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2011 IBM Corporation

DB2 for z/OS Stored Procedures Trends and


#o$ert Cattera
DB2 )sers *roup
Dece'$er +, 2011
2011 IBM Corporation
- /ision of a 'odern DB2 for z/OS data0ser/in!
- $rief re/ie1 of ad/ances in DB2 for z/OS stored
procedure functionait" since DB2 23
4ati/e S56 procedures
So'e !o0for1ard reco''endations
7ints, tips, etc&
2011 IBM Corporation
- /ision of a 'odern DB2 for z/OS data0ser/in! s"ste'
2011 IBM Corporation
DB2 data ser/er
Stored procedures
8a/a appication
ser/er 9(e$Sphere
or (e$6o!ic or:;
appication ser/er
M5 istener
(e$Sphere M5 =ueue
The $i! picture
2011 IBM Corporation
Points a$out the >/ision? dia!ra'
The DB2 ser/er patfor' is not specifica" identified
coud $e z/OS, or 6inu@, or )4IA, or (indo1s
- pet pee/e of 'ine
. 5uit usin! >DB2? as shorthand for DB2 for z/OS and >)DB? as
shorthand for DB2 for 6inu@/)4IA/(indo1s
. Perpetuates the unhepfu notion DB2 for z/OS and DB2 for
6)( inco'pati$iit", 1hereas fro' a cient/ser/er appication
de/eop'ent and architecture perspecti/e, the t1o DB2
patfor's are /irtua" identica
. 8ust sa" >DB2?
. If "ou 1ant to refer 'ore specifica" to a DB2 ser/er patfor', sa"
>DB2 for z/OS? or >DB2 for 6)(?
2011 IBM Corporation
More on the /ision dia!ra'
The DB2 ser/er is a pure data$ase ser/er there is no
transaction 'ana!e'ent su$s"ste' on the ser/er
This has $een the standard set0up for so'e ti'e in the
distri$uted s"ste's 1ord
. Mainfra'es 1ith DB2 often ha/e CICS or IMS, as 1e usua"
$ecause the or!anization ran a DB20accessin! transactiona
1orBoad $efore DB2 stored procedure functionait" 1as a/aia$e
. Static, ser/er0side S56 9i'portant for scaa$iit"; can $e pacBa!ed in
CICS or IMS transaction pro!ra's or in DB2 stored procedures
. Man" 'ainfra'ers $eie/e that "ou ha/e to ha/e CICS or IMS/TM to
support a hi!h0/ou'e DB2 for z/OS0$ased transactiona 1orBoad
Not so
2011 IBM Corporation
M5 6istener
Stored procedure
M5 =ueue
-nd a itte 'ore:
M5 is a /er" i'portant part of the picture
7o1 M5 and DB2 stored procedures can 1orB to!etherC
. Cient pro!ra' puts a 'essa!e 9so'e infor'ation; on an M5 =ueue
. - process caed the M5 6istener can perfor' an action in response
to a 'essa!e arri/in! on a =ueue
. <@a'peC ca a DB2 stored procedure, 1ith 'essa!e pro/idin! input to the
stored procedure 9M5 can aso in/oBe a CICS transaction;
2011 IBM Corporation
*reat use of M5 and DB2 SPs 91;
Dor data$ase updates that need to occur in near0rea0ti'e
$ut not s"nchronous" reati/e to end user input
. Possi$e e@a'pesC custo'er chan!es persona infor'ation 9e&!&,
address;, or 'aBes an onine pa"'ent
. )ser cicBs on >Su$'it,? input infor'ation captured in M5 'essa!e
. -ppication can i''ediate" respond to end user 1ith 9for e@a'pe; >Eour
update has $een recei/ed and 1i $e appied to "our profie 'o'entari"?
