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Weatherford High School NGC Instructor: Nichole Gray

Social Studies Department Room 10!

World History "hone: #1$%&#$'#( )*t+ ,'#
)$mail: ngray-.eatherfordisd+com We/site:
World History
Course Requirements
Course Description: World History is the in1estigation of historical de1elopments .ithin a chronological frame.or2+ 3he
course themes allo. students to ma2e crucial connections across historical periods and geographical regions+ It also /uilds upon
2no.ledge the students ha1e accumulated throughout the Social Studies program /eginning in the elementary grades and
continuing through 3e*as and 4+S+ History courses ta2en at the 5unior High School le1el+
Materials Needed:
6' "encil
"en$ 7lac2 or 7lue
, ring /inder
"encil /ag 8attaches inside , ring /inder9
:ap pencils 8/o* of 1' at least9
Glue stic2s
7o* of ;leene*
Grading Policy:
!ll grades are calculated as a percentage+ Indi1idual assignment grades are recorded as follo.s:
Daily grades : 50%
Tests/Quizzes/ Small lass !ro"ets/#ong term/ $%&ee's (ro"ets: 50%
Late Assignments:
It is our expectation that all assignments ill !e turned in on time"
Students a/sent for e*tracurricular acti1ities must turn in assignments /efore the student lea1es school< or the day /efore+ If a
student is a/sent due to illness then the assignment .ill /e due /ased upon the grading policy of the district+ See Student
Hand/oo2 and =ate Wor2 Handout+
Ma#e$up tests:
!rrangements must /e made .ith the instructor to ma2e up a test+ :a2e$up tests .ill not /e administered during class time+
Students .ill ha1e one .ee2 after test has /een returned to schedule and ma2e up the test+ Students are allo.ed one ma2e up test
or assignment a si* .ee2s+
%$Wee#s Pro&ects:
We do not ha1e due dates for these pro>ects+ We ha1e ?last day to turn in@ dates+ !ny A$Wee2s pro>ect can /e turned in any time
after it is assigned+ In other .ords< you do not ha1e to .ait until the last day to turn in the pro>ect+ Since guidelines for these
pro>ects are gi1en .ell in ad1ance of the final day it can /e turned in< there is ample time to complete these pro>ects+ (ro"ets
)ill not *e ae!ted late +or any reason e,e!t in e,treme irumstanes %e,-: Deat. in t.e +amily/ .os!italization/ et-
Classroom 'ules:
!ll school rules in the student hand/oo2 .ill /e follo.ed in this classroom+
Intolerant and disrespectful remar2s regarding other peopleBs 1ie.s< /eliefs< opinion< culture< or lifestyle is not
accepta/le /eha1ior in this classroom+
Come to class prepared 8supplies9 and ready to .or2 .hen the /ell rings+
o !/sences .ill affect your grade< so your consistent presence in class .ill contri/ute to your success+
o 3ardies are considered a disruption of the learning en1ironment+ Students are e*pected to /e in their seat and
on tas2 .or2ing at the /eginning of each class+ Standing outside the door .hen the /ell rings< constitutes a
o 3echnology .ill /e a /ig part of the classroom ho.e1erC all technology tools are only to /e used as instructed
/y the teacher+
3al2ing during a test0DuiE is considered cheating+ 3he test0DuiE .ill /e ta2en up< and the student .ill recei1e a recorded
grade of Eero+ 3he studentBs parents .ill also /e notified+
Students are e*pected to use the restroom /et.een classes+ Students in class .ill not /e permitted to go during
instructional time+ Fther.ise you .ill /e allo.ed to go one at a time .ith a pass at my discretion+
Gou are reDuired to /ring your materials e1ery class period+ If you do not /ring those materials it could affect your
grade+ :ost .or2 is done during class time and it is necessary to ha1e all your supplies in order to complete most
3he /ell does not dismiss you< I do+
3utoring .ill /e a1aila/le during /loc2 lunch in a designated World History classroom+ !ll history teachers can tutor all
students+ 3he schedule is posted outside each history classroom+ 7efore and after school tutorials are /y appointment only+ 3ests
and DuiEEes must /e made up during tutorial time only+
!fter the information< please contact me if:
you ha1e any Duestions regarding this material<
you ha1e something important you .ish to share .ith me<
Gou ha1e any concerns a/out the class+
"lease chec2 my .e/site and Infinite Campus for announcements< home.or2< pro>ects< grades< etc+ 3han2 you for your time< I
loo2 for.ard to a producti1e and en>oya/le year .ith your studentH
Cut and Return to 3eacher /y Wednesday
I ha1e read the information a/o1e and agree to follo. the policies and procedures set
forth /y my World Geography teacher+

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