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ASEANs Disunity over the South China Sea Issue

Paula Abut
Louwellyne Dimaano
Ramsie Legaspi
De La Salle University- Dasmarias
Dasmarias City, Philippines
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#ierkeaar$, S. 421156. 7los, Lies an$ the Doocin . Computer La! an$ Security 8eport
9olume 222 4.ssue 36, p.+:

The rivalry 'or maritime rihts in the South China Sea ha$ emere$ as important
security issue in ;ast "sia. .n 'act, it is even state$ recently that the South China Sea
is the <ne! central theater o' con'lict= in the !orl$. Tthe main i$ea o' the South
China Sea $ispute is a series o' comple&, leal, technical an$ eoraphic
components critical to un$erstan$in the $ispute. >et, the issues involvin territory
an$ sovereinty are the most pervasive security problems 'acin the reion
especially a'ter the col$ !ar. .t is consi$ere$ to be a ma?or @'lashpointA 'or the
con'lict in ;ast "sia as the sini'icances is the assume$ presence o' natural
resources such as oil, hy$rocarbon, mananese no$ules an$ 'ish a'ter the col$ !ar,
its strateic location is stra$$lin as the !orl$As secon$ busiest international sea lane
in South ;ast "sia.
9ie!s o' claimant states o' the Spratly .slan$
.nternational crisis roup 421+26 state$ that ChinaAs claim on South China Sea is
base$ on the U shape$ line or !hat is calle$ the <Bine-$ashe$ line=. Cn Day 211E,
China submits to UB their map !ith Bine-Dashe$ line prior to that the
interpretations o' that is China is claimin the entire bo$y o' !ater !ithin the line.
China $escribe$ South China Sea $isputes as their Core interest, a term that usually
reserve$ 'or the issues o' national sovereinty like in Tai!an, Tibet !herein it is
clearly seen that China is un!illin to compromise its position an$ !oul$ resort to
'orce. Cossa 421136 state$ that the 'irst claim by China $ates 'rom an +))F treaty
!ith %rance $ivi$in the Gul' o' Tonkin at +1)H3A;. .t interprets this treaty as
e&ten$in south beyon$ the Tonkin Gul' to inclu$e all the islan$s o' the South China
Sea.9ietnam claims both the Spratly an$ Paracel islan$ chains, they say that they are
the one !ho 'irst $iscovere$ an$ name$ Spratly islan$sI the evi$ence is their
9ietnamese maps an$ books as early as the +E
century. DalaysiaAs claim is base$
on their continental shel' that pro?ects out 'rom its coast an$ inclu$es islan$s an$
atolls south an$ east o' Spratly islan$s. 7ase on S!allo! 8ee' in +E)3, Dalaysia
establishe$ a small military arrison toether !ith a 'isheries control. Their claims
oriinate$ 'rom +EFE map 4Peta 7aru6, !hich locate$ its continental shel' claim o''
Sabah an$ Sara!ak states. They also clari'ie$ their claims !ith 9ietnam-Dalaysia
$ual submission to the Commission on the Limits o' the Continental Shel', even i' it
has never speci'ie$ the area its claims 'rom the islan$s itsel'. Cossa 421136 state$
that 7runeiAs claim is base$ upon to their e&tension o' its coast-line alon its
continental shel'. .ts e&tent has varie$ 'rom one establishe$ by the 7ritish in +E*: to
a more recent claim issue$ in a map sho!in a loner e&tension that oes beyon$
8i'leman 7ank. "lso, 7runeiAs claim is base$ on the interpretation o' the UBCLCS
concernin the continental shel'. They are also the only one !ho $oes not occupy
any o' islan$s an$ $oes not have any militaryJarme$ e&istence in South China Sea.
The claim o' the Philippines in the SpratlyAs is over *1 'eatures. The #alayan
.slan$s Group !as claime$ in +E*5 by Tomas Cloma, a %ilipino citi(en. "n$ $urin
+EF:, he trans'erre$ it to the overnment an$ Presi$ent Darcos $eclare$ that it !as
part o' Philippine territory in +EF). The conress passe$ leislation to chane the
baselines to submit !ith international la!, in 211E. The act states that, the
Scarborouh Shoal an$ the #alayaan .slan$s, !hich are a 'ar 'rom PhilippinesA
archipelaic baselines, beneath the rule o' islan$s $octrine in UBCLCS. .n the same
year, both Dalaysia an$ 9ietnam ma$e a $ual submission to UB Commission on
their Limits in the Continental Shel' concernin the claims to some parts o' South
China Sea.

9ie!s o' Claimant States o' Paracel .slan$s
.n the +Eth an$ early 21
century, China asserte$ claims to the Spratly an$
Paracel islan$s. Durin /orl$ /ar .., the islan$s !ere claime$ by the Kapanese. .n
+E:F, China pro$uce$ a map !ith E un$e'ine$ $otte$ lines, an$ claime$ all o' the
islan$s !ithin those lines. " +EE2 Chinese la! restate$ its claims in the reion.
China has occupie$ some o' those islan$s. "n$ in +EF5, China en'orce$ its claim
upon the Paracel .slan$s by sei(in them 'rom 9ietnam. China re'ers to the Paracel
.slan$s as the Lisha .slan$s, an$ inclu$es them as part o' its Mainan .slan$ province.
9ietnamese claims !ere base$ on history an$ the continental shel' principle.
9ietnamese claim also covers an e&tensive area o' the South China Sea, althouh
they are not clearly $e'ine$. The 9ietnamese have 'ollo!e$ the Chinese e&ample o'
usin archaeoloical evi$ence to bolster sovereinty claims. .n the +E31Ns, %rance
claime$ the Spratly an$ Paracel .slan$s on behal' o' its then-colony 9ietnam.
9ietnam has occupie$ a number o' the Spratly .slan$s. .n a$$ition, 9ietnam claims
the Paracel .slan$s, althouh they !ere sei(e$ by the Chinese in +EF:. Tai!anNs
claims are similar to those o' China, an$ are base$ upon the same principles. "s !ith
China, Tai!anNs claims are also not clearly $e'ine$.

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