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Controversial Speech Ideas

Do schools have the right to search

students lockers?
Should children be given sex education
in schools, or should this be the
responsibility of the parents?
Should paddling be allowed in schools
Should the state fund schools run by
particular faiths?
Should all kids have access to Aderal to
level the testing curve?
Should schools reuire their students to
wear a school unifor!?
Are beauty contests har!ful?
Should "hysical #ducation in schools be
Should parents be held !orally and
legally responsible for the actions$needs
of their children?
Should young people be sub%ected to
curfews as a way to reduce cri!e?
Should doctors be allowed to prescribe
contraception for girls under the age of
Should (ardicil be reuired?
Is physical force a %ustifiable !ethod of
punishing children?
Should schools teach abstinence only
for sex education
Should govern!ents be sending people
into space?
Should negative advertising in political
ca!paigns be banned?
Should govern!ents censor !aterial on
the world wide web?
Should the govern!ent censor lyrics of
songs that are violent or expletive, for
exa!ple )gangsta* rap?
Is circu!cision ethical?
Should the state be fully privati+ed?
Should ,factory far!ing be banned?
Is it !orally acceptable to experi!ent on
non-hu!an ani!als to develop products
and !edicines that benefit hu!an
Should we ban the keeping of ani!als in
Should we ban the keeping of ani!als in
Should acts of hate be cri!inali+ed?
.hat acts should be considered hate
Is it correct for university authorities to
ban hate speech?
Should schools be allowed to teach
creationis! alongside evolution as part
of their science curriculu!?
Should school students face !andatory
Should continued office for public
officials be dependent on /successfully0
taking a drug test?
Should 1I2 positive workers have to tell
their e!ployers of their status?
Should sex offenders be na!ed and
Should assisted suicide be legali+ed?
Should we legali+e the sale of hu!an
Should !others stay at ho!e to raise
their children?
Should prostitution be legali+ed?
Should skinny !odels be banned fro!
!aga+ines and runways?
Should the !orning-after pill be
Should popular consu!erist i!ages of
wo!en be banned because they are
Should ga!bling be legali+ed and
Should the use of perfor!ance-
enhancing drugs in sport be legali+ed?
Is sport really good for us?
3arriage4(ay, polyga!y, age of
5ace should not be considered for
college entrance
Affir!ative action is outdated
A!erican needs !ore than 6 political
I!!uni+ations are har!ful
Drug advertise!ents pro!ote overuse
of prescriptions
7hose without !edical insurance
shouldnt have to pay !ore to go to the
Its not the govern!ents %ob to care for
the poor
8usinesses should be !ade to offer
health insurance
7e!porary co!panies exploit workers
Co!panies should not be able to hire a
bunch of part-ti!ers but should be !ade
to !ake so!e of the! full-ti!e4they do
this to prevent paying benefits
Alternative fuels-possible? I!possible?
.ho prevents the! !oving forward?
7here should be a waiting period to
receive a tattoo
"arental consent reuired for a tattoo
2ideo ga!es cause violence
9e!inis! good or bad
<ews is not partial
A!ericans really free?
3edicine sociali+ed
9raternities should be held accountable
for under aged drinking
Canadian drugs good or bad
"overty gap is enhanced by welfare
Spanking good or bad
"ublic hu!iliation of children
"ublic schools are a for! of socialis!
3ade to say pledge? 2iolation of
"rayer in schools, See you at the "ole
Illegal search
.ire tapping4;k, Illegal
(lobal war!ing-fact or face
3an really on the !oon?
Cops should ta+er only and not shoot
8an auto!atic weapons
1ave to be natural born A!erican
citi+en to be president
5euire everyone to own a gun-like
other countries
3ore bike trails and fewer roads
9ayetteville free rail syste!
Drill in Alaska
#lectoral College overrides the vote of
the people
9raternities and sororities pro!ote
#at dead babies to feed the poor
<o real overpopulation
Silly to reuire general education
"rofessors should not be guaranteed a
%ob for life4tenure
"rofessors who are poor teachers !ust
go and not be kept because they are
good researchers
.alton College of 8usiness gets too
!uch !oney and leaves other
depart!ents poor
Should fund the arts !ore4!ore art
3ore "# needed-kids are getting fat
Should have kids 83I reported to the
(overn!ent should not fund art that is
