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Answering Techniques for SPM 2010 Biology Paper 3 (based on Johor State Trial SPM 2010 Paper) How

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@ Teknik Menjawab SPM 2010 Biologi Kertas 3
1) How to state the observation?
Usually it involves two criteria.
Example 1
State two different observations made from Table 1. (Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza yang dibuat daripada Jadual 1).
Q1 (b) (i) (3 marks).
Idea level response (1 mark):
The time taken is different for each temperature.
Temperature influences time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish.
No full marks will be given if students did not meet the 2 criteria of answer and the word different / influence is not specific.
Students must try to avoid these words.
Accurate response (3 marks):
P1: Temperature of water bath
P2: Time taken for iodine solution to remain yellowish
(Horizontal observation)
At temperature 5C, time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish is 12 minutes.
At temperature 37C, time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish is 3 minutes.
At temperature 55C, time taken for iodine solution remains yellowish is 15 minutes.
2) How to state inference in Paper 3 Biology?
Similar to observation, inference involves 2 criteria.
Example 2
State the inference which corresponds to the observations in 1 (b) (i). (Nyatakan inferens yang sepadan dengan pemerhatian di 1
(b) (i)). Q1 (b) (ii)
Idea level response (1 mark):
Temperature influences the enzyme reaction.
Accurate response (3 marks):
P1: Rate of enzyme reaction
P2: Low / High (Reject: Lowest / Highest)
(Horizontal inference) At temperature 5C, the rate of enzyme (amylase) reaction is low / decreases / longer / lower.
At temperature 37C / optimum temperature, the rate of enzyme reaction is high.
At temperature 55C, the rate of enzyme reaction is low..

3) How to get full marks in hypothesis for an experiment?
Similar to the hypothesis in Chemistry Paper 3, it must always start with manipulated variable and follows by responding
Example 3
State the hypothesis for this experiment. (Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.) Q1 (d)
Idea level response (1 mark):
The temperatures influence the enzyme reaction.
Accurate response (3 marks):
P1: Manipulated variable (temperature)
P2: Responding variable (time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish / rate of enzyme (amylase) reaction / activity)
Hypothesis: relationship of P1 and P2 (MV + RV)
The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of enzyme reaction / time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish
(until it reaches the optimum temperature)
When the temperature increases, the rate of enzyme reaction also increase (until the optimum temperature)
4) How to draw the graph correctly in Paper 3 Biology?
SAL or SAP which is S = Shape, A = Axis and L = Label / P = Point. Besides that, student must remember to write the title of
the graph.
5) How to explain the relationship in Biology?
In Biology Paper 3, it is more specified as compared to Chemistry. Students must provide the manipulated variable first and
follow by responding variable and usually for the manipulated variable must have two supporting theories and a brief
Example 4 : Based on the graph in 1 (e) (ii), explain the relationship between rate of enzyme reaction and temperature.
(Berdasarkan kepada graf di 1 (e) (ii), terangkan hubungan antara kadar tindakbalas enzim dengan suhu.) Q1 (f)
Idea level response (1 mark):
The higher of the temperature, the higher the rate of enzyme reaction.
(Hypothesis statement)
Accurate response (3 marks):Students must state the relationship between the rate of enzyme reaction and the temperature
base on criteria:
R1 Relationship: the temperature increases, the rate of enzyme reaction also increase. (Theory 1)
R2 Explanation 1: at 37C // at optimum temperature the starch hydrolyse (completely by amylase / enzyme) (Theory 2)
R3 Explanation 2: at the maximum rate (Brief conclusion)
As temperature increases (MV), the rate of enzyme reaction increases (RV). At optimum temperature the starch
was hydrolysed (completely) by amylase at the maximum rate.
6) How to answer the last question (Question number 2)?
There are 9 sub sections (total 17 marks) that students need to answer. The mark distribution is as followed:
1. Problem statement (Penyataan masalah) (3 marks)
2. Objective (Objektif) (1 mark)
3. Variables (Pembolehubah-pembolehubah) (1 mark)
4. Hypothesis (Hipotesis) (3 marks)
5. List of material and apparatus (Senarai bahan dan radas digunakan) (3 marks)
6. Technique used (Teknik yang digunakan) (1 mark)
7. Experimental procedure or method (Kaedah atau prosedur eksperimen) (3 marks)
8. Presentation of data (Cara data dipersembahkan) (1 mark)
9. Conclusion (Kesimpulan) (1 mark)
1) Problem statement (3 marks)
Problem statement must be in question form.
Does (MV) affect (RV) of xxx?
How does (MV) affect the (RV) of xxx)?
What is the effect of (MV) on the (RV)?
2) Objective (1 mark)
It is a statement form:
To determine the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx.
To study the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx
To investigate the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx
3) Variables (1 mark)
The entire variables (MV, RV and FV) must be correct to gain one marks from here.
4) Hypothesis (3 marks)
The hypothesis must start with manipulated variable and follow by responding variable (MV + RV)
5) List of material and apparatus (3 marks)
Students need to separate the list of material with the list of apparatus.
Apparatus: photometer, stopwatch, cutter, beaker, meter rule, basin, marker/ thread
Material: Balsam plant, water, Vaseline/grease, dry cloth
6) Technique used (1 mark)
Students need to state the technique used in carrying out the experiment correctly.
Measure and record the time taken for the air bubble to move a distance of 2 cm by using a stopwatch.
7) Experimental procedure or method (3 marks)
Students are able to mention all the MV, RV and FV in the sentence.
8 ) Presentation of data (1 mark)
Students are able to draw a complete table and record the relevant data base on 3 criteria.
9) Conclusion (1 mark)
Students are able to write a suitable conclusion for the experiment.
Ther higher/lower (MV), the higher/lower (RV). Hypothesis is accepted/rejected.

