oller Bearings, Spindle Inserts et$., the na#e of the $o#pany was
$hanged in 19'+ to %National Engineering Industries Ltd.% retaining its original
trade #ar3 NB&.
The industry is spread o,er 11+ a$res of land in Jaipur and '! a$res in 4unsi
5Newai6. This is the only unit in the $ountry #anufa$turing wide ,ariety and range
of "earings su$h as Ball Bearings, Steel Balls, Tapered 1oller Bearings, &ylindri$al
1oller Bearings 7 .2le Bo2es for 1ailway 1olling Sto$3 in$luding Spheri$al 1oller
Bearings, &artridge Tapered 1oller Bearings and Large 8ia#eter spe$ial Bearings
in separate fully e9uipped fa$tories. The de,elop#ent of National Engineering
Industries Ltd., was pioneered with a the#e :Indigeni*ation and Self;relian$e%.
NB& Bearings are widely used "y - and ) 0heelers, &ars, Tru$3s, Tra$tors, Ele$tri$
Motors, 1ailway wagon, &oa$h and Lo$o#oti,e #anufa$turers as <riginal
E9uip#ent and Steel Mills, =ea,y Engineering >lants, Bulldo*ers, Sho,els, Tillers
and Ther#al >ower >lants all a$ross the $ountry.
1.2. Milestones
?ig.1.1 Milestones of NEI
2 | P a g e
i. 19! ;&o#pany esta"lished as National Bearing &o#pany 5NB&6 under
te$hni$al $olla"oration with =off#an, @.A.
ii. 19'( Ball Bearing >rodu$tion started.
iii. 19'+ &o#pany is rena#ed National Engineering Industries Li#ited 5NEI6B
NB& Trade#ar3 retained.
i,. 19!C Tapered 1oller Bearing produ$tion started
,. 19C' Spheri$al 1oller Bearings produ$tion "egins
,i. 19+1 Se$ond >lant inaugurated in Newai.
,ii. 19+- &artridge Tapered 1oller Bearing in Te$hni$al &olla"oration with
Bren$o In$orporated of @.S...
,iii. 19+' Te$hni$al &olla"oration with NTN &orporation of Japan for Ball,
&ylindri$al 7 Spheri$al 1oller Bearing.
i2. 199' IS< ; 9((1 Duality Manage#ent Syste# &ertifi$ation
2. 199! Te$hni$al $olla"oration with I*u#i Ain*o3u Aogyo &o. Ltd., Japan for
Ma$hine 1etrofitting
xi. -((C Third >lant inaugurated in Manesar.
2ii. -((+ NB& re$ei,es T>M E2$ellen$e .ward
2iii. -(1( NB& re$ei,es 8e#ing .ward
2i,. -(1- NB& re$ei,es the .&M. awards for Manufa$turing and Te$hnology
2,. -(1) #anufa$turing e2$ellen$e award fro# .&M.; "ron*e
2,i. -(1 supplier re$ognition award for outstanding $ontri"ution
1.3. Technical collaboration
3 | P a g e
5i6 B1EN&< In$orporated of @.S... Sin$e 19+- ; ?or &artridge Tapered 1oller
Bearings for 1ailroad appli$ations.
5ii6 NTN &orporation of J.>.N Sin$e 19+' ; ?or Ball Bearings, &ylindri$al 7
Spheri$al 1oller Bearings, J>@ Bearings, 8ou"le 1ow .ngular &onta$t Bearings,
=u" Bearings Sin$e 199C ; for Tapered 1oller "earings.
5iii6 I*u#i Ain*o3u of J.>.N Sin$e 199! for re#anufa$turing, retrofitting and
o,erhauling of 4rinding and Super;finishing #a$hines for "earing ra$es.
1.4. Main Customers
1olling Sto$3E ;
8L0 58iesel Lo$o#oti,e 0or36
&L0 5&hittaran/an Lo$o#oti,e 0or3s6
I&? 5Integral &oa$h ?a$tory, &hennai6
1&? 51ail &oa$h ?a$tor, Aapurthala6
BEML 5Bharat Earth Mo,ers, Bangalore6
=industan Motors Ltd.
Maruti @dyog Ltd.
Mahindra 7 Mahindra
.uto#o"iles;L&GE ;
.sho3 Leyland
?or$e Motors
Ei$her Motors
Tata Motors
.uto#o"iles;TwoH Three 0heelersE;
Ba/a/ .uto Ltd.
4 | P a g e
=ero =onda Motors Ltd.
=onda Motor$y$le 7 S$ooters India Ltd.
Su*u3i Motor$y$le India
Ma/esti$ .uto
>iaggio India Ltd.
1oyal Enfield Ltd.
Ia#aha Motors India >,t. Ltd.
Tra$torsE ;
International tra$tors
Mahindra 7 Mahindra
>un/a" Tra$tors
GST Tillers
Ele$tri$ Motors 7 >u#psE;
&ro#pton 4rea,es
4.E. Motors
Airlos3ar Ele$tri$
?ansE ;
Ba/a/ Ele$tri$als
&ro#pton 4rea,es
5 | P a g e
1.5. Manufacturing Facilities
NB& has #anufa$turing fa$ilities at Jaipur 5esta"lished in 19!6, Newai
5esta"lished in 19+(6 and Manesar 5esta"lished in -((!6. . fourth plant, a green
field pro/e$t, at Sa,li in 4u/arat will ship out its first "earing in No,e#"er -(1),
ra#ping up produ$tion $apa$ity to 1'( #illion "earings per year on$e it is fully
Jaipur >lant
Newai 54unsi6 >lant
Manesar >lant
1.5.1. !e"ai #$unsi% &lant
Esta"lished in the year 19+(;+1 as an e2pansion pro/e$t of NEI Ltd . The fa$tory is
e9uipped with fully auto#ated grinding lines with ele$troni$ in;pro$ess 7 post;
pro$ess gauging and $entrally air;$onditioned asse#"ly lines with auto gauging and
test e9uip#ents for 9uality and relia"ility of the produ$ts, The plant is spread o,er a
$o,ered area
of C,-(( S9.

