Anda di halaman 1dari 17

General Awareness Questions:

1. What is the minimum duration of fixed deposit 7 days.

2. Bank Comes under Differentiate banks Small banks and payment banks.
3. nder !hi"h "ommittee #$%&'())S a""ount under finan"ial in"lusion "omes *r k.C. Chakrabarthy.
+. Whi"h Bank started ,-* ser.i"e first of all in (ndia /SBC.
0. )o"al area bankin1 system started in 1223.
3. ni.ersal ele"troni" bankin1 a""ount 45B,6 under the 1uide lines of 'B(7 minimum a1e to open this
a""ount 189 years.
7. -he first bank !hi"h introdu"ed B($%,-* ,:(S bank.
8. #ame of the !eb portal laun"hed by the nion ;o.t durin1 <uly 2=1+ for enablin1 1o.ernment%"iti>en
dis"ussions on se.eral issues *y;o..
2. #ame the air"raft !hi"h "rashed in *ali durin1 <uly 2=1+ killin1 a 1== passen1ers on%board ,ir
1=. Whi"h is the "apital of Srilanka Colombo.
11. &ull form of B,#CS Banks ,-* net!ork and "ustomer ser.i"es.
12. Deputy ;o.ernor of 'B( S S *undra.
13. *oney launderin1 a"t !as passed 2==2.
1+. Who is the finan"e se"retary ,ra.inth *ayaram.
10. SW(&- has ho! many di1its "ode 11 di1its.
13. 'B( "an issue notes up to the .alue of ho! many 'S 1==== 's.
17. !hi"h bank !as formed on an efforts of )ala )a?pat 'ai @un?ab #ational Bank.
18. 'upay (ndia o!n payment 1ate!ay is 1i.en !hat rank in payment 1ate!ay of the !orld 7th.
12. Whi"h C* of the state !as sele"ted for a re"ord 0 times @a!an Chamlin 4Sikkim6.
2=. Who is the author of -he ) $f -he $thers #eel *ukher?ee.
21. *inimum transfer limit throu1h '-;S 2 )akhs.
22. Deputy national se"urity ad.iser !ho has resi1ned re"ently #eh"hal Sandhu.
23. Who is the ne! Chairman of ;C**& 4;u?arat Cooperati.e *ilk *arketin1 &ederation6 <ethabhai
2+. '-;S and #5&- uses (&SC.
1. Who is -he nion Defen"e *inister ,run <aitley.
2. World tourism day 27th September.
3. Whi"h is the "apital of south korea Seoul.
+. Who is the "onsumer affairs minister 'am Ailas @as!an.
0. S(@ Session (nitiation @roto"ol.
3. Who is the "hairman of /D&C Bank Deepak @arekh.
7. (n !hi"h "ountry is Damballu 1olden temple lo"ated Srilanka.
8. Whi"h is the Seattle based "offee shop re"ently opened in Chennai Starbu"ks.
2. #umber of "ountries in *arrakesh -reaty 01 Countries.
1=. (ndian institute of petroleum lo"ated in Dehradun.
11. Whi"h is #on%Bankin1 &inan"ial Companies 4from options6 #,B,'D.
12. #@C' #ational @ro1ram of Can"er 'e1istries.
13. $@CW $r1anisation for the @rohibition of Chemi"al Weapons.
1+. !hat is the "ontroller of "omputer C@.
10. What per"enta1e is (ndian population in respe"t of !orld population 17 per"enta1e.
13. #ational a!ard for the best film 2=1+ Ship of -heseus.
17. ,pur.i Chandela is related to !hi"h 1ame Shootin1.
