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-´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 1 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2006 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Ranjan: Oh... Is it you, Kundan? What a pleas-

-Nç-ü¿’ îËߪ’ôç, Ö™«xÆæç éπL_ç-îªôç).
ure it is to see you! It's nearly a year
(grove - ûÓô – äÍé ®Ωéπç îÁô’x-†oC)
since we met.
Kundan: Yes, I smell them. How tempting their
very smell is!
(àß˝’, †’¢√y èπ◊çü¿Ø˛. áçûª ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬
ÖçüÓ E†’o îª÷-úø-ö«-EéÀ! Ææç´-ûªq-®Ω-¢Á’içC (Å´¤†’. Ø√èπ◊ ¢√Ææ† ´≤ÚhçC. áçûª Çéπ-®Ω{-
´’†ç éπ©’q-éÌE) ùí¬ ÖçüÓ ¢√öÀ ¢√Ææ†! tempting =
Kundan: How pleased I am to be with you
Ranjan: Here you are. Have it.
(´’Sx FûÓ Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ áçûª ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ wh word + noun + Sub + verb
(ÉCíÓ, BÆæ’éÓ). É°æ¤púø’ Ñ statement †’ report îËߪ÷L. ('that'
Kundan: Haa.... how delicious it is! At my
Ranjan: What a smart fellow you've grown into
(í¬çDµ áçûª íÌ°æp Ø√ߪ’-èπ◊úÓ!) •ü¿’©’, exclaimed ûÓ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç-î√-L)
place of work, we don't get such fruit. 2. How sweet the song is!
in just a year! (äéπ\ Ææç´-ûªq-®Ωç™ØË áçûª 'wh' word + adjective + Sub + Verb
(-õ‰-•’-™¸ 2 îª÷úøçúÕ.)
How sweet! É°æ¤púø’ ´’†ç conversation at the beginning of
Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ’çí¬ ´÷®√´¤!) (smart = ´’ç* -
the lesson™E exclamations report îËü∆lç:
(-Å-•s... áçûª ®Ω’*í¬ ÖçüÓ! ؈’ °æE-îËÊÆ (Ç §ƒô áçûª ´’üµ¿’-®Ωçí¬ ÖçüÓ!)
ü¿’Ææ’h-©ûÓ Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ’çí¬ ûªßª÷-®Ω-´ôç) îÓô É™«çöÀ °æ∞¡Ÿx üÌ®Ω-éπ´¤. áçûª Aߪ’uí¬ 3. How fast he bowls!
(-õ‰-•’-™¸ 3 îª÷úøçúÕ.)
'wh word + adverb + Sub + verb.
ÖçüÓ! The conversation above (table-3) is a mixture
Ranjan: Take some with (Noun: üËE-ÈéjØ√ ´’†ç ÉîËa Ê°®Ω’. Adjective-
of exclamation and statements.
you when you í∫’ù«Eo ûÁLÊ° °æü¿ç. Adverb - verb ûÁ™‰p °æE ᙫ (Ñ lesson v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µºç™ Ö†o Conversation ™
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 192 go. ïJ-TçüÓ îÁÊ°p ´÷ô)
Ææ÷n©çí¬ exclamation word order:
Statements and exclamations éπL-Ææ’-Ø√o®· éπü∆)
(†’¢Áy-∞Ïx-°æ¤púø’ éÌEo BÂÆ\∞¡Ÿx) Å™« éπL-Ææ’-†o-°æ¤úø’ report îËߪ’ôç èπÿú≈ ÉçûË.
Kundan: Thank you. wh word + noun/adjective/adverb + subject +
Kundan: My job requires that I appear smart. ¢Á·ü¿ô exclamation †’ statement í¬ ´÷Ja,
´’†ç Éçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊, impera- verb.
What a bore it is to turn out in these ü∆EûÓ §ƒô’ Éûª®Ω statement †’ èπÿú≈ report
tive sentences, state- What a leader Gandhi was! = ÉC Gandhi was
clothes everyday! You don't know. a very great leader ÅE ÉçéÓ Nüµ¿çí¬ îÁ°æpôç.
ments, 'wh' questions, eg: Direct Speech:
I have to get back again in a week.