SPM Chemistry Form 5 Definition List
1. Effective collision (Collision theory) collision that results in a chemical reaction where the particles
collide with the correct orientation and are able to achieve the activation energy.

2. Homologous series organic compounds (families) with similar formulae and properties.

3. Catalyst a chemical that alter the rate of reaction.

4. Positive catalyst increases the rate of reaction & lower the activation energy.

5. Negative catalyst decreases the rate of reaction & higher the activation energy

6. Organic compounds carbon-containing compound. Carbon atoms form covalent bonds.

7. Inorganic compounds compounds from non-living things which do not contain the element carbon.

8. Saturated hydrocarbons hydrocarbons containing only single bonds between all carbon atoms.

9. Unsaturated hydrocarbons hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-carbon double or triple bond.

10. Esterification esters are produced

11. Vulcanisation process which makes the natural rubber harder and increases its elasticity by adding

12. Redox reaction chemical reactions involving oxidation and reduction occurring simultaneously.

13. Flavouring improve the taste or smell of food and restore taste loss due to food processing.

14. Stabilisers help to mix two liquids that usually do not mix together so that they form an emulsion
15. Thickeners substances that thicken food and give the food a firm, smooth and uniform texture.

16. Precipitation the heat change when one mole of a precipitate is formed from their ions in aqueous

17. Displacement the heat change when one mole of a metal is displaced from its salt solution by a
more electropositive metal.

18. Neutralisation the heat change when one mole of water is formed from the reaction between an acid
and an alkali.

19. Combustion the heat change when one mole of a substance is completely burnt in oxygen under
standard conditions.

Sample Question For Paper 3
When lithium metal is put in water, it moves very slowly on the surface of the water. When sodium
metal is put in water, it moves quite fast and produces hiss sound. When potassium metal is put in
water, it moves very fast and produces small explosions.

Plan an experiment in the laboratory to investigate the reactivity of lithium, sodium and potassium with
water. The planning of your experiment must consist of the following:

Aim To determine the reactivity of alkali metals with water.
How do Group 1 elements do reacts with water?
Variables MV: Different types of alkali metals
RV: Reactivity of alkali metals
FV: size of alkali metals
Hypothesis Alkali metals become more reactive in reaction with water when going
down Group 1.
Apparatus &
A: forceps, knife
M: small piece of lithium, sodium, potassium, filter paper, distilled water.
Procedure 1. Cut a small piece of lithium using forceps and knife.
2. Dry the oil on the surface of lithium with filter paper.
3. Place the lithium on the surface of water in a trough.
4. Record the reactivity of lithium with water.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 using potassium and sodium.
Tabulation of
Types of alkali metals Reactivity with water

Chemistry Form 4 Definition List
1. Element a substance consists of one type of atom.
2. Compound a substance consists two or more elements that are chemically bonded
(molecule or ions).
3. Atom smallest particle of an element.
4. Molecule a group of two or more atoms.
5. Ion a positively charged / negatively charged particle.
6. Isotopes atoms of the same element with same proton number but different nucleon
7. Relative atomic mass of an element = the average mass of one atom of an
element/((1/12) x the mass of one carbon-12 atom)
8. Relative molecular mass of an element = the average mass of one atom of an
molecule/((1/12) x the mass of one carbon-12 atom)
9. Molecule formula compound shows the actual number of atoms of each element that
are present in a molecule of the compound
10. Empirical formula compound shows the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of
each element in the compound
11. Mole amount of substance that contains as many particles as the number of atoms in
exactly 12 g of carbon-12 the symbol of mole is mol.
12. One mole Avogadro constant 6.02 x 10

13. Group (Periodic Table) vertical columns of element (similar chemical properties).
14. Periods (Periodic Table) horizontal rows of element.
15. Valence electrons electrons that occupy the outermost shell.
16. Ionic bond bond formed through the transfer of electrons between atoms of metal and
non-metal to achieve the stable octet electron arrangement.
17. Ionic compound consist of positive ions and negative ions which are held by strong
electrostatic forces of attraction.
18. Covalent bond bond formed through the sharing of non-metal electrons to achieve the
stable duplet or octet electron arrangement.
19. Covalent compound (also simple molecular structure) consists of neutral molecules
which are held by weak intermolecular forces (Van der Waals).
20. Alkali (base) chemical substance which ionizes in water to produce hydroxide ions,
21. Acid chemical substance which ionizes in water to produce hydrogen ions, H
hydroxonium ions, H
22. pH degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Scale ranges from 0 to 14.
23. pH value measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, H
24. Strong alkali ionises (dissociates) completely in water to form hydroxide ions, OH
high concentration.
25. Weak alkali ionises (dissociates) partially in water to form hydroxide ions, OH
of low
26. Strong acid ionises (dissociates) completely in water to form hydrogen ions, H
high concentration.
27. Weak acid ionises (dissociates) partially in water to form hydrogen ions, H
of low
28. Polymer long chain molecules made up by monomer (repeating unit).

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