?ig1.-E Newai 54unsi6 plant
1.5.2 Manesar &lant
6 | P a g e
NEI has set up its third Ball Bearing #anufa$turing plant in the fastest growing
industrial town of Manesar in =aryana. The plant is ha,ing a $o,ered area of
'-(( s9. #eters. with the #ost ad,an$ed and sophisti$ated #a$hines i#ported
fro# reputed #anufa$turers fro# Europe and Japan .This plant is e9uipped with
state of the art fully auto#ated grinding lines, asse#"ly lines and inspe$tion
?ig1.)E Manesar >lant
Chapter 2
!'C (aipur
2.1. Introduction
This plant is lo$ated in the heart of >in3 &ity of India, whi$h is also fa#ous for its
Tourists spots. Spread o,er a total area of ,C+,9(( #- and a $o,ered area of C',)1(
#-, Jaipur plant has state of the art #anufa$turing fa$ilities and $apa"le to
#anufa$ture all types of Ball and 1oller Bearings of NEI produ$t range. . It has a
7 | P a g e
separate di,ision to #anufa$ture all these spread a$ross large area. The plant at
Jaipur in$ludes;
i. Ball Bearing
ii. >re$ision Ball Ma3ing
iii. Tapered 1oller Bearing
i,. 1ailway Bearing
,. 1esear$h 7 8e,elop#ent
,i. Large dia#eter "earings
,ii. S.>;E1>
2.2. 'all 'earing
The latest ad,an$ed te$hni9ues for #anufa$turing and Duality .ssuran$e are
i#ple#ented to #eet the rapid in$rease in de#and for Duality, di,ersity of
spe$ifi$ations and new types of "earings.
Type of Ball BearingE;
a. 1adial Ball Bearing
". .ngular &onta$t Bearing
$. Self;.ligning Two;1ow Ball Bearing
8 | P a g e
1adial "all "earing .ngular &onta$t Bearing Self;.ligning Two;1ow
Ball Bearing
5a6 5"6 5$6
?ig. -.1 Ball Bearings
The initial te$hnology was fro# =off#an Manufa$turing &o#pany Ltd., @.A. a
$olla"oration, whi$h $ontinued for -( years. They offer a wide range of "oth #etri$
and in$h series deep groo,e "all "earings, angular $onta$t "all "earings, self;
aligning "all "earings et$. 0ith their tie up with the worldJs leading "earing
#anufa$turing $o#pany NTN &orporation, J.>.N, They ha,e gained a$$ess to the
#ost ad,an$ed "all "earing te$hnology i.e. ther#o #e$hani$al "earings 5TMB6 and
tensioner "earings a,aila"le today and their wide range of "all "earings is in$reasing
under this $olla"oration. >re$ision "all "earing fro# !## "ore to 1!(## <8 is
#anufa$tured with latest ad,an$e te$hni9ues. The unit has ad,an$ed asse#"ly line
with auto gauging and testing e9uip#ent. NEI has -- auto#ati$ 4rinding lines fro#
MHs. NTN 7 I*u#i, Japan. .ll #a$hines with in pro$ess 7 post pro$ess gauges to
ensure grinding a$$ura$y. @se of =igh Duality $oolants for $onsistent grinding
9uality and surfa$e finish. &o#plete auto#ation "y fle2;lin3 $on,eyor syste#. NEI
has auto#ati$ plant for Tra$3 4rinding, Bore 4rinding and =oning, The latest
ad,an$ed te$hni9ues for #anufa$turing and Duality .ssuran$es are i#ple#ented to
#eet the rapid in$rease in de#and for 9uality, di,ersity of spe$ifi$ations and new
types of "earings. The plant is spread o,er a $o,ered area of 1,!9 s9. #eters.
2.3. &recision 'all Ma)ing
>re$ision Steel "alls up to -' ## dia#eter for NEI "earings are "eing #anufa$tured
in a separate well e9uipped fa$tory. >re$ision 9uality "alls are #anufa$tured on
pre$ision 4rinding 7 Lapping #a$hines to a$hie,e super finished surfa$e, a$$ura$y
and roundness as per IS< standards. The plant is spread o,er a $o,ered area of
9 | P a g e
,C(( s9.#tr.

Fig. 2.2 *teel 'alls
2.4. Tapered roller bearing
Type of Tapered 1oller Bearing
a. Single 1ow Tapered 1oller Bearing
". 8ou"le 1ow Tapered 1oller Bearing
8ou"le 1ow Tapered
1oller Bearing
10 | P a g e
Single 1ow Tapered 1oller Bearing
5a6 5"6
?ig -.) Tapered 1oller Bearings
This plant with the #ost #odern e9uip#ent was set up in the year 19!+.
Manufa$tured at an ultra;#odern plant, with te$hnology o"tained fro# our earlier
$olla"orators, ?ederal Mogul &orporation, @S. and now with NTN &orporation,
J.>.N, these "earings are used "y all #a/or auto#o"iles, tru$3 and tra$tor
#anufa$turers in the $ountry as original e9uip#ent. The a"o,e "earings are
#anufa$ture in in$h 7 #etri$ series for# 1'.+'C## "ore to 9'.-'## "ore. ?or
T1B NEI has .uto#ati$ 4rinding Lines with in;pro$ess 7 post pro$ess gauges.
&o#plete auto#ation "y ?le2 lin3 $on,eyor. &rowning pro,ision on Inner 5&one6 7
<uter 5&up6. &o#plete .uto#ati$ Line for 1oll 4rinding, Super finishing,
Inspe$tion and Sorting i#ported fro# NTN, Japan auto#ati$ $he$3ing 7 pre,ention
of in,erted roller 7 roller #issing. .uto#ati$ $he$3ing of stand height, noise and
run outs. >resently under #odernisation and e2pansion plan the new latest state of
the art te$hnology lines are installed. The plant is spread o,er a $o,er area of 11,!'-
s9. #tr.