What re1ulates "ommodity marketB% &*C
Where is the lon1est -unnel in the WorldB
#ame the "apital of ar1entinaB% Buenos ,ires
Who is the "hairman of Bharatiya *ahila Bank B% Usha Ananthasubramanian
When is @ress &reedom Day "elebratedB% 3rd *ay
Ca.eri flo!s bet!een !hi"h statesB -amilnadu and Carnataka
What does bank assuran"e meansB
Where is #itin <airam ;adkari Constituen"yB% #a1pur
Dadi Balsara is the founder ofB% Himalayan natural mineral water
-he ne! state -elan1ana shares her boundary !ith !hi"h other states
10= ran1e missile is de.eloped By% D'D$
Ca.eri ' !ater dispute
What re1ulates "ommodity marketB% FMC
D #ame the "apital of ar1entinaB% Buenos Aires
D Who is the "hairman of Bharatiya *ahila Bank B% Usha Ananthasubramanian
D When is @ress &reedom Day "elebratedB% 3rd May
D Ca.eri flo!s bet!een !hi"h statesB Tamilnadu and Karnataka
D What does bank assuran"e meansB%%%ellin! o" #nsuran$e in Banks
D Where is #itin <airam ;adkari fromB% Maharashtra
D Dadi Balsara is the founder ofB% Himalayan natural mineral water
D -elan1ana doesnEt share its boundaries !ithB Karnataka7 T%7 Maharashtra
D 1st time nationalisation of banks took pla"e in FFFFB&'('
D Ai?ay sheshadri !on the presti1ious 2=1+ @ulit>er @ri>e for his !ork on Book "alled%%%%%%%%%%%3
D World press freedom day%%%%%%%%%%%May 3
D &inan"ial in"lusion "ommittee.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%a$hiket Mor
D WorldEs /i1hest -rain tunnel found in China.
D @D& &ull &orm )ortable *o$ument Format.
D *inister of So"ial and employment Thawaar Chand.
D Curren"y of (ndonesia +u,iah.
D #e!est hydroele"tri"ity po!er plant in (ndia lo"ated in -ammu and kashmir 4Baramulla6.
D ,sian .ersion of nobel pri>e 2=1+ !inner Former %orwe!ian @* Brundtland.
D *(@S is a unit for measurin1 C)U.
D 5"onomi" sur.ey of an year "ondu"ted by Finan$e Minister.
27 5.n1
D Who is -he nion Defen"e *inister Arun -aitley.
D World tourism day ./th e,tember.
D Whi"h is the "apital of south korea eoul.
D Who is the "onsumer affairs minister +am 0ilas )aswan.
D S(@ ession #nitiation )roto$ol.
D Who is the "hairman of /D&C Bank *ee,ak )arekh.
D (n !hi"h "ountry is Damballu 1olden temple lo"ated rilanka.
D Whi"h is the Seattle based "offee shop re"ently opened in Chennai tarbu$ks.
D #umber of "ountries in *arrakesh -reaty 1& Countries.
D (ndian institute of petroleum lo"ated in *ehradun.
D Whi"h is #on%Bankin1 &inan"ial Companies 4from options6 %ABA+*.
D #@C' %ational )ro!ram o" Can$er +e!istries.
D $@CW 2r!anisation "or the )rohibition o" Chemi$al 3ea,ons.
D !hat is the "ontroller of "omputer C)U.
D What per"enta1e is (ndian population in respe"t of !orld population &/ ,er$enta!e.
D #ational a!ard for the best film 2=1+ hi, o" Theseus.
D ,pur.i Chandela is related to !hi"h 1ame hootin!.
D 'oad 7 transport ministerB #(-/(# ;,DC,'(
D &inana"e *inister of #D, ;o.tB,run <aitley
D Women #o 1 in rankin1 of 1=m ,ir @istolB /eena Sidhu7
D '() G #et!ork 18 Deal4in "rores6% +=== Crores
D Sahara the untold story Written byB%-amal Bandyopadhyay
D ,mul set up Dairy !orth 2== "r at !hi"h "ityB% Aaransi
D Chinese Curren"yB % H,#
D Sa"hin -endulkar "oins !ere sponsored by !hi"h "ompanyB 5,S- (#D(, C$*@,#H
D !ho amon1 the follo!in1 is 'B( 1o.ernor B '<(- @,-5)
D /uman ri1hts day is obser.ed on !hi"h day%D5C 1=
D Who is the "urrent road7 transport7 hi1h!ays and shippin1B #(-(# ;,DC,'(
D 5CB stands for B 5:-5'#,) C$**5'C(,) B$''$W(#;S
D W(*B)5D$# "hampionship is related to !hi"h 1ame B ),W# -5##(S
D Who is the "urrent SB( "hairmanB ,'#D,-( B/,--,C/,'H,
D 1irl "hild de.elopment s"hemeB
D re1ulatory authorities of Cooperati.e banks G ''BIsB% #,B,'D
D a S"heme named 'a?i. ;andhi S"heme for 5mpo!erment of ,doles"ent ;irls also kno!n as B%
D $C' &ull &ormBopti"al "hara"ter re"o1nition
D 'e"ipient of +2th <ananpeeth ,!ard % Cedar #ath Sin1h
D Who "ontrol the *onetry poli"y%'B(
D ,mul related to !hat B % !hite re.olution
D &(B, is related !ith Whi"h sport B% Basketball
D 'e"ently in !hi"h state Solar thermal po!er plant installed 'a?asthan
D !hi"h "ard is issued by #@C(B%'u@ay Card
D !hi"h south east or1anisation has 1= membersB%,S5,#
D ,'*H &),; D,H% 7 De"ember
D (n shop transa"tion is done by !hi"h ma"hineJ @$S
D Water resour"e minister % ma Bharti
D Who !as re"ently honoured !ith the Dadasaheb @halke ,"ademy ,!ard for Best Sin1er 4&emale6J
Sunidhi Chauhan
D Whi"h a!ard is 1i.en to )eander @aes7 'uskin bond% @adma Bhushan a!ard
D definition of Current a""ount defi"itJ .alue of 1oods and ser.i"es it imports ex"eeds the .alue of
1oods and ser.i"es it exports.
