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Relative clauses

Defning relative clauses

Julia's the woman who / that works with me.
It's a book that / which tells you how to
That's the house where I was born.
That's the boy whose father lays for the
"e's the man #who / that$ I met on the
To give imortant information about a erson%
lace% or thing use a relative clause & a relative
ronoun ' #sub(ect '$ verb.
)se the relative ronouns who / that for eole%
that / which for things% an* where for laces.
)se whose to mean +of who / of which.+
That is more common than which in *efning
,ho% which% an* that can be omitte* when the
relative ronoun is the ob(ect% not the sub(ect% of
the clause% e.g.% "e's the man #that$ I met on
the lane. #The sub(ect of met is I% so it is not
necessary to use that$.
!as oraciones *e relativo
-raciones *e relativo
Julia es la mu(er quien / que traba(a
.s un libro que / el cual te *ice c/mo
.sa es la casa donde yo nac0.
.se es el chico cuyo a*re (uega ara los
1l es el hombre #que / que$ conoc0 en el
2ara *ar informaci/n imortante acerca *e una
ersona% lugar o cosa utilice una cl3usula
relativa & a ' ronombre relativo #su(eto '$
)tilice los ronombres relativos 4uien / 4ue ara
las ersonas% 4ue / el cual ara las cosas% y
*on*e ara los lugares. )so cuyo senti*o *e +*e
4ui5n / *e los cuales+.
.sto es m3s com6n 4ue la 4ue en la *efnici/n
*e cl3usulas.
7ui5n% lo 4ue% y 4ue ue*e omitirse cuan*o el
ronombre relativo es el ob(eto y no el su(eto *e
la cl3usula% or e(emlo% es el hombre #4ue$ me
encontr5 en el avi/n. #.l tema *e conoci*o es
4ue% or lo 4ue no es necesario el uso *e eso$.
8on9*efning relative clauses
This ainting% which was ainte* in :;<=% is
worth >? million.
!ast week I visite* my aunt% who's nearly @=
years ol*.
Atanfor*% where my mother was born% is a
beautiful town.
By neighbor% whose son goes to my son's
school% has (ust re9marrie*.
If a relative clause gives extra% non9essential
information #the sentence makes sense without
it$% you must ut it between commas #or a
comma an* a erio*$.
In these clauses% you can't leave out the relative
ronoun #who% which% etc.$.
In these clauses% you can't use that instea* of
who / which.
8o las oraciones *e relativo
.sta intura% que fue inta*o en :;<=% es un
valor *e > ? millones.
!a semana asa*a visit5 a mi t0a% quien
est cerca *e @= aCos *e e*a*.
Atanfor*% donde naci/ mi ma*re% es una
hermosa ciu*a*.
Bi vecino% cuyo hi(o va a la escuela *e mi
hi(o% acaba *e volver a casarse.
Ai una cl3usula relativa *a la informaci/n
a*icional% no esencial #la frase tiene senti*o sin
ella$% *ebe onerla entre comillas #o una coma y
un er0o*o$.
.n estas cl3usulas% no se ue*e *e(ar *e la*o el
ronombre relativo #4ue% cual% etc.$
.n estas cl3usulas% no se ue*e utiliDar 4ue en
lugar *e 4ui5n / cu3l.
who / that refer to eole They caught the man who / that sie* for Ehina.
which / that refer to ob(ects I lost the ma which / that she gave me.
whose refers to ossession Ahe comlaine* to the man whose *og bit her.
when refers to a moment in time Ehristmas Day is a *ay when eole are hay.
where refers to a articular lace ,e visite* the house where our father was born.
In non9*efning sentences% the wor* that
cannot relace who or which.
Bata "ari% who was a famous female sy% was born
in "ollan*.
Fuckingham 2alace% which is in !on*on% is a
favourite tourist site.
4ui5n / 4ue se referen a las
.llos atraaron al hombre 4ue / 4ue esi/ ara
4ue / 4ue hacen referencia a ob(etos 2er*0 el maa 4ue / 4ue ella me *io.
cuya refere a la osesi/n Ae 4ue(/ al hombre cuyo erro la mor*i/.
cuan*o se refere a un momento en
el tiemo
D0a *e 8avi*a* es un *0a en 4ue la gente est3
*on*e se refere a un lugar en
Gisitamos la casa *on*e naci/ nuestro a*re.
.n las enas no *efnitorios% la
alabra 4ue no ue*e sustituir a
4ui5n o cu3l.
Bata "ari% 4uien fue un famoso es0a femenina%
naci/ en "olan*a.
Fuckingham 2alace% 4ue est3 en !on*res% es un sitio
favorito *e los turistas.
Defining and Non-defining
A defining relative clause tells which noun we are
talking about:
I like the woman who lives next door.
(If I don't say 'who lives next door', then we
don't know which woman I mean).
A non-defining relative clause gives us extra
information about something. e don't need this
information to understand the sentence.
I live in !ondon, which has some fantastic
(#verybody knows where !ondon is, so 'which
has some fantastic "arks' is extra information).
La definicin y no la definicin
$na oracin de relativo que define indica %u&
sustantivo %ue estamos hablando:
'e gusta la mu(er %ue vive al lado.
()i yo no digo '%ue vive al lado', entonces no
sabemos %u& mu(er me refiero).
$na clusula relativa sin definicin nos da
informaci*n extra acerca de algo. +o necesitamos esta
informaci*n "ara entender la frase.
,o vivo en !ondres, %ue cuenta con unos
fant-sticos "ar%ues.
(.odo el mundo sabe d*nde !ondres es, "or lo
'%ue tiene algunos "ar%ues fant-sticos' es la
informaci*n adicional).
Defning Relative Elauses .xercise :