2.5. +ail"ay bearing
1ailway Bearings in$luded in three se$tions
a. 1oller Bearing 7 .2le Bo2es
". Spheri$al 1oller Bearing
$. &artridge Tapered 1oller Bearing
2.5.1 +oller bearing , a-le bo-es
11 | P a g e
?ig -. .2le Bo2es
0ith the produ$tion of 1oller Bearings and .2le Bo2es, sin$e 19'- the $o#pany
has fully #et the re9uire#ents of the Indian 1ailways 5one of the largest syste#s of
the world6 "y designing and de,eloping a2le "o2es and "earings for fit#ent to
Lo$o#oti,es #anufa$tured "y 8iesel Lo$o#oti,e.
0or3s 7 &hittaran/an Lo$o#oti,e 0or3s, ,arious 0agon Builders, the I&? Broad
and Meter 4auge &oa$hes. <,er a #illion NB& Bearings and Bo2es are in ser,i$e
with the Indian 1ailway The de,elop#ent of $o#pletely indigenise a2le "o2es and
"earings for the high speed 1a/dhani Lo$o#oti,e and the Iogosla,ia and Egyptian
1ailway 0agons are the highlights of the design $apa"ilities at NEI.
The #ost of the produ$tion of this type of "earing for Indian 1ailways, >rodu$tion
of the "earing started in 19'-, on date plant is produ$ing 1(( different types of .2le
Bo2 "earing, o,er a #illion NEI "earings and "o2es are in ser,i$e with the Indian
railways. New .uto#ati$ 4rinding and .sse#"ly Line has "een pur$hased for
#anufa$turing of .2le @nit Bearings 581.& "earings6 fro# MHs I*u#i Ain*o3u.
2.5.2. *pherical roller bearing
The #anufa$ture of Spheri$al 1oller Bearings was started in the year 19C';C! for
fit#ent to "road gauge and #eter gauge passenger $oa$hes with designs,
te$hnology, #a$hines and e9uip#ent pro$ured fro# the $olla"orators
12 | P a g e
&artridge Tapered 1oller Bearing Spheri$al 1oller Bearing
5a6 5"6
?ig -.' 1ailway Bearings
2.5.3. Cartridge tapered roller bearing
?or fit#ent to the new B<F;N @prated 0agons designed "y the 18S<, NEI is the
only #anufa$turer in the $ountry who is the first to indigenise these "earings to a
high per$entage under $olla"oration with the largest #anufa$turer of these "earings
in the world. >rodu$tion of these "earings is grease pa$3ed and re9uires no field
lu"ri$ation for a period of C year. The 1ailway Bearing 8i,ision is spread o,er a
$o,ered area of 1.-a$res.
2... /arge diameter bearing
Self;suffi$ien$y in steel is the $all of the day so is the i#portan$e of "earings in
steel Mills E9uip#ent NEI has the distin$tion of "eing one of the ten #anufa$turers
of these "earings up to -((( ## dia#eter. The largest "earing produ$ed "y NEI for
fit#ent to plate will of 1our3ela Steel >lant was released "y Mr 4.>. Birla in
Septe#"er 19+'. This ;row tapered roller "earing #easures 1)(( ## dia#eter and
weighs .)9 tones. The large dia#eter "earings are #ainly produ$ed out of $ase
$ar"uri*ing steels, heat treated on spe$ial e9uip#ent and
furna$es de,eloped "y NEI. The pre$ision grinding is done to $lose toleran$es on
&N& Twin Spindle >rogra##a"le Berthie* Ma$hine for "earings ranging fro# '((
to -((( ## dia#eter with ele$troni$ si*ing and nu#eri$al display. >rodu$tion of
13 | P a g e
these "earings started in 19C' and to date o,er 1(( different types of spe$ial large
dia#eter "earings ha,e "een #anufa$tured and su$$essfully used.
2.0. +esearch and de1elopment
2.0.1. 2esign and de1elopment
&o#plete in;house fa$ility for design 7 de,elop#ent of all types of "earings and
tooling is a,aila"le. The design is done on &.8. The large dia#eter "earings and
tooling ha,e "een entirely designed and de,eloped "y NEIKs 178 at its &o#puter
$entre. &o#plete engineering and resear$h fa$ility is a,aila"le to sol,e pro"le# of
design de,elop#ent, #anufa$turing, installation and #aintenan$e of "earings. 0ith
the signing of the te$hni$al $olla"oration agree#ent with NTN &<1><1.TI<N
J.>.N 7 B1EN&< IN &<1><1.TE8 <? @S., the $apa"ility to offer the finest
engineering ser,i$es in the "earing industry has enhan$ed.
2.0.2. Machine building
The NEI has the $apa"ility of Ma$hine Building to design, de,elop and #anufa$ture
spe$ial purpose &N& grinding lines, =T lines, #aterial handling e9uip#entKs and
other spe$ial purpose #a$hines, whi$h ha,e "een #ade for its $apti,e use to 3eep
pa$e with latest te$hnology . 0ell;e9uipped ele$troni$ design, de,elop#ent
la"oratory with all testing fa$ilities supports the MH$ Building di,ision. Ma$hine
Building has the $apa"ility and supports the Manufa$turing di,isions "y
o,erhauling and retrofitting of the e2isting e9uip#entKs so that these are upgraded to
help produ$e 9uality and i#pro,e produ$ti,ity. 17 8 is spread o,er a $o,ered area
of L a$res.
2.3. *4&5+&
In order to re;engineer and integrate the Business pro$esses for Sales, >rodu$tion,
Materials and ?inan$e, NEI has su$$ess; fully i#ple#ented S.> E1>. By use of
this >a$3age, our pro$esses now $onfor# to 0orld &lass "est pra$ti$es.