D Ai?ay ha>are trophy is related to !hi"h sportB C'(CC5-
D #i1ht blindness is due to defi"ien"y of !hi"h disease% Aitamin ,
D full form of #A',*% #on Aolatile 'andom ,"ess *emory
D Whi"h of the follo!in1 a"ti.ities is not done by 'B(B% tradin1 in "ommodities
D Kuestion related to Core Bankin1 Solutions
D Whi"h of the follo!in1 is not a bank bankB % ('D,
D Whi"h of the follo!in1 is an operatin1 system B%W(#D$WS 2==3
D (nput de.i"e%)i1ht pen
D $peratin1 system isJ system soft!are
D Whi"h of the follo!in1 is related to 5mailJ atta"hment
D (ntan1ible asset
D &ifa !orld "up%!hat kind of marketin1%e.ent
D *alaysia7 truly ,sia%!hat kind of marketin1
D Curren"y of Cu!ait%Cu!aiti Dinar
D Capital of Bhutan%-himphu
D 'e"ently /industan *otor "ar plant shut do!nJ ttarpara plant in West Ben1al
D Book my ?ourney transformin1 into dreamsJ &ormer @resident ,@< ,bdul Calam
D /i1hest rural population state as per Census 2=11 % ttar @radesh
D 'elian"e "ompany lady head name% #eeta ,mbani
D 'e"ently bankin1 li"ense issued "ompany name% (D&C
D &ull form C,;%Controller and ,uditor ;eneral
D !hi"h of the follo!in1 is not an indire"t tax% 1=L sur"har1e on in"ome
Chairman of 1+th finan"e "ommission % y4 reddy
What is mi"ro "redit %%%%%% !i4en to small s$ale industries
-obba"o free .illa1e%%%%%%%% Gari,hema 5 %a!aland6
psl. " 23 is lau"hed !ith the 0 that the satellite from 1ermany is %%%%%A#AT
Capital of Canada%%%%%%%% Ans7 2ttawa
Where is C'(S() /K %%%%%%%%% Ans8 Mumbai
Whi"h of the follo!in1 is related to finan"ial in"lusion%%%%%% BB*A
Whi"h de.i"e is used to measure blood pressure %%%%%% ,hy!momanometer
state !ith hi1hest per "apita milk a.ailability%%%%%%%%%)U%-AB
*(S full form in terms of finanan"e%%%%%%%%%% Marketin! #ntelli!en$e ystem
2+%,S5,# summit .enue%%%%%%%% %ay )yi Taw
S*S*5 "abinet minister%%%%%%%%%%%% Kalra9 Mishra
bhartiya mahila bank inau1arated by%%%%%%%%%%Manmohan in!h
study of kidney disease "omes under bran"h%%%%%%%%% %e,hrolo!y
"ountry ha.in1 three top most "ompanies%%%%%%%%% UA
CS$ full form%%%%%%%% Central tatisti$al 2r!anisation
CBS full form%%%%%%%%% Core Bankin! olution
!hi"h or1ani>ation "olle"t and publish finan"ial data%%%%%% %ational am,le ur4ey
ashes trophy played bet!een "ountries%%%%% Australia and :n!land
CD full form%%%%%%% Com,a$t *is$
@lotter is %%%%%%%%%%% 2ut,ut *e4i$e
Capital of S!eden%%%%%%%%%%%%to$kholm
World $lder @erson Day%%%%%%%%%%%%%%o$t &
(ndiaIs )i1htest &i1hter plane%%%%%%%%%Te9as
nion /ealth *inister%%%%%%%%8*r7Harsha 4ardhan
Central (nstitution that 1i.e funds to small industries%%%%%#*B#
/i1hest rban population state%%%%%%maharastra
#il1iri /ill lo"ation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%tamil nadu
,ustrian ;rand @rix !inner%%%%%% %i$o +osber!
