Anda di halaman 1dari 1








Embrace new challenges
I can create challenging new experiences
for myself and others
I display perseverance and use a range
of strategies to embrace new challenges
until I reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Find solutions
I can independently use resources and
explore different ways to solve a
Question thoughts
I can ask complex questions that relate
to the WALTs and WILFs
Advise others and Peer teach
I can offer alternative solutions
I can give prompts for others to improve
their learning
I can set a learning task for a partner
I can clearly explain to others what I am
thinking and relate my thoughts and
I can work with others and begin to
recognize and value other group
members skills.
Manage emotions
I can identify my own and others
feelings and act accordingly
I can help and support others to deal
with their feelings e.g. proud, jealous
Respect other people
I listen to the views of others even if I
dont agree.
I support the learning of others.
Explore new ideas
I can confidently connect and compare
my own and others ideas.
I can identify where I need to go next to
improve my learning
I can highlight my successes and areas of
Are independent
I can work independently and know
when it is important to seek help or
Lead & be led
I can take initiative and responsibility in
the wider school community.
Listen actively
I can take part in group discussions.
I can reflect on /recount what I have
listened to.
Persuade & influence
I am able to present my ideas effectively
to inform the learning of other pupils.
Share experiences
I can effectively share my ideas and
reteach to others
I can empathise with others through
Set goals
I can set goals for my learning with
success criteria
I can devise WILFs to extend my learning
I can find out more and more
information using advanced research
I can show understanding towards the
feelings of others, and act accordingly in
a positive and mature way.
Respond positively
I can enthusiastically participate and
offer solutions during activities.
I can happily give constructive feedback
about activities.

Support the community
I appreciate learning about other
cultures and traditions in my community
and can reflect upon the similarities and
differences of them.
Take risks
I can take responsible risks in my
learning, and can act on advice and
Review my progress
I know which sub-level Im working at
I know what I need to do to progress to
the next sub-level.
I can use time and resources effectively
to plan for learning.
I can justify my opinion, but appreciate
that others may not agree with me.
Are motivated
I can approach all tasks with a positive
attitude even though I may face
I can persevere when things are
challenging for me.
Share ideas
I have the courage to voice my ideas in
front of others and understand that my
idea may not be used.
Create new ideas
I can effectively and creatively adapt
ideas as circumstances change.
Deal with praise and criticism
I invite feedback and deal positively with
praise, setbacks and criticism
Identify questions
I can recognize higher order questions
and develop my answers accordingly.
I can change or adapt my ideas if I feel
that others ideas are better.
Are organised
I can use my Learning Journal effectively.
I can bring the correct resources and
complete homework on time.
Are engaged
I am aware of when I am disengaged
from my learning and have strategies to
become engaged again.

Adapt to situations
I can draw on my experiences from a
range of sources and apply them to
different situations.
Know how I learn best
I understand how the brain helps us
I am using different Learning Styles to
improve my learning habits
Make decisions
I understand my actions/decisions
impact on others around me or myself.
I know that people have different
learning styles and I can choose what
suits me best.
Be responsible
I can organize myself and be responsible
for my role in the wider school
Manage time
I can plan my time in lessons and outside
school so that I meet several deadlines
for different tasks on time.
Show positivity / optimism
I am able to encourage and applaud
myself and others in order to stimulate a
positive environment.
Problem solve
I can recognize, solve and debate a
I can use a range of strategies to help
myself and others solve problems
Ask for help
I can persevere on a task and try other
ways before seeking adult reassurance.
Question others
I can ask effective questions to elicit
information from adults and my peers.
Resolve conflict
I can resolve conflict peacefully without
involving an adult.
Take responsibility
I can foresee the consequences of my
words and actions whether positive or
I am always responsible for my own and
others possessions.
I am able to listen to the views of others
maturely and negotiate to reach
workable solutions.
I can use my imagination to create ideas
and assess their value
Look for evidence
I can use different ways to find out how,
why, what, whom, where.

Plan ahead I can reflect on what I have
learnt and think about the next steps to
achieve my targets.
I can take responsibility for my own time
Present ideas
I can think of original ways to present
my ideas and engage others.
Cause and Effect
I can predict, from previous experience,
the effect of actions on events and

The Secret

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