Bake one sentence from the two short ones. The
sentence in italics shoul* become the relative
clause. The relative ronoun is the sub(ect of the
relative clause.

:. Ahe worke* for a man. The man use* to be an
:. Ahe worke* for a man who / that use* to be an
?. They calle* a lawyer. The lawyer live* nearby.
?. They calle* a lawyer who / that live* nearby.
H. I sent an email to my brother. By brother lives in
H. I sent an email to my brother who / that lives in
I. ,e broke the comuter. The comuter belonge*
to my father.
I. ,e broke the comuter which / that belonge* to
my father.
-raciones *e relativo .(ercicio :

"aga una frase *e los *os cortos. !a frase en cursiva
*ebe convertirse en la oraci/n *e relativo. .l
ronombre relativo es el su(eto *e la oraci/n *e

:. Traba(/ ara un hombre. .l hombre 4ue sol0a ser
un atleta.
:. Traba(/ ara un hombre 4ue / 4ue sol0a ser un
?. !lamaron a un aboga*o. .l aboga*o viv0a cerca.
?. !lamaron a un aboga*o 4ue / 4ue viv0a cerca.
H. .nvi5 un correo electr/nico a mi hermano. Bi
hermano vive en Farran4uilla.
H. .nvi5 un correo electr/nico a mi hermano 4ue /
4ue vive en Farran4uilla.
I. Romimos el e4uio. .l e4uio era *e mi a*re.
I. Romimos la comuta*ora 4ue / 4ue erteneci/ a
mi a*re.
<. Ae me cay/ un vaso. .l vi*rio era nuevo.
<. I *roe* a glass. The glass was new.
<. I *roe* a glass which / that was new.
J. Ahe loves books. The books have hay en*ings.
J. Ahe loves books which / that have hay
@. The man is in the gar*en. The man is wearing a
blue (umer.
@. The man who / that is wearing a blue (umer is in
the gar*en.
:=. The girl works in a bank. The girl is from Eali.
:=. The girl who / that is from Eali works in a bank.
:?. The waiter was ru*e. The waiter was wearing a
blue shirt.
:?. The waiter who / that was wearing a blue shirt
was ru*e.
:H. The money is in the kitchen. The money
belongs to John.
:H. The money which / that belongs to John is in the
:K. The table got broken. The table was my
:K. The table which / that was my gran*motherLs
got broken.
:I. The television was stolen. The television was
bought ?= years ago.
:I. The television which / that was bought ?= years
ago was stolen.
:<. The fruit is on the table. The fruit isnLt fresh.
:<. The fruit which / that isnLt fresh is on the table.
<. Ae me cay/ un vaso 4ue / lo 4ue era nuevo.
J. .lla ama los libros. !os libros tienen un fnal feliD.
J. .lla ama los libros 4ue / 4ue tienen fnales felices.
@. .l hombre est3 en el (ar*0n. .l hombre lleva un
(ersey aDul.
@. .l hombre 4ue / 4ue lleva un (ersey aDul est3 en
el (ar*0n.
:=. !a chica traba(a en un banco. !a chica es *e
:=. !a chica 4ue / 4ue es *e Eali traba(a en un
:?. .l camarero fue grosero. .l camarero llevaba
una camisa aDul.
:?. .l camarero 4ue / 4ue llevaba una camisa aDul
era grosero.
:H. .l *inero est3 en la cocina. .l *inero ertenece a
:H. .l *inero 4ue / 4ue ertenece a John est3 en la
:K. !a mesa se romi/. !a mesa era *e mi abuela.
:K. !a tabla 4ue / 4ue era *e mi abuela se romi/.
:I. !a televisi/n era roba*o. .l televisor fue
comra*o hace ?= aCos.
:I. !a televisi/n 4ue / 4ue fue comra*o hace ?=
aCos fue roba*o.
:<. .l fruto es en la mesa. .l fruto no es *ulce.
:<. !a fruta 4ue / no es fresco est3 en la mesa.

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