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- Is bicycle a good way to move around?- Do you think that there should be a
separate lane for bicycles?- Why should a child have a bicycle?- Are you working or a
Cue card
Describe a famous person, you should say:- Who heshe is,- Why heshe is famous,-
Whether or not you would like to meet himher and why!
- Which "ualities should a famous person have?- Why does the young generation
copy them?- Who were the famous people #$ years ago and who will be famous
in the ne%t #$ years?- &hould they have personal life?- If you had a chance to
become famous what would be your attitude?
- What is your full name?- What can I call you?- 'an I see your identification?- What
do people usually do on weekends in your country?- What do you do on weekends?-
Did you think art is important in life, such as painting and sculptures?- Did you draw
anything when you were at school?- Are there any art galleries or museums in your
home town?
Cue card
Describe an animal you saw, which you find very interesting! (ou should say:- Where
you saw it,- )ow you felt about it,- Why you think it was interesting!
- What kind of animals do people have in their home?- *ell me about an animal you
saw which is very rare in your home town!- Why do people have pets in their homes?-
Do you think people do not respect animals these days? What about #$ years ago?-
+arlier people used animals for their work! ,ow, what do people use to do their work?
- -esearchers are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?- &o many animals
are e%tinct these days! What do you think about this? Why it is happening?
Speaking test #3
- *ell me about the recent changes in your home town!- What is the meaning of your
name?- Why were you given this name?- )ow may I address you?
Cue card
Describe the happiest recent event that you had!
- What moments make other people happy?- What moments are happy for the
elderly?- Are rich people happy?
Speaking test #4
- What is your full name?- )ow may I address you?- Where are you living?- )ow long
have you been living there?- What are the advantages of your home town?- Is there
any swimming pool?- )ave you been to any swimming pool anywhere?
Cue card
Describe a famous person in your country!
- - Why do people want fame?- )ow can a person become famous?- What kind of
people get inspiration from celebrities?- What sort of people were famous in the
past, #$ years ago?
- What is your name?- Where do you come from?- .lease, describe your city!- Is your
city a good place for younger generation?- )ow many languages do you know?- Is it
difficult to learn a second language?
Cue Card
Describe a citytown that you like to visit! .lease say
- What town is it?- Why do you like it?- )ow do you know about this town?- What
attracts you the most in this town?
- - What are the differences between rural and urban lifestyles?- What other
benefits do you get from the city e%cept for health, education and transport
facilities?- When more people move from rural to urban areas, what would the
conse"uences be?
- What is your full name?- Do you work or study?- Where do you work?- What is the
most difficult part of your /ob?- Where do people prefer to spend their leisure time?-
Are weekends important for people?- &hould people work on weekends?- &hould they
be paid for this?- Do many people in your country have mobile phones?
Cue Card
- Describe a lesson or a training session you had! .lease say - What was it?- Who
was the teacher?- What did you like the most?
- What are the main characteristics of a good teacher?- Is communication important
for children? Why?- What do you think about home schooling?- Are e%ams important?-
Is it necessary for children to like the sub/ects they study?
- What0s your name?- What does your name mean?- Do you have another member in
your family with the same name? Why?
Cue Card
*alk about a city that you have visited! .lease say- What city is it?- Where did you go
in the city?- What did you see?- +%plain why you have chosen to visit this city!
- What is the relationship between tourism and economy?- Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of traveling abroad!
- What is your full name?- )ow can I address you?- What do you do?- Do you work or
study?- 1ets talk about birthdays!- )ow do you celebrate your birthday now?- Is it
different from the way you have celebrated it in the past?- What was your most
memorable birthday?- 1et0s talk about cars!- Do you drive a car?- What type of car do
you like? Why?
Cue card
*alk about a holiday you spent on a lake, river or near the ocean! .lease say
- Where was it?- What did you do?- When did it take place?
- What type of water sports is played there?- Do you think boats are still useful as
transport nowadays?
- What is your full name?- 'an I see your ID, please?- Where are you from?- Do you
live in a house or an apartment?- Which part of your house do you like the most?