<apanIs "onfi"t !ith !hi"h "ountry re1ardin1 Diaoyu island%%%%%%%%%%China
'B( in?e"t liMuidity throu1h !hi"h method%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;AF 4;i<uidity Ad9ustment Fa$ility6
Committee headed by Cou.eri ' Dipute -ribunal%%%%%%-usti$e Chauhan
)ok Sabha Constituen"y of Sushma S!ara? 0idisha
&un"tions of 'B( Bankers Bank
Whose si1n on 1 rupee note%%%% Finan$e e$retary
5arlier name of ,:(S Bank%%%%%%%%%UT# Bank
!hi"h state dont ha.e rrb B%%%%%%%!oa
Camel is the offi"ial animal of !hi"h stateJ +a9asthan
Capro ;roup has !on the (nternational Business Hear of the a!ard is o!ned byJ ;ord wara9
Whi"h "ountry started first plasti" notesJ Australia
,.' 'ahman street name in !hi"h "ountryJ Canada
Whi"h of the follo!in1 is not true about -elan1naB is di4ed on the lin!uisti$ basis7
Curren"y of ,f1hanistan%%%%%%%%%%%A"!han a"!hani
*alaysia "urren"y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Malaysian rin!!it
(ndia ban China milk produ"ts.reasonB%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Chinese milk $ontainin! melamine
*yanmar "apital%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ay,yidaw
)oksabha *ember Can !in t!o seats ha.e to lea.e one seat in ho! many days%%%%%%% &= days>
fifa mus"at%%%%%Fule$o
o.erseas minister%%%%%%%%%%%%%%mt7 ushma wara9
(BS, full form%%%%%%%%#ndia Bra?il outh A"ri$a
!orld autism dayB%%%%%%%%%%%%%A,ril .
"u"koo "allin1 book !ritten by%%%%%%%%%%%% 9k rowlin!
Whi"h is #B&C% sbi "apital7 (C(C( .enture7 /D&C 7 *G* finan"eB%%%%%%%%%%%%M@M Finan$e
Who o!n 3 medals in World Shootin1B%%%%%%%%%%%%-itu +ai
/o! many lan1ua1es in (ndian "urren"y % &/
&ull form of ,SC(( % Ameri$an tandard Code "or #n"ormation #nter$han!e
Canyakumari formerly kno!n as %%%%%%%%%%$a,e $omorin
Hork ni.ersity7 Canada 1a.e a!ard to %%%%%%%%%% +atan Tata
#i.iaIs first plant in (ndia %%%%%%% anand> Gu9arat
De.i"es that atta"hed to "omputer outside .... )er,herial de4i$es
Who !in 3 medals in (SS& !orld "up in muni"h ... -itu rai
re"ently #a.aratna Status 1i.en to%%%%%%%%%%%The %ational Buildin! Constru$tion Cor,oration
5%BCC6 and :n!ineers #ndia ;td
Salar <un1 museum lo"ated in !hi"h state%%%%%%%%%%%%%Andhra )radesh
Best ranked ((- amon1 B'(CS top uni.ersities 2=1+%%%%%%%%% #ndian #nstitute o" Te$hnolo!y
*elhi5##T*6 &3th
Capital of Bra>il%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BrasAlia
World ,(DS Day "elebrated on%%%*e$ember &st
Chemi"al and &ertili>er "abinet minister%%%%%%%%%%%hri Ananth kumar
NCasual Aa"an"yN !ritten by%%%%%%%%%-7 K7 +owlin!
