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Occupational exposures to chemicals on a every day basis can have severe consequence on the
physical condition and well being of employees in the laboratory The topic of this study; Impact
of, Exposures of chemical on health of workers and improving the safety in hemical
laboratories! examine and analy"e if the exposure to the chemicals can impact the healthy and
life of the workers working in the chemical industry!
The theoretical part includes #esponsibility $ocial #elationships in the %ork Environment and
Organi"ational safety culture!
The study done at chemical industry represents the case study! Triangulation approach was
selected! #esearcher conducted interviews from management and then questionnaires were
created to view that if the employees are aware about the health and safety issues and the
concern of management towards the employees! & total of '(( questionnaires were circulated to
respondents through $imple #andom $ampling selected from the list provided!
The results are examined in descriptive as well as inferential statistics! The work concludes that
the management was concerned relating to the issues of health and safety of the employees and
provide every complete secure working environment while some employees do not follow the
safety issues! It is made clear that the employees when know about the safety issues can save
themselves from the threats and risks associated with the chemicals
)inally, a discussion on findings and conclusion along with the suggestions comprise in the final
part of the research
Key words: hemical Industry, *ealth and safety issues, Exposure to the chemicals
Today, representatives anticipate that their executives will furnish work situations that are
sheltered, secure and sound!
*ealth alludes to a general state of physical, mental and enthusiastic prosperity +#obert and ,ohn,
'((-.! & sound and healthy individual is free of disease, harm or mental and enthusiastic issues
that debilitate typical human progress! *ealth administration in associations strive to look after
the general prosperity of people!
$afety then again alludes to ensuring the physical prosperity of individuals +#obert and ,ohn,
hemical industries might be places of disclosure and knowledge however they can likewise be
places of risk if security measures are not taken! /retherick +011(., )urr +011(. and #idgway et
al! +'((2.!
Exposure to chemicals relies upon work conditions and practices! These exposures could be
intense exposures that may initiate poisonous reactions or can have impact on the working of
body organs )urr +011(.! 3onetheless, a certain set of screening and working practices are
obliged to counteract unfavorable health impacts +4imenstein '((1.
&fter going through various studies this part of the research will contain key thoughts that are
essential for related to safety issue in the work place and especially in the chemical industry! This
part will be based on 2 subparts which are as under
$ocial #elations in the %ork &tmosphere
Organi"ational safety culture
&ccountability is being obliged to response for one5s dealings and procedures #om"ek and
4ubnick, +0167. and could apply first to the unique individual working in the lab and the bottom
level! The social relationships in the work environment $tillman, +'((8. stated that personal
qualities or conviction can affect efficiency, productivity and yield, or on account of chemical
industries, its wellbeing and safety 9tterback and 3elson +0116.! This thought ad:usts to the
responsibility and includes distinctive qualities or convictions! ulture of organi"ation :oins
together the two ideas together by observing how the organi"ations promote the wellbeing of
industry and is responsible to the representatives!
#esponsibility for lab security is crucial, particularly when working with chemicals! $ome
chemicals are extremely perilous to work with and require particular trial methods 9tterback ;
3elson +0116.! %hen somebody is working with chemicals there is an increase in personal
safety danger! If an unforeseen reaction while working with chemical happened, the individual
utili"ing the chemicals could be harmed!
Soci#" Re"#tions in t$e Wor% At&os$ere
& distinctive convictions and qualities can impact their conduct and the social relationships they
have $tillman, +'((8.! #ieger, +0118.; ,ohnson +'((-. in his research mentioned that
#oethlisberger contended cash was not the primary inspiration; inspiration originated from social
recognition inside the work environment! <eople esteemed being acknowledged parts of an
assembly! Other has likewise observed that it is paramount to think about what encourages
individuals and to consider the interpersonal circumstances in the work place!
