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Sample Paper 2013
Class XII
Sub: Physics
Time: Two hours Max. Marks: 50
e!eral i!structio!s:
a) All questions are compulsory.
b) There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provi!e! in one question o" two marks an! all
questions o" "ive marks each. #ou have to attempt only one o" the $iven choices in such questions.
c) %se o" calculator is not permitte!.
!) #ou may use the "ollowin$ physical constants wherever necessary: c & ' x (0
+ h & ,., x (0
.s+ e & (., x (0
0+ 0 & - x (0
2olt3mann constant k & (.') x (0
+ Avo$a!ro number 6A & ,.04' x (0
mass o" neutron mn & (., x (0
k$+ mass o" electron me & / x (0
Special I!structio!s: 1. "ttempt all the #uestio!s i! !eat a!$ beauti%ul ha!$writi!g with proper prese!tatio!.
2. "&oi$ o&erwriti!g a!$ scribbli!g.
'() *"+,S -./S'I)0S
() 7oes the "ocal len$th o" a lens !epen!s upon the color o" the inci!ent li$ht i" yes then how the "ocal len$th o" lens
chan$e when re! li$ht is replace! by blue li$ht8

4) 9hat is coherent source o" li$ht8 :s laser beam act as coherent source8
') ;our !ouble convex lens with "ollowin$ speci"ication are available.
<ens ;ocal <en$th Aperture <ens ;ocal <en$th Aperture
A (00cm (0cm A (0cm 4cm
2 (00cm 5cm 2 5cm 4cm
9hich o" the $iven "our lenses shoul! be selecte! as ob=ective an! eyepiece to construct an astronomical
Telescope an! why8 9hat will be the ma$ni"yin$ power an! len$th o" the tube o" this telescope8

-) 7raw the $raph showin$ the variation o" applie! volta$e an! photo electric current "or >i) same "requency an! two
!i""erent intensities an! >ii) same intensity an! two !i""erent "requencies.
5) :" ra!iation o" "requency ).) ? (0
H3 is inci!ent on a metal sur"ace o" threshol! "requency - ? (0
H3 then
"in! the value o" stoppin$ potential.
,) 9hat is beta !ecay8 7raw the $raph showin$ the !istribution o" kinetic ener$y o" electron emitte! !urin$ beta
1) The !ia$ram shows a piece o" pure semicon!uctor @ in series with a variable
resistor A an! a source o" constant volta$e B. 9oul! you increase or !ecrease
the value o" A to keep the rea!in$ o" ammeter >A) constant when semi*
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con!uctor @ is heate!8 Cive reason.
)) 7raw the B*: characteristics "or p*n =unction when it is in ;orwar! an! Aeverse biase!8
Dbtain the circuit !ia$ram "or the Eener !io!e as volta$e re$ulator.
/) How the potential barrier an! the electric "iel! across the p*n =unction a""ecte! when it is !ope! with impurity
atom o" "i"th $roup "rom the perio!ic table8
(0) 9hat is the role o" MD7FM in the propa$ation o" messa$e si$nal8 122103204
'5+// *"+,S -./S'I)0S
(() 7raw the ray !ia$ram "or the ima$e "orme! by compoun! microscope an! 9hat their ma$ni"ication8
(4) a) An electron G*particle an! a proton have the same kinetic ener$y. 9hich o" these particle has the
shortest !e*2ro$lie wavelen$th8
b) The work "unction "or a certain metal is -.4eB. 9ill this metal $ive photo electric emission "or inci!ent
ra!iation o" wave len$th ''0nm8
(') @tate the law o" ra!ioactive !ecay. :" 6D is the number o" ra!ioactive nuclei in the sample at some initial
time to "in! the relation to !etermine the number o" un!ecay nuclei 6 present at a subsequent time.
(-) a) Cive the con!ition un!er which the transistor act as a @witch8
b) :n only one o" the circuits $iven below the lamp < li$hts. 9hich circuit is it8 Cive reason "or your answer8

,B < A ,B < A

(5) 9hat !oes the term H<D@ communicationI mean8 9hat is the maximum !istance between transmittin$ antenna o"
hei$ht '4m an! the receivin$ antenna o" hei$ht 50m in this mo!e o" communication8
7I8/ *"+,S -./S'I)0S
(,) a) state an! prove the relation between "ocal len$th ob=ect !istance an! :ma$e !istance "rom the optical centre o"
a convex mirror.
b) A sun shine recor!er $lobe o" '0cm !iameter is ma!e o" re"ractive in!ex
J& (.5. A ray o" li$ht enters the $lobe parallel to the axis. ;in! the position
"rom the centre o" the sphere where the ray crosses the axis.
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9hat is meant by inter"erence o" li$ht8 9hat are two types o" inter"erence8 :n a !ouble slit experiment with
monochromatic li$ht "rin$es are observe! on a screen place! at some !istance "rom the slits. :" the screen is
move! by 5x(0
m towar!s the slits the chan$e in "rin$e wi!th is 'x(0
m. :" the !istance between the slits is
m calculate the wavelen$th o" li$ht use!.

(1) a) 7raw the 2in!in$ ener$y curve between 2in!in$ ener$y per nucleon an! mass number. @tate the two important
conclusion obtain "rom this8
b) 9e are $iven the "ollowin$ atomic masses
& 4').0501/u+ /0Th
& 4'-.0-','u+ /(Ka
&4'1.05(4(u+ (H
& (.001)'u+ 4He
& -.004,0u
i) 0alculate the ener$y release! !urin$ G*!ecay o" /4%

ii) 0alculate the kinetic ener$y o" emitte! G*particle.

a) 7escribe the 7avisson an! Cermer experiment to establish the wave nature o" electrons 7raw the labele!
!ia$ram o" the apparatus use!.
b) 9ork "unction o" so!ium is 4.'eB. 7oes so!ium show photoelectric emission "or li$ht o" wave*len$th ,)00A

()) 7raw a labele! circuit !ia$ram "or a common emitter ampli"ier usin$ n*p*n transistor.
Fxplain the workin$ o" ampli"ier. 9rite !own the expression "or its volta$e $ain. 9hat is the phase
!i""erence between input an! output si$nals.
#ou are $iven the two circuits as shown in ;i$. @how that circuit >a) acts as DA $ate while the circuit >b) acts as
A67 $ate.

7raw a circuit !ia$ram to show the use o" transistor as an oscillator. Fxplain how the positive "ee! back is provi!e!
in the circuit. 9rite the expression "or the "requency o" oscillations pro!uce!. 9hich $ate is known as universal
$ate an! why. %se these $ates to obtain the basic $ates.
9:TH 2F@T 9H:@HF@ ;DA A:@@0F F?AM
Krepare! 2y+
@.K.@harma >KCT Khysics)
@araswati Kublic @chool .a$a!hri
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