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Montclair Recreation Center, 6300 Moraa A!e", Oa#lan$ CA %&6'' ()'0* &+,--+',
SC.ED/LE FOR Se0te12er , t3ro43 Dece12er 30 ,0'&
The City of Oakland sponsors and supports hiking as a recreational activity through the Montclair Recreation
Center. Participation in the hiking program is free and is managed by volunteers. If you hike regularly, you ill
be registered ith the City of Oakland. !ike participants ill be re"uired to sign in on every hike. !ikes
include a variety of terrains, elevations and locations and may include steep hills. Trail heads are usually ithin
a #$%mile range from the Montclair Recreation Center. &ll hikes are led by e'perienced participant(volunteers
ho are knoledgeable about the hikes they are leading. )eaders are not professionally trained* are not first%aid
certified and do not carry emergency supplies. If there is an emergency, either the leader or a participant ill
call +,, and(or a local authority. !ikers are therefore responsible for their on participation.
The folloing schedule is for Se0te12er to Dece12er ,0'&* and it attempts to provide the best available
hikes for the current season. &t times an alternate 1a5 be offered. !iking schedules are published three times a
year- .anuary, May and /eptember including some historical information. It can be vieed it at the folloing
ebsite- http:// www "
0pdates and flyers ill be sent electronically if needed.
ALL .i#er6 Plea6e rea$ t3e 7ollo8in 2e7ore 0artici0atin9
1. !ikes are open to everyone. Meet at the Montclair Recreation Center 1MRC2 on Tuesday before +-$$
&M. &t that time "uestions about the offered hike ill be ansered by the leader, and car pools ill be
formed. 3ach rider pays ,$ cents(mile to the driver. 4eparture from the center is at +-$$ &.M. unless
otherise noted. Alternate hikes, if scheduled, leave at 9:15. Plan to return to the center by #-$$ P.M.
5. Participants are responsible for determining if the scheduled hike matches their ability. If you have
"uestions about a particular hike, call the leader hose name appears on the schedule and on the e%mail
you ill receive prior to the hike.
3. Recommended supplies- fluids, lunch and(or snacks, sunscreen, a personal first aid kit, indbreaker, sun
hat, hiking poles, day pack, something aterproof to sit on, hiking boots for uneven terrain, personal
identification, medical card1s2, a list of medications being taken and emergency contact phone numbers.
4. &n announcement of the scheduled hike is sent through 6ahoogroups on the 7riday before the Tuesday
hike. The scheduled hike could be changed or cancelled. 4irections to the trail head could be changed.
&ny last%minute changes or alternate hike announcements 1a5 be posted as late as the morning of the
hike, so check your e%mail prior to heading out. If you are unsure if the scheduled hike ill take place
because of eather or if you plan to go directly to the staging area, you may call the leader for
8. 9hile on the trail, stay in sight of the group. /ome hikers are faster than others. If you are passing the
leader, stop at ma:or intersections and ait for the group before proceeding. 9ait for the leader;s
instructions before proceeding to avoid taking the rong trail. The leader ill pause at ma:or trail
:unctions. If you are leaving the group or need assistance, notify the leader. On multi%use trails be aare
of cyclists and move to the right to let them pass as they approach from the front and the rear.
<. )eaders are e'pected to scout the trail before the actual hike.
=. >ote emergency numbers on hike notices.
?olunteers maintain an email list for sending information and for scheduling updates, hen needed.
To subscribe to the yahoo group list, send a message to or
6our e%mail address ill be added to

Se0te12er ,, ,0'& /" C" OPEN SPACE - Clare1ont Can5on Pre6er!e Startin 7ro1 :ri;;l5 Pea# <l!$"
'0") 1ile6 7ro1 MRC to :ri;;l5 Pea# 6tain area" Leader: Dorothy Shipp 510.531.95. 7rom MRC drive
north on Moraga &ve. Take !y. ,#(5A onto Tunnel Rd. Turn RIB!T on Claremont &ve. Take the first )37T
onto Claremont Clvd. hich becomes Celrose &ve. Turn )37T on 4erby. Turn RIB!T on 9arring /t. Turn
RIB!T on 4ight 9ay and go ,%,(5 blocks. Turn )37T on Prospect. Turn RIB!T on Cancroft. Turn RIB!T
on Panoramic 9ay for a very "uick :og to the left onto Rim Road. Turn RIB!T on Centennial 4r. 4rive past
the )arence !all of /cience to the top of Centennial 4r. Bo /TR&IB!T across BriDDly Peak Clvd. to enter
Tilden Park. .ust as you enter Tilden, you ill see a parking lot on the RIB!T. Convene in parking area. 9alk
to BriDDly Peak Clvd* go south to 4onner )ab. 9alk the rims of !amilton Bulch, /traberry Canyon and
Claremont Canyon. !ike through "uiet oodlands and a magnificent panorama of /7 Cay. )unch at the end at
the science building. &bout < miles ith some climbing. !iking sticks recommended. Phone- 0C Police
3mergency- 18,$2 <A5####. >on%emergency- 18,$2 <A5<=<$.