. BacB0end DB2 data$ase updates iBe" to occur 1ithin seconds
. -d/anta!es of as"nchronous approachC
. Potentia" $etter end0user response ti'e 9/er" fast rep" after >Su$'it?;
. I'pro/ed s"ste' a/aia$iit" 9fro' userFs perspecti/e;C if $acB0end
data$ase ser/er is una/aia$e, 'essa!es si'p" accu'uate on =ueue
and are processed 1hen data$ase ser/er is $acB onine
2011 IBM Corporation
(orBfo1 orchestration appication
<nterprise ser/ice $us 9$uit on M5 foundation;
DB2 data$ase
Stored proc 1 Stored proc 2 Stored proc G
*reat use of M5 and DB2 SPs 92;
Dor auto'atic orchestration of co'pe@ $usiness 1orBfo1s
in/o/in! 'utipe reated transactions 9e&!&, order processin!;
. (orBfo1 orchestration appication ensures that re=uired transactions
are co'peted in the necessar" order
2011 IBM Corporation
- $rief re/ie1 of ad/ances in DB2 for z/OS stored
procedure functionait" since DB2 23
2011 IBM Corporation
.Stored procedure
programs run here,
using DB2 call attach
acilit! interace
23C stored procedures introduced
4e1 address spaceC DB20'ana!ed stored procedure
address space 9aBa SP-S;
- shortco'in!C caer coud not fetch resuts of cursor
decared and opened in a stored procedure
. 7ad to use output para'eters 9not idea for resut sets 1ith
indeter'inate nu'$er of ro1s, not feasi$e for ar!e resut sets;
2011 IBM Corporation
DBM1 IRLM DDF DB2"managed
.#se not
.$one in DB2 %
SPAS ', (1
SPAS ', (2
SPAS ', ()
SPAS *, (1
2HC t1o si!nificant enhance'ents
Caer of a stored procedure can fetch ro1s fro' a
cursor decared and opened in the stored procedure
(6M0'ana!ed stored procedure address spaces
2011 IBM Corporation
More on (6M0'ana!ed SP-Ss
Eou can ha/e se/era of the'
. )sefu for stored procedure 'ana!e'ent and 'onitorin!
. Ma"$e ha/e a SP-S for ne1er stored procedure pro!ra's
. Ma"$e !roup stored procedures $" appication
(6M can auto'atica" fire up additiona instances of a !i/en
SP-S in response to 1orBoad de'ands
Stored procedure t1o0phase co''it capa$iit" /ia ##S-D
. #eco/era$e resource ser/ices attach faciit" re=uired for stored
procedure pro!ra's e@ecutin! in a (6M0'ana!ed SP-S
. Coordinated co''it/ro$acB for update of DB2 I 2S-M or DB2 I M5
Pro/ide support for stored procedures 1ritten in 8a/a
<na$e stored procedures to access 6OBs 9ar!e o$Jects;
2011 IBM Corporation
2K and 2+C DD6, S56P6, COMMIT
DB2 2KC C#<-T</-6T<#/D#OP P#OC<D)#< state'ents
added to DD6
. Before that, DB- had to insert/update/deete ro1s in
SESP#OC<D)#<S catao! ta$e 9tedious, error0prone;
. B" the 1a"C SESP#OC<D)#<S out, SES#O)TI4<S in
DB2 2+C S56 Procedure 6an!ua!e introduced 9S56P6;
. Stored procedures coud $e 1ritten entire" in S56
. S56 1as e@tended to incude o!ic fo10contro state'ents such as *OTO,
ID, IT<#-T<, 6<-2<, 6OOP, #<P<-T, and (7I6<
. S56 procedure con/erted under0the0co/ers to C pro!ra' 1ith e'$edded
S56 DM6 e@ecutes as an e@terna stored procedure pro!ra'
DB2 2+ aso ao1ed for COMMIT and #O66B-CL to $e
issued fro' stored procedure
2011 IBM Corporation
2MC fe@i$e a$end i'it, (6M s"ner!"
Stored procedure a$end i'it can $e set at indi/idua stored
procedure e/e, /ersus a DB2 su$s"ste'01ide settin!