14 | P a g e
Chapter 3
+ail"ay 'earing 2epartment
#*pherical +oller 'earing%
3.1. Introduction
I did #y training at 1ailway Baring 8epart#ent 5Spheri$al 1oller Bearing6 .This
di,ision is spread o,er $o,ered area of ,+'' S9. Meters. The #anufa$turing of
Spheri$al 1oller Bearings was started in the year 19C';C! for fit#ent to "road gauge
and #eter gauge passenger $oa$hes with designs, te$hnology, #a$hines and
e9uip#ent pro$ured fro# the $olla"orators .Spheri$al roller "earing has "ore
5#ini#u#6 ( ## and outer dia#eter 5#a2i#u#6 -( ##. These "earings are
used "y Indian 1ailway in all *ones in the $ountry as original e9uip#ent as well as
in other $ountries su$h as @.S., &hina, and Indonesia.
3.2. *pherical +oller 'earing
. spheri$al "earing is a "earing that per#its angular rotation a"out a $entral point in
two orthogonal dire$tions 5usually within a spe$ified angular li#it "ased on the
"earing geo#etry6. Typi$ally these "earings support a rotating shaft in the M"oreN of
the inner ring that #ust #o,e not only rotationally, "ut also at an angle.
Spheri$al 1oller "earings for passenger $oa$h appli$ations are espe$ially i#portant
and re9uire e2tre#ely high le,els of perfor#an$e, dura"ility and relia"ility. In order
to a$hie,e these high le,els, NEI 5NB&6 perfor#s stri$t inspe$tion and 9uality
15 | P a g e
$ontrol at e,ery stage of design, and produ$tion, fro# sele$tion of #aterial to the
pro$essing te$hnology used for #anufa$turing the "earings.
Spheri$al roller "earings ha,e a large $apa$ity for radial loads, a2ial loads in either
dire$tion, and $o#ple2 loads. They are suited for the appli$ations su$h as railways
rolling sto$3s where ,i"rations and sho$3 loads are en$ountered. .ll NB& spheri$al
roller "earing are fitted with #a$hined "rass $ages. Brass is the #ost preferred $age
#aterial for "earing used in railways all o,er the world. NB& spheri$al roller
"earings for Meter 4auge and Broad gauge passenger $oa$hes ha,e sy##etri$al
roller design. 0here as in $ase of "earing used in Broad 4auge EM@, rollers are of
asy##etri$ design.
?ig).1E Spheri$al 1oller Bearing
3.3. 'earing materials.
16 | P a g e
The fun$tional perfor#an$e and enduran$e of a di#ensionally perfe$t "earing with
ideal internal geo#etries and surfa$es, $orre$t #ountings, and professional
operating $onditions are signifi$antly influen$ed "y $hara$teristi$s of its #aterial.
The #a/or $riteria to "e $onsidered for the satisfa$tory perfor#an$e of "earing
in$luding #aterial sele$tion and pro$essing with resultant physi$al properties. LetKs
dis$uss #aterial sele$tion for spheri$al roller "earing at NB& O
Bearing $ontains ,arying a#ount of $ar"on, iron, $hro#iu#, #anganese,
phosphorus, sulphur, sili$on et$. Ea$h of these ele#ents plays a role in #a3ing final
steel suita"le for "earings. &hro#iu# and $ar"on allows deep hardening. The
$o#"ination of $hro#iu#, $ar"on 7 iron helps to #ini#i*e failure. .s they
in$rease the surfa$e resistan$e to a"rasion 7 wear in$rease. In short, proper
$o#"ination of all these ele#ents #a3e final "earing steel whi$h is tough under
sho$3s, hea,y loads 7 hard enough to withstand fatigue. 4enerally "earings are
#ade fro# "ars. But now a day, #any #anufa$turers are #a3ing "earings "y
forging rings. The latest te$hni9ues adopted re$ently are the :Ga$uu# >ro$essingP.
The "earing steel is #ade through ,a$uu# pro$essing, whi$h assists rod to "e $lean
7 free fro# defe$ts 7 gi,e su"stantially larger "earing life.
Ta"le ).1 &ontents of i#purities in a 1aw #aterial
5/5M5!T 4M67!T
Manganese (.-' to (.)'
Sili$on (.(-' to (.)'
Sulphur (.(-' #a2.
>hosphorus (.(-' #a2.
Ni$3el (.(-' #a2.
&opper (.)' #a2.
17 | P a g e
Moly"denu# (.1( #a2.
3.3.1. +a" material for outer ring8 inner ring and cages
.s railway "earing is in$luded in three se$tions
1oller Bearing 7 .2le Bo2es
Spheri$al 1oller Bearing
&artridge Tapered 1oller Bearing.
. spheri$al roller "earing $ontains the following parts;
Main parts of Spheri$al 1oller Bearings are follows;
5i6 1a$es 5outer and inner6
5ii6 1ollers
5iii6 &age
The de#and on the steel industry to pro,ide higher 9uality alloy steels pro#oted the
de,elop#ent of the $old $harges in the "asi$ #aterial;lined, ele$tri$ ar$ furna$es.
These furna$es let higher;and lower grade alloy s$arps "e #i2ed with plain $ar"on
s$arpB e$ono#i$al operation and produ$t 9uality are a$hie,ed through proper
sele$tion and weight $ontrol of these #aterials. Anowing the e2a$tly $he#istry of
s$arp $harge redu$e the $onsu#ption of #ore $ostly alloys that are added to the
#elt and #ini#i*es the introdu$tion of undesira"le tra#p alloying ele#ents. .
,ariety of steel and "rasses are used for different $o#ponents for "earings
depending upon the properties re9uired in the final produ$t.

Ta"le ).- Materials of 8ifferent $o#ponents of a Bearing

Balls Ni;&r Steel wire
18 | P a g e
1ollers =igh &ar"on $hro#e steel rods
1a$es =igh $ar"on steel
&age Brass and #ild steel
NB& was the first one in India who #ade the $artridge tapered roller "earing with
the help of B1EN&< In$orporated of @S..