'non wh' questions report
M. SURESAN Å™«Íí The Taj Mahal is very beautiful - Ñ Ranjan: Oh... Is it you, Kundan? What a pleas-
(v°æA ®ÓV Ñ -ü¿’Ææ’h™x ûªßª÷-®Ω-´yôç (Indirect statement †’ ÉçéÓ Nüµ¿çí¬ explanation ®Ω÷°æç™
îËߪ’ôç ure it is to see you! It's a year since we met.
speech™ îÁ°æpôç) îª÷¨»ç exclama-
áçûª NÆæ’íÓ Féπ®Ωnç é¬ü¿’. ´’Sx ¢√®√-E-éÀ ¢ÁRx-
Report (present tense - reporting verb)
éπü∆. É°æ¤púø’ îÁ§ƒp-©çõ‰
Ranjan: Here's something for a change, don't Ranjan surprised at seeing Kundan exclaims
worry. that it is a great pleasure to see him (and
(-É°æ¤p-úø’ é¬Ææh ´÷®Ω’p -éπ-L-T-ç-îË-C -Öç-C-™‰. adds/says) that is a year since they met.
¶«üµ¿-°æ-úøèπ◊) Ç §ƒô áçûª ´’üµ¿’-®Ωçí¬ ÖçüÓ! Report (past tense- Reported verb)
Kundan: What is it? Rajan surprised at seeing Kundans exclaimed
Ranjan: You are here just when I am about to that it was a great pleasure to see him, (and
have a mango. Happy. Let me treat How beautiful the Taj Mahal is! ņ-´îª ’a. added/said) that was a year since they had
tions (Ǩ¡a-®√uEo ûÁ™‰p ¢√é¬u©’/ £æ«®∏√-ûª’hí¬ ´’†èπ◊
you to some wonderful mangoes. (û√ñ¸´’£æ«™¸ áçûª Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçüÓ!– ÉC exclama- met.
éπLÍí ¶µ«¢√-©†’ ûÁ™‰p ¢√é¬u©’)†’ ᙫ report îËߪ÷™
They are from our own groves! fresh, tion- DØËo statementí¬ îÁÊ°h, Exclamation †’ report îËÊÆ full stop -ûÓ ÇÊ°Æœ,
fleshy and juicy. The Taj Mahal is very beautiful Åçö«ç. statement part †’ éÌûªh sentence í¬ èπÿú≈
Let us first study the word order in an excla-
(´’ç* time éÌî√a´¤, ؈’ ´÷N’úÕ °æçúø’ mation. Direct Speech™E exclamation †’ report îËߪ÷- îÁ§Òpa.
A†-¶-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’. ´’ç* ´÷N’úÕ °æ∞¡xûÓ Fèπ◊ (´’†ç ´·çü¿’ exclamation ™ word order- ©çõ‰, ´·çü¿’ ¢√öÀE statement í¬ ´÷®Ω’a-èπ◊çö«ç. Eg: Ranjan surprised at seeing Kundan
Nçü¿’ îËߪ’F. ÅN ´÷ ûÓô-™¢Ë. û√ñ«-N, ´÷ô© Å´’-Jéπ îª÷ü∆lç) (-õ‰-•’-™¸ 1 îª÷úøçúÕ.) exclaims that it is a great pleasure to see him.
éπçúø, ®ΩÆæç Ö†oN. treat = ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç, ¢Á·-ü¿ô ´’†ç report îËߪ÷-Lq† exclamation †’ He says that it is a year since they met.
(´’†ç Éûª-®Ω’© °æôx ÖçúË -B®Ω’) doctor, Look at the following exclamations:
É™« statement ™éÀ ´÷Ja, Ç ûª®√yûª statement †’ Exercise: Conversation at the beginning of
patient èπ◊ ¢Ájü¿uç îËߪ’ôç. Ééπ\úÕ Å®Ωnç– 1. What a leader Gandhi was! the lesson N’í∫û√ ¶µ«í¬Eo ¢Á·ûªhç (StatementsûÓ
report îËÆ œ-†-ô’d that ûÓ begin îËÆ œ report îËߪ÷L.
The Tourist: How beautiful the Scenery is! Ææ£æ…) Present tense and past tense reporting
1 verbs éÓÆæç report îËߪ’çúÕ.
Spoken English -éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ. URL:

EXCLAMATION STATEMENT É°æ¤-úø’- ´’-†ç °j exclamation -†’ report îËߪ÷L.