Se0te12er %, ,0'&" =ILDCAT CANYON Reional Pre6er!e (E<RPD* - SAN PA<LO RID:E LOOP"
&bout ,$ miles to staging area. Leader: !ich Sandvick "0".5"".#3#1. 7rom MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve.
Merge onto C&%,# > toard Cerkeley. Merge onto C&%5A 9 toard Oakland. Merge onto !ys.E$(8E$
toard /7(/acramento 3ast to Contra Costa County. 3FIT /olano 1G,=2. &t the base of the ramp, Turn )37T
onto &mador /t. 4rive $.A mile. Turn RIB!T onto McCryde &ve. Move into the left lane, and after about $.#
mile, at the stop sign, continue /TR&IB!T onto Park &ve. 4rive $., mile proceed a short distance to the
&lvarado /taging &rea at the end of the road. &bout = miles.
Rich;s note- I ill take it easy on the uphill for all the hikers resting at times as e go so it onHt be too
strenuous* eHll take it slo so no one is left behind.
$ike Description- !ike Celgum trail to /an Pablo Ridge 1one steep pitch, then moderate up peaks, around an
E$$ ft. climb2. 7ollo Ridge Trail to >imitD 9ay. )unch at the >ike pad. &fter lunch return via !avey Canyon
trail and 9ildcat Creek trail, moderate don hill. &bout = miles. Breat vies of /7 Cay and to reservoirs on
clear days. !iking sticks(poles recommended. Phone- 3CRP4 3mergency 8,$%EE,%,,5,. 3CRP4 >on%
emergency 8,$%EE,%,E##
!y E$ on%ramps for return are at &mador and /olano Rd..
Se0te12er '6, ,0'& TILDEN RE:IONAL PARK > Startin at <otanic :ar$en. ,$ miles to staging area.
Leaders: Diane Scarritt, 510.%5&.53" and S'ee Lin( )hen. 7rom MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve. Take
!ys. ,#(5A through the Cal$ecott T4nnel. /tay in RIB!T lane. 3'it 7ish Ranch Rd. Turn RIB!T on BriDDly
Peak Clvd. Turn RIB!T on /outh Park 4r. 1,
right after /team train sign2. Turn )37T on 9ildcat Canyon
Rd. for ,$$ yards. Turn RIB!T onto &nDa ?ie 4r. 1belo the CraDil Cldg.2. Parking on left side of road only.
!ike /elby, 9ildcat Borge, )oop and Packrat trails and return to Cotanic Barden for lunch and a short alk
through part of the ,$%acre garden. &bout 8.8 miles, easy. Phone- Tilden Ranger- 18,$2 #EA%$<8E. 3CRP4
3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,,5, 3CRP >on%emergency- 8,$%EE,%,E##.? I .
Se0te12er ,3, ,0'&" FT" MASON TO FT" POINT" A2o4t '0 1ile6 to 6tain area. Leader: *erri +iller
510.339.0%1# and Diane Daniel. +58.A88.$E+<. 7rom MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve. Take !ys
,#(5A(8E$(E$ and Cross the <a5 <ri$e" 3'it 7remont(7olsom /treets. 7remont /treet branches off to the left.
&fter one block, turn RIB!T on !oard /t. to the end. Turn )37T onto 3mbarcadero. Turn )37T onto Cay /t.
