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Cryptography by using attributes of Magic Number 9

Mr. Amol G. Muley

MTech (CSE)
Mobile No.:09403593894

Abstract: Cryptography is an emerging technology in bitwise OR operation to get 72-bit K3. Above mentioned
which two parties secure network communication by things are explained with following example.
application of different encryption and decryption algorithms. K1(Hexadecimal)= 00000012 = 18(Decimal)=9=K11 ;
The security of data during transmission by this method is K2(Hexadecimal)=00000019=25(Decimal)=7=K21
based on important attributes of magic number nine. Sum of K3= K21 OR (Bitwise) K11.
digits of any number which is divisible by nine is nine. So it is Now perform bitwise OR operation of K3 and K2 to get 72-bit
very difficult to find out key used for encryption and K4.Find out K5. It is explained with following example.
decryption. This method is simple to understand and
implementation but robust to debug and crack. This method Plain Text (T) = 000000000000000---00111
uses simple arithmetic and bitwise operations to provide Arithmetic Addition
network security. This method concentrates on robust K1 = 000000000000000—10010
encryption mechanism and irrational organization of cipher -----------------------------------------------------------------
text. K2 = 000000000000000---11001

K21 = 000000000000000---00111
Key Words- Magic Number, Encryption, Decryption. Arithmetic Addition followed by sum of digits
(Result one digit)
1.0 INTRODUCTION K11 = 000000000000000---01001
This encryption method is based on mathematical = 000000000000000---10000
properties of magic number nine. Consider any number which (Result one digit which is equal to K21)
is divisible by nine for example 99927 and if you perform sum K21 = 000000000000000---00111
of digits of given number it is nine (9+9+9+2+7=36= (3+6) Bitwise OR
=9). The development of this method is inspired by K11 = 000000000000000---01001
observing shortcomings of some standard cryptographic ----------------------------------------------------------------
methods. This method uses key for encryption and decryption K3 = 000000000000000---01111(Result)
but by knowing mere key will not solve purpose of decryption. Bitwise OR
This method sends Secrete key with decrypted text and it also K2 = 000000000000000---11001
stores information about bits which is on for the corresponding -----------------------------------------------------------------
bits from secrete key. By using text which gets after K4 = 000000000000000---11111(Result)
application of above method and information mentioned in
last sentence is organized by changing bit positions to form K5 = 000000000000000---00110
final decrypted text. It uses simple arithmetic and bitwise
operations. First four 0th 0th 71st 71st
bits are least bit bit bit bit
significant of of of of
2.0 RELATED WORK bits of K21 K5 K4 K5 K4
0 1 1 1 0 0 --------------------- 1 0 1
64 bit plaintext is passed as input to this method; magic First row shows details about bits and second row stores actual data
number is selected for performing certain bitwise and
arithmetic operations. Magic Number is selected such that it is Figure1: Break Up of Final 80 bit Cipher Text.
divisible by 9. Arithmetic addition operation is performed with
the magic number and plain text to get 72 bit result. Decimal K5 only store information about bits which are off (from K2)
equivalent of 72 bit result is found out then by performing sum for the corresponding bits which are on from K3. This
of all digits present in equivalent decimal number to get one information is useful at the time of decryption. Alternate bits
digit number and suppose it is K21. Same way find out from K4 and K5 are arranged to get 144 bit final cipher text.
decimal equivalent of K1 and perform sum of digit operation Information which is present in K5 is hidden and scattered and
to get one digit final number and suppose it is K11. Perform very much important in the process of decryption. Key we are
using in this method is different, even code cracker gets Key;
he can not break code without getting value of K5. For least significant four bits stored in final cipher text of size 148
encryption both Key (K1) and K5 are required. K1 will remain bits stores value of K21 and which is sum of digits (one digit
same for entire document and K5 keeps on changing for each number) of actual data before encryption operation.
block of size 64 bits. So it will be very tedious and difficult to Above explained (entire) method is graphically shown below
identify K5 for each block of 64 bits. One more things I would
like highlight upon is the formation of K4. First by performing
arithmetic addition of plain text and K1 (Magic Number) K2 64 bit Plain Text 64 bit Magic Number (K1)
is calculated and then by performing arithmetic addition of
sum of digits of K2(one digit sum) and sum of digits(one digit
sum) of K1, K3 is calculated. If we observe meticulously Arithmetic Addition
nuances of sum of digits of K1 it is always nine. Any number
can be considered which is Divisible by nine and perform sum
of digits till we get single digit, this is explained by giving 72 bit Result (K2)
Decimal Equivalent
following examples. OR
Suppose magic number is 99 99=9+9=27=2+7=9; K1
Decimal Equivalent
Suppose magic number is 3636=3+6=9;
Suppose magic number is 9999=9+9+9+9=36=3+6=9; OR
suppose magic number is 27729=2+7+7+2+9=27=2+7=9. 72 bit Result (K2) or 72 bit Result (K3)
For any number sum of digits of K1 remain 9. So it is very OR
difficult to back track Magic Number from K3. One more
important fact related to magic number 9 , if we add ant K21 72 bit Result (K4) K5
number to 9 and perform sum of digits operation to get one
digit number we get number which we added to magic number
9(sum of digits to get one digit number)
Least Significant (four) bits from K21 and Alternate bits from K4 & K5
9 + 06 = 15 = 06(sum of digits of 15 to get one digit number)