3.4 +a" material suppliers
These are the industries whi$h supply the forged raw #aterial to NB&;
a6 ./anta turnings
"6 Bala/i engineering
$6 Aesha, engineering
d6 Mi$rote$h engineering
e6 Mi$rote$h rollers
The raw #aterial first $o#e in the inspe$tion roo# and the following parts
a6 Turned finish inner ring
"6 Turned finish outer ring
$6 &age or retainer
d6 Se#i finishH?inish rollers
>ara#eters that need to "e $he$3E
?or outer ring;
a6 0idth si*e
19 | P a g e
"6 I85Tra$3 Si*e6
$6 I8 roundness
d6 <8 Si*e
e6 <8 roundness
f6 E$$entri$ity 5Bore to <86
g6 Surfa$e defe$ts; free fro# da#age, tool #ar3, "la$3 spot, rust, roughness,
"urr et$.
h6 <iling
?or inner ring;
a6 0idth si*e
"6 Bore
$6 @nder$ut si*e
d6 <il groo,e si*e
e6 Surfa$e defe$ts
f6 <8 si*e
g6 ?or SEMI;?INIS=H?INIS= 1<LLE1;
a6 <8 si*e
"6 <8 <,ality
$6 <8 Taper
d6 Length
e6 1e$ess 8epth
f6 Surfa$e 1oughness
g6 1adius of large end
h6 1adius of s#all end
i6 =ardness
/6 <iling
?or 1ET.INE1;
20 | P a g e
a6 Total width
"6 S#all "ore dia#eter
$6 >o$3et length
d6 <8 si*e at top
e6 Sheet thi$3ness at "ore
f6 Gisual inspe$tion
g6 No. of po$3ets
3.5. Manufacturing processes of spherical roller bearing
NB& gets forged and roller "earings fro# their ,endors, as there are no separate
dept. for forging or rolling. Than they do $ar"uri*ing or other heat treat#ent to
strengthen the "earing or finally grinding or other finishing operation is perfor#ed
to #a3e it a"le to operate in auto#oti,e ,ehi$le, railway et$. The pro$esses through
whi$h "earing has to go are shown in flow diagra# "elow;
21 | P a g e
?igE ).- ?low diagra# of #aterial flow in industry
Before going to dis$uss ,arious dept. in railway di,ision we will go through the
"earing #aterial, whi$h we are using in NB&.
3... 9eat treatment and laboratory
=eat treat#ent of "earing steel $o#ponents ne$essitates heating and $ooling under
$ontrolled at#ospheri$ $onditions to i#pa$t the desired #aterial $hara$teristi$s and
properties su$h as hardness, a diffused high $ar"on surfa$e layer, high fra$ture
toughness or du$tility, high tensile strength, i#pro,ed #a$hina"ility, proper grain
si*e, or redu$ed stress state. The spe$ifi$ ther#al $y$les that produ$e these #aterial
22 | P a g e
$hara$teristi$s areE
5i6 .nnealing
5ii6 Nor#ali*ing
5iii6 =ardening
5i,6 &ar"uri*ing
5,6 Ta#pering and
5,i6 Stress reli,ing.
23 | P a g e
LetKs dis$usses ea$h pro$ess with respe$t to these parts for si#pli$ity of
?igE ). ?low diagra# of heating se9uen$e of spheri$al "earings
3.0. Carburi:ing
&ar"uri*ing is a is a heat treat#ent pro$ess in whi$h iron or steel a"sor"s $ar"on
li"erated when the #etal is heated in the presen$e of a $ar"on "earing #aterial,
su$h as $har$oal or $ar"on #ono2ide, with the intent of #a3ing the #etal harder.
8epending on the a#ount of ti#e and te#perature, the affe$ted area $an ,ary in
$ar"on $ontent. Longer $ar"uri*ing ti#es and higher te#peratures lead to greater
$ar"on diffusion into the part as well as in$reased depth of $ar"on diffusion. 0hen
the iron or steel is $ooled rapidly "y 9uen$hing, the higher $ar"on $ontent on the
outer surfa$e "e$o#es hard ,ia the transfor#ation fro# austenite to #artensite,
24 | P a g e
while the $ore re#ains soft and tough as a ferriti$ andHor pearlite #i$rostru$ture.
The $ar"uri*ing is perfor#ed 9(Q to 9+(Q$ in rotary hearth furna$e with ti#e of
1(hrs. But $ar"uri*ing is done for only $up and $one with .irE L>4 R1(E1 5Endo

?ig ).' 1otary hearth furna$e
3.3. 9ardening Furnace
To $ontrol the #e$hani$al properties, it is essential to start a stru$ture with a
stru$ture of austenite sin$e it is state where the $ar"on ato#s are distri"uted into
the iron #atri2 unifor#ly. The austeniti$ stru$ture in steel is a$hie,ed "y heating it
and soa3ing at a te#perature a"o,e C-)
&, depending on the $ar"on per$entage.
In hardening furna$e :$ase hardeningP of the /o" is $arried out in the presen$e of
1;4as. 1;4as is a #i2ture of &<S=
<. 1;4as is for#ed "y the
rea$tion of L>4 with air. This rea$tion is ta3en pla$e in retort at a te#perature of
& in the presen$e of $atalyst.
=ardening furna$e has four $ha#"ers. ?irst $ha#"er is at +(
& and rest three
$ha#"ers are at +'(
&. .fter the hardening furna$e "earing #aterial 5steel6 is
25 | P a g e
$on,erted into austenite for#.
3.;. <uenching
Duen$hing is a pro$ess of $ooling a #etal at a rapid rate. This is #ost often done to
produ$e a #artensite transfor#ation. In ferrous alloys, this will often produ$e a
harder #etal, while non;ferrous alloys will usually "e$o#e softer than nor#al. To
harden "y 9uen$hing, a #etal 5usually steel or $ast iron6 #ust "e heated a"o,e the
upper $riti$al te#perature and then 9ui$3ly $ooled.
In NB& <il is used in the 9uen$hing pro$ess and the oil is 3ept at a te#perature of
&. .gitator is used to stir the oil in the oil 9uen$hing tan3.