There are a numerous explanations why people may be inspired to accompany the security
regulations! These explanations incorporate distinguishing the danger of the chemicals being
utili"ed, tending to their own particular individual wellbeing, and the risk of not agreeing and
fulfilling to the regulations 9tterback ; 3elson +0116.! <ersonal wellbeing could be an
extremely solid inspiration, particularly when working with chemicals! =anagement must think
about the human needs, values, and concerns of the individuals so as to be successful $tillman,
+'((8.! =ore research with respect to social relationships and inspiration laboratory security
requirements to be carried out so we can figure out how to provoke individuals to follow safety
procedure while working in the chemical factories!
Or'#ni(#tion#" Cu"ture
$tillman +'((8. depicts Organi"ational ulture as shared meaning values and convictions about
suitable practices events and proceeding! &ccording to <etersen +'((-., a positive safety and
wellbeing culture happens when the workers sincerely accept the association acknowledges
security a high necessity! =anagement can influence workers to accompany suitable wellbeing
methods by making security a necessity! =aking security a necessity could influence the
:udgment of wellbeing for the people working in a chemical industries and laboratories >emsley
+'(0(.! $ome specialists think security training and consciousness ought to be expanded to
fabricate a safety culture in the industry >emsley +'(0(.!
<etersen +'((-. accepts a positive safety culture in an association is more significant than a
particular safety policy! Other analysts think personal and organi"ational components impact the
safety behavior of individuals %u, ?iu, and ?u, +'((7.; /lair +'((2.! The security atmosphere
measurements relied on upon the duty and commitment of the EO and the supervisors, the
security responsibility of every worker, the measure of determined danger, and the urgent
reaction! *owever, wellbeing preparing was demonstrated to have an impact on discernment of
security atmosphere!
The principle motivation behind successful safety programmes in associations is to avert work
related damages and mischances! The motivation behind security is to ensure representatives and
organi"ational services!
#obert and ,ohn!+'((-. state that at the heart of security administration is an organi"ational duty
to an exhaustive safety and security endevor! This exertion ought to be composed from the top
level of administration to incorporate all parts of the association! It may as well likewise be
reflected in managerial activities!
=anagements can avoid a few mishaps by having machines, gear and work "ones so who
perform conceivably risky occupations can5t harm themselves or others! @iving wellbeing gear
and protects on hardware, introducing crisis switches, introducing sufficient ventilation,
introducing crisis switches, introducing security rails, keeping walkways clear, lighting, warming
and ventilating can all help make work environment more secure! Outlining occupations
correctly and in a proper way obliges attention of physical setting of an occupation! The way the
work space encompassing an occupation is used can impact the laborer5s execution of the
employment itself! & few variables that influence wellbeing have been distinguished;
incorporating si"e of work territory, sorts of materials utili"ed, physical conditions, distance
between work territories, and obstruction noice! Outlining wellbeingA safety policiies and
teaching violators are imperative parts of security endeavors! Often fortifying the requirement for
safe conduct and supplying feedback on positive wellbeing practices additionally are compelling
in enhancing laborer security! $uch deliberations must include workers, managers and
4avid,and $tephen +0111. demonstrate that harmful and in:urious work environment is a concern
to every one of us! In the event that specialists can5t work properly at their work on account of
consistent pains, watering eyes, breathing troubles, or anxiety of exposure to materials that may
cause long haul health issues, efficiency will diminish! Thus, making a sound and healthy work
environment not :ust is the best possible thing to do, yet it likewise profits the business!
Occupational diseases are basically preventable and might be attributed to defective working
conditions! The control of Occupational diseases diminishes the frequency of workBrelated
troubles and accidents and mishaps and enhances the health and spirit of the work power,
prompting diminished nonBappearance and expanded laborer proficiency! &s a rule the ethical
and monetary profits far exceed the expenses of taking out occupational ha"ards!
This chapter makes available details of procedures, methods and techniques the researcher
implemented in the research work! In additional the methodology explain the tools or techniques
for research design, data collection, the population and sampling techniques, and data sources,
data collection instruments, and data analysis plan!
Rese#rc$ Met$odo"o'y
#esearch methodology is a CblueprintD or sketch for research to be carried out stated by <olit and
*ungler +0111E088.! #esearch =ethodology is a map figure out by the investigator to acquire the
response for the research questions! /urns and @rove +'((0E''2. suitable plan aids the
researcher to obtain the requisite answers and probability to assemble the information that give
an idea about the genuine image!