Turn RIB!T on )aguna hich becomes Marina Clvd. Take a sharp RIB!T into the Marina parking area. Park
herever you can find a parking space that is not reserved, usually to the left* do not enter the 7t. Mason gate
since they charge for parking. !ike /7 Marina and Crissy 7ield to 7ort Point. )unch on bluff above Bolden
Bate Cridge. Return. Out and back. &bout = miles, mostly level terrain. 4ogs OJ. Phone- /7 Police-
3mergency- A,8%88#%E$+$. >on%3mergency- A,8%88#%$,5#.
Se0te12er 30, ,0'& RED=OOD RE:IONAL PARK" (E<RPD* Fro1 Tr4$ea4 Center, E" <" Reional
Par# .ea$?4arter6" Leader: Sandy ,ennin( 510.530.5"99. 7rom MRC drive 3ast on Mountain Clvd. Turn
)37T onto .oa"uin Miller Rd. &fter , mile .oa"uin Miller Rd. becomes /kyline Clvd. Convene at the 3ast Cay
Regional Park !ead"uarters on the left at ,,8$$ /kyline 4r. !ike on 4unn, Bolden /pike, Tate and 9est Ridge
trails. )unch at Redood Col. Return by Braham and 4unn Trails. Moderate 8 K to < miles and <$$ foot
climb. /ticks recommended. Phone- 3CRP4 3mergency 8,$%EE,%,,5,. 3CRP4 >on%emergency 8,$%EE,%
,E##. ?isit and
Octo2er -, ,0'&" MARIN .EADLANDS (::NRA* - 7ro1 Ft" Cron#ite" (cloc#8i6e loo0*" Leader: !oss 91&.00. Assistant: Don Daniel 95.&#".311. 7rom MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve and take
!ys. ,#(5A(E$(8E$ =e6t to the Ric31on$@San Ra7ael <ri$e. Take /ir 7rancis 4rake e'it /outh to ,$,,
through )arkspur and follo ,$, So4t3 through the 9aldo tunnel. Take the last L/ausalitoL 3'it :ust before the
Bolden Bate Cridge. Turn RIB!T at the end of the e'it ramp and P&// 0>43R ,$,. &t the stop sign go
/TR&IB!T onto &le'ander &venue. Turn )37T on Cunker Road 1a sign LMarin !eadlands ?isitor CenterL
marks the intersection2. Bo through the one%ay tunnel and drive appro'imately 5.8 miles and follo sign to
the left into 7ort Cronkite(Rodeo Ceach. !ike Coastal Trail, 9olf Ridge, Miok trails to the Marine Mammal
Center. ModerateM. !iking sticks recommended. It is a continuous climb from sea%level to E## ft. 9ear layers
and hat. 3mergency 1A,82 8<,%8<8<. >on%3mergency 1A,82 ##,%,8A$
NOTE9 Po66i2le Docent to4r at Marin Ma11al center to 2e $eter1ine$"
Octo2er '&, ,0'&. MARIN .EADLANDS (::NR"* Fro1 Tenne66ee Aalle5" A2o4t 3) 1ile6 to trail 3ea$"
Leader: $al $elfand 510.%55.333". 7rom MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve. and take !ys. ,#(5A(E$(8E$
=e6t to the Ric31on$@San Ra7ael <ri$e" Take /ir 7rancis 4rake e'it /outh to ,$,. Take !y ,(/horeline
!ighay e'it onto Tennessee &ve, becomes Tennessee ?alley Rd. Convene at end of Tennessee ?alley Rd.
$ike description- !ike Coastal Trail to Muir Ceach. Return via Middle Breen Bulch, 7o', Coyote and Miok
trails. Ridge climb in both directions. ,$$$ feet of elevation gain before lunch, ith )unch on Muir Ceach.
,$$$ feet of elevation gain after lunch. This is a loop trail ith spectacular vies of the Ocean and the Cay 1E
miles Moderate Plus2. ?isit- Phone- 3mergency- 1A,82 8<,%8<8< >on%emergency 1A,82
Octo2er ,', ,0'&" SAN FRANCISCO STREETS" Fro1 Ferr5 2l$" C&RT Leader: /onnie $
510.%53.5&09. Meet at MRC and car pool to Rockridge C&RT and locate street parking, mind the parking
time limits. Take C&RT to the 3mbarcadero station and convene in front of the 7erry Cuilding.
