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MODEL PAPER(2014-15)
N!"#: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ S#!% N&: $$$$$$$$ D'(')'&*: $$$$ D+,!%'&*:
SECTION A (40 M!,-))
A*).#, %/# 0&11&.'*2 '* %.& &, "&,# )#*%#*3#) #!3/: (245510"-))
1. Why is fat very important in our diet?
2. How is a dry cell different from an automobile battery?
3. What is the function of sepals?
4. The growth of plant is different from that of animal. ustify the statement.
!. Why does a dog shed its hair in summer?

A*).#, %/# 0&11&.'*2 '* %/,## &, "&,# )#*%#*3#) #!3/: (645515"-))

67 "lassify the given food items into its
corresponding groups and give their

#. What are minerals? Write any two uses of it.
$. Why do you thin% only solar cells and not dry cells or automobile batteries are used in

&. 'bserve the shown leaves carefully.
a( )dentify the type of venation.
b( Tabulate the difference between both.
c( *ive an e+ample of each.

1,. Why is the process of e+cretion very important?

A*).#, %/# 0&11&.'*2 '* 8#%!'17 (546515"-))
11. a( -efine an electric circuit..1mar%(
b( -raw a simple closed circuit..2 mar%(
c( /abel the components..1 mar%(
d( 0how the direction of current flowing through the circuit..1 mar%(
12. a( -raw the longitudinal section of a flower..2 mar%(
b( /abel the reproductive parts..1 mar%(
c( Write the function of male part of flower..2 mar%(
13. a1 2ention the root systems of the following 3.1 mar% (
.i( carrot .ii( lily
b1 Write one difference between taproot and fibrous root..2 mar% (
c1 -raw a taproot and a fibrous root neatly..2 mar% (

147 :'11 '* %/# ;1!*-): (14555"-))
a( The body4s main source of energy is 5555555555555555555.
b( 0ucrose is produced commercially from55555555555555555555.
c( 555555555555555555555555is the structural part of plant that which human body cannot digest.
d( 6roteins are made of 5555555555555555555555.
e( 0oluble fibre lower the level of 55555555555555in blood.

157 C/&&)# %/# 3&,,#3% &<%'&* !*8 #*3',31# '%: (14555"-))
a( 7ohan was testing the presence of vitamin "8He too% a small slice of potato and added
2 drops of iodine solution .He observed the change of colour as blue5blac%. He again
added 2 drops of lemon 9uice to this solution. He observed the colour to be888888..
.i( dar% blue .ii( purple . iii( lighter or disappeared .iv( pin%


b( To test the presence of starch we use55555555555
.i( chlorine solution .ii( iodine solution .iii( fluorine solution .iv( in% solution
c( 0am wanted to test the presence of protein .He must use88888888888
.i( sodium hydro+ide solution .ii(potassium hydro+ide solution .iii( both .i( and .ii(
.iv( either .i( or .ii(
d( :y observing the cells of onion peel and amoeba1 we confirm that55555555555555
.i(6lant cell has cell wall whereas animal cell do not have cell wall
.ii(:oth plant cell and animal cell has thic% cell wall
.iii(:oth plant cell and animal cell do not have cell wall
.iv(6lant cell has thic% cell wall than that of animal cell

e( 0alim wants to observe the cell of amoeba. 'f the following 1 which device must he
.i( 2agnifying lens
.ii( microscope
.iii( telescope
.iv( camera

1;. 0tudy the following diagram and the passage
carefully and answer the following <uestions. 7am
selected a plant with healthy leaves. He covered the
leaves with a polythene bag as shown in figure below.
He left the plant in the sun. He was doing an
e+periment on Transpiration in plants. Transpiration is
the process by which moisture is carried through plants
from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves1
where it changes to vapour and is released to the atmosphere. Transpiration is essentially
evaporation of water from plant leaves.
a( The phenomenon 7am e+perimented is 55555555555555555 .1 mar%(
.i( 6hotosynthesis .ii( transpiration .iii( fertili=ation .iv( respiration
b( Why do you see droplets inside the bag covering the leaves? >+plain in two points. .2

c( The moisture let out to the atmosphere by leaves plays an important part in the water
cycle. How? .2 mar%(
1#. 7ead the passage carefully and answer the <uestions. .! m%s(
=# !11 -*&. %/# ;#*#0'%) &0 /#!1%/> #!%'*2, ;+% %/#,# ') "&,# %& '% %/!* "&)% <#&<1# ,#!1'?#7
A1%/&+2/ '% /!) ;##* )/&.* %/!% 3/'18,#* ./& #!% ! ,#2+1!,, /#!1%/> ;,#!-0!)% <#,0&," ;#%%#,
!% )3/&&1, !*8 %/!% 0!"'1'#) ./& #!% )+<<#, %&2#%/#, %#*8 %& ;# "&,# )%!;1#, 3/'18,#* &0%#*
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a1 'f the following1 which food stands at the ape+ of the food pyramid? .1 mar%(
.i(bread .ii( meat .iii( mil% .iv( chocolate
b1 Why is it advised that television should be put off while the children are at the dining table?
.2 mar%(
c1 -rin%ing a glass of mil% alone as a brea%fast daily for a child of your age is a healthy diet. )s it
true? ustify your answer. .2 mar%(

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