9 + 17(sum of digits to get one digit number is 08) = 26 = 08 148 Bit Cipher Text

9+128(02) = 137(02)
Figure2: Flowchart for Encryption Method
9+1345(04) = 1354(04)
For decryption 148 bit cipher text is collected and
9+ 999(09) =1008(09) separated according the method adopted in decryption process,
so that to get K4 and K5. Find out 1’s Complement of K5.
9+1111(04) =1120(04) Perform Bitwise AND Operation of K4 and 1’s compliment of
K5 to get K2. Arithmetic Subtraction operation is performed
This important fact can be used in encryption and with K2 and K1 to get original text. Above mentioned steps
decryption process for (partial) verification of decrypted data are explained by giving following example.
with actual data. K21 stores sum of digits (one digit number)
of actual data and (four) least significant bits are added in final K5 = 000000000000000---00110
148 bit cipher text. If we observe arithmetic addition operation
of K21 and K11, resultant value is equal to K21. By using K5 (1’S Complement) = 111111111111111---11001
above mentioned encryption method, encryption operation Bitwise AND
will be performed and by using decryption algorithm, K4 = 000000000000000---11111
decryption operation will be performed. At the time of --------------------------------------------------------------------
encryption least significant four bits are stored in final cipher K2 = 000000000000000---11001
text of size 148 bits and it is shown in Figure1. Now after Arithmetic Subtraction
decryption operation, we are having actual data and it can be K1 = 000000000000000—10010
compared with least significant four bits stored in final cipher --------------------------------------------------------------------
text of size 148 bits for partial verification. It is not possible to Plain Text = 000000000000000---00111
perform complete verification of actual data with decrypted Sum of digits (Result one digit)
data by above mentioned comparison operation but partial --------------------------------------------------------------------
verification is possible by calculating sum of digits (one digit T1 = 000000000000000---00111
number) of decrypted data and comparing it with least
significant four bits stored in final cipher text of size 148 bits (T1= = K21) Comparison operation
which is input to decryption algorithm and it should match as
000000000000000---00111 = 000000000000000---00111
Figure3: Flowchart for Decryption Method

148 Bit Cipher Text

Separate K4 & K5

K4 K5


1’S Complement of K5
Method explained is simple to understand and easy to
Debug and very difficult to think according to logic applied.
K1 This method is useful in implementation point of view. In this
method only once we have calculated K5, twice it can be
calculated and use in method for encryption. So that it will be
Arithmetic Subtraction more difficult to debug.

64 bit Plain Text
[1] Cryptography and Network Security by Behrouz A.
T1 [2
(T1= = K21) Comparison operation

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