$ike description- 9alk through the 3mbarcadero Cuildings and up Cattery /t. to )evi PlaDa. Climb up the Coit
Toer steps 1not for the faint of heart2 to Coit Toer. 7ollo )ombard /t. up Russian !ill to the LCrookedest
/treetL steps 1again, not for the faint of heart2 don to 7ort Mason. )unch in the Marina and then back by ay
of &"uatic Park, 7ishermanHs 9harf, along the 3mbarcadero to the 7erry Cuilding. &bout < miles on asphalt.
Phone- /7 Police 3mergency- A,8%88#%E$+$. >on%emergency- A,8%88#%$,5#.
Octo2er ,+, ,0'& <RIONES RE:IONAL PARK-<ear Cree# Trail. &bout ,$ miles to Outlook /taging area.
Leader: /onnie )ohen 510.339.391. 7rom MRC take !ys. ,#(5A through the Caldecott Tunnel. Take Orinda
e'it. Turn )37T 1>orth2 onto Camino Pablo Rd. for 5 miles. Turn RIB!T on Cear Creek Rd. for about 5 miles,
then )37T into Overlook /taging &rea. !ike Cear Creek trail along Criones Reservoir # K miles in and return
same route # K miles. = miles easy(moderate. Restrooms at trail head only. Cring something to sit on for lunch
as there are no tables and only a fe benches. 9alking sticks optional.
3CRP 3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,,5,. 3CRP >on%3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,E##.
No!e12er &, ,0'&" DIMOND-SA/SAL CREEK-BOAC/IN MILLER PARK" A2o4t , 1ile6 to 6tain
area" Leaders: 0ard Si.pson cell 510.31%.&095 and +ike $errick cell 510.#13.0#. 7rom MRC drive east on
Mountain Clvd. Turn RIB!T on Park Clvd. T4rn )37T on 3l Centro 1before the filling station.2 Turn RIB!T
on !anly Rd. into the upper parking lot of 4imond Rec. Center. !ike 4imond Canyon trail along /ausal Creek,
then tunnel under !y ,# and along Palos Colorados trail in .oa"uin Miller Park to the Meado for lunch and
return. <M miles moderate. 9alking sticks for balance and some scrambling on and over creek rocks. ,isit:
'''.sausalcreek.or( 222 and %%% ''' .
Oakland Police 3mergency- 18,$2 ===%#5,,. >on%3mergency- 18,$2 ===%####.
No!e12er '', ,0'&" SI<LEY AOLCANIC RE:IONAL PRESERAE" Fro1 Si2le5 Stain Area" Leaders:
Diane 3aylor 510.#&3.1953. 4cell5 510.&%9."#03 and +ary 6aco7s 510.350.#%&&. 4cell5 %1".9%%.%1#9. 7rom
MRC drive /outh on Moraga &ve. Turn )37T onto /nake Rd. ?eer RIB!T onto /hepherd Canyon Rd. Turn
)37T onto /kyline Clvd. for about , mile. Turn RIB!T into the /ibley /taging &rea parking lot. !ike /kyline
and Cay &rea Ridge through 3CM04 land to Miniature /team Train in Tilden Regional Park. Return same
route. = miles Moderate. 3CM04 trail miday. >o 4ogs. Pole1s2 useful. Phone- 3CRP4 3mergency 8,$%EE,%
,,5,. 3CRP4 >on%emergency 8,$%EE,%,E##. ?isit and .
No!e12er '+, ,0'&" TILDEN PARK - LAKE ANDA" '0 1ile6 to trail 3ea$" Leaders: ,ivian *olden
510.&#.&&% and Sy7il +arcus 510.#&1.1". 7rom MRC take !ys. ,#(5A through the Caldecott Tunnel.
Take Orinda e'it. Turn )37T 1>orth2 onto Camino Pablo Rd. and drive for 5.5 miles. Turn )37T onto 9ildcat
Canyon Rd. and drive for 8.8 miles. Turn RIB!T into Inspiration Point parking lot. !ike don Meados
Canyon trail to 9ildcat Borge. !ike up Borge Trail across from caves to )ake &nDa. )unch at lake in picnic
area. Return via Curran trail. &bout A to 8 miles, moderate. !iking sticks recommended. 3mergency- Tilden
Ranger- 18,$2 #EA%$<8E"
No!e12er ,), ,0'&" CRIO>3/ RE:IONAL PARK TO INSPIRATION POINT" A2o4t '0 1ile6 to 6tain
area" Leader $al $elfand 510.%55.333". 7rom MRC take !ys. ,#(5A through the Caldecott Tunnel. Take
Orinda e'it. Turn )37T onto Camino Pablo. Turn RIB!T on Cear Creek Road for about 5 miles. Turn )37T
into Criones Overlook /taging &rea. $ike Description. This is an out and back hike partly on 3CM04 land.
