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The Academic Calendar of the Colleges of Technology

No. Day/Date Annoncement
1. !"N #1/0$/2014 Administrati%e and Academic !taff are &ac' from %acation.
2. !"N 0(/0)/2014 Commencement of !emester * for +ondation and !,eciali-ed .rograms
#. T/" 11/0)/2014 0ast date to register1 dro, and add corses.
4. 23N 1#/10/2014 College Concil 2eeting to finali-e 4radates 0ists.
5. T/" 05/11/2014 6nd of !emester * 2idterm 67ams for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
5. T/" 1#/11/2014 0ast date for acce,ting a,,lications for the ,ost,onement of the first semester
for all stdents and to 8ithdra8 from one corse for !,eciali-ed .rograms
(. T/" 11/12/2014 6nd of !emester * for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
$. !"N 14/12/2014 Commencement of !emester * +inal 67ams for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
). T/" 1$/12/2014 6nd of !emester * for +ondation !tdents.
10. !"N 21/12/2014 Commencement of !emester * +inal 67ams for +ondation !tdents.
11. T/" 25/12/2014
6nd of !emester * +inal 67ams for +ondation and !,eciali-ed .rograms
12. !"N 2$/12/2014
Commencement of !emester * %acation for +ondation1 !,eciali-ed .rograms
!tdents1 the Academic and Administrati%e !taff.
1#. 23N 2)/12/2014
College Concil 2eeting to finali-e !tdents 9eslts and Dismissed !tdents
14. T/" 01/01/2015
6nd of !emester * %acation for +ondation1 !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents1 the
Academic and Administrati%e !taff.
15. !"N 04/01/2015 Commencement of !emester ** for +ondation and !,eciali-ed .rograms
15. 23N 05/01/2015 College Concil 2eeting to finali-e 4radates 0ists.
1(. T/" 0$/01/2015 0ast date to register1 dro, and add corses.
1$. T/" 25/02/2015 6nd of !emester ** 2idterm 67ams for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
1). T/" 05/0#/2015 0ast date for acce,ting a,,lications for the ,ost,onement of the second
semester for all stdents and to 8ithdra8 from one corse for !,eciali-ed
.rograms !tdents.
20. T/" 02/04/2015 6nd of !emester ** for +ondation and !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
21. !"N 05/04/2015 Commencement of !emester ** +inal 67ams for +ondation and !,eciali-ed
.rograms !tdents.
22. T/" 0)/04/2015 6nd of !emester ** +inal 67ams for +ondation stdents.
2#. !"N 12/04/2014 Commencement of !emester ** %acation for +ondation !tdents.
24. T/" 15/04/2015
6nd of !emester ** %acation for +ondation !tdents.
6nd of !emester ** +inal 67ams for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
25. !"N 1)/04/2015 Commencement of !emester *** for +ondation and Commencement of
!emester ** %acation for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
2(. 23N 20/04/2015 College Concil 2eeting to finali-e !tdents 9eslts and the Dismissed
!tdents 0ists.
2$. T/" 2#/04/2015 6nd of !emester ** %acation for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
2). !"N 25/4/2015 Commencement of !mmer !emester *** for !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents.
#0. 23N 2(/4/2015 College Concil 2eeting to finali-e 4radates 0ists.
#1. T/" #0/4/2015 0ast date to register1 dro, and add corses.
#2. T/" 04/05/2015 6nd of !mmer !emester *** 2idterm 67ams for !,eciali-ed .rograms
##. T/" 11/05/2015 0ast date for acce,ting a,,lications for the ,ost,onement of the third semester
for all stdents and to 8ithdra8 from one corse for !,eciali-ed .rograms
#4. T/" 02/0(/2015 6nd of !emester *** for +ondation and .ost +ondation !tdents.
#5. !"N 05/0(/2015 Commencement of !emester *** +inal 67ams for +ondation and !,eciali-ed
.rograms !tdents.
#5. T/" 0)/0(/2015
6nd of the !mmer !emester *** +inal 67ams for +ondation and !,eciali-ed
.rograms !tdents1 College Concil 2eeting to finali-e !tdents 9eslts and
4radates and Dismissed !tdents 0ists.
#(. !"N 12/0(/2015
Commencement of %acation for +ondation1 !,eciali-ed .rograms !tdents1
the Academic and Administrati%e !taff.
#$. T/" 2(/0$/2015 6nd of %acation for the Academic and Administrati%e !taff.
#). !"N #0/0$/2015 Administrati%e and Academic !taff are &ac' from %acation.

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