Rese#rc$ -uestion
What is the Impact of exposures of chemical on health of workers? What management can do in
improving the safety in Chemical laboratories?
This study plans to analy"e how the exposure to the chemicals can impact the healthy and life of
the workers working in the chemical industry! It will study if the safety measures are taken in the
industry! $uch practices that help in lessening the impact of chemicals on human must be
adopted! The study on the other hand will also evaluate if the workers have appropriate and
ample knowledge about the safety related issues! The research aims to answer the following
The research is to find what measure can be taken to ensure health safety in the chemical
%hat guidelines management should formulate to control or reduce unnecessary
exposure of chemicals!
*ow the management create awareness relating to the health safety issues of its
Rese#rc$ Aro#c$
This demonstrates the plan to that has to be followed in conducting the research! It is necessary
to select the best approach from the qualitative and quantitative and their combination
+Triangulation. for a successful result!
The researcher has made use of both qualitative and quantitative tools in analy"ing the data
gathered through questionnaire, interview etc! The said approach is mainly used to get better
understanding of the knowledge as stated by +reswell and lark, '((7.! Triangulation method is
used to get better understanding and it for the assurance of research validity!
Rese#rc$ Str#te'y
The current study is based on case study strategy! &s this the most appropriate strategy for
dealing with practice based research problems and those dealing with real life experience,
/onoma +0162.! #obson +'(('. case study strategy is for the researches that investigate
particular existing facts within its real life context +?ewis, Thorhill, '((7.!
&ccording to Thomas +'(00. ase studies are examinations of persons, events, decisions,
periods, pro:ects, and policies! ase studies can be based on any mix of quantitative and
qualitative evidence supported and wellBformulated in #obert +'((1.!
&s we dealing with realBlife situation, impacts of chemicals in chemical industry and health
safety and investigating the policies of the management so it is the best approach!
Rese#rc$ *esi'n
The researcher has selected the following mentioned research design
4escriptive research F /lumberg et al +'((6. suggests that this design tries to solve the research
problems and answer to who, what, when, where and sometimes how questions! This research
will answer the question how the exposure can impact the healthy and life of the workers!
Inspection or evaluation research F In this research the researcher wants to understand and
inspect the safety procedure adopted by the hemical industries! The researcher from the
experience of respondents, evaluate the effects of specific involvement! On that basis, evaluation
research was considered an appropriate medium for this study!
$tatement for checking the authenticity is referred as *ypothesis! +@ood ; *att, 0170. states that
they can either be accepter and re:ected! )ollowing is the hypothesis that has been generated!
)yot$esis One
*(EB &wareness about harmful impact of chemicals and the appropriate safety precautions can
save the health of workers
*0EB &wareness about harmful impact of chemicals and the appropriate safety precautions cannot
save the health of workers
ollis and *ussey +'((2. states population, as the group from which sample is selected! The
population in this $tudy is employees working in the chemical industry!
%orkers directly in contact with the chemical will be selected as respondents for this research!
$ample si"e of '(( respondents will be used for the survey whereas ' interviews for the
designing the questionnaire from the management!
S#&"in' Tec$ni.ue
The researcher selected a sample from $imple #andom sampling! In simple random sample each
individual has the same possibility of selection! There is no biasness in this type of selection!
)raenkel ; %allen +'((G.!
*#t# Co""ection Met$od
4ata is collected using the following methods;
$urvey Interviews! )or gathering data from the management regarding the safety
practices the face to face interview was conducted!
<rimary data was collected by survey questionnaires which were filled by the workers of
the chemical Industry!
Huestionnaire was designed keeping in on the bases of literature and management interview! The
main aim of the questionnaire is know if the workers have the knowledge attitude and practice
concerning the security and protection of their health!
*#t# An#"ysis P"#n
The analysis of the data collected was done at the end of the data collection! The responses were
classified and summari"ed on the basis of the information provided by the respondents!
The analysis was done using both qualitative and quantitative tools! =icrosoft Excel, tables,
percentages, and statistical tools such as graphs, charts, were used!
