Anda di halaman 1dari 1


to get in (subir al coche)
to put on and fasten the seat-belt (ponerse y abrochar el cinturon de seg.)
To adjust your seat position and rear mirrors (ajustar la posicion del asiento y los retrovisores)
to turn the key to start the engine (girar la llave para poner en marcha el motor)
to turn the steering wheel (girar el volante)
To reverse (dar marcha atrs)
to speed up (aumentar la velocidad, acelerar)
to overtake (adelantar)
to slow down (reducir la velocidad)
to brake (frenar)
to park (aparcar)
to stop the engine (parar el motor)
to get out (salir del coche)

to pull over (desviarse a la cuneta)
to stop the car (parar el coche)
to put on your reflective vest (ponerse el chaleco reflectante)
to get out and put the warning triangle (salir y poner el triangulo de advertencia)
to take the spare tyre out (sacar la rueda de repuesto)
to take tools (car jack and wheel wrench)--- (coger las herramientas (gato y llave de la rueda)
to raise the car with the jack (elevar el coche con el gato)
to loosen and take out wheel screws with the wheel wrench (aflojar y sacar los tornillos de la rueda
con la llave)
Change the wheel (cambiar la rueda)
to put screws and tighten them (poner los tornillos y apretarlos)
to take down the car with the car jack (bajar el coche con el gato)
to put away/keep the punctured wheel and tools (guardar la rueda pinchada y las herramientas.
to put away the wearning triangle (guardar el triangulo de advertencia)
to get in the car (entrar en el coche)
to take the reflective vest off (quitarse el chaleco reflectante)
to put on and fasten the seat-belt (ponerse y abrochar el cinturon de seguridad)
to start the engine (arrancar el motor)
to go on the jurney (continuar el viaje)

to breakdown the engine (averiarse el motor)
to crash into sth / to run into (estrellarse contra algo)
to run over sb/sth (atropellar alguien/algo)
to run off (the road)
to be in a traffic jam (estar en un atasco)
To puncture a tyre (pinchar una rueda)
to run out of petrol (quedarse sin gasolina)
to fill up the petrol tank (repostar/llenar el deposito de gasolina)

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