Why?- What makes your house pleasant?- Do you like sports?- Describe the kind of
spots people do in your country! Why?- )ave you ever tried any sport?- Do you think
sport affects the person doing it?- Is there any sport you would like to try?
Cue Card
Describe how you usually communicate with your friends! .lease say:
- Are you communicating by phone, letters or e-mails?- What are the advantages and
disadvantages of these ways?- Do your friends agree with this way of communication?
- Which way do they prefer?
- 'ompare letter-writing nowadays and 2$$ years ago!- What do you think about the
future of letter-writing?
- 'an you tell me your full name?- Do you work or study?- Would you recommend
that /ob to others?- What places of entertainment have you visited lately?- What
entertainment facilities are there in your city?- What other places would you like there
to be?- Do you always take a bag with you when you go out?- Do you always take the
same bag, even to different occasions?- What is important to you when you choose a
Cue Card
*alk about a book you have read and would like to read again! .lease say
- What book is it?- What is it about?- What did you learn from it?- +%plain why would
you like to read it again?
- Do you think that men and women like to read the same type of books?- Do you
think that reading a book is more challenging than watching a movie based on the
book?- Why do you think some books become internationally popular?- Do you think it
is easy to create a movie based on a book?
- What is your full name?- *ell me about the town you live in!- 'an you tell me about
your relatives and cousins?- Who did you like the most from your relatives as a child?
Cue Card
Describe the /ourney you were on as a child! .lease say:
- Where did you go?- Who was there with you?- )ow was that /ourney?- Why do you
still remember that /ourney?
- What benefits can a person get when they travel?- What are the ways of traveling in
your country?- Do you think travel will change in the ne%t #$ years?
- What is your full name?- What is your hometown?- )ow big is your family?- What
/ob do you do?- What type of clothes do you prefer?
Cue Card
*alk about any historical event! .lease say
- What was the event?- Where did it take place?- When did it occur?
- )ow does the history affect us?- )ave you ever been to a museum?- What did you
learn from it?- &hould museums be free for everyone?- What should people send to a
museum in the future?
- What is your full name?- Where do you prefer to live, in a house or a flat? Why?-
What is your favorite place in your house? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a beautiful place of nature that you want to visit! .lease say
- Where is it?- Whom are you going with?- What can you see there?
- )ow can we preserve places of natural beauty?- )ow can we protect places of
natural beauty?- Do you agree that mining should be prohibited in these areas?- )ow
can we stop people from destroying these places?- )ow can we add more natural
beauty to the city?
- What is your full name?- Do you work or study?- Why have you chosen your area of
studies?- Do you buy clothes over the internet?- What is your favorite style?- Is
fashion becoming more important nowadays?
Cue Card
Describe your favorite *3 show that you en/oy watching regularly! .lease say
- What is it about?- When is it shown?- Why do you like it?
- Is *3 losing its popularity to online broadcasting? Why?- Are there any advantages
of *3 for lonely people?- Are there any dangers of *3 for lonely people?- Do you think
people will watch less *3 in the future?
- Do you live in a house or an apartment?- Which part of your house do you like the
most? Why?- What do you need to do to make your house look better?- What do you
like the most about your village?- *ell me about the elementary school you went to!-
Did you visit your school recently?- What do you miss from your school days?- Are
you in contact with your school friends?
Cue Card
*alk about the most difficult thing that you have done recently! .lease say
- What was it?- What skills did you need to do it?- Why was it important to you to
finish this task?
- Why do you like to do it?- )ow did you feel after completing it?- What response did
you get from friends and colleagues?
- What is your full name?- What can I call you?- Do you work or study?- Where are
you from?- What was your hometown like in the past?- What do you think about the
developments in your hometown currently?- What do you think about weddings in
your country?- What do you think about weddings in the past?- What do you think
about the weddings at present?- Who do you invite to the wedding?
Cue Card
*alk about a famous person in your country! .lease say:
- Who is heshe?- What is heshe doing?- Why is heshe so famous?
- )ow do you think people become famous?- What are the problems they face?- Why
do they want to be famous?- Which people can be famous?- What do you think about
the children of the famous people?- What problems do they face?