The scope of this study needs to be defined in two hori"ons!
@eographicE The scope of this research would be limited to hemical Industry only!
Time hori"onE this study will take about duration of 6 months! & cross sectional
research study will be performed with data only gathered once in order to
complete the questionnaire!
In this chapter we have discussed an extensive review of the research process giving reason for
the method chosen for the research, strategy, design and philosophy!
The chapter also covers the sample of respondents chosen to take part in the study and explained
how the questionnaire was considered appropriate to acquire data aimed at effectively meeting
the ob:ectives of the research!
This chapter comprise of the research findings, analysis and interpretation! '(( respondents from
chemical industry participated in the study! 4escriptive and inferential statistics such as
frequency table, percentage charts are used in data analysis!
*e&o'r#$ic In/or&#tion
The demographic data collected includeE
The demographic information of the respondents is show using tables and pie charts! Table
shows that most of the respondents are in the age group of -(B8( years with the percentage of
y %
20-30 30 15
30-40 52 26
40-50 70 35
50-60 48 24
The 4ata analysis shows that in the survey G1I of the total respondents were the females! It can
be concluded that number of females might me greater as compared to men!
Le0e" o/ educ#tion
It can be concluded from the finding of the survey that most of the employees working in the
chemical industry -GI have post graduate degree followed by 22I having /achelors degree!
The employees are mostly educated and can better understand the importance of healthy and
secure working environment!
1o! E2erience
The demographic information of the respondents also show work experience! Of the
respondents 1-I of the respondents have more than ' years of experience!
1o! Tye
The analysis of the survey question on the nature of tells us that the respondendants that
participated is the survey among them 8(I were reseach staff, '' I were working as
supervisors other ''I were technicians and the remaining GI were the students in the chemical
industry who were practicing there!
The second part of the Huestionnaire contains the questions to study the knowledge, attitude and
practices of employees working in the chemical industry!
)#0e your e&"oyer ro0ided #ny $e#"t$ #nd s#/ety in/or&#tion
The question about the health and safety information makes it clear that the management and the
administration of the chemical industry are concerned about the health and safety of their
employees and the respondents agreed that the organi"ation provides them the necessary
information regarding the health and safety issues that can arise when employs are exposed to
the harmful chemicals!
In w$ic$ /or&#t in/or&#tion is ro0ided
This question is designed for those individuals who agreed that the management provides them
related information regarding health and safety! &s all the respondents agreed to that so all
answered this question as well! -2I of the respondents agreed that the management of the
chemical industry provides them information in training sessions which is held frequently and
which tells the protective use of the equipments and chemicals and training provided at the
orientation level!
W$#t sort o/ in/or&#tion is ro0ided3
The question was regarding the information that is mostly provided to the employees
regarding the health and safety to enhance their knowledge as dealing with chemicals could
have adverse affect on the life! 66I of the respondents agreed that the information that is
provided contains The possible health risk from use of chemicals The proper usage of
personal protective equipment and the *andling with the chemicals and their *a"ards!
)#0e su//icient %now"ed'e #!out c$e&ic#"s t$#t you #re current"y usin' in t$e "#!or#tory
On the question related to the knowledge the respondentJs posses about the chemicals mostly
people agreed that they are aware of the chemicals that they are being using in the laboratory!
The GI that negate the questions were mostly the students that are training in the chemical
R#te %now"ed'e #!out secure r#ctices
In the question in which the respondents had to rate the knowledge regarding the safety practices!
G8I agreed that they know a quite bit about! 3one among the respondents '1I had a very high
and none replied that they had no knowledge, while the trainee students respondent they they
knew a bit!
Cont#ct to c$e&ic#"s $#s #ny destructi0e resu"t to $e#"t$
On the questions regarding the effect of chemical on the health! 0((I agreed that chemicals
have destruct impact on the life of people! They agreed acertain amount of a harmful chemical
that enters their body makes them sick! *armful chemicals can get into body if they inhale,
consume, or swallow them or if they are absorbed through skin!
