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Academic table

Field Type Length Description

facid integer 30 Primary key
subject Varchar 45 Subject of faculty that he handle
lab Varchar 45 laboratory of faculty that he handle
Co-curricular table
Field Type Length Description
facid integer 40 Primary key
paper Varchar 45 paper of faculty that he submitted
seminar Varchar 45 seminar of faculty that he presented
workshop Varchar 45 paper of faculty that he submitted

Assign subject table

Field Type Length Description
branchid integer 40 Id of branch(Primary key)
courseid Varchar 45 Id of course
semester Varchar 45 Semester of branch and course
subjectcode Varchar 45 Subject code of course
subjectname Varchar 50 Subject name of course
facultyid Varchar 45 Faculty id of course
facultyname Varchar 45 Faculty name of course
Field Type Length Description
userid varchar 40 Id of user(Primary key)
username Varchar 45 Username for authentication
password Varchar 45 Password for authentication
role Varchar 45 Role of a user like admin, faculty,
student, user


Field Type Length Description
branchid varchar 40 Id of branch(Primary key)
branchname Varchar 45 Name of branch in a college


Field Type Length Description
branchid varchar 40 Id of branch(Primary key)
courseid Varchar 45 Id of course
coursename Varchar 45 Name of course in a college
semesters Varchar 45 Numbers of semesters in a course

Field Type Length Description
facid varchar 40 Id of faculty(Primary key)
facname Varchar 45 Name of faculty
degree Varchar 45 Degree of faculty that he completed
exp Varchar 45 Experience of faculty that he has

Field Type Length Description
studentid varchar 40 Id of student(Primary key)
studentname Varchar 45 Name of faculty
Dob Datetime Date of birth of student
Currentadderss Varchar 500 Current address of faculty
Phonenumber1 Interger 20 First Phone number of faculty
permanentadderss Varchar 500 Permanent address of faculty
Phonenumber1 Interger 20 Second Phone number of faculty
fathername Varchar 45 Father Name of faculty
mothername Varchar 45 Mother Name of faculty
Religion Varchar 45 religion of faculty
Caste Varchar 45 caste of faculty
Email Varchar 45 Email id of faculty


Field Type Length Description
branchid varchar 40 Id of branch(Primary key)
courseid Varchar 45 Id of course
semester varchar 50 Semester of subject
Subjectcode Varchar 50 Code of subject
Subjectname Varchar 50 name of subject

Field Type Length Description
faculty varchar 40 Name of faculty(Primary key)
Subjectname Varchar 50 name of subject
Passper Varchar 50 Pass percentage of faculty

Field Type Length Description
faculty varchar 40 Name of faculty(Primary key)
fb Varchar 50 Feedback given by student
student Varchar 50 Student name


Field Type Length Description
eventid varchar 40 Id of event(Primary key)
eventname Varchar 50 Event name

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