. If a stored procedure a$ends n ti'es, paced in stopped status 9after
$ein! fi@ed, restarted /ia 0ST-#T P#OC<D)#< co''and;
. 7i!her a$end i'it 'i!ht $e appropriate for ne1er stored procedures
Better s"ner!" 1ith z/OS (orBoad Mana!er
. DB2, z/OS 1orB to!ether to opti'ize nu'$er of tasBs in a SP-S 9a
stored procedure TCB is conceptua" iBe a CICS0DB2 su$tasB TCB;
. >8ust ri!ht? nu'$er of tasBs in a SP-S heps to i'pro/e CP) efficienc"
. 4u'$er of tasBs in a SP-S 'a" $e /aried up or do1n, $ut 4)MTCB
9para'eter specified 1hen definin! (6M e@ecution en/iron'ent;
re'ains upper $ound for a SP-S
2011 IBM Corporation
2NC >nati/e? S56 procedures
-s far as IF' concerned, the 'ost i'portant ad/ance
in DB2 for z/OS stored procedure technoo!" since
stored procedures 1ere introduced 1ith DB2 23
Gets its own section in this presentation
(DB2 10 stored procedure enhancements will be covered later in this session)
2011 IBM Corporation
4ati/e S56 procedures
2011 IBM Corporation
4ati/e S56 proceduresC $i! chan!e
BeforeC S56 procedure turned into a C an!ua!e
pro!ra' under the co/ers
. #uns as an e@terna stored procedure in a (6M0'ana!ed SP-S
. 4ot0in0DB2 part of a C pro!ra' !enera" consu'es 'ore CP)
than does e=ui/aent COBO6 code 9thou!h ess than 8a/a;
- nati/e S56 procedure 9a/aia$e $e!innin! 1ith DB2 N
in ne1 function 'ode; is Just a pacBa!e a >runti'e
structure? $ased on the S56 state'ents to $e e@ecuted
. - nati/e S56 procedure runs in the DB2 data$ase ser/ices
address space 9DBM1;
2011 IBM Corporation
Use my
4ati/e S56 procedure efficienc" 91;
-n e@terna stored procedure runs under its o1n TCB
. CaerFs tasB 9TCB or S#B; is suspended, and stored proc tasB uses
caerFs thread for co''unication 1ith DB2
. In so'e cases, there can $e processin! dea"s and a $uid0up of DBM1 /irtua
stora!e consu'ption associated 1ith the s1itchin! of threads fro' cain!0
pro!ra' tasBs to stored procedure tasBs
- nati/e S56 procedure runs under the cain! pro!ra'Fs tasB
. 4o =ueuin!, no dea"s reated to thread0s1itchin!
2011 IBM Corporation
4ati/e S56 procedure efficienc" 92;
Dor e/er" S56 state'ent in an e@terna stored procedure
9or an" other e@terna0to0DB2, S560issuin! pro!ra';, an
>addressa$iit" round trip? is re=uired
. Pro!ra'Fs tasB s1itches addressa$iit" fro' >ho'e? address space
9for e@terna S56 procedure, thatFs a (6M0'ana!ed stored
procedure address space; to DB2 DBM1 for S56 e@ecution, then
s1itches $acB
. <ach round trip pro$a$" consu'es a fe1 thousand instructions, and
thatFs Just the $acB0and0forth not S56 e@ecution in DBM1
4ati/e S56 procedures ei'inate this e@tra path en!th
. (ith the C-66 to the nati/e S56 procedure, "ouFre aread" in DBM1,
and "ou sta" there unti the stored procedure co'petes
2011 IBM Corporation
Cient pro!ra'
9par'1, par'2;
z/OS ser/er
DB2 director"
Stored proc
Cient pro!ra'
9par'1, par'2;
z/OS ser/er
Stored proc
6oad i$rar"
DB2 director"