C$e&ic#"s #re s#/e #s "on' #s t$ey #re $#nd"ed #nd used in t$e correct4
The respondents strongly agree if they handle the chemicals using precautionary measures only
then the chemicals are safe else they can have adverse negative impact on the lives of the people!
I we#r '"o0es #nd ot$er s#/ety '#d'ets w$en wor%in' wit$ c$e&ic#"s
The response to the question regarding wearing the gloves while working with the chemicals
indicated that '(I people while knowing that direct exposure of chemicals can be bad for them
they do not wear gloves and other safety gadgets they are being negligent regarding their health
issues which can be dangerous to them!
Are c$e&ic#"s stored in suit#!"e conditions3
)rom the survey it is obvious that the management and the administration is really concerned
about the health and safety of the people working there! The industry not only provides safety
gadets to the workers but also provides regular training to keep them aware of the dangers
impacts of the! On the other hand there is a proper and accurate way of storing the chemicals
in the industry to avoid any sort of mishap that can endanger the life health and safety of the
workers in the chemical industry!
)yot$esis Accet#nce
The above data findings make it clear that an employee when have knowledge about the
chemicals and its various harmful imfact are very essential as thet save the health of the workers
as they are aware of the risks and threats associated with the exposure of chemicals they are
dealing with during their work! Thus this research accepts the below mentioned hypothesis!
)5:6 Know"ed'e #!out t$e $#r&/u" i&#ct o/ 0#rious c$e&ic#"s #nd t$e s#/ety rec#utions
c#n s#0e t$e $e#"t$ o/ wor%ers
This chapter presented the result of each of the question asked from the respondents during the
study! The chapter analy"ed the data gathered from the chemical industry workers! The
interpretation is discussed with the help of graphs and table! )or the data collected it can be
concluded thatE
=ostly the respondents agreed that the employer provide them the related information
about health and safety
The respondents mentioned that during the training the employer give them the
knowledge of how to handle the chemicals and the proper usage of the equipment!
=ostly there was a positive response regarding the knowledge of chemicals employees
use in the laboratory!
The result shows that the employers are concerned about the health and safety of the
The study shows there is a relation between >nowledge about the harmful impact of
various chemicals and the safety precautions! If people are aware of the consequences
they can better handle the situation!
There can5t be strategy related wellbeing and security if both management and workers neglect to
perform their particular obligations! The management of chemical industry is believed to
document government mishap reports; administer records on wellbeing and security issues,
posting wellbeing notices and authoritative data, giving instruction and training on the issue of
wellbeing and safety!
The management is obliged to establish a wellbeing board to be responsible for all wellbeing and
security related issues! The wellbeing advisory group is answerable for contemplating patterns in
mischance with the perspective to making recommendations for remedial activities, looking at
protection reports and making suggestions for keeping away from mishaps, analy"ing and talking
about reports from security delegates, making suggestions for new or updated security
techniques! The board will be responsible for checking and assessing the association5s security
arrangements, and making recommendations for progressions, if fundamental!
The representative then again is obliged to follow all wellbeing and security principles, reali"ing
that the individual at last answerable for hisAher wellbeing and security is himselfAherself! $taffs
are obliged to wear defensive dress; use the equipments and gadgets provided in doing their
work, and report any contradiction of the law by administration of the chemical industry!
&dditionally the representative has the right to deny perilous work!
=ishaps are too much both to the influenced specialist and the association! *ence, every exertion
ought to be made with a specific end goal to stay away from them from happening at the work
The accompanying suggestions were made dependent upon the findings
%orkers must be provided with the complete knowledge of the chemicals they are using
and the effects of those on their life if not used with precautions
Instruction and TrainingE =anagement of the labs ought to continue their training
sessions, workshops, classes on wellbeing and security for staff, distribute materials on
security and numerous different steps to teach wellbeing to the employees working in the
chemical laboratories!