?ro# the figure .), we $an find that when we rapidly $ool austenite for# then
#artensite will for# and it will ha,e #ore hardness in $o#parison to austenite
for#. Then through the $on,eyor /o" is sent to the washing tan3 whi$h is held at a
te#perature near a"out --
&. The $on,eyor speed is (( ##HMin. Then drying is
done with the help of air.
3.1= Tampering
Martensite for#ed during the 9uen$hing pro$ess is e2tre#ely hard and "rittle, and
la$3 toughness. Thus these steels are not suita"le for so#e "aring appli$ations
re9uiring i#pa$t resistan$eB hen$e a se$ondary heat treat#ent pro$ess $alled
tempering is $arried out on 9uen$hed steel to a$hie,e the ne$essary toughness and
du$tility "y #arginally sa$rifi$ing hardness. This pro$ess also reli,es the internal
stresses thus i#pro,ing the du$tility . The te#pering te#perature is a"out -(( &
for -.' hrs. The a"o,e #entioned ti#e and te#peratures during heat treat#ent
e2planations are for $up, $one, and wear rings.
26 | P a g e
?ig E).! Te#pering furna$e
3.11. +oc)"ell hardness test
To see the effe$t of ta#pering on "earing ra$es 1o$3well hardness test is "eing
used to $he$3 the hardness of ra$es "efore and after the ta#pering. Before the
ta#pering hardness range lies "etween is !- to ! =1& and after ta#pering
hardness range is !(;!-=1&. The o,erall effe$t of ta#pering also affe$ts the
hardness and this redu$ed "y -=1&.
>rin$ipal of the 1o$3well Test
The indenter #o,es down into position on the part surfa$e
. #inor load is applied and a *ero referen$e position is esta"lished
The #a/or load is applied for a spe$ified ti#e period 5dwell ti#e6 "eyond
The #a/or load is released lea,ing the #inor load applied
The resulting 1o$3well nu#"er represents the differen$e in depth fro# the *ero
referen$e position as a result of the appli$ation of the #a/or load. If HRC doesnt
meet ou e!uiements t"en #e e$e%t t"e tam&eed 'ot. (e"ind t"is t"ee ma) *e
fo''o#ing %auses+
a6 Manufa$turing ?ault
"6 ?urna$e te#perature fault
27 | P a g e
$6 Ta#pering fault
?igE ).C 1o$3well hardness test setup
3.12. $rinding *ection
4rinding is a finishing pro$ess used to i#pro,e surfa$e finish, a"rade hard
#aterials, and tighten the toleran$e on flat and $ylindri$al surfa$es "y re#o,ing a
s#all a#ount of #aterial. In grinding, an a"rasi,e #aterial ru"s against the #etal
part and re#o,es tiny pie$es of #aterial. The a"rasi,e #aterial is typi$ally on the
surfa$e of a wheel or "elt and a"rades #aterial in a way si#ilar to sanding. <n a
#i$ros$opi$ s$ale, the $hip for#ation in grinding is the sa#e as that found in other
#a$hining pro$esses. The a"rasi,e a$tion of grinding generates e2$essi,e heat so
that flooding of the $utting area with fluid is ne$essary.
8uring the grinding operations $oolant is used regularly. &oolant is #i2ture of
water and oil. In $oolant per$entage of oil ).'T and rest is water. ?or <.8 grinding
in N.E.I. Ltd. =<&@T B;!( oil is used.
28 | P a g e
The o"/e$ti,es of $ooling is are;
i. In grinding operations, due to $onta$t of grinding wheel and /o" they
"e$o#e hot so $ooling is ne$essary.
ii. The $hip, whi$h is produ$ed "y grinding also, flows away.
3.12.1 6perational step to grind Inner race>
?ig).+E pro$ess se9uen$e
#a% 6.2. grinding
<8 is the $ir$u#ferential surfa$e of the outer ra$e of the "earing. The <8 should
"e surfa$e finished sin$e the "earing has to "e asse#"led in #a$hine. It is o"tain in
an <8 grinding #a$hine. In this #a$hine the outer ra$e is rotated "etween two
grinding wheel. The outer ra$e is passed in #a$hine three ti#es to get highly
finished as followsE
1. 1ough1
-. 1ough-
). ?ine finish
#b% Face grinding
.fter hardening pro$ess the first of grinding is fa$e grinding and this pro$ess is
done on fa$ing wheel grinding #a$hine "y #anual feeding of $up and $one. ?a$ing
wheel grinding #a$hine grind the fa$e of ra$es at an a,erage speed of --' ra$es
per hour with #a2i#u# $apa$ity of ''( ra$es per hour. .fter fa$ing inspe$tion of
di#ension also $he$3ed to ensure to 9uality of grinded fa$e.
#c%Flange grinding
29 | P a g e
The flange should "e surfa$e finished sin$e the "earing has to "e asse#"led in
#a$hine. It is o"tain in the flange grinding #a$hine. In this #a$hine one grinding
stone is used to $ut and grind the flange portion of $one.
N& Mode ; .@T<
?eed Mode ; .@T<
<,erride ; 1-(T 5used to $hange #a$hine speed.6
Tool #o,e#ent during grinding is in all three di#ensional a2es i.e. F, I, U a2is.
#d% 'ore grinding
Bore is the inner $ir$u#ferential surfa$e of the "earing. The "ore should "e
surfa$e finished sin$e the "earing has to "e asse#"led in #a$hine. It is o"tain in
the "ore grinding #a$hine. In this #a$hine the grinding stone is #o,ed in F and
I a2is.
Si*e Li#it E S V# to ; V#.
T<<L #o,e#ent during grinding is in only two di#ensional a2es i.e. F, U a2is.
#e% 9oning machine #super finishing%
=oning is an a"rasi,e #a$hining pro$ess that produ$es a pre$ision surfa$e on
a #etal wor3 pie$e "y s$ru""ing an a"rasi,e stone against it along a $ontrolled
path. =oning is pri#arily used to i#pro,e the geo#etri$ for# of a surfa$e, "ut
#ay also i#pro,e the surfa$e te2ture.