!ike Oursan, Old /an Pablo Trail and Inspiration Trail. )unch at Inspiration Point. &bout <%= miles. 3CRP
3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,,5,. 3CRP >on%3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,E##.
Dece12er ,, ,0'&" SAN FRANCISCO > :ol$en :ate Par# 7ro1 Sto8 La#e" &bout ,$ miles to staging
area. Leader: +arion 8urcell 510.531.0%#5. 7rom MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve. Take !ys ,#(5A(8E$(E$
and Cross the <a5 <ri$e" Jeep RIB!T at the fork, follo signs to 0./. ,$, >(Bolden Bate Cridge and merge
onto 0/ ,$,>. Continue on Central 7y. Continue onto Octavia Clvd. Turn )eft onto 7ell. Cear )37T onto
JeDar 4r. to )incoln 9ay. &t ,+th &ve. Turn RIB!T into Bolden Bate Park. &fter , block, turn RIB!T on
M)J, .r. 4r. Bo about 5 blocks and see a N/TO9 )&J3O sign on the right. Make a sharp )37T T0R> at /to
)ake 4r., a one%ay street 1no street sign2. Continue for about # blocks until you reach the boat house. Park.
9alk to Breat !y and north to Cliff !ouse. )unch on /utro !eights and return. !ike about = miles, mostly
flat and breeDy. /7 Police - 3mergency- A,8%88#%E$+$. >on%emergency- A,8%88#%$,5#.
Dece12er %, ,0'& Ann4al .oli$a5 .i#e an$ L4nc3eon - YER<A </ENA AND TREAS/RE ISLANDS
A2o4t ) 1ile6 to trail 3ea$" Leaders: 6udy )asey 510.&#.%33 and )arole A(nello 510.390.3011. 7rom
MRC drive >orth on Moraga &ve. Merge onto C&%,# > toard Cerkeley. Merge onto C&%5A 9 toard
Oakland. Merge onto !y. 8E$(E$ and onto the <a5 <ri$e" " 3'it Cay Cridge on the left :ust as you get to
6erba Cuena Island. Continue on the road to Treasure Island. Pass through the 1usually unmanned2 kiosk and
the yacht club and park on the right in the large parking lot in front of Cldg ,. !ike to islands. Mostly flat ith
one short moderate climb. &sphalt. < miles
!eavy rain cancels the hike but not the lunch.
)unch at .ob Core Culinary &cademy at noon. Menu includes &ppetiDers, 3ntrees are a choice of meat, fish or
vegetarian dish, 4essert and Ceverages.
Send 915.00 to Lucille Ser'a at #01 3restle *len !d. :akland, )a. 9&%10, 7y ;ove.7er , 01&. 3his a.ount
covers 913.00 for the .eal and 9.00 (ratuity.

If you are not hiking, but plan to :ust come to the luncheon. 7ollo directions to T. I. Pass through the 1usually
unmanned2 kiosk and the yacht club, then turn RIB!T on California, and turn )37T on C /treet. 7ollo signs
to N7ine 4iningO. Park in the lot. 7ine dining is about to blocks from here hikers ill be parking.
PRESERAES. Leader: 8ete !andels 510.#.##99. 7rom MRC go /O0T! on Moraga Rd. Turn )37T onto
/nake Rd. ?eer RIB!T onto /hepherd Canyon Rd. Turn )37T onto /kyline Clvd. for about , mile. Turn
RIB!T and park at the /ibley parking lot. !ike P mile on a short roadside path to !uckleberry Preserve*
/kyline >ational Trail and Cay &rea Ridge Trail to /ibley ?olcanic Regional preserve. Circle Round Top on the
)oop Trail and lunch at /ibley interpretive center for lunch. < miles and +$$ ft. climb. !iking sticks
recommended. 3CRP 3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,,5,. 3CRP >on%3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,E##.