%orkers ought to be made to comprehend that wellbeing and wellbeing practices are the
obligation of both administration and staffs and this will go far to make the work "one
&dministration ought to give and keep up at the work environment, satisfactory plant and
arrangement of work that are sheltered and without danger to wellbeing! There ought to
be customary observing of to verify those representatives are depicting right attitude and
safe practices towards risky chemicals! &dministration ought to show cautioning notice in
the chemical laboratories or other potential risk spots to make laborers mindful of
potential threat!
@ive the fundamental data, guideline, training to guarantee, the wellbeing and security at
work of those different specialists on the specific work! $ome l mishaps that happen
could have been kept away from if viable supervision were completed throughout the
execution of obligations at the work place!
&dministration must offer peril and danger data with visitors on the premises of chemical
industry! ?egitimate distribution of danger data is essential in guaranteeing protected and
sound working atmosphere! @uests must be made mindful of the preparatory measures
keeping in mind the end goal to forestall mishaps and damages!
@uarantee right stockpiling techniques of combustible fluids and different ha"ardous
materials! &dministration ought to attempt to give sheltered and accurate method for
putting away perilous chemicals at the work keeping in mind the end goal to ensure the
security and strength of representatives! The unloading of chemical substances for
instance ought not to be compromised so as to keep away from fire!
$pecialists ought to be given enough understanding of the danger and dangers intrinsic in
their work at the work places! Through training some of these mischance could be
minimi"ed if not completely annihilated! Employments can likewise be outlined in such a
path as to evacuate all innate potential dangers to make the work ok for representatives!
The procurement of defensive clothes and putting set up wellbeing and wellbeing
measures is insufficient! &dministration ought to put set up a standard following group
who will go round to check whether the workers truly do put on their defensive materials
given to them before doing their obligations and likewise see in strict terms wellbeing
measures keeping in mind the end goal to maintain a strategic distance from any incidents
and mischance!
The legislature ought to additionally establishment observing groups that will go ad:ust
occasionally to check whether bosses pass by the regulations as gave in the ?abor &ct!
The manufacturing plant inspectorate ought to concoct a blue print to be utili"ed as aide
for the outline of wellbeing and security arrangements for the workers in chemical
&n authoritative structure on wellbeing and security is prescribed
/lair, E! +'((2.! ulture ; leadership! Professional Safety! -6+G., pp06B''!
/lumberg, /!, ooper, 4! !, ; $chindler, <! $! +'((6.! /usiness research methods +7th
ed!.!?ondon, 9>E =c@rawB*ill!
/onoma Thomas K! +0162.! L@et =ore Out of Mour Trade $how!L *arvard /usiness
/urns, 3! and @rove, $! +'((0.! The practice of nursing researchE conduct, critique and
utili"ation +-th ed.! %!/!$aundersE <hiladelphia, <ennsylvania, 9$&!
/retherick, ?! +011(.! /retherickJs *andbook of #eactive hemical *a"ards, -th ed!
/utterworths, ?ondon!
ollis, ,! ; *ussey, #! +'((2. /usiness #esearchE a practical guide for undergraduate and
postgraduate students, second edition! /asingstokeE <algrave =acmillan!
reswell, ,! %!, ; <lano lark, K! ?! +'((7.! 4esigning and conducting mixed methods
research! Thousand Oaks, &E $age!
4avid &!4 and $tephen <!#!+0111.E*uman #esource =anagement,oncepts and
&pplication,9$&E#ogressive International Technologies
4imenstein I! +'((1. & <ragmatic &pproach to )ormalin $afety in &natomical <athology
?ab=edicine volume -( 3umber 0', 7-( B7-G!
)raenkel, ,!#!, ; %allen, 3!E! +'((G.! *ow to design and evaluate research in education!
3ew MorkE =c@rawB*ill!
)urr, &!>!,+011(.! # *andbook of ?aboratory $afety, 2rd ed! # <ress, /oca #aton
@oode, %!,! ; <!)! *att,+0170. =ethods in $ocial #esearch, =c@rawB*ill!
,ohnson, %! ! +'((-.! Public administration: Partnerships in Public Service !rd "d#
?ong @rove, IlE %aveland <ress!
>emsley, ,! 3! +'(0(.! Expanding safety training! Chemical $ "ngineering %ews!