Stored proc pacBa!e
<@terna /s& nati/e procedure
2011 IBM Corporation
The zIIP factor
zIIPC speciat" 'ainfra'e en!ine that costs ess than a
!enera0purpose processor and does not factor into soft1are
- nati/e S56 procedure is zIIP0ei!i$e if it is in/oBed /ia a
re'ote ca throu!h the DB2 Distri$uted Data Daciit" 9DDD;
. (h" restricted to re'ote /s& oca C-66s 9>oca C-66s? $ein! those that
are issued $" pro!ra's runnin! on the sa'e ser/er as DB2;O
. Technica", $ecause DDD re=uests run under enca/e S#Bs
. M" opinionC IBM is encoura!in! or!anizations to use DB2 for z/OS as a data
ser/er in 'uti0tier cient0ser/er appication en/iron'ents
-'ount of CP) processin! directed to a zIIP en!ine tends to
$e around HHP for nati/e S56 procedures caed throu!h DDD
2011 IBM Corporation
T!pe o procedure Base cost +,P#-tran. ,ost ater /IIP redirect
COBO6 1A 9$ase; &MMA
<@terna S56 1&K2A 1&3NA
4ati/e S56 1&13A &KHA
So'e CP) fi!ures
Dro' a presentation dei/ered $" IBMFs 8ohn Ca'p$e at a
recent ID)* DB2 Tech Conference
. #esuts o$tained usin! I#(( O6TP 1orBoad 9a standard 1orBoad
used $" IBM for $ench'arBin! purposes;
. Stored procedures in/oBed /ia D#D- and DDD
4oteC test 1as run a coupe of "ears a!o, usin! DB2 N
nati/e S56 procedure picture pro$a$" ooBs e/en $etter no1
. DB2 10 deli1ered impro1ed S2L procedure language perormance
2011 IBM Corporation
<nhanced functionait", too
- nested co'pound state'ent 9a co'pound S56 state'ent
1ithin another co'pound S56 state'ent; is ao1ed in a
nati/e S56 procedure, not in an e@terna S56 procedure
. Co'pound state'entC a !roup of S56 state'ents, $ounded $" B<*I4
and <4D
. (ithin a co'pound state'ent, /aria$es, cursors, and condition handers can
$e decared
. - S56 procedure 1i /er" often contain a co'pound S56 state'ent
. (ith nested co'pound state'ents, condition handers can ha/e their
o1n co'pound state'ents 9ena$es 'ore sophisticated error handin!;
. -soC $etter co'pati$iit" across DB2 Da'i" 9DB2 for 6inu@, )4IA, and
(indo1s aread" pro/ided support for nested co'pound state'ents in
S56 procedures; i'portant for cross0patfor' de/eop'ent
2011 IBM Corporation
is good
4ati/e S56 procedure ifec"ce
Si'per creation, 'ana!e'ent, 'aintenance /ersus
e@terna stored procedures
. 4o e@terna0to0DB2 resources in/o/ed 9e&!&, no source /
o$Ject / oad i$raries;
. The nati/e S56 procedure pacBa!e is the e@ecuta$e, and it is stored
in the DB2 director"
. 4o e@terna0to0DB2 processes in/o/ed 9e&!&, no need for
co'pie and inB processes;
-'on! other !ood thin!sC no 1orries a$out
pro!ra'/pacBa!e coordination
. 4ati/e S56 procedures ha/e a consistenc" toBen 9used to
'atch e@terna0to0DB2 pro!ra's 1ith correspondin! pacBa!e;,
$ut itFs Just a >s"non"'? for the procedureFs /ersion ID
2011 IBM Corporation
So'e !o0for1ard reco''endations
2011 IBM Corporation
*ettin! fro' here to there:
>There? $ein! a situation in 1hich "ouFre !ettin!