1. How cold the day is! The day is very cold Åç-ûªèπ◊ ´·ç-üË ´’†ç Ç exclamation †’ statement (-õ‰-•’-™¸ 4 îª÷úøç-úÕ)
(áçûª îªLí¬ ÖçüÓ Ñ ®ÓV) (Ñ¢Ë∞¡ î√™« îªLí¬ ÖçC) í¬ ´÷®Ω’≤ƒhç. (The scenery is very beautiful)
2. What a beautiful Car it is! The car is very beautiful
(Ç car áçûª Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçüÓ!) (Ç Car î√™« Åçü¿çí¬ ÖçC) ANSWER to the exercise 4
3. How well she sings! She sings very well.
(áçûª ¶«í¬ §ƒúø’hçüÓ!) (Å¢Á’ î√™« ¶«í¬ §ƒúø’-ûª’çC)
Present tense Reporting verb Past tense Reporting verb
4. What a building it is! It is a very good/beautiful/big building.
(áçûª ´’ç*/Åçü¿-¢Á’i†/°ü¿l éπôd-úø¢Á÷!) Ranjan: Here's something Ranjan tells Kundan that there Ranjan told Kundan that there
(ÅC î√™« ´’ç*/Åçü¿-¢Á’i†/°ü¿l éπôdúøç) for a change. Don't Worry is something for a change and was something for a change
asks him not to worry. and asked him not to worry.
Direct Speech Report
2 Reporting Verb-Present Reporting Verb-Past Kundan: What it is? Kundan asks him what it is. Kundan asked him what it was.
The Tourist: How The tourist exclaims The tourist exclaimed
beautiful the that the scenery is that the scenery Ranjan: You are here just Ranjan tells Kundan that he is Ranjan told Kundan that he was
scenery is ! very beautiful. was very beautiful. when I am about to have a there just when he is about to there just when he (Ranjan) was
mango. Happy. Let me treat have a mango. Ranjan is happy. about to have a mango. He was
you to some wonderful He wishes to treat Kundan to happy. He wished to treat
DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH -REPORT mangoes. They are from some wonderful mangoes. They Kundan to some wonderful
3 Reporting verb Present tense Reporting verb Past tense our own groves - fresh, are from their groves - fresh, mangoes - they were from their
Ranjan: What a pleas- Ranjan exclaims (to Kundan/on fleshy and juicy. fleshy and juicy. groves - fresh, fleshy and juicy.
Ranjan exclaimed (to Kundan/on
ure it is to see you! seeing Kundan) that It is a great seeing Kundan) that it was a
Kundan: Yes. I smell them. Kundan (says yes) and that he Kundan (said yes) and that he
pleasure to see him.. great pleasure to see him)
How tempting the smell is! smells them. He exclaims that smelt them. He exclaimed that
í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπ-ü∆. What a pleasure it is to see you! ÅØË exclamation†’ ¢Á·ü¿ô statement form™éÀ the smell is very tempting. the smell was very tempting.
´÷®√aç: It is a great pleasure to see him. ü∆Eo report î˨»ç. exclaims/exclaimed ÅØË reporting verb-ûÓ Ranjan: Here you are. Have it. Ranjan offers the mango to Ranjan offered the mango to
Kundan: How pleased Kundan exclaims that he is Kundan exclaimed that he was Kundan Kundan.
I am to be with you very pleased to be with Ranjan very pleased to be with Ranjan Kundan exclaims that it is very Kundan exclaimed that it was
Kundan: Haa... how deli-
again! again. again. delicious. They don't get such very delicious. They didn't get
cious it is! At my place of
Ranjan: What a smart Ranjan exclaims that Kundan has Ranjan exclaimed that Kundan had work we don't get such fruit fruit at his place of work. They such fruit at his place of work.
fellow you've grown into! grown into a very smart fellow. grown into a very smart fellow. how sweet! are/it is very sweet. they were/ it was very sweet.
Kundan: What a bore it Kundan exclaims that it is a big Kundan exclaimed that it was a
big bore to turn out in these Ranjan: Take some with Ranjan asks Kundan to take Ranjan asked Kundan to take
is to turn out in these bore to turn out in these/those
clothes every day. clothes everyday. you when you go. some with him when he goes. some with him when he went
clothes every day!

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