- What is your full name?- )ow can I address you?- 'an I see your ID, please?- Where
are you from originally?- )ow has your town changed since your childhood?- What
types of facilities are now available in you town?- Do you think it is necessary to have
a lot of friends?- Who is your close friend?- What type of "ualities should a friend
Cue Card
Describe a birthday party that you or your friend threw! .lease say
- When was the party?- Who was invited to the party?- What did you en/oy at the
party the most?- What was so interesting there?
)ow do children celebrate their birthdays?- )ow do young people celebrate their
birthdays?- Do you think that with age the attitude of people changes towards
birthday parties?- What sort of national holidays are celebrated in your country?- Is
people0s attitude changing over time towards these national events?
- What is your full name?- 'an I see your ID, please?- Do you live in a house or in an
apartment?- Which room is your favorite in the house?- What kinds of sport are
popular in your country?- What kind of car is popular in your country?
Cue Card
Describe a happily married couple that you know! .lease say
- Who are they?- )ow did you meet them?- Why do you think they are so happy?
- What is the best age for people to marry?- Do people spend much money on
weddings in your country?
INTERVIEW Do you travel by boat?
- Do people travel by boat in your country?
Cue Card
*alk about a plant, vegetable or a crop that you familiar with! .lease say
- Where is it growing?
- Why is it important to us?
- What do you like or dislike about it?
- What can be done to make farming interesting?
- What problems are farmers usually facing?
- Do you go to the park?
- Do you think there will be more parks in the future?
INTERVIEW Do you like sports?
- What sports do you like the most?
- Are sports necessary in schools? Why?
- Are sports competitions necessary in schools?
- Are competitions in cultural activities necessary in schools similar to sports?
- Are trophies necessary in primary school?
- Are sports encouraged in schools in your country?
Cue Card
*alk about a recent sports event that you have participated in or watched and en/oyed
very much! .lease say
- What was the event?
- When and where did it take place?
- Why is it so memorable to you?
- What kind of *3 shows do you watch?
- Who cooks in your home?
- )ow much time do you spend watching *3?
- 'an you get better at cooking by watching cooking shows?
Cue Card
*alk about something that you bought from a store 4an item that you like a lot5!
.lease say
- What was it?
- Where did you buy it?
- )ow did you install it?
- )ow do you use it?
- )ow do *3 and electronic devices affect our life?
- What makes people buy new smart phones?
- Is it showing their status or are they /ust technology fans?
- What were previous generations doing without electronics?
- Why are computers necessary at every workplace these days?
- What will happen if something goes wrong with the computer systems, as every
company is dependent on them nowadays?
- When did you start using a mobile phone?
- Do you think it is a good thing to have a mobile phone?
- )ow does it benefit you e%actly?
- Do you like paintings?
- Would you buy some paintings for your home?
Cue Card
*alk about something important that you have learnt from someone! .lease say
- What was it?
- Whom did you learn it from?
- )ow do you think it has benefited you?
- Do you think learning something new is good?
- Is there any age limit for learning or should there be?
- Do you think kids learn a lot from their parents?
- What are the ways to teach preschool age kids to be ready for school?
- Is teaching teenagers different from teaching little kids?
Are cooking programs popular in your country?
- Do you like to watch these programs?
Cue Card
Describe an historical event that you find interesting! .lease say
- When did it take place?
- What has happened?
- Why is it so interesting to you?
- What things do people learn during history lessons?
- Do you prefer to read about international or local history?
- Why do you think some people find history a boring and difficult sub/ect?
- What do you do for a living?
- Do you think your work is interesting? Why?
- Will you stay long at your current /ob? Why?
- Were you playing games as a child?
- What kind of games did you play?
- What do you think about the games children play today?
- Are these games different from the ones you played as a child?
- Do you like photography? Why?
- Do you like taking photos yourself?
- When and where do you usually do it?
- Do you like taking photos of yourself? Why?
Cue Card
*alk about your favourite program that you always watch on *3! .lease say
- What program is it?
- What is it about?
- What do you like or dislike about this program?