(raM "urren"y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#ra<i dinar
/atri"k 1oal &(&, World "up%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Thomas MBller
bei?i oil refinary in%%%%%%%%%%%%#ra<
S(- Commettee /ead B MB hah
&lipkart a"Muired !hi"h $nline Shoppin1 Site%%%%%%Myntra
#@C( laun"hed !hi"h "ard%%%%%%%%%+U)AC CA+*
!ealthiest footballer in fifa%%%%%%%%%% Cristiano +onaldo
ope" has ho! mu"h L of total oil%%%%%%%%%%D&E
"ountry ha.in1 least 1lobal pea"e index%%%%%%%%yria
!ho insures "ustomerIs deposit in bank%%%%%*#CGC
!indo!s .ista is !hatB888888882
fullform of p"88888888)ersonal Com,uter
slr7"rr related to !hi"h se"tor888888Bankin!
monetary poli"y re1ulated by !hom88888+B#
if slr de"reases !hat happens88888li<uidity in market in$rease
16 Ai?ay ha>are trophy is related to !hi"h sportB% Cri"ket
26 Whi"h !as the first "ountry to be out of &(&, World Cup 2=1+B% Spain
36 /o! mu"h fund !as allotted to Beti Ba"hao7 Beti @adhao Ho?ana announ"ed in nion Bud1et 2=1+B%
's 1== "rore
+6 #i1ht blindness is due to defi"ien"y of !hi"h diseaseB% Aitamin ,
06 Who is the union minister for ' De.elopment and ;an1a 'e?u.enationB% ma Bharati
36 Who is the first female sin1er to !in Dadasaheb @halke ,!ardB% ,sha Bhosle 4in 2==16
76 Who !as re"ently honoured !ith the Dadasaheb @halke ,"ademy ,!ard for Best Sin1er 4&emale6B%
Sunidhi Chauhan
86 ,rmy fla1 day is obser.ed onB% 7 De"ember
26 Whi"h of the follo!in1 is not a bank bankB % ('D,
1=6 &(B, is related to !hi"h 1ameB% Basketball
116 ,mul related toB % White 'e.olution
126 Curren"y of Cu!aitB% Cu!aiti Dinar
136 Who !on <ananpeeth ,!ard 2=13 re"entlyB% Cedar #ath Sin1h
1+6 *onetry poli"y in (ndia is "ontrolled byB% 'B(
106 /industan motors has re"ently shut do!n !hi"h plantB% ttarpara plant
136 ,?anta " are in !hi"h stateB% *aharashtra
176 Whi"h a!ard !as 1i.en to )eander @aes and 'uskin bond re"entlyB% @adma Bhushan a!ard
186 ,!ard 1i.en in india for "oa"hes in sportsB% Drona"harya ,!ard
126 'e"ently in !hi"h state Solar thermal po!er plant installedB% 'a?asthan
2=6 &ull form C,;B%Comptroller and ,uditor ;eneral
216 'e"ently bankin1 li"ense !as issued toB% (D&C and Bandhan &inan"ial Ser.i"es
226 'e"ently !ho be"ame first lady head of 'elian"e "ompanyB% #eeta ,mbani
236 Book N*y <ourneyJ -ransformin1 Dreams into ,"tionsN is authored byB% ,.@.<. ,bdul Calam
2+6 'u@ay Card !as issued byB% #ational @ayments Corporation of (ndia
206 Whi"h south east or1anisation has 1= membersB%,S5,#
236 &ull form of #A',*B% #on Aolatile 'andom ,"ess *emory
276 Capital of BhutanB%-himphu
English Language
RC 10 Easy Para Jumble 5 Easy - Moderate Cloze Test 10 Easy Spot the Error 5 Easy
FIB ! Bla"#$ 5 Easy Sy"o"yms
Quantitative Aptitude
S%mpl%&'at%o" 10 Moderate (umber ser%es 5 Easy )ata I"terpretat%o" 5 Moderate
Rat%o * proport%o"+ Per'e"ta,e+ Pro&t a"d loss+ S%mple %"terest+ Compou"d %"terest+
T%me+ Speed a"d )%sta"'e !0 Moderate - )%.'ult
Reasoning Ability
Syllo,%sm 5 Easy Puzzle 5 Easy - Moderate S%tt%", /rra",eme"t 0%"ear 1 C%r'ular$
10 Moderate Cod%", - )e'od%", 5 Easy I"e2ual%ty 5 Easy - Moderate Blood Relat%o"
5 Easy - Moderate Stateme"t - /r,ume"t 5 Easy - Moderate
Marketing Aptitude/ Computer Knowledge
Mar#et%", /pt%tude !0 Moderate - )%.'ult Computer 3"o4led,e !0 Easy
1. Who !on the Snooker Women World Championship 2=1+B
2. What is the full form of 5&-B
3. Whi"h /olly!ood personality 1ot a!arded at ((&, 2=1+B
+. Whi"h is the fastest mode of transa"tion.
