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5 Important High Blood Pressure Natural Remedies

One of the most dangerous health risks to man is high blood pressure. When you
get to the stats, its shows that 1 in 4 Americans suffer from high blood pressure and the
thing about this condition is that it is a silent killer. !his means that an unsuspecting
indi"idual could ha"e been e#periencing it for a long time yet without any symptoms to
ser"e as a warning. Although at times, a di$$y spell and an increased heart rate can tell
something, medical e#perts are still unaware of the real reason why high blood pressure
occurs. %ecause of this, we must be aware of some high blood pressure natural
remedies to curb this condition. &ead on and learn 5 important natural remedies you can
easily apply to your lifestyle.
'irst, take some garlic. !his little plant food has been a staple of natural remedies
for a long time. !he good thing about garlic is that it has been scientifically tested
thoroughly to show a promising effect in lowering one(s blood pressure. It is capable of
addressing spasms in the arteries and slows down your pulse rate. !he o"erall effect is
that you will feel relie"ed from occasional di$$iness, shortness of breath and e"en the
formation of gas along the digesti"e tract. !he ne#t time you encounter this little remedy,
pay attention because it might sa"e you a bundle from complications due to high blood
)econd, take fish oil supplements. )tudies ha"e been conducted on the effect of
fish oil in lowering one(s blood pressure. Initial results are promising and ha"e shown a
modest effect in blood pressure. It is thought that the *+A which is found in fish oil is
responsible for lowering blood pressure. !hird, pregnant women are known to take folic
acid for proper fetal de"elopment. It has also been touted as a good remedy for lowering
blood pressure because it is also responsible for the formation of red blood cells. It can
reduce hemocysteine le"els which has a direct effect in blood pressure.
'ourth, another high blood pressure natural remedies that is getting ra"e
re"iews is eating potatoes. !he secret to making potatoes lower blood pressure is to cook
it with the skin intact. !his pre"ents absorption of sodium in cooking. Also, potatoes are
rich in magnesium and potassium which are known to fight blood pressure effecti"ely.
'ifth, we ha"e now come to the end of this list and the last but not least among the
remedies mentioned herein is ,oen$yme -1., this supplement has been the sub/ect of
trials particularly at the 0ni"ersity of Western Australia wherein 14 people with type 2
diabetes where sub/ected to daily dosage of ,o-1. and the results after the 123week trial
were terrific as it has shown to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
If you are serious about lowering your blood pressure, then you would ha"e to
take into consideration these 5 high blood pressure natural remedies. !hey are safe
and easy to come by and best of all they cost less than the after effects of high blood
pressure. &emember your health is your wealth so take good care of it while you can. As
the saying goes, an ounce of pre"ention is better than a pound of cure.

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