- What types of programs are shown in your country on daily basis?
- Why do you think there is an increase of international programs on local channels
- What do you think is the effect of 67 hour news like ',, and 88' on the society?
- What kind of /ob do you have?
- Do you plan to change your /ob in the future? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a successful family business! .lease say
- What is it?
- )ow did you know it?
- Why do you think it is successful?
- Do you prefer to work in a big or a small company?
- Why is that?
- What is benefit of working in a big company?
- Why do not you like to work in small company?
- What is a benefit of a small company?
- What kind of work do you do?
- Would you continue doing this /ob in the future?
- Do you like to walk? And how often?
- Would you prefer walking in the city or in the countryside?
Cue Card
*alk about the type of clothes that you wear for special occasions! .lease say
- Do people like it?
- Where did you get your clothes?
- )ow do you feel while wearing them?
- Do you like taking photographs?
- Do you think people dress more formally these days than before?
- In what circumstances do people wear formal clothes?
- Do you think globali9ation affects the clothing industry? )ow?
- Does people0s taste affect the clothing industry?
- Do you think that decision making is a difficult process?
- Does your organi9ation rely on you to make decisions fre"uently?
- What was the most important decision that you have made in your life?
- Did it take you long to make it?
- What do you think about it now?
- Why is media more important in lives of the younger generation compared to the
- Do you read newspapers? Why?
- What kind of news is the most interesting to you? Why?
- When did you start using a mobile phone?
- Did you climb trees as a child?
- Would you like to stay in places with lots of trees? Why?
Cue Card
*alk about a very old person that you know and respect! .lease say
- )ow and when did you meet?
- Who is this person?
- Why do you respect himher?
- What do you think about sending an old person to an age care facility?
- What can young people learn from old people?
- What can old people learn from the younger generation?
- Do you like riding a bicycle?
- Is it popular in your country?
- What are your predictions about bicycle culture in :a9akhstan?
- Do you like plants?
- Would you find a plant interesting as a gift?
- )ave you ever grown plants?
Cue Card
Describe a person with whom you like to spend time! .lease say
- When did you meet himher?
- What kind of person is heshe?
- What do you do together?
- Why do you like spending time with this person?
- Who else do you like to spend time with?
- Why is it important to you?
- What kind of relationship should be between managers and employees?
- Do you like writing emails?
- Whom do you often receive emails from?
Cue Card
*alk about a public transport that you have used recently! .lease say
- When did you use it?
- What kind of public transport have you used?
- Describe your /ourney!
- )ow did you feel after the trip?
- Do people in your country use cars to demonstrate a social status? Why?
- What kind of transport do you think will be available in the future?
- What can the government do to reduce the use of cars in your country?
Did you like to play as a child?
- What was your favourite toy? Why?
- Do you still have it?
- Do you think toys should be passed on to other kids? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a recent event in you life that made you very happy! .lease say
- What was the event?
- When did it happen and who was there with you?
- Why did it make you happy?
- Do you think money is important in life? Why?
- Do you think money makes people happy?
- Do you think people with a lot of money are happy?
- What makes people really happy?
- Does having money e"uate to being happy?
- What sub/ect are you studying?
- Why do you think people choose such a sub/ect in your country?
- Do you like reading books?
- What type of books do you read?
- Are you reading a book presently?
- Would you like to write a book in the future?
Cue Card
*alk about a nice place 4school, office, or club5 that you know well! .lease say
- Why is the place so distinct?
- With whom did you go there?
- What did you e%perience there?
- Do you think that unpaid /obs affect the community?
- What is your opinion about people who work from home?
- Would you do it yourself?
- What city are you from?
- Where is it located e%actly?
- Do you like living there?
- *ell me some interesting facts about it!
- Are there many large cities in your country?
Cue Card
Describe the thing that you cannot live without 4e%cept phone and internet5! .lease
- What is it?
- Why can0t you manage without it?
- )ow long do you have it for?
- )ow did you feel without it?
Discussion 1
- Did you take photos recently?
- *alk about a photograph or a theme you couldn0t take!
- Do you like to take pictures of yourself? Why?