3.12.2. 6peration steps to outer race grinding
,ig- 13.9 Po%ess se!uen%es fo oute a%e ginding
#a% Face grinding;
?a$ing of outer ring5$up6 also ta3es pla$e "etween two fa$ing wheel, out
of whi$h one wheel is hard and one wheel is soft. Soft wheel used to
ta3e into a$$ount wear resistan$e of hard wheel. .fter fa$ing inspe$tion
30 | P a g e
ta3es pla$e with the toleran$e of ( #i$ro#eters. ?lange width also
$he$3ed with the toleran$e of 1' #i$ro#eters
#b% +ail grinding
Tra$3 is the path on whi$h rollers will #o,e so tra$3 of the $up should "e
grinded properly. So that rollers will #o,e s#oothly.

,ig- 3.10 ,a%e ginding
#c% 9oning machine #cup super finishing%
.s rollers will #o,e on the tra$3 so the tra$3 surfa$e should "e super finished
so the rollers will #o,e s#oothly. ?or this purpose honing is done.
Now &up 7 &one are ready to send asse#"ly se$tion. They rea$hed asse#"ly
se$tion ,ia $on,eyor.
3.12.3 6perational step in grinding of roller

?igE ).11 1ollers of spheri$al "earing
31 | P a g e

?igE ).1- >ro$ess se9uen$e for grinding of rollers
#a% Face $rinding
The fa$e grinding is done after $enterless grinding of rollers. Spe$ially
#ade #a$hines used for fa$e grinding.

?igE ).1) ?a$e grinding of roller
#b% 'ody $rinding
Body grinding of spheri$al rollers is done "y spe$ifi$ grinding wheels #ade for ths

?igE ).1 Body grinding of rollers
#c% +oller super finishing #honing%
Mostly one or two stage super finishing #a$hines are used for rollers. The rollers
are supported and dri,en "y $ontrol wheels. The stone os$illates a$ross the <.8.
32 | P a g e
?igE ).1' 1oller super finishing
3.13. 4ssembly section
The asse#"ly part in NEI is done #anually. The parts after going through ,arious
in line inspe$tion or a separate inspe$tion for all "earing $o#ponents sent to
asse#"ly line. In asse#"ly line ea$h parts width, "ore, tra$3 is $he$3ed again
through ,arious gauges.
4ssembly of *pherical +oller 'earings Components> It in$ludes
a6 Inner ra$e.
"6 <uter ra$e.
$6 1oller se$tion 51etainer Se$tion6.
d6 1oller &age.

33 | P a g e
?ig ).1! Ele#ents after asse#"ly of spheri$al "earings
3.14. Maintenance and inspection section
3.14.1 For machines
Maintenan$e and inspe$tion is that se$tion where ,arious types of #a$hines, tools
and #a$hine parts are inspe$ted for life re9uire#ent and "etter wor3ing features.
Garious types of pressure gauges, ,i"ration inspe$tion #a$hines and the noise
inspe$tion #a$hines are the spe$ial features of this se$tion.
Maintenan$e and inspe$tion is that se$tion where ,arious types of #a$hines, tools
and #a$hine parts are inspe$ted for life re9uire#ent and "etter wor3ing features.
Garious types of pressure gauges, ,i"ration inspe$tion #a$hines and the noise
inspe$tion #a$hines are the spe$ial features of this se$tion.
The #a$hines used in this se$tion are as followsE;
i. L.T=E #H$,
ii. S=.>E1 #H$,
iii. B<1IN4 #H$,
i,. >L.NNE1 #H$,
,. 81ILLIN4 #H$,
,i. MILLIN4 #H$,
,ii. @ni,ersal type,
,iii. Gerti$al and &o##on type, >lain Milling #H$
3.14.2. For bearing components
.ll these inspe$tions are done #anually
Inline Inspection .fter e,ery spe$ifi$ operation there is $he$3ing of "earing
$o#ponents 51 out of -(6 through gauging pro$esses li3e width, tra$3 or "ore
gauge after width, "ore or tra$3 grinding 1esp.
34 | P a g e
Final Inspection when the $o#plete grinding of a parti$ular produ$t is $o#pleted
li3e for $one all pro$esses width, "ore or tra$3 grinding is $o#pleted than it sent to
final inspe$tion.
In ?inal Inspe$tion we dete$t $ra$3 $he$3 "y two #ethodsE
a. &ra$3 $he$3 Ma$hine E; 3erosene or #agneti$ flu2 is used
". 8e#agneti*e 0ashing
Chapter 4
/earning and *uggestions
4.1. /earning
This training is ,ery fruitful to #e. I got i##ense 3nowledge of the industry
en,iron#ent as I wor3ed in the Taper 1oller Bearing depart#ent. Besides that
out$o#es of the training are pointed out "eneath;
4.1.1. 5ffect of ?uenching medium;
35 | P a g e
0e are using oil in 9uen$hing pro$ess "ut we $an also use water, Brine solution or
air for 9uen$hing purpose. .s we 3now that water has high ther#al $ondu$ti,ity
and air has the least. So if we use water then $ooling of the austenite steel will "e
,ery fast and due to this $ra$3 will "e for#ed on the surfa$e of the steel or
#aterial. If we use air that it will not re#o,e the heat fast "e$ause it has low
ther#al $ondu$ti,ity and it will not ser,e the purpose.
4.1.2. +oc)"ell hardness test process
Before and after ta#pering to $he$3 the differen$e in hardness of "earing ra$es that
$o#es in ta#pering pro$ess 1o$3well =ardness Test is "eing used. The following
steps are to $he$3 the hardness;
Ta"leE.1 .$$ording to #aterialH/o", we sele$t the load indenter and s$ale;
Material Load Indenter S$ale
=ard /o" 1'( 3g 8ia#ond & 5Bla3e6
Soft /o" 1(( 3g Ball 5=&S6 B 51ed6
1. Set the polished /o" 5"y M" paper6 and apply the load "y hand le,er
-. =old the load for 1( se$onds
). 1elease the le,er and note the s$ale reading
NoteE The range of hardening of standard pie$e should lies "etween S1.' to
4.1.3 @hy material is demagneti:ed in 4ssembly sectionW
.s we ha,e noti$ed that #aterial is de#agneti*ed in the asse#"ly se$tion "e$ause
"earings will "e set at a pla$e where they will rotate and we 3now if a #agnet will
36 | P a g e
rotate then it will produ$e ele$tri$ field. So it #ay ha#per the other a$ti,ities of the
syste#. In #a$hines it will tend to attra$t the #a$hine parts.