'a@i'u' $enefit fro' the use of DB2 stored
DirstC use stored procedures 9if not aread" doin! so;
If "ou are in a DB2 2M or DB2 N CM en/iron'ent,
code and depo" so'e S56 stored procedures to
!ain fa'iiarit" 1ith their de/eop'ent
. </en if COBO6 has $een "our preferred stored procedure
pro!ra''in! an!ua!e
. I $eie/e that S56 procedures are the 1a" of the future, and
it 1oud $e a !ood idea to !et read" for that future
. DB2 10 allo3s user"deined unctions +#DFs. to 4e 3ritten in
S2LPL, too
2011 IBM Corporation
If "ou use CICS:
Tr" 'aBin! functionait" of one or 'ore CICS0DB2 transactions
a/aia$e to D#D- re=uesters /ia stored procedure cas
. - 'ore >open? 1a" to e@pose the transaction functionait"
Coud $e done $" con/ertin! COBO6 CICS pro!ra' to COBO6
stored procedure 9often in/o/es itte chan!e;, or repicatin!
transaction functionait" in S56 procedure
Coud aso in/oBe CICS transaction /ia stored procedure
. One optionC DS4-CICS stored procedure that co'es 1ith DB2
. -ternati/eC code to CICS <ACI interface "oursef, usin! eitherC
. <ACI C-66, or
. <A<C CICS 9easier to code;
. 9anao!ous to DB2 ca attach /ersus TSO attach;
2011 IBM Corporation
#unnin! DB2 N 94DM; or DB2 10O
)se nati/e S56 stored procedures, $ut $e dei$erate
a$out this if "ouFre aread" usin! e@terna S56 procedures
. The si'per ifec"ce processes of nati/e S56 procedures are ess
co'pein! if "our e@terna S56 procedure infrastructure is 1e
esta$ished and 'ature
. Botto' ineC ad/anta!es of nati/e S56 procedures /ersus e@terna
S56 procedures 'aBe con/ersion 1orth1hie, $ut "ouF 1ant to do
that in a non0disrupti/e fashion
If "ou donFt aread" ha/e zIIP en!ines, consider !ettin!
so'e 9or 'a"$e addin! to 1hat "ou ha/e;
. 4ati/e S56 procedures coud $e a !ood dri/er of zIIP utiization on
"our s"ste'
2011 IBM Corporation
)sin! e@terna S56 proceduresO
*et fa'iiar and co'forta$e 1ith the different ifec"ce
processes of nati/e S56 procedures
. 4e1 D<P6OE option of BI4D P-CL-*<
. 4e1 -CTI2-T< 2<#SIO4 option of -6T<# P#OC<D)#<
Ma"$e con/ert e@terna S56 procedures to nati/e S56
procedures 1hen up!radin! e@istin! appication
. So'eti'es, as si'pe as droppin! and recreatin! the procedure
1ithout the D<4C<D and <AT<#4-6 options, and 1ithout a (6M
<42I#O4M<4T specification
. Ma" need (6M <42I#O4M<4T DO# D<B)* MOD<
. So'eti'es, not so si'pe 9'ore on this to co'e;
-s appropriate, choose nati/e S56 procedures for ne1 DB2
appication de/eop'ent
2011 IBM Corporation
7ints, tips, etc&
2011 IBM Corporation
- co''on =uestion
>I thou!ht that ha/in! 'utipe (6M0'ana!ed stored
procedure address spaces 1as !ood for scaa$iit"& 4ati/e
S56 procedures run in one address space 1onFt that
ha/e a constrainin! effect on throu!hputO?
