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May 6, 2012


Introduction: You have heard the saying, no pain no gain as related to exercise in
physical training. Gods training for life is that suffering MUST come before GLORY.
Our Savior set the pattern for this; (Luke 24:26), (I Peter 1:11) and it is true of HIS
people (I Peter 4:13 & 5: 10). When we suffer in the will of God and depend on HIS
grace, that suffering has a maturing and purifying effect on our lives. Our LORDs
wounds suffered on Calvary are now glorified in heaven, eternal reminders that suffering
and glory work together for Gods purposes.

Suffering itself does not make people better; it often causes them to become bitter.
Everyone suffers in one way or another. If suffering alone gave people wisdom and
character, then our world would be a far better place. When suffering is mixed with faith
and Gods grace, then it becomes a tool to build godly character. When we accept our
suffering as a gift from God and use it for HIS glory, then it can work in us and for us to
accomplish the will of God.

I. Past Suffering: Norman Cousins (author & editor) said this of History: It is
a vast early warning system. Exodus 3: 7-9. The Lord had seen the
oppression, heard their cry and knew their sorrows.
II. Present Suffering: Romans 8: 12-18. Verse #17-Whether it comes as
mockery, ridicule, or physical persecution because of our Lord, we suffer with
HIM. Verse #18. Present suffering can not compare with the glory that will
be revealed to and in us(II Corinthians 4: 17 & 18). Light (ELAPHROS)-light
in weight easy to bear, weight(BAROS)-heavy, massive. Pauls own
testimony lists unbearable suffering, pain, persecution he endured, yet he
viewed them as weightless and lasting for a moment. He viewed his future
glory with the Lord far out weighted any suffering in this world. Paul
understood, the greater the suffering the greater would be his eternal glory
with Christ.
III. Suffering proves the genuiness of our faith. I Peter 1: 1- 12.
A)verse #7-Proof or genuiness(DOKIMION) a test, when someone is proven;
honor and glory. Glory(DOXA)-to honor, serve, respect for an to God; the
ways and attributes of God, show the character of God.
B)Called to suffer. I Peter 2: 11 25. Verse #21-Called(KLETOS)-effectual
callof the Gospel, an appointment.
C)Suffering for Right and Wrong. I Peter 3: 13 18. I Peter 4: 1-4 & 12-19).
Four lessons on suffering: 1)I Peter 4:12- expect it. 2) verse 13- rejoice in
it. 3) verse 15&16-cause of it. 4) verse 19-commit it to God.
D) After suffering: I Peter 5: 1 11.

Conclusion: Suffering-Glory; God allows it, he designs it for us; testing,
purging and cleansing; so that we may partake of HIS Glory.

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