- Do you think media can influence people to buy or like things they see?
- Why do teenagers want to have the latest devices such as i.hone #?
- Why do they often buy a new one even though they already have one?
- What do they do with the old one after buying a new one?
- )ow hard is it for parents to convince their children not to buy an e%pensive phone?
- Does your name have a meaning?
- What is it?
- What are the most common names in your culture? Why?
Cue Card
Describe a party that you would like to give to someone! .lease say
- Who is that person?
- Whom will you invite to the party?
- Why would you give this party?
- When are you planning to do it? Why?
- *ell me about family parties in your country!
- Do you feel under pressure while preparing a party?
- Do you prefer to be busy all the time or not ? Why?
- Do you feel under pressure when you have lots of tasks to do?
- What is your working day like?
- When is the most productive time during the day for you?
- What do you likedislike about your /ob?
- Would you recommend this /ob to anyone?
Cue Card
*alk about a book that someone recommended that you read! .lease say
- Who recommended it?
- Why did heshe recommend it?
- What do you think about this book?
- What kinds of books are famous in your country? Why?
- What are the benefits of reading books, in your opinion?
- Do you think people will continue to read printed books in the future? Why?
- What is your opinion about e-books?
- Aren0t they cheaper and easily portable?
- What are the drawbacks of e-books?
- Are you able to imagine the world without printed books?
- What other possibilities do you see?
- Do you think young people like to read books?
- &ome say old people are good at reading! Do you agree or disagree?
- What type of people are living in your city?
- What does ;being polite0 mean to you?
- Who taught you about it?
- When do you need to be polite?
Cue Card
*alk about a special meal that you would like to have! .lease say
- What is it?
- Where and with whom would you like to have it?
- What other food would you like to try?
- What type of food do people like in your country?
- What is more important: "uality or price of the food?
- &hould parents stop their children from eating /unk food?
- What should the government do about this?
- Do you like home made food better than restaurant food?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting person that you have recently met! .lease say
- Where did you meet herhim?
- Why was shehe interesting to you?
- What is shehe like?
- What is the role of parents in the development of children<s character?
- Are they more important than friends and the surrounding environment?
- What is the influence of technology on human relationships today?
- Do you think it has a positive or a negative effect on the society? Why?
- Which room do you like the most in your house?
- Are you going to move in the future?
- Are there any painting or drawing classes in your school?
- Why do people have paintings on their homes?
- Would you buy a painting?
Cue Card
Describe an activity that you do to stay in good health and shape! .lease say
- What is it and when do you do it?
- )ow often do you do it?
- )ow is it helping you to stay healthy and in good shape?
- What do most people do to stay healthy?
- Do you think the sports e"uipment in parks is useful?
- Is there any difference between men and women in terms of which e%ercises they
should do to stay healthy?
- Which part of your country is more populated?
- )ow easy is it to travel around in your country?
- Did the country change a lot since you were a child?
Cue Card
Describe a festival that is important in your country! .lease say
- When does the festival start?
- What do you do during the festival?
- What do you like or dislike about it?
- Why is this festival important?
- Are national and international festivals different in their nature?
- Do you think new festivals will be introduced in the future? Why?
- )ow does the globali9ation affect festivals around the world?
- Do you receive gifts fre"uently?
- Do like to receive them? Why?
- What is the most precious gift you have received so far?
- Why do you like it so much?
Cue Card
Describe a shopping street that you would like to visit! .lease say
- Where is it?
- Why would you like to go there?
- Whom would you take there with you?
- Do you use the Internet for shopping?
- What are the pros and cons of Internet shopping?
- Will you continue to shop online in the future?
- Do you consider yourself a patient person?
- What are the benefits of being patient?
- Are people in your country usually patient?
- Do you like advertisements?
- Do you think there is too much advertisement in your country?
Cue Card
Describe the most important 4special5 photograph that you like! .lease say
- When was it taken?
- Who is on that photograph?
- Who took it?
- Why is it so special to you?
- What is the role of photographs in the newspapers?
- Do you think photographs of family events must be taken by professionals?
- What photographs are good for advertisement?