-ns1erC 4O, it 1i not
. ThinB a$out itC a nati/e S56 procedureFs e@ecuta$e is a pacBa!e,
and pacBa!es a1a"s run in DBM1
. If "ouFre runnin! 1000 CICS0DB2 transactions per second fro' 'utipe
CICS re!ions, each one has a pacBa!e that runs in DBM1
. DonFt 1orr" a$out DBM1 >runnin! out of tasBs? a nati/e S56
procedure runs under the caerFs tasB, 1hich is e@terna to DBM1
2011 IBM Corporation
-nother co''on =uestion
>Mutipe stored procedure address spaces $oost a/aia$iit"
9e&!&, "ou can isoate ne1 stored procedures in their o1n
address space;& (ith nati/e S56 procedures a runnin! in
DBM1, 1onFt that ne!ati/e" i'pact appication sta$iit"O
-ns1erC 4O, it 1i not
. ThinB a$out itC e/er"thin! that e@ecutes in DBM1 is DB20!enerated,
DB20'ana!ed code
. Mutipe address spaces for e@terna stored procedures hep to protect the
s"ste' fro' an error that 'i!ht e@ist in user01ritten code thatFs not a
pro$e' 1ith nati/e S56 procedures
2011 IBM Corporation
<@terna0to0nati/e con/ersion 91;
So'e S56 source code chan!es 'a" $e re=uired
One reason for thatC so'e error0handin! o!ic that 1orBed for
an e@terna S56 procedure 1onFt produce the desired
$eha/ior in a nati/e S56 procedure
. -s pre/ious" noted, nati/e S56 procedures ao1 nested co'pound
state'ents, pro/idin! a 'eans of codin! 'uti0state'ent error handers
. 6acBin! that option, peope codin! e@terna S56 procedures 1oud so'eti'es
use an ID $ocB to i'pe'ent the 'uti0state'ent hander
. Pro$e'C an >a1a"s true? condition used to enter an ID0$ased hander 9ID 1Q1
T7<4:; 1i in a nati/e S56 procedure cear the dia!nostics area 9oops;
. In >!oin! nati/e?, chan!e these condition handers to co'pound S56
state'ents set off $" B<*I4 and <4D
2011 IBM Corporation
<@terna0to0nati/e con/ersion 92;
-nother potentia reason for S56 source code chan!es 1hen
con/ertin! fro' e@terna to nati/eC differences in un=uaified
cou'n//aria$e/para'eter na'e resoution
. Eou coud ha/e in "our S56 procedure an un=uaified /aria$e or
para'eter na'e thatFs the sa'e as the na'e of a cou'n in a ta$e
accessed $" the procedure
. If an e@terna procedureC DB2 1i checB first to see if a /aria$e of that na'e
has $een decared, then if itFs the na'e of one of the procedureFs para'eters
if neither is true, assu'ption is that itFs a cou'n na'e
. If nati/eC DB2 1i first checB to see if the na'e is that of a cou'n of a ta$e
referenced $" the procedure, then if a /aria$e of that na'e has $een
decared, then if itFs the na'e of one of the procedureFs para'eters
. SoutionC either use =uaified na'es, or use a na'in! con/ention that
cear" identifies para'eters and /aria$es 9e&!& use pR or /R prefi@es;
2011 IBM Corporation
<@terna0to0nati/e con/ersion 9G;
(hat a$out the e@terna procedureFs coectionO
. The pacBa!e of an e@terna S56 procedure can $e $ound into an"
coection, and that coection na'e can $e specified /ia the CO66ID
option of C#<-T< P#OC<D)#<
. B" defaut, cain! pro!ra' 1i search in CO66ID coection for e@terna
procedureFs pacBa!e
. (hen a nati/e S56 procedure is created, the coection na'e for the
pacBa!e 1i $e the sa'e as the procedureFs sche'a na'e
. If the pacBa!e of a to0$e0con/erted e@terna S56 procedure 1as $ound
into a coection 1ith a na'e other than the procedureFs sche'a na'eC
. <nsure that the coection 1ith the sa'e na'e as the procedureFs sche'a 1i
$e searched 1hen the nati/e S56 procedure is caed, O#
. Put a S<T C)##<4T P-CL-*<S<T in the $od" of the S56 procedure,
referencin! the e@terna procedureFs coection na'e, and $ind a cop" of the
nati/e S56 procedureFs >root? pacBa!e into that coection
2011 IBM Corporation
<@terna0to0nati/e con/ersion 93;
Dor 'ore con/ersion infor'ation, checB out the $rief 9Just a
fe1 pa!es; $ut hi!h" infor'ati/e IBM >Technote? at this )#6C
2011 IBM Corporation
Detchin! resut sets 91;
-n area in 1hich there is a !ood $it of confusion
E<S, the caer of a stored procedure can fetch resut set
ro1s fro' a cursor decared and opened in the stored
Detais can $e found in the DB2 -ppication Pro!ra''in!
