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1989 SCJ 257

1989 MR 241
R. AHNEE*, Judge and V. BOOLELL, Judge
28 July 1989
The appellant wa p!"e#uted $e%"!e the &'t!'#t ("u!t "%
(u!ep'pe "n a #ha!ge "% &ange!"u &!')'ng 'n $!ea#h "% e#t'"n
128*1+*a+ and ,2 "% the R"ad T!a%%'# A#t. He pleaded n"t gu'lty and
wa a'ted $y #"unel.
The lea!ned -ag't!ate %"und h'. gu'lty a #ha!ged "n the
"le e)'den#e "% the de#la!ant, "ne /.( And"", h' "wn $!"the!,
wh"e tet'."ny eta$l'hed that at the .ate!'al t'.e the
appellant, wh'le d!')'ng a #a! 'n T"ut ("u!t Lane, Eau ("ul0e, 'n
the .'ddle "% the !"ad, uddenly and %"! n" appa!ent !ea"n,
all"wed h' #a! t" we!)e t" the le%t "% the !"ad whe!e the
de#la!ant wa p!"#eed'ng "n h' $'#y#le. The de#la!ant, "n ee'ng
the dange!, t"pped h' $'#y#le and put h' %""t d"wn. The #a!,
a%te! pa'ng at a d'tan#e "% 1, #ent'.et!e %!". h'., we!)ed t"
't !'ght t" #"nt'nue 't way 'n the .'ddle "% the !"ad. 1n h'
unw"!n tate.ent t" the /"l'#e the appellant den'ed the #ha!ge
ay'ng that he had, "n the day 'n 2uet'"n, at n" t'.e een the
de#la!ant w'th wh". he wa n"t "n g""d te!..
The 3udg.ent "% the lea!ned -ag't!ate ' n"w #hallenged "n
the %"ll"w'ng g!"und4 5
1. Be#aue the Lea!ned -ag't!ate %a'led t" ta6e
'nt" #"n'de!at'"n all the #'!#u.tan#e "% the
#ae $e%"!e !ea#h'ng the )e!d'#t.
2. Be#aue the lea!ned -ag't!ate ee. t" t!eat the
tate.ent "% the appellant a n" e)'den#e at all
'n that45
*a+ Had the appellant g')en e)'den#e "n "ath
he w"uld ha)e #"n#luded d'%%e!ently.
*$+ 7he ee. t" la$"u! unde! the e!!"ne"u
#"n#ept that 't ' up t" the de%en#e t"
p!")e 't 'nn"#en#e.
8. Be#aue the lea!ned -ag't!ate a%te! ha)'ng
d'#!ed'ted the #".pla'nant, yet a##ept h'
e)'den#e a !el'a$le and t!utw"!thy t" #"n)'#t
the appellant.
Alth"ugh the %'!t g!"und "% appeal, #"u#hed a 't ',
a."unt t" n" g!"und at all, we hea!d what #"unel had t" tell u.
The "nly !ele)ant 9#'!#u.tan#e "% the #ae: wa the way 'n wh'#h
the appellant had, a##"!d'ng t" the w'tne %"! the p!"e#ut'"n,
d!')en h' #a! when he wa at a d'tan#e "% 1, %eet %!". h'..
1n the a$en#e "% any e;planat'"n "% the appellant, the
de#la!ant< e)'den#e, '% $el'e)ed, #lea!ly p!")ed a #ae "%
dange!"u d!')'ng.
Th' ("u!t ha !epeatedly t!eed that the unw"!n tate.ent
"% an a##ued ' "nly e)'den#e "% what he t"ld the /"l'#e. =he!e
the e)'den#e %"! the /!"e#ut'"n eta$l'he a t!"ng and unha6en
p!'.a %a#'e #ae and the a##ued #h""e n"t t" wea! t" h'
tate.ent and e;p"e h'.el% t" #!" e;a.'nat'"n, the t!'al ("u!t
' pe!%e#tly ent'tled t" #"n#lude that the /!"e#ut'"n e)'den#e
!e.a'n un!e$utted. 1t ' "% #"u!e t!ue that the $u!den "% p!")'ng
the gu'lt "% an a##ued 2ua!ely l'e "n the /!"e#ut'"n and that
the a##ued ' ent'tled t" !e.a'n 'lent. H' !'ght t" 'len#e,
h"we)e!, ' e;e!#'ed at h' !'6 and pe!'l when, at the #l"e "%
the #ae %"! the /!"e#ut'"n, a p!'.a %a#'e #ae ha $een #lea!ly
eta$l'hed 'n#e the $u!den then h'%t "n h'. t" at'%y the
("u!t that 't h"uld n"t a#t "n the e)'den#e addu#ed $y the
/!"e#ut'"n. =e need "nly !epeat what wa a'd $y 7'! A.
He!#hen!"de! (.J 'n Ra.6alaw"n ). R, >191? -R 12?@, na.ely that the
"$e!)at'"n "% Be##a!'a h"uld ne)e! $e %"!g"tten 5 9'.pe!%e#t
p!""%, %!". wh'#h the a##ued .'ght #lea! h'.el%, and d"e n"t,
$e#".e pe!%e#t.:
A !ega!d the th'!d g!"und "% appeal 't ' n"t #"!!e#t t"
ay that the lea!ned -ag't!ate d'd d'#!ed't the #".pla'nant. 7he
'.ply n"ted that he appea!ed e.$a!aed when he wa #!" e;a.'ned
"n )a!'"u de#la!at'"n alleged t" ha)e $een .ade $y $"th pa!t'e
aga'nt ea#h "the! and that ."t "% the t'.e he a'd that he d'd
n"t !e.e.$e! '% u#h de#la!at'"n we!e .ade. The!e wa 'ndeed n"
e)'den#e that u#h de#la!at'"n we!e .ade.
Be that a 't .ay, a we ha)e a'd ea!l'e!, the lea!ned
-ag't!ate #"n'de!ed that he #"uld a%ely a#t "n the e)'den#e "%
the #".pla'nant wh"e e)'den#e !e.a'ned unha6en and un!e$utted "n
the 'ue "% dange!"u d!')'ng. 7he wa pe!%e#tly ent'tled t" d" "
n"tw'thtand'ng the %a#t that the e)'den#e !e)ealed a h't"!y "%
$ad $l""d $etween the pa!t'e. =e ee n" !ea"n t" 'nte!%e!e w'th
he! 3udg.ent.
The appeal ' d'.'ed. ='th #"t.
RE(OR& NO. ,1?9
C:\My Documents\Judgmt1989\Andoo.doc

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