0. Who is the Chairman of -ata industries.
3. Whi"h author has !on the @admabhushan a!ard in 2=1+B
7. When is international WomenEs day CelebratedB
8. Who de.eloped 'upayB
What is the theme of World 5"onomi" forum.
1=. Who de.eloped 'upayB
11. What is the alphanumeri" "ode on CheMueB
12. What are these% .?p1 .do"B ,ns!er% extensions
13. /o! does e.ery bank pay interest on sa.in1sB $ptionsJ 1. monthly 2. fortni1hly 3. ,.era1e
of the !hole month
1+. What type of file is de.eloped by !ord pro"essorB
10. What is it "alled !hen a "omputer "onne"ts !ith other "omputer and sends data.
13. #ame the "omputer !hi"h "an be used by only one person
17. /o! "an one see the "ontent of a file.
18. What is the fun"tion of bankin1 ombudsmanB
12. Where !as Common!ealth 2=1+ playedB
2=. Who is the C5$ of -CS.
21. What is soft!are "opyin1 and distribution "alledB
21. What is the ne! name of CadburyB
22. What are the 1oals in -!o fold marketin1
23. What is the ne! poli"y in marketin1.
What do you mean by @rospe"tB
,nsJ ,ny user !ho mi1ht be interested in any of the ser.i"es offered by Bank
27 What do you mean by *arketin1 (nformationB
,nsJ Cno!led1e about profile of user and the ser.i"e or produ"t
37 Why !e need to do market resear"hB
,nsJ -o "ounter%"he"k the market7 makin1 de"ision on !hi"h produ"t to sell7 perfe"t marketin1
de"isions7 When to sell
+7 &e! modern methods of *arketin1B
,nsJ (t in"ludes @hone marketin17 (nternet marketin17 So"ial media *arketin17 5mail marketin17
07 What do you mean by moti.ationB
,nsJ Dri.in1 for"e for employees to perform better
37 What are the thin1s "omes in Sales &ore"astin1B
,nsJ @lannin1 of sales7 @ri"in1 the produ"ts7 *iddle man distribution7 What "ustomer likes.
77 -he lar1est Sellin1 Car of -he year 2=1+B
,nsJ S!ift D>ire
87 What do you mean by Double !in strate1yB
,nsJ (t means Customer 1et pri"e redu"tion
27 (n bankin1 Se"tor on !hat basis market is di.idedB
,nsJ Density and "ustomers
1=7 What do you mean by @ri"e premium *ethodB
,nsJ , method in !hi"h "omparison takes pla"e bet!een pri"e of Branded produ"t and pri"e of
same material from lo"al market.
117 Where "an !e lod1e "omplaints !hen you !at"h a misleadin1 ad.ertisementB
,nsJ *onopolisti" and 'estri"ti.e -rade @ra"ti"e 4*'-@6
127 ,bbre.iation of S@B
,nsJ niMue sellin1 propositions
137 Who proposed -!o%&a"tor theoryB
,nsJ &rederi"k /er>ber1 from ,meri"a
1+7 When "an a produ"t rea"h shut do!n pointB
,nsJ When produ"t "ost eMual to .ariable "ost
107 What is "on.ersion meansB
,nsJ Con.ertin1 a prospe"t into a "lient or Customer into returnin1 "ustomer
E137 ,bbre.iation of *(SB
,nsJ *arketin1 (nformation System
177 Where do you use SW$- ,nalysisB
,nsJ (ts used for auditin1 an or1anisation and en.ironment. SW$- stands for
S% Stren1th
W% Weaknesses
$% $pportunities
- -hreats
187 Define S,HEs )a! in Simple !ordsB
,nsJ Supply "reates its o!n demand
127 What is brandB
(ts about 'e"o1ni>in1 and Differentiatin1 the "ompany produ"t
2=7 What do you "all di1ital marketin1B
,nsJ ,ny produ"t or ser.i"e sold throu1h internet
*arketin1 resear"h
&un"tions of *arketin1
*arketin1 De"isions
+@Es 4@rodu"t7@ri"e7 @la"e7 @romotion6
*ethods of *arketin1
*arketin1 en.ironment
(nfluen"e of *arketin1 (n Bankin1
Whi"h $r1ani>ation "ontrols the *onetary poli"y in (ndia% 'eser.e Bank of (ndia
Who is the !inner of the +2th <ananpeeth ,!ard Cedar #ath Sin1h
What is ,mul related !ith in (ndiaB !hite re.olution
With !hi"h sport is &(B, relatedB% Basketball
Whi"h is the state !here Solar -hermal @o!er @lant !as installed re"ently 'a?asthan
#@C( has introdu"ed a ne! "ard. What exa"tly is itB% 'u@ay Card