and S56 *uide, $ut here are the $asicsC
. The stored procedure is created 1ith DE4-MIC #<S)6T S<TS n,
1ith >n? $ein! the nu'$er of resut sets that can $e returned $" the
stored procedure
. OL if >n? S actua nu'$er of cursors to $e decared and opened $" the
stored procedure
2011 IBM Corporation
Detchin! resut sets 92;
The stored procedure decares one or 'ore cursors
(IT7 #<T)#4
. If stored procedure created 1ith COMMIT O4 #<T)#4 E<S,
cursor decaration 'ust aso specif" (IT7 7O6D 9this to pre/ent
the cursor fro' $ein! cosed 1hen stored procedure co'petes;
The stored procedure opens the cursor, $ut does 4OT
fetch fro' the cursor
. -n" ro1s fetched $" the stored procedure openin! the cursor 1i
not $e a/aia$e to the caer of the stored procedure
2011 IBM Corporation
Detchin! resut sets 9G;
The cain! pro!ra' decares resut set ocator /aria$es
for stored procedure0opened cursors that 1i return ro1s
to the caer
The cain! pro!ra' cas the stored procedure 9or
procedures; that returns a resut set 9or sets;
The cain! pro!ra' issues an -SSOCI-T< 6OC-TO#S
state'ent for each stored procedure caed that 1i return
one or 'ore resut sets
. If caed stored procedure AET 1i open se/era cursors, the
-SSOCI-T< 6OC-TO#S state'ent for AET in the cain! pro!ra'
1i incude a resut set ocator /aria$e for each cursor
. <@a'peC -SSOCI-T< 6OC-TO#S 9C6OC1, C6OC2; (IT7 AET
2011 IBM Corporation
Detchin! resut sets 93;
The cain! pro!ra' issues an -66OC-T< C)#SO#
state'ent for each resut set ocator /aria$e na'ed in
an -SSOCI-T< 6OC-TO#S state'ent
. 4o need for the cursor na'e in an -66OC-T< C)#SO#
state'ent to 'atch the na'e of the cursor decared in the
caed stored procedure
The cain! pro!ra' fetches ro1s fro' the resut sets,
usin! the cursors na'ed in the -66OC-T< C)#SO#
2011 IBM Corporation
DB2 10C #<T)#4 TO C6I<4T cursors
DB2 NC stored procedure can return resut set one e/e up in
chain of nested procedures 9(IT7 #<T)#4 TO C-66<#;
. Dor e@a'pe, if pro!ra' P#O*R- cas stored procedure P#OCRB,
and P#OCRB cas P#OCRC, P#OCRB can fetch fro' a cursor
decared and opened in P#OCRC, $ut P#O*R- cannot
. If P#O*R- needs that resut set, P#OCRC can put it in a te'porar" ta$e,
and P#O*R- can !et the ro1s fro' that te'p ta$e, O#
. P#OCRB can decare and open a cursor referencin! the te'p ta$e, and
P#O*R- can fetch the resut set ro1s throu!h that cursor;
- DB2 10 stored procedure can decare a cursor (IT7
#<T)#4 TO C6I<4T 9Just iBe DB2 for 6)(;
. >Top0e/e? pro!ra' 9one that cas first stored procedure, 1hich then
cas another stored procedure; can fetch ro1s, $ut the cursorFs resut
set is in/isi$e to stored procedures $et1een it and top0e/e pro!ra'
2011 IBM Corporation
Pre/ious sideFs point, in a picture:
DB2 10C
Pro!ra' AET
Stored proc -
Stored proc B
Pro!ra' AET
Stored proc -
Stored proc B
2011 IBM Corporation
#o$ert Cattera
Than7s or !our time8

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