Dece12er ,3, ,0'& MARTIN L/T.ER KIN: BR" RE:IONAL S.ORELINE. &bout 8 miles to staging
area. Leader: +ar(aret 8hilips %55233&#. 7rom MRC take !y. 8E$ 3ast. 3'it !igh /t. Continue on !igh /t.
and drive under !y. EE$. Turn )37T onto Oa#0ort Street" Sta5 in Ri3t 3an$ lane" Pa66 E<M/D on 5o4r
ri3t an$ 6oon a7ter t4rn RI:.T onto a narro dirt road leading to a soccer field. /ee Palm Tree. 1>otice
small L/occer 7ieldL sign on left2. Park. This is a restored tidal flo at the edge of /an )eandro Cay and the
&irport Channel. 9alk the 4amon Marsh, Barretson Point, /an )eandro Creek and &rrohead Marsh Trails.
9atch for many species of birds and native plants. !ike is flat, 3asy < miles. >o dogs due to etlands. 3CRP
3mergency- 8,$%EE,%,,5,. 3CRP >on%emergency- 8,$%EE,%,E##.
Dece12er 30, ,0'&" OAKLAND- /r2an =al#" &bout # miles to staging area Leaders 6ohn and Lucille
Ser'a 510.#3.3559. 7rom MRC drive /outh on Moraga &ve. Turn RIB!T onto Park Clvd. Take !y. 8E$.
3'it at Brand &ve. Turn RIB!T onto Brand and drive appro'imately #(A mile. Turn )37T into the park at the
7airyland entrance. Pay about Q5.$$. 4rive about # blocks and turn RIB!T into the /ailboat !ouse parking lot.
Convene near the Redood grove at the playground ne't to Rotary >ature Center 1east of the /ailboat parking
lot2. Oakland Police 3mergency- 8,$%===%#5,,. >on%3mergency- 8,$%===%####.
&lternate 4irections. 7rom MRC drive /outh on Moraga &ve. Turn RIB!T onto Park Clvd. Take !y. 8E$ and
3FIT at Brand &ve. Turn RIB!T onto Brand and drive appro'imately #(A mile. Turn )37T onto Perkins, then
)37T onto Cellevue and park along Cellevue or ad:acent streets. Observe parking time limit signs. Convene at
Redood Brove at the playground ne't to interpretive center.
Cloc#-8i6e" The alk includes )ake Merritt* the nely built areas along the 3mbarcadero* )aney College*
.ack )ondon /"uare* Old Ton along 9ashington /t.* Preservation Park* City Center* 0pton Oakland, 7o'
and Paramount Theaters, CronDe /culptures. <.8 miles on flat pavement.
C4lt4re Alert" <ron;e Sc4l0t4re6 alon '%
Street o77 Telera03 A!eFG an$ Re1e12er T3e19 C3a10ion6
7or .41anit5 Mon41ent http 9@@
RR>ote from =%,A Oakland Trib Cl 9hen they Doom up a single%file escalator to the alleyay connecting
Croaday and Telegraph &venue in 0pton Oakland, commuters later this year can e'pect to see a bedaDDling
ne blue%green sculpture outside the ,+th /treet C&RT station. In the meantime, nearby merchants are
grumbling about ho long it;s taking to complete the Q<$$,$$$ illuminated art pro:ect. The C&RT station;s ,=th
TIT)3 ?I COMP)I&>C3 &B&I>/T 4I/CRIMI>&TIO>A#C7R ,=.<1C2 7ederal and City of Oakland regulations strictly prohibit unlaful
discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, se'ual orientation or &I4/ or &RC. &ny person ho believes that he or she
has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by the City of Oakland, Office of Parks and Recreation should rite to-
4irector of Parks and Recreation at ,85$ )akeside 4rive, Oakland, C& +A<,5%A8+E or call 18,$2 5#E%#$+5.
I>C)0/IO> /T&T3M3>T. It is the intent of the City of Oakland to fully comply ith the &mericans ith 4isability &ct. The Office of Parks I
Recreation 1OPR2 is fully committed to compliance ith provisions of the &mericans ith 4isabilities &ct. Please direct all in"uiries concerning
program I disability accommodations to the OPR inclusive Recreation Coordinator at 118,$22 <,8%8=88 or T44 callers
please dial 118,$22 <,8%8EE#.

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