4.1.4 9o" "astage reducedA
To redu$e the wastage NB& $o#e on a solution with the help of NTN &orporation.
They re$ogni*ed si2 type of waste;
#a% 61er &roduction
They produ$e a$$ording to de#and of $usto#ers.
It helps to redu$e the waste 7 s$rape.
>ro$ess whi$h ta3es #a2i#u# ti#e, identify that pro$ess 5"ottle ne$3 pro$ess6 and
try to redu$e the pro$ess ti#e to redu$e the idle ti#e of other pro$esses whi$h
depends on that.
Try to #ini#i*e the distan$e "etween raw #aterial and distan$e. This will sa,e the
wor3erKs ti#e and #oney and produ$ti,ity will "e in$reased. To do this a new
pro$ess $an "e sta"ili*ed or we $an $hange the layout.
1aw #aterial should not "e #ore than the de#and. This stops the #oney in ter#s
of in,entory.
&ause of this; not pla$ing tools at their proper pla$e, it effe$ts the #otion of
wor3er. So there is loss of wor3er ti#e and loss of #a$hine produ$tion. ?or this we
should apply the wor3 standard and design the wor3 ta"le a$$ording to need.
37 | P a g e
&ause; if produ$t is not in proper si*e than there is need to again wor3 on that. This
effe$ts the loss of #oney, loss of wor3er and loss in produ$tion. ?or this we need to
understand the root of pro"le# and try to #a3e produ$t $orre$t in first ti#e.
4.2 Fla)ing of rollers

?igE.1 ?la3ing of rollers
Ta"leE.- &auses and $orre$ti,e of fla3ing
Causes Correcti1e
E2$essi,e loads, fatigue life, i#proper
?ind the $ause of hea,y, load
I#proper #ounting &he$3 internal $learan$e, regularly
Insuffi$ient pre$ision of /ournal or
I#pro,e pre$ision of /ournal and
Insuffi$ient $learan$e I#pro,e operating $onditions
&onta#ination, 1usting I#pro,e #ethod of asse#"ly and
Softening due to a"nor#al te#perature
&he$3 grease and greasing #ethod

38 | P a g e
Chapter 5
Conclusion and 2iscussion
5.1. Training e-perience
My training period of ' days turned out to "e a wonderful e2perien$e "oth
industrially and learning wiseB e2perien$ing the fun$tionalities of =ea,y
?a"ri$ation Blo$3, flow of 3nowledge as well as de$ision #a3ing pro$esses within
the "lo$3. 0or3ing with the e#ployees and learning fro# the# was su$h a life
$hanging e2perien$e.
5.2. 4bout report
Through this report, I ha,e tried to present a $o#prehensi,e study of the ,arious
fun$tionalities and responsi"ilities of NB& Bearings. Starting fro# the o,er,iew of
the $o#pany till the e2planation of ,arious type of pro$ess i.e. heat treat#ent,
grinding, fa$ing and the different type of #a$hines used in that pro$esses li3e for
grinder, #a$hines for honing 7 super finishing #a$hines are a,aila"le, for heat
treat#ent rotary hearth furna$e and ta#pering furna$e and &N& #a$hines. This
report tries to throw light on ea$h and e,ery aspe$t of the NB& Bearings.
5.3 Conclusion
Ma2i#u# of their wor3 was done #anually. 0hile in railway "earing di,ision, the
whole pro$essing is auto#ati$. But now days they are trying to set up new N<G.
&N& #a$hines. It will redu$e the hu#an effort or will in$rease produ$ti,ity up to a
large e2tent. This setting up of new no,a #a$hines will pla$e the NB& at a position
to $o#pete with other worldwide "earings #fg. $o.
=ow an Industry wor3s.
Learning of pra$ti$al aspe$ts of ,arious dept. 5=eat treat#ent, 4rinding6 in
39 | P a g e
railway "earings.
4ot a "rief idea a"out ,arious heat treat#ent pro$esses along;with their
industrial use.
0or3ing of $on,entional #a$hining pro$ess 5grinding6.
Industrial appli$ations of all types of grinding and finishing pro$esses.
@se of ,arious gauges along;with appli$ations of dial indi$ators in gauges.
=ow all the #aintenan$e and inspe$tions is done on in line pro$essing or
after pro$essing.
Garious te$hni9ues of inspe$tion #ethods.
40 | P a g e
B=.N8.1I G.B., 1olling &onta$t Bearing, Tata M$4raw =ill
Edu$ation >ri,ate Li#ited, ?ifth 1eprint -(11.
1.< >.N, ,olu#e -, ."rasi,e >ro$esses, Tata M$4raw =ill Edu$ation
>ri,ate Li#ited, Tenth 1eprint -(11.
1.< >.N, ,olu#e 1, Engineering Materials, Tata M$4raw =ill
Edu$ation >ri,ate Li#ited, Se$ond 1eprint -((9.
1.JG.NS=I ..A., Manufa$turing >ro$esses, 4enius >u"li$ations.
"tt&-..###.n*%**%&df./&"ei%a'0Ro''e0(eaings0%ata'atue0, i na.pdf ,
on 1'H(!H-(1)
httpEHHwww.n"$"earings.inHn"$pdfHTe$hni$al&atalogue-(1-.pd f, on
httpEHHwww.n"$"earings.inHn"$pdfH&T1BM.>8 ?, on 1'H(!H-(1)
httpEHHwww.n"$"earings.inHn"$pdfHS1BMM.>8 ?, on 1'H(!H-(1)
41 | P a g e
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43 | P a g e
44 | P a g e

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