ob%ectionable4walk on the flag, flag in
the toilet dunk on 3other 3ary art
.elfare designed to keep people poor
Differences in I= a!ong races
.e over!edicate our kids
2ita!ins teach people to take drugs
Co!petitive sports are bad for kids
Cell phoned banned while driving4
sa!e as s!oking, eating while driving
(ender differences are !ade up to keep
people in place
.al-3art ruins s!all towns
9ence-border of 3exico
"regnant wo!en who do drugs4lock
the! up
>our eyesight can be cured with
Adoption-interracial, gay couples, older
Sex education ?abstinence or condo!s
Illegal downloads
7oo !uch surveillance
Spanish anthe!
1or!ones in !eet
;rganic foods
Can you be a conservative de!ocrat?
<"5 should loose !oney for its bias
7hin !odels
Athletes get paid
#!ployers should /not0 be able to use
9acebook to gain infor!ation
All firear!s should be registered
Doctor assisted suicide
Additional drivers test for the elderly
9oreign language reuire!ents for
ele!entary students
5euired annual 1I2 tests
8ird flue is$not real thread
3ilitia should be closely !onitored by
the 98I
Candidates private life should$should
not be an issue
A!ericans are double taxed and that is
A!erica is funding terroris! overseas
Drug addicts should go to the clinic not
to prison
"risoners should be refor!ed not
Death penalty-ethical
Death penalty for %uveniles
9oreign aid to dictatorships
Churches should have to pay taxes
5eligious leaders should be able to
endorse candidates without loosing tax
exe!pt status
Athletes should$not receive special
acade!ic treat!ent
1igh school grades should have to pass
an exa! before they can graduate
5egardless of inco!e, all A!ericans
should be given health insurance
Acupuncture works$does not work
1eroin should be a legal pain treat!ent
3illionaires should not be given
loopholes where they pay no inco!e tax
5oadblocks and sobriety checkpoints
should be illegal
Chicken waste is ruining the water
7yson should co!pensate people for
allergies caused to excess chicken !old
in the area
Circuses pro!ote the unethical
treat!ent of ani!als
Cos!etic surgery is out of hand with
breast i!plants given at graduation
7here should not be 6@ hour
surveillance and !onitoring of children
in daycares
7he Anited <ations is a dangerous
organi+ation where A!erican should not
be involved
(ates foundation is philanthropic$tax
Clintons initiative is politically !otivated
to have 1illary elected
7he A!erican public is blissfully
unaware$ over infor!ed fro! the
Internet is good$bad for !edical
profession-"eople self diagnosing
Internet should be filtered in public
)Snowflakes* fro+en e!bryos fro! test
tube fertili+ation clinics should be
saved$used$kept for ste! cell research
Stricter laws on cloning
Date rapeB .o!ans responsibility not to
send !ixed !essages-3ans
responsibility to stop
Cri!inal syste! favors whites over
blacksB 3inorities receive tougher
7abloids influence public opinion
3any fa!ous people say the holocaust
never happened4why?
"ull out of (a+a by Israel
;nline infor!ation is !ore$less reliable
Day after pill should$not be given over
the counter
.ashington DC needs a Senator and
8reast vs 8ottle
Daycare vs stay at ho!e !o!
"aper or plastic
Students have to live on ca!pus their
fresh!an year
Students should be allowed to see the
results of teaching evaluations
3iss A!erica pro!otes sexis!
1o!eopathic vs 1ospital
;ver!edicated children
3andatory 1I2 tests for all college
Churches should /not be reuired to pay
Churches should /not0 be allowed to be
involved in politics
Acupuncture is /not0 good alternative
#veryone should /not0 be reuired to
pass a co!petency test before
graduating high school
#S" is /not0 a fact
8asic healthcare insurance should /not0
be reuired for all A!ericans
Ani!al testing is /not0 necessary
Internet usage should /not0 be
!onitored for all e!ployees
.al-3art does /not0 put ("S tags in
your underwear
7here should /not0 be a separate degree
for college athletes who are only in
college to play sports
A!erican businesses who go overseas
should /not0 loose A!erican privileges
Child !olesters should /not0 have to
report to neighborhoods once they have
served their ti!e
College students should /not0 be !ade
to take foreign language
9ederal funding should /not0 be given to
art exhibits that are obscene, distasteful,
or that debase A!erica or the flag
Drug addicts should /not0 be put in
rehab instead of %ail

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