?ewis, <! and Thornhill, &! +'((7.! #esearch methods for business students, -th edition,
England, <rentice *all!
<etersen, 4! +'((-.! ?eadership ; safety excellenceE & positive culture drives
performance! Professional Safety, -1+0(., p'6B27
<olit, 4! and *ungler, /! +0118.! Essentials of nursing researchE methods, appraisal, and
utili"ation +-th ed.! ,!/!?ippincott
#idgway, <!, 3ixon, T!E!, ?each, ,!<! +'((2.! Occupational exposure to organic solvents
and longBterm nervous system damage detectable by brain imaging, neurophysiology or
histopathology! )ood and hemical Toxicology -0E082B067!
#obert ?!=athis and ,ohn *!,ackson!+'((-.!&uman 'esource (anagementE=elisa
#ieger, /! ,! +0118.! ?essons in productivity and people! )raining $ *evelopment#
October, 0118, p!8GB86
#obbins, $! +'(('., )undamental of management! 2rd ed! 9pper $addle #iver, 3ew
,erseyE <rentice *all!
#obert, >!+'((1. ase $tudy #esearchE 4esign and =ethods! )ourth Edition! $&@E
<ublications! alifornia!
#om"ek, /! ; 4ubnick, =! +0167.! &ccountability in the public sectorE ?essons from the
hallenger Tragedy! Public +dministration 'eview, -7+2.!
$tillman, #! ,! +'((8.! Public +dministration: Concepts and Cases ,th ed! /ostonE
*oughton =ifflin o!
Thomas, @! +'(00. & typology for the case study in social science following a review of
definition, discourse and structure! Hualitative Inquiry!
9tterback, <! ,! ; 3elson, 4! &! +0116.! "ducating for -S&+ Savvy Chemists!
%ashington, 4E &merican hemical $ocietyE 4istributed by Oxford 9niversity <ress!
%u, T!!, ?iu, !%!, ?u, =!! +'((7.! $afety climate in university and college
laboratoriesE Impact of organi"ational and individual factors! .ournal of Safety 'esearch,
26+0., p!10B0('!
Aendi2: Sur0ey -uestionn#ire
74 ,our #'e
o '(B2(
o 2(F -(
o -( F 8(
o 8( F G(
84 +ender
o =ale
o )emale
94 Le0e" o/ educ#tion
o *igh $chool
o ollegeA /achelorJs 4egree
o @raduate 4egree
o <ost @raduate 4egree
:4 Wor%in' in C$e&ic#" L#!
o less than G months
o between G months and ' years
o more than ' years
;4 ,our <o! tye
o $upervisor
o #esearch $taff
o Technician
o Other
=4 )#0e your e&"oyer ro0ided #ny $e#"t$ #nd s#/ety in/or&#tion
o Mes
o 3o
>4 I/ yes? w$#t is t$e /or&#t3
o Orientation training
o *ealth and safety training session frequently
o $ession on the use of personal protective equipment
o &ll of the above
@4 T$e in/or&#tion inc"udes w$ic$ o/ t$e /o""owin'3
o The possible health risk from use of chemicals
o The proper usage of personal protective equipment
o *andling with the chemicals and their *a"ards
o &ll of the above
A4 *o you $#0e su//icient %now"ed'e #!out c$e&ic#"s t$#t you #re current"y usin' in t$e
o Mes
o 3o
754 P"e#se r#te your %now"ed'e #!out secure r#ctices4
o none at all
o a bit
o quite a bit
o very high
774 *o you t$in% t$#t cont#ct to c$e&ic#"s $#s #ny destructi0e resu"t to $e#"t$3
o Mes
o 3o
784 C$e&ic#"s #re s#/e #s "on' #s t$ey #re $#nd"ed #nd used in t$e correct4
o strongly agree
o agree
o disagree
o strongly disagree
794 I we#r '"o0es #nd ot$er s#/ety '#d'ets w$en wor%in' wit$ c$e&ic#"s
o Mes
o 3o
7:4 Are c$e&ic#"s stored in suit#!"e conditions
o Mes
o 3o
)hank you for taking part in survey/

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