!hi"h is the South 5ast or1anisation "onsistin1 of 1= membersB% ,S5,#
When is ,rmy Day $bser.edB 7 De"ember
#ame the ma"hine !hi"h is used to do the transa"tions in shops
Who is presently the Water resour"e minister of (ndiaB ma Bharti
Who !on the Dadasaheb @halke ,"ademy ,!ard re"ently for Best &emale Sin1er%
Sunidhi Chauhan
Whi"h a!ards !ere 1i.en to )eander @aes and 'uskin bond this year% @adma Bhushan
Define Current a""ount defi"it
Whi"h sport is Ai?ay ha>are trophy related !ithB% C'(CC5-
)a"k of !hi"h Aiatmin in your body "auses #i1ht blindness% Aitamin ,
Whi"h amon1 the 1i.en a"ti.ities is not performed by 'B(B% tradin1 in "ommodities
What is the full form of #A',*% #on Aolatile 'andom ,""ess *emory
Whi"h amon1 the follo!in1 option is not an operatin1 system B% W(#D$WS 2==3
Whi"h amon1 the mentioned option is an (#@- de.i"e% )i1ht pen
What amon1 the 1i.en options related to $peratin1 system% system soft!are
5mail is related to Whi"h mentioned $ption% ,tta"hment
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Where is ,?anta -emple lo"ated

Nature of Marketing and Basi Cone!ts of Marketing
"#uik Re$ie%&

16 *arketin1 by nature is Both Arts and $ien$e

26 /o! marketin1 is to used #t de,ends u,on the ty,e o" ,rodu$t or ser4i$e "or
whi$h marketin! it to be used
36 ,""ordin1 to @hilip Cotler *arketin1 is a o$ial )ro$ess
+6 Whi"h !as thou1ht as the main ob?e"ti.e of *arketin1 by traditional marketin1
professionalsB To 9ust sell the ,rodu$t and ser4i$es
06 Whi"h is the main ob?e"ti.e of *arketin1 no!B ell the ,rodu$t so that the
$ustomer !ets satis"a$tion also
36 Whi"h is the ne! dimension added to ob?e" of *arketin1B Customer 3el"are
76 Who is "alled the Cin1 or the B$SS in ne! marketin1 approa"hB the $ustomer
86 Whi"h are the "onstituent elements of modern *arketin1B #t in$ludes sellin! o"
,rodu$ts and ser4i$es> a"ter8sales ser4i$es and $om,lete satis"a$tion o" $ustomer
26 What is the s"ope of after sales ser.i"eB #m,ortant a$ti4ities $omin! under !amut
o" a"ter sales ser4i$e in$lude re,airs> ,rom,t deli4ery and installation a"ter re,airs
1=6 *arketin1 is not important in !hi"h type of market mono,olisti$ market
116 Whi"h is the most po!erful element of a market the Customer or Consumer
126 Who is a "ustomerB whoe4er ,ays "or a ,rodu$t or a ser4i$e 5may or may not
$onsume it6
136 Who is a "onsumerB % 3hoe4er $onsumes a ,rodu$t or a ser4i$e 5may or may not
,ay "or it6
1+6 Whi"h types of buyers are important for *arketin1B Both ,resent and ,ros,e$ti4e
106 What are the important fa"tors !ithout !hi"h there is no reMuirement of *arketin1B
Buyers> eller> a ,rodu$t or ser4i$e and a market
136 (s after sales ser.i"e important part of *arketin1B Ces
176 What is the fo"al point of ne! "on"ept of *arketin1B $ustomer satis"a$tion
186 Whi"h popular phrase has been deri.ed from the "ustomer%"entri" "on"ept of
*arketin1B FCustomer is the Kin!G
126 What is the base of "ustomer%"entri" "on"ept of *arketin1B Customer atis"a$tion
2=6 Customer satisfa"tion is a ne! "on"ept or an old oneB A new $on$e,t
216 What is SW$-B tren!ths> 3eaknesses> 2,,ortunities and Threats
226 What !ould be the most important "riteria for a person 1oin1 to open a Sa.in1s Bank
4SB6 a""ount in a bankB tandard o" er4i$e
236 What !ould be the most important "riteria for a person 1oin1 to open a &ixed Deposit
4&D6 a""ount in a bankB +ate o" #nterest
2+6 What is the meanin1 of -K*7 a term often used in *arketin1B Total Quality
206 What are the + @Es of *arketin1B )rodu$t> )ri$e> )la$e and )romotion
236 What is the importan"e of + @Es of *arketin1B these H )Gs are to!ether and
$olle$ti4ely $alled basi$ elements o" Marketin!