- What is better, to send a photograph or a post card?
- What is the most efficient way of communication: e-mail, chat or &=&, in your
- )ow do you get to the office?
- What do you think about the transportation system in your country?
Cue Card
Describe a recent change in your life! .lease say
- When did it happen?
- What was the change?
- What difference did it make to your daily routine?
- What do you think about the changes in people0s lives?
- What kind of changes did you notice in your town recently?
- Do you think people like changes?
- Why are most older people reluctant to make changes?
- Do you like your /ob? Why?
- Whom do you like to celebrate your birthdays with?
- )ow did you like to celebrate your birthdays as a child?
- What birthdays do you consider more important?
- Do you think walking in the countryside is better than in the city? Why?
- Do you walk?
- Why do you consider walking important 4or why not5?
- What could be done to improve walking in the city?
- Do you think you will keep walking as a part of your routine in the future?
Cue Card
*alk about a season or a time of the year that you en/oy the most! .lease say
- What do you do during this season?
- Describe what the weather is like!
- Why do you like it more than other seasons?
- What is more important in your view: summer or winter?
- Do people en/oy more summer or winter? Why?
- What are the disadvantages of working in e%treme cold or hot weather?
- )ow do you celebrate your birthday?
- )ow are birthday parties celebrated in your country?
- What birthdays are very special in your culture?
- Describe your city!
- What are the main landmarks of the city?
Cue Card
Describe an interesting conversation that you had with someone you didn0t know!
.lease say
- Who was that person?
- When and where did you meet himher?
- What did you talk about?
- Why was it interesting for you?
- What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?
- What is the difference between personal, telephone or online conversations?
- What are the disadvantages of online conversations?
- )ow do you listen to news, on the radio or online?
- Why is getting news important?
- What news are the most interesting for you?
- Do you think young people are more interested in news than the elderly?
- Do you think women like to chat more than men? Why?
- What chores are done by you at home?
- Did you help your parents with housework when you were young?
- Did you visit a park in your childhood?
- What are the advantages of parks?
Cue Card
Describe a situation when you were late! .lease say
- What were you late for?
- What was the reason?
- )ow did you feel after that?
- Do you mind if other people are late?
- Do you think people are too busy these days?
- What is better for people: to have little or lots of free time?
- )ow does being busy affect family life?
- Do you work late hours? Why?
- What is the optimum sleep time a person re"uires?
- )ow many hours a day do you usually sleep? Why?
Cue Card
Describe your favourite piece of clothing! .lease say
- What is it?
- Where did you buy it?
- Where do you usually wear it to?
- What is the type of formal wear for people in your country?
- What is your opinion about internet shopping?
- Do you go out shopping with your friends or your wife? Why?
- Do women in your country wear fashion accessories?
- What kind of work do you do?
- Would you recommend your /ob to others? Why?
- Do you like weekends?
- What do you do on weekends?
- Do you think people should work on weekends or not?
- &hould those who work on weekends be paid more?
Cue Card
Describe a person that you like talking with! .lease say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you like talking with himher?
- What topics do you usually talk about?
- Do you think good communication is necessary?
- What kind of work re"uires good communication?
- )ow can you develop good communication skills?
- Do you believe that robots will be able to speak in the future like humans?
- Do you like taking pictures?
- Which picture do you cherish? Why?
- Do you think people take too many pictures nowadays?
*ell me something about your city!
- What do you like the most about your city?
- When did you last visit your relatives?
- What do you do when you go to your relatives in your home country?
- )ow often do you meet them?
Cue Card
*alk about a business that you would like to start in the future! .lease say
- What is it?
- Why do you think this business is important?
- What are the crucial components of success in business?
- Do you think business is important?
- What business is successful, according to you? Why?
- *alk about any family business that you know!
- What are the positives of running a business with family?
- What are the negatives of running a business with family members?
Cue Card
*alk about a situation where you helped someone! .lease say
- Whom have you helped?
- When did you do it?
- )ow did you feel after that?
- +%plain why you have made a decision to help himher!
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of volunteering work in you country?
- What important values have you got from your parents?

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