276 What is another popular name 1i.en to + @EsB Marketin! MiI
286 What is meanin1 of *arketin1 *ixB Marketin! MiI are the $ombination o"
4ariables $hosen by a "irm to ,re,are its market o""erin!
226 *arketin1 *ix is !hi"h type of .ariableB Controllable 0ariable
3=6 What is meanin1 of Controllable Aariable in *arketin1B Those 4ariables whi$h
$an be $ontrolled or in"luen$ed at the le4el o" the "irm
316 , pra"ti"al example of "ontrollable .ariable 3hen a $om,etitor redu$es the ,ri$e
o" its ,rodu$t the "irm in <uestion $an either redu$e the ,ri$e o" its ,rodu$t or $an
di""erentiate the ,rodu$t 5this $an be done by the "irm itsel"6
326 , pra"ti"al example of an un"ontrollable .ariable 3hen the Go4t7 ,uts a ban on
sellin! toba$$o ,rodu$ts in ,lasti$ ,a$kin!> a "irm has no other o,tion le"t but to
"ollow the order 5it is there"ore un$ontrollable 4ariable6
336 What is the meanin1 of @rodu"t in *arketin1Es + @EsB #t means !oods or ser4i$es
or anythin! o" monetary 4alue whi$h is o""ered in the market "or eI$han!e
3+6 What is the meanin1 of @ri"e in *arketin1Es + @EsB )ri$e is the amount o" money
$ustomers ha4e to ,ay to a$<uire ownershi, o" the ,rodu$t or ser4i$e
306 What is the meanin1 of @la"e in *arketin1Es + @EsB )la$e is !enerally ,hysi$al
distribution a$ti4ities that make "irmGs ,rodu$ts to the tar!et $ustomers
336 What is the meanin1 of @romotion in *arketin1Es + @EsB )romotion in$ludes
a$ti4ities that $ommuni$ate a4ailability o" a ,rodu$t or ser4i$e
376 Can only produ"ts and ser.i"es be marketedB %o> other than ,rodu$t and ser4i$e
ideas> ,la$es> ,ersons> eI,erien$e> e4ents> in"ormation> ,ro,erties $an also be
386 Whi"h is a !ider "on"ept *arketin1 or Sellin1B Marketin!
326 What is Sellin1B % ellin! is only a ,art o" the ,ro$ess o" marketin! and is
$on$erned with ,romotin! and trans"errin! ,ossession and ownershi, o" !oods "rom
the seller to the buyer
+=6 (n "ontext of sellin17 ho! !ide is the "on"ept of marketin1B % Marketin! is a mu$h
wider term $onsistin! o" number o" a$ti4ities su$h as identi"i$ation o" the $ustomerGs
needs> de4elo,in! the ,rodu$ts to satis"y these needs> "iIin! ,ri$es and ,ersuadin!
the ,otential buyers to buy the same

*arketin1 Snippets 4<ust Che"k ho! mu"h you Cno!6

1. DS, means *ire$t ales A!ent
2. S@ means Uni<ue ellin! )ro,osition
3. What is meanin1 of a prospe"t in marketin1 lan1ua1eB % A likely buyer
+. What is the meanin1 of O"lose a "allE in marketin1 lin1oB To $lin$h a sale
0. What is O-ar1et ;roupE in marketin1B )ersons who $ould be likely buyers o" a
,rodu$t or ser4i$e
3. , Call in *arketin1 means to $all on ,ros,e$ti4e $ustomers
7. What is deli.ery "hannel in marketin1B % ,la$es where ,rodu$ts are made a4ailable
to the buyers
8. What !ould be the tar1et market for marketin1 of (nternet Bankin1 Ser.i"es of a
"ommer"ial bankB % All the $om,uter edu$ated $ustomers o" the Bank

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